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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I'm digging the new stage set up and what a hot opening segment. Very cool. The new ring design looks very slick.


I've got to disagree about the new look. The downscaled stage, the lack of color or real design to the ring and the darkened arena just scream 2000 WCW to me. I actually kind of impressed that they make a show at the Manhattan Center look so bleak and dreary. Especially since they've had iMPACTs (I still insist on spelling it that way) before that looked fine.

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I guess the reason I liked it is that it's not distracting and over bearing. I really like that they downscaled everything and made it more simplistic.


Also, that James Storm thing was stupid. I love Storm, Manik, Sanada, and in small doses Abyss, but this angle is dumb and his delivery seems so forced.

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I guess the reason I liked it is that it's not distracting and over bearing. I really like that they downscaled everything and made it more simplistic.


Also, that James Storm thing was stupid. I love Storm, Manik, Sanada, and in small doses Abyss, but this angle is dumb and his delivery seems so forced.


I just don't get it. Is he supposed to be a cult leader like Bray Wyatt? And if he is, why do two of his guys wear bright, exciting electric blue? That's not very cult-ish. What was wrong with the Tennessee Redneck? I liked him as a beer swilling, ass kicking, piece of white trash.


And for that matter, did they have to give the American Wolves the dumbest possible jackets? Shiny pleather and pelts do not mix.

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Man, The Wolves' backflip reversal to Abyss's chokeslam was gnarly.


Of course, they're the American Wolves, one of the best damn tag teams in the world. And of course, TNA once again ruins a decent match with outside interference. Feels like every time I watch, I'm caught in a timeloop from 2007.


EDIT: "The year of our lord of wrestling" Best blasphemous line in years.

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Of course, they're the American Wolves, one of the best damn tag teams in the world. And of course, TNA once again ruins a decent match with outside interference. Feels like every time I watch, I'm caught in a timeloop from 2007.


I'm okay with the finish as it means we'll get the Hardys involved with the Wolves and The Revolution. As dumb as Abyss's look is right now, him and Storm do have some chemistry together.


EC3 could easily be a talent they can build to be the face(well number 1 heel) of the company for years. I've watched him almost his entire career(he's from here) and he's just grown so much.

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I'm okay with the finish as it means we'll get the Hardys involved with the Wolves and The Revolution. As dumb as Abyss's look is right now, him and Storm do have some chemistry together.


EC3 could easily be a talent they can build to be the face(well number 1 heel) of the company for years. I've watched him almost his entire career(he's from here) and he's just grown so much.


Seriously, I never thought I'd be saying that Derrick Bateman looks and acts like a bonafide star.

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His gimmick right before he got signed to WWE was awesome. He was a huge heel, but was hilarious. When he made his entrance, no music would play. He would come out and he'd have his iPod with earbuds in and saying "You aren't good enough to hear my entrance music".


It was so entertaining. At the time, his ring work wasn't any thing special and then WWE signed him, made him a goofy face. He did grow leaps and bounds in the ring though during his time in FCW.

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Well, crap. Now I have to watch TNA again, since !SPOILER! Kong's back.


Also, I want to kick Josh Matthews in the face for that stupid "Fantasy booker's dream come true" comment (apparently, "Fan's dream come true" was too cliche). I know fantasy booker is a common term in the IWC, but it just sounds wrong coming out of an actual commentator's mouth.

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I loved the Tennessee Redneck/Cowboy gimmick. It was a perfect gimmick for him since ya know, it was just an extension of his own personality.


Everyone loved the gimmick. The Storm/Roode feud was white hot in 2012 but the Aries detour meant Storm's career was never the same.


I remember being so into him when he returned and squashed Crimson's joke of a streak

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I have to agree with Jaysin in the I love the new look. Simple and the darkened arena keeps the attention on the ring and the wrestlers. Plus the grey ring ropes are a nice touch.


It is funny how everything old is new again. The WWWF/WWF used to do that all of the time when I first started watching wrestling.


I liked the show overall, I cannot really compare it to what the WWE is doing right now because I hardly ever watch them but I did like how the focus was more on the matches.

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The stream I was watching died, so I didn't see the finish. I read about it, but how did it come across on camera? I'm fairly annoyed though. It was a quality tv main event.


It came off as a good old fashioned Vinny Ru finish.


So, it sounds like instead of a new start TNA are going to continue with the same terrible booking that they had on Spike?


Damn, I feel sorry for Mark Andrews now. Winning British Bootcamp 2 seems more like a curse than anything.

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Did you guys see this already?


The fall occurred during a match that featured The Hardy Boyz vs. Abyss and James Storm, as towards the end of the match when Hardy was attempting to escape the steel cage, he got "crotched" on the top of the structure, which led to him falling all the way to the floor, where he smashed his head onto the ring steps.


According to multiple sources, it's being said that Hardy remained unconscious backstage after the conclusion of the match.

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