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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Things change but Shane just took over as the CEO of China Broadband Inc. and I seriously doubt he would all of the sudden just decide to buy TNA or be involved in them. If he did that it would be his way of disowning his father.


There is a bigger chance of the entire WWE roster showing up in TNA on the same night than there is of Shane McMahon having something to do with TNA.

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Things change but Shane just took over as the CEO of China Broadband Inc. and I seriously doubt he would all of the sudden just decide to buy TNA or be involved in them. If he did that it would be his way of disowning his father.


There is a bigger chance of the entire WWE roster showing up in TNA on the same night than there is of Shane McMahon having something to do with TNA.


it was ment as a joke lol. i thought a big part of the reason he left wwe was because he didnt have the same passion as other memebers of his family for wrestling and wanted to do somthing else

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I think its believed and who really knows that Stephanie and Paul are the heirs to the WWE throne and with him turning 40 this year and his father well into his 60's its only a time before thats made official.


It may be a bit awkward to be hanging around the company you've been a part of since birth, a company that you're the third generation male to have it be your livelihood and then to be 'shoved' out of power so to speak.


He's just saving himself some awkwardness/embarrassment and most likely as you said wanting to do something else with his life.

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Can TNA afford to pay Y2J?

I DON'T KNOW!?!?! And this shirt is too tight!


It might actually be someone like Haas.

It would make sese - a few years ago he was out of the company but fairly usable as he's clearly a talent but was getting messed around in storylines with Rico, then forgotten about. I think he has more value now, since Benjamin's also out of a gig, but I can see why they wouldn't want to take on more people at this stage.

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Wouldn't it be Carlito she is talkign about? His contract ended a few years ago and every one said he was going to leave, but all of the sudden he-resigned.


Good one and could be. Looking back let's do the ods game again lol. Yeah I wanna keep ahead of the E thread in posts lol.


Carlito: 45

Shelton: 40

James : 10

Jericho: 2.5

Other: 2.5


Not that it really matters as TNA where only contacted and where not extremely interested.

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Looking back I reread some of the arguments about RVD and Hardy not coming in or in Hardy's case more then a one show as well. That was fun. Although I give Jericho coming in less chance then I did them at that time.


To be fair, RVD didn't come in until weeks after Hogan showed up and TNA popped a few decent TV ratings..it's like he was biding his time


I'm still stunned by Hardy's decision. That dude must really love drugs.

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Good one and could be. Looking back let's do the ods game again lol. Yeah I wanna keep ahead of the E thread in posts lol.


Carlito: 45

Shelton: 40

James : 10

Jericho: 2.5

Other: 2.5


Not that it really matters as TNA where only contacted and where not extremely interested.


im sure dixie and mickie have a good relationship due to her past post on twitter so if mickie wanted in im sure dixie would hire her and she is one of the best known female free agents barring trish and lita.


jericho its not coz lets face jericho would be a no brian signing.


shelton would be a good for tna imo. so i dont think its him


so id say its carlito from your list there

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It still might be Haas, they guy has been let go several times, worked the indies, worked ROH maybe they wanted to bring him in but he went back to the WWE or something. It would make more sense than Shelton. She said they tried to bring him in before. Well Shelton's been with the WWE the entire time and I doubt anybody in TNA management is trying to bring in WWE guys while their in the WWE because lets face it thats wasted time. Their M.O is more a guy gets released and then they bring him in. So Haas makes more sense than Shelton.


Carlito is another possible choice. Its either Carlito or Haas and with her saying she's not interested I'd lean towards Carlito since I think bloated roster and all TWGTT could supply a boost to the tag team division.

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Seriously, everyone needs to experience a TNA Live Event. I met so many people and Pope was perhaps one of the nicest and genuinely kind people I have ever met.


The only person that was kind of not nice was Robert Roode who just seemed like a grouch, but everyone else was really nice.


Kurt Angle seemed so real too. He actually looked into my eyes and thanked me for coming out. I was in awe of him, and he just wanted me to talk to him like I would a regular person. It was so much fun.


A WWE event has never made me feel this excited about wrestling.


Oh, Don West is a top notch person. Had a few conversations with him tonight and he just seems really cool.

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I got the brown bag special with the new RVD shirt. I bought the new Jeff Hardy shirt, The Pro Wrestling is Real Anderson shirt, Pope sunglasses, a program(which was actually really kick ass), and I bought a Jeff Jarrett acoustic guitar. Its nice and has a laser etching of him in it.



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Looking at all the names mentioned I really don't see why TNA think they need them.


Matt Morgan could have been and probably could still be the next Goldberg (although his star has fallen badly in the last year). Compare the too and there's really not a great difference between their two skill sets.


Or failing that, why not find the next rookie big thing? That's cheaper and if it works you could end up with as a big a star and then make a big deal about him being homegrown. That's what made Goldberg partly so successful. He was a proper WCW guy and became huge for them but when he went to the WWE (there were other mitigating stupid booking reasons) but he was just another guy.


And continue pushing Pope

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Goldberg clicked because had that 'it' that few wrestlers have that you just can't teach and without it you're simply not going to get to that Goldberg-level of connecting with the crowd. And that's not a knock on Morgan, who can talk and is a great athlete. The unfortunate reality is that ability and talent can only take you so far; unless you connect with the crowd, there is only so big you can get. Matt Morgan, for all the talent he does have, has never shown that 'it' factor and he probably never will at this stage of the game.
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So I posted this in the WWE thread I'll post it here as well. PWI just released its top 50 North American Women's Pro Wrestler's. Michelle McCool is number one and Angelina Love is number 2. Heres' the list.


1. Michelle McCool

2. Angelina Love

3. Mercedes Martinez

4. Cheerleader Melissa

5. Eve Torres

6. Madison Rayne

7. Beth Phoenix

8. Mickie James

9. MsChif

10. Maryse

11. Tara

12. Sara Del Rey

13. Gail Kim

14. Awesome Kong

15. Madison Eagles

16. Sarita

17. Alicia Fox

18. Taylor Wilde

19. Daffney

20. Hamada

21. Velvet Sky

22. ODB

23. Nikki Roxx

24. Jillian

25. Portia Perez

26. Kelly Kelly

27. Rain

28. Angel Orsini

29. Natalya

30. Serena Deeb

31. Nicole Matthews

32. Amber O'Neal

33. LuFisto

34. Daizee Haze

35. Allison Danger

36. Layla

37. Kellie Skater

38. Tiffany

39. Jennifer Blake

40. Jazz

41. Melissa Coates

42. Cat Power

43. Malia Hosaka

44. Cherry Bomb

45. April Hunter

46. Jessicka Havok

47. Brittany Force

48. Naomi Night

49. Cindy Rogers

50. Roxie Cotton

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