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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Unlike their "war" with the WWE, this would at least be a battle that TNA could win. Possibly...


Quoting what I said on their Facebook page:

I've got a few things to get off my chest. You called your wrestlers who are going to jump to TNA sellouts. Why? Because they want better opportunities for their careers and are willing to risk it? TNA is hardly the WWE and their treatment ...of talent may be shoddy at best, but no one can dispute the fact that they are the no.2 fed in the USA, with an international presence most indy feds can only dream off. Even if Mercer or the others don't make it in TNA, they can still gain opportunities for working in Japan or Mexico, or even get recruited up to the WWE.


Secondly, you made the claim that 4 of your wrestlers got the huge opportunity to get into the WWE. Kaval and Daniel Bryan have worked across the world and its hardly thanks to AIW that they're in the WWE, while Derrik Bateman has yet to show much of anything to the WWE fans in general while he spent time in development, and Michael Tarver's been out for weeks out of a huge storyline because of injuries, and its not like they can't just release either one of them like they did Aloissa or Bryan (without a return). Hardly the major jump and push you've made it out to be.

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Yeah that's completely laughable that they would claim Bryan Danielson and LowKi as "AIW guys"


This ...


"If it was WWE, we would be in full support. That is a life-changing opportunity. TNA is just a move in a lateral direction, going from being part of a rapidly growing company to whatever TNA is—a wasteland of fedjects."


..is still pretty lol


I think that article is asinine btw..an indy fed no one except the hardest of hardcore wrestling fans has no business arguing whether or not it's a good move for someone to sign with a company like TNA, however mismanaged it may seem from the outside.

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Yeah that's completely laughable that they would claim Bryan Danielson and LowKi as "AIW guys"


This ...



..is still pretty lol


I think that article is asinine btw..an indy fed no one except the hardest of hardcore wrestling fans has no business arguing whether or not it's a good move for someone to sign with a company like TNA, however mismanaged it may seem from the outside.


So I've said on their Facebook account. They've backpedaled in response to me and said they were just venting out their frustrations. :rolleyes:



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I think I can count on one hand with fingers left over how many times I've disagreed with P.H in fact usually I want to say the same stuff he just says it in less words than I could....hell he probably could have summed up this post in less words. :(


For the record very few times have I seen P.H although maybe I should start calling you Jay Z :)


Very few times have I seen Jay Z get after somebody unless it needed to be said.

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Name you used in the response? As I always like to read your stuff, even if we don't always fully agree.


I posted under my real name, Javier Zuniga. The writer responded


Judging the quality of a wrestling promotion based off its exposure, the name recognition of its core talent and the places they perform (demonstrated briefly by your saying they look like little more than a backyard fed) is a pathetic quest of markdom for the WWE and TNA. WWE has built an empire; TNA bought one with Bob Carter's bank account. Companies like AIW are growing and building. Everyone starts somewhere. The company is young and has grown much in the past few years.


What about the small computer company Michael Dell started out of his college dorm room? What about the California restaurant started by the McDonald brothers that was later nationally franchised by Ray Kroc? What about the retail outlet that Sam Walton launched in Alabama? Businesses start somewhere, and part of that growth entails competing with bigger companies. That's what AIW is doing.


Thanks for your opinion.


I think he dodged the point of my response, which was that even if TNA is looked down upon by internet nerds, how is it a bad move for workers to make the jump there? They're still bigger than AIW and it's still a good career move.



For the record very few times have I seen P.H although maybe I should start calling you Jay Z :)


Very few times have I seen Jay Z get after somebody unless it needed to be said.


LOL..thanks...and yeah the PeterHilton screen name came about as a more polite version of a screen name I had on another wrestling site I wrote for a million years ago.


It still makes me laugh the first time someone gets a personal email from me and they're all "Wait..you're name isn't Peter!!!"

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Just getting back to the forums the last few days. If I understand the arguement correctly, I'm with you Peter/Javier.


Also, just jumping in to say that over the past few weeks I think TNA are heading in the right direction and am starting to get a definite WCW feel (form the good WCW days, not the crap at the end). I'm not quite to the point of being on board with everything they are doing, particularly some of the angles with the Pope.


That said, I think this has hardly been a carbon copy nWo, and while predictable, found the return of Dixie interesting. And with the angle with AJ this week, I think it's only a matter of time before fortune splits back out of the group (and I'm starting to wonder if Morgan really is still part of the group. I don't think so yet, but I'm getting suspicious). It's also refreshing to see that nearly everyone is now part of some sort of developing storyline.


As far as this week's show goes, I thought everything fit and made sense except for one thing- the main event (not to take anything from the match, it was good). Episode-timewise it fits in perfectly from last week. However, in real time, I'm a bit confused. I could be wrong, but if I understand correctly, TNA taped this weeks show on monday, next weeks on tuesday and the following two weeks on thursday and friday so the talent got off for the holidays (I didn't make it to FL, but had been planning to attend thurs and fri - which is why I think I understand this correctly).


Regardless of whether the injuries were real or not, why have that match on monday with three more shows and likely some planned matches involving them? I'd have put that on thurs or fri and built up to it just to reduce the risk of injury. That way it affects one or no episode(s) and they still have the long break to recover for the ppv.

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I haven't watched TNA for a few weeks, I stopped right around where they threw the TNA title in the trash....I felt they'd been below par for a few weeks and that point was it for me....have they improved any over the last few weeks ? I'm waiting for things to pick up before I jump back in. Sounds like it though return of Dixie, AJ possibly turning face and apparently a great cage match. Which is another thing right before I took a break I'd felt the in ring wrestling had taken a nosedive which is unusual for TNA, I felt Hogan's Heroes and Shore were getting way too much tv time and Kurt Angle etc were hardly getting any.
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I posted under my real name, Javier Zuniga. The writer responded




I think he dodged the point of my response, which was that even if TNA is looked down upon by internet nerds, how is it a bad move for workers to make the jump there? They're still bigger than AIW and it's still a good career move.





LOL..thanks...and yeah the PeterHilton screen name came about as a more polite version of a screen name I had on another wrestling site I wrote for a million years ago.


It still makes me laugh the first time someone gets a personal email from me and they're all "Wait..you're name isn't Peter!!!"


I agree with you mroe than he does. Everyone starts small, sure, but how many small comopanies actually make it? Not many.

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Where do they think they are going with this "new" Pope? Back to being a heel? Whats the deal? I couldn't really figure it out with that promo.


I honestly have no idea. I thought that he was going to be turned into a type of "everything you do is a sin" type of heel, but then when he said "Pope is Pimping" at the end I got totally confused. I don't think that he would say that if he was turning heel.

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Loved that article. I agree with the points about Brian Danielsons and Low Ki not being AIW guys.


Tarver got hurt. He still could be something alright in WWE. Bateman is on NXT. Still has a shot as well.


AIW did get quite a popularity boost from this stunt though. I'd check them out if they were nearby.

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Loved that article. I agree with the points about Brian Danielsons and Low Ki not being AIW guys.


Tarver got hurt. He still could be something alright in WWE. Bateman is on NXT. Still has a shot as well.


AIW did get quite a popularity boost from this stunt though. I'd check them out if they were nearby.


What did you love? What points of his did you agree with? That TNA was trash and that people jumping from an indy fed to TNA are making a mistake because TNA is such a ****hole?


Considering how hard you defend TNA, I'm baffled :confused::confused::confused:

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What did you love? What points of his did you agree with? That TNA was trash and that people jumping from an indy fed to TNA are making a mistake because TNA is such a ****hole?


Considering how hard you defend TNA, I'm baffled :confused::confused::confused:


I don't agree with any of it. I love the fact that he is someone doing what he can to voice his opinions. I'm sure his opinion of TNA is much like the opinions of internet fans.


He is standing up for his indy fed. It was interesting to read.

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I don't agree with any of it. I love the fact that he is someone doing what he can to voice his opinions. I'm sure his opinion of TNA is much like the opinions of internet fans.


He is standing up for his indy fed. It was interesting to read.


I find that odd. That's all I can say.


You don't agree with anything he's saying, but you think it's great he's voicing his totally incorrect and unsupported opinion? Isn't that what message boards do?

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I find that odd. That's all I can say.


You don't agree with anything he's saying, but you think it's great he's voicing his totally incorrect and unsupported opinion? Isn't that what message boards do?


"TNA is not advancing a career. Have you watched their product? MULTIPLE guys on our roster and staff have been offered deals in the last week, so you can understand our frustrations."


Don't you guys bash how TNA uses people? Don't they ruin guys careers? Unless you are an old WCW guy or WWE reject you don't go far in TNA. This thread has repeated that over and over again. So how can you say the article is totally incorrect when you yourself has stated these points yourself.


"If it was WWE, we would be in full support. That is a life-changing opportunity. TNA is just a move in a lateral direction, going from being part of a rapidly growing company to whatever TNA is—a wasteland of fedjects."


I completely agree WWE is a life changing moment. I disagree that TNA isn't because I still think it would be a great accomplishment however if you do go to TNA that typically ends all momentum for an indy star.

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Don't you guys bash how TNA uses people? Don't they ruin guys careers? Unless you are an old WCW guy or WWE reject you don't go far in TNA. This thread has repeated that over and over again. So how can you say the article is totally incorrect when you yourself has stated these points yourself.


I do. I still think it's smarter to work for a national company than to work for a fed the size of AIW. I don't know about 'life-changing' but the guys with longterm deals who work for TNA don't exactly seem to be hurting for money the way I assume the guys who work primarily for AIW would be.


Doesn't that mean something?


I completely agree WWE is a life changing moment. I disagree that TNA isn't because I still think it would be a great accomplishment however if you do go to TNA that typically ends all momentum for an indy star.


And I would say you're wrong. Momentum or no...getting your work seen on national TV is a BIG move for a wrestler.


As i said: even if it's for a few weeks, you get seen by an audience that will NEVER see you if you're working for AIW. Which means you can now work in more areas, and ask for a higher booking fee.


I just wonder if you asked these guys that are being told they are 'selling out' by leaving AIW how they felt, what they would say...


And again: I don't get you. You defend TNA because you say you love wrestling, but then you support the AIW side of the argument because..TNA sucks? What's the deal there? And I'm not trying to attack you, I just kind of wonder if this is one of those "i support the little guy no matter what' deals...

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Also, I bother me that the writer attacks TNA for bringing in wrestlers who made their name in other companies, and then riding that fame, and not pushing their homegrown stars...


..and then AIW makes a HUGE deal out of Danielson and Low Ki being members of their roster.


Isn't that EXACTLY the same thing? Danielson and Ki didn't make their name at AIW. At all. Not even close. Bragging that they are appearing on the card is one thing, but bragging that they are 'alumni making it big in WWE'?



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