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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Daniels & Kazarian© vs Styles & Angle for tag championship - On paper this should be great, have a feeling this is going to suffer because it's going to take a backseat to love-triangle BS.


Bully Ray vs Joseph Park - I'm hoping that we get an imposter Abyss who powerbombs Ray through a table and lays Real Abyss on him for the cover... Then this story would get really bonkers. But I have a feeling he's just going to go back to being Abyss and this was all just a reset button for him, and a lengthy feud with Ray.


Kid Kash vs. Hernandez - Creative has nothing for you guys... just go do whatever, yeah.


Crimson vs. ______ My guess is, Christian is the guy who's going to fill this slot and ends Crimson's streak. Which is horrible cotton-candy booking. And makes your company look like absolute dog shit, but what the hay, I'd love it. I'd also love to see Homicide come out and squash Crimson; but that won't happen. More likely Jeff Jarrett comes out and does the job, and the totally illogical Crimson push to absolutely nowhere anytime soon continues.


Robbie E and Robbie T vs Devon and Garrett - I have zero interest in this. I hope Garett gets hit by a bus and can't wrestle ever again before this match... About 50 other people I'd rather see fill this slot on the card. The insertion of Madison into this is just awful because we all know it's Garrett she's googling at, because he needs a valet for that giant push he's about to get/is getting. Nepotism sucks.


Gail Kim© vs Brooke Tessmacher for KO Title - If you're going to put Brooke over Mickie like that you better be setting up a bigger feud. Only way to start that would be to give Tess the belt here. I don't really care, JUST DO SOMETHING WITH SOMEONE OR GET RID OF THEM!


Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe - I'm wondering if AA is one of the guys wrapped up in this WWE-TNA pouching lawsuit. You'd have to think if the WWE was going to pouch anybody for a Cruiserweight division Aries would be the guy. If he loses here, it wouldn't surprise me if he's Miz'd in short order to murder his value. That would require forethought though, which is a huge leap in booking these days. That's really the only intrigue I can muster for this. Samoa is a jobber to the Stars right now, and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


Mr Anderson vs RVD vs Jeff Hardy - Anderson is the logical next challenger for Roode. The guy is the most over of the three with the iMPACT crowd and he's had the least exposure of late. He's the freshest look and he's got that anti-authority feud sitting there with Hogan. If you're going to do this right he needs to be the #1 contender.


Bobby Roode© vs Sting for the TNA title - Lots of places you could go with this. All of them horrible. Honestly, if you were going to go back here you should have had Sting go over at Victory Road. Then this makes sense as the beginning of a Career vs. Title match payoff for Sunday. As it is, it seems like they just shrugged and asked PR who would get them the most buys and Sting was what came back to them 10 days ago... Which is sad ass booking.


You could always salvage this by having Sting go over, then have Roode use his "automatic rematch clause" at Destination-X win it back, and then have Sting put his career on the line at Bound for Glory to get a rematch with Roode. Which would, again, be asking for long-term booking from TNA; humility from the Stinger. Something beyond the both of them... I would personally love to see Sting commentate their much desired future B-show, and not wrestle anymore. But I'd also like to own a unicorn... which is about as likely to happen as what I just wrote.

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Lol look 2 posts above and a couple back. BTW after having watched Impact so convinced the Ryan thing is a work, why else devote t.v. time too it?


Ditto. It's pretty obvious this is going to spin-off into a feud of some kind. I just don't know how... we'll see I suppose. This whole Gutcheck idea needs to just die with Joey Ryan though, this is back-to-back train-wrecks after the Alex Silva debacle.

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Huh that's kind of over stating it. It has been pretty entertaining so far imho so why kill it?


Or do you believe the whole Silva wasn't supposed to be hired BS?


I can believe Flair was supposed to stay No and then have Prichard be the Yes guy but him getting a contract when he wasn't supposed too? Come on think realistically for a second. Taped show and 2 other seasoned vets in the business that can switch to no. He is just having visa issues as TNA is a lot higher profile then OVW to work for.

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Huh that's kind of over stating it. It has been pretty entertaining so far imho so why kill it?


Or do you believe the whole Silva wasn't supposed to be hired BS?


I can believe Flair was supposed to stay No and then have Prichard be the Yes guy but him getting a contract when he wasn't supposed too? Come on think realistically for a second. Taped show and 2 other seasoned vets in the business that can switch to no. He is just having visa issues as TNA is a lot higher profile then OVW to work for.


Either way, Ric going off-script and then everybody throwing Ric under the bus for it was brutal. Why they didn't reshoot the thing? I'll never know. Also, he's 21 and the TNA roster is already bloated as hell. Why ad to the problem with a dude who can't get a working visa?

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Nobody threw Ric under the buss for that, the dirstheets only reported that nobody else. Ric was thrown under the bus for the no shows and the whole lawsuit thing. As far as roster goes and visa issues they will be able to work them out it can just take a while. Plus they can just stick him into official developmental like Godderz until he is ready/they have room/have a storyline for him. They just have to mention in passing that he was hired for potential.


They didn't reshoot as it had no effect on the outcome dude was getting a contract anyway.

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Speaking of visa problems where have Angelina Love and Winter gone to?


I know a couple of years ago Angelina had problems with her work visa, but if it was happening again I am sure I would have read about it by now.


It just seems that the two of them have fallen off the face of the earth.

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Joey Ryan was way more entertaining than Silva imo. I's have voted Yes! to Joey Ryan. But I have a clinically diagnosed obsession with Boogie Nights so maybe I'm biased.


Crimson versus Austine Aries was a really fun match. I don't have too many nice things to say about Crimson usually but I feel like they had a great looking series of moves there.


He may be improving and I just haven't noticed it. Or A-double is that damn good. :-)

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From a Doug Williams interview


Who he would still like to wrestle in TNA: "I would like a longer match with Kurt Angle, we’ve done like five minutes on TV. I’d like to carry on my program with AJ Styles…maybe something with Samoa Joe."


I'd love to see him go 10-20 minutes with any of those three...


Then again, I just love Williams.


Good Joe video. Calls Aries out on "hiding" behind the weight limit. It's hard to take Joe seriously with his idiotic hair though.


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Speaking of visa problems where have Angelina Love and Winter gone to?


I know a couple of years ago Angelina had problems with her work visa, but if it was happening again I am sure I would have read about it by now.


It just seems that the two of them have fallen off the face of the earth.


Yeah Angelina is on house shows and Xplosion sometimes and can be seen on the back on open fight night and was in a Knockout's react to Brooke Hogan signing piece that was possibly cut from the first live Impact. Winter has totally fallen off the earth.

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Joey Ryan was way more entertaining than Silva imo. I's have voted Yes! to Joey Ryan. But I have a clinically diagnosed obsession with Boogie Nights so maybe I'm biased.


Crimson versus Austine Aries was a really fun match. I don't have too many nice things to say about Crimson usually but I feel like they had a great looking series of moves there.


He may be improving and I just haven't noticed it. Or A-double is that damn good. :-)


Improving and getting an unjust proportion of flack from the IWC same with Gunner imho.

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Watched Impact for the first time for a while last night (delayed into Australia)... that opening segment was... yak. Like seriously, AJ sold the shot from Dixie's husband like he'd just been nailed Call of Duty style, yet I swear he either barely touched him or missed him altogether. It was all cringeworthy.
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I personally hate Gunner. The guy does nothing for me and he in my opinion doesn't look like the star they at one time were pushing him to.


This, pretty much. He's just 'bland mid-card heel #378515' for me. Nothing about him makes me think he's going to be anything other than a solid worker who's never going to be much more than stable fodder. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that - I wouldn't say he's "bad" as such, there are far worse guys far higher up the card, but he just screams 'heat vacuum' in any kind of singles match to me.

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They do seem to be backing off the Gunner push as of late. While I agree with him not being anything special, I still think TNA is in one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't types of situations in regards to pushing new talent. For years fans have been wanting TNA to push new wrestlers and when they do the fans say, "Oh no we don't want you to push those guys." Damned if the do, damned if they don't.:D
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I think the problem is that the rare occasions when they do push someone who wasn't an active wrestler in the mid-90s and/or recently released from the WWE, it always seems that there were better options. Now, granted Bobby Roode has been an excellent exception to that rule, and I hope they learn from it, but it's things like giving Gunner a big push whilst leaving Austin Aries 'languishing' in the remnants of the X-Division where most of the good talent has been released.
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Ehm have you been watching lately? Aries is getting a lot of t.v. time and attention and his feud with Ray was awesome altough he was a bit more on the backburner this month. BTW I wasn't saying Gunner was great or anything just that the amount of hate was more then he deserved. Like he was getting Otunga hate when he only deserves Slater hate to make a comparison.
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Ehm have you been watching lately? Aries is getting a lot of t.v. time and attention and his feud with Ray was awesome altough he was a bit more on the backburner this month. BTW I wasn't saying Gunner was great or anything just that the amount of hate was more then he deserved. Like he was getting Otunga hate when he only deserves Slater hate to make a comparison.


He is not feuding with anyone in the X-Division though. In a matter of months it seems like they have killed off the X-Divison.


I wonder what the contract status is on some of the ROH wrestelrs. I would not mind seeing Roddy or Eddie Edwards come into TNA and bring back the X-Divison. Granted that would probably be a step down for them.

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Ehm have you been watching lately? Aries is getting a lot of t.v. time and attention and his feud with Ray was awesome altough he was a bit more on the backburner this month. BTW I wasn't saying Gunner was great or anything just that the amount of hate was more then he deserved. Like he was getting Otunga hate when he only deserves Slater hate to make a comparison.


Actually, I have to be honest and say that I haven't. I kind of switched off TNA for a while after the tenth PPV in a row where Jeff Hardy seemed set to win then Bobby Roode somehow won without actually getting a clean finish. I was basing the statement more on that period in time than current events. Good to see A-double getting TV time - one of my favourite heels around at the moment.

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He is not feuding with anyone in the X-Division though. In a matter of months it seems like they have killed off the X-Divison.


I wonder what the contract status is on some of the ROH wrestelrs. I would not mind seeing Roddy or Eddie Edwards come into TNA and bring back the X-Divison. Granted that would probably be a step down for them.


Meh the divisions kind of fluctuate in importance in TNA and I expect Gutcheck to deliver some X guys hopefully. Joey Ryan looks promising as I am convinced it is a work. Aries has kind of outgrown the division atm but they don't have a solid person to take the belt off him yet, so he is feuding with other guys like Ray and now Joe and possibly AJ for Des X.


Roode got a clean win in ladder match to RVD btw plus he is a heel he isn't supposed to win clean, it is/was just the level of cheating that was bad especially with Sting being total flukeville.


Step down how so? If they become featured midcarders in TNA that's a hell of a lot better then main event ROH.

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Meh the divisions kind of fluctuate in importance in TNA and I expect Gutcheck to deliver some X guys hopefully. Joey Ryan looks promising as I am convinced it is a work. Aries has kind of outgrown the division atm but they don't have a solid person to take the belt off him yet, so he is feuding with other guys like Ray and now Joe and possibly AJ for Des X.


Roode got a clean win in ladder match to RVD btw plus he is a heel he isn't supposed to win clean, it is/was just the level of cheating that was bad especially with Sting being total flukeville.


Step down how so? If they become featured midcarders in TNA that's a hell of a lot better then main event ROH.


Yeah the whole Joey Ryan thing has to be a work, if it wasn't then I hardly doubt that Mike and Taz would bring him up again.


Well it is a step down in the sense that you go from headlining PPV's to becoming midcarders for TNA. Money wise I am not sure if they would take a loss as well. I have read that neither TNA or ROH pay very well but I have know way of knowing that for a fact.

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