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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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have you ever heard of internet rumors? I WATCHED the match, didnt hear about it. They both pinned eachother off a superplex, then restarted it, they had a false finish then Aries rolled him up for the win. Them having Roode win it back would make NO sense after this Aries push.


what about for that James Storm vs Bobby Roode rematch for B4G?


I honestly thought Aries didn't have a chance in hell at the last 2 PPVs.


We still might get Roode vs Storm at Bound For Glory, but then who wins the series?

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what about for that James Storm vs Bobby Roode rematch for B4G?


I honestly thought Aries didn't have a chance in hell at the last 2 PPVs.


We still might get Roode vs Storm at Bound For Glory, but then who wins the series?


Samoa Joe? I'd be happy.

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Joe vs Aries already happened months ago, abet before Joe began getting re-pushed. However I think AJ vs Aries would probably be a contender for match of the year.

Im surprised that you did not enjoy the ladder match Hive, I really thought it was the match of the night, followed very closely by Aries vs Roode.

I do agree that I dont see Storm being as over as the push he is receiving. However I do think we will see Roode vs Storm at B4G, just without the Title on the line. This opens things up a little for the B4G series because with Roode as the Champ I think it was a given that Storm would win. Now its almost anybodies game. There are a few guys on in that series that would put on one hell of a match with Aries. Joe, AJ, Daniels, Angle, Hardy...

I dont think Bully will win it now because we already saw Aries vs Bully Ray, same as Joe vs Aries. I think to establish Aries as a true World Champion he needs a big win over some of the other top tier veteran guys.

I still think Devon was one of the most over guys on the show last night.

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what about for that James Storm vs Bobby Roode rematch for B4G?


I honestly thought Aries didn't have a chance in hell at the last 2 PPVs.


We still might get Roode vs Storm at Bound For Glory, but then who wins the series?


Styles or RVD because itd be a great matchup for Aries. and Storm gets screwed out of winning by Roode setting up the match.

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have you ever heard of internet rumors? I WATCHED the match, didnt hear about it. They both pinned eachother off a superplex, then restarted it, they had a false finish then Aries rolled him up for the win. Them having Roode win it back would make NO sense after this Aries push.


This wasn't a rumor. The stadium ran an ad for a September 1st? date and it called Austin Aries "former TNA Heavyweight Champion" that's not a rumor. A clerical ****-up, maybe, but a changed finish is also possible, especially after the way the match went down, and the fact they didn't have a ME for No Surrender.


Eitherway, you guys clearly don't know what the term "rumor" means. I used a factual piece of evidence to support a theory. What a horrible person I am for bringing logic into a wrestling discussion thread. I'll be sure not to make this mistake again.

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Samoa Joe? I'd be happy.


If they're throwing Roode-Storm out then I'd hope for an AJ goes on a run in his final 4 matches and sneaks 4th, wins the whole thing at No Surrender. Styles-Aries would be a dynamite ME... but I'm not sure it would sell, and I'd fear how they'd use Claire Lynch in that scenario, plus Babyface vs Babyface would be weird, but the BFG series gives you the built-in out there... Then again I'm not sure Jesus vs. Aries would sell for TNA right now either. Numbers seem pretty locked-in.


Figure AJ-Aries, Sting vs. Leader of Aces & 8s(Jeff Jarrett), Ray vs. Park III(if Ray stays) Tessmacher vs. Rayne w/ Earl selling "You screwed Madison" T-shirts from a shark cage, Ion vs. Kenny King w/Jesse Sorensson, could be a fun card.

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Even with the asinine stipulation, AJ and Daniels tore the house down. Here's hoping this is the beginning of the end of this idiotic storyline, but not Daniels current character. He has been consistently one of the most entertaining people on TV every week.


Also, loved the end of Impact this week.

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Getting back to last week's Impact...who the hell though that booking James Storm vs Bully Ray would be a good main event after a Angle vs Styles bout that was the match of the night? You don't have to be a genius to see that those 2 will put on great matches together even in their sleep. I mean, they could have acomplished what they did, when it comes to storylines if they placed it in the semi main event and then they should have put Angle . Styles, cause that stole the show, and after that match i knew that i had just watched the high point of the show. To me it was a great match and it should have main evented the show.
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Getting back to last week's Impact...who the hell though that booking James Storm vs Bully Ray would be a good main event after a Angle vs Styles bout that was the match of the night? You don't have to be a genius to see that those 2 will put on great matches together even in their sleep. I mean, they could have acomplished what they did, when it comes to storylines if they placed it in the semi main event and then they should have put Angle . Styles, cause that stole the show, and after that match i knew that i had just watched the high point of the show. To me it was a great match and it should have main evented the show.


I enjoyed Bully Ray and James storm a lot more than AJ and Kurt. Kurt's matches have become pretty formulaic these days. He's not having bad matches, he's just having the same match over and over again and they've all been in the main event slot. They risk over exposing Angle by having him in the main event doing the same thing over and over again.

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Even with the asinine stipulation, AJ and Daniels tore the house down. Here's hoping this is the beginning of the end of this idiotic storyline, but not Daniels current character. He has been consistently one of the most entertaining people on TV every week.


Also, loved the end of Impact this week.


Yeah the only positive thing about this whole Claire thing has been Daniels. His performance as this douchebag heel has been awesome.

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I just wish they would decide on Kaz's current character. One week he is a reluctant heel, the next he is as evil as Daniels, then back to reluctant heel, than back to evil. Very wishy-washy. I think Daniels at this point would be better alone. Give Kaz back to the X Division where he belongs. They aren't even doing anything with the tag belts that are on them. Maybe Have Eric Young and ODB unify the tag belts since neither are defended.
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I just wish they would decide on Kaz's current character. One week he is a reluctant heel, the next he is as evil as Daniels, then back to reluctant heel, than back to evil. Very wishy-washy. I think Daniels at this point would be better alone. Give Kaz back to the X Division where he belongs. They aren't even doing anything with the tag belts that are on them. Maybe Have Eric Young and ODB unify the tag belts since neither are defended.


How has Kaz been remotely a reluctant heel lately? He's been a total tool and it's been hilarious.

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How has Kaz been remotely a reluctant heel lately? He's been a total tool and it's been hilarious.


Yeah it has been what like two or three months since he was the reluctant heel.


I have to say the show on Thursday night was kind of blah to me. Maybe because I nodded off during some of it, but overall it just did not hold my interest. Also, damn TNA has to run the show right up until 10:00, every week they make me miss the first couple of minutes of Wilfred!:(

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Thought Impact was solid again this week. Good matches and the storylines are being being pushed forward pretty well. Joe / Magnus was a good match with some stiff spots. Magnus could be gold for the company if used right going into the future. He has a great look and with a little more work could be really good on the mic. I wonder if they are going to push another injury angle with Joe so he does not win the B4G series therefore pitting Joe vs Magnus at B4G. The AJ / Daniels match was the best match of the night as always, these two guys know who to put on a great match. Im glad that AJ went over in this match so we can finally get past this storyline. Im glad that Daniels and Kaz have finally been given ample TV time but this story has got to end. I have no idea who that woman was that refereed the Knockouts Title match. I have a feeling that she is a former WWE Diva and has no place in TNA. They shoudl have gotten someone like Cheerleader Melissa or any former Knockout that could actually add something to the division. However I think now is a bad time to build the knockouts division because they dont get any air time as it is because of the B4G series taking center stage. Maybe after October start building. The ending of Impact was good, but I have a feeling Bully Ray and/or Roode will start saying that Storm orchestrated the attack to get heat off of him. Good show overall.
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They signed Tiffany? And I thought TNA was doing the most to better women's pro wrestling. Right now WWE is almost miles ahead in terms of talent signings.


As for right now she is only a referee. However I do think it only a matter of time before she is wrestling. Heck there is a rumor that Brooke Hogan is going to wrestle. While I am enjoying the show overall I think the knockouts is a shell of its former self. TNA could have gone out and gotten any number of indy talents that not only are good looking but talented as well. If they did not want to go hire anyone than Tara should have been the special guest ref. It would have made sence considering she was the one screwed over for the Title shot by Hebner.

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As for right now she is only a referee. However I do think it only a matter of time before she is wrestling. Heck there is a rumor that Brooke Hogan is going to wrestle. While I am enjoying the show overall I think the knockouts is a shell of its former self. TNA could have gone out and gotten any number of indy talents that not only are good looking but talented as well. If they did not want to go hire anyone than Tara should have been the special guest ref. It would have made sence considering she was the one screwed over for the Title shot by Hebner.



The problem I've always had with the KO's is that they skirt the line between model/wrestlers at the expense of both formulas... Taeler Hendrix is a perfect example. She's a mediocre worker, and I'd hit that; if she'd let me. But, she's not getting a Maxim spread anytime in her lifetime.


Conversely, Aja Kong was/is probably the best worker in Joshi history. But she is legitimately scary and would legitimately get physical with them. If you put that in the same ring as a Kelly Kelly(to jump all over the place in history here) she would refuse to work with her; immediately quit. This damages your ability to bring in future models that can get on those covers for your stupid cheap marketing which is the whole point of women's divisions in the model format.


You could go pure-wrestling, but, girls who can wrestle A) have a much shorter shelf life then their male counterparts. This feeds into B) They're never going to get get as over. C) Are never going to draw a dime. No matter how over they get.


This is a tough situation for TNA because, they need that stupid cheap marketing way more than the WWE does, but if they get that girl who becomes a hot model, she's going to leave for the WWE.


You could just ax the whole roster of girls... But they always pop ratings with Spike's "Manswers" demo. So, the full model formula seems like the best option... Even if that does mean Tiffany has to walk back into my life... with her hands on her knees the whole time, of course.

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You could go pure-wrestling, but, girls who can wrestle A) have a much shorter shelf life then their male counterparts. This feeds into B) They're never going to get get as over. C) Are never going to draw a dime. No matter how over they get.


True, perhaps. But if I recall correctly there once was a TNA that didn't care about those things. Ok, so you basically had Trinity & Laree, who ended up at the big E eventually, the one more succesful as the other. They were both quite popular back then, but imo that was not due to their looks. Maybe because they were the only women that were pushed. Maybe the mentality was different? It matters not. Imo TNA does not have the marketing shell that WWE has. With all their co-productions, part-time hollywood appearances, it's not illogical that WWE opts for lookers. TNA has little to none of that, so they indeed need the in-between ones that have more talent so they can market it as such (KO's anno 2005, saying they are better at wrestling) without me laughing my ass off. WWE's division seems to be going somewhere, though I don't like the current roster. TNA's division is just poor, empty whole.

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The problem I've always had with the KO's is that they skirt the line between model/wrestlers at the expense of both formulas... Taeler Hendrix is a perfect example. She's a mediocre worker, and I'd hit that; if she'd let me. But, she's not getting a Maxim spread anytime in her lifetime.


Conversely, Aja Kong was/is probably the best worker in Joshi history. But she is legitimately scary and would legitimately get physical with them. If you put that in the same ring as a Kelly Kelly(to jump all over the place in history here) she would refuse to work with her; immediately quit. This damages your ability to bring in future models that can get on those covers for your stupid cheap marketing which is the whole point of women's divisions in the model format.


You could go pure-wrestling, but, girls who can wrestle A) have a much shorter shelf life then their male counterparts. This feeds into B) They're never going to get get as over. C) Are never going to draw a dime. No matter how over they get.


This is a tough situation for TNA because, they need that stupid cheap marketing way more than the WWE does, but if they get that girl who becomes a hot model, she's going to leave for the WWE.


You could just ax the whole roster of girls... But they always pop ratings with Spike's "Manswers" demo. So, the full model formula seems like the best option... Even if that does mean Tiffany has to walk back into my life... with her hands on her knees the whole time, of course.


I dont know, I think I have to disagree. There was a time when the Knockouts were getting the highest rating on the show and that was when Kong was battling it out with Gail Kim.

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