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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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What makes Morgan a better main eventer than Dinero, though?


Like I said in my first post on the subject, if Dinero is eventually a main eventer, that's fine, but he hasn't actually done much of anything: he feuded with Suicide, he split a couple of matches with Desmond Wolfe. If you build him up for awhile, you give him exposure so fans actually want to see Dinero get a run with the belt.


Morgan, while he may or may not be "better," makes great fodder for putting over a champion like AJ because he would likely be willing to put AJ over clean and make him look great, and has the size and natural look that AJ gains credibility as a champion when he goes over. Since he's been floating around the upper midcard since the whole Main Event Mafia thing, he has more experience and exposure in the company.


I don't think he meant way better in terms of skills etc but Morgan has been established more then Dinero so far in terms of win/losses and to a lesser extent exposure. Still both are good choices and Dinero vs AJ should be good.


Yes, this is pretty much the gist of it. I just wish TNA didn't seem to be in such a colossal hurry to get where they're going. Hogan may have been a huge jerk in the 90's, but he seemed to understand the value in building fans up for a program (Sting vs. Hogan was built up for how long and got Wrestlemania-level buyrates). Present-day Hogan seems to be in a hurry to get the guys he wants where he wants them to be.

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Different strokes for different folks I guess. The this is Awesome or TNA chants just shows support for the product imho. Better then the What! You S*ck! or Boo/Yeah stuff imho.


The "What" chants are very stupid as well, but we are talking about TNA not the E.


The fans in the Impact Zone detract from the product.

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They are trying to get themselves over like the old ECW crowd and it's painfully obvious.


:: cries into face::


Wrong. A hundred million times wrong. They are doing what they know. Between ECW and Ring of Honor and maybe some various other indy places, think how long fans have been doing the This Is Awesome or the promotion's name as a chant. Many of the fans in a TNA crowd may not go back far enough with wrestling to know what chants were like before the ECW style stuff. Look at the ultra-annoying What thing. It's been so long ago folks may not know why it's done anymore or how it got started. All they know is that it's done and it's part of the experience to do it. It's like bringing a sign to support your favorite.


You may have individual geek pockets trying to get themselves over. But the crowd as a whole? Ridiculous. I would be floored if that was even a consideration to the majority of the ECW crowd that did get over. From what I could tell when I had the stomach to observe for long enough, the ECW crowd was totally spontaneous. If by some stroke the TNA crowd is actively trying to get over in large enough percentages to debunk everything I've just said, then you can put them right next to Jeff Hardy in the Man, I Just Don't Get It file.

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:: cries into face::


Wrong. A hundred million times wrong. They are doing what they know. Between ECW and Ring of Honor and maybe some various other indy places, think how long fans have been doing the This Is Awesome or the promotion's name as a chant. Many of the fans in a TNA crowd may not go back far enough with wrestling to know what chants were like before the ECW style stuff. Look at the ultra-annoying What thing. It's been so long ago folks may not know why it's done anymore or how it got started. All they know is that it's done and it's part of the experience to do it. It's like bringing a sign to support your favorite.


You may have individual geek pockets trying to get themselves over. But the crowd as a whole? Ridiculous. I would be floored if that was even a consideration to the majority of the ECW crowd that did get over. From what I could tell when I had the stomach to observe for long enough, the ECW crowd was totally spontaneous. If by some stroke the TNA crowd is actively trying to get over in large enough percentages to debunk everything I've just said, then you can put them right next to Jeff Hardy in the Man, I Just Don't Get It file.


I am specifically referring to the group of fans in the Impact Zone that start a lot of these chants. You could call them a geek pocket. They have a name for themselves. They call themselves "The Crucial Crew" and make a point to wear specific clothing, specific signs, etc. so that they are recognizable on television. Their chants are about making themselves part of the show, not about showing true appreciation for the product they get to witness.


Edit: And unfortunately it is this group of outspoken fans that generally start the chants and control how a crowd reacts to things.

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I am specifically referring to the group of fans in the Impact Zone that start a lot of these chants. You could call them a geek pocket. They have a name for themselves. They call themselves "The Crucial Crew" and make a point to wear specific clothing, specific signs, etc. so that they are recognizable on television. Their chants are about making themselves part of the show, not about showing true appreciation for the product they get to witness.


Edit: And unfortunately it is this group of outspoken fans that generally start the chants and control how a crowd reacts to things.


So essentially I misread and it's time to offer my mea culpas for that. Correct?

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So essentially I misread and it's time to offer my mea culpas for that. Correct?


No. You probably weren't aware that there was a group of wrestling fans that were so stupid they would give themselves a name and intentionally try to be famous for being the cool fans on a staged wrestling show. I don't think anyone should have to apologize for not knowing something that stupid was really, well, real.


If I told you "hey, there is this group of young adults who go to every taping of a fake sporting event, wear specific clothing, bring specific signs, chant specific things, boo specific things, etc. all with the intent of being recognized by other fans of this staged event" would you believe me?

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Cappy, did you not get the open letter from the guy that wears suits to every TNA taping?


Hey guys. I'm one of the hardcore TNA fans who you see regularly on iMPACT! and TNA PPV. You probably recognize me as the guy who wears a shirt and tie to the shows.


I've seen a lot of posts claiming that the biggest thing wrong with TNA right now is us, the loyal fans in the iMPACT! Zone.


I'd like to give you a little perspective on things. There is a group of about 12-20 of us who are at every show we can attend (Collectively known as the "Crucial Crew", which is why you see us throw up the 'c' hand signal). And we DO NOT like the direction this company is going. Therefore, we express our displeasure in hopes that management will listen. Why? Because we LOVE TNA, and will not stand idly by while it gets raped by Hogan and his boys. If we were season ticket holders for a sports team, this would be expected, would it not?


Last night at Genesis was a major event in the growing war between the TNA loyalists and the Hoganites. I can tell you that very real battle lines are being drawn within the organization, and the conflict will get a lot worse.


Again, we LOVE TNA. So when a man who built his career and reputation on WWF Sports Entertainment comes in, changes the things that make TNA unique and basically tells us that the TNA model is broken and that "the smart marks in the front" (read Hogan's IGN interview) don't matter, aren't representative of mainstream America and so should be ignored- Yeah, we're gonna be pissed.


Last night was remarkable in that for the first time ever a TNA producer came down into the pit where we stand, grabbed my friend by the shirt and actually threatened to ban us from the building if we didn't stop with the "vulgarity and the negativity". From reports, this heat came directly from "Dixie and Terry who were pissed that we didn't put Morely over during his match with Daniels. Are you kidding? This happened during the Pope v Wolfe match, and totally killed the crowd. If you were wondering why the crowd was so dead during what was a great wrestling match, that's why.


Here's the thing though... We've become friends with a lot of the wrestlers, and they all love our energy, enthusiasm and passion, and have and continue to support us. The production crew, who takes heat directly from the top, HATE us, most likely because they are all afraid for their jobs.


Also, all of the Bubba Army idiots and other Hogan marks are now in the iMPACT! Zone and act like the complete tools they are. Oh, but THEY don't get scolded like 5-year olds, even though they are the most offensive people there.


I saw hundreds of people walk out on the show last night, something i've NEVER seen at a PPV. Things are getting weird. Hopefully, Bischoff and Russo are smart enough to use this tension to create compelling TV, but from my perspective, it seems like TNA is dying right before my eyes.


Want some compelling TV? Wait until the entire pit revolts and empties into the ring on live TV. The way things are going, this is not altogether inconceivable.


Rest assured, the Crucial Crew will fight to the end for the TNA we know and love!


A dozen guys putting themselves over by chanting cute crap like "AJ's married" and flashing hand-signs for the name they gave themselves as they whine about being told what to do when they don't buy tickets, which makes the season tickets metaphor especially incorrect.

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I wonder if they would attend every tapping if it was weekly and they had to pay $20 to get in. Where did you find that btw?


It was posted at wrestlezone, among other places I believe. Like I said though, this group wants desperately to be a part of the show and they actually think of themselves as being "over" with the wrestlers. LMFAO

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No. You probably weren't aware that there was a group of wrestling fans that were so stupid they would give themselves a name and intentionally try to be famous for being the cool fans on a staged wrestling show. I don't think anyone should have to apologize for not knowing something that stupid was really, well, real.


If I told you "hey, there is this group of young adults who go to every taping of a fake sporting event, wear specific clothing, bring specific signs, chant specific things, boo specific things, etc. all with the intent of being recognized by other fans of this staged event" would you believe me?


Sorry dude. Thanks for trying. But you're letting me off easy. Once you mentioned "The Crucial Crew" the excuse you're trying to give me flew out the window. I have sadly seen that reference often enough on here that I should have tied it in. So mea culpa for misreading. I saw a broader meaning than you intended and leapt before I looked.

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Sorry dude. Thanks for trying. But you're letting me off easy. Once you mentioned "The Crucial Crew" the excuse you're trying to give me flew out the window. I have sadly seen that reference often enough on here that I should have tied it in. So mea culpa for misreading. I saw a broader meaning than you intended and leapt before I looked.


Haha OK well fair enough then. :)

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Want to summarize as I can't listen to audio on this computer?


Basicly saying they are very enthusiastic fans and that the whole name "the crucial crew" was started as a joke and that they got heat for chanting sit down Brooke (, which they meant as a joke,) during Daniels vs Morley plus not chearing for Morley and turning their back on his win and where told they would be thrown out if they didn't stop it. The whole story about the Bubba army not getting in at the jan 4th edition which caused some friction. ( Not their fault). The fact that the production crew themselves asked them to go into the pit because they where so enthusiastic and that it is not their intent to get over for themselves and just to support the product.


And yeah I agree sometimes they go to far as with the "overrated" at Anderson and "You Still Suck" at OJ or the you are married (, which wasn't that audible,) But all in all they are quite enthusiastic and support the product in a way I feel increases it.


Bassicly they are just very big fans and want TNA to do well and sometimes they do go a bit overboard because of it. But the guy giving the interview has himself gone to the production crew and asked them what they would prefer.


And again atm for me the Bubba Sign guy is way more annoying.


This is from memory listening to it some time ago, if ya get the chance please listen to it.


As long as they don't break the suspension of disbelief (you are married) or overtly harm the product ( turning back, Overrated) I see no harm.

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To be fair here Hyde, you are a TNA loyalist. I am someone who isn't a committed fan of either company at this point explaining to you the things that turn me off of TNA. You think they add to the product, so I'm happy for you that your enjoyment is enriched. Mine is harmed though and the fans, and the atmosphere of the Impact Zone in general, help make TNA look minor league to me and turn me off.
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I really enjoyed the PPV last night for the most part. It wasn't the greatest show but it was good. I actually marked out for Dinero's win at the end of the show and the crowd loved it. The crowd went crazy when he kicked out of the Mic Check at the end. Good stuff.


Dinero at the top is a good move imo, he's over with the crowd and can work a good match and he's a face.


Morgan wouldn't of worked anymore with Styles being heel and Morgan appearing to be turning heel after the way he won his match and how he acted last night.


Overall a good show, loved to see J.B. back and Mr. Anderson was a lot better in the ring for this PPV than his debut, Foley and Abyss was interesting. Although Abyss has become the most easily beatable guy on the roster with the way Anderson went over him, just try to take his mask off and he'll protect it at all costs. But enjoyed the show for the most part.


Oh and I'm sure I'm in the minority but I really didn't mind the Nasty Boys against Team 3D.

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I forgot to mention this here, but when Styles was cutting a promo about girls recently the crowd started crapping on him with a "You are married" (or something like that) chant. To me that is a perfect example of that small group of TNA fans hurting the show. The chants are fine (though overdone) but when you are doing it intentionally to hurt the product it is ridiculous.


Am I the only one who notices that AJ wears his wedding ring around his neck? It's kind of plain, public knowledge that he's married. I'm not going to blame the crowd for bringing it up, even if they are obnoxious in general.

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To be fair here Hyde, you are a TNA loyalist. I am someone who isn't a committed fan of either company at this point explaining to you the things that turn me off of TNA. You think they add to the product, so I'm happy for you that your enjoyment is enriched. Mine is harmed though and the fans, and the atmosphere of the Impact Zone in general, help make TNA look minor league to me and turn me off.


Yeah I am a fan of TNA and I like some of the chants. That goes towards the different strokes as I said before. I just think the "crew" has possibly been given a worse rep then they deserve.

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Seems funny how people say oh the rapper gimmick would have worked yak yak yak, the rapper gimmick clearly didn't work this time around so what chance would it have had back then? And besides it doesn't mask the fact that Cena isn't a talented main eventer and is nowhere near the stars of that era, though it's the WWE machine hard at work again....had Cena been the rapper in the Attitude Era if he hadn't been released he'd have maybe been a midcarder at best. Though I don't believe he'd have been given the opportunity whereas that's one good thing about WWE being the only horse in town at the time and the brand extension initially, it gave them an opportunity to give workers a chance to shine who may not have had it otherwise - Bradshaw and Cena being the 2 biggest profits of this move. You might not like me but credit where it's due what's right is right and no amount of fanboyism can change that.


You are literally clueless.


There is not a single factual statement anywhere in this mess. If the rapper gimmick didn't work, how did he get over? Why was he getting as much fan support on SD in his feuds with Angle and Lesnar as those two - despite the fact they were far more established than he was?


The reason Cena GOT HIS MONSTER PUSH IN THE FIRST PLACE was because the gimmick worked. How do you not realize that?


I hate derailing the thread over and over, but you are making anti-Cena/WWE statements that have literally zero basis in fact. Zero. This is like something you would read on tnawrestlingnews forums. I don't even particularly like John Cena but these posts are frickin stupid and I can't help myself.

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You are literally clueless.


There is not a single factual statement anywhere in this mess. If the rapper gimmick didn't work, how did he get over? Why was he getting as much fan support on SD in his feuds with Angle and Lesnar as those two - despite the fact they were far more established than he was?


The reason Cena GOT HIS MONSTER PUSH IN THE FIRST PLACE was because the gimmick worked. How do you not realize that?


I hate derailing the thread over and over, but you are making anti-Cena/WWE statements that have literally zero basis in fact. Zero. This is like something you would read on tnawrestlingnews forums. I don't even particularly like John Cena but these posts are frickin stupid and I can't help myself.


Oh shut up, if Cena's rap gimmick was such a roaring success then why did they change it ? Exactly. Stop splitting hairs just to big yourself up like you know jack all, you like to think you do but you really don't. You just like to talk a good game. See that's the thing about smarks they think they know the lot about wrestling and yet they aren't the ones producing and promoting wrestling oustide of their little TEW games I said it before, it's laughable.


I also said Cena got his monster push because of the brand extension creating opportunities for workers that otherwise stood no chance, Bradshaw is another success story too. But both had no chance in the Attitude Era. Bradshaw actually proved this as he was far from main event or entertaining back then, yeah he had the APA thing going on with Farooq but he wasn't nearly as entertaining as he was as the JBL character.....as I said the WWE without competition and with a brand extension thrown in that does 1 thing - creates opportunity for workers to main event that otherwise wouldn't have gotten a look in - so don't you feel like an insignificant ass now ? Yes, you do - you probably look like Zak Gowen in the real too, I'd feel insignificant if I looked like you as well. But of course I'm a smark too so I'm perfect, I don't think I know everything and I don't claim to be holier than thou - see the irony ? LOL. 1 word thing, interweb forums and forumite posts = promos. Same with Youtube too. It's all fake as hell.

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