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Blood Bowl?


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Sorry about holding things up guys, I've sent a couple of mails through the game to bestbitter about scheduling but have yet to hear back from him. Hopefully we can get our game played soon and move into week three.


Oh and Wallbanger... quit beating the crap out of everybody!

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All is well, thanks for the concern guys. I did go online briefly on Thursday at about 9pm GMT but everybody was showing as offline! The trouble I am having is getting my son to stay in his bed! So with all the good will in the world sometimes I may not be online when I say I will be. Ironfist if you wish to try and play our match sometime tomorrow or any day next week (except Wednesday) then I should be around sometime after 8.30-9. Sorry to be so unreliable but thats the way it is at the moment, if you guys rather I dropped out so you can play the games a bit more regular then I would understand. :)

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In its original form, Blood Bowl is a board game published by Games Workshop (the makers of Warhammer and Warhammer 40k -- see http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/landingArmy.jsp?communityArticleCatId=cat200198&articleCatId=cat200198&catId=cat200198&section= for more info). It is a football/rugby type game set in the Warhammer universe. Teams are made up of the various Warhammer races (Humans, Orcs, various flavors of Elves, Lizardmen, Chaos).


There is a PC version (see http://www.bloodbowl-game.com/) that has an online multiplayer option that we are using to run a league.

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Finally the Rock has come back to Blood Bowl....

Whoops, sorry wrong thing!


We have played our game at last and it finished 1-1. Lords of the Wasteland took an early lead but then I started taking his players out and at one point in the first half he was down to 7 against my 10! I managed to equalise late in the second half mainly through my superior numbers. All in all I thought it was a pretty good game. Bring on the Lizardmen, unbeaten so far! :eek:

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