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C-Verse alternative mods?

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I am a big fan of the C-Verse and sometimes it is the key to keeping me play the game. Are there any other mods of the C-Verse that are worth checking out? Like playing in the past or maybe someone created an interesting parallel C-verse?




http://www.bobinc.net has an array of mods available... personally, I'd recommend the Cornellverse from 1997, it's awesome! It'll even be updated for TEW2010 some time after that comes out. :cool:

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Allenverse is an excellent mod that dosnt try to be the cornellverse, instead it provides its own rich backstorys, relationships and historys that in alot of ways make the mind wonder back to the period when HBK was champion for the WWF the first time around, but dont get me wrong this isnt a real world mod by any means , its simply awesome and im sure you will enjoy it.
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