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Im now playing STO beta :p ... its a good idea, seems mostly unfinished tho :/


It's an MMO, most are released somewhat "unfinished"... though I do know what you mean. Klingons, for example, could really use more than PvP. I'd LOVE to play on that side for a change of pace, but getting better rewards for something I do on the Feddie side anyways isn't good enough. Still, PvP IS fun! And so is the Feddie side. Some of the episodic content are cool stories, and fun to take part in.


My biggest issue right now is that here at college my connection to the server is rather sporadic. Sometimes I could play for an hour and a half straight with no problems, other times I'm getting dropped every single time I attempt to zone... it sucks.


Ah come on, they won't release it at midnight. I don't think.


I'm thinking it's out tomorrow at sometime during office hours.


Aye, probably midday tomorrow (for us in the USA). Oh well, my classes tomorrow are both relatively quick and easy, unlike today... which are also easy, but are both long and tedious.

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My biggest issue right now is that here at college my connection to the server is rather sporadic. Sometimes I could play for an hour and a half straight with no problems, other times I'm getting dropped every single time I attempt to zone... it sucks.


I dont think thats a problem your expirancing alone, it happens to me every time i go to Sol and try to dock or undock, also having some major latency issues when going into hostile signal contacts, the story arch missions are great but the content is limited and it seems alot of the time im doing the same mission i did an hour ago and an hour before that...


Beaming down to planets to find my ship and no away team is a bug i have learned a work around ( /FillPetTeamList ) for but that dosnt scream "finished" or even "playable" just days before this thing hits the shelf, and to top it all off i find the lack of graphical wizardry when it comes to the interfaces and the galaxy maps (even sector space seems like some basic developement version without proper graphical textures on it, atleast i hope it is...) , all things that have me feeling that while this is a good concept ... and while it is still beta after all... this close to going on the shelf, im worried.


I wont be getting the life time sub for the 2 slots + borg thats for sure.


Too early to report if this is going to be a good game... but lets just say im looking way more forward to TEW2010 than i'am STO at this point..


PS: Turning speeds are fail, maxing the turning buffs on my officers is the only thing keeping me sain.

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I know I'm not alone in it, but I've also played back at my house this weekend and there is absolutely no problem with the connection there.


Once I was logged in, I could stay there indefinetly.


Oh, and I think it'll be a good game. Maybe not great, but good. There's a great foundation to it, and that's more than a enough to make an MMO enjoyable in the long run.


But no, not shelling out for a lifetime sub. That's... ridiculous.


Anywho, I'm off the get some catfish from Popeye's while we wait on TEW2010... and for the STO server to stop sucking.

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