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What's going on in your game?

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I cheated on a few things.


I realized that with a larger bankroll, Victoria Stone allows larger contracts. So I re-did the Vengeance and Troy Tornado negotiations that I failed due to not being able to bid as high. Considering my money is completely fake anyway, I shrug at this.


That said, I think I lost less than $100k last month, leaving me with...uh...40 million or whatever the hell I edited it to. Now if I'm right, then one more PPV would put me in the black.


Slight problem: I have TV shows Monday (B show), Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.


PPVs 2nd, 3rd, 4th Friday, 2nd Saturday.


I'd be adding a fifth Pay-Per-View, making NOTBPW show 9 SHOWS PER MONTH.


I'm considering making it a monthly Monday (or weekly >____>) to boost the B-Show's attendance. Furthermore, I won't likely use people on the B-Show that I'll use on the main show.


This also ignores the fact that I'M MAKING MY MAIN EVENTERS WANT TO WORK 4-8 TIMES PER MONTH.


Oh dear god, my math is completely off.


With 4 PPVs and 4 TV shows, that's 4 + 4*4. 20 shows/month.


With another PPV, that's 21 shows per month. Meaning my main eventers will want to work 8-17 TIMES PER MONTH. Due to B-Show not mattering, it's 21-4 = 17.


8 times per month, 80 intensity, 60 danger.


I'll make money, true. And I'll use it on half my main eventers. AND I'll need fresh matches. Or more people exacerbating the money issues.





On that note, I've decided that 2012 is time to bring up my developmental guys. You know, that...~400 group of people that dear god why do I do this to myself? I've found that in the age >= 30 group...so far it's looking a little under half need to get out of development.


So I'm going to have a roster of...probably near 200 by the time this is over. 3 un-branded TV shows and an unbranded PPV, with a branded PPV (ignoring the new one).


3-5 opportunities to use a worker a week. And not that these are opportunities, but more...obligations.




On the plus side, Steve DeColt was wrestler of the year. I populate probably half the list, though the rest of the top five are TCW's. Can't remember Holmes or Stone Jr. Jack Avatar is...12th, right behind Angry Gilmore (who I might get in...June-ish).


Jeremy's the vet of the year (again), DEVIL Karube is the female (from Alicia Strong. I have yet to have the female on the active roster at the time of her win. But I don't really use them, so...).


Promotion of the year? SWF. I think SWF and TCW beat me out due to their presence in Mexico. But guess what?




I always win the battle. I knocked (well, I and TCW...TCW and I) SWF down about 2 points across the board, and TCW down about one. I am happy.


Match of the year? Went to TCW again. Last year it was...Cornell vs. Officer McFly? This year, Rocky Golden vs. Officer McFly.


I still take card of the year, though. This year it was a 98, down from the 99 of last year. It also was a random 'Maple Leaf Raids', the television show on Sunday. *shrug*


Youngster of the year was Elemental III from Wolf Hawkins of yesteryear. I'm happy for ElmIII. He didn't get in the HoI in my fifty-year game, so I want him to do well.


Or for his contract to come up >_______________>


I'm most improved (SURPRISE), so that's nice. I...think that's pretty much it. Dan Stone Jr. needed $5k more on his contract, which makes me love him. He's great, and he costs like...40k less than my other main eventers.




You know, had I not been an idiot and signed 1 year deals, I might have gotten to re-negotiate with my guys and drop their prices down. Which, y'know, would TOTALLY SOLVE ALL MY PROBLEMS.


I think I need to edit some contract lengths >____________________>


P.S. Shooter Stan Deeley is now a legitimate Main Eventer. He's at the lower 80s in popularity across Canada, which is where the losering ME's are. I'm happy. Maybe him and John Maverick can team up :D

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Just completed the 25th year of my MSWA game so here is an update as promised.


January 2035

With $8,747,500

302 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Ace Youngblood

Prestige: 70

3 Defenses made so far

Defeated Matty Faith and C.H. Threepwood to claim the vacant title after Jeremiah Moose retired


MSWA Regional: Animal Harker

Prestige: 57

6 Defenses made so far

Defeated C.H. Threepwood


MSWA Tag Team: Retired

Last Champions: Dagger and Chris Flynn



C.H. Threepwood vs. Ace Youngblood ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Feud


Atlas vs. Matty Faith


Here is the card for my first event of 2035 titled MSWA Re-Launched


C.H. Threepwood vs. Ace Youngblood ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match


Jay Fry vs. Swipe Romero


Darrell Florian vs. Animal Harker ©

MSWA Regional Championship Match


Dean Vedder vs. Dagger

Doug Peak vs. Clyde Huey

Atlas vs. Matty Faith



Jeremiah Moose

Hector Galindo

Ox Mastadon



Jeremiah Moose – Released after retired

Hector Galindo – Released after retired

Ox Mastadon – Released after retired


Left Company after their Contract Expired

Christian Price

Joanne Rodriguez


New Signings

Dylan Sidle – Road Agent

Johnny Peak

Jay Fry

Dean Vedder – Signed from MSWA Dojo


A few notes


When I started this game back when I did I only intended to make it a game that lasted ten years. However after I hit ten years I decided to keep going not thinking that I would ever hit 25 years. Now that I have done that I can say that I am satisfied with this game and will continue to be. However now that I have completed 25 years like I intended to and got the achievment for completing 25 years of a single career, I am going to take a hiatus from this game for a while. That being said doesn't mean that I won't come back to it at some time but for now I want to try something different.


Also when I started this game FCW was ranked at 26th and after many promotions formed I fell down the ranks to 33 (I think that was the lowest rank I had) however now I was able to make it back to my origional rank of 26th and I am on the brink of hitting 25th so I am also satisfied with that.


With that being said I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read the updates for this game. Look out for posts from the next game I start with will be with MAW because I haven't done a game with them in a long time and want to give them another go.


Also in case you were interested I only have four guys left over from my origional roster when I started in 2010 they are


Carlos Gonzalez

Cueball Lynch

Lepper Messiah

Puerto Rican Power


The three out of the four guys on this list that can wrestle are retired so to sum it up everyone who is on my current Roster wasn't on the roster when the game started which just goes to show you how long this game is/was.

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Taker, I'm curious. With that game, how many shows a month did you usually run? I think the problem a lot of folks run into is having to book 4+ shows a month and running out of steam fairly quickly. My longest game so far is only 14 years in and it's a slog because I'm booking 5 shows a month (64 shows a year, counting quarterly "specials"). It's fun, don't get me wrong, since you get to really see your workers develop. But booking all those shows, even with a detailed blueprint, gets to be a real drag after a year or so.
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Taker, I'm curious. With that game, how many shows a month did you usually run? I think the problem a lot of folks run into is having to book 4+ shows a month and running out of steam fairly quickly. My longest game so far is only 14 years in and it's a slog because I'm booking 5 shows a month (64 shows a year, counting quarterly "specials"). It's fun, don't get me wrong, since you get to really see your workers develop. But booking all those shows, even with a detailed blueprint, gets to be a real drag after a year or so.


I only run one show a month, I tried to start running two shows a month one a month in Puerto Rico and one a month in The Tri State Area in order to keep my popularity up in Puerto Rico and raise my popularity in the Tri State Area. However after the first month of running two shows I lost money so I went back to doing one show a month while doing shows in the odd month (January, March, May etc) in Puerto Rico and the shows in the even monthes (February, April, June etc) in The Tri State area. By doing this I am almost of equal popularity in both regions with Puerto Rico being higher.

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I probably added...a good thirty or so workers over 30 to the roster. The younger guys can stay in development. >___________>


My favorite person still down there? Steph Blake. Why? She has 77 psychology and gained three points from last month. I will abuse the hell out of her and possibly put her in intergender matches. She will be my female ace.


That, sadly, only works on the B-show .___________.



In other, related news, there are a ton of people with psychology below 70 that seem to be stuck there. While I could release them...and I should...I figure they're working for the developmental company, right? So...that helps the developmental company, right?


And by removing the half-decent talent, i force the computer to use the lesser-knowns. That's good...right?


I made a monthly PPV (NOTBPW...crap, I forgot) Monday 1. Now to let my B-Show FLOURISH IN 30K-ISH PEOPLE BUAHAHAHAHAHA


Companies to destory list:

PSW: so I get Mitch Naess.

CGC: so I get the DeColts and rule Canada.

TCW: so I get Tommy Cornell and screw over USA.

SWF: if I get one of them, I must get the other one. Difficult? Absolutely, since killing one removes the national battle. Oh, and for Angry Gilmore et al.

BHOTWG: I want their workers.

PGHW: Same, and they're national.

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My favorite person still down there? Steph Blake. Why? She has 77 psychology and gained three points from last month. I will abuse the hell out of her and possibly put her in intergender matches. She will be my female ace.


erm, not for nothin' but, if Steph Blake is your female ace, who the hell still exists on the female side? There are like a dozen workers who are far more skilled than she is and younger to boot! Hell, you started with one of them on your roster already! It's not that Steph is bad, it's just that she's mid-tier in skill and you're acting like she's top shelf. :p


And you don't mention 'destorying' (:p) USPW to get Alicia and the Bomb and Raven (three more who are better than Steph, though only one is younger). Do you not have Fuyuko Higa on your payroll? :)

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Just so everyone knows after putting my MSWA game on hiatus for the time being after completing 25 years I started a game with MAW. I am two monthes in after starting over once (forgot about the drug testing policy which I changed to none after starting it the second time) I hope to do a successful game with MAW this time around. Last time I did a game with MAW it went bankrupt because I didn't know about the drug testing policy but after shutting it off I should be good to go. I will provide updates for this game just like my MSWA game after each year I complete.
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erm, not for nothin' but, if Steph Blake is your female ace, who the hell still exists on the female side? There are like a dozen workers who are far more skilled than she is and younger to boot! Hell, you started with one of them on your roster already! It's not that Steph is bad, it's just that she's mid-tier in skill and you're acting like she's top shelf. :p


And you don't mention 'destorying' (:p) USPW to get Alicia and the Bomb and Raven (three more who are better than Steph, though only one is younger). Do you not have Fuyuko Higa on your payroll? :)


Wouldn't that depend on if he had loyalty on? The only person I've managed to share with 5SSW is HEART Saitoh, because apparently loyalty not only means 'I won't leave this company to work for you' but also 'I won't work for you AND this company'.


Anyway given his size I'd assume that Fuyuko wouldn't leave on account of loyalty, no? Semi-related: Higa retired at 24 in my ASCW game. Snapped her spine.

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I already bagged Alicia. And Bomb. And Raven, actually. I don't think they have 80 psychology, which Steph soon will (or does; not sure). And I only care about psychology on the women (because I don't care about them too much. *shrug*).


No, Fuyuko won't sign for me. After like 5 tries *shrug*. Johnny Bloodstone won't, either, which does confuse/angerthehelloutof me.


By 'ace' I meant "chick who will surprisingly be awesome". Not...well, ace. I think, technically, Strong's my 'ace'. Though with matches in the 60s (again, with low popularity), I don't really care.


My comment was more meant to be "Whoa Steph Blake has a ridiculously high cap on her psychology! omgwtfbbqsauce!"




Women with at least 77 psychology that can work as wrestlers:

Alicia Strong (mine)

Cherry Bomb (mine)

DEVIL Karube (5*)

Katherine Goodlooks (mine)

Kiko Sakakibara (5*)

Lauren Easter (mine)


Alicia and Katherine have at least 80. So Steph Blake isn't my ace, but she has top ten female psychology and should bump into...maybe the top six-ish? She has 74 psych and seems to be growing.

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Really starting to get into my BHOTWG game, nearly finishing up the first month of my tour and have a great first PPV scheduled. It's refreshing playing as a puro fed, especially without a face/heel divide. There is a huge opportunity to be creative here and I'm loving it, even if it's started at quite a slow pace. It does take time getting used to the roster.


In my WWF game I've just held Wrestlemania 2000 which saw Stone Cold become a 3 time World Champion in a Hell in the Cell match against a massively heel Undertaker that closed out their 6 month feud. The only problem is that while I booked a clean finish to the match, I didnt specify it to be a pinfall and The Undertaker tapped out to an Austin submission. That just wouldn't happen in real life! Haha. And yes, I ended the Streak!

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I'm getting into an SWF game right now.


I was planning on turning it into a diary - Supremacy - but eventually decided against it. It's actually been fairly similar to how JC booked the first few months of WIRE?.


I managed to snag Edd Stone and Joey Minnesota from TCW. I feel like Edd's debut was a Critical Hit (as the segment got a 78 and he pulled a 91 rating for his match w/ Faith) while Minnesota's was fairly normal. Edd was All-Action Champion when he left, so I introduced "The Real" All-Action Championship, and I'm planning on having it just be a prop for right now.


Eisen is still champion, and I plan on keeping the title on him, at least until, tentatively, the PPV after Supreme Challenge. My current SC30 main event is Money vs. Eisen, with Bruce interfering and turning heel on Money, explaining that he and Eisen cooked up the "Man Under Pressure" shtick as a way to get the both of them a lot more money, and since Eisen couldn't hold up his end of the deal, he cuts the deal off and pretends like he didn't screw the biggest babyface in the company out of the title.


Meanwhile, Faith came out on top of the feud with Khoklov. I've got him mingling with Marc DuBois right now, but I plan on that feud ending at the April PPV so Faith can start a program with the next great SWF stable, The Bloodline.


I was originally going to call them the Succession, because it's the same idea, but I feel like given the quick intro promo idea I had for them, Bloodline was a better fit.

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Love the hypocrisy, Edd.


Well, he's got the biggest ego in the Stone family. I figure he'd be the kind of guy that would take a belt with him if he never lost it.


TCW put the AA title on Fortune a week ago, I believe. I figure that I might as well get rid of the "Real" title since I haven't actually booked a storyline around it and Edd's quickly rising up the ranks. His first PPV match was with Jack Bruce and he delivered fairly well.

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A DuBois vs. Stone feud over the "All-Action" championship would be great TV and probably do wonders for both men's careers.


I might have to test the waters with them. Especially considering I don't want to push both to the World title scene too quickly.


Quick update:


I'm thinking of pushing the World title storyline up a few months. Rich won the title off Eisen at Awesome Impact... so I'm planning on Eric cashing in his rematch clause on the post-PPV Supreme TV, where Jack Bruce costs Rich the title; thus, Bruce/Money can happen at Supreme Challenge.


I'm also trying to sign RDJ away from TCW, so I might be able to rid myself of a few of the Bloodline's undeserved egos by keeping them off the SC30 card by booking RDJ against Christian Faith. Supreme Legend vs. Total Legend.

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In the 8th month of my custom company


Jack Bruce is the world champion, and has already beaten back Bruce the Giant, Marat Khoklov, Champagne Lover, Greg Gauge and Mainstream Hernandez, the last 3 most recently in a fatal fourway elimination match. I'm finally throwing him against the company's top heel now, Eric Eisen, who has beaten back Nicky Hawk (Champion) and Jacob Cruise (Zimmy Bumfhole) in the past few months on his quest to bury guys who he felt "were beneath him, because he is Supreme."


Meanwhile, in the fallout from the fatal 4 way title match, Mainstream Hernandez is taking on Champagne Lover who wants revenge for Hernandez eliminating him.


Jacob Cruise wasn't able to knock off Bruce the Giant in two straight tries, and he has begun being taunted by Greg Gauge who looks to knock off the struggling former tag team specialist and continue his ascension to the top of the wrestling world.


Bruce the Giant is embroiled in a hard-hitting rivalry now with the newly signed Jack Marlowe, who faced off with Bruce on his debut leading to a huge brawl.

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A Painful Split




Julian Watson is a bit of a project of mine. He's topped out, it seems, at 77 psychology. I'm determined to get him past that, though. He's been a great young worker (not the future that Shooter Sean Deeley is, mind), and I wish him the best.



Below that...OH GOD I AM GOING TO SIGN HIM. I will edit him to be unemployed if I have to.



What? I already edited half of my contracts anyway. *shrug*








aka another Dark Angel

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Am I a bad person for burying Bryan Vessey in favour of Jay Chord? I wonder how bad I can make Jay Chord's personality.


So far Jay Chord has only lost 2 matches in TCW, I haven't had him long, so he's only had 7 matches.


He's beat Bryan Vessey 3 times in single matches, lost once to him in a 5v5 tag, and lost once to James Hernandez and has beaten him once.


I like James (Mainstream) Hernandez and Jay Chord, I got them in a feud together as they have Great Chemistry when facing eachother. They are both really young, I'm thinking of making them permanent on and off enemies. Feuding every few years for a few months at a time, both are def future main eventers for me.


I've edited TCW's product to be equal in Pop and Performance.


I've also managed to bring in Sean McFly and Jeremy Stone. Jeremy Stone managed to come in with his Machine gimmick getting an A* rating, and after one match vs Tommy Cornell in a losing effort during an open challenge he's at B+ momentum. I'm gonna have Jeremy Stone face my upper midcarders and main eventers in losing efforts, but using "open" etc.


Cornell has A* Pop in Canada and Jeremy has A in Canada, think I should have a show in Canada in the near future? ;)


My Champions

TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Wolf Hawkins

TCW International Champion: Acid

TCW Television Champion: Swoop McCarthy

TCW World Tag Team Champions: Brent Hill & John Anderson


I replaced the All Action title with the TV Title as my Low-Level title. The TV Title is defended each and every week exclusively on my 'B' Show.

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Since putting my MSWA game on hiatus for the time being I decided to start a new game with MAW. I started it Friday or Saturday of this past weekend and I am already though my first year so here is an update.


Mid Atlantic Wrestling


January 2011

With $194,722

12 Shows completed




Mid Atlantic: Jay Chord

Prestige: 82

2 Defenses made so far

defeated American Patriot


Mid Atlantic Tag Team: C-V-2: Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine

Prestige: 47

1 Defense made so far

defeated The Awesomeness: Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust


New Title

Mid Atlantic All Action: Findlay O’Farraday

Prestige: 60

1 Defense made so far

defeated Casey Valentine at Where It All Begins Again to become the first champion




Citizen X vs. American Patriot


The Mean Machine vs. Jay Chord ©

MAW Mid Atlantic Championship Feud


Here is the card for my first event of 2011 titled MAW The Rip Chord Invitational Challenge


First Round

Ace Youngblod vs. Jay Chord

American Patriot vs. The Mean Machine

Citizen X vs. Findlay O’Farraday

Matt Hocking vs. Cameron Vessey


Second Round

Ace Youngblood vs. The Mean Machine

Citizen X vs. Matt Hocking



The Mean Machine vs. Matt Hocking


New Signings

Matt Hocking


Left Company

Hollywood Brett Star


I also got rid of the MAW Drug Policy because the last time I played as them it sunk me badly forcing me to go backrupt.


EDIT: I decided to end this game not because I didnt want to play it but because I wanted to start a game with SWF and hopefully go long enough so I can have a national battle take place because I have never been involved in one and want to see if I can get one to take place. My next update will be four monthes into my SWF game and then I will post updates with that game after every four monthes of the game I complete.

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Am I a bad person for burying Bryan Vessey in favour of Jay Chord? I wonder how bad I can make Jay Chord's personality.


So far Jay Chord has only lost 2 matches in TCW, I haven't had him long, so he's only had 7 matches.


He's beat Bryan Vessey 3 times in single matches, lost once to him in a 5v5 tag, and lost once to James Hernandez and has beaten him once.


You suck at giving Chord an ego.


He should be DOMINATING everyone that's above him. Vessey's a good choice, but I'm talking Rocky Golden, the Machines (in a handicap match!), New Wave...EVERYONE.


Except those with creative control *cries*

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Playing as Hinote Dojo: Erased the child promotion pact between BHOTWG and Hinote Dojo, edited all the 25 years or under workers being Loyal to the promotion and played for a few months gametime and now Burning EXILE walked out from the promotion.


In all my years of playing TEW I've never had this happen. I was so so happy to experience something that had not before happened in the game. :D


EDIT: Backstage moral rating went up from 80.8 to 84.9 or so. :p

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You suck at giving Chord an ego.


He should be DOMINATING everyone that's above him. Vessey's a good choice, but I'm talking Rocky Golden, the Machines (in a handicap match!), New Wave...EVERYONE.


Except those with creative control *cries*


After his feud with Hernandez is over, I could have him take on Rocky Golden. I sent Bryan off to train people in development after he was buried by Jay, maybe I could do the same for Rocky, except I send him to get training!

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Just completed Master of Puppets 2010 in my SWF game.


Opener: Jack Bruce defeated Eirc Eisen in an I Quit match (B)

Angry Gilmore Arrives and says he will take the title from Rich Money (B+)

Greg Black defeated F.A.G. and Enforcer Roberts to retain the N.A. title (B-)

Marc Dubois and Marat backstage prepping for Marc's match with Faith. (B+)

High Monkey and Acid defeat Squeaky McClean and Train to rtain the tag titles (B-)

Dubois cuts a promo on Faith (A)

Vengeance defeated Frehley in a last ride match (B-)

Remo defeated Lobster Warrior after help from Emma Chase and Brandon James (B)

Valiant saves Lobby (C+) - Giedroyc was injured for 5 months so I gave him 2 months off so he should come back with 1 month still injured.

Emma Chase talks about Valiant/Lobby (B+)

Marc Dubois defeats Christian Faith after help from Marat (A)

Rich Money defeats Gilmore with a surprise pinfall in 35 minutes to retain the World title (B+)


Overall: B+


On top of all of this, I just stole Edd Stone from TCW. I am thinking of bringing Jay Chord to the main roster to team with Stone. I think they will be another face team since I recently added the Fly Boys and Cali Dragons as heels. I might bring up another monster from development to give DuBois that manipulation appeal. He already has Marat doing his bidding, adding another monster would only make him more dangerous.

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On top of all of this, I just stole Edd Stone from TCW. I am thinking of bringing Jay Chord to the main roster to team with Stone. I think they will be another face team since I recently added the Fly Boys and Cali Dragons as heels. I might bring up another monster from development to give DuBois that manipulation appeal. He already has Marat doing his bidding, adding another monster would only make him more dangerous.


I doubt Marat would be happy with that :p

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