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anyone got any tips for starting up a devlopment territory? global with tcw. got 21million? too little money? any general advice?


Plenty of money.


Might be an idea to set them up with a touring schedule such that they're having a few shows a week (on the understanding you'll probably have to give them more money in the editor - manually subtracting the cash from your own promotion). Design them a powderpuff product (intensity lower than say, 20%), and they'll get a lot more matches to improve in, which should boost the gains your prospects will get from development.


Otherwise, just make sure you have some good trainers - guys with very strong performance stats (Steve Flash is ideal) and/or good top rows that you wouldn't miss on the main roster (whether by being older than most or in time decline). Remember that those types of guys are valuable for your main roster too, though.

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Playing as WCW in Genadi's 1999 mod. Bret Hart is my World Champ and DDP is chasing him. Hart has allied himself with Chris Jericho and Curt Hennig. DDP has been getting help from the Four Horsemen(Flair, Malenko, Benoit)


This storyline has pushed Jericho into the main event scene REALLY fast and Benoit is on his way there. Benoit and Hart just main evented Thunder and received a 96 rating.


SuperBrawl is coming this week and I think I'm going to have DDP when the belt since I'm going to have Jericho go after the belt next and well, I don't want to turn Bret or Jericho himself since I can't think of a storyline reason to turn either one. Unless Jericho attacks Bret just to be an egotistical assclown.


Also, I'm trying to do away with the older and less talented workers on my roster like Hogan, Nash, and Hall. I'm a huge fan of them, but at this point in their careers, I'm not ok with them being higher than midcarders and I know they're not ok with that. Hogan has asked for his release once, but I didn't give it to him. So far Hall and Nash don't think negatively of me, but Hogan outright hates me.

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Playing as WCW in Genadi's 1999 mod. Bret Hart is my World Champ and DDP is chasing him. Hart has allied himself with Chris Jericho and Curt Hennig. DDP has been getting help from the Four Horsemen(Flair, Malenko, Benoit)


This storyline has pushed Jericho into the main event scene REALLY fast and Benoit is on his way there. Benoit and Hart just main evented Thunder and received a 96 rating.


SuperBrawl is coming this week and I think I'm going to have DDP when the belt since I'm going to have Jericho go after the belt next and well, I don't want to turn Bret or Jericho himself since I can't think of a storyline reason to turn either one. Unless Jericho attacks Bret just to be an egotistical assclown.


Also, I'm trying to do away with the older and less talented workers on my roster like Hogan, Nash, and Hall. I'm a huge fan of them, but at this point in their careers, I'm not ok with them being higher than midcarders and I know they're not ok with that. Hogan has asked for his release once, but I didn't give it to him. So far Hall and Nash don't think negatively of me, but Hogan outright hates me.


I forgot I edited WWF down to cult for some odd reason at one point the beginning of my game, but they just let a bunch of main eventers go. Rock, Austin, HHH, Kane, and also Michaels and X-Pac. So I'm signing them. Bret isn't thrilled, but I also signed Owen Hart. I'm officially turning Bret face to deal with The Kliq.


I'm making Michaels an active worker again, yeah, its earlier than 2002, but whatever :p


Also, others that were caught in the crossfire of me trying to limit the less talented people, Goldberg. He's dropped to upper midcard status and Raven and Booker T took his place in the main event as two of the most over people in the world. Raven is the US Champ.


I'm also pushing RVD, Jerry Lynn, and Lance Storm majorly. At the moment all three are lower mid carders, but RVD is Cruiserweight champ and Lynn is more than likely going to take the TV title off Stevie Ray in a triple threat with some face since Lynn is a heel and so is Stevie

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Now that DDP is champ and moving onto a feud with Doomsday(Kane), Bret is now feuding with the Kliq(Triple H, Kevin Nash, Syxx, Scott Hall, and Shawn Michaels).


Jericho has moved onto a feud with The Rock.


Now, I'm clueless as to what to do with Flair. I'm thinking about sending him to developmental to train some guys for awhile until I think of something to do with him so he's not just rotting on my roster.

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Yeah! Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jack Avatar is sure to be another 100 (it was a 97 ._.) so they'll both get in the HoI after this!


*runs match*


*sees that Avatar is still 99%*




*checks HoI in the editor*


Fun fact: ONLY TEN A* (that's 95 or better in this case) MATCHES COUNT TOWARDS THE HALL OF IMMORTALS.


Granted, now all I have to do is give them each another title victory. But still, I cried. CRIED.

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Gangrel is almost worthy of being in the ring with Undertaker. Vampiro has now recovered from injury and is going to help Gangrel in the feud with Taker. The biker gimmick is about to go bye bye.


The Rock is unhappy I brought back HBK. I don't care though but maybe at Summerslam these 2 will match up.


The Dudley Boys won the tag titles in a TLC match at Wrestlemania. The Hardy Boyz will now get split up. Edge and Christian will make it their mission to get the belts back but I may make them fail and split up as well.




I can't keep DDP happy to save my life.


Bret Hart turned me down cuz I was too small. When I hit national in 2 months I will send him another offer. I want him to train people in developement.


I'm running shows that are good but I am dissappointed with my World Title prestige. Goldberg has the belt but can't put on a good match with anyone.


Sting and Ric Flair put on my best matches together. Sting has taken AJ Styles under his win and Flair countered that by taking CM Punk under his as they have had some tag battles recently against each other. AJ is on his way to main event steadily. CM Punk is beginning to gain overness from this pairing.

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I should put the update in small questions, since that's where the conversation started I think, but anyway...


So yeah, figured out how to make main eventers. Or, I suppose, I re-learned how to god-push someone...


I like Raymond Diaz. Like Alexander Robinson, Lee...Bennett...and Lee Wright. Except Wright can't go anymore.


So I got Diaz and I want to get him around where Dread and Bruce are (because Diaz can actually work and be carried in a called-in-ring match).


I have that B-Show, right?


So I sacrificed Diaz's fatigue (it's in the 40s now) to boost him from ~30 to ~70 overness. Won about...7 matches on the main show, beat down people, segments with my top guys.


So I'm happy. Except that Jack Avater still has a borken jaw (fun fact: not only can I still work, I can still talk).


I've also made William Hayes and Raymond Diaz into a tag team. Here's hoping for chemistry <3

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Through April and into may in BLW. And I got my cheapie veteran guy who can assist in the road agent duties. I just don't know how much I can rely on him long term. I ended up with Maxx. The Soldier of the Streets guy from Europe. And I quickly figured out why he was available for so little. Dude is serious trouble backstage. First time in the door he goes and starts mess with Valentine to be point a fight nearly breaks out bbetween them. So I give him a stern warning and then I give him the Cristobal Pardo treatment. I feed him to two thirds of the roster in rapid succession finishing with post-show burials at the hands of Ultra Fly, Valentine and finally my UC Mystery Mask.


After all that humiliation I thought he'd do as Pardo in my IWL game did before him. Walk out and be the subject of a mutual hatred. But the next day comes and Maxx does something shocking. He sticks around. He's obviously very angry at the moment. But as long as that anger comes with enough humility to not start mess and do what I need him to, I don't much care about that. Right now he has my grudging respect. I humiliated him badly and so far he seems to be taking it in stride. I don't know if that's a sign there's hope for improving his personality or if he's just going to be a seething one contract man. But either way, as long as I don't have any more trouble with him, it's all the same to me.

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Finally caved.


My NOTBPW game is now as officially as any time a fantasy game. Not a diary, but...


I've edited Dark Angel to stay with NOTBPW as opposed to leaving (gave him a $65k written, though, which was the max I could offer). Kid Toma's on the roster even though his resilience is too low. True, Johnny Bloodstone still thinks it's a bad idea to join (yes, you have a TCW title. I DON'T CARE). But now, magically, I have $3million. After building a new, 20k seat arena for my television shows and a relocation expense.


Off the back of losing $600k last month. And that's how much the arena cost.




I was left with $300k.


On that note, I found out my roster's clean in a non-saved comprehensive test of the roster. Cost $1.2mil. And if I had my dev contracts up...prolly around 7 million.



Oleg Dorosklov hasn't improved in psych much. Yes, a 37 is like 20 points more than where he started. BUT IT'S A 37.




I wonder if I'll ever get Yosuke Narita, who I keep getting mixed up with Kazuma Narato (who I do have.) Narato has a broken neck for...uh...5 more months?


Oh, it's November. I'll hit 200 shows at the end of the month (exactly, by the way, as my TV show is on Sundays). Going to do a lot of negotiations:


  • I want to get television into Japan. That might actually start me on the money train to...profits.
  • I need to get...one of my shows onto CBA from Canada-On-Air. Not only is CBA bigger, it'll let me do "Monster Unleashed" angles.
  • Diaz is almost at 90 pop across Canada (Quebec he's at 94). Too bad his psychology is below 80 ._.
  • Can I get a fifth TV show? That'd be ridiculous/COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY AWESOME.
  • TV shows being on the same day as a PPV is awesome; I get twice the huge amount of people from the PPV audience. Granted, the only times that happens for me are when the PPVs are branded. Hint: I don't know my roster that well.
  • Case in point: oh, brand 3 has no referee? WAIT WHAT? *searches* Oh, Farrah Hesketh. Fine. What, can't be a referee and a commentator? ...craaaaaaaaaaap (this has since been changed).
  • I think I have 10 guys at 90+ overness across Canada, with...3 more above 80. Not bad for the top of my card, I suppose. It's basically the Stone/DeColt show with a supporting cast of friends. I am setting myself for some good prospects once the retirements hit me. Sean Deeley, DWV, Swoop (needs pop), KC Glenn (same), Jay Chord (same)...
  • Yeah I hope my developmental guys are going well. Oh wait, in order to get above 60 or 70 psychology they'll need to graduate onto my roster.
  • Of over 100.
  • I have 400 or so developmental contracts.
  • ...
  • And this is why my B-Show has 60-men battle royals so often. FREE PSYCHOLOGY FOR EVERYONE!

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In my WWF game (using Genadi's excellent post Montreal mod) it is now 1999. RVD has just taken the title off Stone Cold at WM15 in an epic face vs face match that got a high A rating and saw Austin being handed his first clean loss in around 2 years and ending his 10 month title reign.


Vader is coming off the tail end of a huge 18 month monster heel push that saw him win a feud against the Undertaker before winning the WWF title off Mankind and holding it for a few months and then being toppled by Austin. He then went on to terrorise my upper midcard and really went a long way to elevating stars such as The Rock, RVD and Eddie Guererro, who is now known as "the giant slayer" after winning feuds against Bam Bam, Vader and the big red monster Kane.


I've also completely stacked my dev territories for the future and have been poaching a lot of WCW and ECW talent as their contracts come to an end so I feel I may need to do a brand split within the next year.


Upcoming feuds include Austin vs Undertaker (keeping my biggest stars away from the title scene to give the younger guys a chance) and HBK vs HHH as DX begins to fall apart.


I'm loving this game so much that I'm really tempted to start a diary.

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Oleg Dorosklov hasn't improved in psych much. Yes, a 37 is like 20 points more than where he started. BUT IT'S A 37.


But what year is your game in? If you're several years in and he's had time to start time decline, okay. That would be yawn worthy. But if you're still early on, keep in mind that's more than double where he started. That's not a bad start for fixing his Psych problem.


[*]And this is why my B-Show has 60-men battle royals so often. FREE PSYCHOLOGY FOR EVERYONE!


Man, you've just given me an idea for my post-show. Full roster battle royal for the next week's title shot. Thank you.

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Starting a TNA game with Mr. Canada's Killerwithaheart March 2011 data, I'm releasing the following to start off:

All female wrestlers (I don't like booking female matches, there's not many good female talent in TNA or WWE as it's all for eye candy. I'll keep some for managing reasons

EDIT: Just saw how many top stars don't want Velvet Sky to go, so I'll keep her and use here good sex appeal in some angles)


Al Snow

Robbie E


Eric Young



Jesse Neal


Orlando Jordan

Rob Terry

Tommy Dreamer


Gonna push Alex Shelley at some point, he's only 27 and has great Technical and Flying Skills...that's all for now. :D

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Starting a TNA game with Mr. Canada's Killerwithaheart March 2011 data, I'm releasing the following to start off:

All female wrestlers (I don't like booking female matches, there's not many good female talent in TNA or WWE as it's all for eye candy. I'll keep some for managing reasons

EDIT: Just saw how many top stars don't want Velvet Sky to go, so I'll keep her and use here good sex appeal in some angles)


Al Snow

Robbie E


Eric Young



Jesse Neal


Orlando Jordan

Rob Terry

Tommy Dreamer


Gonna push Alex Shelley at some point, he's only 27 and has great Technical and Flying Skills...that's all for now. :D





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Okay, after a bit of switching around in the main event/upper midcard areas, my main event has 4 faces and 1 heel being Jeff Hardy, gonna put him in a feud with Sting for the World Title while I'm turning Kurt Angle heel. Current plans are to retire Sting soon as he is 52. Then have a huge send off on the following iMPACT. Probably in one of those, "if i don't get my title back this Sunday, I'll retire" feuds.


EDIT: Err, I accidently opened like 4 TEW 2010's at the same time somehow, and now my TNA data is gone, so...um...now I guess it's back to square one :/ mabye not with TNA this time XD, stupid computer, good thing I didn't get far, if I had been playing it for years I would have cried :)

EDIT AGAIN: Cornellverse this time, I'll play as one of the British promotions, I'll give you an update in a few months :)

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So after bouncing back and forth between TCW, SWF, and SWF '97 games, I finally decided I need to try something different. Had some fun with Burning Hammer back in the winter but I feel like I can only enjoy the pure wrestling approach for so long (even if you do still find ways to tell stories).


After a long absence, CGC has caught my eye again. Always had a soft spot for them. The first game I ever played on TEW was on 2007 and it was with CGC. Dunno if it was just them Canadian that made them stand out to me, or that they reminded me of the Stampede Wrestling I grew up watching moreso than any other promotion (much moreso than NOTBPW, which is somehow what some people correlate to Stampede).


I usually do pretty well with popularity-based booking, though this is obviously tougher than the SWF. Going to be a race to try to hit national before the Stone's do.


Started out with offers to a bunch of serious young talent. The idea is to have Vibert as a heel authority figure who brings in a bunch of his own talent to show the Canadian fans that the DeColt's really aren't "all that". Talent like Steven Parker, Davis Wayne Newton, the Keith's... Pretty typical additions, but I usually end up building them slow in most games. But that often means they don't make it out of the midcard before I end up abandoning the game. Grabbing a couple more than I really need, since I'm sure I'll lose a few - when TCW goes International, SWF hits Global, or North of the Border hits National.


The main storyline will be Ricky DeColt feeling unappreciated by his brothers, eventually leading to a heel turn to lead Vibert's Gold Generation. Might turn the Elite stable babyface eventually and have them join up with the DeColt's.

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WWF 2001


Fired Jeff Hardy and Chris Candido for drug use. Both were fine with it.


Tazz was mad I had him lose to Jericho... really? Wow! Tazz may get buried now.


Dudley Boys are the tag champions for now. Not sure what I want to do with the tag team division. I really don't want the belts on them but don't want them on E&C either as I want to push them up into singles stardom.


Brought HBK back since I really needed some heels at the top of my card. HBK and Triple H are feuding with Angle and Austin.


Vampiro debuted attacking Undertaker while he was facing Gangrel. Now Gangrel and Vampiro will continue to assault Taker until they are much more over and better in ring. Gangrel is improving a lot from his matches against Taker.



WCW 2001


Goldberg continues to dominate singles action. May put him in some tag matches so he can lose some. His ego is big enough.


The Outsiders finally didn't give me a problem when I asked them to lose to Kronik the WCW Tag Team Champions. Nash usually uses creative control but not this past time.


Steiner lost the Television Title (activated after Superbrawl) to Booker T.


Eddie Guerrero is holding the US Title strong. I am not sure who I want to go for the belt.


Malenko is a great Cruiserweight Champion and I feel he helps the young guys of the division.


Trying to hire Chris Candido and Jeff Hardy. Hardy will refer to himself as the Immortal Creature of the Night Jeff Hardy. Chris Candido will probably never be more than a midcarder.


I typically like to know who my next champion in line is for each belt but running 2 promotions has made that a little difficult.

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My first CZCW event was dissapointing, with a 43 O.O I know what I did wrong, too many angles...I tried to change their product and it didn't work, so I'll go back to the way it was.


Good news also though as I've signed Hell Monkey and Acid to PPA contracts. Which means those 2 and Jack Avatar are my 3 main talents. I'll have Jack defend the world title against Acid at Vendetta, letting Acid win it.


I'll have to push Monkey, I'll put him on an undefeated streak, then have him win the midcard title. Then put him in the main event. If CZCW is still running by then XD with me in charge, who knows?

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