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SWF - Staying On Top!

Guest KingOfKings

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Guest KingOfKings
Any comments about the show would be appreciated. What you guys liked most, what you didn't like. Also if you guys don't like the current layout, throw out any ideas that I can change to make it better for you all. I'm always open to new ideas
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Guest KingOfKings
I liked it alot.


I hate the fact EE is champ though.


Lol I wasn't a big fan of it either at first. He's surprisingly working out well. I have big big plans for Him Bruce and Money though. So we all have to deal with him as champion for now.


Thanks for reading and I always appreciate feedback

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Guest KingOfKings


Backstage After The Show


“Great show out there tonight boys!”


I knew the sound of Richard Eisen’s voice anywhere, and his approval of my first show made hearing it a lot easier. I was in the boys locker room talking to Christian Faith , who wasn’t actually on the show, aside from a backstage interview recorded earlier in the day. He was getting in the ice tub to work off some soreness from the attack Marat put on him earlier. I would have to talk to him about that some time down the road, we don’t want to kill one of our most over stars.




“Jack!, come over here I need to speak with you in private”


I said my goodbyes to Christian, pondering what the boss could want with me after such a great show, and if it wasn’t bad news, what else could it be.


“Jack, iv’e been looking at the success of certain up and coming promotions and iv’e decided that I would like to implement a woman’s division.”


Obviously he was talking about USPW and there womans division with Alicia Strong, Wanda Fish, ETC.


“But sir, we barely have enough time on our show to include everyone on the roster as it is, how do you expect we make time for them?”


“Ahh Jack, one or two segments on a show won’t hurt. There are some excellent female prospects out there in the world and I want to gain a stronger female fanbase.”

Ahhh so that’s what it was all about. Not only did he want to cash in on USPWs success with there women, he wanted to bring in a new audience. I didn’t want to break it to him but I didn’t think we would be able to secure women of talent that USPW has, but, this man was my boss and I had to agree with him.


“Alright sir, I’ll start scouting the independents for some talent.”


“Good, I don’t want to see anyone in here who works for that wretched USPW, they’ll bring nothing but bad news to this locker room.”


“Understood. And sir, if you had the time later could we talk on the way to New Jersey? I have an idea that involves you in a pretty deep storyline…”

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Guest KingOfKings
When I played I had Rich Money win the strap off Eisen and Eisen turned face while Rich went back to being a snob heel but then the month ended.


Would've been a great Ladder match with a crazy bump though.


I couldn't even buy Eisen as a face after what he's been doing to Jack Bruce the past few months. I view Rich Money as a bit of a tweener right now as it is. He's going after Bruce and Eisen both with revenge on his mind. His loner gimmick seems a bit perfect right now.

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I couldn't even buy Eisen as a face after what he's been doing to Jack Bruce the past few months. I view Rich Money as a bit of a tweener right now as it is. He's going after Bruce and Eisen both with revenge on his mind. His loner gimmick seems a bit perfect right now.


Agreed. Eisen now has just enough credibility to be able to pull off the cowardly world champion, with Jack as an incredibly strong face. The great part is Rich is positioned to become either a gigantic face or heel. He's got a legitimate reason to after Eisen, after he put Rich's career in jeoplardy and used him. He's also got a legitimate reason to after Bruce, after Bruce firstly tried to end his career with no provocation, and then subsequently cost him his shot at revenge on Eisen.


There's so many directions this can go.

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Guest KingOfKings



On The "Road" Again


The first show had been a big success with not only the fans, but the boss himself. On the flight to New Jersey I couldn’t help but be a little bit proud of myself. I finally felt confident enough to talk to Rich about the storyline I wanted to involve him in.




“Do you think that’s such a good idea Jack? I mean, will the fans really accept it?”


“Most of the smart fans know you run the company anyway, we might as well introduce you on screen as the man who runs it all. This storyline needs you boss, it could elevate it to new heights.


“Okay I’ll do it. I’ve always had an itch to get involved on screen somehow, and with the success we’re achieving right now, I don’t see a better time to do it.”


The most Rich has been on screen in the past was in a commentary role, this might be a big step for the boss, let’s hope he can connect with the fans as much as his son did.


“Great, well here’s next weeks shows prelimanary outlook, just take a look over it and tell me if you have any objections.”


“Will do son. Also, have you started looking at any women for that womans division we talked about?”


I lied to him, blatantly..


“Of course, I spotted a few independets that we may want to take a look at, I’ll be calling them to come in soon enough.”


I just couldn’t find the time to implement womens wrestling into SWF, there are too many men on this roster to fit onto our show as it is.


“Good job, now lets both get some sleep, only two weeks left until When Hell Freezes Over, we both need to be on top of our game.”


And with that I left him and returned to my seat. He was right, SWF holds all there PPV’s the second week of the month. Which means I only have one more Supreme TV to put all the storylines together and book a full PPV. Maybe some sleep will do me well….

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Guest KingOfKings



SWF Supreme TV Preview!


With only three days left until SWFs annual January PPV When Hell Freezes Over, this Supreme TV is shaping up to be a good one. After the ending to last weeks show, SWF Champion Eric Eisen will be in the building to address Jack Bruce after the chair shot he took from the former Champion at the end of last weeks show.


Also, Christian Faith has promised to be in the building live tonight to seek revenge on Marat Khoklov after his heinous attack last week. Will Faith challenge him to a match at WHFO or will he just take matters into his own hands?


Plus, star studded action from all of SWFs top superstars!!


All this and more live from Trenton, New Jersey on this weeks edition of Supreme TV!


Quick Picks


Angry Gilmore Vs. American Machine


The Amazing Bumfholes Vs. Jack Giedroyc/Valiant


Runaway Train Vs. Jack Avatar


Marat Khoklov Vs. Robbie Retro


Remo Vs. Steve Frehley

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Angry Gilmore Vs. American Machine - Angry is a major star in waiting.


The Amazing Bumfholes Vs. Jack Giedroyc/Valiant - The team with the tag experience should win it...


Runaway Train Vs. Jack Avatar - Do the job!


Marat Khoklov Vs. Robbie Retro - Khoklov's gonna kill you!


Remo Vs. Steve Frehley - Your Sportz Entertainment Finish of the night!

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Angry Gilmore Vs. American Machine

I like American Machine but this Angry Gilmore!


The Amazing Bumfholes Vs. Jack Giedroyc/Valiant

Go Bumfholes!


Runaway Train Vs. Jack Avatar

Not sure if Jack is gonna get a push or not so gonna go with the established wrestler.


Marat Khoklov Vs. Robbie Retro

Marat in a squash!


Remo Vs. Steve Frehley

Remo picks up the tough win.


Not entirely familiar with SWF action as I have never played as them. My history comes from BigPapa42's diary. But I will be following this one!

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Guest KingOfKings


Sad news in the world of wrestling today as TCW superstar American Buffalo has passed away at the age of 36.


The police report indicates it was in a freak javelin accident. American Buffalo was apparently practicing for an Olympics charity event. He will be heavily missed by the entire wrestling community. He is survived by his wife and daughter.


Notable Career Accomplishments..


3 Time NYCW Empire Champion


TCW Tag Team Champion


Source: Totalextremewrestling.com

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Guest KingOfKings
OH MY GOD... You killed American Buffalo!!!


Is this the first Kenny Death in a dynasty?!


After reading all the other dynasties this just may be the first Kenny death!:D


Not that it's a good thing...

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Angry Gilmore Vs. American Machine

A solid win for Gilmore.


The Amazing Bumfholes Vs. Jack Giedroyc/Valiant

A team building win for the Tag Champions


Runaway Train Vs. Jack Avatar

Train with the squash


Marat Khoklov Vs. Robbie Retro

See above


Remo Vs. Steve Frehley

I see interference involved here.

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Guest KingOfKings


Location: Trenton, New Jersey

Attendance: 10,000 Sellout

Final Rating: C+


We start off this weeks of episode of Supreme TV not with a grand pyro display, no opening video and no announcers. We simply cut to the middle of the ring where we are joined by SWF World Champion Eric Eisen, looking more serious than ever, head bandaged from the vicious chair shot delivered by Jack Bruce at the end of last weeks show. The fans are booing heavily and Eisen just soaks it all in.


Eisen: “All of you lower class ingrates need to shut your mouths! I am your World Champion and you will repect me!”


More boos rain down on Eric and he’s getting more frustrated by the minute…


Eisen: “I’m not here for you idiots anyway. I’m here to address that jealous, egotistical idiot that all of you fools idolize, Jack Bruce! Now Jack, I know you’re jealous of me, I know you’re jealous of my tremendous fortune and my absolute fame. You claim to be a Rock Star? you claim to be the peoples hero? You’re nothing Bruce and that’s exactly why I’m rejecting your match request against me at When Hell Freezes over!”


This of course draws the crowd to go insane, there booing getting progressively louder and they start to chant, *******, *******!


Just then, the music of their beloved hero Jack Bruce plays over the speakers and the self proclaimed rock star plays to the crowd and makes his way down to the ring..


Jack: “That’s all fine and all champ, but, I think you’ve forgotten I have a little thing called a rematch clause in my contract. Being a former champion and all, you know that I’m entitled to a rematch, and, I plan on cashing in that rematch at WHFO and becoming your 3 time World Champion, O Yeah!!”


The crowd goes insane with cheering and begin to chant Bruce’s name..


Eric: “I can give a DAMN about your rematch clause!!! Do you see what you did to my head!?! You busted me wide open last week and I will not be in the ring with a degenerate such as yourself. You’re a lost sting Bruce and I’m not risking my career for the likes of you. If you show up to WHFO looking for a match, that’s fine with me, but don’t expect me to show up!”


Eisen drops the mic and leaves the ring never even looking at Bruce as he goes to the back. Jack just remains in the ring smiling and playing to the fans. Rating - A


Duane: “Good evening and welcome ladies and gentleman to another action packed episode of Supreme TV, and as we just saw Ana, tonight is already off to a hot start!”


Ana: “That’s right Duane, but if I know Jack Bruce like I do, the rock star has a big ace up his sleeve.”


Duane: “Lets take it to ringside as we have our first action of the night between Angry Gilmore and American Machine!”


Everyone expected this match to be over quickly, but the young American Machine took it to Angry Gilmore all he could. In the end though, the angry canucks experience proved to be too much for Machine and he dropped him with an Anger Management for the 1-2-3.


Winner: Angry Gilmore by pinfall. Rating - C


Duane: “I predict big things for Gilmore in the future, this guy is striving for greatness”


Ana: “While I can agree with you on that Duane, his anger issues just may be holding him back a bit. But now I’m getting word that B.J. O ‘Neil is backstage with Christian Faith!”


B.J. :”Ladies and gentleman I’m here with former SWF champion Christian Faith. Now Christian, we all saw last week what happened between you and that massive beast of a man Marat Khoklov. He seemed to really get the best of you, we’ve all been wondering what your response to his actions are?”


Christian:”B.J. iv’e been in this business for almost twenty years. And no one, and I mean no one has ever done to me what that man did last week. After that attack, I was bruised, I was sore and I could barely move when I went home. This old man can’t take a beating like that anymore and I’m here to announce to the world, my retirement. We all knew this day would eventually come and after what happened to me last week I talked it over with my family, and they thinks it’s best for me to just walk away from this business while I still can walk. It’s been a pleasure and I owe everything to these fans..”


Just then, Faith gets a vicious clothesline to the side of the head from none other than Marat Khoklov! He picks Faith up and delivers the same huge powerbomb that he got last week, leaving him down and out!


Marat:” Я разрушу вас! Я новая суперзвезда! Вы ничего!!!” – Rating: B+


BJ goes to check on Christian and calls for help as the camera pans out and goes to commercial..


Duane:”Welcome back to Supreme TV and after what we just saw, I must say that I’m at quite the loss for words…”


We go back to a replay of Christian Faith announcing his retirement and the impending attack by Khoklov.


Ana:”I don’t understand how a man can be so distasteful. One of the true legends in this business announces his retirement and Khoklov interrupts with no regard to this mans career!”


Just then the music of the SWF North American Champion Brandon James hits and he comes to the ring accompanied by Emma Chase. They enter the ring and of course, Emma grabs the mic.


Emma:”Tsk Tsk Tsk Joe. Have you no shame? You dare interfere in the business of Brandon James last week? He is your North American champion and you should be respecting him. I mean, of course you’re to be jealous of his immense physique and superior wrestling skills, but, has your jealousy wandered you off into the area of stupidity. No matter the circumstance, we’re out here for one reason and one reason only. That reason is to challenge you to a match at WHFO for this, North American Championship”


She takes the belt from around the waist of Brandon James and holds it high into the air.


“So Joe, what do ya say?”


The music of Joe Sexy hits over the PA and the fans go nuts as Joe comes out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp, microphone in hand.


Joe: “NEW JERSEY!!!!!!, lets hear all you sexy ladies scream!!!!!!”


Joe waits for his cheap pop, and then continues.


Joe: “Now before I answer your so called challenge I just have one question for you Brandon. Do you EVER speak, or does your owner do all the talking for you? I mean you like to call yourself Big Cat and now I think I know why. Does Emma feed you? Declaw you? Pet you when you purr? Comb your hair? All the little cat essentials that you all need? Or is there just some weird dominatrix thing going on between you to? Because if so, I shudder the results of that abomination of a child.”


Joe turns around to reveal a picture of Emma Chase’s head attached to a cats body. The crowd gets a big laugh out of this and Brandon James is furious in the ring, ready to attack Sexy at any moment but he is held back tightly by Emma Chase.


Emma:”Very very funny Joe! I can promise that you won’t be saying that this Saturday when Brandon here beats you within an inch of your life. That is if you accept our challenge”


Joe:”Of course I accept, it would be quite an honor to take that NA title from you and bring some sexy to it! See you on Thursday!” Rating – B-


Joe’s music hits and he walks out of the arena leaving Emma and Brandon looking furious as we go to commercial…


Duane:”Looks like we’ve finally got a card shaping up for this Thursday! Joe Sexy and Brandon James will sure deliver a fire starter!”


Just then the music of the fan favorite Bumfhole Brothers hits and the fan favorites Zimmy and Randy make there way down to the ring to face off against the SWF Tag Team Champions Jack Giedroyc and Valiant. The match is actually a very good one. The high flying Bumfholes being brought down to earth by the brawling style of the tag champs. In the end though, there tagging experience helps them eliminate vital mistakes and pick up the shock victory over the tag team champions when Zimmy pinned Valiant for the win!


The Bumfholes Defeat Jack Giedroyc/Valiant by pinfall. Rating – B


After the match, the Bumfholes celebrate like they just won the tag titles while the champions stay in the ring shocked and in disbelief, neither one wanting to admit defeat.


Duane:”Wow, the Bumfholes just pinned the champions here, that should definitely elevate them into number 1 contender status!”


Ana: “It’s like you’re reading my mind Duane. I just got word that in two days it will be the Bumfhole Brothers Vs. Giedroyc and Valiant for the Tag Team Championships!”


Duane:”This card is turning out to be a firestarter. Now we’re gonna take you backstage at an incident that is going down right now!...”


Jack Bruce is walking down the hallway, still smiling. That smile is quickly turned into a serious frown as he is approached by none other than, Rich Money.


Jack:”Can I help you with something?”


Rich:”Yeah you can. You can stay out of my business. Last week I had Eisen beat, I didn’t need any help from you. I was waiting for him to come back in the ring, I would have surprised him, hit him with money talks and walked away with the W. But you, you had to stick your nose in it and ruin everything.”


Jack:”If I can recall correctly, it is my business too Money. Seeing as how that man tried to end my career in more than half of 2009, seeing as how that man is holding MY world heavyweight championship that he stole from me. I think it IS in fact, my business.”


Money simply smirks, tucks something in the front pocket of Bruce’s shirt and walks away. Jack Bruce pulls it out and reveals it to be a single dollar bill. He simply folds it up, puts it in his pocket and walks away. Rating- B+


Duane:”Strong words from both men, lots of tension between those two”


Ana:”This is shaping up to be a strong rivalry. Each man thinks they have something to gain. If they would both realize they have one common target in Eric Eisen, they could be such a powerful tandem”


Just then the music of another veteran and former World champ Runaway Train hits and he comes lumbering down to the ring, seemingly as focused as ever on his upcoming match.


Some unknown music hits and a well built young blonde male walks out from the back to no reaction, we’re told by the announcer his name is Jack Avatar. Avatar steps into the ring and one clothesline, huge lariat toss and one train wreck later. Runaway Train is on top for the 1-2-3.


Winner: Runaway Train by pinfall. Rating- D+


Duane:”Newcomer Jack Avatar just got a rude awakening into the big leagues here. I kind of feel bad for the kid”


Ana:”it’s all apart of the business Duane. All a part of the business.”


Next we hear the Russian National Anthem and everyone knows that means the arrival of the “Russian Bear” Marat Khoklov to the arena. After seeing what he did to Christian Faith earlier the fans are booing him out of the arena!.


He brushes it off and waits for his opponent who just happens to be everyones favorite “Disco Stud” Robbie Retro. Retro disco dances his way to the ring and even tries to pull off some moves in the ring around Khoklov. Khoklov sees enough of this and grabs Retro around the throat and tosses him into the corner and delivers shoulder ram after shoulder ram until Retro can barely stand anymore. One sit out powerbomb later and Khoklov is your victor.


Winner: Marat Khoklov by pinfall – Rating- C-


After the match Khoklov is leaving the ring and out from the audience comes running Christian Faith, steel chair in hand! He smashes the chair on the back of Khoklov who doesn’t fall. He turns around and faces Christian, still clearly in pain. Faith takes the chair and bashes it over the skull of the Russian Bear until he finally falls to his hands and knees. Faith backs up and measures him up, then runs at full steam and smashes the chair directly into the face of Khoklov.


He screams in his face with a fire that we haven’t seen from Christian Faith in years. Amidst all of the chaos we can hear Faith scream to Khoklov that he will see him at When Hell Freezes Over!!!! Rating- B+


Duane: “O my Ana did you hear that!!?! Faith just challenged Khoklov to a match in 2 days! I thought he as retired!?!


Ana: “We all did Duane but I guess the fire never dies in some of us but I don’t know how smart it was making that big Russian more angry than he already is.”


The music of Steve Frehley comes on and it’s time for our main event of the evening of Steve Frehley Vs. Remo.


Steve:”It’s me and you again huh Remo? I thought this feud between you and I was over a long long time ago. I guess I was wrong about that one. Well lets do this thing, come on out here and I’ll show you why it’s never smart to face me more than once.


Remo comes out to the ring and the brawl is on right from the start. These two no back down fans put on a great physical main even for the fans in attendance. Neither man getting the upperhand with stiff shots being delivered left and right. Amidst the action Frehley accidentally knocked down the ref with a stiff punched aimed for Remo that he quickly got out of the way of. Remo tried to take advantage but Frehley reversed his attempt and set him up for the DDS but he was just was shocked as everyone in attendance when the music of Vengeance hit and the menacing monster grumbled his way down to the ring. Frehley tried to fight him off but it was too much as Vengeance simply hit him with the skull crusher. He picked Frehley so that he was face to face with him and uttered four simple words.




He dropped Frehley and Remo pinned him just as the ref was coming to who saw the pin and counted 1-2-3 to give Remo the victory in the match.


Winner: Remo by pinfall. Rating- B-

Duane:”Another great match made for WHFO! We’ll see you there in two days people be sure to join us!”


Ana:”Wait it doesn’t look like we’re done here yet! Look!!”


Some unknown music blares over the loudspeakers and everyone in attendance isn’t quite sure how to react. After about a minute or so out steps the owner of the SWF, Richard Eisen!! Father of the world champion Eric Eisen!


Duane:”O my Ana do you know who that is!!, that’s the boss, that man owns this entire company!!”


Richard soaks in the scenery before lifting the microphone to his mouth..


Richard: “As man of you know, I am Richard Eisen, owner of the SWF. Also, as many of you know, my son Eric is your World Champion. Now normally a father should be proud of his son. Winning the most coveted prize in Sports Entertainment but no, After the way my son won that championship, under such devious ways I cannot support him in this venture. The way I see it, it was immoral, irregular and just plain wrong. Toying with the lives of two men the way he did with Jack Bruce and Rich Money is only something a coward would do. Then tonight, tonight my son tried to duck out of his rematch with Jack Bruce for that same World Championship. Well as of right now I’m making the match official. In two days at When Hell Freezes Over, Jack Bruce will challenge my son Eric Eisen for the World Heavyweight Title.”


Before Richard can continue on any longer he is interrupted by the music of our reigning world champion, Eric Eisen.


Eric:”Who in the hell do you think you are old man? You’re my father, you’re supposed to ALWAYS be on my side. And let me tell you one more thing, I will NOT show up in two days and defend MY championship. I refuse to risk MY career against a wild child like Jack Bruce!”


Richard:”That’s all I keep hearing out of your mouth is me me me me me me me!!. What about what these fans want! What about what Jack bruce deserves! If you decide not to show up in 2 days and defend that belt, I will strip it from you and fire you on the spot!!


Eric:”You can’t do that to me! Do you know who I am?!?!?!?”


Richard: “I can and I will! And one more thing before you walk away, this man will be the special guest referee for the match!”


The music of none other than Rich Money comes over the speakers and the crowd goes insane as he steps out on the stage and shakes Richard Eisens hand! He simply walks over to Eric and tucks a one dollar bill in his pocket and the two go face to face to end the show!!!

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Guest KingOfKings

Thanks to everyone who voted!. Congratulations to Angeldelayette who predicted each contest in the correct fashion!


Would have included Jaded in that conversation also but he picked a draw for the finale! Close though.


Hope you all enjoyed the show and the preview for WHFO will be up soon.

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