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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant

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USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant

Thought for sure there would have been no winner in Main Event in the last show. Holmes can't limp into his rematch with Enygma, can he?

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USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant

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USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant Schmoz draw.


Sign: I am with you 'olmes topple that giant arriba!

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Really enjoyed the show (as always) - the Tyler/Gonzalez promo was fantastic and Davids' little skit with Alicia was good as well.


USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

With Jones' blessing, Reed isn't going to lose quickly, and certainly not to Anger!

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

Ota is the more useful of the two, for the time being.

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Class for champions!

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Welcome to Squashville City, AZ!

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Just makes more sense, especially with Chris' impending duel with the Hard Corps (which, as a stable name rules by the way).

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant

Makes it one-all and gives Holmes something to go PPVing with.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant

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Playing it safe with these predictions. I hate how JJ is the whipping boy though. Give him a win over somebody useless, please.


You've got to start at the bottom to reach the top, right? Pay your dues and all that. But who knows what might happen this week. Oh wait, I do. ;)


I love the Travis and Jim Force feud! That is some great stuff there.


Glad you're enjoying the feud. Thought I'd infuse a little Star Wars there. lol. But I think you like just about anything that Jim Force is involved in as long as it gives him promo time. :p


Really enjoyed the show (as always) - the Tyler/Gonzalez promo was fantastic and Davids' little skit with Alicia was good as well.


Just makes more sense, especially with Chris' impending duel with the Hard Corps (which, as a stable name rules by the way).


Glad you're enjoying the promos I am writing. The Des Davids stuff comes from both some stuff I've done before and some stuff I've read other people doing with him. The Tyler/Gonzalez stuff is just a whole lot of fun to write. If I ever end up doing another diary, I think it may end up being PSW or ECW.


And I can't take complete credit for the Hard Corps name. It actually came from an e-fed I was involved in for awhile called IWL. The writing there was so good I still have show writeups from 2001! lol.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant


Fan Sign: Art Reed: Destiny

Enygma: lost without You

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24 hour warning for predictions for the go-home show of USPW American Wrestling for USPW Independence Day Slam. So far, I have received predictions from:








Hyde Hill





Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant


Playing it safe with these predictions. I hate how JJ is the whipping boy though. Give him a win over somebody useless, please.


Gotta date tonight and daddy needs his rest for mama, lol. I second MichaganHero's picks.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 July 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 4,743

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.73

Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Greg Gauge defeated Pete The Hillbilly in 3:55 by submission with a Proton Lock...F+


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Jack Griffith defeated James Hernandez in 3:38 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box...D+


Pre Show: Blonde Bombshell comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C+


Pre Show: Travis Force cuts a backstage promo...C+




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ArtReed.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Anger gets a shot vs. Art Reed


[The show kicks off with action inside the ring as 'Voices' by Rev Theory brings out Anger and Shane Sneer. The crowd boos this unit as they make their way down with Sneer leading Anger by the Coca Cola bottle. Anger leans in and whispers to the Coca Cola bottle, listening to a response as they hit the ring. He laughs as though it said something funny. Then 'Voices' is interrupted by the beginning sounds of 'Walk' by Pantera. Art Reed comes out, raising the USPW World Television Title to cheers from the crowd! The Pure Athlete walks down shaking hands and high fiving the crowd. He pauses for a moment and autographs a sign reading: 'Art Reed: Destiny' Reed hits the ring and steps in, climbing the turnbuckles and pumping his fists: 'Re Spect Walk!' The crowd sings along with the music and then Reed turns to face his opponent...]


[...This was a pretty standard defense by Art Reed with Anger getting in very little offense. Anger did make a bit of a comeback late in the match with a frustrated Shane Sneer looking on at ringside. Reed managed to squirm his way out of a Demon Slam attempt and took down Anger with a German Suplex! Reed then moved around and hooked the Dread Lock! Anger had no choice but to tap quickly!]


Winner: Art Reed (Via Submission @ 6:52)

Match Rating: D+


[...The crowd cheered the win by Art Reed but someone who wasn't cheering was Shane Sneer. Sneer stepped inside the ring with a look of frustration on his face. He stomped on Anger! He took the Coca Cola bottle and opened it up, pouring the coke on Anger's face! He yelled at him 'You're fired!' and then dropped the bottle and exited the ring. Anger grabbed the bottle and clutched it to his chest rocking back and forth.]




[The big video screen lit up to show the backstage area and a locker room where...]




[...Chris Caulfield is stretching. He has a match tonight with Darryl Devine as he prepares to go into Independence Day Slam. Chris gets up and moves to open the locker room door and...]


[...There's no one on the outside. Chris smiles to himself and moves out of the locker room walking down the hallway. He pauses at a vending machine and looks at all the goodies, trying to decide what he wants. The camera catches someone sneaking up on him from behind. The figure cannot be made out until Chris's knee is taken out with a large piece of wood!...]




[...Eric Tyler steps out of the shadows as Shawn Gonzalez stands over the fallen Chris Caulfield. Chris grabs his knee as Shawn puts the boots to him!...]


Eric Tyler

"He's hardcore! He's hardcore! He's hardcore!"


[...Eric mocks Caulfield as Gonzalez lifts him up and rams him head-first into the vending machine! Gonzalez grabs him by the throat as Caulfield's hands reach out to try and stop him! Gonzalez with a low blow with his knee to the lower area of Chris Caulfield. Eric Tyler just sneers down at him and then smiles to Gonzalez as the two walk away.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FumihiroOta.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JaredJohnson.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Jared Johnson


['Strike of the Ninja' by Dragonforce cues up and the crowd boos USPW's resident ninja: Fumihiro Ota. Ota walks down with his head covered in the mask. He steps inside the ring and leans into a corner, waiting for his opponent. The distinctive opening of 'Freebird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd begins to play and there are a few cheers scattered within the crowd for the presence of Jared Johnson. Jared gives some fans high fives and even autographs on his way down to the ring. He points to a sign reading: 'Hey Jim Force, I bought your merchandise!' and nods, saying that he did too! Jared stays out of the ring long enough to frustrate Ota, who exits the ring and attacks...]


[...Ota rams Johnson's head into the security rail, grabbing an autograph from a kid and tearing it up, letting the confetti rain down! Ota brings Johnson down to the ring and tosses him inside, joining him in the ring. Ota bounces off the ropes -- Powerslam by Johnson! The crowd cheers the move by Johnson as he goes for a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Johnson pops up and grabs Ota, hooking him and then lifting him up for a vertical suplex -- Brainbuster! What a move by the southern wrestler! Johnson heads to the top turnbuckle and that is where he gets caught, crotching himself up there after a punch by Ota. Ota climbs and hits a flying headscissors from the top rope! Johnson slides across the ring with the move. Ota measures Johnson and runs toward him -- Ninja Strike! The enzuigiri connects and Ota makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Fumihiro Ota (Via Pinfall @ 5:51)

Match Rating: D+




[The crowd booed the victory by Ota and booed even louder when three figures showed up on the big video screen...]




[...Shane Sneer stood between the USPW World Tag Team Champions. He had that usual evil look on his face...]


Shane Sneer

"Now that we have started seperating the wheat from the chaff, the Sneer Corporation can focus on the big picture. Part of that big picture is keeping this tag team title belts in the family. Steve Flash and Robert Oxford think they're good enough to beat my men? That is where they are wrong. They're going to find out just how wrong at Independence Day Slam when the Sneer Corporation leaves the building with these belts around our waists."


[...Sneer smiles and we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DeanWaldorf.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MarvStatler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RobertOxford.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

The Ring Generals vs. Performance Class


[The Ring Generals are already within the ring when we come back just in time to hear 'Ready To Strike' by Firewind! Katie Cameron leads out Performance Class and Steve Flash high fives the crowd as Robert Oxford heads right to the ring. Oxford steps in and gets immediately double-teamed by Ring Generals!...]


[...Katie gets Steve's attention and he hits the ring just as Oxford is taken down with a double elbow by Waldorf and Statler! Steve turns Statler around and floors him with a right hand! Waldorf turns and ducks a clothesline from Flash, turning and kicking him in the gut! Waldorf hits a twist of fate on Flash and makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The match had several blown spots between the team of Performance Class who just didn't seem to be on the same page throughout the match. Oxford made a hot tag late in the match to Steve Flash and Flash caught both Ring Generals with clotheslines. Flash hit Statler with the Flash Bang as Oxford got to his feet and asked to be tagged in! Flash ignored him and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Performance Class (Via Pinfall @ 7:04)

Match Rating: C




[As Steve Flash and Robert Oxford argued in the ring, the big video screen lit up playing the Russian National Anthem within the background. An announcer's voice comes over the speakers...]



"This man is a great man for our times. He is a man who has gone back to his roots and found out who he really is. He is the great grandson of a real Russian hero and now he is coming back to USPW."





"Aaron Jackson, returning soon to USPW."


[...Jackson is seen waving a Russian Flag and we cut out to a backstage area.]




[The backstage area is actually the interview area. This time...]




[...Darryl Devine and Seduction are shown backstage waiting...]


Darryl Devine

"It is about time that you got back to me. Talent like Darryl Devine doesn't like being asked to wait forever. Chris Caulfield, so Shawn Gonzalez gave you a boo-boo earlier. It doesn't matter to me because it won't affect whether our match will go on or not. I'm gonna be down waiting inside the ring with my main squeeze Seduction here and you better show up or I'm gonna come backstage and get you and nobody wants to see that happen, especially you."


[...Darryl looked and sounded confident after the sneak attack by Shawn Gonzalez earlier. Will Chris Caulfield even be in a position to wrestle?]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RafaelRuiz.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. Rafael Ruiz


[The immortal instrumental 'Frankenstein' by the Edgar Winter Band welcomes out Rafael Ruiz, the Mexican Pit Bull, down to the ring. Ruiz is truly the fan-favorite tonight though he doesn't acknowledge them at all as he slips inside the ring. He is all business and he better be considering who his opponent is. The beginning guitar chords of 'Highway To Hell' by AC/DC begin to play and the crowd boos as Tyson Baine walks out from the back. He raises his arms to louder boos and he walks down to the ring. He steps inside by stepping over the top rope and stares down his opponent from his corner...]


[...Major squash time in this one. Ruiz didn't even get in one offensive move during this match. Ruiz took a big boot to the face to start the match and it didn't get any better for him throughout the match. Baine worked him over with a Bear Hug and a Power Bomb! He grabbed Ruiz by the throat and picked him up, lifting him into the air -- Hades Bomb! The hold connected and Baine made the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 2:07)

Match Rating: C-


[...A dominating win for Tyson Baine tonight. Baine's head whipped toward the entrance ramp as music began to play...]


[...'With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound

He pulls the spitting high tension wires down


Helpless people on a subway train

Scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them


He picks up a bus and he throws it back down

As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town'...]




[...Bruce The Giant steps out from the back as 'Godzilla' by The Blue Oyster Cult continues to play. Bruce charges the ring as best as his bad knees can do and when he steps inside he is met by Tyson Baine! The two begin exchanging heavy blows! Punches get thrown as the music dies down. Bruce starts to get the advantage on Baine! Bruce clotheslines Baine over the top rope! Baine lands on his feet and Bruce raises an arm inside the ring, staring down at Baine. 'Godzilla' kicks up again as Bruce stands tall.]




[The big video screen lit up and instead of the cheers the crowd was giving Bruce The Giant, they turned to boos...]




[...James Justice was standing within the interview area...]


James Justice

"Boo me all you want. I'm the man with a chance to get his hands on some gold this Saturday night while the rest of you fat slobs will be paying to watch me get my hand raised in victory. Nicky Champion, you are going to be the one to pay the ultimate price. You are going to be the one who steps inside MY ring and thinks he can get away with a win? That is not how it works. That ring out there? That's MY ring. It belongs to me and you will see why. As for Andre Jones? Mr. Big Volleyball star, you are just a fly at my picnic. You are something that just needs to be swatted down and shown that you can't just fly all over my food or all over my ring as the case may be. When I get finished with Nicky Saturday night maybe you will get that chance to be swatted down by the greatest wrestler to ever take part in USPW."


[...James basked in his own words for a moment and we headed down to the ring again.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


['So if you're lonely

You know I'm here waiting for you

I'm just a crosshair

I'm just a shot away from you.'


'Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand begins to play and the song leads out Darryl Devine with Seduction as the crowd boos their entrance. Devine stops and plays a little air guitar halfway down the ramp with Seduction leaning on him. Devine then walks his way down and steps inside the ring, stretching on the ring ropes as his music fades.


'Born down in a dead man's town

The first kick I took was when I hit the ground

You end up like a dog that's been beat too much

Till you spend half your life just covering up'


Bruce Springsteen's 'Born In The USA' begins to play as the crowd rises on their feet ready to see the Hardcore American come out. The song gets about halfway through and no Chris Caulfield. After about a minute more, Caulfield comes limping out from the back with a brace on that knee. The crowd pops at seeing him and he absorbs in their cheers for a moment. He uses that to strengthen him as he limps down to the ring. Darryl is making him use up as much energy as he can just to make it down to the ring. Chris steps inside and he is immediately assaulted by Devine to boos from the crowd...]


[...Devine took control in the early-goings of this match focusing on that hurt knee of Caulfield's. Caulfield took a shot earlier in the night on that knee with a piece of wood. Devine gets the knee brace off and then stomps directly on the knee causing Caulfield to cry out in pain. Devine tugged on the leg and brought it out to the apron. Devine jumped out of the ring and brought Caulfield's knee slamming down on the ring apron! Caulfield yelped in pain as Devine slid back in the ring. Devine pulled Caulfield to the center of the ring and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! The crowd cheered as Caulfield got that shoulder up! Devine looked angry down at Caulfield and moved him over to the ropes, choking him on that middle rope! Referee Baby Jamie broke the hold and threatened Devine with a DQ! As Baby Jamie was distracted, Seduction came over and smacked the taste out of Caulfield's mouth! Caulfield reached out and grabbed her suddenly! Devine moved away from the referee and stomped on the knee of Caulfield to get him to break the hold. Caulfield released her and turned to Devine. Caulfield kicked Devine with his good leg! Caulfield used the ropes to get up as Devine came back over and Caulfield began throwing punches!...]


[...The crowd popped for Chris Caulfield as he threw punches against Devine! Caulfield sent Devine to the ropes -- Powerslam! Caulfield hit a Powerslam but he can't make the cover! Caulfield grabs his knee. He finally crawls over and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Caulfield pushes his way back up trying not to lean on that injured knee. He picks up Devine and begins hooking him for the Danger Drop! Devine though begins powering out of it! Devine shows some power in this! Devine turns and kicks Caulfield in the gut. Devine goes for the Devine Dream Drop but Caulfield shoves him off. Caulfield punches Devine in the gut and hooks him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 9:31)

Match Rating: C+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Bryan Holmes vs. Bruce The Giant


['miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your'


'Save Me' by Overkill begins to play and the crowd boos heavily as the number one challenger to Enygma's USPW World Title walks out from the back. Bryan Holmes heads toward the ring in the stoic way that he usually walks. He ignores the boos from the crowd, seeming not to even acknowledge that they exist. He didn't even acknowledge the sign out in the crowd: 'I am with you 'olmes topple that giant arriba!' Holmes steps inside the ring and pushes his fist against his hand as he looks toward the ramp and waits for his opponent to walk out.


'With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound

He pulls the spitting high tension wires down


Helpless people on a subway train

Scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them


He picks up a bus and he throws it back down

As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town'


'Godzilla' by Blue Oyster Cult sounds and Bruce The Giant walks through the curtains for the second time tonight. The crowd pops huge for the former USPW World Champ! As Bruce walks toward the ring, we are taken back to just last week where Bruce The Giant pinned Bryan Holmes in a tag team match. Can he do it in a singles contest? Bruce enters the ring by stepping over the top rope and stares down at Holmes, raising his hand in a chokeslam motion, getting the crowd excited...]


[...Holmes wasn't exactly sure how to handle the big man and who would be? Holmes seemed a little off his game tonight in this one and it showed early on as he tried to take down Bruce only to be taken down himself with a Giant Headbutt! Early in the match, things were going all the way for Bruce The Giant. Bruce took down Holmes with a forearm shot and then lifted him up in a one handed press slam! Bruce The Giant looke dominant! After bringing Holmes to the mat with a body slam he made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...At around the three minute mark, Holmes was able to get in an offensive move. He gave a shot to the knee of Bruce The Giant and that started the offensive series for Bryan Holmes. The technical wizard went right for the knees, an obvious place to attack Bruce considering his history and all. When Holmes had Bruce on his knees, he sent a big kick to the face. He put his weight into another roundhouse kick to send Bruce on his back! Holmes climbed the turnbuckles, usually not his specialty, and leaped off -- big splash! The move connected and Holmes made the cover, hooking a tree trunk-like leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The kickout sent Holmes nearly halfway across the ring just in time for him to see Tyson Baine walking down toward the ring. There is definitely no love lost between Baine and Bruce. Holmes gave a few stomps to Bruce and then rolled him outside the ring. Holmes distracted the official and Tyson Baine put his boot over the throat of Bruce The Giant! Baine used the guardrail for more leverage as Bruce flailed his arms back and forth! Baine released before the official turned back around and began his count. He got to six and the lights turned off...]


[...Two spotlights began moving through the audience but there was no light around the ringside area so the referee couldn't make the count. The sound of sirens began filling the arena as the spotlights continued to move in a random pattern. A guitar filled around the siren.


'You know where you are

You're in the jungle baby

You're gonna die

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle'


'Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns 'N Roses begins to play and fill the arena. The crowd begins to sing along as the spotlights frame only one individual: USPW World Champion Enygma! He points to the sign beside him: 'Enygma: lost without You!' The lights come back on and Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine are exchanging punches outside the ring! Enygma heads down to the ring through the crowd as all hell has broken loose! The referee has no choice but to throw this match out!]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 9:57)

Match Rating: C+




[...Enygma moves past the fighting Baine and Bruce and enters the ring. The fans want to see Bryan Holmes and Enygma get it on! The two stare at each other and then move in toward the center and the lights go out again! When they come back up, Enygma and Bruce are gone, leaving Bryan Holmes and Tyson Baine staring at each other. What a finish here tonight, folks! We'll see you Saturday for USPW Independence Day Slam!]

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Only one perfect score this time! Congratulations to Hyde Hill!




1. BHK1978=24 Wins

Hyde Hill=24 Wins

3. Lexa90=23 Wins

xopher316=23 Wins

Bull=18 Wins

6. jhd1=22 Wins

critical-23=22 Wins

SWF Fan=22 Wins

bgbuff=22 Wins

MichiganHero=22 Wins

11. mcorey=21 Wins

12. Dragonmack=13 Wins

13. ChrisKid=7 Wins

smurphy1014=7 Wins

15. Bigpapa42=6 Wins


Welcome to Bigpapa42, who made his first predictions for this round of the prediction contest!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 July 2010


USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma


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USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion


USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class


Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

Either way this match goes I will be happy with the outcome because I like both of these guys!


USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

Bryan Holmes is not yet at the level to hold the title in my opinion.

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Article Written by USPW.com Editor, Arthur Stanley Jefferson




2010 has seen a real influx of superstars bidding to be a part of the unstoppable USPW train to the top. Wrestlers from as far afield as Japan, Mexico and Canada have come to the South East with one thing in mind – making a name for themselves in the only place that really matters. With so many important signings it only seems fair that USPW.com's first ever 'Article of the Week' should take a look at some of the best new names in American Wrestling!...


5. Jack Griffith


Jack Griffith made a real impact in USPW when he arrived in early January. Setting eternal fan favourite Nicky Champion firmly in his sights, Griffith made certain that the fans, and Champion, learnt a little about Southern Justice. The two superstar's angry exchanges inevitably lead to the ring and at Stars, Stripes & Slams! the two found themselves in the squared circle for the first time. A furious encounter ended with Champion victorious, only for the former-SCCW standout Griffith to strike out after the bell.

A month later and the rematch was set, and this time it was personal! With humiliation in mind, both men agreed to make the match a hair vs. hair match but as usual, things weren't to be that simple. Despite a second victory for Champion, a low blow from Griffith saw 'Southern Justice' grab the razor...and Nicky Champion's head was shaved bald instead! A third, and final, match one month later would effectively end the feud, despite a surprise victory for Griffith over the still hairless Hawkeye.


Since then, SCCW's finest export has seemed a little lost in the mix, but as his incredible introduction attests, this is one man you don't want to mess with.


4. Steve Flash & Katie Cameron


Canadians Steve Flash and Katie Cameron were some of USPW's earliest signings of 2010. Living up to his nickname of 'Remarkable,' Flash began his USPW career with challenges to both Television and National titles and, despite winning neither, came extremely close. With feisty, yet eloquent, Katie Cameron the vocal side of the partnership, Flash seems content to do his talking in the ring - and in USPW he has been talking very loudly!

Now teaming with Robert Oxford in Performance Class, Flash and Cameron – as well as fellow Canadian Bryan Holmes - have undoubtedly raised the performance bar of USPW to a new high, and one that doesn't seem to be let back down any time soon.


3. Art Reed


A list of top debutants of 2010 wouldn't be complete without a mention for another Canadian, Art Reed. Entering the company as a surprise challenger for Andre Jones' Television Title, Reed did what no one else could manage in seven months of trying – win that title. Not only that, but our new champion appears to have humbled his predecessor to the point where Jones actually congratulated his victory!

Whether Reed can lift up to the lofty standards set by Jones remains to be seen, but if we are measuring impact, the 'Pure Athlete' hasn't done too badly so far.


2. Bryan Holmes


A technical wizard seemingly unparalleled in professional wrestling, Bryan Holmes gave up a prominent position in Japan in order to prove himself once and for all on the greatest stage...USPW.


Making yourself the most hated man in the company would be a difficult thing to achieve after years in a company, never mind after only one night, but Holmes managed it with ease when he appeared at Stars, Stripes & Slams! to cost Chris Caulfield his shot at become the #1 Contender for the World Title. From there on Holmes and controversy were never far apart, feuding with some of the most loved superstars in USPW history. As a member of short-lived supergroup The Four Horsemen, Holmes regularly wrought havok among his fellow employees but, like the rest of his group, saved a special animosity for Enygma.


Although Holmes lost his title shot a few weeks ago, no one in USPW expects the master Canadian to be too far from the gold in the coming months.


1. Shawn Gonzalez and Eric Tyler


A controversial pick for top debut perhaps but recent signings Gonzalez and Tyler made an entrance, and received an opening reception, like no other. These two hardcore individuals wasted no time in making themselves known with a brutal and unprovoked attack World Champion Enygma after one of his many successful title defences only a few weeks ago.


With the suggestion of a few old friends coming to aid their cause, anyone and everyone in USPW must be sleeping with one eye open wondering who the two wildcards will come after next...

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USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

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USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma


Sign: My 'Olmes will solve the Enygma!!

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USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

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USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

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USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

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Article Written by USPW.com Editor, Arthur Stanley Jefferson


Amazing, amazing article, my friend! Thanks a lot for taking the time to work on it and welcome to the writing staff. :D Like I said before, if you need anything from my way, just let me know.

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USPW National Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Cherry Bomb and Giant Redwood vs. Alicia Strong and Des Davids

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Performance Class

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match, 30 Minute Ironman Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

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