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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Like the format for the other organizations. Quick question I noticed Eugine Williams, Carl Batch, and Queen Emily, but I did not see T-Rex. Where did he go?


T-Rex is still on the free agent scene. He left USPW because he felt he was too big for the company but none of the bigger companies scooped him up.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Giant Redwood gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Greg Gauge vs. Jared Johnson

Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed

Ted Brady vs. Andre Jones

Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun

Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and ???

Mystery Man Guesses:

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[/b]Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and ???

Mystery Man Guesses:DaVE Reunion and subsequent screw jobs ahoy. Hmmm...the only man for the job is Alex Braun. Think about it a bitter 40 something year old who resents the newer breed and Caulfield as they took his job.


Dang! Makes me wanna change my choice but too much of an Acid mark, lol.

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24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:


Hyde Hill











Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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Awesome show, but then I've already told you that :p


USPW World Television Title Match: Giant Redwood gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Really, do I need to bother!?

Greg Gauge vs. Jared Johnson

Gauge has the most immediate star presence despite his recent defeats.

Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed

Again, Bomb's little run has endeared her to me and Appleseed almost always retires really early in my games.

Ted Brady vs. Andre Jones

Brady's just our resident Jason Knight...

Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun

Devine's not exactly racing up the card whilst Datsun is doing fairly well as a gatekeeper.

Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and ???

Shock victory, DQ or something similar. Could easily see a draw too but I'm going for a slim victory.


Mystery Man Guesses: Given that I probably know the answer, I'll not cheat. :D

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 1 August 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 4,773

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.77

Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


[The cameras began panning around the Huntsville Fairgrounds as the crowd rose to their feet. Some of them even raised signs, including: 'We want DAVE!' and 'Ted Brady is a bit cheeky!' Everyone was trying to get on camera and as some fans looked up, music began to pump through the arena...


'Look in my eyes

What do you see?

The Cult of Personality!


I know your anger, I know your dreams

I've been everything you want to be

Oh, I'm the Cult of Personality!'


The fans eyed the curtains, waiting to see who is coming out as 'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour played. It couldn't be, could it?...]








[...Former TCW wrestler Sammy Bach steps out from behind the curtain, absorbing in cheers from the crowd. He stands at the top of the ramp as the music plays within the background. He looks around and then walks down toward the ring. He steps inside where he is handed a microphone...]


Sammy Bach

"It feels good to be home."


[...The fans begin a 'Bach, Bach, Bach' chant! Sammy pauses for a moment and then brings the microphone back to his lips...]


Sammy Bach

"First of all, I have not come here representing DaVE. I have not come here to team with Eric Tyler or Shawn Gonzalez. I am also not Chris Caulfield's mystery partner. But I do know who that is and I can promise you that you won't be disappointed. For those of you who do not remember I was a part of USPW many years ago. I started at the bottom of the ladder and I just couldn't find my way toward the top. So I left USPW and traveled to DaVE and then I found my way to Tommy Cornell."


[...Boos and hisses at the mention of Tommy Cornell...]


Sammy Bach

"I know, I know. Like I said before, it's good to be home. Now, there is only one reason that I have come back to USPW. That reason is to be the best. And to be the best that means that I have to step into the ring with the man who is the USPW World Heavyweight Champion: Bryan Holmes. Bryan, you and I have a bit of a history together in DaVE. The fans always clamored for a match between us at one point or another but it never happened. Here in USPW, we can make that match happen. You better watch your back, though, because I am gonna be gunning for you."


[...'Cult of Personality' began to play again and Sammy Bach turned to walk away, stepping from the ring. What an introduction for the newest USPW wrestler!.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ArtReed.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Giant Redwood gets a shot vs. Art Reed


['Monster' by Disturbed began to play and the crowd rose in boos as Cherry Bomb walked out from the back alongside Giant Redwood. Redwood looked around and raised his arms to boos from the crowd. Redwood entered the ring by stepping over the top rope. He moved into a corner, speaking with Cherry Bomb as his music faded out.


'Respect, walk

What did you say?

Respect, walk

Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?'


'Walk' by Pantera pumped through the arena as USPW World Television Champion 'The Pure Athlete' Art Reed stepped out from the back. Reed moved over and sat on the guardrail, leaning into the crowd, getting hugged by the fans. Reed focused and walked down toward the ring, sliding inside, staring down at Giant Redwood...]


[...This was a very good title defense for Art Reed as he pulled a good match out of Giant Redwood. Redwood used Cherry Bomb on the outside of the ring to attack Reed during the match. Cherry tossed Reed back in and Redwood went for his Standing Splash -- Reed moved! Reed turned back toward Redwood and dropped an elbow and then headed to the top turnbucle -- Hang Time Moonsault! Reed got up and grabbed Redwood -- Dread Lock! Reed drew the submission from Redwood!]


Winner: Art Reed (Via Submission @ 5:56)

Match Rating: C+


[...Art Reed popped up to his feet and was given his belt. He looked out toward the top of the ramp as 'Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand began to play...]




[...Seduction stepped out from the back looking as smoking hot as ever! She brought her finger to her lips and down and motioned for Art Reed to come and follow her. Reed's eyes went wide. He moved toward the apron and out of the ring. He moved to follow Seduction up the ramp and to the curtain where he got assaulted...]




[...Darryl Devine came out from the back with a chair, slamming it against the skull of Reed! Devine grabbed Reed -- Devine Dream Drop! Reed was laid out on the top of the ramp and Devine grabbed Seduction's hand and headed to the back, the message definitely sent.]




[The big video screen lit up as Art Reed was helped to the back. Showing up on the big screen...]




[...is Enygma! The crowd cheered for the former USPW World Champion! Enygma walked down a hallway and looked around for a moment before he paused at a coke machine. Enygma put in a dollar and pressed a button. He got a can of 'Nestea.' He turned and someone was standing in his path...]




[...Shane Sneer looked to Enygma for a moment with a sneer on his face...]


Shane Sneer

"Nice job pulling in the win for USPW last Saturday, Enygma. Oh, wait, you ARE the former USPW World Champion, aren't you?"


[...Enygma grabbed Sneer by the shirt collar with one hand and cracked open his Nestea with the other, raising it over Sneer's head when a foot came on the screen, cracking Enygma in the head!...]




[...Fumihiro Ota looked down at Enygma as the Nestea poured on his mask and down onto the floor. Ota straightened the shirt of Shane Sneer and Sneer gave him a pat on the chest, motioning for them to go. Ota bowed to him and they walked away as Enygma lay on the ground.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/GregGauge.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JaredJohnson.jpg

Greg Gauge vs. Jared Johnson


[both wrestlers were already in the ring to start this match. Gauge looked a little slow in this battle, which was a surprise to most people. Jared Johnson looked really good, the best he has looked so far in any match. The fans weren't entirely into the match but everyone was surprised when Johnson locked on the Carolina Crossface! Gauge struggled and fought within the hold but he had to tap! Jared Johnson gets his first win here in USPW!]


Winner: Jared Johnson (Via Submission @ 4:24)

Match Rating: D




[The crowd was surprised at the win by Johnson and then turned their focus to the big video screen...]




[...Shane Sneer and Fumihiro Ota were shown within a locker room area...]


Shane Sneer

"Welcome to the Sneer Corporation, Ota. You really made an impact tonight. I am sure that Sam will give you a chance to prove that you're the best masked wrestler here in USPW."


[...Ota bowed again and Shane sneered as we headed back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AprilAppleseed.jpg

Cherry Bomb vs. April Appleseed


[both women were inside the ring as we came back. This wasn't exactly that much of a match as Cherry Bomb dominated from start to finish. Bomb looked really good in her domination and put away Appelseed with a Cherry Bomb and a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (Via Pinfall @ 5:28)

Match Rating: D




[The big video screen lit up as the announcers said that something was going on in the back...]




[...Bruce and Tyson are shown battling backstage! Punches and forearm shots are thrown! Tyson slams Bruce's head onto a table but Bruce fires back with a clothesline that rocks Baine! The crowd in the background cheer for Bruce! Bruce charges Tyson and Tyson grabs him -- spinebuster! What a powerful move by Baine! Baine mounts Bruce and throws punches as security steps in with tasers to break this up and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TedBrady.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg

Ted Brady vs. Andre Jones


[Ted Brady was standing within the ring when we came back and 'Nitro' by The Offspring began to play making the crowd rise to their feet. Andre Jones began slapping hands with the fans on one side and then the other side. Jones looked up toward the veteran Ted Brady. Jones climbed on the apron and he was met by a knee from Brady, sending him to the ground...]


[...Brady exited the ring and grabbed Andre Jones, slamming him into the guardrail and then hooking him -- vertical suplex! Ted Brady rose to his feet and pointed toward a sign: 'Ted Brady's Number 1 Fan!' Brady lifted Jones and rolled him back in the ring before climbing the turnbuckles. He leaped and Jones rolled out of the way with Brady landing chest-first on the mat. The rest of the match was focused on Andre Jones being in control. These two showed great chemistry within the ring and inside, Jones hooked Brady -- Blast From The Past Piledriver! Jones made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 5:01)

Match Rating: D


[...Andre rose up to his feet, raising his arm in the victory...]




James Justice

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You've got no reason to celebrate, Andre."


[...James Justice walked out to the top of the ramp...]


James Justice

"I've just been in the back talking to Sam Strong about what you did to me against Nicky Champion last Saturday night. He cannot overturn the referee's decision from that match but I did ask him about showing you some respect. He granted me a match at USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling at the end of the month: James Justice versus Andre Jones. But right now you're standing in my ring, Andre. I suggest you leave it before I make you leave it."


[...Andre looked at him and made a motion for him to bring it on. James walked halfway down the ramp and then stopped...]


James Justice

"You're not worth my time, Andre. I'll see you on pay-per-view."


[...James turned and left with Andre looking upset he didn't get a chance to fight him tonight.]




[The big video screen lit up again. This time it was focused on the interview area where a wrestler was looking to talk...]




[...It's The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield! Chris looked to the camera for a moment with a big smile on his face...]


Chris Caulfield

"Shawn, you may have won the battle but you're going to lose the war. I have a man here who is going to make sure that your little Hard Corps is put away for good. I thought you might like a brand new sneak peek at your future..."


[...Chris motioned and a figure moved in to join him...]




[...It's Johnny Martin! The heart of DaVE! Johnny stood shoulder to shoulder with Chris Caulfield...]


Johnny Martin

"Hello Shawn. Remember me? I'm one of the first guys you tried to recruit for your Hard Corps group. This man right here is the reason that I turned you down. I got to talking with him and tonight I am going to make my debut right here in a USPW ring as his partner. You can call me the heart and soul of that which you remember as Hardcore, Shawn and Eric and Bryan. Tonight, I am going to prove why."


[...Johnny and Chris shake hands. What a major show with two top debuts!]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Freddie Datsun


['Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand brought the crowd to their feet with boos. Seduction led out her man Darryl Devine from behind the curtain. Darryl smiled and had reason to after his attack on Art Reed earlier in the night. He held Seduction's hand as they walked down to the ring and paused, sliding in as Seduction moved in through the ropes. Devine and Seduction met in the corner and kissed as the music turned off and the iconic guitar sounds of 'Smoke On The Water' by Deep Purple began to play. Freddie Datsun came out in his flannel shirt and high-fived the crowd. The American Everyman stepped into the ring and was clotheslined down by Darryl Devine...]


[...Devine put the stomps on Datsun and then choked him with his boot, holding the ropes. Referee Baby Jamie made him break and then rang the bell for the start of the match. Devine pulled Datsun up and hooked him -- double underhook suplex! A good wrestling move by Devine. He pulled up Datsun and tossed him out of the ring with Datsun hitting the floor hard. Devine got the referee's attention and Seduction pulled off her shoe. Datsun started to pull himself up and Seduction hit him with her shoe! The crowd booed the move and Seduction tugged Datsun into the ring. Datsun's head lay on the apron and Devine used the ropes to springboard over -- legdrop on the apron! A good move by Devine! Devine slid back in the ring and pulled Datsun to his feet. He whipped Datsun to the ropes and stuck his head down but Datsun caught him with a boot!...]


[...Datsun grabbed Devine and body slammed him down to the mat! Datsun bounced off the ropes -- elbow drop! He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Datsun looked toward Seduction for a moment and she backed off back to the guardrail. Datsun picked up Devine and lifted him onto his shoulder. He looked to the crowd and Devine wiggled off his shoulders, falling to his feet behind Datsun! He turned him around -- kick to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! Datsun fell to the center of the ring and Devine made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 10:18)

Match Rating: C




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShawnGonzalez_jhd.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyMartin.jpg

Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes vs. Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin


['miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your'


The crowd rose to their feet in boos as 'Save Me' by Overkill began to play and that music led out both Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes. Holmes raised the USPW World Title to more boos from the crowd. He pointed toward a sign reading: 'Bryan Holmes is the new Enygma!' This would be Holmes's first match since winning the title last Saturday night. The two were joined by Eric Tyler, who remained outside the ring as Holmes and Gonzalez were inside. The music died down and 'Man In The Box' by Alice and Chains began to play. The crowd cheered the classic music and out came Chris Caulfield and Johnny Martin. The crowd cheered for these two hardcore classics. They looked toward the ring and then charged! Holmes and Gonzalez left the ring to meet them! Punches were thrown by both sides as they met up the ramp with Holmes and Caulfield and Gonzalez and Martin doing battle!...]


[...Gonzalez rammed Martin's head into the security railing but Martin threw an elbow to the face! Holmes clotheslined Caulfield over the guardrail and the two of them fought through the fans! Holmes looked around and grabbed a sign reading: 'I know you could do it my 'Olmes!!' He raised it up and banged it over Caulfield's head with a clang! The sign was removed to show a steel backing! Caulfield was busted open by the shot and the match hasn't even started yet! Gonzalez and Martin fought their way toward the ring and slid inside. As soon as they got inside, the bell sounded. Martin rammed Gonzalez into the corner and then climbed up, throwing punches and getting the crowd to count along to ten! Johnny Martin dropped down and kicked Gonzalez in the gut -- double arm DDT! Martin rolled Gonzalez over and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Save out of nowhere by Bryan Holmes! Where did he come from??? Holmes rams Martin's head into the mat three times before referee Jez McArthuer pulls him off and makes him go back to the apron...]


[...Shawn Gonzalez turns his focus to the back of Johnny Martin. He grabs him and rams his back against the turnbuckles, tagging in the USPW World Champion. Holmes with several kicks to the gut of Martin and still Caulfield is nowhere to be found. Holmes tags out again and they whip Martin to the ropes -- double clothesline! Double elbowdrop! Gonzalez gets up and grabs Martin, whipping him to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Gonzalez runs his thumb across his throat and then makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Save by Chris Caulfield now! The Hardcore American has returned and he whips Gonzalez to the ropes -- clothesline by Caulfield! The Hardcore American moves to his corner and reaches for a tag! Eric Tyler is upset outside the ring, yelling instructions and yelling to Gonzalez to tag in Holmes. Gonzalez and Martin crawl toward their corners. The crowd gets behind Johnny Martin but Gonzalez reaches his corner first! Bryan Holmes slides in the ring and grabs Martin's foot, dragging him away from his corner. Martin kicks him with the other leg and then crawls over toward Caulfield, tagging him in!...]


[...Caulfield was still nursing the hurt knee and back from last Saturday but he came in as a house of fire! The Hardcore American took down both Gonzalez and Holmes! Johnny Martin climbed in the ring and went after Shawn Gonzalez! It was a pier six brawl in the center of the ring! Martin and Gonzalez spilled outside the ring and referee Jez McArthuer went to break them up. This gave Eric Tyler an opportunity. He tripped Caulfield as he bounced off the ropes and then tossed a chair inside the ring to Bryan Holmes! Holmes raised the chair -- CRACK! Right over the head of Chris Caulfield! The crowd booed! Holmes dropped the chair and grabbed Caulfield, hooking him in a full nelson -- Final Impact on the chair! He slid the chair out of the ring and made a cover as the referee turned around: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes (Via Pinfall @ 11:32)

Match Rating: B


[...The crowd booed as Shawn Gonzalez and Bryan Holmes were announced as the winners. Outside the ring, Johnny Martin was taking control on Shawn Gonzalez! He rammed the Lone Wolf into the guardrail and then fought him through the fans. Eric Tyler ran to join them out there leaving Bryan Holmes alone in the ring. 'Cult of Personality' kicked in and a figure ran out from the back...]




[...Sammy Bach came running toward the ring! Bryan Holmes stepped back -- right into Chris Caulfield! Caulfield hooked him -- Danger Drop! Sammy Bach mounted Bryan Holmes and started throwing punches! Holmes tried to cover up and officials came running out to break things up and this is how we leave you! We'll see you next week!]

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A lot of surprises on this card but we did have two people get 5/6! Congratulations to Dragonmack and bgbuff!




1. BHK1978=32 Wins

2. xopher316=31 Wins

critical-23=31 Wins

4. Hyde Hill=30 Wins

MichiganHero=30 Wins

6. Lexa90=29 Wins

jhd1=29 Wins

SWF Fan=29 Wins

bgbuff=29 Wins

10. mcorey=28 Wins

11. Dragonmack=23 Wins

12. Bull=18 Wins

13. ChrisKid=7 Wins

smurphy1014=7 Wins

15. Bigpapa42=6 Wins

16. TakerNGN74=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Hernandez

My cat made this pick.

Fumihiro Ota vs. Java


Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Bruce! Smash! Destroy!

Anger vs. Johnny Martin

You know what USPW needs right now? Deathmatches!

Enygma vs. Jack Griffith

[insert witty comment here.]



Its time for Devine to shine!

I got two words for ya... Sammy Freakin Bach!

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Naturally I agree with the above predictions, but I've got to say - Art Reed dragged Giant Redwood to a freakin' C+ rating!?! Give that guy a medal!


Yeah! Suck on that, Redwood fans!!!


Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Hernandez

Hernandez could use the rub.


Fumihiro Ota vs. Java

Ota's got debut momentum whilst Java is a jobber.


Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Poor Ted Brady. . .


Anger vs. Johnny Martin

See the Ota/Jave bout for my reason.


Enygma vs. Jack Griffith

Former champ to be kept strong here.


Gotta admit, Jared winning over a Gauge/Keith was a complete shock even to me. Keep the surprises coming!

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Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Hernandez

Squash part #1

Fumihiro Ota vs. Java

Empire State of Squash

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Once more for emphasis, SSSSQUAAAAAASH.

Anger vs. Johnny Martin

New worker vs aging madman who believes in a mystical Coke bottle. Yeah that is a reeeeeeal tough one.

Enygma vs. Jack Griffith

The one I will probably slip up on. However Enygma is in a storyline, Grifitth isn't and it will probably be a DQ win.

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Naturally I agree with the above predictions, but I've got to say - Art Reed dragged Giant Redwood to a freakin' C+ rating!?! Give that guy a medal!


Duuh! It was of course Redwood who dragged that piece of trash to an acceptable match. If it would have been The Cap vs Redwood, then it would have been an A* match.



Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Hernandez

Fumihiro Ota vs. Java

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Anger vs. Johnny Martin

Enygma vs. Jack Griffith

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Awesome show, and that C+ is a bit of a shocker! My predictions last time around were terrible, fingers crossed I do a bit better this week...


Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Hernandez

Hard Corp play by their own rules. Easy Gonzalez victory.

Fumihiro Ota vs. Java

Ota could be getting into it with Enygma (and Sneer). Perhaps and mask vs. mask feud in the offing?

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant

Bruce is still the man, even if he lost to Baine a couple of weeks ago.

Anger vs. Johnny Martin

New signing against aging veteran with a habit of talking to bottled fizz...

Enygma vs. Jack Griffith

Griffith just isn't getting the push needed to get a win over Enygma.

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24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:














Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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I saw that your birthday is today at the bottom of the main page, so I would just like to wish you a happy birthday!


Also would like to wish you a very happy birthday!


Yes, Happy Birthday my friend :)


Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! Nothing big or special planned today considering the storm outside and all. Though I am planning on getting the card out later tonight. ;)

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Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! Nothing big or special planned today considering the storm outside and all. Though I am planning on getting the card out later tonight. ;)


Your birthday present to us, obviously :D


Happy birthday my friend!

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