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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 August 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 4,948

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.78

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and April Appleseed defeated Belle Bryden, Amber Allen and Cherry Bomb in 6:40 when Raven Robinson defeated Cherry Bomb by pinfall with a Night Faller...C


['miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your'


The music of 'Save Me' By Overkill brings the crowd to their feet within the Huntsville Fairgrounds. Boos litter the arena as a figure steps out from the back...]




[...Bryan Holmes is alone but he raises the USPW World Title and more boos fill the arena. Holmes walks down toward the ring and steps inside, asking for a microphone. Holmes raises the microphone to his lips and pauses as chants of 'You Sold Out, You Sold Out, You Sold Out!' fill the arena. Obviously the fans here heard of Holmes being given a contract by Richard Eisen...]


Bryan Holmes

"First of all, I didn't sell out. I sold up! Richard Eisen came and offered me a contract that I could not refuse. He offered me a first-class job, unlike the one I have here at USPW. There is a reason this company is third-best in the United States. You see, I am the only good wrestler this company has ever had. I am the only decent wrestler to ever come through this company. Boo me all you want but this Tuesday night on SWF Supreme Wrestling I will be handing this USPW World Title to Richard Eisen so that he can put it in the trash can where it belongs."


[...More boos fill the arena! How dare he even insinuate doing that! Bryan starts to leave the ring when...


'I am a real American.

Fight for the rights of every man.

I am a real American.

Fight for what's right

Fight for your life!'


'Real American' by Rick Derringer kicks up and the fans go absolutely wild!...]




[...USPW Owner Sam Strong walks out from the back and eyes Bryan Holmes. Sam walks with a purpose down toward the ring and steps inside coming face-to-face with Bryan Holmes!...]


Sam Strong

"Listen up you spoiled little punk!"


[...Big cheers from the crowd!...]


Sam Strong

"Until Friday you are still within MY company. That means that tonight you are going to defend the USPW World Title in the main event."


[...Holmes shakes his head, refusing to have a match...]


Sam Strong

"If you refuse to do so then I will sue you and take away that little contract that Dick gave you. So tonight I am making the announcement that you will be going one on one with a man you have been ducking for years. This is a man who at the end of the night will be carrying that belt you've got over your shoulders brother. Your opponent tonight...





[...The crowd goes wild at the announcement! Bryan Holmes vs. Sammy Bach tonight for the USPW World Title! Sam Strong is resting the future of USPW on the shoulders of Sammy Bach tonight! Bryan Holmes shakes the ropes angrily! He can't believe it! A fan holds up a sign reading: 'I got two words for ya... Sammy Freakin Bach!' Sam smiles and exits the ring, heading to the back.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShawnGonzalez_jhd.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MainstreamHernandez_alt4.jpg

Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Hernandez


['You gotta keep 'em seperated!'


'Come Out And Play' by the Offspring drives the crowd to boos as Eric Tyler leads out Hard Corps member Shawn Gonzalez down toward the ring. Gonzalez ignores the jeers from the crowd, stepping inside the ring and moving to his corner. He sits down in the corner and waits, eyeing the entrance as his music turns off and 'Elevation' by U2 kicks on. James Hernandez comes out to a good crowd ovation but then satan could maybe get cheered against the Hard Corps team...]


[...This was a very good match to kick off the show and got the crowd prepared for the show up ahead. Hernandez was really off his game, which you cannot be when facing a veteran like Gonzalez. Hernandez showed some good aerial moves though including coming off the top turnbuckle with an asai moonsault to the outside of the ring on Gonzalez. Gonzalez distracted the official during the match, though, and this led to Eric Tyler getting a few shots in on Hernandez. Inside the ring, Gonzalez locked in the Latino Crab and cranked back on it, getting the submission from Hernandez.]


Winner: Shawn Gonzalez (Via Submission @ 6:55)

Match Rating: B-


[The crowd booed this victory and booed even more when the big video screen lit up to show two figures in the interview area...]




[...Shane Sneer stands beside the newly turned Robert Oxford...]


Shane Sneer

"The Sneer Corporation just keeps growing. At Independence Day Slam I fooled each and every one of you humanoids. You were all looking for your big hero Steve Flash to take the gold. Instead, this man made the right choice. He made the right choice in joining the Sneer Corporation. Take a look at this article on USPW.com. It lists the top new arrivals in USPW. There's Art Reed, Shawn Gonzalez and even the man that this man took out: Steve Flash. But there is no mention at all of Robert Oxford. Beginning now this man is going to show you why he shouldn't be overlooked. Steve, if you can hear my voice in your hospital room, Robert Oxford will be waiting for you at Apple Pie And Wrestling. I won't blame you if you don't show up, though."


[...Shane smiles and Robert just looks into the camera stoicly as we head back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FumihiroOta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Java


['Strike of the Ninja' by Dragonforce brought out Fumihiro Ota and Shane Sneer. Shane looks awfully proud of himself after the attacks made by Ota on Enygma last week. Java is waiting inside the ring for Ota and charges Ota to start the match...]


[...Java hits that big avalanche in the corner and then grabs Ota by the head ramming his head again and again in the turnbuckle. Ota managed to get out of the ring and Java followed him! Java began chasing Shane Sneer until he was ambushed by Ota. Ota brought Java in the ring and started using some lightning fast karate kicks to wear down the more powerful Java. Ota dominated the rest of the bout and took out Java with the Ninja Strike before making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Fumihiro Ota (Via Pinfall @ 6:25)

Match Rating: C+


[The crowd is very unhappy about that victory for Ota. They begin to stir slightly with bad guys having won the first two matches...


'Right now!

Hey, it's your tomorrow!

Right now!

Come on, it's everything!'


The crowd has a lot to cheer for as 'Right Now' by Van Halen begins to play. The curtains part...]




[...and National Champion Nicky Champion walks out! Nicky has the belt around his waist as he high fives the crowd walking down toward the ring. He slides inside and asks for a microphone...]


Nicky Champion

"I know I'm not scheduled to be here tonight but I wanted to come out and say hello to all of my fans!"


[...'Nicky, Nicky, Nicky!'...]


Nicky Champion

"Thanks. Thanks a lot. Now, I am not looking to just sit on my title. I want to defend this title against any and all challengers. I want to be a fighting..."


[...Nicky gets cut off by the sounds of the Russian National Anthem. The crowd boos...]




[...As Aaron Jackson walks out with his own wireless microphone...]


Aaron Jackson

"You Americans! You speak about fighting but you know nothing of fighting. You know nothing of wars that have ravaged my country. It is a shame that the great superpower the USSR was broken up by bureaucrats. But now I shall show supreme might of Russian Iron Fist. I will bring down puny American Nicky Champion and bring the National title back home where it belongs to Mother Russia."


[...Nicky just looks at Aaron for a moment...]


Nicky Champion

"So you want a title shot, Aaron? I'll give you a title shot. Apple Pie And Wrestling, Nicky Champion vs. Aaron Jackson, National Title belt on the line."


[...Aaron nodded in acceptance and turned, walking away and to the back while Nicky exited the ring.]


[The big video screen lit up to show the backstage area...]




[...James Justice and Andre Jones are fighting! Andre grabs Justice and rams him into the wall backstage! Justice staggers away but Andre follows him kicking him in the back of the knee. Justice falls and Andre begins punching him in the back of the head! Security, Road Agents and Wrestlers show up to pull Andre off Justice but it looks like Andre has the upper hand right now!]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TedBrady.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Ted Brady vs. Bruce The Giant


[both men were inside the ring when we came back from the video screen. Can you say squash? Bruce dominated this bout, not letting Ted Brady get a move in. Bruce hit Brady with a Giant Headbutt and then grabbed him around the throat and lifted him in the air. He twisted around and around -- Giant Choke Slam! Bruce put his foot on top of Brady's chest: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 2:12)

Match Rating: D+


[...Bruce raised his hand in celebration as the crowd went wild...


'I am a real American.

Fight for the rights of every man.

I am a real American.

Fight for what's right

Fight for your life!'


The crowd went wild as 'Real American' by Rick Derringer began to play. Bruce looked toward the entrance ramp...]




[...USPW Owner Sam Strong walked out and stood at the top of the ramp...]


Sam Strong

"Bruce, tonight I am in a match-making mood. Earlier in the evening you approached me in my office and asked for a chance at revenge against Tyson Baine, brother. I decided to give you that opportunity at Apple Pie And Wrestling but with a little caveat. Bruce The Giant vs. Tyson Baine where the loser must leave USPW for one month! Brother, I hope you know what you're getting into."


[...The crowd appreciated it, Bruce appreciated it! That's all there is to it, right?]


[The big video screen lit up once more. This time showing a figure within the interview area...]




[...Travis Force stood there as the crowd booed...]


Travis Force

"Jim, Jim, Jim. So you still do not understand the true power of the dark side? As you walk through the many paths and plains within the land of Parts Unknown, Jim, you will see that the true power of the Forcemaniacs lies within me. As you travel to get from show to show here within the land of United States Pro Wrestling, I will be there. I will be looking back at you within a mirror. You will see me lying on the other side resting upon the beach of your eternal damnation. I will bury your body within the sand and the water will rush up and over you filling your lungs. You will not be able to fight. You will not be able to breathe. You will not be able to win. Then and only then will you know the true power of the dark side."


[...Travis breathes in through his nose and grunts loudly before we head back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyMartin.jpg

Anger vs. Johnny Martin




We go from one lunatic to another as 'Voices' by Rev Theory begins to play and Anger walks out from the back carrying the mystical coke bottle. He holds it up carefully, listening to the fizzy wisdom as he walks down to the ring. Anger slides inside the ring and stands in his corner as his music turns off and the opening chords to 'Man In The Box' by Alice In Chains begin to play. Johnny Martin gets a good ovation from the crowd as he heads down to the ring, sliding inside and staring off with the lunatic named Anger...]


[...The crowd wasn't really into this match as much as one might have hoped. Anger tried to get them into it when he had the advantage with the Coke bottle. Johnny Martin got a decent response when he had control. Martin was able to wiggle out of a Demon Slam. Then he hooked Anger and hit the slingshot suplex known as the Twist On The Rocks! Martin floated over into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Johnny Martin (Via Submission @ 5:49)

Match Rating: D+


[The camera pans around the arena for a moment, picking up on a sign reading: 'Its time for Devine to shine!' Then the big video screen lights up to show two figures within the interview area...]




[...Darryl Devine is leaning against a wall with his arm around Seduction...]


Darryl Devine

"That's right, I've got the hottest woman in USPW and pretty soon I will have a title that will have me on tv every week. I know that just the thought of that excites every single USPW fan out there. You can call me the women's pet and the men's regret. They regret that they didn't train like me. They regret that they didn't have my obviously good genes. Art Reed, in just a few short weeks you're just gonna be another failed footnote in USPW history. How long have you even been in USPW? Seriously? I don't know why people think that you even deserved a title shot before Absolutely Fine Darryl Devine. Seduction, let's get out of here."


[...Seduction blows a kiss and the two walk off and we head back to the ring.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg

Jack Griffith vs. Enygma


['One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer!'


The crowd boos as George Thurogood pumps through the arena and Southern Justice Jack Griffith walks down the ramp. He yells at the crowd about halfway down the ramp and then continues on, sliding inside the ring. He definitely looks focused despite chants of 'You're A Drunk, You're A Drunk!' His music fades and the spotlights begin to circle the arena as the lights dim...


'You know where you are

You're in the jungle baby

You're gonna die

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle'


'Welcome To The Jungle' kicks in hard and the spotlights form one circle around the man known as Enygma! Enygma points to a sign beside him: 'Enygma: still the real Champ!' He nods his head and walks down toward the ring with the crowd cheering him on. He leaps the guardrail and slides in the ring coming face-to-face with Southern Justice in the center of the ring. The bell is sounded...]


[...This match was not as one-sided as many fans would have you to believe before watching the bout. Griffith was off his game, yes, but he still worked a match that had fans on their feet at times. Griffith held the control early on and brought Enygma down hard to the mat with a neckbreaker. The crowd booed as Southern Justice climbed to the second turnbuckle -- forearm smash! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd breathed a sigh of relief there. But Griffith continued his assault on the back of Enygma, keeping the masked wrestler down. Griffith sent Enygma into the turnbuckle and followed with a corner splash and a one handed bulldog! He made another cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder up!...]


[...At around the six minute mark, Enygma fought out of a sleeperhold and twisted, taking Griffith down with a belly to back suplex. Both men lie on the mat with the crowd clapping and chanting for Enygma to make his comeback! Enygma waved his arm, getting the crowd's support as Shane Sneer brought Fumihiro Ota down toward the ringside area. Sneer got referee Baby Jamie's attention and Ota entered the ring. He measured Enygma and hit him with a swift karate kick to the head! Ota exited the ring and Griffith made a cover as the referee turned back around: 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- NO! Enygma got his shoulder up at the last moment! Referee Baby Jamie signals it was only a two count! Griffith looked frustrated and picked up Enygma. He raised him up in a body slam but the masked wrestler fell behind him. Enygma grabbed the ankle -- Enygma Variation! Griffith struggled and fought, reaching for Shane Sneer, who tried to pull him to the ropes. But they couldn't quite reach and Griffith -- tapped out! Griffith tapped!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 8:48)

Match Rating: B-


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SammyBach_SlowRide.jpg


USPW World Title Match: Bryan Holmes defends vs. Sammy Bach


['Look in my eyes

What do you see?

The Cult of Personality!


I know your anger, I know your dreams

I've been everything you want to be

Oh, I'm the Cult of Personality!'


The crowd looks toward the entrance ramp as 'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour kicks up. The curtains part and a 'Sammy Bach' chant breaks out as the man himself walks out from the back. Sammy high fives the fans, shakes hands and takes off his headband, giving it to some lucky fan in the front row! Bach enters the ring and stretches, listening to the 'Sammy Bach' chants echoing throughout the arena. He may be the most beloved wrestler ever in USPW right now.


'miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your'


'Save Me' By Overkill begins to play and the cheers are drowned out by more boos than perhaps has ever been heard in any arena! Bryan Holmes steps out from behind the curtain and looks toward the fans, hearing the 'You Sold Out' chants! Fans point and yell at Bryan Holmes and he shakes his head walking down toward the ring trying to keep a stoic look on his face but he is definitely worried as he steps up into the ring and slides inside. Holmes looks across the ring toward Sammy Bach. Referee Jez McArthuer is handed the belt and he raises it high for everyone to see. As the music is turned off, another 'Sammy Bach' chant begins and Sammy acknowledges the crowd with a smile. He begins waving his arms, making the chant louder and louder until it is deafening within this arena. The belt is placed at ringside and the two competitors stare each other down from opposite corners when referee Jez McArthuer calls for the bell...]


[...The two men slightly circle each other as the 'Sammy Bach' chant becomes deafening again! They are blowing the roof off this place. Sammy motions toward the crowd and Holmes shakes his head, trying to focus through all the sound echoing throughout this arena. A collar and elbow tieup -- Bach with the go-behind. Holmes tries to wrestle free but Bach lifts Holmes into the air and takes him down to the mat. Bach twirls around and begins slapping Holmes on top of the head before getting to his feet to a huge crowd ovation! Bach motions to the crowd and a 'Sammy Bach' chant starts up again! If nothing else, Bryan Holmes is used to getting some respect but tonight he is getting none of that because he gave none of it earlier in the night. A 'USPW' chant breaks out through the crowd from the Huntsville faithful! Holmes looks to the crowd and paints 'SWF' in the air with his index finger, increasing the boos. The two men meet in the center of the ring and Bach takes Holmes over with a side headlock takedown. Holmes' shoulders are down: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! Bach nearly stole a quick one there! The hold is wrenched on until both men get to their feet. Holmes sends Bach to the ropes and lowers his head -- Bach flips over him and then drops him with a bulldog! The crowd explodes with cheers as Bach makes another cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! You can barely make out the referee's counts because of how loud this arena is!...]


[...The next high spot came about three minutes in when Holmes was sent out of the ring. Bach bounced off the far ropes and used the near ones as a springboard, catching Holmes -- flying headscissors outside the ring! Bach rises and raises his fists to a huge cheer. Bach lifted Holmes and crotched him on the guardrail! Holmes looks hurt! Bach climbs onto the ring apron, reaching in and breaking the count. Then he turns toward Holmes and rushes along the ring apron -- flying side kick sends Holmes into the front row! The fans spit on Holmes as he lies on the ground and security steps in! Holmes grabs the guardrail, pulling himself up as Bach comes flying out of nowhere -- somersault plancha! What air time! Bach gets to his feet and takes in a 'that was awesome' chant! A definite difference between this and a Peter Valentine match, right? Bach lifts Holmes and tosses him over the guardrail and follows him over, getting pats on the back from the fans. He sends Holmes into the ring and follows him in making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! The crowd boos the shoulder being lifted...]


[...Several minutes later and Holmes has taken control with mat-wrestling. He has taken the high-flying Bach and made sure that he cannot get any speed going. Holmes lifts Bach and drops him in a hard gutbuster! Bach holds his ribs and Holmes raises his arms to boos from the crowd! The 'You Sold Out' chants begin again and Holmes ignores them as he pulls Bach to his feet. He wraps his arms around Bach -- Belly to Belly Suplex! Holmes makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Foot On The Ropes! A good save by Sammy Bach! Holmes shakes his head and pulls Bach up again. He bounces off the ropes -- Cyclone Shock Kick! He nailed Bach with one of his finishing moves! He makes the cover...]








...Shoulder UP!...]


[...The crowd positively exploded when Sammy Bach got that shoulder up. Holmes couldn't believe it! Holmes pulled up Bach and rammed his back against the turnbuckles hard. He picked up Bach and set him on the top turnbuckle. Holmes climbed up but Sammy came to life with punches! The crowd cheered with every punch thrown! Bach pushed Holmes off the turnbuckle and onto the mat! Bach turned quickly and dropped -- Split-Legged Moonsault! Bach made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Sammy Bach held the momentum for several more minutes until around the nine minute mark when he missed a Picture Perfect Moonsault, leaving him holding his ribs once again. Holmes got to his feet and rolled Bach into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Holmes shook his head, wondering what he has to do to beat this guy! Holmes pulled Bach up once more with both men getting tired at going at this all-out pace. He wrapped a reverse waistlock -- German Suplex! Holmes twists his body around and gets back up -- a second German Suplex! Holmes twists around another time going for the trifecta -- a third German Suplex: no bridge, all impact! Holmes worked to pull himself up after that and looked down toward Sammy Bach for a moment. He bounced off the ropes and kicked Bach in the head! Holmes pulled Bach up and wrapped in a full nelson -- Final Impact! He bridged into a pinfall...]








[...The crowd exploded when Sammy Bach kicked out of that move! No one here in USPW has EVER kicked out of the Final Impact! The 'Sammy Bach' chant begins once again as Bryan Holmes pulls Sammy Bach up and Bach begins throwing punches! Holmes fires back! The crowd cheer for Bach and boo for Holmes! Cheer! Boo! Cheer! Boo! Cheer! Boo! Bach ducks a punch and the cheering goes on when Bach hits one and another and another! Bach knocks Holmes back into the corner and whips him across the ring to the other side! Bach comes running -- handspring -- backflip -- back elbow into Holmes' mouth! Holmes falls in the corner and rolls out of the ring. He grabs the USPW World Title belt from ringside and slides into the ring. He raises it up to use as a weapon -- referee Jez McArthuer grabs it! He's not gonna let Holmes use it as a weapon! A 'Thank You Jez' chant breaks out! Holmes raises a fist to the referee but Bach grabs Holmes! He hooks in the reverse sleeper and turns it into -- BACH ON YOUR BACK! The crowd goes wild and all stand on their feet! Everyone's eyes are intent on the ring staring at the two athletes. Holmes tries to fight...]


[...Holmes fights...


...He fights...


...He struggles...


...Holmes raises his arm...




...TAPS OUT!...




Winner: Sammy Bach (Via Submission @ 11:52; Sammy Bach wins the USPW World Title)

Match Rating: B


[...The crowd goes absolutely wild as Sammy Bach releases the hold. Sammy Bach has gone from making others look good to becoming the new USPW World Champion! Referee Jez McArthuer hands over the belt as Sammy drops to his knees in the center of the ring! He kisses the belt and raises it up to an explosion of cheers! The locker room clears out with guys like Chris Caulfield, Johnny Martin, Enygma, Art Reed, Jared Johnson all come out to celebrate with Sammy Bach. He gets lifted on their shoulders, raising the USPW World Title!...]


[...'I am a real American.

Fight for the rights of every man.

I am a real American.

Fight for what's right

Fight for your life!'


'Real American' by Rick Derringer begins to play and a smiling figure walks out from the back...]




[...Sam Strong applauds the win as he walks down to the ring and slides inside. Sammy Bach is set down and he gives Strong a hug! What a moment here in wrestling history! Sam asks for a microphone and is given one...]


Sam Strong

"First of all, Sammy, what you did inside that ring tonight was nothing short of amazing. I knew that you would be the man for the job so congratulations on your title victory!"


[...A 'Sammy Bach' chant breaks out once again...]


Sam Strong

"However, there is no rest for the champion. You've got the biggest bullseye painted on your back right now. Next week, we are going to find out exactly who you are going to be facing at USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling. We are going to have a number one contender's match between Chris Caulfield and Shawn Gonzalez!"


[...Caulfield got cheered but Gonzalez was booed...]


Sam Strong

"But enjoy this moment, Champ. You've earned it."


[...Sam pats Sammy on the shoulder and remains in the ring to celebrate with the group that is gathered. Next week: Shawn Gonzalez versus Chris Caulfield...for free? We'll see you then because we're out of time!]


OOC Note: I know I said I wasn't going to do many long match writeups on the regular show but I felt like this match really deserved it and I hope I can get some feedback on that match in particular. Thanks for reading!

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  • Replies 878
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Not surprising that everyone got all 5 correct on this show. Congratulations to BHK1978, xopher316, SWF Fan, eayragt, critical-23, MichiganHero, Lexa90, mcorey, jhd1, bgbuff, Dragonmack and TakerNGN74.




1. BHK1978=37 Wins

2. xopher316=36 Wins

critical-23=36 Wins

4. MichiganHero=35 Wins

5. Lexa90=34 Wins

jhd1=34 Wins

SWF Fan=34 Wins

bgbuff=34 Wins

9. mcorey=33 Wins

10. Hyde Hill=30 Wins

11. Dragonmack=28 Wins

12. Bull=18 Wins

13. TakerNGN74=8 Wins

14. ChrisKid=7 Wins

smurphy1014=7 Wins

15. Bigpapa42=6 Wins

17. eayragt=5 Wins


Welcome to eayragt for making his first predictions in this section of the diary!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 August 2010


Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids

Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz

Robert Oxford vs. Java

Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash

#1 Contender Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


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sorry i missed your birthday....Happy late birthday


Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids

I know wisdom says Devine, but Davids has your girlfriend in his corner....

Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz

another hard one, but I think Brady needs one win...to look a threat?...

Robert Oxford vs. Java

Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash

#1 Contender Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

I just see Gonzalez as the better matchup, but it is hard to pic against Caulfield.

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Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids

Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz

Robert Oxford vs. Java

Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash

#1 Contender Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


And a late happy birthday to you Angel!

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Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids

Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz

Robert Oxford vs. Java

Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash

#1 Contender Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


Sign: My 'Olmes will get his title Bach!!!

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Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids

Quarterback Sack yo!!


Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz

Majority vote here.


Robert Oxford vs. Java

Java = Jobber!


Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Hmmm. . .Martin? Caulfield? USPW looks like the TNA of the C-Verse but in this case the action is better.


Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash

Flash brings cash yo.


#1 Contender Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

Shawn's been on a tear and I would cream in my pants to see Gonzalez/Bach.

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Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids

I have DEVINITY!!!


Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz

Mexican Jobber vs Canadian Old Dude. I'll take a Mexican to go, please.


Robert Oxford vs. Java

Old + Newly Heel = Win in USPW


Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

I like Martin.


Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash

Old + Talented = Win in any promotion.


#1 Contender Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

Face Champion, Heel Contender.

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Great stuff as always, fantastic write up for the last match my friend!


Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids

Start of a Devine push? Looks like it...

Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz

Brady's been on TV more frequently than Ruiz (or so it seems). Plus, BHK's a fan!

Robert Oxford vs. Java

Java's not up to much of note, Oxford's gearing up for a clash with Flash (which rhymes, and should be awesome).

Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin


Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash

See Oxford vs. Java

#1 Contender Match: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

Face champ, heel challenger. Again, should be a good one.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 August 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.79

Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole.


[The show begins within the usual arena of the Huntsville Fairgrounds for some more USPW action! The camera pans around the arena to pick up shots of the fans, including one holding a sign reading: 'My 'Olmes will get his title Bach!!!' as Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr welcome everyone to the show...


'Look in my eyes

What do you see?

The Cult of Personality!


I know your anger, I know your dreams

I've been everything you want to be

Oh, I'm the Cult of Personality!'


'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour has the crowd on their feet!...]




[...NEW USPW World Champion Sammy Bach takes the slow ride out from the back. He gives some high-fives to the fans around ringside. He takes off his headband and puts it on a lucky fan in the front row before entering the ring. He is handed a microphone and he takes in a 'SAMMY BACH' chant! He takes off the USPW World Title and then raises it in the air to more of a cheer...]


Sammy Bach

"First of all, thank you so very much for the rousing ovation here in Huntsville, Alabama!"


[...Cheap pop!...]


Sammy Bach

"Now, onto some business. Tonight, there is going to be a match between Chris Caulfield and Shawn Gonzalez to determine who will face me at the pay-per-view this month. I have a lot of respect for both men. Chris, you've been here at USPW for a long time. You've earned a title shot and it would be my pleasure to face you inside the ring. Shawn, you came in here and you've disgraced the name of that other company that we used to work for. It would be my pleasure to kick your ass. No matter who I face at USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling they better be prepared for a wild ride because Sammy Bach is gonna take them up in the air and then down to the mat."


[...Cult of Personality began to play again and Sammy exited the ring, giving more high fives to the crowd.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids


['Thunderkiss 65' by White Zombie had the fans on their feet as Des Davids walked out from the back. He got down in a threepoint stance and then rushed toward the ring, sliding inside. He made a fake spike and then did a victory dance in the ring as the music turned off. It was replaced by 'Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand. The crowd booed as Seduction led out the arrogant Darryl Devine. Devine looked around, shaking his head at all the boos. He entered the ring and stared down Des Davids...]


[...This match is definitely the future of USPW wrestling. Both of these men are young and strong and looking to make an impact. Des made one early on with some power moves that kept Devine off-balance. Devine, though, made use of Seduction outside the ring, hiding behind her and using her to distract Des Davids so that he could get in a cheap shot. Inside the ring, Devine continued his momentum and finally dropped Davids with a Devine Dream Drop. He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 6:49)

Match Rating: C


[...Seduction entered the ring and raised the arm of Darryl Devine in victory.


'Respect, walk

What did you say?

Respect, walk

Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?'


'Walk' by Pantera had the crowd on their feet!...]




[...Art Reed stepped out from the back and stood at the top of the ramp. Darryl Devine stared down at the USPW World Television Champion. Reed has a microphone...]


Art Reed

"Hey Darryl! Sam just told me that you have a title shot at USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling. I'm cool with that. But I wanted to come out here and let you know that I have a little equalizer myself. Come on out here, baby."


[...Art pointed toward the back and out walked...]




[...The Blonde Bombshell! She walked over and put her arm on Art's shoulder, leaning on him as he raised the microphone to her lips...]


The Blonde Bombshell

"I just love a Champion."


[...She smiled and Art smiled while Darryl and Seduction looked angry at this development. Perhaps Darryl doesn't have the advantage now.]




[The big video screen lit up to show the interview area...]




[...Where Shane Sneer and Fumihiro Ota stand...]


Shane Sneer

"Enygma, I'm gonna make this short and sweet because, honestly, that's all you deserve. You are yesterday's news. Sure, you're a former two-time USPW World Champion but the only thing that means to Shane Sneer and the Sneer Corporation is that you lost the title twice. All these humanoids out there in tv land and in these hick arenas can cheer for you all they want but they're only cheering for you because you're one of them. You're a loser. You're going to find that out at Apple Pie And Wrestling when this man takes care of you. Ota is the future of this business and he's gonna prove that on pay-per-view. Be there."


[...Sneer points to Ota and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TedBrady.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RafaelRuiz.jpg

Ted Brady vs. Rafael Ruiz


[Our second match of the night already had both men inside the ring to start. The Mexican Pit Bull showed some moves early on but the match itself didn't last too long. As Ted Brady took down Rafael Ruiz with a dropkick, there was a disturbance in the audience. Someone came out from the back and no one can really explain who he is. He entered the ring and shoved Ted Brady into a corner, hitting Rafael Ruiz with a Running Big Foot and causing the referee to throw out the match.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 1:59)

Match Rating: D-




[...This massive man began dominating both Ruiz and Brady. He took down Ruiz with a clothesline and grabbed Brady, lifting him up overhead and dropping him over the top rope with a press slam. Brady looked battered and broken as this man looked around. Someone came out from the back...]




[...The crowd booed even more as Eric Tyler showed his face. He made one motion and the masked man left the ring and began walking up to follow him to the back. Could this man be a new member of Hard Corps?]




[The big video screen lit up to show the backstage area once again...]




[...Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine have come face-to-face backstage but several wrestlers are holding them each back. Sam Strong comes along and the two just stare each other down for several long and intense moments. One of these two men will be out for one month following Apple Pie And Wrestling. Who will it be?]




[The cameras focus in on the interview area now...]




[...Where Jim Force is standing! The crowd cheers for the fan favorite...]


Jim Force

"Travis Force. You may think that you know about the power of the Force but you have not walked in my shoes. You have not stepped barefoot within the desert of Kilimanjaro. You have not traveled the African jungles and been crushed by wild elephants. You have not travelled to the deepest areas of Parts Unknown. You are no master of the FFFOOORRRCCCEEE! I am the true master of these powers and I use them for good and not for EEEVVVIIILLL! You are a dastardly no gooder but you are my brother. Therefore, I will not fight you. I will turn you into a power for GGGOOOOOODDD!"


[...Jim grunts and hisses and we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RobertOxford.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpg

Robert Oxford vs. Java


[Java was standing within the ring when we came back...


'Stop as I drop this bomb

Blow up this place like another Vietnam

Heavy like an Oxford blow to the dome

Back up son, gimme room, gimme room!'


'Boom' by the Bloodhound Gang had the crowd booing as Shane Sneer led Robert Oxford out to the ring. Oxford looked as focused as ever for his first singles match since his breakup with Steve Flash...]


[...Java charged early and often in this match but Oxford managed to avoid most of them. Oxford used his superior technical ability in this match to keep Java on his toes. Oxford brought Java down with a fireman's carry takeover and then went to the top turnbuckle -- Top Rope Kneedrop! It went right across Java's throat! Oxford made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Robert Oxford (Via Pinfall @ 6:10)

Match Rating: D




[The big video screen lights up and the crowd goes into instant boos...]




[...Eric Tyler and Shawn Gonzalez are shown within the interview area...]


Eric Tyler

"As you have seen tonight, the Hard Corps is growing. Everyone wants to be a member of the most elite group in professional wrestling. We are the anti-USPW. We are the men who take risks. We are the extreme. We are the Hard Corps. No one is a more fitting example of that than this man right here beside me. Tonight, Shawn Gonzalez gets to prove himself against the man that USPW deems as being Hardcore. That is just a joke. An arrogant joke at that. But tonight that all comes crashing down on their heads as Chris Caulfield is taken care of and Sammy Bach is next."


[...Eric slaps Shawn on the shoulder and we head to the ring.]




[The crowd is ready for some more USPW action. 'Epic' by Faith No More begins to play and the crowd rises in boos...]




[...James Justice walks out from the back! He's not even scheduled to be here tonight! Justice walks down toward the ring and steps inside, demanding a microphone...]


James Justice

"Last week, that thug Andre Jones decided to attack me in the back. I needed three stitches in my head because of that man! Never again. Never again will I allow a man such as him to intimidate me. I have decided to hire a bodyguard. This man will have my back through thick and thin. He will make sure the Andre Jones's of the world cannot attack me. Let me introduce him to you all. He is..."




"Hell's Bouncer!"


[...The man himself came walking out from the back looking all intimidating. He walked slowly out to the ring and climbed in by stepping over the top rope. He held no smile and cold eyes. He stood just behind Justice in the ring, who was smiling. Justice threw the microphone out of the ring and motioned to Hell's Bouncer, who exited the ring with him and they both headed out to the back.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeterValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyMartin.jpg

Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin


['Sharp Dressed Man' by ZZ Top had the crowd booing as Peter Valentine came out from the back. Valentine shook his head at the crowd's reaction and entered the ring. The song was replaced by 'Man In The Box' by Alice In Chains and the crowd rose to their feet with cheers as Johnny Martin walked out. This man is a DaVE and Hardcore ICON. He was forever the company man until DaVE went out of business. Martin steps in the ring and looks across at his opponent...]


[...This match was mostly set up to feature the newcomer Johnny Martin. Martin dominated the fairly short match with the crowd behind him the entire time. He dropped Valentine with a crisp clothesline and then a sharp DDT! Martin looked toward Valentine for a moment and waited for him to get up. As Valentine stood, Martin was slammed on the back with a chair, causing the DQ!]


Winner: Johnny Martin (Via Disqualification @ 4:43)

Match Rating: D




[...Jack Griffith stood over Johnny Martin slamming the chair into his ribs and then over his head! Valentine got up slowly and he took a chairshot as well! Griffith stood tall as a figure came walking out from the back...]




[...It's Eric Tyler! Eric was clapping his hands as Jack dropped the chair. He picked up Johnny Martin -- Jack-in-The-Box! The crowd booed as Eric Tyler slid into the ring and grabbed a microphone...]


Eric Tyler

"I told you that the Hard Corps was growing. I told you all that. Now, you will see the benefits of that growth right here in the man called Southern Justice. He was also a member of that organization we all belonged to. Jack, welcome to Hard Corps."


[...Eric and Jack shake hands! How disgusting!]




[The big video screen lights up and shows the backstage area where a figure comes into view...]




[...The USPW National Champion is seen reaching for something. As the camera pans out, it is seen that there is a flagpole choking the life out of Nicky Champion! The man behind the choking is Aaron Jackson! Aaron drives his knee into Nicky's back, sending him down to the ground! Aaron keeps his knee into the back of Nicky Champion, using the flagpole in a camel clutch type of hold. The fun police come out and break things up. Aaron Jackson looks down at Nicky Champion and gives a mocking salute before walking off.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

Danny Rushmore vs. Steve Flash


['Ready To Strike' by Firewind gets the crowd pumped for the next matchup! Out walks Steve Flash and Katie Cameron. They both high five the audience on their way out to the ring. Steve comes in via the top turnbuckle and Katie stands outside the ring as the music changes. 'Bodies' by Drowning Pool begins to play and out walks the man known the Mount. Danny Rushmore is led out by his manager Shane Sneer. Sneer looks over toward Katie Cameron, who keeps to her side of the ring. Rushmore looks up and catches a cross body from Steve Flash over the top rope!...]


[...Steve throws punches to the head of Rushmore before he gets up. He waits for Rushmore to get almost up and then sends a running kneelift to the head! Flash grabbed Rushmore and rushed him to the ring, tossing him inside. Flash went up to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Rushmore to get up. Rushmore turned -- Flying Cross Body! Flash hooked the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! A near fall this early for Steve Flash! The bell finally sounded to begin the match and so far it was all Steve Flash. The crowd was really behind that fact, though. Flash went back to the top turnbuckle and leaped -- clothesline by Rushmore! Flash landed flat on his back sucking air. Rushmore pushed to his feet and grabbed Flash, wrapping him up in a Bear Hug. Flash struggled and fought but couldn't get Rushmore to release the hold. Rushmore finally released the hold of his own power and sent Flash to the ropes -- Spinebuster! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Rushmore's momentum continued until around the five minute mark when Flash avoided the Atomic Boot! Flash legsweeped Rushmore to his back and then dropped a sharp elbow. Flash got to his feet and headed to the top turnbuckle -- Corkscrew Moonsault connects! Flash is definitely wowing the crowd here! He pulled Rushmore to his feet despite protests outside the ring by Shane Sneer. He sent Rushmore to the near ropes -- Flash Bang! What a move! Flash made a quick cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Steve Flash has beaten one member of the Sneer Corporation!]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Pinfall @ 6:41)

Match Rating: C-




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShawnGonzalez_jhd.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

#1 Contender Match

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


['You gotta keep 'em Seperated!'


The crowd booed as 'Come Out And Play' by The Offspring began to play through the speaker system as they know exactly who that means. Eric Tyler led out the charter member of the Hard Corps: Shawn Gonzalez. Once a Lone Wolf but not anymore. Shawn enters the ring and moves over to a corner, slouching down in it as he stares toward the entrance ramp. Eric Tyler stands outside the ring, waiting as the music turns off. 'Born In The USA' by Bruce Springsteen begins to play and the crowd turns toward the entrance ramp! Out from the curtains comes the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield! Chris takes off his bandana and tosses it into the crowd charging toward the ring. Shawn Gonzalez exits the ring and Chris stares him down...]


[...Gonzalez speaks for a moment or two with Eric Tyler and moves slowly to get inside the ring. He definitely seems to be taking this match very seriously. Gonzalez enters the ring and stares down Caulfield as the bell sounds. Shawn Gonzalez begins the match at a very slow and methodical pace. He uses things like tieups into the corner and tests of strength to keep the pace nice and steady. He also uses the ropes to keep Caulfield away from him at times. He knows that this is a big opportunity for him and he sure doesn't want to blow it. Caulfield also seemed content with the slow pace to start with. But Caulfield was the one to land the first solid blow with several punches that rocked Gonzalez backward. Caulfield took control with a big clothesline! He picked up Gonzalez and dropped him with a hard body slam to the mat. He bounced off the ropes -- big splash! Caulfield made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Gonzalez waited until the last moment to kick out of that pin attempt. Caulfield got to his feet and continued his momentum...]


[...At around the seven minute mark, Gonzalez managed to get a rake of the eyes on the big Hardcore American and take control for him. Gonzalez had been just biding his time and he sent Caulfield out of the ring. Gonzalez distracted the official while Eric Tyler took the camera cable and wrapped it around the throat of Caulfield, choking him down to the ground. Caulfield struggled but Tyler had it on tight! Eric Tyler released it before the referee turned around and referee Jez McArthuer started his count. Caulfield made it in at the nine count. Gonzalez picked up Caulfield and dropped him to the mat with a big belly-to-belly suplex! He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up!...]


[...At around the eleven minute mark, Chris Caulfield geared up for his big comeback. He took Gonzalez down with a belly-to-back suplex out of a Sleeperhold and the crowd really got behind the Hardcore American! Chris fought his way up to his feet and began throwing punches on Shawn Gonzalez, though they didn't have the snap on them like they did earlier in the evening. Caulfield kicked Gonzalez in the gut and hooked him -- double underhook suplex! He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Shawn Gonzalez rolled out of the ring following the pinfall attempt. He attempted to talk with Eric Tyler but Chris Caulfield came out there! He clotheslined down Gonzalez and made a threatening gesture to Eric Tyler! Eric backed off and Caulfield rammed Gonzalez's head into a ringside table. Gonzalez staggered around for a moment and found himself tripping up and over the guardrail. Caulfield leaped the guardrail and picked up Gonzalez, who headbutted him! Gonzalez raked the eyes of Caulfield and pulled him in, raising him up in a Piledriver position but Caulfield fought to go back down! Caulfield elevated Gonzalez in a back body drop as the bell sounded.]


Winner: Draw (Via Double Countout @ 15:03)

Match Rating: C+


[...Chris Caulfield looked up toward the ring as the match was declared a draw. He shook his head, wondering if his title opportunity was dropped by the wayside. Shawn Gonzalez grabbed him from underneath and catapulted him into a chair! Gonzalez got up as Eric Tyler came over. The two of them grabbed Caulfield and dropped him in a double DDT! The two of them extended their arms in a cross-like fashion as they stood over Caulfield and that's all we have for you tonight! We'll see you next week right here on USPW American Wrestling!]

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Several people got 4/6 this time around! Congratulations to Lexa90, BHK1978, SWF Fan, MichiganHero and jhd1!




1. BHK1978=41 Wins

2. xopher316=39 Wins

critical-23=39 Wins

MichiganHero=39 Wins

5. Lexa90=38 Wins

jhd1=38 Wins

SWF Fan=38 Wins

8. bgbuff=37 Wins

9. mcorey=36 Wins

10. Hyde Hill=33 Wins

11. Dragonmack=30 Wins

12. Bull=18 Wins

13. TakerNGN74=8 Wins

14. ChrisKid=7 Wins

smurphy1014=7 Wins

15. Bigpapa42=6 Wins

17. eayragt=5 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 4 August 2010


Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash and Enygma

The Masked Avatar vs. Bruce The Giant

Amber Allen vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion

Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. Art Reed

James Justice vs. Jim Force

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach


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Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash and Enygma


The Masked Avatar vs. Bruce The Giant


Amber Allen vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Non Title: Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion


Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. Art Reed


James Justice vs. Jim Force

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach

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<p>Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. <strong>Steve Flash and Enygma</strong></p><p>

The Masked Avatar vs. <strong>Bruce The Giant</strong></p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

Non Title: <strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. Art Reed</p><p>

<strong>James Justice</strong> vs. Jim Force</p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs.<strong> Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach</strong></p>

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<p>Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. <strong>Steve Flash and Enygma</strong></p><p>

The Masked Avatar vs. <strong>Bruce The Giant</strong></p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

Non Title: <strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. Art Reed</p><p>

<strong>James Justice</strong> vs. Jim Force</p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. <strong>Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach</strong></p>

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<p>Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs.<strong> Steve Flash and Enygma</strong></p><p>

The Masked Avatar vs.<strong> Bruce The Giant</strong></p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

Non Title: <strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. Art Reed</p><p>

<strong>James Justice</strong> vs. Jim Force</p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. <strong>Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach</strong></p>

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Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash and Enygma

The Masked Avatar vs. Bruce The Giant

Amber Allen vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Non Title: Ted Brady vs.
Nicky Champion

Non Title: Tyson Baine vs.
Art Reed

James Justice vs. Jim Force

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs.
Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach


BHK, I will catch up with you!

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<p><strong>Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota</strong> vs. Steve Flash and Enygma</p><p>

The Masked Avatar vs. <strong>Bruce The Giant</strong></p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

Non Title: <strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. Art Reed</p><p>

<strong>James Justice</strong> vs. Jim Force</p><p>

<strong>Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith</strong> vs. Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach</p>

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Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash and Enygma

The Masked Avatar vs. Bruce The Giant

Amber Allen vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion

Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. Art Reed

James Justice vs. Jim Force

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach

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<p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. </span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong> Steve Flash and Enygma</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">

The Masked Avatar vs. </span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong>Bruce The Giant</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">

Amber Allen vs. </span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. </span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong>Nicky Champion</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">

Non Title: </span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong>Tyson Baine</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> vs. Art Reed</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong>James Justice</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> vs. Jim Force</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. </span><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><strong>Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach</strong></span></p>

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