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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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<p>Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. <strong>Steve Flash and Enygma</strong></p><p>

The Masked Avatar vs. <strong>Bruce The Giant</strong></p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

<strong>Non Title: Tyson Baine</strong> vs. Art Reed</p><p>

<strong>James Justice</strong> vs. Jim Force</p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach[/b] - Sammy Bach is in my top 3 favourite CVerse wrasslers man, Bach for the win and to be crowned King of the World</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>I just wanted to say a sincere thanks to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday. I know it's been nearly a week and all since the birthday but still thank you to everyone. It was probably my worst birthday yet so having the GDS family here definitely helps.</em></strong></p></div><p></p>
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<p>Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. <strong>Steve Flash and Enygma</strong></p><p>

<em>Gotta go for Enygma.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Masked Avatar vs. <strong>Bruce The Giant</strong></p><p>

<em>Poor. . .you, lol.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

<em>Coin toss. Sorry, J-Ro.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. <strong>Nicky Champion</strong></p><p>

<em>Easy pick. But I still call non-title shenanigans of some kind.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Non Title: <strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. Art Reed</p><p>

<em>Reed might win by DQ but i see another win for Baine.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>James Justice</strong> vs. Jim Force</p><p>

<em>SQUASH~!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. <strong>Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach</strong></p><p>

<em>Bach/Caulfield = Chrisitian/Dreamer in my opinion.</em></p>

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24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:














Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash and Enygma

Enygma swings things for me here.

The Masked Avatar vs. Bruce The Giant

Easy. He may be face right now but a Bruce squash still would be a sensible move.

Amber Allen vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Allen is never going to be the face of USPW's women's division, J-Ro just might.

Non Title: Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion

Brady's just not a star, whereas Champion is a future world champion.

Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. Art Reed

I can see a DQ win for Reed but I'm not sure how impressed Baine would be about it...

James Justice vs. Jim Force

Jim may be on a roll with Travis but JJ is still the name.

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach

Again, the champion Bach swings it for me. Probably be a DQ after the rest of the Hard Corps run in.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 August 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 2.01

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: Alicia Strong comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C-




[We are here in Huntsville, Alabama at a sold-out Huntsville Fairground for USPW action! The fans get to their feet and begin a 'USPW' chant as the camera pans around. Then the crowd boos as a figure walks out from the back...]




[...With no ring music, Eric Tyler walks right to the ringside area and grabs a microphone before entering the ring...]


Eric Tyler

"Last week, everyone here in Huntsville saw a miscarriage of justice. Chris Caulfield went to a double countout against my man Shawn Gonzalez. Now, there is no number one contender to the USPW World Title. What I suggest is that since Shawn was obviously the better man in that contest he should get the title shot at Apple Pie And Wrestling. It would only be fair to my man, wouldn't it?"


[...'I am a real American.

Fight for the rights of every man.

I am a real American.

Fight for what's right

Fight for your life!'...]


[...The crowd goes wild as 'Real American' kicks up and they look toward the curtains...]




[...As Sam Strong walks in from the back. The USPW Owner gets a 'Sam Strong' chant from the crowd as he pauses at the top of the ramp looking toward Eric Tyler...]


Sam Strong

"Listen up, brother. I'm out here because I want to do what's right by these fans, dude. I want to make sure that each and every one of them get their money's worth, especially live on pay-per-view. So what I have signed and it is official. At USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling, Sammy Bach will defend the USPW World Title against Shawn Gonzalez."


[...Eric Tyler smiles in the ring while a few boos spill out...]


Sam Strong

"Oh and against Chris Caulfield! It will be a three way match, brother!"


[...The crowd pops and begins a 'Caulfield' chant as Eric Tyler kicks the ropes and yells at Sam Strong from the ring...]


Sam Strong

"But that's not all. You see, brother, I know that you want to face the best competition in the world. You want your men to face some supreme talent, dude. So at USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling we are going to have a dream partner tag team match. Jack Griffith from the Hard Corps Revolution will pick a partner and Johnny Martin will pick a partner. It will be a tag team match the likes of which have never been seen here in USPW. Everyone enjoy the show."


[...'Real American' plays again as Sam Strong gets in the last word before returning to the back.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RobertOxford.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FumihiroOta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash and Enygma


[...'Stop as I drop this bomb

Blow up this place like another Vietnam

Heavy like an Oxford blow to the dome

Back up son, gimme room, gimme room!'


'Boom' by the Bloodhound Gang plays as the two members of the Sneer Corporation walk out from the back along with their manager Shane Sneer. The crowd boos these two as they enter the ring and stand within their corner. The music slowly comes to an end and the lights dim. Spotlights shine all over the arena making the crowd go wild because they know who's coming up.


'You know where you are

You're in the jungle baby

You're gonna die

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle'


'Welcome to the Jungle' by GNR begins to play. The spotlights focus on one area of the arena where Enygma and Steve Flash are standing along with Katie Cameron! Katie leads the two through the crowd and down to the ring...]


[A pretty good match to start the night off with in some tag team action. Enygma was obviously the favorite of the fans in this one overall. Whenever he was in the ring, the crowd would pop for each and every one of his moves. Enygma seemed a little off his game tonight, though. The match went back and forth until it became a pier four brawl with all four men battling inside the ring. Enygma and Ota fell outside while Oxford and Flash were the two legal men. The referee was trying to get Enygma and Ota seperated and Shane Sneer tossed Oxford his shoe! Flash turned and was belted with the shoe! Robert Oxford went to the top turnbuckle -- Top Rope Kneedrop! Oxford grabbed the referee and turned him around as he made a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Ota grabs Enygma's leg so he can't make the save -- 3! What an upset win for the Sneer Corporation!]


Winners: Robert Oxford and Fumihiro Ota (Via Pinfall @ 7:46)

Match Rating: C




[The big video screen lights up to show the interview area...]




[...Andre Jones walks into that area looking down for a moment and then up toward the camera...]


Andre Jones

"James, I know that you think that by hiring Hell's Bouncer as your bodyguard that you're going to intimidate me. But being a two sport athlete like I am it just doesn't happen that way. Hell's Bouncer is going to be standing outside the ring while you and I will be inside. I am an athlete who is not intimidated by being around monsters. A lot of the volleyball players were bigger than me. But that didn't make me back down. It just made me work harder. At Apple Pie And Wrestling, you're gonna see that hard work pay off."


[...Andre nodded and we headed back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

The Masked Avatar vs. Bruce The Giant


[both men were in the ring as we came back. SQUASH! The masked man never had a chance in this match. Bruce toyed with his meat for about a minute and fifty seconds before he grabbed him around the throat and spent about eight seconds holding the Masked Avatar in the air. He dropped him hard with the Giant Choke Slam and put his foot on Avatar's chest: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 2:03)

Match Rating: C




[The big video screen lights up to show backstage in a locker room...]




[...With Steve Flash and Katie Cameron. Steve is holding ice to his throat as Katie looks at him with worry...]


Katie Cameron

"That throat is going to get better, Steve. You'll be able to get your revenge this Saturday night at Apple Pie And Wrestling. Robert won't know what hit him and it will be done in a flash."


[...Katie pats Steve on his shoulder and Steve just looks at her with concern in his eyes.]




[in another area backstage...]




[...Enygma is walking, shaking his head. He lost a major bout earlier tonight in tag team action. He opens the door to his locker room and is staggered back by a swift kick to the head...]




[...Fumihiro Ota comes forward with kicks staggering Enygma. Ota sets up -- Ninja Strike! The move connects! Shane Sneer stands behind Ota with a smile on his face. He directs Ota away before security can step onto the scene. Will this be the scene at Apple Pie And Wrestling?]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AmberAllen.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg

Amber Allen vs. Joanne Rodriguez


[both women were in the ring as we came back. The only thing decent that can be said about this match is that it was short. Not only did the two workers have several botched spot due to no chemistry but the crowd turned on the match. Several people were spotted headed up the aisles to the bathroom and the concession stands. Oh, by the way, J-Ro won with a J-Rocker and a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (Via Pinfall @ 3:27)

Match Rating: D-




[The big video screen lights up showing a locker room area with two figures seated side by side on a bench. A zoom-in reveals...]




[...Darryl Devine and Seduction...]


Darryl Devine

"Seduction, what am I gonna do? Art Reed found himself a slut to hang around with and be at his matches! There's no way I can beat him now."



"I know, baby. But I'll still be here for you."


[...The two look at each other and both start laughing...]


Darryl Devine

"Does he really think I'm afraid because he got some women from a B-Rated movie to stand at ringside for him? Doesn't he realize who I am?"



"You are absolutely fine."


Darryl Devine

"That's right. Darryl Devine. This Saturday, we're gonna celebrate with the USPW World Television Title."


[...Darryl leans in and kisses Seduction and we head elsewhere.]




[The camera follows a figure walking down a hallway backstage...]




[...It's Johnny Martin! And he pauses by the infamous USPW Coke Machine. He looks at all the choices when he suddenly gets shoved against the machine...]




[...Martin is surrounded by the Hard Corps! This unnamed masked man is pressing him hard against the machine. Jack Griffith and Shawn Gonzalez get in some kicks! This masked man releases Martin and takes a few steps back -- Running Big Foot! He crushes Martin's skull against the Coke machine! Jack Griffith stomps on the fallen body of Johnny Martin and spits on him as Eric Tyler looks on all smiles. The crowd boos in the background and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TedBrady.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg

Non Title

Ted Brady vs. Nicky Champion


[both wrestlers were in the ring as we came back. Another squash here tonight in this match as the match was a showcase for the USPW National Champion. Nicky hit Ted Brady with a big pumphandle slam late in the match and then got set up as Brady pulled himself to his feet -- Hawkeye Hammer! The lariat connects and Champion makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 2:02)

Match Rating: D+


[...Nicky gets the win, getting his arm raised when he is attacked from behind...]




[...It's Aaron Jackson! He has a chain and he is wrapping it around the throat of Nicky Champion! Nicky tries to fight out of it with the crowd getting behind him but he starts to succumb to the choking pressure! Nicky drops to a knee and then falls to the mat. Aaron releases and wraps the chain over his shoulders. He looks down at Nicky Champion and gives him a salute of dismissal and then walks off.]




[The big video screen lights up and shows the interview area with the USPW logo in the background...]




[...Chris Caulfield and USPW World Champion Sammy Bach look toward the camera...]


Chris Caulfield

"First of all, I never fully congratulated you on winning the USPW World Title Sammy. So congratulations. With that being said, you and I will be on the same side tonight and opposite sides this Saturday. You and I need to work together tonight. I propose a truce tonight. We take care of business and then we turn our attention to Saturday."


Sammy Bach

"I agree, Chris. This Saturday night will happen then. Tonight we are on the same side against two members of the Hard Corps. If we aren't focused then we are going to lose and I really don't like losing. Tonight, Gonzalez and Griffith? Sammy Bach is gonna take you up into the air and drive you down to the mat."


[...Chris and Sammy shake hands and we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BlondeBombshell_alt.jpg

Non Title

Tyson Baine vs. Art Reed


['Respect, walk

What did you say?

Respect, walk

Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?'


'Walk' by Pantera begins to play and the crowd rises to their feet as the USPW World Television Champion and 'Pure Athlete' Art Reed and his manager Blonde Bombshell walk out. They high five the fans on their way down to the ring, stepping inside as Reed's music comes to a close.


'We're on a highway to hell!'


'Highway To Hell' by AC/DC begins to play. The crowd boos as Tyson Baine steps out from the back. Baine focuses, walking down to the ring. He steps in over the top rope and looks across toward the USPW World Television Champion...]


[...Definitely not a squash from either wrestler. This was an open match that showcased the talents of both men. Baine showed a little more agility as he hit Reed with a flying clothesline. Reed came back later with an STF and nearly got the submission from the larger wrestler. But Baine rose to his feet and rammed Reed into the corner. A major turning point came when Darryl Devine walked out from the back and moved to ringside. Reed was setting Baine up for the Dread Lock when Darryl came over toward Blonde Bombshell. She backed away from him yelling for help. This distracted Reed and gave Baine some time to get to his feet. When Reed turned around, Baine grabbed him by the throat -- Hades Bomb! Baine made the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 7:10)

Match Rating: C




[...Seduction also came down to ringside. Devine slid into the ring and put the boots to Art Reed! Devine picked him up -- Devine Dream Drop! Reed is laid out in the ring! Devine smiles and exits the ring with Seduction, passing a very large man...]




[...Bruce The Giant walks out from the back looking toward Tyson Baine! Baine looks back to Bruce and as Bruce hits ringside so does a group of wrestlers. These two will meet this Saturday with the loser leaving USPW for a month!]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_jhd2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/HellsBouncer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_jhdad4.jpg

James Justice vs. Jim Force


['Epic' by Faith No More begins to play and the crowd boos as Hell's Bouncer leads James Justice out from the back. Hell's Bouncer takes a long look around, keeping an eye out for anyone who may attack Justice. They get to ringside and Bouncer crosses his arms across his chest as Justice enters the ring and his music comes to a close...


'I am Iron Man!'


'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath begins to play and this can only mean the entrance of one man. The crowd raises their Jim Force dolls and merchandise as the man himself comes running in from the back! He hits the ring and begins exchanging punches with James Justice!...]


[...Jim Force gets the advantage and he rocks Justice with a clothesline! Force bounces off the ropes -- clothesline! He bounces off another side -- clothesline! He bounces off another -- no! He gets tripped by Hell's Bouncer. Justice pulls himself up and drops an elbow on Jim Force as the referee didn't see the trip. Justice pulls Force up and whips him into the ropes -- high knee! Justice pulls up Force and rams his head into the turnbuckle, throwing punches and bringing the electric Force all the way down to the bottom! Referee Baby Jamie pulls Justice back and Hell's Bouncer reaches in and chokes Jim Force! Bouncer releases before the referee turns back around...]


[...Later in the match, Jim Force avoids a Dude Knee Drop and pulls himself up as the crowd gets into the match. Force picks up Justice and body slams him to the mat. He goes for a big splash -- connects! Force calls for the Full Force! He picks up Justice and hooks him -- the lights start blinking! Jim pauses as he has Justice up in the air. Jim looks around and Travis Force's face appears on the big video screen. Everyone turns their attention there and Justice rocks back to his feet. He switches things around on Jim Force -- Liberation Slam! Justice makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 7:03)

Match Rating: C+




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShawnGonzalez_jhd.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SammyBach_SlowRide.jpg

Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith vs. Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach


['You gotta keep 'em seperated!'


'Come Out And Play' by the Offspring begins and boos slide through the crowd as the curtains part. Eric Tyler leads Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith out from the back and to the ring. They move over toward their corner getting some last minute advice from Tyler as the music comes to a close.


'Look in my eyes

What do you see?

The Cult of Personality!


I know your anger, I know your dreams

I've been everything you want to be

Oh, I'm the Cult of Personality!'


The crowd raises to their feet looking toward the entrance ramp as 'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour begins to play. The curtains part and out walks Sammy Bach and Chris Caulfield. Sammy raises the USPW World Title to massive cheers from the crowd. He looks toward Caulfield and the two men run to the ring. Shawn Gonzalez and Jack Griffith drop out as Chris and Sammy hit the ring...]


[...Shawn Gonzalez and Chris Caulfield begin inside the ring and Shawn backs Chris into a corner. Gonzalez throws some punches and then hits a sharp hip toss. Gonzalez clotheslines down Caulfield. He picks him up and whips him into the ropes. Caulfield ducks a clothesline and comes back with one of his own! The crowd gets energized as Caulfield picks up Gonzalez and body slams him in his corner. Caulfield tags out to Sammy Bach. Bach climbs the turnbuckles, waiting for Gonzalez to get to his feet -- Flying Cross Body! Bach makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Bach picks up Gonzalez and sends him into a corner. Bach chases him in and climbs up -- Monkey Flip out of the corner! Gonzalez makes a quick tag to Griffith...]


[...Around four minutes in and Griffith and Gonzalez have gotten an advantage over Chris Caulfield. Caulfield is within their corner and they're taking turns tagging in and out and working him over. Griffith hooks him -- gutwrench suplex! A good wrestling move by Griffith. Griffith drops an elbow and then presses a knee into the side and chest of the Hardcore American. He grabs the arm and stretches him out looking for a submission. Caulfield shakes his head, though. He fights upward and sends Griffith to the ropes -- double clothesline! Both men go down. The crowd gets behind Caulfield as he tries to make the tag. Sammy Bach reaches his arm out, waiting and waiting and waiting -- Caulfield -- makes the tag! But so does Jack Griffith!...]


[...Shawn Gonzalez throws a clothesline but Bach ducks! He hooks Gonzalez -- atomic drop! Bach bounces off the ropes -- dropkick! Gonzalez rolls out of the ring and Sammy Bach bounces off the ropes -- suicide dive onto Gonzalez! Eric Tyler looks on in horror! Chris Caulfield and Jack Griffith enter the ring throwing punches! Bach gets to his feet and grabs Gonzalez hitting his head on the steel guardrail! He whips Gonzalez -- reversal! Bach hits backfirst on the steel steps! Eric Tyler waves and that unnamed masked man comes running from the back. Gonzalez lifts Bach as the masked man hits -- Running Big Foot! The crowd boos and the bell is called for.]


Winners: Chris Caulfield and Sammy Bach (Via Disqualification @ 9:40)

Match Rating: B-




[...Chris Caulfield exits the ring to help out but the numbers game takes him down. Caulfield and Bach are rolled into the ring. Jack Griffith grabs Bach -- Jack-in-The-Box! Bach is down! Shawn Gonzalez exits the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in. Chris Caulfield tries to pull himself up -- Gonzalez with a chair across his back! The crowd boos! Gonzalez drops the chair and hooks Caulfield -- Latino Crab! Gonzalez holds onto the top rope getting extra leverage! Jack Griffith hooks a crossface! Eric Tyler motions the masked man. The masked man picks up Sammy Bach and puts his head by the turnbuckle -- Running Big Foot! Bach falls crumpled to the mat. Eric Tyler picks up the chair and turns it vertical. He raises it up and hits the back of Chris Caulfield. Then he turns toward Sammy Bach and slams the chair over his head! Gonzalez and Bach release Caulfield and the Hard Corps stand tall at the end of the show with arms raised. Will they be standing tall at USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling?]

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Many people got 6/7 this week! The opening tag match seemed to have stumped many. Congratulations to TakerNGN74, Dragonmack, xopher316, SWF Fan, bgbuff, Lexa90, mcorey, tristram, critical-23 and jhd1!




1. BHK1978=46 Wins

2. xopher316=45 Wins

critical-23=45 Wins

4. MichiganHero=44 Wins

Lexa90=44 Wins

jhd1=44 Wins

SWF Fan=44 Wins

8. bgbuff=43 Wins

9. mcorey=42 Wins

10. Dragonmack=36 Wins

11. Hyde Hill=33 Wins

12. Bull=18 Wins

13. TakerNGN74=14 Wins

14. ChrisKid=7 Wins

smurphy1014=7 Wins

16. Bigpapa42=6 Wins

tristram=6 Wins

18. eayragt=5 Wins


Welcome to tristram for his first predictions in this contest! Hope to see more predictions and comments within the future!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 August 2010


Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses:

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash


Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses: Alex Braun for Johnny Martin. Larry Wood for Jack Griffith.


USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion


James Justice vs. Andre Jones


USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed


Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant


Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses: Griffith and Henry Lee vs Martin and Alex Braun

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash[/b


]Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses: Jesse Christian for Jack, Alex Braun for Johnny


USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones


USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed


Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant


Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and Henry Lee vs. Johnny Martin and NEMESIS!!!!!

Mystery Partners Guesses: see above

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses:

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


Fan sign: Enygma: Ninja Fumigator

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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses: Larry Wood (Jack Griffith), Jim Force(Johnny Martin)

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash



Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

I hate guessing but I am very interested in this match.


USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

Champ keeps rolling, yo.


James Justice vs. Andre Jones

Too soon for Jones to really step up and just out right beat Justice but he could get a helluva rub from him.


USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

I see a possible DQ win here.


Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

I want Baine to win as you need a monster heel but Bruce might be too popular.


Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

Once again, the former champ is kept strong.


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

Be a shame to let such a talent like Back not retain.

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Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses: Jesse Christian for Jack. Henry Lee for Johnny.

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

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Sorry I thought I had already picked.


Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash



Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???


Mystery Partners Guesses: Bruiser Brody and Chuck Finley (what the former Angels Pitcher can't show up in a match?



USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion



James Justice vs. Andre Jones


USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed



Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant



Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma



USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


This ain't Destiny's dynastys. Sorry BHK.

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Can't wait for this one - you always do a great job of making the PPVs feel that extra bit special :D


Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Payback time!

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses: Larry Wood and Alex Braun perhaps?

Going for an all-out-mayhem finish for this one.

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

Too soon for a change but I think we'll see an interesting story develop between the two.

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

Justice is just the bigger name at the moment.

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Can easily see a Devine victory but I'm holding out for Reed!

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

No idea at all. Only reason I've gone for Bruce is his reluctance to lose.

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

Again, could go either way but I think Enygma should still be the favourite.

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield

Too early for a title change I think, unless Bach has done a Holmes!

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Sorry for missing so many of the predictions, but now I'm here to predict again! :D


Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash

Dream Partner Tag Match: Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???

Mystery Partners Guesses: N/A

USPW National Title Match: Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. Andre Jones

USPW World Television Title Match: Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month: Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield



Nicky National Champion!

Bach has his Back again the wall!

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Can't wait for this one - you always do a great job of making the PPVs feel that extra bit special :D


Glad you're looking forward to the card. I do try to make the pay-per-views a little more special than the regular cards. After all, if people are shelling out $39.99 to watch a pay-per-view then they better get their money's worth, right? :cool:


Sorry for missing so many of the predictions, but now I'm here to predict again! :D


I understand all about being busy in r/t and all. Glad to see you back though!

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Saturday Week 4 August 2010

Location: Louisiana Auditorium (South East)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: 1.09

There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Des Davids defeated Peter Valentine in 4:13 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack...D+


Pre Show: In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alicia Strong and Joanne Rodriguez defeated Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb in 5:59 when Joanne Rodriguez defeated Cherry Bomb by pinfall with a J-Rocker...C-




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RobertOxford.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

Robert Oxford vs. Steve Flash


[...'Stop as I drop this bomb

Blow up this place like another Vietnam

Heavy like an Oxford blow to the dome

Back up son, gimme room, gimme room!'


'Boom' by the Bloodhound Gang draws the crowd to their feet booing the first participant of the night coming out. Robert Oxford walks out alongside Shane Sneer. Sneer has the typical look upon his face and Oxford looks stoic. Oxford climbs into the ring and moves to the far corner as the song slowly comes to a stop. The upbeat guitar beginning of 'Ready To Strike' by Firewind plays and Steve Flash walks out alongside Katie Cameron. Flash high fives the crowd as he walks down and then enters the ring looking across at Oxford...]


[...This opening bout was a very good technical match to begin the show with. The two men traded hold for hold in the outset of the match. Flash started to get control and a dropkick sent Oxford over the top rope to the floor. Flash got the crowd's attention for a moment and then ran, diving through the ropes and knocking Oxford back to the security railing! Flash rose up and got cheers from the crowd. Flash tossed Oxford back in the ring and seemed to have all the momentum in the world to take this match until he missed a missle dropkick and landed sharply on the back of his head! Oxford jumped into a quick cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Oxford maintained control for the next several minutes until around the seven minute mark where Flash was able to reverse a sleeper into a jawbreaker. The crowd really began clapping their hands and stomping their feet at the behest of Katie Cameron at ringside. Both men climbed up to their feet and a dropkick sent Oxford back down. Flash climbed out of the ring and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Outside the ring, Shane Sneer ran around and was stalking Katie Cameron! Flash saw this and he hesitated long enough for Robert Oxford to climb the turnbuckles and hook Flash -- Top Rope Belly-to-Belly Suplex! Oxford climbed the turnbuckles again -- Top Rope Kneedrop! Flash's throat is crushed by that move. Oxford makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Robert Oxford (Via Pinfall @ 8:22)

Match Rating: C+




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyMartin.jpg

Dream Partner Tag Match

Jack Griffith and ??? vs. Johnny Martin and ???


['One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer'


The titled song by George Thurogood begins to play as Eric Tyler leads out Jack Griffith. The crowd boos heavily as the two men head out to the ring for the Dream Partner Tag Match. Eric Tyler takes a microphone from ringside...]


Eric Tyler

"Everyone is wondering just who is going to show up next for the Hard Corps. Will it be someone already here? Will it be someone new? Well, let me all introduce you here in USPW to the man who fits my Traditionalist nature."


[...'The Extremist' by Joe Satriani begins to play and the crowd looks toward the entrance where the curtain parts...]




[...And JD Morgan arrives on the scene! The crowd boos Morgan as he walks down all smiles. He enters the ring and shakes hands with Eric Tyler and then with Jack Griffith. Then he turns his attention to the entrance. 'Man In The Box' by Alice In Chains begins to play and Johnny Martin walks out. The crowd cheers for Martin who stands at the top of the ramp. He just motions toward the curtain and the curtain parts revealing...]




[...Henry Lee! The crowd is shocked to see him here as a partner of Johnny Martin. The two bump fists and then run out to the ring! Jack and JD clear the ring as Johnny and Henry enter. Martin and Lee just exit the ring and go right to war with Griffith and Morgan! Martin throws punches with Southern Justice while Morgan and Lee battle it out. Morgan tosses Lee inside the ring and then joins him as the bell sounds for this matchup to begin...]


[...Morgan and Lee exchange blows back and forth. This match ends up being just a little worse than the opening battle. Morgan sends Lee to the ropes -- Lee ducks a clothesline! Lee comes back with a kick to the head as Morgan sets himself too soon. Lee hooks Morgan -- Double Underhook Suplex! Lee makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Lee picks up Morgan and tags out to Johnny Martin. Martin sends Morgan into a turnbuckle. He follows him in but catches a back elbow from Morgan. Morgan kicks him in the gut and hits him with a Double Underhook Suplex, showing Henry Lee anything he can do, Morgan can do better. Morgan tags in Griffith and the two begin to work as a cohesive unit against Johnny Martin, who gets stuck within their corner...]


[...At around the eight minute mark, Martin ducks a clothesline and fires one of his own to Jack Griffith. Both men fall to the mat and look to make tags. Griffith is the first to bring in JD Morgan but Martin also tags in Henry Lee! Lee comes in with fists flying! He takes down Morgan! He takes down Griffith off the apron! The crowd roars their approval. Lee body slams Morgan to the mat and then bounces off the ropes -- elbowdrop! Lee makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Griffith puts a stop to it with a double axehandle to the back of the head. Johnny Martin comes in and we have a pier four brawl. Lee picks up Morgan, who rakes his eyes! Martin and Griffith spill outside the ring while Morgan kicks a low blow to Lee while the referee is distracted. Morgan grabs Lee -- Cross Atlantic Stretch! The submission hold is applied! Referee Jez McArthuer turns back to the action in the ring just in time to hear the submission called for.]


Winners: Jack Griffith and JD Morgan (Via Submission @ 9:03)

Match Rating: C


[...Following the submission, JD Morgan doesn't release the hold. The crowd boos as the referee tries to break it and even he can't break the hold. Outside the ring, Griffith gives Martin a chair shot and then enters the ring setting the chair on the mat. Morgan releases his hold finally only toss Lee over to Griffith -- Jack-in-The-Box on the chair! The crowd boos as Eric Tyler enters the ring and raises the arms of his two Hard Corps members! The Hard Corps is up tonight 1-0.]




[The big video screen lit up and showed the backstage locker room area. The cameras zoomed in on a USA bandana...]




[...Then zoomed back out to show the Hardcore American! Chris ran his fingers back through the bandana and through his hair before looking up at the camera...]


Chris Caulfield

"Tonight I have to face my worst enemy and my best friend. Tonight is not about friendship, though. Tonight is about the USPW World Title. Sammy, you have been a good Champion here for your brief reign. I like you. You're my friend. However, there are no friendships when we step inside that ring. There will be no hesitation on my part and I hope there will be no hesitation on yours. I don't want you to pull any punches. Tonight we see who the best is."


[...Chris gets up from his seat and turns punching a locker with his bare fist before walking away and we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JumboJackson_jhdComrade.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_alt.jpg


USPW National Title Match

Aaron Jackson gets a shot vs. Nicky Champion


[The crowd was a little ambivalent as the Russian National Anthem played and out walked Aaron Jackson. Aaron focused on his way to the ring and stepped inside. He took a microphone and began to sing until he was interrupted...


'Right now

Hey it's your tomorrow!

Right now

Come on, it's everything!'


'Right Now' by Van Halen got a little more of a cheer from the crowd as Nicky Champion, the USPW National Champion, came walking from the back. He high-fived the few fans who spilled to the front row and pointed toward a sign reading: 'Nicky National Champion!', smiling before he climbed into the ring. He ducked an early clothesline by Jackson and then clotheslined Jackson himself and Jackson spilled out of the ring as the bell sounded...]


[...The crowd was a little quiet during this match. Luckily it was an extremely short match. The entire match was really dominated by Nicky Champion except for a short time during the ending. Jackson went for the Russian Sickle but Champion ducked. Champion turned -- Hawkeye Hammer! He jumped down on a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 4:47; Nicky Champion retains the USPW National Title.)

Match Rating: C-




[The big video screen lit up and showed another locker room. This time the camera zoomed in on the USPW World Heavyweight Title...]




[...Then it zoomed back to show Sammy Bach with the title on his lap...]


Sammy Bach

"Chris, you told me not to pull any punches in this match. There are no friends tonight. You are just another challenger to my USPW World Heavyweight Title. You're right about that. You are just another challenger in my eyes. There is no one, NO ONE who is going to take this belt from me. Tonight I am going to prove that against both you and Shawn Gonzalez. I said when I came here that I didn't care about the Hard Corps or their feud or anything else about that and I still don't care. But if Eric Tyler decides to stick his nose where it doesn't belong, he's going to get it cut off."


[...Sammy rises and brings the belt over his shoulder before he walks away and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_jhd2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/HellsBouncer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg

James Justice vs. Andre Jones


['You want it all but you can't have it!

It's in your face but you can't grab it!'


'Epic' by Faith No More brings the crowd to their feet with angry boos! Hell's Bouncer steps through the curtain first. He looks around and then motions toward the curtain and out walks James Justice. Justice raises his arms to boos from the crowd, headed down toward the ring with Hell's Bouncer. He steps inside and leans against the turnbuckle talking over some last minute strategy...


'Live like there's no tomorrow!'


'Nitro' by the Offspring begins to play and Andre Jones comes out to cheers from the crowd! Andre stares intently toward the ring and charges, sliding in under the bottom rope. He looks toward Justice for a long moment before moving to his corner and the bell sounds...]


[...This was one of the better matches of the night so far with two very good wrestlers. Both of these men are more comfortable brawling than anything else so the fight was on from the beginning. When Justice got an early advantage he sent Jones to the floor where Jones was grabbed by Hell's Bouncer and his back was slammed into the ring post as Justice distracted the referee. Jones barely made it back into the ring before the ten count could be administered. Justice continued to work on the back with Jones inside the ring. Justice fell Jones with a Dragon Suplex and bridge: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...At around the six minute mark, Jones reversed a DDT attempt by Justice into a back body drop! Jones got the crowd definitely on his side as he got to his feet. He dodged a clothesline attempt by Justice and came back with a Sleeper! Jones lifted Justice up and slammed him down with the Sleeperhold! Jones made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5! There is no referee to make the count as he is tied up with Hell's Bouncer! Jones got up and walked over. He yelled at Hell's Bouncer and Justice grabbed the referee, pointing to his leg as though he got injured. Hell's Bouncer slammed a punch to the head of Jones that knocked him back onto the mat. Bouncer dropped down and Justice miraculously recovered from the injured leg. Justice bounced off the ropes -- SSSSTTTTAAAALLLLLLLLSSSS -- Dude Knee Drop! He waits for Jones to pull himself up and then hooks him -- Liberation Slam! Justice makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 7:21)

Match Rating: B-


[...Hell's Bouncer entered the ring and raised Justice's arm and then he turned toward the fallen Andre Jones. He grabs Jones from the mat -- Damnation Drop! The crowd boos the finishing move by Hell's Bouncer but Justice just smiles. The two exit the ring as Andre Jones is looked at by medical staff.]




[The big video screen lights up on a pair of legs? Those are definitely female as the camera slowly pans upward...]




[...And it reaches the top of Seduction, showing her smiling face. She waves to the camera...]


Darryl Devine

"Hey! Cameraman! Over here!"




[...Darryl Devine comes into the frame standing in front of Seduction...]


Darryl Devine

"You better keep your eyes right here and focus in on the man who is soon to be the new USPW World Television Champion. That's right, 'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine! For eight months I held the USPW National Title back in 2006. Now it is time for me to get another title to add to my resume. Tonight the Pure Athlete becomes tainted."


[...The camera zooms in over the shoulder of Darryl to focus in on Seduction and Darryl grabs her yanking her out of the camera and out of the interview area as we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BlondeBombshell_alt.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Darryl Devine gets a shot vs. Art Reed


['Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand begins to play and Seduction leads the challenger Darryl Devine out to the ring. The crowd does a little hooting and hollaring at Seduction leading Devine to threaten a few fans in the front row. Devine enters the ring and talks for a moment with Seduction as his music fades...


'Respect, walk

What did you say?

Respect, walk

Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?'


'Walk' by Pantera has the crowd on their feet for the USPW World Television Champion Art Reed and his manager Blonde Bombshell! Reed smiles to the crowd and heads down to the ring, sliding inside as the crowd sings along with his music. Reed looks across the ring toward Devine and the bell sounds...]


[...A bit of the same and a bit of a contrast of styles here tonight. Devine is comfortable both on the mat and through the air while Reed is more comfortable on the mat and brawling. This gives Reed an advantage in the early going as both men exchange punches and blows and Reed gets the early edge in the match. He drops Devine with a big body slam and then bounces off the ropes -- elbowdrop! He makes a quick cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Seduction releases a breath of relief. Reed ties up Devine in what almost looks like a pretzel trying to get a submission out of him. Devine shakes his head and pushes himself to the ropes to break the hold...]


[...The early going had been all Art Reed but Devine managed to get the advantage and the crowd booed the man who calls himself 'Mighty Fine.' Devine hooked Reed in a Bow and Arrow! He tried to get the submission out of Reed but Reed wouldn't give up. Eventually Devine stopped the hold and bounced off the ropes dropping a leaping knee drop! Devine pulls himself up and grabs the legs of Reed. He leans in and Reed wraps him in an inside cradle: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Devine pops back up but Reed throws some punches to the gut! Reed gets to his feet and sends Devine into the turnbuckles. Reed follows in with a splash in the corner that sends Devine down to the mat. Reed calls for the Dread Lock but outside the ring Seduction attacks Blonde Bombshell! The two women begin some hair pulling and Reed sees it! Reed moves over to break the two women up giving time for Devine to reach his feet. Reed turns back around -- Devine Dream Drop! He caught him with that finisher out of nowhere! Devine makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have a NEW USPW World Television Champion!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 6:45; Darryl Devine wins the USPW World Television Title.)

Match Rating: B




[As officials seperated the two women and Devine celebrated the big video screen lit up to show the interview area and...]




[...Shane Sneer with his client Fumihiro Ota...]


Shane Sneer

"Listen up humanoids because I don't like to repeat myself. Tonight, the man standing beside me is the man who is going to prove he is the best masked athlete in USPW. He is a product of the Japanese system of wrestling that can be far superior to the American style. He learned from the best and tonight he is going to show that. He won't be showing that for you fans though. He will be raising the stock of the Sneer Corporation with a win tonight over a former USPW World Champion."


[...The masked man beside Shane was unmoving and unspeaking as we headed back to the ring.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Loser Leaves USPW For One Month

Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant


['With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound

He pulls the spitting high tension wires down


Helpless people on a subway train

Scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them


He picks up a bus and he throws it back down

As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town'


'Godzilla' by the Blue Oyster Cult begins to play and has the crowd on their feet with cheers for the largest fan favorite in the building tonight. The 7'4" 600 pound Bruce The Giant steps in through the curtains and roars to the delight of the crowd! Bruce walks down to the ring and enters by stepping over the top rope! He moves into his corner as his music fades...


'We're on a highway to hell!'


'Highway To Hell' by AC/DC begins to play and the crowd's cheers turn to boos as Tyson Baine steps from behind the curtain. Baine looks toward the ring and his larger opponent. Baine enters the ring the same way that Bruce did: by stepping over the top rope. Baine and Bruce meet in the center of the ring in an excellent photo op as the bell sounds...]


[...The fans were definitely not surprised at this match being a brawl. This is for the right to remain with USPW next month. These two also have pretty good chemistry in the ring which makes for a more entertaining match. The two began throwing punches trying to knock the other one down but it's definitely not easy to do that. Big meaty forearms are also thrown and Tyson Baine bounces off the ropes -- Shoulderblock! Bruce rocks slightly! Bruce bounces off the ropes and hits Baine with a shoulderblock that sends him to the ropes. Bruce clotheslines Baine over the top rope to the outside of the ring! Baine lands on his feet and looks up at Bruce...]


[...Baine entered the ring and took the advantage over Bruce, focusing down on his knees which everyone knows is a vulnerable spot for the 600 pound giant. Baine took down Bruce with a clothesline after working his knees and for the next several minutes Bruce took a pounding. Baine pulled Bruce to his feet by the throat but Bruce reached out and grabbed Baine by the throat! The two men were choking each other down, both men struggling to gain an advantage. Bruce knocked Baine's hand off his throat and then lifted Baine into the air -- Giant Choke -- NO! Baine reversed the Giant Choke Slam into a DDT! What a counter for the large man! Baine got to his feet and pulled Bruce up grabbing him around the throat -- Hades Bomb! Baine made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Tyson Baine got the win and Bruce The Giant has a month off!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 8:10)

Match Rating: B




[As Bruce gets a fond farewell from the crowd, the big video screen lights up...]




[...Eric Tyler and Shawn Gonzalez are shown to boos from the crowd...]


Eric Tyler

"We are one more match away from the Hard Corps having the best night ever. One more match away from this man right beside me walking away as USPW World Heavyweight Champion. The Hard Corps Revolution will be complete. Though honestly it's not about the titles. It's about the Revolution. It's about taking USPW down from the top. And who better to destroy USPW than this man? He is a former two time DaVE Brass Knuckles Champion. Tonight he gains the USPW World Heavyweight Title and the Revolution goes to the top."


[...Shawn leans back against a locker and just looks to the camera with almost dazed eyes as we head back to the ring.]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FumihiroOta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Enygma


[The lights dim within the arena and the crowd rise to their feet. Spotlights begin to shine around the fans as everyone looks to see where the former USPW World Champion is standing...


'You know where you are

You're in the jungle baby

You're gonna die

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle'


'Welcome To The Jungle' by Guns 'N' Roses begins to play and the spotlights circle around one man standing within the crowd. Enygma points to a sign beside him: 'Enygma: Ninja Fumigator' and then begins walking down toward the ring. He steps through the audience and climbs over the top of the guardrail for his signature entrance. He slides inside the ring and looks toward the entrance as the music fades...


'Standing strong together

Marching forever on

Fire in the heavens

Now that our time has come!'


'Strike of the Ninja' by DragonForce plays as Shane Sneer leads USPW's resident ninja: Fumihiro Ota down to the ring. His face has never been seen on any USPW broadcast just as the face of Enygma has never been seen. Ota entered the ring and Sneer stayed at ringside. The bell sounded...]


[...Ota has the advantage within this mach in technical and flying while Enygma has the advantage in brawling. The match started out as a brawl in the center of the ring with punches and kicks thrown so this played to Enygma's strength. Enygma went downstairs onto the knee of Ota early on. He focused his attention primarily on the knee within the first few minutes. If he can take out the knee of Ota then those high flying moves will have less effect and he can also set him up for the Enygma Variation. Enygma lifted Ota to his feet and sent him into a corner. He whipped him across -- reversed! Enygma hit the corner hard and Ota came over with a handspring elbow in the corner! Enygma staggered forward and Ota grabbed him around the waist -- German Suplex sends Enygma's head into the corner! Ota grabs his leg for a moment as both men look a little dazed...]


[...Several more minutes into the match and Enygma has re-taken control. He brings Ota's leg over to the ring post and wraps that leg around the post! Ota grabs his knee in pain but Shane Sneer distracts Enygma. Enygma walks toward Sneer and then slides back into the ring. Enygma pulled Ota to the center of the ring and grabbed his leg -- kick by Ota! Another kick sends Enygma back. Ota pushes to his feet and ducks a clothesline by Enygma -- roundhouse kick! The kick connected with the jaw of Enygma but both men are hurting as Ota sells the injured leg. Ota backs up and waits for Enygma to get to his feet -- Ninja Str -- No! Enygma ducks and grabs the leg -- Enygma Variation! Enygma gets that grapevined ankle lock on Ota! Ota struggles, fighting over and over to get to the ropes but Enygma has it on tight. Shane Sneer reaches for Ota, trying to pull his man to the ropes but Ota taps out! Ota taps and Enygma picks up the win!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 9:07)

Match Rating: B-




Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SammyBach_SlowRide.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShawnGonzalez_jhd.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EricTyler.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sammy Bach vs. Shawn Gonzalez vs. Chris Caulfield


['You gotta keep 'em seperated.'


The crowd booed as the sounds of 'Come Out And Play' by the Offspring brought one of the challengers out to the ring. Shawn Gonzalez walked out beside Eric Tyler. Eric proclaimed Gonzalez as the future World Heavyweight Champion all the way down to the ring. Eric Tyler grabbed a sign from a fan reading: 'Bach has his Back again the wall!' and tore it to shreds, laughing at the fan. Gonzalez entered the ring and moved over to a corner, sitting in it and staring at the entrance ramp as Tyler gave him some last-minute advice. His music faded and 'Born In The USA' by Bruce Springsteen began to play. The crowd cheered as 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield stepped from the back. Chris tossed his bandana to the crowd on his way to the ring. He slid inside and he was immediately attacked by Gonzalez!...]


[...Gonzalez threw forearm shots on Caulfield and then a kick to the gut -- DDT! Gonzalez made a quick cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Sammy Bach nearly lost his title without even coming down to the ring! Gonzalez picked up Caulfield and sent him to the ropes -- Sharp Clothesline! Gonzalez picks up Caulfield again and hooks him -- Vertical Suplex! The crowd begins a 'Bach, Bach, Bach' chant as Eric Tyler yells at them to shut up!...]


[...'Look in my eyes

What do you see?

The Cult of Personality!


I know your anger, I know your dreams

I've been everything you want to be

Oh, I'm the Cult of Personality!'


'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour hits and Sammy Bach comes running down toward the ring! Bach climbs the turnbuckles and waits for Gonzalez to turn toward him -- Flying Clothesline! Bach pops to his feet and gains a ton of cheers from the crowd! Bach is definitely the high flyer of the group. Chris Caulfield slides out of the ring and Bach turns his attention to Gonzalez. Bach bounces off the ropes -- low dropkick to the knee! Gonzalez falls to the mat. While the referee is watching the ring, Eric Tyler sneaks around and slams a chair down on Chris Caulfield's back! The crowd boos and Tyler tosses the chair away before the referee turns. Sammy Bach maintains control inside the ring on Gonzalez, keeping him off his game with several high flying moves, including a hurricanrana! Gonzalez rolls out of the ring on the same side as Chris Caulfield. Gonzalez lifts Caulfield and Bach comes flying with a cross body that takes both of them down!...]


[...The USPW World Heavyweight Champion was on a roll but he took one high risk move too many and was caught in a powerslam by Chris Caulfield! Caulfield made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Broken Up By Shawn Gonzalez! Gonzalez rammed a few knees to the head of Chris Caulfield taking more boos from the crowd. Gonzalez tosses Caulfield out of the ring and focuses his attention on Sammy Bach. Gonzalez stomped on the back of Bach. He lifted him up and locked in a Bear Hug! Gonzalez is a little bigger than Bach enabling him to keep the hold on tight. Sammy Bach shakes his head. He won't give up! Bach tries to rally the fans behind him! The crowd claps and stomps their feet in rhythm! Bach throws punches! He throws another! And another! Gonzalez is forced to break the hold by the punches -- German Suplex! Chris Caulfield came behind Sammy Bach and nailed him with a German with no bridge! Caulfield ducked a clothesline by Gonzalez! He grabs Gonzalez -- Danger Drop! He makes the cover:








[...Caulfield gets yanked off Gonzalez by Sammy Bach!...]



[...Bach raises to his feet and drops an elbow to the back of the head on Caulfield! Bach grabs Shawn Gonzalez -- Bach On Your Back! He got the bodylock reverse sleeper on Gonzalez!]



[...Gonzalez tries to struggle out of it!...]



[...Eric Tyler kicks things at ringside!...]



[...Chris Caulfield pushes to his feet. He moves behind Sammy Bach and hooks him -- Danger Drop! The Danger Drop broke the hold but can Chris Caulfield make the cover? All three men are down lying on the mat exhausted. Caulfield slowly crawls toward Bach. Caulfield puts an arm over Bach:...]









[...Foot on the ropes!...]



[...Somehow, someway Sammy Bach got that foot on the bottom rope! Caulfield crawls over and covers Gonzalez: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! All three men push themselves past their limits. All three men push themselves to get up. Gonzalez with a spear on Caulfield! Gonzalez shifts gears and wraps Caulfield in the Latino Crab!...]



[...He stretches back on it and Caulfield cries out in pain!...]



[...Gonzalez leans back as far as he can in the hold!...]



[...Caulfield shakes his head!...]



[...He doesn't want to submit!...]



[...Caulfield reaches for the ropes! He moves closer. He moves closer...]



[...Gonzalez pulls him to the center of the ring! Caulfield raises his arm up...]


[...Missle Dropkick! Shawn Gonzalez was nailed with a missle dropkick from out of nowhere by Sammy Bach! Gonzalez collapses and falls out of the ring! Sammy looks around and then focuses in on Caulfield -- Bach On Your Back! He locked his finisher on Chris Caulfield!...]



[...Caulfield struggles but he's in the center of the ring!...]



[...Caulfield raises his hand...]



[...Caulfield taps! Caulfield taps out! Sammy Bach successfully defends his title!]


Winner: Sammy Bach (Via Submission @ 15:01; Sammy Bach retains the USPW World Heavyweight Title.)

Match Rating: B


[...Sammy Bach releases the hold and collapses down on the mat. He is breathing heavy after that performance. Referee Jez McArthuer hands him the USPW World Heavyweight Title and that makes it all worthwhile. Eric Tyler stands beside the fallen Shawn Gonzalez and waves toward the back. It's the Hard Corps!...]




[...Jack Griffith, JD Morgan and that mysterious masked man come running toward the ring and slide inside! JD goes after Caulfield -- Cross Atlantic Stretch! Caulfield was put in the Latino Crab, the Bach On Your Back and now the Cross Atlantic Stretch! Eric Tyler tosses a couple of chairs in the ring. Jack Griffith lifts Sammy Bach to his feet and holds a chair in front of his face -- Running Big Foot! That foot hit the chair and smashed it into Sammy Bach's face! The USPW World Heavyweight Champion collapses down to the mat. Eric Tyler and Shawn Gonzalez enter the ring. A chair is put on the mat and Gonzalez grabs Sammy Bach -- DDT on the chair! Bach is busted open! JD Morgan releases the Cross Atlantic Stretch on Caulfield who is unmoving and most likely unconcious. The Hard Corps Revolution stand side-by-side with each other and are standing tall to end this pay-per-view event. Shawn Gonzalez steps forward and extends his arms out in the cross formation as the show fades to black. We'll see you next month for USPW American Wrestling!]

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This was definitely a difficult ppv to predict. The most points goes to MichiganHero with 6/8! Congratulations to MichiganHero!




1. BHK1978=51 Wins

2. MichiganHero=50 Wins

3. xopher316=49 Wins

critical-23=49 Wins

Lexa90=49 Wins

jhd1=49 Wins

7. SWF Fan=47 Wins

bgbuff=47 Wins

mcorey=47 Wins

10. Dragonmack=41 Wins

11. Hyde Hill=33 Wins

12. Bull=18 Wins

13. TakerNGN74=14 Wins

14. ChrisKid=7 Wins

smurphy1014=7 Wins

16. Bigpapa42=6 Wins

tristram=6 Wins

18. eayragt=5 Wins

Wrestling Century=5 Wins


Welcome to Wrestling Century for his first predictions in this contest! Hope to see more predictions and comments within the future!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 1 September 2010


Fumihiro Ota vs. Art Reed

The Ring Generals vs. The People's Team

Cherry Bomb and Amber Allen vs. The Dream Team

Robert Oxford vs. Enygma

USPW World Title Match: James Justice gets a shot vs. Sammy Bach


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