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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 January 2010

Location: McGaw Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 4,509

Overall Rating: D+

TV Rating: .89

I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


Pre Show: In a match that had some good action and average heat, Freddie Datsun defeated Jumbo Jackson in 5:40 by pinfall with a Patriot Press...D+


Pre Show: In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, ??? defeated Java in 6:29 by pinfall with a ???...D-


Pre Show: Alicia Strong comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C




[The show began with highlights from the main event match last week where Enygma defeated Jumbo Jackson. But more importantly was what happened after the match where Tyson Baine attacked him and laid him out. Tyson stood over him in victory and he will be getting a shot at Stars, Stripes And Slams live and only on pay-per-view!]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. The Force


[Darryl Devine looked extremely confident as he came down to the ring with Seduction hanging on his every step. He looked toward the back and watched as the man known simply as The Force came running down to the ring, getting cheers and reactions from the crowd! Early on here, the cameras zoomed in on a fan sign: 'Why can't this Valentine only come around once a year!?' The Force was actually pretty dominant in this match, surprising Devine. Devine got in a few hits of action but The Force ended up shrugging those off and shaking the ropes! He grabbed Devine and kicked him in the gut before lifting him up and dropping him with the Full Force, getting the pinfall.]


Winner: The Force (Via Pinfall @ 3:39)

Match Rating: D-


[Following the match, The Force grabbed a microphone from ringside and stepped back into the ring.]


The Force



[Alot of snarls and growls from The Force]


The Force

"Forcemaniacs, we have been presented with a quest of epic proportions. As I spoke to the great and almighty power that is within my body known as the FFFOOORRRCCCEEE I learned that I need to go on a spiritual tour of USPW. I need to start this tour by fighting against one of the most dastardly of the no-good enemies of this home: Peter Valentine. Valentine, the FFFOOORRRCCCEEE has declared that you must fall to the might of the power that is the mighty power known as the FFFOOORRRCCCEEE! What say you to this ultimate challenge, mortal?"




[The Force stands tall within the ring pacing around for a moment and then Peter Valentine steps out from the back. Peter looks toward the ring and stops at the top of the ramp while The Force groans and grunts.]


Peter Valentine

"Are you serious, Force? Do you really think that you can step inside the ring with the Chosen One? You're gonna learn the hard way, boy, that you are stepping into a man's game. But it won't be tonight."


[The crowd boos heavily.]


Peter Valentine

"No, I will grant you your match at my National Title but it will be on my terms and at Stars, Stripes And Slams live on pay-per-view so that people around the country can see me pin your shoulders to the mat. Until then, enjoy the rest of your evening and live in fear of the Chosen One."


[The music plays and Peter returns to the back, followed shortly thereafter by the Force.]




[The big video screen lights up slightly and shows a darkened area backstage. As the camera gains focus, Chris Caulfield can be seen sitting on the floor and leaning against a brick wall.]


Chris Caulfield

"T-Rex, tonight USPW has declared that the two of us go one on one inside the ring. They say that you are a killer and what you did last week to James Justice was hardcore. Well, take a look at me. Look at these scars on my face and there are more on my chest and on my back. You want to talk about hardcore? I suffered through more hardcore matches than anyone on the roster here in USPW. Do you honestly think that there is anything else that you can put me through? Do you think there is any length that I would not go to in order to win? I am the Hardcore American and tonight you are going to find out why. Then there is Bruce The Giant. Bruce, you attacked me last week but I'm still here. I'm still fighting. You want to attack me again? Go ahead and attack me. What you are just proving to the world is that I am hardcore enough to take it and keep coming back for more. Bruce, T-Rex, I'm coming for you both."


[Chris pulls himself up and walks away as we head back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg

Des Davids vs. Anger


[shane Sneer really had to help Anger come down to the ring as he seemed to be talking to someone who wasn't really there. He got pushed inside and an attack by one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions awoke the beast in him. Des didn't keep the advantage for long as Anger started fighting back. Anger took down Des with a sharp DDT and he made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! The crowd cheered heavily when Des kicked out. Anger tossed Des Davids outside the ring and Shane Sneer got in a few hard kicks. He tossed Des back inside the ring and Anger went for a piledriver! But Des blocked it! Des elevated Anger over his head to the mat and the crowd started a 'Des' chant!. Outside the ring, Shane Sneer grabbed a fan's sign at ringside: 'Does Sneer Corporation pay taxes?' and tore it up, yelling at the fan...]


[...Both men fought to their feet and began exchanging punches within the center of the ring! Des blocked a punch and threw one more! Then a second! A third knocked Anger to the mat! Des whipped Anger into a corner and followed him in, climbing up and throwing punches in the corner! Bet I know what number he is gonna stop at! At ten, he dropped back down and played to the crowd as Anger left the ring. Anger seemed to be hearing voices again and Shane tried to yell at him to gain control. Anger headed toward the crowd and grabbed a drink from a fan! He looked down at it for a moment and then shook his head and dropped the 'Pepsi.' He walked down the aisle toward the back with Shane Sneer following him and trying to get him back to the ring. Referee Baby Jamie had no choice but to count him out.]


Winner: Des Davids (Via Countout @ 6:44)

Match Rating: D


[Des celebrated the win, going over into his corner to get his tag title belt. He got hit with a forearm shot from behind...]




[...The Towers of Power had hit the ring and attacked Des Davids from behind! The #1 Contenders hit Des with a Double Suplex and then set him up for a Spiked Piledriver...]




[...But Freddie Datsun hit the ring! He took down Mick with a clothesline and brought his fist back to punch Danny but Rushmore exited the ring quickly and grabbed Mick, pulling him out. Freddie checked on Des while also staring down The Towers. While the staredown ensued, the camera picked up on a sign: 'Baine fears Enygma']




[The big video screen lights up to show backstage where Enygma is...walking! He has the USPW World title belt around his waist as he moves down the hallway. He turns a corner -- BIG BOOT!...]




[...Tyson Baine comes onto the scene and puts the boots to the USPW World Champion! The crowd boos as Enygma is tossed into the wall by his much larger adversary! Baine grabs Enymga around the throat and the lights go off within that hallway. How odd? A struggle can be heard and when the lights come back on, Baine is holding...a mop? Baine looks at it for a moment and growls, dropping it to the floor and stalking off as we head back to the ring.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Captain USA


[Ooooo, the crowd didn't care for this one and it brought their mood down despite it being a title defense. This match featured a 'USA' chant from the crowd early on for an offensive flury by Captain USA but that didn't last very long. Andre managed to hit USA with a low blow and he took control from there. Andre tossed Captain USA outside the ring and pointed outside to a couple of signs, giving them a thumbs up: 'Andre Jones - World Class Volleyball Player and Future World Champion' and 'Give it to 'em, Dre!!!' When USA got back in the ring, Andre took down USA with a sharp body slam and then went up top for an uncharacteristic elbowdrop from the top turnbuckle! The USPW World Television Champion went on to hit an exhausted Captain USA with a Blast From The Past and got the pinfall victory.]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 7:16)

Match Rating: D-


[Following the match, Andre grabbed a microphone from ringside.]


Andre Jones

"Take a look at this belt I hold right here. I just love a good belt."


[Andre raises the USPW World Television Title belt up and kisses it.]


Andre Jones

"This is my belt and no one, no one, no one is gonna take her from me. This belt legitimizes me as a Champion. It is the reason I started my career and I will die to keep this belt around my waist. That being said, I need some competition for the gold. I need someone to step up and face me. So at USPW's Stars, Stripes And Slams I am offering an open challenge to any wrestler who wants to step inside the ring with me. If anyone thinks they are tougher than this old man who was in the ring with me earlier then step inside the ring with me and I will prove that I am the better conditioned athlete. Oh, it's true."


[Andre drops the microphone and heads to the back.]




[The big video screen lights up to show backstage and show Anger staggering along the hallway again. He is bouncing off one wall and then another! He is holding his ears and when he pulls his hands away from them it can be seen that he is bleeding from the ears.]



"Tell me where to go! Tell me where and I will go there! I promise! Just make the pain stop! Make the hurt go away!"


[Anger continues down the hallway and then he pauses and drops to his knees, breathing out heavy breaths. A smile actually slides to his lips as he seems relieved for the first time ever. The camera slides over to reveal what he is looking at: A Coca Cola Machine.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg

Nicky Champion vs. The Masked Avatar


[Definitely the match of the night thus far here on American Wrestling with The Masked Avatar making his debut inside the ring for USPW. The Masked Avatar went after Nicky Champion early in the match, bringing the younger wrestler down to the mat and then kicking him hard in the ribs. During the opening few minutes of the match, Avatar focused in on the rib area of Nicky Champion with punches and kicks and a gutbuster. The crowd booed these moves as Nicky is a definite fan favorite and mentored by Sam Strong. Avatar tossed Nicky out of the ring and joined him outside, grabbing him by the hair and slinging him into the ringpost! The crowd went wild with boos and Avatar made threats to the first row before tossing Nicky back in the ring...]


[...Nicky tried a few comebacks throughout the middle portion of the match but Avatar would always have a counter. Avatar locked on a reverse chinlock and tried to get the submission from Nicky but Champion wouldn't have it. The crowd got behind 'Hawkeye' and he managed to get to his feet and turned the move into a side headlock and then dropped Avatar with a belly-to-back suplex! Both men lie on the mat for several seconds before moving to their feet. Nicky sent Avatar into a corner and came in, dropping him with a monkey flip! Nicky was jazzed up by the crowd and hit Avatar with a body slam and then an elbow drop! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! Avatar still had enough left in the tank to kick out! Nicky grabbed Avatar by the mask and Avatar punched him in the hurting ribs. Avatar got to his feet and yanked Nicky into the Piledriver position! The crowd booed this as Avatar raised Nicky up but Nicky came back down! Nicky scored a couple of rib shots, breaking the hold. Nicky got to his feet and ducked a clothesline -- HAWKEYE HAMMER! Nicky nailed Avatar with his finisher! He makes a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 7:55)

Match Rating: C


[Nicky was clutching his ribs as he got to his feet. He got his arm raised and then the referee ducked out of the way as Nicky was clotheslined down from behind...]




[...Some of the more informed fans would recognize this man as former SCCW and DAVE wrestler 'Southern Justice' Jack Griffith! Griffith yanks Nicky Champion to his feet and drops him with the short Vertical Lift Spinebuster known as the Jack in The Box! Jack looks down at Nicky and spits on him! The crowd really boos that as Griffith raises his arms in victory before exiting the ring.]




[The big video screen lights up to show the interview area and standing there is the Beautiful blonde known as Belle Bryden.]


Belle Bryden

"It has been four months since I dropped the USPW Women's Title to that ugly excuse for a womens wrestler Raven Robinson. During that time, I was never given a proper rematch for the title. So next week I want the opportunity to take back my title and put it around this slim, trim waist where it belongs."


[belle does the hair flip and then walks away.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield


[And it is time for our hard-hitting main event. Everyone expected a brawl between these two and they weren't disappointed in that. However, the main event was not as good as the fans had come to expect. Caulfield hit T-Rex early in the bout with punches and clotheslines and he finally clotheslined The Jurassic Power over the top rope and to the floor! Caulfield followed him out and grabbed T-Rex, running him toward the ringpost -- blocked! T-Rex put his hand up and blocked at the last moment and then tossed Caulfield into the ring post! The crowd booed as T-Rex looked to them for a moment. He pointed out a fan's sign: 'T-Rex will send you back to prehistoric times!' and then slapped the fan! Security stepped in quickly to break things up. T-Rex turned back to and grabbed Caulfield and tossed him back in the ring, following him inside. T-Rex began choking Caulfield on the mat, having referee Eugene Williams threaten to disqualify him...]


[...The match continued with T-Rex still in charge and working over the shoulders and upper back of the Hardcore American. He set Caulfield up and then raised him -- PILEDRIVER! The Piledriver finally connects and T-Rex makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- SHOULDER UP! Somehow Chris Caulfield got that right shoulder up! T-Rex growled angrily as he got back up and got into a shoving fight with the referee. The referee backed into the corner and Caulfield pulled himself up. He rolled up T-Rex from behind: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! A near fall there for Caulfield! T-Rex got back up and gave a hard stomp to the shoulder of Caulfield! The Jurassic Power continued in control for the next several minutes...]


[...T-Rex sent Caulfield down with a body slam and then backed into a corner, waiting for Caulfield to get back up! The crowd got behind Caulfield, trying to warn him about T-Rex! Caulfield got up and turned -- SPEAR -- MISSED! Caulfield got out of the way of the spear! The Hardcore American grabs T-Rex and locks in a full nelson -- SLAM! Caulfield rolled his shoulders back, obviously favoring that upper half of his body. He bounced off the ropes -- legdrop! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! Both men look exhausted in the ring by now and business is about to pick up as Bruce The Giant makes his way down to the ring! Caulfield focuses in on T-Rex, not seeing Bruce yet. The Hardcore American locks T-Rex in a sleeperhold! T-Rex's arms flail but Caulfield holds onto the move tightly! T-Rex pushes back, running all the way back to a corner, squashing Caulfield in the corner! Bruce The Giant climbs on the apron and wraps his big hand around the throat of Caulfield, causing the DQ!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Disqualification @ 18:25)

Match Rating: D




[bruce steps inside the ring over the top rope and holds Chris by the throat! T-Rex comes charging in -- spear in the corner by The Jurassic Power! T-Rex and Bruce The Giant both grab Chris around the throat -- Double Choke Slam! Caulfield goes down but the crowd pops...]




[...For the arrival of James Justice! James comes running down to the ring and slides inside with a chair in hand! He swings the chair and connects with T-Rex as T-Rex charged him! James swung the chair and hit Bruce in the shoulder! A big chair shot sends Bruce over the top rope! T-Rex rolls out of the ring and James Justice stands tall at the end of the show! What an ending!]

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We had a couple of people go 5/5 this week as well! Congratulations to BHK1978 and jhd1!


1. jhd1=10 Wins

2. mad5226=9 Wins

KingOfKings=9 Wins

BHK1978=9 Wins

5. Lexa90=8 Wins

Kainlock=8 Wins

TheStroke7=8 Wins

critical-23=8 Wins

9. FlameSnoopy=6 Wins

10. Wrestling Century=5 Wins

11. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

Jaded=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

16. Huntman=3 Wins

Bolton=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 January 2010


T-Rex vs. Captain USA

Java vs. Jack Griffith

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant


More backstory to come where the lack of the women's matches will be addressed but wanted to go ahead and get this out there for people to start predicting.

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Guest KingOfKings

T-Rex vs. Captain USA

Java vs. Jack Griffith

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant - DRAW

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Ouch about the Main Event... I thought it would get D+ as the worst possible outcome... But a D!!!!! Jesus!


T-Rex vs. Captain USA

Java vs. Jack Griffith

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant



Justice vs Bruce for free? Me likes :)

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No Anger? No Peter Valentine? BLASPHEMY! Not watching...oh who do I kid. :p


T-Rex vs. Captain USA T-Rex is the man, while Captain USA is an old foggy.

Java vs. Jack Griffith Victory for Griffith...hey yo, where's the beer?

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior Savage Fury are nothing but fodder!

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma Enygma is the world champ. Logic is needed.

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant Brucie is a man's giant, ready to squash some main event trash!

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T-Rex vs. Captain USA

Java vs. Jack Griffith

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant



T-Rex, I will destroy you for slapping me!

Bruce: The Great Giant


OoC: Sweet! It looks like Jack Griffith is getting a push. A great show as always, but how on Earth did Chris Caulfied vs. T-Rex get a D? I hope that they were off their game or something!

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T-Rex vs. Captain USA

I love T-Rex

Java vs. Jack Griffith

Both savages losing is too easy. Everyone does that to them

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

So nice actually keeping him at USPW

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

Avatar cheats - doesnt matter

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant

Stoppage after attack by Tyson Baine

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Another great show angeldelayette!


On to predictions...Aargh, the pressure of keeping up the run!

T-Rex vs. Captain USA

I would think The Force is too busy challenging Peter Valentine to get involved in this one. T-Rex wins.

Java vs. Jack Griffith

If Griffith is going to challenge Nicky Champion he needs to be able to beat Java.

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

Caulfield won last week, and he is not going to lose Tribal Warrior.

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

Again, can't see you pushing Avatar and Enygma should probably win to stay strong for the PPV. Perhaps by DQ after interference from Baine?

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant

Again, your main event could be the one to end my run! Draw after interference from Caulfield and T-Rex.


Fan Sign: Bruce is one Giant Dude!

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T-Rex vs. Captain USA

Can't stand T-Rex but USa ain't gettin' the win.


Java vs. Jack Griffith

Griffith ain't a drunk anymore.


Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

Squash but Caulfield can drag a decent match outta TW.


Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

Won't predict non-title shenanigans.


James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant




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Wednesday Week 3 January 2010


T-Rex vs. Captain USA

Java vs. Jack Griffith

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant


didn'have the time to made some comment this morning so I will give you my impressions now:


T-Rex vs. Captain USA

T-Rex needs to win in order to keep an high momentum...plus the Cap is gonna retire soon and there is no point in push him now


Java vs. Jack Griffith

Newly signed Southern Justice will win this one...but I hope Java could get some good win in the future


Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

The Hardcore American... no way he loses that...next one!


Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

Enygma can only win...!!


James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant

I think that Bruce will refuse to lose so there are 2 possible finishes: Bruce with the win or a Draw...I prefer a win...I always hate main events that ends without a clear decision...


Oh and I forgot to mention:


Fun Sign: "Baine can't wrestle!" and of course "Enygma Champ 4 Life"

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[...This past show didn't have Sam as happy with me as my first one did. The tv ratings came out and we had dropped way down to .89 from 1.07 so that was a bit of a drop. But there were certain guys who weren't advertised as wrestling that night, including James Justice and Enygma so the tv ratings certainly reflected that. But they can't wrestle every week right? Gotta give some other people television time...]


[...The next day I was working on the script within Sam's office in his home and thinking about some changes and rewrites I was going to need to make to this card when there was a knock on the door. It opened to reveal...]




[...Alicia. I gave her a smile and turned to face her completely...]


The Masked Avatar

"Alicia, I'm glad you were able to stop by. I have been doing a lot of thinking and this week I am not gonna be able to fit the Women's matches in. With so much going on right now, I needed some extra room. However, you will be in a Dark match against the woman we talked about before that we recently signed. Plus, you will be taking on Sheri on the go-home show before the first pay-per-view. Belle and Raven will be fighting for the Women's Title on that show as well. I'm sorry I wasn't able to fit you on there."


[...And I had started rambling on. Alicia looked definitely disappointed at the lack of television time. She came over and sat down on a chair seated next to me...]


Alicia Strong

"We're not getting a pay-per-view match either, are we?"


The Masked Avatar

"Not this month, no. But I already have a Women's title match written in for next month on the pay-per-view. I just have to decide how I want it to go."


Alicia Strong

"I know that men, especially here in America, have a hard time taking women's wrestling seriously. But just remember that there are some great athletes out there, Avatar, who happen to be female."


The Masked Avatar

"And you are definitely one of them."


Alicia Strong

"Well, I do what I can. But it's not just me. It's Raven and Belle and Sheri and Sara and a lot more. We can be a good attraction. Something different from SWF and TCW. We need that something different. Just think about it."


[...I nodded and agreed that I would but she's probably not gonna like the bikini contest I have planned between Raven and Belle this week...]

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T-Rex vs. Captain USA

Captain winding it down, no soup for you


Java vs. Jack Griffith

Griff needs the win more


Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior

No doubt on this one


Non Title: The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma

I waffled but have to go with Enygma


James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant

I am going Draw on this one :)

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 January 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 4,276

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .98

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alicia Strong defeated ??? in 6:26 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic...D+


Pre Show: In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Belle Bryden defeated Raven Robinson in 6:02 by pinfall with a Dish Of The Day...C


Pre Show: ??? comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...D+




[James Justice, the Dude who came into USPW with a lot of fanfare and the man who ended Bruce The Giant's year-long reign as USPW World Champion back in October 2007. Bruce The Giant, the monster who recently turned on the fans and has shown a true mean streak. These two top athletes meet in the ring for the first time since October 2007 and it's live right here on USPW American Wrestling!]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg

T-Rex vs. Captain USA


[Captain USA came out and got the crowd prepared for the match with a 'USA, USA, USA' chant and, well, that's about the most offense that he got in this entire match. At ringside, a fan held up a sign reading: 'T-Rex, I will destroy you for slapping me!' The bad chemistry bug reared its ugly head but that didn't stop The Jurassic Power from simply dominating Captain USA. T-Rex threw him around like a rag doll and when the timing was right he cinched in the Jurassic Crush and USA had no choice but to give in.]


Winner: T-Rex (Via Submission @ 5:39)

Match Rating: E+




[The big video screen lit up to show the entire Sneer Corporation backstage and set within the interview area. Shane is standing in front of the larger men and Anger seems to be looking around and doing his own thing in the background while the others stand still with stoic looks on their faces.]


Shane Sneer

"Take a good hard look behind me USPW wrestlers. You are looking at the greatest collection of wrestling talent in the world today. Jumbo Jackson, my future National Champion. He is proving right here and now that he is no shrimp when he steps inside the ring. Then we have the future USPW World Tag Team Champions The Towers of Power. Two men who just like to beat people down and hold no shame on that fact. Then my future USPW World Television Champion Anger. This man is certifiably insane. Do you know what that means? It means that he can do anything at any time. I can't even control him, which means that a USPW ring cannot contain him. Soon, very soon my future USPW World Champion is coming and the Sneer Corporation will be complete. It's a Corporate Takeover and this is only the beginning."


[sneer tossed his head back laughing and that scene faded out to another...]




[...This scene opened, showing Peter Valentine's face and then pulled back to show him stomping on someone! It's The Force! Valentine drops an elbow and then sends The Force's face into the wall, wrapping a forearm around his throat and choking him as The Force tries to fight back but he's hurt right now.]


Peter Valentine

"You think you can take my title? You think you can take the belt away from The Chosen One? There is no way. In a little over a week you're gonna be mine and I'm gonna put you out of this business for good."


[Valentine tossed The Force into the wall again as security came over finally to break things up. Valentine smiled a psychotic smile before he walked off with his belt in hand.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg

Java vs. Jack Griffith


[A definite hard-hitting matchup in the debut of 'Southern Justice' Jack Griffith. Danny Jillefski had plenty of good things to say about the man making his debut throughout the bout. Danny however had poor things to say about the person holding up this sign: 'Baine can't wrestle!' It went back and forth, with one spot being Jack trying to punch Java in the head but hurting his own hand in the process moreso than Java's hard head. Griffith came back from this though with a rake of the eyes. He continued to take the advantage with some solid wrestling and ended up finishing off Java with a Jack-in-The Box and a pinfall win.]


Winner: Jack Griffith (Via Pinfall @ 7:41)

Match Rating: D




[The big video screen lights up to show former USPW World Champion James Justice standing within the interview area! The crowd reacts with a loud cheer and a 'Dude' chant. James raises the microphone to his lips, then pauses to soak in the cheers. He raises it again and then hesitates, smiling and playing to the crowd. Finally, he raises it one more time...]


James Justice



[The crowd reacts with an even larger cheer!]


James Justice

"So, like, tonight. Tonight I have to focus on one man and one man only: my opponent in the main event The Giant Dude. Giant Dude, the last time that you and I met inside the ring I took your USPW World Title and put it around my waist. That was a little over 2 years ago, dude. Now, tonight, you and I go one on one and not for the belt but for pride. Tonight, there can only be one ending and one ending only. Right here in Huntsville, Alabama, Justice is going to be served...DUDE!"


[James turns his head to the side and looks on as someone steps on screen...]




[Chris Caulfield walks up and shakes hands with James Justice.]


Chris Caulfield

"James, I wanted to let you know that tonight I have your back. I want you to be able to focus one on one with Bruce The Giant. So if T-Rex decides to come out for an attack, the Hardcore American will send him packing."


[James nods and the two show that mutual respect before we head back to the ring.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TribalWarrior.jpg

Chris Caulfield vs. Tribal Warrior


[This one was a match between two fan favorites which really hurt the match overall as the fans weren't quite sure who to cheer for. Chris Caulfield though was dominant in this bout. He took Tribal Warrior to task, ramming him into the corner and peppering him with forearm shots. He slammed Warrior into the mat with a gutwrench suplex and then dropped an elbow. He finished off Tribal Warrior with the reverse snap DDT that he calls the Danger Drop and got the pinfall victory.]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 6:02)

Match Rating: D-


[Following the match, Caulfield got to his feet and looked toward the ramp. His eyes narrowed as someone walked out from the back...]




[...It's Bruce The Giant! Caulfield and Bruce stare each other down as the locker room spills forth to keep these two men apart. But there will be no one to keep them apart at Stars, Strips And Slams as these two men will meet in a top contender match.]




[Once the ring is cleared, Danny Jillefski enters the ring with a microphone in hand.]


Danny Jillefski

"Good evening everyone. I am out here because Sam has informed me that tonight we will be having a bikini contest between our USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson and former Women's Champion Belle Bryden! So without further adue, let's bring out our two contestants."




[Raven came out first to cheers from the crowd and slid inside the ring. Then out came Belle Bryden. Both women were wearing robes. When Belle hit the ring, she took the microphone from Danny.]


Belle Bryden

"I just wanted to say that I think this is deplorable and not something that a true lady should subject herself to. The only reason that I even agreed to do this is because Sam promised me that next week I am going to get a shot at Raven inside the ring for MY USPW Women's Title for doing this. But you rednecks here in Huntsville don't deserve to see me in a bikini."


[belle handed the microphone back to Danny.]


Danny Jillefski

"Well, I am sure you've endeared yourself to the crowd here, Belle. So why don't you start?"


[belle stepped forward and took off her robe to reveal a slightly conservative bikini that definitely covered more than it showed off. She took her thirty seconds to a smattering of cheers and boos from the crowd. When the thirty seconds were up, she slid her robe back on. Then it was Raven's turn and Raven's bikini was definitely skimpier than Belle's. She got a lot of cheers for that one, strutting for the thirty seconds.]


Danny Jillefski

"Well, I think I know who the winner is going to be. But we have to go through this. First of all, let's hear it for Belle Bryden!"


[A smattering of cheers and boos throughout the crowd.]


Danny Jillefski

"That's good. That's good. Now, let's hear it for Raven Robinson!"


[A unanimous cheer for the USPW Women's Champion!]


Danny Jillefski

"Alright, we have our winner....Belle Bryden ladies and gentlemen!"


[The crowd booed that decision and Raven started to argue with Danny when Belle attacked her from behind! She hit Raven with a swift kick to the head and then stretched her with a camel clutch! Officials came running out to break things up. These two women meet next week right here on USPW American Wrestling for the USPW Women's title!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg

Non Title

The Masked Avatar vs. Enygma


[This was a non title bout but a win by The Masked Avatar would definitely propel him up the rankings to be in line for a title match. The match started with both masked men meeting in the center of the ring and exchanging punches! Enygma blocked the third set and started peppering Masked Avatar! He ducked a wildly swung punch and dropped The Masked Avatar with an atomic drop! The crowd went wild for Enygma as he clotheslined Avatar in the back of the head. He bounced off the ropes and hit a dropkick to the face! Avatar rolled toward the ropes, using them to keep Enygma back, manipulating the referee to get between them. The momentum had definitely been slowed but when the two locked up, Enygma pulled Avatar into a side headlock. Avatar shot him off into the ropes and dropped down. Enygma jumped over him and then stopped -- elbowdrop! Enygma is on a roll as he picks up Avatar and rams two sharp kneelifts to the head. He whips him into the ropes -- clothesline -- ducked! Avatar comes back off the ropes and drops Enygma with a hard clothesline...]


[...Avatar pushes Enygma into the corner and hits several shoulderblocks to the ribs. Avatar took control for the next few minutes, focusing on the ribcage of his masked opponent. Avatar growled at a fan at ringside holding up this sign: 'Enygma Champ 4 Life.' The Champion was down and hurt and Avatar locked on a surfboard! Referee Baby Jamie asked Enygma if he wanted to give up but the Champion wouldn't budge! Avatar held the move on for about a minute before breaking it and picking up Enygma. He sent him into the corner and charged -- Enygma moves! Enygma tripped Avatar up from behind and he locks on the Enygma Variation out of nowhere! The crowd cheers as Avatar fights the hold but he cannot fight for long because soon enough he is tapping out!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Pinfall @ 10:22)

Match Rating: C


[Enygma releases the hold and gets his hand raised by the referee. Enygma is handed his USPW World Title belt and looks out toward the top of the ramp...]




[...Tyson Baine is headed down to the ring. As Baine reaches ringside, the lights go off. When the lights come back on, Baine is alone inside the ring with Enygma nowhere to be found! Some mind games definitely being played by the mysterious World Champion!]




[The USPW World Television Champion is shown...walking on the big video screen! He walks down a hallway and pauses, casting a smile as he sees a Beautiful blonde.]


Andre Jones

"Well hello there."




Katie Cameron

"Andre Jones. Just the man I've been looking to find."


Andre Jones

"Everybody wants the Champion."


Katie Cameron

"That's right, Andre, they do. You spoke about having an open challenge for the pay-per-view, right?"


Andre Jones

"You want to wrestle me?"


Katie Cameron

"No, it's not quite like that. I do have a client who wishes to accept your open challenge though."


Andre Jones

"Well, bring him on! I'm not afraid of anyone."


Katie Cameron

"That is what I hoped you would say."


[Katie smiles and walks off while Andre just stares at her for a moment and shakes his head.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant


[both of these men came out to the ring alone and met together in the center of the ring. James had to look up to Bruce but he didn't seem intimidated at all. Referee Eugene Williams seperated the two back into their corners and then called for the bell. James began clapping his hands, getting the crowd into it and pumped for the start of this match. James pointed at a sign in the crowd: 'Bruce is one Giant Dude!', nodding his head in agreement. The two wrestlers circled each other and Bruce raised his hand, calling for a test of strength! James looked up and Bruce just laughed because he couldn't reach his hand! James thought for a moment and then kicked Bruce in the breadbasket! Bruce doubled over and James took his hand and slid it around in a hammerlock. James wrenched in the hold behind Bruce but The Giant backed up a couple of steps and grabbed the ropes with his free hand. He held on as Eugene called for the break and received it from Justice. Bruce and James looked at each other for a moment and Bruce shot out of the corner with a clothesline -- ducked! James kicked Bruce in the knee and gave him a shoulder shot, putting all of James' weight into it! Bruce grabbed the ropes to keep from falling! Justice slid behind him and hit another shoulder into the knee of The Giant! Justice threw some hard clubbing blows to the back of Bruce and then turned him around, hooking him for a suplex! But Bruce would NOT go over! Bruce planted his feet on the mat and reversed the suplex, raising James high into the air and then tossing him over the top rope to the floor below and up against the guardrail. Bruce raised his hand and roared to boos from the crowd. Bruce pointed toward a sign being held up: 'Bruce: The Great Giant' and roared again!...]


[...Justice pulled himself up slowly and got the crowd's approval with a 'DUDE' chant. He slid back into the ring and charged Bruce -- clothesline mows down James Justice! Bruce's arms are like tree trunks and Justice just got nailed with one! Bruce picked Justice up -- military press! He presses the smaller man in the air and then drops him to the mat. At this time, The Jurassic Power steps forth from the back, watching from the top of the ramp and then down at ringside in Bruce's corner. Bruce dominated the next few minutes of action over Justice as the fans tried to rally him up...]


[...Chris Caulfield had made his way to ringside during this time period to even things up. The Hardcore American rallied the crowd and it seemed to be working for Justice as he finally managed to get the larger athlete off his feet and to the mat! Justice went right after the legs of Bruce, much to the chagrin of T-Rex! T-Rex yelled at Bruce to get up but Justice wasn't having any of it! With Bruce lying prone on the mat, Just pointed toward a sign: 'STTAAAAAAAAAAALLLLSSS!!! Knee Drop!!'! Justice bounced off the ropes -- tripped by T-Rex! The referee didn't see the trip! But Chris Caulfield did! Chris goes around the ring and begins exchanging punches with T-Rex! The Jurassic Power slides inside the ring to step away and Caulfield chases him! Justice and Bruce get involved and all pandemonium breaks loose! The referee has no choice but to call this one a draw!]


Winner: Draw (Via No Contest @ 12:05)

Match Rating: C-




[The sound of the bell ringing doesn't stop these four men as they brawl in the center of the ring! Caulfield goes after Bruce and T-Rex goes after James Justice! The locker room spills forth once again to try and break things up! What a wild way to end the show!]

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We had several people get 5/5 this week! Congratulations go out to supershot, KingOfKings, Lexa90, jhd1 and BYU 14!


1. jhd1=15 Wins

2. KingOfKings=14 Wins

3. mad5226=13 Wins

BHK1978=13 Wins

Lexa90=13 Wins

6. Kainlock=12 Wins

TheStroke7=12 Wins

critical-23=12 Wins

9. FlameSnoopy=10 Wins

10. Wrestling Century=9 Wins

11. Jaded=8 Wins

12. Bolton=7 Wins

13. supershot=5 Wins

BYU 14=5 Wins

15. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

Boltinho=4 Wins

20. Huntman=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 4 January 2010


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Sneer Corporation (Jumbo Jackson and Anger)

Java vs. Tyson Baine

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

Peter Valentine and Andre Jones vs. The Force and Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

James Justice and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and T-Rex


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Awesome show as usual... Little bit behind in the prediction standings, but I will rise again for sure :)


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Sneer Corporation (Jumbo Jackson and Anger)

Would love to see the Sneer corp. get the victory, because it's so wrong to have a title on someone like Des Davids.


Java vs. Tyson Baine



Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

Can't go wrong with Alicia.


Peter Valentine and Andre Jones vs. The Force and Nicky Champion

The challengers need some momentum before the title matches.


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

Raven won't probably lose her title yet.


James Justice and Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant and T-Rex

I think Bruce will use his CC.

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