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WCW 1999: The Kings Are Dead; Long Live The Kings

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<p><strong>The Wayward Sons</strong> vs The Icemen</p><p>

<strong>Chris Candido</strong> vs Jim Duggan</p><p>

<strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong> vs Sharkboy</p><p>

Steven Regal vs <strong>Goldberg</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Face turn, got to be a face turn, everyone loves a face turn.</p>

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If you were a car you'd be scrapped.


Seriously, I liked it. Jericho buys WCW. Awesome.


Hehe, hope you know im only messing with you nobby! You know I love your diary man! I was gonna go old school and say Sting instead of Sid!

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Great show as ever, buddy. You haven't lost it at all. As long as Jericho continues to get so much TV time, I'll be happy.


The Wayward Sons vs The Icemen

Chris Candido vs Jim Duggan

Chavo Guerrero vs Sharkboy

Steven Regal vs Goldberg


Oops, forget the last bit. I'll go heel turn.

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Backstage, before the Thunder tapings, The Kid finds time to chat to one of his old friends Bobby Heenan.


KID- Can you believe it's been five years man? You F'n turncoat!


HEENAN- Hey, WCW practically threw money at me! I'm sorry they weren't looking for delusional punks like you at the time, Kid!


KID- See, this is what I've missed! If gorilla could see me now, cavorting with the enemy...


HEENAN- You know Gorilla never stopped talking about you Kid. He would ring me practically every week to tell me how proud he was of you.


KID- What do you think he would make of us both being here?


HEENAN- I think he's understand, Kid. He knew why I had to leave and forgave me, I'm sure it would have been the same with you.

(The two continue through the backstage area, when The Kid spots something familiar)


KID- Is....is that what I think it is?


(He rushes over to a pac-man machine pushed up against the wall.)


KID- God damn! DO you know how many hours I put into this machine? Everytime we toured Cleveland I'd throw so many quarters into it! Look....oh my god...I'm still on the high score list!


HEENAN- Hey, that's great Kid.


KID- Look, number six, KID, number four, KID, three and two, KID...no matter how hard I tried I could never get first place though. BBH was always one step ahead of me....


HEENAN- BBH huh? sounds like a handsome guy.


KID- What?


HEENAN- You know, that's a cool name, makes you think the fella using it must be a swell guy.


KID- Wait a minute...BBH? No way! Bobby Brain Heenan?


HEENAN- Well, I don't like to toot my own horn, but, toot toot!


KID- All this time I was trying to beat you? Now I GOTTA beat the high score! What dya say we make this interesting? Twenty Dollars say I beat your score.


HEENAN- Your on Kid!


(Heenan and The Kid start playing, and are soon joined by various members of the roster. Billy Kidman, Sharkboy, Candido, Jindrak, La Parka...they all try to beat the Wiley veterans high score, but to no avail.)


HEENAN- Ok, ok, time to pay up guys! They don't call me the weasel for nothing you know! You gotta know when to go for the power pill and when to run with your tail between your legs!


CANDIDO- Wait a minute old timer, I was just getting warmed up! What say we go double or nothing guys?

(The gathered wrestlers agree and the video game tournament continues...)





OOC: OK, so which wise guy programmed my game to say, "Bobby Heenan organises a video game tournament? Oh well, if god gives you lemons....

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The Wayward Sons vs The Icemen

I give you plenty of props for making weird tag teams, that's for sure.

Chris Candido vs Jim Duggan

Jim Duggan, win a match in 1999? No way. Just... no way.

Chavo Guerrero vs Sharkboy

Shark Boy, win a match in 1999? No way. Just... no way.

Steven Regal vs Goldberg

Well Jericho definitely gave Regal quite the task to get back into being the "Blackpool street fighter".


I'm saying heel turn. Jericho just came in with a big face operation, and as such I'm figuring someone joins the Untouchables since they just lost out quite a bit. Though I find it weird that Jericho would have bought WCW. How'd he save the money for that one? Not complaining about the idea, just seems like it'd fit better in like a 2001 diary rather than 1999.

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I'm saying heel turn. Jericho just came in with a big face operation, and as such I'm figuring someone joins the Untouchables since they just lost out quite a bit. Though I find it weird that Jericho would have bought WCW. How'd he save the money for that one? Not complaining about the idea, just seems like it'd fit better in like a 2001 diary rather than 1999.


Yeah, the Jericho thing is probably too much too soon, hopefully the next show will explain it a little better. Whichever way you slice it though, Jericho probably wouldn't have been able to buy WCW. I wasn't going to bring him in, but I heard him say on the WCW dvd that he would have put in an offer for WCW if he had known how little it sold for. I know that was some time in the future (2001 like you said) but I just liked the idea of him being involved.


I especially love Team Electric Boogaloo. Niiice.


Yeah, I spent forever coming up with that name...


Oh boy, did it really used to take me this long to put out a show? I feel like I've been writing thunder forever, and its only just over halfway done! Don't lose faith wrestlefans!

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(Before the show begins, A limo pulls up outside the Bill Graham Arena in San Francisco. The doors open, and out steps the unmistakable frame of The Giant accompanied by the one and only Chris Jericho.)


TONY- Folks, your eyes are not deceiving you. Chris Jericho and The Giant are indeed back in WCW...and back with authority!


MIKE- If you missed Nitro...where the hell where you? It was perhaps the biggest night in the history of this company!

(Jericho and Giant continue to walk towards the arena and talk to each other on the way, as we head to...)


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GQp2P1aKc&hl=en_GB&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GQp2P1aKc&hl=en_GB&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


(Yeah, we may need to edit a few of those guys out...)


TONY- And it looks like were going to start things off with our new owners in the ring.

(Jericho and The Giant saunter down to ring side soaking in the applause of the rabid crowd.)


JERICHO- Welcome to......WCW IS JERICHO!


(The Giant taps him on the shoulder.)




Man i'ts great to be back in a WCW ring! It feels like home! It feels good to be back in front of you sexy, sexy people! It feels good to be the masters of our own destiny!


When we both left WCW, we left with a bad taste in our mouth. We left with unfinished business and unfulfilled promises in our minds. We didn't know if we would ever be back but if we did, we'd be back with a bang!


GIANT- Yeah, we went to work for the enemy. Uncle Vince lured us in on the promise that the WWF didn't have the problems that WCW had. But we soon realised WCW wasn't the problem, The WWF wasn't the problem. This entire business is the the problem. So we decided to take business into our own hands.


JERICHO- We got paid handsomely for our time in the WWF, payments that were supposed to pave the way for a mass exodus of WCW stars to the greener pastures of McMahonland...but that aint gonna happen Vincey! How does it feel to be screwed over by sackfuls of your own money junior? So don't worry about the future of WCW. In our hands, it's future is as secure as ever. And for all those who want to know how we got out of our clandestine WWF contracts, well, that's real simple. Buy the competition out from under the boss, then raise hell until they were glad to see the back of us! Let's just say, we can never....eeeeeeeeeever go back the the WWF again!


HEENAN- You know, I heard The Giant is actually pretty clued up on contract law. Yeah, he even helps people out with contract disputes.


MIKE- Is that true?


HEENAN- Yeah... he works on a no win no fee fi fo fum basis!




(The owners are soon interrupted by Jarrett and Sting, but they are not alone. Sting is accompanied by a security guard holding a clear yet secure box. In it sits the big gold belt.)


STING- Do you see this? Do you see what you're making me resort to? Having to keep my title locked up tight. I don't trust either of you! I know you want to take my sexy, obscene, one of a kind, mint condition slice of fried gold away from me! You can't! You can't do it! You need to realise that my WCW contract is airtight, not like the ones they hand out like confetti up north!


JARRETT- You two might have bought the company, but you can never take this title away from The Stinger, and you sure as hell can't stop me causing controversy!


STING- And you know what the real controversy is? That we could have made a lot of money for ourselves and this company side by side, but Chris Jericho's ego wouldn't allow it! Back in the day, I even liked you, Giant, I considered you a friend. And I never did anything to you before you left, Chris.


JERICHO- You just hit the nail right on the head, Sting! You never did anything!


The NWO nearly tore this company apart because you didn't do anything, Sting. You sat up in the rafters and watched it all happen. The Giant here left because you didn't do anything when Eric Bischoff left him out to dry. Where were you when management said they had nothing for him, huh? I left WCW because when the likes of Hall and Nash were in the bookers ear saying I'd never win titles or main event, you...didn't....do....anything!


You know as well as I do that you could have helped so many people over the years, Sting. But no, you took the easy option, you chose the path of least resistance, and good honest men lost their jobs because of it. Hell, you didn't even bat an eyelid when I fired your new best friends on Nitro.


STING- Yeah, well nobody ever stuck their neck out for me! Why should I have done it for you? I worked damn hard for my privileged lifestlye and I refuse to apologise for living it, especially not to a couple of overrated hacks like the two of you!


GIANT- Sting, that's all I wanted to hear. I really, honestly hope that you're happy being the World champion. I hope that you and Jarrett are happy creating all your little controversies. I hope your privileged lifestyle is worth the living hell you've just brought on yourself. Be prepared...




TONY- What a blockbuster start to Thunder! Sting and Jarrett better watch their back now that Jericho and The Giant are back in town!


MIKE- Fans, we apologise for the mix up with the intro video tonight. You are indeed watching Thunder and not Nitro. And what a thunder we have for you! The Icemen are scheduled to face off against The Wayward Sons, Chris Candido will make his WCW debut against the veteran Jim Duggan, and our first match features Chavo Guerrero Jnr and the creature from the deep, Sharkboy!


BOBBY- And don't forget the main event! Bill Goldberg, the man himself, against Steven Regal. Boy did Regal get on the wrong side of Jericho to get assigned this match! Goldberg, fresh off his loss against Sting at Halloween Havoc, is not a man to mess with!


TONY- All that to come, plus, I have it on good authority that Stevie Ray plans to hold a heart to heart chat with his Brother Booker T at some point tonight. We will of course have camera's covering every eventuality.




The cult of Sharkboy is in full effect tonight...but the cult of Chavo seem to have stayed at home. Chavo seems nonplussed, ready to take out his frustrations on Sharkboy for his loss at Halloween Havoc. And it is indeed Chavo who holds the cards in this match, controlling the tempo and flow of the action. Chavo wastes little time and finishes his fishy counterpart off easily with the tornado DDT.

Here is your winner: Chavo Guerrero Jnr.

(After the match, Chavo stays in the ring and calls for a microphone.)


CHAVO- Rey Mysterio...I know you're back there somewhere...get the hell out here and face me like a man!

(Rey Rey eventually makes his way to the ring, looking on cautiously as Chavo holds the ropes open for him.)


CHAVO- Rey....At Halloween Havoc, we put on a helluva match. We showed the whole world what cruiserweight wrestling is all about. We showed these fans that WCW is the very pinnacle of athletic endeavour! And it went all the way to the wire, Rey, back and forth, near fall after near fall...but at the end of the day, you got the better of me. You picked up the all important victory on that night, but we both know that on another night it could have been a completely different story.


So, Rey Rey, I ask you out here not to moan about you beating me, because quite honestly you were the better man No, I ask you out here to plead with you to give me what I deserve. To give me what these people want to see. To give me a rematch!


REY- You're right, Chavo, we put on a great match. And, yes, you pushed me to my limits. There's nothing I'd like more than to face you one more time with this title on the line...but you gotta understand that that's not my decision to make. We both know there are a lot of young, hungry and talented cruisers in this division, and only Chris and The Giant can say whose in line for the next shot. So as much as I'd love to give you what you want, you really need to ask them, not me.


CHAVO- You know, I thought you might say something like that Rey. I really hoped it wasn't gonna come to this... but you see, I really think it's in your interest to make sure this match happens.


REY- In my interest?


CHAVO- Yeah, in your interest, Rey. This rematch is going to happen...or things are going to get complicated. I'll give you until Nitro to give me what I want Rey.


REY- And If I can't?


CHAVO- You'll see, Rey, you'll see...


(Chavo leaves the ring as Rey contemplates what he's just heard.)


MIKE- What on earth was all that about?


TONY- I don't know, Mike, I'm not sure Rey knows either!


BOBBY- Oh, Rey knows all right! That's the face of a guilty man right there!


TONY- You can't even see his face Bobby!


BOBBY- You mean that's not his real face? Boy, you learn something new every day!




Another showcase of the emerging tag teams here in WCW. The blend of youthful enthusiasm and veteran craftmanship provided by The Icemen is enough to put away the still-gelling Wayward Sons.


Here are your winners: The Icemen


(After the match, we cut backstage, to where a familiar face is just arriving...)




(Hogan strides with a purpose through the halls, stopping only to ask for directions.)


HOGAN- Hey, brother, which way to The Giants office? Thanks dude.


HEENAN- Whoa! Hogan is here!


MIKE- Hulk Hogan is in the building folks!


HEENAN- But whose side is he on!?!?


TONY- Were gonna take a quick break, don't touch that dial!




(After the break, we are taken to the office of Jericho and The Giant, where they are joined by the immortal Hulk Hogan.)


HOGAN- Hey, brothers, I know I'm not supposed to be here dudes, but let me tell you something, you both know that my suspension was bogus! You both saw how that bad dude Jarrett screwed me outta WCW, Jack! Bischoff told me there was nothing he could do, Flair said it was out of his hands, so I wanna know, brothers, whatchu gonna do?


GIANT- What we gonna do? Whatchu gonna do brother...! When you get your hands on that bad dude Jarrett?!


HOGAN- You mean...you mean you're gonna lift my suspension?


JERICHO- Now wait just a minute, daddio! I understand you two have got history. I get it, you're tight, I understand. But you gotta understand this, Hogan. The winds of change are blowing through WCW, can you feel em?


HOGAN- I...what?


JERICHO- Can you feel the winds of change blowing on the back of your neck?


HOGAN- What's this guy been smoking Giant dude?


GIANT- Yeah, Chris, what the hell you talking about? This is Hulk freakin Hogan!


JERICHO- Is it though? Is it reeeeeaaaally? Because the last time I saw you in WCW, you were hanging around with The Untouchables. I know, I know, they screwed you over, but like I said, WCW is changing, and I need to know which Hogan you plan on bringing. Is it the immortal, prayer saying, vitamin taking Hulkster...or is it the underhand, cheap shotting, all night partying "Hollywood?"


HOGAN- You have my word, Chris, that if you bring me back, I swear to god, and all my Hulkamaniacs, that you'll see the real Hulk Hogan, Jack! Hollywood is over, Jeff Jarrett saw to that. So what do you say?


GIANT- Hell yeah.....


JERICHO- We're gonna need a little time to discuss things. How about you come to the arena on monday and we'll discuss matters further. And in the mean time, don't do anything you might regret.



(Meanwhile, backstage, Steven Regal is preparing for his main event match by doing sit ups and listening to some classical music. He is stopped by the presence of Dave Finlay)




REGAL- Ah, David! What a pleasure.


FINLAY- Regail. I just got a message from Jericho. He wanted me to let you know that he's real sorry about giving you a match against Goldberg at such short notice.


REGAL- My word, that's very noble of him.


FINALY- Yeah, which is why he wanted me to tell you he's booked you a warm up match later tonight.


REGAL- THE BLOODY TOERAG'S DONE WHAT? Er...I mean, that seems rather unsporting, don't you think David?


FINLAY- Hey, I'm just the messenger mate.


REGAL- Quite... so, against whom am I to warm up?


FINALY- Err, that's the thing mate. Says here your gonna face Gorgeous George.


REGAL- A woman? THis is bull...preposterous! I shall never strike a woman! Never!

(Regal scowls as Finlay exits, stage left.)


MIKE- Regal vs Gorgeous George? That can't be right can it?


TONY- Well anything is possible in the new WCW guys!


BOBBY- Maybe it's the original Gorgeous George, you ever think of that?


TONY- Given he's been dead for about thirty years I doubt it, Brain.


BOBBY- Gee, way to break it to me gently, Tony! Andre's gonna be heartbroken when I tell him...


(Bobby is interupted by a tap on the shoulder.)




Bobby- Hey! Jericho! Pull up a seat boss!

(Jericho puts on a spare headset and sits next to Bobby.)


JERICHO- Mark, Terry, I hope you don't mind but there's something I've always wanted to do, and well I guess I have the power to do it. So you two ham and eggers keep quiet for the next few minutes and allow me the honour of calling a match with Bobby The Brain Heenan.


BOBBY- Mark and Terry? Maybe I'll start calling you two idiots that! I've been trying for years to keep those two morons quiet, Chris! Thank you! Finally I get to share this announce booth with somebody who deserves my company!




HEENAN- I gotta ask you, Chris, as much as I love seeing hot tomatoes like Gorgeous George out here, what are you thinking putting her in a match with Steven Regal?


JERICHO- A match? Wait, you think this is a match? This aint a match, Brain, this right here is a good old fashioned...



Regal is made aware that he is indeed involved in a dance off, and seems even more annoyed than when he thought he had to fight! Reluctantly, to the strains of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Regal dances nervously around the ring to a loud chorus of boo's. Mercifully, the music is cut short...and now it's the turn of Gorgeous George! She put on such an amazing show, it had to be seen to be believed!


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG8FDJCLYCI&hl=en_GB&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG8FDJCLYCI&hl=en_GB&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

(I think you will agree that is one sexy dance. The fans in attendance had no choice but to vote her the dance off winner as poor besmirched Regal fumed and headed backstage.)


HEENAN- Regal was robbed! I've never seen somebody move so gracefully around the ring!


JERICHO- I agree, Brain, but the people like what the people like! I may be the ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, but I think Regal just put the ass in classical!

(Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location backstage...)




STING- Do you see what we are up against, Jeff? Its...unethical! A champion shouldn't have to fear for his title at every turn!


JARRETT- It's ok, buddy, you know I got your back. Aint nobody gonna take this title away from you. We got it in a box and everything!


STING- Maybe you're right, Jeff. I hope you know I really appreciate your unwavering support in the face of such adversity. This belt belongs to you as much as it does to me, I need to protect it for both our sakes. It's me and you against the world now, Jeff. You're the only one left I can trust.


JARRETT- That's great and all Sting...but you know, we don't have to go it alone. There are others we can trust. I can assemble a whole damn army for you if it's what you want?


STING- Numbers....numbers would help our cause, but we must be careful. Many are great, but only a chosen few are truly untouchable.


JARRETT- You just leave it to me, Sting. Leave it to me...




Candido saunters down to ringside with all the confidence in the world for his first match here in WCW. With his trusty Candido Cam in hand, he enters the ring, and sets the camera up on the ringpost to capture all the action exclusively for Candido Camera.


In a pretty one sided match, Candido makes a strong and impressive debut here, finishing things off routinely with his patented Extreme Closeup diving head-butt.


Here is your winner: Chris Candido


(After the matchup, Candido asks for a microphone, then talks directly down the lens of his Candido Cam.)


CANDIDO- Ladies and Gentlemen, you have been watching...in order of awesomeness, Ass hat Jim Duggan, and The One And Only...Chrissss Candido!


And now, we turn our attentions to our special prize. It aint no speedboat, and it sure as hell aint a set of pans... the prize I want, the one I desire goes by the name of Elizabeth. Make no mistake about it folks, Elizabeth will have a staring role on a future episode of Candido Camera, and there aint a thing Randy Savage or anybody else can do about it!


So tune in next time folks, for another exciting installment, and remember to smile, because you might just find yourself on Candido Camera!


MIKE- Chilling words there from Candido, but an impressive victory non the less.


BOBBY- Gee, this guy was less creepy when he was just a deranged stalker!

(Meanwhile, Chris Benoit has joined Jericho and Giant backstage in their swanky office.)




BENOIT- I meant every word I said on Monday, Chris. I'm ready for some real competition! I need to step up to the next level and it needs to start now.


JERICHO- Nobody understands more than me what you're going through, Benoit baby. That's why I'm giving you the opportunity to hand pick your own opponent. Anybody you want at Mayhem in three weeks, you got it.


GIANT- Cool your jets hotshot. We didn't come here to give people preferential treatment, that's what started the rot in the first place. How about I chose you an opponent for Mayhem?


BENOIT- I don't care who I face! Give me anyone you got, Giant, as long as they're ready for a fight.


GIANT- You want competition Benoit...you got it. How about we give you a match against The Master of The Diamond Cutter, D...D...P! That float your boat?


(Benoit just looks on with glee in his eyes, clearly happy with his next big opponent.)




(As we head back to the ring, Mean Gene has two stools set up and a microphone in hand.)


Alright, here we are, live in San Francisco on another blockbuster edition of Thunder! My first guest tonight is one half of the WCW tag team champions, I'm talking about the one and only Stevie Ray. Come on out here big fella!


(Stevie makes his way to the ring looking more than a little pissed off following the actions of Monday night.)


STEVIE- First of all, I'd like to thank WCW for giving me the opportunity to come out here and do this, and also thank you Mean Gene for agreeing to conduct this interview. Now, with that being said, aint no point beating around the bush, Booker, get your ass out here so we can get this thing going!




BOOKER- 'Fore I get in that ring, I wanna assurance that you aint gonna jump me suckah!


STEVIE- Booker, Booker, Booker. You know if I wanted to, I would have kicked your black ass on Monday when I had the chance! The truth is, yeah, I had beef with you because I thought you cost me the US title out of jealousy. I thought you distracted the referee to spite me! Yeah, I wanted to kick you ass, but blood is thicker than mud, suckah, so I walked away.


Then I watched back the tape.


I saw what you was doing, dawg. I saw you try and keep me in a match I should have lost anyways. I realised you was looking out for me man! So I asked you out here, not to cause trouble, but to say...I'm sorry.


I'm sorry, man! I should have known we was tight! We're brothers! I just hope you can forgive me, man.

(Booker enters the ring and embraces his brother as the crowd boo's them slightly, not sure what to make of the re-alliance.)


BOOKER- Hell, aint no thing, bro. Like you said, were tighter than that!


STEVIE- I'm just glad we can put this whole thing behind us...and concentrate on the real problem.


BOOKER- Whatchu talkin bout, the real problem?


STEVIE- Like I said, I watched the tape, dawg. Then I watched the tape back over the last few weeks, and it don't make good watching, man.


Me and you, Harlem Heat, we've done everything WCW has asked of us. We've toured the country with these Tag Team Titles. We've been to conventions, signed autographs, done every interview they've asked us to do and more and we've done it with smiles on our faces...but you know what they say about us on commentary?


They say there's problems within Harlem Heat. They say there's trouble in paradise, man. And week after week in the interviews, think back, dawg, think about all the times they've asked us leading questions, planted seeds of doubt in our minds and the fans minds.


Is it any wonder I thought you was out to get me? Can you really blame me for thinking my own brother was turning his back on me when that's all I've been axed about for so long?


You know somethin, WCW media has it's own agenda, man. All they care about is ratings. And you know what's good for ratings Book? Conflict. They want us to be at war, so they can spread their own propaganda. And the sad thing is it's actually working! Did you hear these jive turkey's in the audience on Monday night? They wanted you to attack me, Book, even though they saw what really happened in my match! The people are sheep! They don't deserve all the time we give them if that's how they're gonna repay us, man!


So, Book, this is gonna be my very last interview in WCW. After tonight, I propose a media blackout! The only time these people will see or hear from us is when we're defending our titles in the ring. Are you with me Book?


(Booker looks at the fans. They cheer for him as he looks on confused. They plead with Booker to turn on his brother, chanting "Book end!" over and over. Suddenly, it appears as if a light goes off in Bookers head. He turns his attention away from the crowd...


and towards Mean Gene.


Booker grabs hold of Mean Gene and delivers a sickening Book end to the helpless interviewer!)


BOOKER- Does that answer your question, brother?


STEVIE- Hell yea! I can dig that!


(Stevie picks Mean Gene up and goes to deliver a Slapjack to the already unconscious announcer...)




(But here come Team Electric Boogaloo! They chase off Harlem Heat, warning them not to put their hands on the legend that is Mean Gene! Harlem Heat gladly leave towards the backstage area, their point more than emphatically made.)


TONY- Can you believe what just happened? We need to get a medic out here for Gene! I think he's unconscious thanks to that vicious Book end! What an uncalled for attack from Harlem Heat!


MIKE- We as announcers have a duty to point out potential conflicts, and the problems within Harlem Heat were clear for all to see. I'm disgusted that they would react this way! How dare they blame us!


BOBBY- Don't say that too loudly, Mike, they'll come out here and give you a Book end! I told you guys there were no troubles in Harlem Heat, but you had to keep stirring the pot didn't you!


TONY- Wait a minute, Brain, you were the worst of us! If anybody needs to fear reprisals its you!


BOBBY- Well...luckily for me, Harlem Heat are holding a media blackout!


TONY- Thank God Team EB were around or things could have been a lot worse for Gene there. We wish him a speedy recovery.




And its finally time for our main event! Regal certainly seems more annoyed thanks to the best efforts of Chris Jericho, but nothing can compare to the demeanour of Da Man Bill Goldberg. He comes to the ring with all the usual intensity that personifies him, along with an added anger at being screwed out of the World Title by The Untouchables at Halloween Havoc.


He enters the ring, and the bell sounds. Like a rabbit in the headlights, Regal knows what's coming next, and it doesn't take long! Spear...Jacknife.....over.


Here is your winner; Bill Goldberg!



(After the match, The Giant comes out onto the ramp and simply applauds the efforts of Goldberg, clearly impressed by his massive strength and size. The show fades as The Giant continues to clap and Goldberg celebrates his quick victory.)

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Juggaloninjalee=50 ponts

BHK1978= 30 points


EDIT- Sorry, I updated this at work when I should have been, well, working. Nobby won the coveted post of the week, for pointing out that I was so rusty I should indeed be scrapped. Fair play.


Beejus got extra points for his feedback.


Trist got extra for his posts.


The rest of you got your prediction points.

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One week removed from the news that shook the wrestling world to its core and Nitro rolls into town once more.


We have a total of three confirmed matches for tonights show for all you WCW point collectors.


Bill Goldberg will be in action once again as he faces the Wiley veteran Shane Douglas. Goldberg is red hot at the moment despite his setback at Halloween Havoc, but it wouldn't be the first time Douglas has killed somebodies momentum dead in its tracks.


Also, they may be facing each other at Mayhem, but tonight DDP and Chris Benoit must team up to face the accomplished Tequila Slammers, Bam Bam Bigelow and Konnan. Can Chris and Dallas operate on the same wavelength, or will The Slammers be too much for the first time partners.


Finally, Bret Hart was promised a match by Chris Jericho last week. If he wins tonights match, he goes one step closer to the title shot he badly wants. That match won't be a walk in the park though, as The Hitman goes one on one with none other than Lex Luger. Lex will no doubt see this match as his chance to prove to WCW management that it is he, not Bret, who deserves a crack at the title.


So make sure you tune into Nitro for the best show on monday nights. You don't want to miss it!


Quick Picks


Bret Hart vs Lex Luger


Goldberg vs Shane Douglas


The Tequila Slammers vs Chris Benoit and DDP

OOC: Im planning on using a different style for Nitro. It's gonna be pretty far removed from my usual style, but should hopefully be entertaining and also mean I can get shows out a bit quicker. Any feedback on the new direction will be very much appreciated. You guys have to read this crap, I only have to write it!

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Bret Hart vs Lex Luger

Bret vs Sting for Starrcade!


Goldberg vs Shane Douglas

As awesome as a quick win for Douglas would be and would push him incredibly high up the show, it ain't happening over Goldberg. This is typically the problem I have in playing a WCW game too, because there are just so many people who could and should have a solid run, but only so many spaces available at the top of the card that there end up having to be casualties.


The Tequila Slammers vs Chris Benoit and DDP

Odd couple with the win to build up to their Mayhem match. Yeah, I'm not sure exactly how that works either, but I see it working anyways.


Good show on the Nitro video being played on Thunder. How very WCW of you. Also a little better on the idea of how WCW was bought with JeriShow being the owners instead of just Jericho.

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Vic Venoms Guide To:

The Monday Night War


Hey internet, how you feeling?


Vic Venom here with all you need to know about what's going down in the Wrestling world on Monday night, the cornerstone of Wrestling in the modern era. The WWF of course brings us Monday Night Raw, the show with all the momentum in the world as well as the brightest stars...


...or so it was until a couple weeks ago. The return of Jericho and The Giant has sent shockwaves throughout the industry. Now WCW is riding the wave of momentum and exposure, but we all need to know, can they make it stick this time?


Now I don't profess to be the most unbiased of observers. Up until pretty recently I was a WCW man. Before that, I was definitely a WWF man. Nowadays? Well, I pretty much hate both of them, so I'm gonna be calling it exactly as I see it.


I'm gonna be watching both shows side by side, commenting as I see fit. We all know about the all important quarter hour ratings, so I'm gonna split each show into eight sections, one section for each quarter hour. I'll decide which show has put on the most entertaining 15 minute section and award the winner a point. By the end of the night, each show will have between 0 and 8 points depending on how well it does against the other show.


So for example, if RAW opens with a fifteen minute Prince Albert promo, and Nitro starts with Sting vs Goldberg for the title, the Nitro wins one point. Of course, Nitro isn't going to open with a match of that calibre, (what am I saying? This is WCW!) but if they did they would be a clear winner.


Hope that explains things nicely, guys. Make sure to join me later for live coverage and comment! Peace out.


Vic Venom

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Another great show, buddy. It's up to you if you feel they need scaling down a little. If it's too much for you at the moment then it's probably the best idea.


Bret Hart vs Lex Luger

Never really dug Lex, but Bret is the man.


Goldberg vs Shane Douglas

I was really tempted to go with Douglas here, but for some reason it just automatically bolded Goldberg before I could do anything. :confused:


The Tequila Slammers vs Chris Benoit and DDP

Love me some Bigelow, such a good big man, but Benoit was one of my all time faves until, you know, so I have to go with him.

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And WCW are first out of the gates tonight with a video recap of Jericho and The Giants return to WCW last week. I guess that's smart for anybody who missed it, but us internet geeks have been watching that video all week! (By the way, I just got a call from one of my contacts...apparently, Dr Death brought a **** load of Jack Daniels backstage tonight, so if some of the guys look a little off...you know why!)

After the intro, Nitro goes straight into a bit with Jarrett apparently on the phone to Sting. Sounds like Sting is taking the night off, which in wrestling terms means he is more than likely to turn up. Jarrett tells him not to worry about his title and the untouchables, because tonight he forms an army. You know, It's great to see Jarrett get some decent exposure in WCW. He's a very solid hand to have in the upper card.


And it looks like we're starting with Goldberg vs Douglas...well, we get intro's then our first ad break of the night.


Over on RAW, they too go for the recap video, this time showing HHH defeating Kane and Mankind in last weeks main event. That was a great match by the way for anybody who missed it. I think that's the best I've seen Kane wrestle so far. Shame about the interference from Stephanie, but I guess it had to be done to continue the fued.


They go straight from that into a match....oh god, Too Cool vs Droz and Prince Albert. Wouldn't have been my choice for an opener, but I guess the kids love Too Cool. Decent enough match I suppose.


Well, I think WCW wins this one, just because of the earth shattering announcement being replayed from last week. Also, Goldberg is worth a million Prince Alberts...the wrestler, not the, you know!





Raw comes back with a small backstage bit where Too Cool run into the current tag champs, The Rock and Mankind. At least they haven't forgot about the tag titles all together. Its a nice little interaction and a match with Rock and Sock could really put Too Cool over the edge as a tag team, but I don't think it's gonna happen given Mankinds run ins with HHH.


Goldberg and Douglas gets underway and Goldberg makes short work of his opponent. They're really trying to build Goldberg back up as a monster huh? Douglas deserves better than this though, I hope his potential feud with Kidman isn't off the cards as it had potential.


After the match, The Giant comes out to the ring and is applauding Goldberg again. He congratulates Goldberg and tosses him a beer. Jesus Christ, are we really doing this? So now Golderg's gonna be their Austin?


Giant says he likes Goldberg because he didn't whine and moan about getting screwed out of the title, he went out and worked on getting another shot. At least they're acknowledging the fact that Goldberg hasn't gone for revenge on Sting. Giant says he thinks berg deserves another chance, which brings out Bret Hart.


Bret says he was promised an opportunity so Giant better not be making any title matches. Giant tells Bret he has a match against Lex Luger tonight and to come back and talk to him if he wins. I'm not sure yet if I like the fact that Giant and Jericho are acting like tweeners, what with Giants troubles with Bret and Jericho doubting Hogan...


Over on Raw, Chyna gets a squash victory over Ivory. What a waste of Ivory's talent! No doubt Chyna is an incredible specimen, but what do you do with her? She's too big to wrestle women but nobody buys her beating the guys. I guess she's too over not to highlight though. This was about what we've come to expect from womens wrestling in America.


After the match, The Rock leaves Mankind to talk with Kane. Mankind says they were both screwed out of the WWF title last week and he'll fight tooth and nail until they get a rematch. Gotta love Mankinds weirdo promos! Before long, Austin tells em both that they better get in line because he wants the next shot at that SOB, and that's the bottom line...you know the rest.

Overall, a very strong Austin/Mankind/Kane segment is just enough to sneak this one, even though I hate Chyna matches.





In the back, Shane Douglas reminds Torrie that she's still his manager whatever Jericho says, and he still expects her to be in his corner for his matches. He says he hasn't seen her all week, and she better start earning her ten percent. At least it looks like Kidman vs Douglas is still a goer. Kidman could learn a lot from him.


Next, Chavo is in the ring with a microphone. Lord, kill me now... Chavo wants to know whether Rey is going to give him his rematch. Rey says he told Chavo to ask the owners, not him. Jericho comes out and says he want's to see them wrestle again, so Chavo can have his title rematch at Mayhem. At least they kept Chavo and Rey's mic time short. These guys are best kept in the ring.


Over on RAW, Kaientai manage to pick up a victory against D'lo and Mark Henry. You know, Mark Henry has a big old WWF contract and they aint exactly showcasing him... I wonder if Jericho and The Giant thought about asking him to join them? Just a thought. As much as I appreciate The WWF showcasing some foreign talent, I don't think American audiences will ever cheer a Chinaman over an American. I'm sorry if that offends but it's the way of the world my friends.


After the match, Mankind demands that Vince make ammends and give him and Kane a rematch tonight. Vince says that one of them can have a non title match with Hunter tonight, and if they win, they might just get another shot at the title. Vince wants Mankind to decide who gets the match. Mankind says sorry to Kane, but he wants the match. Uh oh, Mankind just signed his own death wish! Kane aint gonna like that! Smart move.


WCW crams another segment into this section, as Jeff Jarrett catches up with Luger in the back. He wishes him luck in his match tonight, and tells him there's always a place for the Lex Express in The Untouchables. Lex says that he and Sting are friends for life, but he has his own agenda. He's been part of stables in the past, and he's come to realise that he's more of a loner, and that he'll always put the needs of one before the needs of many. He plans on beating Bret tonight and staking a claim on the belt himself. So thanks...but no thanks. Hey, they did a pretty good job of not making the Bret/Luger match look like a total foregone conclusion!

And another thing, is it me, or is The Untouchable moniker becoming less and less believable by the day? I mean, they've already lost Hogan, flirted with DDP who turned on them, lost Hall and Nash, and now Lex freakin Luger doesn't want to join them? Looks to me like they are very touchable indeed.


Tough call on this one, a pretty crappy match from Raw, but at least they had one. Saying that, there were some decent segments on Nitro barring Chavo and Rey on the mic...Lets say a narrow victory for WCW.





On RAW, Jeff Hardy states that he is better off without his hanger on of a brother. Maybe it's just me, but I always had Dark Hardy down as the heel in that team. The fans seem to connect a lot more with multicoloured Hardy for some reason. Anyway, Jeff challenges Mosh to a match, of all people. He says that Mosh needs to open his eyes and realise what he now knows, that brothers weigh you down. And Jeff doesn't care whether he has to beat it into Mosh. An OK promo from Jeff there, I guess he has potential buried down there somewhere in-between all the pointless high spots.


Mosh accepts the challenge and actually gets the win! So much for Hardy's heel push. He really needs to be beating people like Headbanger Mosh if he wants to get this heel persona over. Surely it hinges on the fact that he is better off without his brother?


Benoit meets up with DDP before their match against The Tequila Slammers. He tells DDP that he is more than ready for their match at Mayhem, but he never takes his eye off whats in front of him. So Dallas better not let him down tonight. DDP tells him not to worry and just concentrate on the match. Despite there being little build up, I'm looking forward to their encounter at Mayhem, both guys always bring their A game to the big stage.


On to the match itself, and Benoit and DDP are clearly struggling to co exist. Quell surprise, a tag team that don't get on in WCW... The Slammers are able to use their miscommunication to their advantage, as Bam Bam pins DDP when he and Benoit get into an argument. Solid match that told a decent story and built on the thread bare feud between Benoit and DDP.


After the match, DDP struggled to his feet, only to be taken down by Benoit! He tries to apply the Crossface, but DDP juuuuuuust manages to escape and exits the ring quickly. Benoit motions just how close he was to locking it in.


Another win for WCW. I can't believe Hardy was beaten by Mosh. I mean come on! Mosh!






On WCW, Hogan is in the office with Jericho. He thanks Jericho for seeing him tonight, and asks what he has to do to get back into WCW. Jericho says he still doesn't trust Hogan, but that he's prepared to give him an opportunity, because that's what the new WCW is all about. Yeah, lets see how long that lasts. Anyway, the long and short of it is that Hogan has to face his arch nemesis Randy Savage tonight, and if he wins cleanly, he can have one last run in WCW. OK, so on the one hand you talk about how this is the new WCW...then you make Hogan and Savage your main event? Oh please...


Meanwhile, Vince has just made a match between X pac and the Intercontinental champion Edge. I think the title is on the line from the look of things. There's a whole lot of X Pac chants out there tonight...

Jeff Jarrett is in the back, this time, talking to The Tequila Slammers. He says he was impressed with there victory and The Untouchables would welcome them with open arms. Bam Bam says he's flattered, but they both heard what Sting said about looking out for himself. They advise Jarrett to walk away from the champ before Sting turns on Jarrett. They leave Jarrett hanging, presumably to go drink some Tequila.


On RAW, X-Pac says he is grateful for the opportunity presented to him for the Intercontinental title and that he's going to do everything in his power to relieve Edge of his duties. This brings out Edge who says he doesn't fear anybody, especially a degenerate like Pac. And it looks like that match is going to happen after the break!


I'll give this one to RAW. The crowd were pretty rabid for X-Pac. Must be a North Carolina thing...






And here it is, the match for the Intercontinental title. The crowd are really hot for this one. Will the WWF really pull the plug on Edges title reign?


And WCW are matching them with...a match. It's time for Bret vs Luger. The crowds hot for this one too. If anybody can drag a good match out of Lugers tired ass it must be Bret, and they do appear to have quite a lot of chemistry in the early going.


Same goes for RAW, where Edge and X-pac are really meshing well. Edge is getting the better of the offence, but Pac is always at his best playing the plucky underdog.


Bret must really trust Luger too, because he's selling for him like a trooper. It's great to see what a motivated Luger can do, guess the new ownership has really lit a fire under him. And just as I type this, Luger seems to be blowing heavy already...looks like their gonna take this one home. And it should come as little surprise that Bret emerges victorious.


Back on RAW, we are all set up for the big finish. Pac escapes the DDT...and counters into an X factor! Pac goes for the cover...1...2...3! And we have a new Intercontinental champion! Wow, the roof just come off the joint! Seems like X-Pac is a popular choice!


Two really good matches here, but I gotta give it to The WWF simply because of the title change.






Regal comes to the office where Jericho apologises for his recent actions. It's not fair that he has humiliated and punished Regal so much, which is why he's invited him for a spot of tea. Regal is very humble and accepts the apology. Before he takes a sip, Jericho tells him that he's pissed in one of the cups, and Regal has to guess which one. Seriously? I think Regal was better off when he wasn't being pushed!


In all fairness, this turns out to be a pretty entertaining segment. You know that bit in The Princess Bride where Wesley puts poison in the water? Yeah, it's pretty much that. Regal says Jericho would have known that as an Englishman he would naturally go for the cup nearest, but being a cunning Canadian, Jericho would have known he would have known so he can't possibly drink from the cup furthest away....and so on. The punchline is that Jericho has pissed in both cups, and Regal acts all besmirched again. Funny.


And what could possibly counter this? How about a match featuring the WWF champion HHH against Mankind? Yeah that'll do it. By my count, we still got half an hour to go, and this has gotta be the main event. Its about as good a match as we've come to expect from these two, they know each other real well by this point.

Over on Nitro, Team Electric Boogaloo are in the ring playing it a little straighter than usual. They say that they formed a tag team because they wanted to win the tag team bounty. (Remember that? Me neither.) They realised they had a lot in common, and they stay a tag team because they want to win gold together and be champions. They say that after Thunder, they have a new goal, and that is to kick Harlem Heats asses!


Jericho is out and tells TEB that they can have Harlem Heat... as long as they win their match at Mayhem. Jericho says that Mayhem is an appropriate name because that's exactly what the match is gonna be. A four team Mayhem match...and the winner gets Harlem Heat at Starrcade. Is that forward planning from WCW? Wonders never cease.


Mankind is getting in a fair amount of offence here to the delight of the crowd. Surely they won't give us two feel good moments in a row?


As Bagwell and Jindrak make their way backstage, they are attacked out of nowhere by a masked man. It looks like we won't have to wait too long to find out who it is as he removes the mask...That's Steve Blackman! Blackman is in WCW, holy hell, I did not expect that! Oh god, theyre actually gonna let him talk too! Blackman says Harlem Heat send their wishes and that he is a one man media blackout. No further questions. Hmmmm, that didnt make much sense. Not sure how to feel about Blackout Blackman. I mean, you take two of the most charismatic wrestlers on the roster in Booker and Stevie, and you give them charisma vacuum Blackman as a manager? Thats...interesting.


Against my better judgement...I'm giving this one to WCW. They had a whole lot going on, whilst Mankind vs HHH is just getting to the good bits.





Stephanie McMahon comes to the ringside area to try and help her man...but she's on the receiving end of a very sweaty gym sock! The fans are going banana's for this! The ref tries to get Mankind to release the hold....and HHH hits him with a low blow. That'll learn him.


Jarrett is once again backstage, talking with El Dandy of all people. He tries to tell El Dandy that he can be an untouchable, but Dandy doesn't have a clue what he's saying. OK, they've officially jumped the shark. Jarret gets a phonecall from Sting. He tries to make out that his army is ready and waiting, despite the fact he hasn't recruited anybody as of yet. He tells Sting he doesn't want to ruin the surprise, and that he should wait and see what happens on Thunder.


Hunter is back on offence, and is really laying into Mankind. Mankind surely can't take much more of this. Hunter goes for the pedigree, but Mankind backdrops out of it. Steph is back on the apron (how the hell has she recovered from such a supposedly devastating move?) and is shouting orders at her man...but here comes Kane! Kane picks her up and carries her to the back!


And with about ten minutes left, here goes Savage and Hogan! These two could put on an entertaining match in their sleep, but should it really main event Nitro in 99? Anyway, you can't argue that the crowd are reacting strongly to seeing these two go at it. It's about as typical a match as you could expect, cycling through all the spots they've been doing for the last however many years.

Hunter can't believe Kane has taken Steph, he wonders whether to run after her just long enough for Mankind to roll him up for the win!


As the match nears its conclusion, the camera feed cuts out...and it looks like we have the return of Candido Cam! OK, NOW I understand why we have this match! I should have pointed out that Liz has accompanied Savage to the ring, and is the target of Candido and his camera. He snatches Elizabeth and tries to escape up the ramp. (What is it with kidnappings tonight?)


Hogan, who was just about to drop the leg, has a attack of the conscience, and chases Candido up the ramp. Meanwhile, the ref has no choice but to count out Hogan! Candido drops Elizabeth and escapes, leaving Hogan looking conflicted on the ramp. And that, folks, is the end of Nitro.


But RAW carries on, and an irate HHH seeks vengeance on Mankind, but here comes The Rock! He Rock Bottoms HHH! Rock and Mankind celebrate as HHH gets to his feet...where he is met by The Rattlesnake! Stone Cold Stunner to Hunter! The three men share a few beers as RAW goes off the air.


Two very different endings. RAW felt like a huge payoff, where as Nitro felt like something just beginning. I think I have to give this one to RAW, as it's too early to tell how the WCW storylines will pan out




And we end with a tie! I think that's a pretty fare reflection on the whole. Both shows had their faults, but it wasn't a bad night to be a wrestling fan! It will be interesting to see how both shows do in the ratings, because they brought out a lot of their heavy hitters, threw in a few surprise appearances and a title change to boot.


Thanks for joining me for this experiment..who knows, maybe you'll see me for Thunder and Smackdown, maybe not. I'd love to know whether you guys enjoyed it or not so don't be shy. So until the next time, if there is a next time, so long and farewell


Yours Truly


Vic Venom

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Hmmm, I don't think I'll be using that style again. It was easier to write, but there were bits were I wanted to include more detail but couldn't Like, I wanted to write the whole Jericho/ Regal bit out! Also, it's hard padding RAW out to fit into the eight sections given the barebones synopsis you get from other shows. Saying that, I enjoyed interpreting what might be happening over there in WWF land!


So what do you guys think? Which way round do you prefer? Or is there a happy medium somewhere that I can't see? The thing is, I enjoy writing all the promos etc, but I'm not sure if the writings strong enough to keep you all interested when I put out long winded shows. Plus, obviously they take longer to put out. Anyway, enough rambling, let me know what you think.





Beejus= 130 points

Totti=100 points

Tristram=75 points

Nobby McDonald= 55 points

Juggaloninjalee=50 ponts

BHK1978= 30 points

The Final Countdown 20 points



The end of Nitro saw Hulk Hogan lose his match to Randy Savage via countout. What does this mean for the career of Hogan? THe Hulkster will be in attendance tonight, but what will the co-owners have to say to him?


Hogan lost the match after trying to save Elizabeth from the clutches of Chris Candido. Has this act of cowardice awoken the Macho Madness within Randy Savage?


We also witnessed the shocking debut of Steve 'One Man Blackout' Blackman as the head of media relations for Harlem Heat. He delivered a strong message to Team Electric Boogaloo, ans as such, our beloved owners have given Buff Bagwell the chance to exact some revenge, giving him a one on one matchup tonight against Blackman.


TEB desperately want a shot at Harlem Heat, but they have to win a tag team mayhem match at Mayhem to get it. Just what exactly is a Mayhem match? We just don't know, but we may learn more tonight, as The Wayward sons battle team RagTag USA (Knobbs and Duggan) with a spot in the match on the line.


Also, Steven Regal will get his chance to be involved, when he and a mystery partner take on The Icemen.


Billy Kidman will be in action, as he battles the arrogant Chavo Guererro Jnr. Will Torrie be by his side once again? What will Shane Douglas have to say?


Last but not least, Sting returns to WCW expecting an untouchable army, but what will Jarrett have waiting for him on Thunder?


All this plus lots lots more, only on WCW Thunder.


Quick Picks:









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Hmmmm... I must say I prefer the original stylins.. Just seemed to be able to pop your clever humour in a lot more overtly. Just my two cents (speaking of which, can you give it back, as that's all I have)


KIDMAN VS CHAVO - Chavo wins the Battle of the Baltimore Goat. Yes, you read right, this match is for the services of Milky the Goat, the most wild milk bearing goat of all of Maryland. One can contentedly retire on her milk. She's a deadset M.I.L.K.


THE ICEMEN VS REGAL/??? - Squiggles win. It's like when Axl Foley turns up to the country club (which by the way is clearly not in the country), ya know, the Harrow Club, and tells the receptionist (who is coincidentally a male, yes, you read right, a male... sad) that he has Herpes Simplex 10. The receptionist agrees that he should tell Victor Maitland this himself. The morale of the story is one must never steal someone's thunder in telling another that they may have Herpes Simplex 10 before things start dropping off the fellow. The same morale is true here, except its totally different. And that morale is squigglies always win. It's like putting your face in a fight with battery acid. There's only one winner. And as one can clearly see when battery acid fought with Sissy Spacek, battery acid always wins. Coincidentally, if anyone is interested in how her morbidly ugo cousin Molly Ringwald is doing, I encourage them NOT to google into google images her name because there is a picture there that will leave you horribly blinded and if not impotent.


TEAM RAGTAG USA VS THE WAYWARD SONS - When one places the name USA into a team, they are obligated to win. It's like a fight between a ten pin ball and those crazy things they try to knock over. The ball always wins and always comes back for more. It's a written rule, nothing I can do about it.


BUFF BAGWELL VS STEVE 'ONE MAN BLACKOUT' BLACKMAN - I'm probably going to lose here, but to me backing Blackman is like backing someone like Katherine Heigl into a sex change. It's unnatural and unnecessary. Keep the goods as they are.

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Quick Picks:






surprises = insta-win!







Blackman wins!



(amazing how this dynasty survived 5 months ;))

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Build that momentum, woo!



Figuring the partner will be someone used to piss Regal off, like El Dandy or someone of that sort.



I kinda mark for this team, actually. I can't say I would ever have thought to have Eddy and Berlyn together, and doing so seems like it would be kinda smart. Berlyn can siphon charisma and skill through Guerrero, and Guerrero has a straight man to play off of.



I'm doubtful that Blackman has the overness to win this one, so I'm guessing a Heat attack on Buff for the DQ.


I kinda liked the format, but if you don't, well you're the writer, so you need to do what's best for you. The only thing really about it is that by having to write as Russo, as much as you do a pretty good Russo, you aren't able to write it as yourself by doing that fashion. Maybe be an understudy to the Venom Report? Also, I liked how Hogan kinda got shafted out of the match with Savage. Keeping the drama going is nice, and the Candido stuff on the side ties it all together well. Loving seeing him get a push, too.

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Thanks for the feedback on the show fellas. I think The Venom Report might be kept around for those weeks when I'm feeling a little uninspired. It was fun to write it as an outside observer, (glad you picked up on it being Russo!) and also to pick holes in my own booking (which seemed to be really easy. A little too easy. I probably shouldn't have pointed out so many plot holes to you lot!) but I kinda missed writing out the full show. Maybe, like beejus said, I'll do it in my own style in future if I use it again.


Hmmmm... I must say I prefer the original stylins.. Just seemed to be able to pop your clever humour in a lot more overtly. Just my two cents (speaking of which, can you give it back, as that's all I have)


KIDMAN VS CHAVO - Chavo wins the Battle of the Baltimore Goat. Yes, you read right, this match is for the services of Milky the Goat, the most wild milk bearing goat of all of Maryland. One can contentedly retire on her milk. She's a deadset M.I.L.K.


THE ICEMEN VS REGAL/??? - Squiggles win. It's like when Axl Foley turns up to the country club (which by the way is clearly not in the country), ya know, the Harrow Club, and tells the receptionist (who is coincidentally a male, yes, you read right, a male... sad) that he has Herpes Simplex 10. The receptionist agrees that he should tell Victor Maitland this himself. The morale of the story is one must never steal someone's thunder in telling another that they may have Herpes Simplex 10 before things start dropping off the fellow. The same morale is true here, except its totally different. And that morale is squigglies always win. It's like putting your face in a fight with battery acid. There's only one winner. And as one can clearly see when battery acid fought with Sissy Spacek, battery acid always wins. Coincidentally, if anyone is interested in how her morbidly ugo cousin Molly Ringwald is doing, I encourage them NOT to google into google images her name because there is a picture there that will leave you horribly blinded and if not impotent.


TEAM RAGTAG USA VS THE WAYWARD SONS - When one places the name USA into a team, they are obligated to win. It's like a fight between a ten pin ball and those crazy things they try to knock over. The ball always wins and always comes back for more. It's a written rule, nothing I can do about it.


BUFF BAGWELL VS STEVE 'ONE MAN BLACKOUT' BLACKMAN - I'm probably going to lose here, but to me backing Blackman is like backing someone like Katherine Heigl into a sex change. It's unnatural and unnecessary. Keep the goods as they are.


Oh Tristram. The Sancho Panza to my Don Quixote. The Tails to my Sonic. The KITT to my Hasselhoff. The Ursula Stanhope to my George of The Jungle. If only all predictions contained Milky the Goat, Beverley Hills Cop and Bowling bowls, what a world it would be...






surprises = insta-win!







Blackman wins!



(amazing how this dynasty survived 5 months )


Thanks, michgcs. This Dynasty is a bit like The Great Khali. It may threaten to leave to charge it's batteries and/or rejoin the Indian police every few weeks, but it always ends up in the main event against seven NXT rookies.

Also, I liked how Hogan kinda got shafted out of the match with Savage. Keeping the drama going is nice, and the Candido stuff on the side ties it all together well. Loving seeing him get a push, too.


Glad you enjoyed this Beejus. I think Candido definitely deserves a decent push. His feud with Savage is just getting out of the gates and will take more than a few turns along the way. As for Hogan, who knows? He got shafted, but it was for a noble cause.


So the next show probably wont be up till at least the weekend. Gives you all more time to predict, comment, and build up those WCW points!

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Completely agree with tristram regarding the styles. It just gives you more freedom to evolve the characters. I will however read whichever style you choose to use.

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New Tetley round T-bags. Who needs a square bag when you can have a round one!


Thunder begins with a video recap of the events of this past monday, culminating in Hulk Hogan losing to Randy Savage via count out.


TONY SCHIAVONE- Welcome wrestling fans to WCW Thunder, live in Puerto Rico, and what a night it's going to be! We all saw the events that occured last week, and I can tell you that Hulk Hogan is here tonight, and boy is he angry.


MIKE TENAY- Wouldn't you be Tony? This is a man's livelihood were talking about. Chris Candido's actions may well have cost Hulk Hogan his place here in the new WCW.


BOBBY HEENAN- Whaddya mean Candido cost him? Hogan didn't have to leave the ring, nobody forced him.


TONY- How can you say that Brain? Candido was trying to kidnap Elizabeth!


BOBBY- Hey, the way I see it, that's Savages problem, not his.


TONY- Sometimes you sicken me, Heenan...


MIKE- We've got two qualifying matches for the aptly named tag team mayhem match coming up tonight folks, as well as the in ring debut of WCW's latest recruit, the self proclaimed "One Man Blackout," Steve Blackman. Also...


But Tenay can't finish his sentence, as the familiar strains of Bret Harts music drown him out.


TONY- And here comes The Hitman! A man who now knows what he must do to achieve his goal. A match against Da Man Bill Goldberg will determine the number one contender to The Untouchable Sting's WCW world heavyweight title.


Bret soaks in the rapturous applause before reaching for a microphone.


BRET- You know, I'm starting to see a pattern here. Just when I think that I'm on the right track, there's always someone there to derail me. I beat Lex Luger on Monday Nitro, but all of a sudden that aint good enough. All of a sudden there's another roadblock in my way, a roadblock by the name of Bill Goldberg.

The crowd cheer Da Man's name as Bret smiles to himself.


Well I had a feeling we were gonna run into each other sooner or later big fella, so I've been keeping a real close eye on you. Quite frankly, I'm impressed with what I see. Hell, you would be WCW heavyweight champion right now if it wasn't for Jeff Jarrett. But that's not to say you don't have your weaknesses Bill. I saw the punishment Benoit put you through last month, and I saw the look on your face when Jarrett locked in his figure four.


The thing is, Bill, with all due respect, and those guys are great wrestlers...but there's only one excellence of excecution around here...and that's me!


I didn't come out here to be braggadocios though. I wanted to make sure there are no more excuses, no more roadblocks. Giant, Jericho, I want one or both of you to get out here, cos I want some assurances that our match at Mayhem is an officially sanctioned number one contenders match.


The Giant emerges from behind the curtain and enters the ring. He takes the mic away from Bret.


GIANT- Bret, what do you want me to tell you? I know you've been screwed over in the past, what you've been through is enough to make anybody paranoid, but you have my word that...


BRET-...No offence, but your word doesn't mean Jack to me. I vowed to become WCW Champion by the end of the year, so you can probably understand that I need more than words right now.


GIANT- You're a pushy bastard, Bret, I'll give you that! OK, how about this. I'll get my people to draw up some papers, and by the end of the night, we'll have ourselves an old fashioned contract signing right here in the ring. You've got ten thousand witnesses right here.


BRET- Now that's more like it! Alright, Giant, you got yourself a deal. So you can tell Jericho and your new drinking buddy that I'll be seeing them soon.


Bret leaves the ring and heads backstage, leaving The Giant to look on, shaking his head at the nerve of The Hitman.


BOBBY- A contract signing? Oh boy do I have a bad feeling about this! They never end well.


MIKE- I dunno. I think there's a lot of mutual respect between Bret and Goldberg.


BOBBY- Believe me, you sit two men down at a table in a wrestling ring and all your mutual respect goes flying out the window...along with the table!




Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location backstage, The King of Controversy Jeff Jarrett and The Untouchable Sting are sat watching a monitor. They are again accompanied by a security guard, who has the world title handcuffed to his arm in a clear briefcase.


STING- Can you believe that? Already they plot my downfall like the vultures they are!


JARRETT- They aint got nothing on us, Sting! We're untouchable baby, it don't matter if it's Goldberg or Bret Hart, you got em both in your pocket, champ!


STING- All the same, we leave nothing to chance any more. I trust our new members are on their way?


JARRETT- Err, about that...I thought, I mean we though that...




JARRETT- Look, I know I promised you an army...but...that's exactly what your gonna get. But I want to surprise you, so being the king of controversy and all, I figured what better way to introduce you than by causing one of my biggest controversies yet?


STING- Very well, very well. Just don't keep me waiting too long, Jeff.


MIKE- Do you guys get the feeling that maybe Jarrett might not be telling the truth?


TONY- Well, we all saw what happened on Monday night, nobody but nobody wanted to align themselves with Sting or Jarrett!


BOBBY- How dare you two morons question the integrity of a man like Jeff Jarrett? I personally hope his new army are planning to beat up all you doubting Thomas'. Now that's a controversy I could get behind!



Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr


Billy is again accompanied by Torrie Wilson, despite Shane Douglas' warning on Nitro. She whoops and hollars at every bit of offence from her man, trying to get the crowd into the match as much as possible.


These two have had run ins in the past of course, most recently, Chavo beat Kidman to become number one contender to Rey Mysterio's Cruiserweight title. As such, there is an understanding of each others offence that contributes to the ebb and flow of the match.


The ending, as all the best endings in life do, involves a scantily clad Torrie Wilson. As she climbs onto the ring apron to reprimand the referee on a particularly inane call, she is knocked backwards and into the guard rail, not by Chavo, but by an oblivious Billy Kidman. Billy, realising what has happened, leans over the ropes to check on his fallen sweetheart...allowing Chavo to roll him up for the pinfall!


Here is your winner, via pinfall, Chavo Guerrero Jnr!


Billy is more concerned with Torrie than by his loss and quickly exits the ring to check on her.


TONY- That was some spill to the outside guys...


BOBBY-...yeah, especially in heels like that. You know how hard it is to even walk in them right Mike?


MIKE- Can you no be serious even for a minute? Torrie Wilson could be seriously hurt right now!


TONY- Luckily, it seems as though she's ok, just a little shook up, as Billy helps her to her feet.


BOBBY- If he was any kind of gentleman he would carry her to the back! Even if he is roughly half her size!


Kidman apologises over and over again to Torrie as he helps her get her bearings and walks her to the back. Torrie signals to the crowd that she is ok. Meanwhile, Chavo has hold of a microphone in the ring.


CHAVO- I guess that's what happens when you bring the mammacitas to the ring. If Torrie Wilson was dating a real man like me, I wouldn't be so reckless as to put her in danger Essa. Nah, she'd be too bus in the kitchen at home where she belongs! She has no right being out here holmes, so in future, keep her out of my way OK?


And talking of people who have no right being here, Rey Mysterio, thanks to our glorious leader Chris Jericho, your leetle secret is safe...for now. But in two weeks time essa, me and you go to war again and there's only going to be one winner this time. Let me spell it out for you cabron, at WCW mayhem, Chavo Guerrero Jnr is gonna become the new Cruiserweight Champion, and if I don't...then the whole world finds out what I've been dying to tell them.


Chavo throws down the Microphone and leaves.


TONY- What a change in attitude we've seen from this young man in the last few weeks! At one point it looked as though he really respected Rey Jnr, but I guess lately we have seen his true colours.


BOBBY- Chavito has given Rey Mysterio every chance in the world to come clean but he won't do it! What a coward!


MIKE- I honestly don't think there's even a secret to tell guys. I think this is all just part of Chavo's plan. To get inside the head of the champ. Mind games 101 pure and simple.




Meanwhile, Billy Kidman is helping Torrie to their car when Shane Douglas shows up.


DOUGLAS- Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going?


BILLY- Not now Shane, alright? You saw what happened out there, I'm taking her home.


DOUGLAS- Guess again Kid, she's coming with me. We've got a very important meeting...


BILLY- ...a meeting? Are you kidding? There's no way she can...


DOUGLAS- ...well that's not your decision to make. Torrie? are you coming with me or do I have to find myself a new manager?


TORRIE- Look, Billy, I appreciate what you're trying to do but Shane's right. This meeting is real important and I need to be there. I promise you I feel fine. So why don't you go home and I'll be back in a couple hours to show you how fine I am OK?


Reluctantly, Kidman steps aside and allows Torrie to leave with Shane.




Elsewhere, Randy Savage is walking with a purpose backstage. Elizabeth struggles to keep up with him as he heads for the ring.


TONY- Oh man, I wouldn't like to be Chris Candido right now! The Macho Madness is burning bright in those eyes! Folks, we're gonna take a short break, but don't go anywhere, because Randy Savage is gonna be live in the ring next!


When we return, Savage is in the ring with Elizabeth. He looks like a man possessed.


SAVAGE- There's a whole lot of electricity in this building tonight, oh yeah! I can feel the energy of ten thousand Puerto Rican wrestling fans coursing through my veins, infecting my blood, and bringing the macho madness to the boil!


It makes me sick to the stomach that a despicable low life like Chris Candido, yeah, a no good sewer rat is permitted to ply his trade in the WCW! Let me tell you, You want to make my Elizabet into a star of your flickering little picture show? Yeah? You wanna take a delicate flower and use it to hyp-no-tiiiiise the professional wrestling audience in to following your pied piper act? You thought it was gonna happen, yeah, you banked on it, but you can take your particular presumptions to the blood bank and I'll cash it all in, YEAH! Because you didn't count on the madness, the insanity, that rages deep inside these eyes!


What it is is what it is Candido! And what it is is me and you, clashing over a matter of ethics, of right and wrong, and The Macho Man has never been wrong in his existence, so I must be right on the button! And the button says that things are personal. And when the madness mixes with the personal, the fireworks reach all the way to the great wall of China! So Candido, I hope you're watching a monitor, yeah, it's time for you to look at the screen instead of through the lens, brother, because it's time for you to taste a little starter, an hors d'œuvre if you will, of what the Macho Madness is really all about! DIGGIT?!


He drops the microphone and drags a bewildered Elizabeth towards the back. He paces down the corridors screaming for Candido to come out and face him, as The Giant tries to calm him down.


GIANT- Whoa whoa whoa, easy tiger! You can shout all you want but Candido aint gonna come out to face you.


SAVAGE- And just how can you be so sure, big dude?


GIANT- Because he isn't here, man! I know you enough to know you would come here looking for revenge, Savage, and I knew Hogan would be looking for trouble too.


SAVAGE- And who are you to deny me Giant? This particular issue is a personal one, YEAH, and aint nobody gonna stop me from getting my hands on him!


GIANT- Hey, I don't wanna stop you! In fact, I know you're gonna teach him a lesson. It's just not going to happen tonight, chief, it's going to happen at Mayhem. You versus Candido in a no DQ match, what dya say?


SAVAGE- Oh yeah I can diggit, Giant! That sounds like something the Macho Madness can get behind!


GIANT- OK, I'll make the match, as long as you promise me there will be no vigilante justice between now and Mayhem. Do we have a deal?


SAVAGE- Alright, you got yourself a deal, just keep that jerky away from me!


GIANT- I'll do what I can Savage.


As they talk, The Hulkster comes bursting onto the scene.


HOGAN- Giant! We need to have words, brother!


GIANT- Alright, start talking.


HOGAN- I don't have to point out the obvious to you, Jack! You know what I want! I had Savage beat on Monday until


SAVAGE- Now wait just a minute, buddy! You didn't beat anybody no way no how! With that being said, I owe you a debt of thanks Hulk Hogan. If it wasn't for you, I might not have my Elizabet by my side tonight.


HOGAN- The three of us go way back, dude, you know I'd never intentionally let anything happen to Liz.


SAVAGE- Giant...on Monday you and Jericho said you wanted to see the real Hulk Hogan. The one we all used to know and love. Well before my eyes I saw a transformation, yeah, a MET-a-morphosis in the behaviour of this particular gentleman. You wanted to see the Hulkster instead of the Hollywood, yeah....well win or lose, WIN OR LOSE! I think you got him, diggit?!


HOGAN- Giant, brother, don't make me beg dude. I need WCW. I need to be a part of what's going down. Just tell me I can come back full time and I promise you and all the Hulkamaniacs won't regret it. How about it?


GIANT- Look, Hogan, as much as I want to say yes...you lost your match. Whichever way you slice it, we gave you an ultimatum and you come up short.


HOGAN- We? WE? It sure sounds to me like Jericho was doing most of the talking Monday night brother!


GIANT- Hey, everything is 50/50 between me and Chris! I'll tell you what, let me talk to him, and I'll have you a decision by the end of the night.



The Wayward Sons vs Team RagTag USA


The Sons have been hit and miss in their short history of tagging together whilst Team RagTag have yet to pick up a victory. Both teams desperately need to establish themselves, and what better way than to be involved in the mysterious tag team Mayhem match?


The carrot dangling in front of their noses is enough to spur them into a frantic, action packed match. Team RagTag in particular seem to have jelled incredibly well in such a short time. (It is perhaps a shame that both men are reaching the twilight of their respective career as they showcase a natural chemistry that is hard to teach.)


Despite their experience advantage, it is the two upstarts who pick up the victory via a frogsplash from Eddie. Perhaps now will be their time to showcase a bit more togetherness and a lot more personality.

Here are your winners, via Pinfall, The Wayward Sons!


TONY- The Wayward Sons there, picking up the victory that sends them to Mayhem and that tag team Mayhem match. Already there of course are Team Electric Boogaloo and two other teams will join them for a shot at Harlem Heat.


MIKE- A Mayhem match could mean many things. We are still to find out the particulars but no doubt it will be an action packed encounter.





Backstage, The Giant has joined his business partner Chris Jericho in their swanky office.


JERICHO- Where the hell have you been? We've got to get this contract signing you promised Bret Hart sorted man.


GIANT- Don't take that tone with me, I've been trying to sort out your handiwork! I've just had Savage and Hogan in my ear saying Hogan deserves another chance, and you know what, I think their right.


JERICHO- Now wait a minute partner, we agreed that Hogan had one shot and one shot only, and he failed.


GIANT- No, you wait! I agreed to nothing. You were the one who wanted him to prove himself, and I think he did. You know Hollywood would have took the victory before he saved the girl.


JERICHO- We gave him specific instructions and he failed! What kind of message would it send to the roster if we give people more chances than they deserve? Do you know how busy we would be trying to sort out rematches and how many phonecalls we'd have from former employees?


GIANT- I hear you, man, I know what you're saying, but this is Hulk Hogan. He deserves better than to be just thrown on the fire.


JERICHO- This really means a lot to you doesn't it? Look...maybe you're right. Hogan has given a lot to this business, and if he's a changed man like you think he is, maybe he deserves one more shot. You know whose back on Monday right?


GIANT- Yeah I know.


JERICHO- Well I say we put him and Hogan in a match at Mayhem. If Hogan wins he gets his farewell tour. If he loses...no more excuses.


GIANT- Partner...I like the sound of that!


Suddenly, there is a very polite knock at the door. Steven Regal gingerly enters, wary of Jericho's tricks.


REGAL- You wished to see me sir?


JERICHO- Ahhhhh, Stevie Baby! Come in, take a seat! You want me to get you a drink? Tea?


REGAL- Errr, I think I'll pass if it's all the same to you.


JERICHO- Very well. I just wanted to inform you that you've got a match tonight, Stevie Baby.


REGAL- And who is it against this time sir? The abominable snowman perhaps? Or maybe the QE2?


JERICHO- The what? Listen, you're facing Dean Malenko and Elix Skipper and if you win, you're in the tag team Mayhem match.


REGAL- Really? Oh sir, that is very magnanimous of you! Wait until I tell David, he's going to be ecstatic!


JERICHO- Now hold on there Stevie, I didn't say anything about Dave Taylor. You've got a very special partner tonight. Its going to be The Icemen against You, Stevie Baby Regis, and your opponent from this past monday on Nitro!


REGAL- Oh my! You mean...?


JERICHO- That's right Regal! You've got the biggest and baddest tag partner in the world! Now go out and get em Tiger!


Regal leaves the office full of fire as Jericho and The Giant get back to business.




The Icemen vs Steven Regal and ...


Regal waits patiently for Da Man to make his way to the ring, but his face soon turns sour when he realises that it's not Da Man afterall, but Da Woman! That's right, his partner is Gorgeous George! I bet nobody saw that one coming! What a master of the swerve I am!


The Icemen are another team looking to establish themselves, and despite their fair nature, they aren't going to make any allowances for Regal's apparent handicap. Indeed, Regal wrestles alone tonight, telling George that he will wrestle nobly to uphold her honour...to which she replies with a flash of her posterior, sending the unflappable Regal into hysterics. From there it is just a matter of time before Malenko locks in the Texas Cloverleaf and makes Regal tap to put him out of his misery.


Here are your winners, via submission, The Icemen!




TONY- Will Steven Regal ever catch a break from the new owners? This might as well have been a handicap match!


BOBBY- How dare The Icemen take advantage of a woman like that!


MIKE- They never touched her, Brain.


TONY- Folks, we want to take you back to last week now, and the heinous attack that Harlem Heat committed on our broadcast colleague Gene Okerlund.


A short video plays, showing the turn of Harlem Heat, the bookend to Mean Gene, and the subsequent refusal to conduct any more interviews.


TONY- I'm relieved to tell you that Mean Gene hasn't suffered any lasting damage and will be back around here soon. In the meantime, our temporary backstage announcer The Living Legend Larry Zbyszko is backstage with the newest member of WCW.


LARRY- Thanks guys for that warm welcome, I must say it's less than I deserve. Joining me now is a man who has made a very big impression in his short time here in WCW. He calls himself the One Man Blackout, Harlem Heat know him as their head of media relations, you may know him as Steve Blackman. Now, Steve, last week Harlem Heat decided to take out their aggression on our very own Mean Gene, a man with no wrestling training, a man who interviews people, not fight them. What the hell did Booker and Stevie think they were doing?


BLACKMAN-....No comment.


LARRY- No comment, huh? What about you then, Steve? What about the beatdown you gave to Team Electric Boogaloo this past Monday? Were you acting on behalf of Harlem Heat?


BLACKMAN- ...No comment!


LARRY- Did you even go to media training? Gees...So what about tonight? Your first WCW match and it's against Buff Bagwell next. Given the irate mood that Bagwell is in, do you think you have what it takes to beat him here in Puerto Rico?


BLACKMAN-.....No.....Comment. And no further questions.


Blackman pushes the microphone away and exits the interview area.


MIKE- Well that was certainly a thought provoking interview from Harlem Heats head of media relations!


TONY- Insightful is the word, Mike. What do you think Brain?


BOBBY- No comment!




Buff Bagwell vs "The One Man Blackout" Steve Blackman


Bagwell comes out here alone. He looks ready for a fight, and that's exactly what Blackman plans to give him. As a match, it never evolves beyond a brawl and the referee struggles to keep control.


As such, it quickly goes to the outside, where Blackman rams Bagwells head into the ring steps. He whips him into the barrier as the referee calls for them to take it back inside, but neither man will listen. The ref has no choice but to throw the match out, counting out both guys.


This match has been declared a draw on account of a double count out


The action doesn't stop there though, as Blackman is intent on sending a message to Team Electric Boogaloo. He pulls his lethal weapon out from under the ring, his trusty kendo stick! He goes to work on Bagwell, screaming at him not to stick his nose in Harlem Heats business. Before long, Mark Jindrak runs down to ringside and chases off Blackman. The One Man Blackout gladly leaves, his message heard loud and clear.


TONY- It didn't take very long for this one to get bowling shoe ugly did it?


MIKE- I think Blackman was more intent on beating down Bagwell rather than getting the pinfall victory tonight. You gotta believe Harlem Heat sent him out there with specific instructions tonight., and I think he followed them to the letter.


BOBBY- I don't understand what Team Electric Booger have got against Harlem Heat.


TONY- They assaulted Mean Gene, Bobby! Isn't that enough?


BOBBY- Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but respect for Okerlund, and not a lot of that...but Bagwell and Jindrak had no right interfering with their business.


MIKE- Boy, you have a really warped sense of the world don't you Brain?


TONY- You're only just figuring that out, Mike?



After a short commercial break, The Giant and Jericho come to the ring, where a table and two chairs are set up.


JERICHO- I don't think I've said this tonight....so what the hell....





In two weeks time, it's the first PPV of the new WCW era. WCW Mayhem. And our very first PPV main event is going to be one for the ages! It's a match that all the Jerichoholics...and all the....Gigantaphobes have been longing to see. The Hitman, The Excellence of Execution, The best there is, was, and ever will be, going one on one, mano e mano, against The Monster, The Jacknife Master, and don't forget DA MAN, Bill Goldberg!


GIANT- Somebody call Mike Buffer and tell him his services are no longer required. Anyway, we're out here right now because one of the competitors thinks my word aint good enough. Bret Hart, get down here so we can get this thing started.

Bret enters the ring to another thunderous reception


JERICHO- Bret. We have here, thanks to our obscenely expensive lawyers, two contracts that need signing. This contract guarantees the winner of your match at Mayhem a shot at The World Heavyweight Title at Starrcade. So take a seat, look it over, and if your happy with it just sign on the dotted line!


Bret takes a look at the contract, reads through the small print, then decides that he is happy and signs.


GIANT- Ok, so now we just need your opponent. The man who I believe will beat you at Mayhem. The man who should be world champion right now anyway, Bill Goldberg!


Goldberg does his usual long entrance, all the way from the locker room. He finally gets through the fireworks and into the ring.


JERICHO- Hey, big guy, how you doing?


Goldberg stares a hole right through him


JERICHO- Yeah....I've been meaning to talk to you, all that crap I pulled last time I was here....well, I just hope its all water under....


Goldberg snatches the contract off him and signs it without even looking.


JERICHO- OK! It looks like we have our Mayhem main event! Man, I thought it was going to take longer than this...we've got like ten minutes to kill...anybody know any good jokes?

As Jericho speaks, a familiar face rushes through the crowd with a chair in hand. He smashes it against the back of Goldberg!


TONY- Oh my God! What the hell is Chris Kanyon doing out here?


Kanyon tries to fight off the other three men, but the numbers game soon catches up with him


MIKE- I can't believe Kanyon thought it would be a good idea to attack all four men? We haven't seen him for weeks, why would he do this?


Before long, another wrestler rushes the ring, this time with a lead pipe.


BOBBY- That's Sid Vicious! Sid is clearing the ring!


TONY- We've seen Sid and Kanyon tag in the past, but what is the meaning of all this?


It isn't long before the questions are answered, as here comes Jeff Jarrett and the world champion Sting! They help Kanyon and Vicious in their assault, leaving all four men down for the count. Jarrett picks up a microphone.


JARRETT- I promised you all an untouchable army, and here it is! I told you all I would create the biggest controversy yet, and I delivered! The Untouchable Icon Sting....The King of Controversy Jeff Jarrett, The Master of The Universe big Sid Vicious....and....we'll come up with a nickname for him later, Chris Kanyon. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the new and improved Untouchables!


TONY- Oh my! Jeff Jarrett really did have an army! And they just ambushed the four biggest targets in WCW!


MIKE- I hope they know what they are doing, attacking the two most powerful men in WCW! All four of these guys could be out of a job by the morning!


BOBBY- Power to the people! If you're gonna stick it to the man, you stick it to the biggest man there is! I love it!


TONY- Folks, we are about out of time here...just look at the carnage created by the new Untouchables! What a night! Goodnight!

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