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North Of The Border Pro Wrestling: Taking it to the big boys

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Some Quick O.O.C. notes:


I'm using the user preferences


Show Stats As Grades, Owner Goals On, Penalties for small roster,

repetitive booking, perfect show theory on, characts can be stale, Gimmick effects are on, Dirt sheet not hidden, industry and economy effects on, advance booking cannot be deleted, Momentum effects on, locker room and morale effects on, time limits on negotiations.


I'm setting random workers to debut from Janaury 2010, Turning Kenny deaths off.


I'm running my points with my User Talents this way:

Negotiating- 5

Motviating- 5

Creativity- 5

Leadership- 5




Edd Stone and Duane Stone both had their contracts changed from their respective contracts to NOTBPW through some 'god modding'. Now while I'm not a fan of this I felt it needed to be done for the storyline purposes.


Show ratios are being changed to 80% with more storylines than before and the product will be adjusted (once I get the game tomorrow) to give a small use of managers in the company.


The product now has low comedy and medium mainstream putting the product to 60% intensity.


All in all after that...Tomorrow starts the real game :)

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Nice twist! After the disastrous conversation with Duane earlier I thought we might not see Duane for a while, never mind Edd as well.


Edd Stone and Duane Stone both had their contracts changed from their respective contracts to NOTBPW through some 'god modding'. Now while I'm not a fan of this I felt it needed to be done for the storyline purposes.

As far as I am concerned you could have given them 6 year contracts for $0 - if it helps the storyline, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. This is, after all, your take on the universe and occasional artistic licence is nothing to worry about.

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Edd Stone and Duane Stone both had their contracts changed from their respective contracts to NOTBPW through some 'god modding'. Now while I'm not a fan of this I felt it needed to be done for the storyline purposes.


As far as I am concerned you could have given them 6 year contracts for $0 - if it helps the storyline, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. This is, after all, your take on the universe and occasional artistic licence is nothing to worry about.


Agreed - I'm all for 'creative' modding in the spirit of getting things off to an interesting start.

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Monday, Week 1, January, 2010

So it did take a while admittedly for Duane to explain the situation to me, about 4 days to be precise. Something I had said had got to him and he realized that coming home..back to Canada was the best option available for him.


So he signed. Admittedly I squealed like a little girl at that point inside my head because I was half way there. Duane had helped with the other half as well. He managed to talk Edd into coming to Halifax and to talk to Dan and Dan Junior about 'their problems'. Watching three rather macho men talking about their feelings is always a sight to see but admittedly the air got cleared and now the more grown up '24 hour party animal' was back...under my supervision.


Wow, that was going to be fun.


So I took to sitting down for my first day at work, admittedly more busy than I had expected. With the news of Edd and Duane returning so many reporters wanted exclusives, so many promotions wanted deals to work with us. Of all of them that had offered only one really stuck out for me, and with the hopes for our American expansion the decision between myself and Dan was taken to ring back Sam Strong and accept his offer for a talent trade agreement. As soon as we can I hope to take that deal up.


My phone has been buzzing all week. Wrestlers have been contacted, a referee, a road agent some announcers basically looking to expand on what we already have. Our hope is to get a second show in February so that is the plan for long term, get some stars in America in to help us boost popularity.


Duane and Edd have been in this morning. Duane seemed happy with his main event spot, Edd 'understood' why he was being placed at Midcard but really its a short term option as we increase his popularity again.


List of things to do for the day only concludes a meeting with Craig Prince about the show Wednesday Night.


Current card sketched in is:


Seth Thomas vs The Natural (A hope to put over our amazing chemistry in the House Of Stone)


The Fighting Irish vs Dan Stone Jr and Jeremy Stone


John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh


and in our current scheduled main event


Sean McFly vs Steve DeColt in a non title contest



While some other matches are planned, we have the basis for what could be a great event.


Call back tomorrow people, CZCW show tonight, got a feeling I'll be having a look at this to see some 'potential talent'



For now people


Seth Thomas


Quick picks for show 1


Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly

The Stone Siblings vs The Fighting Irish

John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh

Seth Thomas vs The Natural

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Oh well, here goes! Not got TEW on this computer and my C-Verse knowledge is in it's infancy so forgive some possible horrendous picks...


Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly

Being non-title this could go either way, but I see DeColt play up his Outsider gimmick and win by nefarious means.

The Stone Siblings vs The Fighting Irish

Stones, NOTBPW, even I can figure this one out.

John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh

To be honest, I've no idea about either of them therefore on the basis of luck (and because I copied Kainlock) I pick Maverick.

Seth Thomas vs The Natural

I can't see you pushing yourself too high.

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Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly - Champs should win.

The Stone Siblings vs The Fighting Irish - The Fighting Irish couldn't beat EITHER Stone sibling, even if Jezza or Dan was blindfolded with BOTH hands tied behind their back.

John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh - I'm sure Cavanagh has an upside, but I'm damned if I've ever found it.

Seth Thomas vs The Natural - Don't push yourself!

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Tuesday, Week 1, January, 2010


Spoke to the account this morning again. Ticket prices are definately going up by $4 and after the Pay Per View this month we will be switching to major licensed music, give North Of The Border that extra little edge on the competition.


The backstage rules were officially put into effect as well meaning we hope to see all our talent at 4pm tomorrow evening for the first show (I'm personally driving Edd there, just to make sure he doesn't do anything at all)


Speaking to Dan Senior he really does have a view on how his company should be run. He hopes for us to reach $7.5 million within 18 months as well. Pretty much my job depends on us reaching that quality. As well as that he doesn't want me hiring any spot monkeys or people not at a high enough reputation in the industry, which could be quite difficult in promoting new talent.


The golden son appears to be in full return as well. I have to keep Duane Stone popular in Canada and with momentum at the time expiry date as well, while not as 'important' I can guess with it being a Stone it so will be.


From what I read last night CZCW made a great show and from what I heard even more my 'targets' appeared to have done great. Could be promising for the company with that.


TCW is on TV tonight so shall be watching that, SWF is being taped tonight as well so likely to keep a good look on the results. Could be a great oppertunity to size up some 'opposition'


Anyhow, for now


Seth Thomas



O.O.C. Thanks so far for all the predictions, show has already been done on the game so it just requires writing, which I'm going to start now and hell I may even be done in a few hours, at the latest tomorrow evening UK time


peace :)

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Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly


I think NOTBPW fans crap on non clean finishes, so I see McFly picking up the non title win here to push his claims for a title shot.


The Stone Siblings vs The Fighting Irish


Squash, wonder if you are looking to change the Tag straps to a floating belt and perhaps put the belts on the Stones to help up the prestige of the belts ?


John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh


Cavanagh sucks, I really do wonder how he ever managed to make it into NOTBPW, perhaps the Stone's feel they can take some raw meat and turn it into a world class wrestler.


Seth Thomas vs The Natural


I see your user-character being a bit like Charles Rainier in my FCW diary, someone happy enough to settle into the midcard and put the stars of the promotion over.

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Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly


I think NOTBPW fans crap on non clean finishes, so I see McFly picking up the non title win here to push his claims for a title shot.


If you read back to one of my posts before I mentioned how I put the comedy to low level and the mainstream to medium which gave me the chance to bring some managers and that into the company which should also give me the chance when needed to use a non clean finish, Probably should've done a seperate post for that all before :o

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Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly

I normally would pick the champ to win but being that this match is non-title I believe that Sean will pick up the win to get a title shot in the upcoming weeks.


The Stone Siblings vs The Fighting Irish

Are you kididng me, The Fighting Irish aren't even close to being in a league with the Stone Siblings.


John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh

John Maverick gets my vote.


Seth Thomas vs The Natural

This is hard to say being that it involves your user character and I always hate making predictions for matches involving user characters. However I do beleive that the Natural will get the win although If I am wrong I wouldn't be surrpised.

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Steve DeColt versus Sean McFly??? I know they're fictional characters, but I'd pay to see that. Odd that it's given away on free tv, but I guess you've got to start off with a bang.


Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly... because DeColt Rules!

The Stone Siblings vs The Fighting Irish... because, well, come on.

John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh... because you need another strong heel.

Seth Thomas vs The Natural... because from the looks of it you've got plenty of top babyfaces already.

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Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly.. Cant see a babyface winning with a non clean finish anyway.

The Stone Siblings vs The Fighting Irish... I'll bet my life savings on that.

John Maverick vs Mighty Cavanagh

Seth Thomas vs The Natural



Oh, and nice stacked roster you got there. National in no time.

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Great read so far. May I ask in how far you changed the product settings? I was playing around yesterday but I could not find a setting which made it easier to get mainstream TV-stations without changing the product of NOTBPW too much.


Did you just change the match/non match ratio?


Before I statrted the game I put the comedy to low and the mainstream to medium (I think thats it) I still can't get shows on Mainstream networks but I can get managers and personality figures now.


Match ratio is also at 80% now


Hope that helps in some way

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Wednesday, Week 1, January, 2010

So I watched TCW last night.




See they actually pulled off a pretty good show for a company their size even without a ‘future asset’ like Edd, speaking of whom I’ve left in a car somewhere outside as I pop inside to pick up my laptop ready for the show. We begin to build towards the Pay Per View Tonight.


Only a short entry, Edd appears to be getting restless. I can see him chatting up the neighbours. Christ!


For now


Seth Thomas

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OOC NOTE: I'm trying two different ways of laying out results, this way...and the way I'm laying out next weeks. Then I'm hoping for feedback :)



from The Border House

Crowd: (Forgot to check this :p I will put it up, it was around 4,000)




Match 1:


Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes (Brown and Haynes) defeated Harrison Hash and Erik Strong in 5:01 when Harlem Haynes defeated Harrison Hash with a Harlem Hussle for the pinfall win.


Match Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match; the colour commentary gave the match a boost; Omar Brown is improving in Performance skills; Harlem Haynes is improving in Performance skills; Erik Strong is improving in Technical skills; Harrison Hash is improving in flying skills.


Hash’s gimmick is weak and needs to be improved. All 4 men held back which hurt the bout.




Angle 1:


Johnny Bloodstone, Sean McFly, Dan Stone Jr, Steve DeColt, Duane Stone, The Natural, Dark Angel and Edd Stone were featured in a pre show video to hype up the crowd.




Match 2:


Johnny Bloodstone defeated Dark Angel in 6:17 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation in a match that had great heat and crowd interaction as well as great in ring action.

Match Notes: Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Performance skills.


The match was penalised for holding back slightly as well as being used to warm up an already warmed up crowd, Lowered Crowd Mood








Opening Angle:


A reuniting of the strongest family in Canadian wrestling kicked off the show. As the opening video trailed off and after Townsend and London had finished their introductions the action went straight to the ring where Dan Stone Senior stood with his family; Victoria, Dan Junior and Jeremy as well as son in law Sean McFly.


Dan Stone Junior took the microphone and spoke on behalf of his family welcoming everyone to a new North of the Border Pro Wrestling, live for the first time from The Border House. Stone continued on about how 2010 was going to be the year for the North to rise again.


He handed over the microphone to Victoria who announced to the crowd she had taken over as General Manager of North of the Border and as well as her Daddy would have control over what matches were made. Victoria then went on to her biggest announcement of the evening...introducing to the ring for the first time in over 2 years....


Duane Stone!


The crowd went into eruption as Duane Stone made his way down to the ring, rolling under the bottom rope and beginning to walk around and hug his family before raising his hand to the crowd.


Victoria went on to say about how North of the Border was now complete as the Stone Family was finally back together as one collective unit.


Over the loudspeaker came a loud, coughing sound and out came from behind the curtain none other than...





Stone stood at the top of the ramp, taking in the chorus of boos before mimicking the fans himself. He then began to talk to Victoria about how he was also a member of this family and that everyone left him out because they were just jealous. That Sean McFly was in the ring for no other reason that he was screwing her...and that bringing Duane back was because they couldn’t get Edd...yet he still showed up anyway.


Dan Stone Junior began to tell Edd maybe he would be better off going back to Hollywood to fight the little boys in the big leagues, rather than trying to make a fight with someone he couldn’t beat.


Edd told Dan to just watch what he could do and tonight he would show the Stone’s who really had the stones to do something.


With that Edd left the ramp as North of the Border went to a break.


Angle Notes: Edd was penalised for low momentum whereas Dan Senior, Sean McFly and Victoria were all penalised for a poor gimmick.




Match 1:


In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, The Natural defeated Seth Thompson in 9:47 by pinfall with a Nature Calls.


What was quite an even contest was finally decided after Seth tried going for his High Ride, missing and crashing to the mat only to be picked up and planted hard with a Nature Calls resulting in a decisive 3 count.


Match Notes: The Natural and Seth Thompson have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances; The match was poorly placed on the show; the crowd were already pretty hot, so running a match designed to warm them up fell flat. The Natural is improving in Technical skills; The Natural is improving in Performance skills; Match lowered crowd mood with help in that matter from my character having a poor gimmick and not interacting with the crowd well enough.


Angle 2:


After the match Tommy London left his ringside broadcast area to get an interview with the victorious Natural. The crowd was quite into the segment especially booing The Natural as he claimed that there is nobody in the back as good as him and that 2010 would be the year he would become Canadian Champion because when it came down to it there is nobody better at wrestling...than a natural...



Angle 3:


The camera cut backstage to outside Victoria Stone’s office. The crowd sees The Fighting Irish of Robbie McNamara and Jason O’Connor knock on the door and proceed in. They directly ask Victoria for a chance tonight to make a name for themselves with so much talent on the roster to prove they should be here in North of the Border. Victoria asks if there is anyone in particular they wish to face to which Robbie boldly claims he wants to fight the cornerstones of North of the Border in Jeremy and Dan Jr. Victoria ponders for a moment before agreeing to the match leaving a clearly excited Fighting Irish to rush off to get ready.


Angle Notes: All three in the segment had poor momentum and gimmicks near destroying the angle. The crowd turned on it pretty quickly as well.




Match 2:


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, John Maverick defeated Mighty Cavanagh in 9:53 by submission with a Deadly Silence.


Maverick controlled most of the bout taking down the big man Cavanagh on numerous occasions before a small fightback by Cavanagh was ended by Maverick hitting the Deadly Silence and finishing off the bout. Leaving the heels 2 and 0 so far tonight.


Match Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match; The colour commentary gave the match a boost; The match was poorly placed on the show; the crowd were already pretty hot, so running a match designed to warm them up fell flat; John Maverick came out of the match looking good. Mighty Cavanagh is improving in Technical skills.


Cavanagh needs major improvement as his selling and psychology are both rather poor.



Match 3:


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Tim Westybrook defeated Derek Frost, Lord James King and Canadian Dragon in 8:52 when Tim Westybrook defeated Lord James King by pinfall with a TNT Whirlwind.

This match saw a complete variety of styles as Westybrook and Frost looked to use a large power game against the high flying of the Dragon and the mixed arsenal of King. The ending came when Westybrook caught Dragon coming off the top rope and threw him at Frost taking both men out before hitting the TNT Whirlwind Slam on King to get the fall.


Match Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match; The colour commentary gave the match a boost; Derek Frost is improving in Flying skills; Derek Frost is improving in Performance skills; Canadian Dragon is improving in Technical skills; Canadian Dragon is improving in Performance skills.



Angle 4:


Edd Stone is seen storming around backstage looking for a particular room before bursting into Victoria Stone’s office to find his father sat in the chair. Edd begins to demand his father book him against Duane tonight so that he can show why he was brought back and how he is the best Stone. Dan grudgingly accepts the deal before Edd makes the claim that after tonight Dan will be leaving with one less son. Edd storms out leaving a concerned look on Dan’s face.




Match 4:


In an extremely short match, Melody defeated Lauren Easter in 5:21 by pinfall with a Melody Maker.


Basically what was a test to see how well the women performed on the show, Melody went out with the intention of winning over Lauren. With a division in which we have 3 heels and one face the crowd wasn’t too pleased with a heel/heel combo but the match didn’t seem to suffer too much.


Match Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match; The colour commentary gave the match a boost; Melody is improving in Performance skills.


Match 5:


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Stone Siblings defeated The Fighting Irish in 8:57 when Jeremy Stone defeated Jason O'Conner by pinfall with a Stone's Throw.


A lot of people counted out the Fighting Irish before the match however the contest was quite even and featured quite a lot of tag team action before the Stone’s took advantage with Jeremy taking the pinfall for the team.


Match Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match; The match was poorly placed on the show; the crowd were already pretty hot, so running a match designed to warm them up fell flat; Jeremy Stone looked good out there; The performance of Dan Stone Jr stood out as being good; Jeremy Stone is improving in Flying skills; Robbie McNamara is improving in Technical skills; Robbie McNamara is improving in Performance skills.


It was also noted after the match that despite having the Stone’s call the match in ring, it would have been better being scripted for Robbie, whose psychology levels lacked.




Match 6:


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Duane Stone defeated Edd Stone in 20:04 by pinfall with a roll up.


The most thrilling contest of the evening so far, Edd and Duane went for 20 minutes of high flying action with both men pulling off all their trademark moves. The end came when Duane attempted to hit Edd with a powerbomb, forgetting that rule one is you NEVER POWERBOMB EDD STONE!


Edd managed to roll up Duane, only for his older brother to shift body weight and position himself on top of Edd and get the 3 count.


Both exhausted, Edd also looked quite unhappy after the bout.


Match Notes: This match lifted the crowd; Edd Stone is improving in Technical skills; Edd Stone is improving in Flying skills.



Angle 5:


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Sean McFly take on Steve DeColt as our main event...NEXT!




Match 7:

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Steve DeColt defeated Sean McFly in 19:10 by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede following interference from Edd Stone.


Well what can be said about this match? A pure calibre Pay per view main event on normal TV. All for the reason that 2010 wanted to start with a bang. The bout was brutal, intense and told a story of two men almost fighting for control of the company.


The end came as Sean McFly was beating down on Steve DeColt. As referee Matthew White pushed him back to check on DeColt who was playing on how ‘injured’ he was a familiar face came running to Ringside as Edd Stone cracked McFly in the back with a steel chair from the rampway before hiding under the ring out of the view of White.


A clear groggy McFly began to stumble forward giving DeColt the chance to spring off the ropes and hit a DeColt Stampede for the 3 count in the middle of the ring.


Match Notes: Steve DeColt was visibly tiring toward the end; Sean McFly seemed off his game tonight; This match lifted the crowd; Steve DeColt is improving in Rumble skills; Steve DeColt is improving in Technical skills; Steve DeColt is improving in Performance skills.




Angle 6:


Steve DeColt and Edd Stone attack Sean McFly in the ring, and leave him down and out as the show fades out the men standing tall.







TV RATING: 1.30 on CBN

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