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Abattoir vs Hatemonger

Toss up


Tombstone vs Lloyd Banks + Lone Rider


D.O.A vs Switchblade vs Mace Mueller


'Tax Man' Angus McMiller vs Trehawke Phillips

I'm not sure. The Tax Man will need to pick up some momentum if he's ever going to be a viable competitor, but Trehawke does too.


Malietoa + Hooded Death vs Kip Rockwell + Whirwind Lee Wilkes

Don't like Whirlwind. He seems like an okay guy, but his hair makes me dislike him.


DIW Championship

The Brisbane Devil vs The Comedian

Sorry, but I don't see a [heavyweight] title run in the near future for any of the Samoans.


PS. I hate hardcore wrestling. But yours is one of the few diaries I've managed to care enough about to read the first 3 pages of. Weird.

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Abattoir vs Hatemonger

I like Hatemonger too much to predict against him unless he is facing some top star and Abattoir isn´t a top star.


Tombstone vs Lloyd Banks + Lone Rider

I wouldn´t normally predict handicapped guy but Banks was pretty horrible in TEW2008 and I don´t think he have become that much better in 2010 either.


D.O.A vs Switchblade vs Mace Mueller

Interesting fight here. Switcblade is hated by crowd so he isn´t winning and I don´t really remember who Mueller is:o (though I´m pretty sure that he have been here before) so I go with D.O.A


'Tax Man' Angus McMiller vs Trehawke Phillips

Tax Man is having another hard night


Malietoa + Hooded Death vs Kip Rockwell + Whirwind Lee Wilkes

Sorry Whirwind but I have to go with size advandage here.


DIW Championship

The Brisbane Devil vs The Comedian

I have no idea who your main eventers currently are after all those changes but Devil feels more like a midcarder to me so I don´t see him taking the title here.

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Abattoir vs Hatemonger

I'm surprised Hatemonger has lasted this long without Warmonger.


Tombstone vs Lloyd Banks + Lone Rider

I'm imagining some sort of help with the extra guy...


D.O.A vs Switchblade vs Mace Mueller

Absolutely can not stand Switchblade and Mace. I'm sure the fans don't either...haha.


'Tax Man' Angus McMiller vs Trehawke Phillips

After last show's title loss, Trehawke bounces back. I have no idea when the Tax Man is going to get some momentum.


Malietoa + Hooded Death vs Kip Rockwell + Whirwind Lee Wilkes

Big guys, big win.


DIW Championship

The Brisbane Devil vs The Comedian

No way The Comedian gives up his title to Brisbane.

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DIW: Brawls, Beer n' Blood 7;


Thursday, Week 2, March 2012

Marv's Sports Central.

Att, 147.










Dean Hawkins "Good Evening Wrassle fans, my name is 'The Hawk' Dean Hawkins and this is Deep Impact Wrestling and tonight we've got Brawls, Beer and Blood"


Big Jim Teasdale "Thats right Hawk and let me say .. I am Big Jim Teasdale and tonight i am a Trehawke-aholic"


Dean Hawkins "Eh!?"


Big Jim Teasdale "Well let me explain Trehawke Phillips is going one on one against the 'Tax Man' Angus McMiller in a Brief Case on a pole match, and i can barely wait to see Trehawke kick the Tax Mans a$$"


Hardcore Rulez match;

Abattoir vs Hatemonger



Abattoir went all out in this match and got the big V for his trouble hitting the Killing Joke and picking up the 3 count.




Backstage D.O.A, Switchblade and Mace Mueller are arguing backstage over who is in control they mention that Echo as been kicked out of DIW by the 'Administrators' and so one of them needs to step up and lead the group ... Finally they get to the fact that the strongest should lead ...




... So Lillian O'Donahue who happens to be walking past says why don't they settle it in the ring which they agree to.




Tombstone is shown backstage doing pressups ...




Lloyd Banks and Lone Rider come out to the ring (seperately) for a match but before the bell is rung out charges Tombstone he attacks both men tossing Lloyd Banks and then Lone Rider over the top rope before asking for a mic "You two want a fight!? .. Me too .. How about you two vs me!" He throws the mic at them before attacking them again even ringing the bell himself .. With Lone Riders head ...


Hardcore Rulez match;

Lloyd Banks + Lone Rider vs Tombstone



Tombstone barely lets up for long enough to allow the two newcomers get a move in, he completely destroys the both of them before locking the Rear Naked Choke on Lloyd Banks after he'd put Lone Rider threw the announce table. Lloyd Banks taps and Tombstone is the winner.


Hardcore Rulez match;

Mace Mueller vs D.O.A vs Switchblade



D.O.A and Switchblade being the usual Tag Team of the three worked together for awhile until Switchblade missed a Chair shot on Mace Mueller and hit D.O.A and then all bets were off and the three went at each other ...




... Abattoir and Lou Brookmyre arrived after a little while and watched for a minute or so until Abattoir decided to interject and waffle Switchblade with a Lead Pipe busting him open and stopping Mace from pinning and allowing D.O.A to do the honours. D.O.A wins.


Lou Brookmyre "D.O.A you have potential and we need that if our group is to continue but Switchblade!? Well .. Its time to take out the trash .. Sick him boyz"


Abattoir, Mace Mueller and D.O.A destroy Switchblade they tie a Chain around his neck and hang him over the ring ropes until he is unconscious.


Dean Hawkins "Wow, Big Jim .. I think Pinn Enterprises just got serious again .. That was brutal man"


Big Jim Teasdale "Yeah i mean i gotta say they needed to get serious and just get over the fact that Dumfrey left and then Echos gone .. man they've had some bad luck .. And i guess Lou or Abattoir maybe are in charge!?"


Dean Hawkins "Well its hard to say but i'd guess one of those guys is in charge and personally i think they need a new name now that Dumfrey Pinn is gone .. Wouldn't you say?"


Big Jim Teasdale "Good point Hawk they do seem to be living in the past .. Well its time to settle in tight because its time for the first of two big matches i'm looking forward to the latter being The Comedian vs The Brisbane Devil .. But first Trehawke Phillips vs Angus McMiller"


Brief Case on a Pole match;

Angus McMiller vs Trehawke Phillips



The Tax Man scramble up to the pole trying to grab hold of the Brief Case right from the get go trying everything he can according to the Announcers not to have to fight Trehawke for too long and one Penalty Clause (pulling piledriver) later and Angus climbs the pole and the Brief Case is legal and with his opponant slowly raising to his feet he leaps from the top rope with the Case and ...


... He missed Trehawke half stumbled half dodged out of the way and he hits a big left, two big lefts and a third and Angus is down but he's still gripping the Brief Case a big knee drop from Trehawke and he grabs the case stomps on 'The Tax Mans' head and the case is in Trehawkes control he waits for Angus to get up before walloping him with the Case then places the case down and hits the Outback Slam onto the Brief Case before pinning for the 1 .. 2 .. 3 and Trehawke Phillips is the winner.




The Comedian is at the Bar "Well the company is safe, we're still sticking our middle fingers up at the competition, we're still the best dang alternative to the mainstream garbage that you see on your tvs ... But maybe i'm just a rambling drunk ... Or maybe i'm the Deep Impact Wrestling Champion the holder of the only important singles Belt in Australia ... And tonight i face The Brisbane Devil a tough Samoan son of a bitch who they say has a Tougher head even than ol' Comedian"


Hardcore Rulez match;

Malietoa + Hooded Death vs Kip Rockwell + Whirlwind Lee Wilkes



The two big Samoans after a shaky start controlled the match with Malietoa getting the pinfall on Kip Rockwell after a Double Headbutt on 'The Kipper' Malietoa + Hooded Death win the match.




'The Administrator' Lillian O'Donahue is backstage in her office with Mace Mueller, D.O.A and Abattoir "Boyz you've got yourselves your match next month ... You go 3 on 3 against the DIW Triple Trouble Champions On the Path of Extreme .. Good luck"


Hardcore Rulez match;

DIW Championship,


The Brisbane Devil vs The Comedian



A match between two double tough competitors that involved stiff hits, big Headbutts and big power moves Brisbane Devil hit the Samoan Thumb Spike and The Comedian is down .. he goes for the pin but The Comedian puts a foot on the ropes pi$$ing off the bad Samoan he argues with Death Ref giving Comedian a minute too recover enough to fight his way up with kicks and a massive Right hand then .. The Comedian scoops the Brisbane Devil up and Running Powerslam 1 .. 2 .. 3 and The Comedian wins the match.


DIW: Brawls, Beer and Blood 7;
Abattoir beat Hatemonger                  E
Mace, Switchblade and D.O.A argue ..      E-
Tombstone doing press-ups                 E-
Tombstone attacks the newbies             F+
Tombstone beats LLoyd Banks + Lone Rider  E-
D.O.A beat Switchblade + Mace Mueller     E-
Switchblade is out ..                     F+
Trehawke Phillips beat 'The Tax Man'      E+
The Comedian Interview                    E+
Hooded Death + Malietoa bt Kip + Wilkes   E
Triple Trouble Title match is set         E-
The Comedian beat The Brisbane Devil      D-
Overall Card Rating:                      E+


Brett Jingo's notes:

Abattoir seemed off his game tonight.

Mace Mueller really needs a change to his character desperately.

Lloyd Banks was really off his game tonight.

Switchblade got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren't impressed. Kip Rockwell and Whirlwind Lee Wilkes have absolutely zero chemistry as partners. Mace Mueller was used too much.

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Oz world of Wrestling - For all your wrestling needs.






Massacre (Hooded Death) and Lone Rider have been getting on very well recently behind the scenes in DIW.



APW are in damage-limitation mode, after the media broke a story last night in which it was alleged that the promotion was using subliminal messages in its programming to spread evilness. A company spokesperson rejected the story as a 'ridiculous attack staged by one of our rivals', but nobody was listening in case that message too had evil subliminal undertones.



RAW have won a battle against DIW today, after they managed to prove that officials from their rival had attempted to spread lies about them to key sponsors in an attempt to get them to pull out of deals. DIW officials now face the prospect of an embarrassing official investigation into their conduct.




DIW: Brawls, Beer n' Blood 8.



Tombstone vs Trehawke Phillips

DIW Tag Team Titles match,

Samoan Demolition vs S&M Connection (Smasher + Mauler)

Samoan Trio of Demolition (Hooded Death, Malietoa + Brisbane Devil) vs Vance Sturt, Smasher + Mauler

Bob Shrunkle vs Asylum

DIW Triple Trouble Title match,

Abattoir, D.O.A + Mace Mueller vs On the Path of Extreme (Seeker, Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)

DIW Championship match,

The Comedian vs Diesel Dan

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Tombstone vs Trehawke Phillips

I think that you need a strong heel to challenge Comedian and Tombstone fits that mold so he wins here.


DIW Tag Team Titles match,

Samoan Demolition vs S&M Connection (Smasher + Mauler)

Nice to see S&M Connection here but I go with Samoan Demolition since they are more established in DIW


Samoan Trio of Demolition (Hooded Death, Malietoa + Brisbane Devil) vs Vance Sturt, Smasher + Mauler

S&M gets a win back here


Bob Shrunkle vs Asylum

Asylum continues to be strong


DIW Triple Trouble Title match,

Abattoir, D.O.A + Mace Mueller vs On the Path of Extreme (Seeker, Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)

I´m quite ashamed of not remember who Mueller was:o but I think that On the Path of Extreme should take this one mainly bacause their title run is still quite short.


DIW Championship match,

The Comedian vs Diesel Dan

Don´t really see Diesal Dan being your next champion

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.. I walking into the locker room at just the right moment it seems .. Milton Hittlespitz was being provoked by D.O.A and looked like he was just about to tear him a new one if i hadn't stopped them. I took D.O.A to one side and had a quiet chat explaining that he needs to be carefull about winding people up the wrong way .. a bit of a slap on the wrist approach i suppose you'd call it .. He said it won't happen again so i'd call it a success ...


DIW: Brawls, Beer n' Blood 8;


Thursday, Week 3, April 2012

Marv's Sports Central.

Att, 142.








Dean Hawkins "It's Thursday we're at Marv's which can only mean one thing ... Its Brawls, Beer N' Blood time"


Big Jim Teasdale "Thats right Hawk, and i'm stoked at the show 'The Administrator' has planned for us tonight"


Dean Hawkins "Thats right Jim, Lillian O'Donahue may be an unwanted addition to the DIW family but she does seem to hit the spot with regards great match ups"


Big Jim Teasdale "I think i'd second that .. Oh and speak of the devil"




Lillian O'Donahue "Good evening teenage reprebates, weirdo's and jobless scum. You've once again stumbled into quite the show i have planned ..

Oh and let me introduce you to my bodyguard for the evening ...




... Tombstone! A man who has chosen the opponant for Asylum and we'll kindly let Asylum choose Tombstones opponant for tonight".


Tombstone "Right then Asylum send out my victum".


Hardcore Rulez match;

Tombstone vs Trehawke Phillips



The always ready for a fight Trehawke Phillips was a good choice by Asylum to face Tombstone and he had the big MMA expert down for long 2 counts a few times but when he went for the Outback Slam Tombstone somehow hooked the top rope with his feet bringing himself back to the ground in the process (to his knees) and hehit a low blow on Trehawke before locking in the Rear Naked Choke and the Outbacker was soon forced to tap and Tombstone wins.




The camera pans over to the bar area where The Comedian is having his pre-match pint .. oh and he has a mic "Cheers, Marv's Sports Central .. I'm feeling in a damn good mood maybe its the fact i'm the DIW Champion, or maybe its that im a part of Australia' dirtiest, most Hardcore promotion going ... Or maybe even it's just that my three favourite things in life are Drinking, Brawling and Sex ... and tonight i get two of the three at least not bad hey!? ... Oh and my Title i'm putting it on the line tonight anyone who wants a shot at the belt and a damn good brawl see me in the ring in about ohh ... (he looks at his watch) .. an hour"




Marv's Bar seems to of turned into a Bikers hangout when three Motorbikes come roaring into the bar. The lead Bike is Vance Sturt with Ceri Dordevich on the back and he seems to of brought some buddy's to DIW with him Smasher + Mauler Ceri gets on the mic and calls out Samoan Demolition to face The S&M Connection.


Hardcore Rulez match;

DIW Tag Team Championship,


Samoan Demoliton (The Brisbane Devil + Malietoa) vs S&M Connection (Mauler + Smasher)



The four men brawl around the ring area, Vance Sturt doesn't get himself involved and goes over to the bar and gets him and Ceri a drink and they sit with the Announcers ...




... Hooded Death doesn't have Vance's restrictions of helping his friends out and hits Smasher with a Samoan Thumb Spike before going after Vance at the Announce desk. The attack on Smasher left The Bribane Devil with the simple task of a Diving Headbutt on the fallen Biker and then pins for the 1 .. 2 .. 3 and Samoan Demolition succesfully defend their Titles.




... Death Ref is unable to stop the 6 men from brawling and so decides to have the bell rung and we have a 6 man tag match ..


Hardcore Rulez match;

Samoan Trio of Demolition (The Brisbane Devil, Malietoa + Hooded Death) vs Vance Sturt, Smasher + Mauler





Sometimes when this sort of thing happens in DIW (as it often does) you'd wonder how the wrestlers even know they've been put into another match .. It just seems to happen, but Vance Sturt knew for sure as he soon had Malietoa in the ring staggering after a big right with a Chain wrapped aroung his fist he then hits the High Knee and 3 second later and The Bikers have won the match.


First Blood match;

Bob Shrunkle vs Asylum



The massive 400lb Behemoth 'The Blob' threw Asylum around the ring area but it wasn't enough and Asylum bust open the big man with a series of massive Chair shots and Asylum wins.




.. Asylum celebrates but is soon attacked by Tombstone who Choke Bombs Asylum threw a Table before locking in the Rear Naked Choke until officials run out to brke the hold.


Weapons Match;

DIW Triple Trouble Title,http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DIWTriple.jpg?t=1268829731

D.O.A, Abattoir + Mace Mueller vs On the Path of Extreme (Seeker, Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)





The team with no name (former Pinn Enterprises) seem more focused than ever and give the Path of Extreme boys quite the match but Seeker hit the Snap Neckbreaker on D.O.A and made the pin 1 .. 2 .. and Abattoir brakes the pin and lifts up Seeker and hits The Killing Joke before going for the pin ... which never happens because he is hit by Milton Hittlespitz who comes flying off the top rope with a Chair and lag drop it onto Abattoirs head he rolls over to probably go for a pin and is hit by Mace Mueller and his Punt Kick who in turn is hit by Misery and his Leaping DDT and everyone is down but Misery ...




... Out runs Brett Jingo who pulls Misery out the ring feet first stopping him from pinning Mace and allowing Abattoir to make the pin on Milton and Abattoir, Mace Mueller + D.O.A are the new DIW Triple Trouble Champions.


Hardcore Rulez match;

DIW Championship,http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DIWChampion.jpg?t=1268830040

Diesel Dan vs The Comedian



The big 6'8, just under 400lb Trucker uses his size and strength advantage well in the early going but The Comedian is too quick and too tough and keeps coming back at the big man even after being tossed off the entrance ramp and onto a stack of electrical equipment he fought his way back to the ring and toppled the big man and after hitting multiple chair shots he locked in the Figure Four and Diesel Dan tapped. The Comedian retains the DIW Title.


DIW: Brawls, Beer and Blood 8;
Tombstone is Lillian's bodyguard          E+
Tombstone beat Trehawke Phillips          E
The Comedian at the bar ..                D-
The Biker's arrive                        E-
Samoan Demolition beat S&M Connection     E+
Bikers and Samoans brawl ..               F+
Bikers beat Samoans                       E
Asylum beats Bob Shrunkle                 E
Tombstone attacks Asylum                  E
DOA, Mace + Abattoir win Triple Trouble   E+
The Comedian beat Diesel Dan              D-
Overall Card Rating:                      E+


Brett Jingo's Notes:

Trehawke Phillips was visibly tiring toward the end. Trehawke Phillips is starting to become a little stale in his current role.

Seeker really needs a change to his character desperately.

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A Parody video that took great delight in ripping into APW has become something of an internet sensation, much to the anger of promotion officials. The parody, produced by DIW and released via their web site, is currently one of the hottest wrestling downloads around. So looks like DIW are much better at taking the pi$$ out of APW than RAW.








Wrestlers in focus:



Name: Milton Hittlespitz

Age: 22

Nationality: Australian

Height: 5'9

Weight: 202lbs

Fighting Style: Crazy Daredevil

Finisher: Flying Knee Drop

Weapon of Choice: Chair

Titles Held: DIW Triple Trouble (with Seeker + Misery)

Info: 'Crazy Blue' Milton Hittlespitz is a young daredevil of a fighter who has a very reckless fighting style, and loves to incorporate chairs and tables into his matches. A charismatic competitor, he has joined 'The Extreme Priest' Seeker on his quest known has the path of Extreme.



Name: Misery

Age: 25

Nationality: Australia

Height: 5'10

Weight: 232lbs

Fighting Style: Rugged Brawling

Finisher: Leaping DDT

Weapon of Choice: Chair

Titles Held: DIW Triple Trouble (with Seeker + Milton Hittlespitz)

Info: Misery is a rugged brawler who used to team with Anguish as the Affliction on the independant scene until joining DIW where he started off by teaming with Hooded Death (Massacre) until the Samoan turned on him and he joined the odd grouping of Seeker and Milton Hittlespitz known as On the Path of Extreme. Misery relies entirely on brawling during matches, and is not shy about introducing weapons into the proceedings.



Name: Seeker

Age: 28

Nationality: Australian

Height: 6' 1

Weight: 226lbs

Fighting Style: The Path of Extreme

Finisher: Snap Neckbreaker

Weapon of Choice: Chair

Titles Held: DIW Triple Trouble (with Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)

Info: Seeker is a controversial energetic brawler who uses a priest gimmick as part of his act. He adds dangerous Aerial moves to his matches from time to time, he has been followin a mysterious code knwon has The Path of Extreme since his arrival in Deep Impact Wrestling he helped the Underdog Milton Hittlespitz to find his feet before going out and helping 'The Gothic Mime' Misery before going on to win the DIW Triple Trouble Tournament becoming the first Champions.



Name: Malietoa

Age: 25

Nationality: Samoan

Height: 6'5

Weight: 312lbs

Fighting Style: Island Brawler

Finisher: Sit-Down Corner Splash

Weapon of Choice: His Head/Tables

Titles Held: Current DIW Tag Team Champion (with The Brisbane Devil)

Info: Malietoa is a Samoan wrestler who worked has King Malietoa on the independant scene teams with The Brisbane Devil has Samoan Demolition. A big brawler, Malietoa is not a fancy wrestler in the least - his usual M.O is crunching head-butts, chops and kicks, and the occasional power move. Since his arrival in DIW he and his partner (the Brisbane Devil) have aligned themselves with fellow Samoan Hooded Death entering the Trios Tournament with him but lost in the Semi Finals adainst On the Path of Extreme.




DIW: Master of Hardcore,


Master of Hardcore Tournament;


Match 1, 'The Demon' Gyula Lakatos vs Asylum

Match 2, Abattoir vs 'Crazy Blue' Milton Hittlespitz

Match 3, Tombstone vs Hatemonger

Match 4, Malietoa vs 'Tough Guy' Vance Sturt

Semi Final A, Winner match 1 vs winner match 2

Semi Final B, Winner match 3 vs Winner match 4

'Tax Man' Angus McMiller + 'The Blob' Bob Shrunkle vs Drunk & Disorderly (Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian)

Winner of Semi Final A vs Winner Semi Final B

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Match 1, 'The Demon' Gyula Lakatos vs Asylum

Asylum is getting a big push and it will continue here


Match 2, Abattoir vs 'Crazy Blue' Milton Hittlespitz

Abattoir is another guy who seems to be on line for some push so he should beat Milton here.


Match 3, Tombstone vs Hatemonger

Tombstone gets a win over one of my favorites


Match 4, Malietoa vs 'Tough Guy' Vance Sturt

Sturt seem a little more ready for spotlight


Semi Final A, Asylum vs Abattoir

I choose Asylum here mainly because I think we are seeing another fight between he and Tombstone in finals


Semi Final B, Tombstone vs Tough Guy' Vance Sturt

Tombstone takes a win here and gets in the finals with his rival Asylum


'Tax Man' Angus McMiller + 'The Blob' Bob Shrunkle vs Drunk & Disorderly (Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian)

Comedian is still the boss and McMiller have been jobbing your top faces so far so I don´t see it chancing here


Asylum vs Tombstone

I go with Tombstone who I see as a guy who could be your next champion and it´s always nice to have heel vs. face title match

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Just took the time to read this and I'm really enjoying your spin on the Aussie scene. I'll be reading, keep up the good work.


Match 1, 'The Demon' Gyula Lakatos vs Asylum


Asylum is getting pushed, Lakatos is a fairly green rookie


Match 2, Abattoir vs 'Crazy Blue' Milton Hittlespitz


The new heel stable would look pathetic if one of their champions was dropped before the semifinals


Match 3, Tombstone vs Hatemonger


Tombstone has win nearly every match he's been in, Hatemonger is still an untested singles wrestler


Match 4, Malietoa vs 'Tough Guy' Vance Sturt


Again, Malietoa is more of a tag wrestler


Semi Final A, Asylum vs Abbatoir

Semi Final B, Tombstone vs 'Tough Guy' Vance Sturt


Sets up for the potentially feud-ending final


'Tax Man' Angus McMiller + 'The Blob' Bob Shrunkle vs Drunk & Disorderly (Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian)


Don't see Shrunkle as anything more than a jobber, but the Tax Man needs more love


Asylum vs Tombstone


Tombstone is the perfect heel contender, and Asylum's won both previous engagements with him. If Tombstone lost, you would have to scramble to get him credible enough for a feud with Comedian

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>DIW: Master of Hardcore;</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:24px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:24px;">


</p><div style="text-align:right;"><p>

<em>Thursday, Week 1, June 2012</em></p><p>

<em>Marv's Sports Central.</em></p><p>

<em>Att, 173.</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DIW-1.jpg?t=1268951892</span><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DeanHawkins.jpg?t=1264687706</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/BigJimTeasdale.jpg?t=1264687751</span></p><p> </p><p>

Dean Hawkins "This is Deep Impact Wrestling, and tonight we find out who is the most Hardcore man in Australia"</p><p> </p><p>

Big Jim Teasdale "This should be one hell of a night 8 men will battle it out to be called the Master of Hardcore"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match - Round 1;</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong>Gyula Lakatos vs Asylum</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/GyulaLakatos.jpg?t=1268952004</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Asylum.jpg?t=1268952262</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mistress Taniko and Lori got in each others way whilst cheering on their men and ended up having a chick fight, Asylum won the match after hitting a flying Chairshot.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/TanikoJo.jpg?t=1268952181</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Lori.jpg?t=1268952326</span></p><p> </p><p>

.. After the match Mistress Taniko attacked Lori and pulled off her Tshirt and shorts mistakenly expecting her to be embarrased at the DIW fans seeing her underwear .. She shrugs before slapping Taniko down to the ground.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match - Round 1;</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong>Abattoir vs Milton Hittlespitz</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Abattoir.jpg?t=1268952414</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/MiltonHittlespitz.jpg?t=1268952477</span></p><p> </p><p>

'Crazy Blue' went at Abattoir hoping to get some measure of revenge after last months Title loss to Abattoirs team it doesn't quite go to plan though and Abattoir pins Milton after hitting the Killing Joke 1 .. 2 .. 3 and Abattoir is through to the Semi Final.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Tombstone.jpg?t=1268952580</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Asylum.jpg?t=1268952262</span></p><p> </p><p>

Tombstone and Asylum come face to face backstage but half the roster seem to of arrived to keep them apart .. Tombstone grins at Asylum he seems unusually calm.</p><p> </p><p>

Dean Hawkins "Well Tombstone seems calm for once he didn't quite fight his way through the crowd"</p><p> </p><p>

Big Jim Teasdale "Yeah well i guess he's expecting to get him in the ring at some point tonight"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match - Round 1;</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong>Hatemonger vs Tombstone</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Hatemonger.jpg?t=1268952679</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Tombstone.jpg?t=1268952580</span></p><p> </p><p>

The man that hates losing has his work cut out for him on his mission to get a third shot at Asylum with Hatemonger pulling out all the stops busting open the MMA master with a 2x4 wrapped in Barbed Wire but that just seemed to fuel Tombstones anger and he tore at Hatemonger Choked Bombing him through a Table before hitting a Tombstone Piledriver onto a Chair and 3 second later Tombstone is declared the winner.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match - Round 1;</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong>Vance Sturt vs Malietoa</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VanceSturt.jpg?t=1268952836</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/KingMalietoa.jpg?t=1268952948</span></p><p> </p><p>

A Samoan faced a Biker once again and the Bikers make it 2-1 incase your keeping score Vance Sturt hit a High Knee and followed up with a DDT onto a Chair and pinned Malietoa 1 .. 2 .. 3.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/AngusMcMiller.jpg?t=1268952986</span></p><p> </p><p>

'The Tax Man' Angus McMiller tells us since being here in DIW he's been getting alot of trouble from not only the scumbag fans but the DIW Wrestlers don't seem to like him either ... Just because he is a Tax Man when not wrestling ..(this of course brings out the boo's) .. and so he has hired a bodyguard, he brings him out and its . . . . . </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/BobShrunkle.jpg?t=1268953066</span></p><p> </p><p>

... Bob Shrunkle the 400lb behemoth sometimes called 'The Blob' they say tonight they are ready for a fight and lay down an open challenge to any DIW scum ...</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/TheComedian.jpg?t=1268953116</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/MenaceToSobriety.jpg?t=1268953138</span></p><p> </p><p>

... Out comes The Comedian and Menace to Sobriety they accept the challenge and go on to rally the DIW fans hyping up the match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match - Semi Final;</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong>Abattoir vs Asylum</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Abattoir.jpg?t=1268952414</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Asylum.jpg?t=1268952262</span></p><p> </p><p>

Both men are probably needing this tournament to solidify their Main Event spot/puch them into the Main Event it was an even more important match than just being a Semi Final would make it, Abattoir backed Asylum into the corner with Chair shots but Asylum using the ropes to lift him kicked the Chair into Abattoirs face staggering him back and waited for the 'Street Thug' to come back at him before hitting a Tornado DDT sending Abattoir head first into the dropped Chair he the went up top hitting a Frog Splash said chair positioned under Abattoirs head and 3 seconds later and Asylum is in the Final.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match - Semi Final;</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Tombstone vs Vance Sturt</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Tombstone.jpg?t=1268952580</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VanceSturt.jpg?t=1268952836</span></p><p> </p><p>

An even contest between the two most over workers in the tournament Vance twice had Tombstone down for long 2 counts and just couldn't seem to finish Tombstone off, he hit the High Knee sending the MMA master down into the corner and charged in at him with a baseball slide but all he got was ring post has Tombstone rolled out of the ring and came back in with a Kendo stick going at 'The Tough Guy' with at before locking in the Rear Naked Choke and Vance Sturt had to tap.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Tombstone.jpg?t=1268952580</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Asylum.jpg?t=1268952262</span></p><p> </p><p>

A video clip is played showing Asylum + Tombstones long running hatred of each other.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match;</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong>Bob Shrunkle + Angus McMiller vs Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/BobShrunkle.jpg?t=1268953066</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/AngusMcMiller.jpg?t=1268952986</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/MenaceToSobriety.jpg?t=1268953138</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/TheComedian.jpg?t=1268953116</span></p><p> </p><p>

Drunk and Disorderly was clearly the better team in this match and won after Menace hit the Hangmans Neckbreaker on 'The Blob' and pinned him for the 3 count at around the same time as The Comedian Running Powerslammed 'The Tax Man' on the outside.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match - Final;</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Tombstone vs Asylum</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Tombstone.jpg?t=1268952580</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Asylum.jpg?t=1268952262</span></p><p> </p><p>

These two really don't like each other they went at it right from the bell Tombstone with a Barbed Wire bat and Asylum with a Chair Wrapped in the Barbed stuff, the fans must of surely wondered just how these two kept going with the amount of blood they lost never mind how they went almost 20 minutes they just hate each other that much ... Asylum DDT's Tombstone onto a Chair and then proceeds to hit his opponants head with another chair with hm still lying on the first chair ...</p><p> </p><p>

.. Tombstone kicks out of a pin attempt at 2 and battles his way back to his feet (slowly with seemingly not much left in the tank) with big rights and lefts he then uses a judo type throw to send Asylum over his head and onto the mat before setting up .. and hitting a Tombstone Piledriver and instead of going for the pin he locks in the Rear Naked Choke and Asylum is out cold and Death Ref declares Tombstone the winner.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Trophy.jpg?t=1268953807</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Tombstone.jpg?t=1268952580</span></p><p> </p><p>

Tombstone somehow just about manages to get back to his feet and just about manages to stay on his feet whilst he celebrates for a few minutes he does callapse again after recieving his Trophy.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><pre class="ipsCode">DIW: Master of Hardcore;


Asylum beat Gyula Lakatos E-

Abattoir beat Milton Hittlespitz E

Taniko strips off Lori to her Bra n Pants D-

Tombstone + Asylum come face to face E

Tombstone beat Hatemonger D-

Vance Sturt beat Malietoa E+

'The Blob' is Angus McMillers bodyguard E+

Menace and Comedian will face the above.. E

Asylum beat Abattoir E-

Tombstone beat Vance Sturt E+

Hype for Asylum vs Tombstone III E

Drunk N' Dis. beat Taxman + Blob E+

Tombstone beat Asylum E

Tombstone celebrates E


Overall Card Rating: E</pre><div></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Brett Jingo's notes:</span></p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span>Mistress Taniko did some good work at ringside. Gyula Lakatos and Mistress Taniko have absolutely zero chemistry together.</p><p>

Milton Hittlespitz was really off his game tonight.</p><p>

Asylum seemed off his game tonight. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. Vance Sturt was visibly tiring toward the end. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable.</p><p>

Asylum was really off his game tonight. Asylum was visibly tiring toward the end. There seemed to be a lack of flow to the match, which took away from the drama.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.australian-wrestling/news.aus" rel="external nofollow"><span style="font-size:8px;">www.australian-wrestling/news.aus</span></a><p>

<em><strong>Oz world of Wrestling</strong></em><em> - For all your wrestling needs.</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DIW.jpg?t=1267719006</span><p>

DIW scored a small victory over RAW last night, after they created and distributed hundreds of anti-RAW signs throughout the crowd at DIW Master of Hardcore, thus making sure they were on camera throughout the night. RAW officials are said to be furious at the pettiness of the 'attack'.</p><p> </p><p>


There were probably red faces at RAW HQ last night, after their attempts to have several fans chant for the company during DIW Master of Hardcore backfired spectacularly, after the rest of the crowd turned on the interlopers and eventually forced them out with loud DIW chants. DIW officials are said to be very pleased at the result.</p><p> </p><p>


APW officials are said to be 'angry and embarrassed' after their rivals DIW landed several well placed verbal jabs throughout their Master of Hardcore show last night. Some of the shots have instantly become internet favourites, and are busy bouncing around wrestling forums.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><em>Predictions since Wrestlarama 2,</em></strong></span></p><p>


<em>Zergon - 4/6 - 5/5 - 4/5 - 5/6 - 5/6 - 8/8 Total: 23/36</em></p><p><em>

Linsolv - 5/6 - 2/5 - 4/5 - 3/6 Total: 14/22</em></p><p><em>

TheLeviticalLawKid3 - 5/5 - 5/6 Total: 10/11</em></p><p><em>

John Lions - 8/8 Total: 8/8</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I'm going to offer a prize for the most correct predictions up to and including Wrestlarama 3 in November (so 5 more shows).</em></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Thanks to everyone that does predict especially Zergon who predicts every show.</span></p><p> </p><p>

---------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>DIW Final Brawl;</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">S&M Connection (Smasher + Mauler) vs Kiss of Death (Gyula Lakatos + Warlock)</span></p><p>

The New Apocalypse (Hatemonger + Chaosmonger) vs 'Taxman' Angus McMiller + 'Blob' Bob Shrunkle</p><p>

DIW Triple Trouble Title match,</p><p>

'Street Gang Inc' (Abattoir, Mace Mueller + D.O.A) vs On the Path of Extreme (Seeker, Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)</p><p>

The Brisbane Devil vs Malietoa vs Trehawke Phillips vs Vance Sturt</p><p>

Tombstone, Diesel Dan + ??? vs Asylum, Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>S&M Connection (Smasher + Mauler)</strong> vs Kiss of Death (Gyula Lakatos + Warlock)</p><p>

<em>What can I say?, I just like S&M Connection:D</em></p><p>


The New Apocalypse (Hatemonger + Chaosmonger) </strong>vs 'Taxman' Angus McMiller + 'Blob' Bob Shrunkle</p><p>

<em>This is more I hope pick though McMiller needs some love too so guess it´s win/win here for me. </em></p><p> </p><p>

DIW Triple Trouble Title match,</p><p>

<strong>'Street Gang Inc' (Abattoir, Mace Mueller + D.O.A)</strong> vs On the Path of Extreme (Seeker, Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)</p><p>

<em>No title change here with first title defence and all</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Brisbane Devil vs Malietoa vs <strong>Trehawke Phillips</strong> vs Vance Sturt</p><p>

<em>Whoops so this wasn´t a tag match? Darn makes this one harder... I go with Trehawke mainly bacause I think he is highest on the card from these four.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tombstone, Diesel Dan + ???</strong> vs Asylum, Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian</p><p>

<em>Comedian´s side seems to have a little more star power but I think that you need to push your heels and theres mystery man there anyway.</em></p>

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<p>S&M Connection (Smasher + Mauler) vs <strong>Kiss of Death (Gyula Lakatos + Warlock)</strong></p><p>

<em>I want to give S&M the win, but I don't see your new team being jobbers, especially with a manager</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New Apocalypse (Hatemonger + Chaosmonger)</strong> vs 'Taxman' Angus McMiller + 'Blob' Bob Shrunkle</p><p>

<em>Job Shrunkle, nuff said</em></p><p> </p><p>

DIW Triple Trouble Title match,</p><p>

<strong>'Street Gang Inc' (Abattoir, Mace Mueller + D.O.A)</strong> vs On the Path of Extreme (Seeker, Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)</p><p>

<em>Your new stable needs to be established as a threat</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Brisbane Devil vs Malietoa vs <strong>Trehawke Phillips</strong> vs Vance Sturt</p><p>

<em>See this going to either Trehawke or Sturt, but Trehawke has been closer to the main event than Vance. Could be your way of phasing Vance into Trehawke's spot near the top, but my gut says Trehawke</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tombstone, Diesel Dan + ???</strong> vs Asylum, Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian</p><p>

<em>Tomstone will need a viable case for getting a title shot, and ??? in a main event usually means someone big. Only way I see heels losing is if Diesel Dan eats a pin</em></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>... Several members of the DIW locker room came to see me all with the same concerns that Seeker has gotten himself alot of heat with the boys due to his recent attitude. It seems he's not happy at a few of my decisions I.E his team dropping the Belts .. I took him to one side and gave him what i'd call a Stern Warning .. Ok, Gotcha was his short reply. Lets hope thats the end of it i still have big plans for Seeker.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>DIW: Final Brawl;</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:24px;">

</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:24px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p>

<em>Thursday, Week 1, July 2012</em></p><p>

<em>Marv's Sports Central.</em></p><p>

<em>Att, 115.</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DIW-1.jpg?t=1268951892</span><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DeanHawkins.jpg?t=1264687706</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/BigJimTeasdale.jpg?t=1264687751</span></p><p> </p><p>

Dean Hawkins "Good evening brawl fans, tonight in DIW we have the Final Brawl and it won't be Tombstone and Asylums final brawl thats for sure"</p><p> </p><p>

Big Jim Teasdale "Thats right Hawk, tonight we start what i hear is being called the 3 steps of destruction rivalry .. And step 1 is tonight and Asylum and Tombstone pick themselves two tag partners and go 3 vs 3 gang warfare DIW style"</p><p> </p><p>

Dean Hawkins ".. and DIW style means!? ... Thats right all weapons carried to the ring are legal"</p><p> </p><p>

Big Jim Teasdale "And next month we get step two with step three coming the month after. I've got to say whoever comes out of these 3 steps alive must be due a DIW Championship shot .."</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/CeriDordevich.jpg</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Smasher.jpg</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Mauler.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

The sound of motorbikes revving plays over the sound system and out comes Smasher and Mauler lead to the ring by Ceri Dordevich and she has a mic "Tonight the S&M Connection begin their quest to become DIW Tag Team Champions facing off against a Warlock and a Demon ... apparently! Now i'm not saying demons and warlocks don't exist because on the road you see all manner of strange folk and our opponants can call themselves whtever they want the results gonna be the same tonight they'll get Smashed and Mauled"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match;</span></strong></p><p><strong>

S&M Connection (Smasher + Mauler) vs Gyula Lakatos + Warlock</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Smasher.jpg</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Mauler.jpg</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/VS2.jpg?t=1264390310</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/GyulaLakatos.jpg</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Warlock.jpg</span><span style="font-size:18px;">W/</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/TanikoJo_nac01.jpg</span></p><p>

Smasher and Mauler go right at their Occult opponants finishing them off in under 5 minutes, Mauler pinned Gyula after knocking him out with a chain wrapped around his fist.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Asylum_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/MenaceToSobriety.jpg</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/TheComedian.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage Asylum, Menace to Sobriety and The Comedian are backstage Asylum thanks them for joining him to take on Tombstone tonight, The Comedian says "Guys i'm always here to drink beer and kick a$$ Marv's Sports Central is The Comedians playground and tonight the impressive Asylum joins the 'Drunk and Disorderly' party"</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/LillianODonahue.jpg?t=1268828695</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Hatemonger.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Lillian O'Donahue is backstage with Hatemonger "So you promised a new tag partner tonight i've got you a match who's the partner?"</p><p> </p><p>

Hatemonger "Meet the new 'Painted Warrior of the Apocalypse ... Chaosmonger!"</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Generic-Male18.jpg?t=1269166068</span></p><p> </p><p>

Chaosmonger "Every Apocalypse needs Chaos ... and we're bringing Chaos back to DIW and Samoan Demolition!? Watch what we do cos' we're coming for ya"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match;</span></strong></p><p><strong>

'The Blob' + Tax Man Angus McMiller vs The New Apocalypse (Hatemonger + Chaosmonger)</strong></p><p>


The new Apocalypse started where the old Apocalypse finished off showing a Power and dominance. Chaosmonger had Angus McMiller on his shoulders and Hatemonger came off the top rope and hit the Apocalypse Nowish before Blob entered the ring only to walk into a big shoulder charge from Chaosmonger who pinned immediately and Hatemonger climbed ontop of his partner and Death Ref counted the 1 .. 2 .. 3 and The New Apocalypse win the match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DIW Triple Trouble Title,</strong></p><p>


</strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match;</span></strong></p><p><strong>

'Street Gang Inc' (Abattoir, Mace Mueller + D.O.A) vs On the Path of Extreme (Seeker, Milton Hittlespitz + Misery)</strong></p><p>




Abattoir, Mace Mueller and D.O.A formerly known has Pinn Enterprises now have a new name the not quite ingeniusly thought out 'Street Gang Inc' the match soon turned into a wild and brutal hardcore brawl, with Mace Mueller thrown from a Ladder top and sent crashing through two tables by Milton. The shock of the match came with Misery hitting his Leaping DDT on DOA on the entrance ramp and turning into Seeker who waffled him with a Barbed Wire Baseball bat and just incase you thought 'The Extreme Priest' had hit his partner by accident he then grabbed Misery by the throat and charged him off the ramp with both of them ending up crashing into the electrical equipment below ...</p><p> </p><p>

... Back in the ring Abattoir hits The Killing Joke on a shocked Milton Hittlespitz and follows up with the pin that wins the match.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Tombstone.jpg?t=1269166340</span></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage a camera is extremely close to Tombstones face "Asylum you've got yourself one heck of a team i must admit ... and well i also must say i found it tough to pick two guys in this company that are in my league .. But i asked a big tough trucker (the camera pans to the right and reveals Diesel Dan before panning back to Tombstone) and i looked a little further afield for my second partner ... Warmonger ..."</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/DieselDan.jpg?t=1269166357</span><span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/Warmonger.jpg?t=1269166381</span></p><p> </p><p>

Dean Hawkins "Oh my god! I can't believe it .."</p><p> </p><p>

Big Jim Teasdale "Oh my. Warmonger is back and well it seems not only did he not inform his former friend and ally Hatemonger but well he's aligned himself with Tombstone"</p><p> </p><p>

Dean Hawkins "For now at least who knows what this backstabbing, turncoat mercenary has planned"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore Rulez match;</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong>The Brisbane Devil vs Malietoa vs Trehawke Phillips vs Vance Sturt</strong></p><p>




The announcers put over that this is should be a number one contenders match with all four men being on hot form. Malietoa and Trehawke went off brawling through the crowd and went at it at the bar area ... Whilst back in the ring Vance Sturt hits an High Knee knocking Brisbane Devil into a chair set in the corner of the ropes and rolls the Samoan up for a pin 1 .. 2 .. 3 and Vance Sturt is declared the winner.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/wrestling%20stuff/LillianODonahue.jpg?t=1268828695</span></p><p> </p><p>

Lillian O'Donahue comes out onto the ramp "Vance Sturt congatulations on your win ... But i'm dissapointed, i'm afraid i wont be naming you the number 1 contender. I don't think your performance was good enough and talking about that Ceri!? How do you get by when your man quite clearly can't perform?" Lillian smiles smugly at Vance and Ceri before walking off to the back.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>3 steps of destruction rivalry - Step 1.</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

</em></strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Weapons match;</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Tombstone, Diesel Dan + Warmonger vs Asylum, Menace to Sobriety + The Comedian</strong></p><p>




With Asylum sent crashing through two tables stacked (with Barbed Wire rolls on the bottom table top) by Diesel Dan who bench presses him and throws him from the ring and The Comedian Chokebombed threw a Table laced with Thumbtacks by Tombstone its hardly surprising that team Tombstone picked up the win Hatemonger sent Menace towards Tombstone via an Irish whip and the MMA expert caught his opponant by the throat and Chokebombed him pinning for the 3 count and Tombstone wins the first step.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><pre class="ipsCode">DIW: Final Brawl;


Ceri Dordevich hypes S&M Connection F+

S&M Connection beat Lakatos + Warlock E-

Comedian and Menace join Asylum E

Chaosmonger joins Hatemonger ... E

The New Apocalypse beat Tax Man + Blob E

Street Gang Inc win the match E

Tombstone, Diesel + Warmonger are ready D-

Vance Sturt bt Malietoa, Trehawke + Devil E+

Lillian says Vance isn't good enough E-

Team Tombstone win step 1 D-


Overall Card Rating: E+</pre><div></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Brett Jingo's notes:</span></p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span>Mistress Taniko did some good work at ringside. Gyula Lakatos and Mistress Taniko have absolutely zero chemistry together.</p><p>

Sick Bumps: Mace Mueller, Seeker, Misery, Asylum and The Comedian.</p><p>

The Comedian suffers a Cracked tailbone after he went through the table.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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APW has become something of a laughing stock recently, after DIW published an article consisting of 100 jokes about the company on their web site. This led to an outbreak of APW jokes spreading accross the internet, and has reportedly left the management of the promotion extremely angry.



A secret plot by DIW officials to anonymously spread a rumour that RAW is in fact controlled by devil-worshippers has backfired, when a journalist uncovered the plan and exposed them. The promotion has yet to comment, but they are said to be extremely embarrassed and hoping some other big wrestling news happens soon to draw people's attention away from their antics.



There were probably red faces at DIW HQ last night, after their attempts to have several fans chant for the company during RAW Attitude! backfired spectacularly, after the rest of the crowd turned on the interlopers and eventually forced them out with loud RAW chants. RAW officials are said to be very pleased at the result.



A bitter rivalry between D.O.A and Asylum has apparently sprung up recently, with the two no longer even being on speaking terms. Insiders say that money has played some part in the argument between the two, although it is not yet confirmed exactly what the issue that sparked this conflict actually was.











'The Administrator'


Lillian O'Donahue

Head Referee - Death Ref

DIW Title Holders;


DIW Championship



The Comedian


DIW Tag Team Title



Samoan Demolition,

The Brisbane Devil + Malietoa


DIW Triple Trouble Titles



Street Gang Inc.,

Abattoir, Mace Mueller + D.O.A

Wrestlers in Focus:



Name: The Brisbane Devil

Age: 23

Nationality: Australian (of Samoan descent)

Height: 6'1

Weight: 276lbs

Fighting Style: Brawling Suplex Master

Finisher: Asian Thumb Spike

Weapon of Choice: Tables

Titles Held: Current DIW Tag Team Champion (with Malietoa)

Info: The Brisbane Devil is an Australian of Samoan descent, who teams with Malietoa as Samoan Demolition. A short, squat powerhouse of a fighter, The Devil is at his very best when mixing wild brawling with occasional bone-crunching suplexes and throws. Since arriving in DIW he has aligned himself with Hooded Death and he got a DIW Championship shot recently but lost to The Comedian.



Name: The Comedian

Age: 36

Nationality: Australian

Height: 6'3

Weight: 268lbs

Fighting Style: Rule Breaking Brawler

Finisher: Running Powerslam

Weapon of Choice: Barbed Wire 2x4

Titles Held: DIW Championship (current 2 times Champion)

Info: A rough, tough Australian brawler. He was one of the undoubted stars of the old Aussie Rules Wrestling promotion; His cigar smoking, rules breaking, anti-authority sociopathic character was a hit with the fans and it turned him into a huge fan favourite. He gained the name The Comedian due to his surly, monosyllabic nature. In 2009 The Comedian helped start up Deep Impact Wrestling, determined not to let APW and RAW "ruin wrestling" in the country.



Name: Tombstone

Age: 22

Nationality: Australian

Height: 6'4

Weight: 239lbs

Fighting Style: MMA Fighter

Finisher: Rear Naked Choke

Weapon of Choice: Kendo Stick

Titles Held: None.

Info: A young fighter who appears to have a bright future ahead of him. A decent worker even at a young age, and boasting a great heel look, he was picked up by DIW to be a part of their debut roster. He went on a massive undefeated streak until Asylum surprised him and beat him which he has since done again, he has still not lost to any other worker though.



Name: Trehawke Phillips

Age: 38

Nationality: Australian

Height: 6'6

Weight: 282lbs

Fighting Style: Old school Brawler

Finisher: Outback Slam

Weapon of Choice: Cricket Bat

Titles Held: None,

Info: Trehawke Phillips is a veteran wrestler from Sydney, a tall rangey bar-room brawler from the old school mold. He wrestled in APW from when it opened in 2007, and was involved in the promotion's very first match, a victory over Vance Sturt. He left two years later, and came to DIW hoping to never be held back in the Midcard ever again.

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Predictions since Wrestlarama 2,


Zergon - Total: 27/41

Linsolv - Total: 14/22

TheLeviticalLawKid3 - Total: 10/11

John Lions - Total: 11/13


DIW: Big Effin' Super Show!


Abattoir vs Misery

Nightmare Stalker vs Milton Hittlespitz

The New Apocalypse vs Angus McMiller + Warmonger

Seeker vs Trehawke Phillips vs Vance Sturt

DIW Championship match,

The Comedian vs Malietoa

Full Metal Mayhem match,

Tombstone vs Asylum

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Abattoir vs Misery

Abattoir continues to get wins


Nightmare Stalker vs Milton Hittlespitz

I like Stalker more but i expect Milton to take a win here


The New Apocalypse vs Angus McMiller + Warmonger

This one is hard but I thonk that McMiller needs a win more tha the others.


Seeker vs Trehawke Phillips vs Vance Sturt

Misery or Milton will likely cost Seeker a win and I go with Sturt over Trehawke here since I think that Sturt will benefit more for the win.


DIW Championship match,

The Comedian vs Malietoa

Malietoa isn´t ready for singles title yet


Full Metal Mayhem match,

Tombstone vs Asylum

Hard one. Normally I´d go with Asylum since Tombstone have two victories over him in last two shows but I think this feud might end here in witch case Tombstone wins and moves to challenge Comedian for the DIW Championship

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Abattoir vs Misery

No reason for Misery to win here, since he has no team to challenge for the 3 man titles now


Nightmare Stalker vs Milton Hittlespitz

At least one of Seeker's former partners needs to win so they can challenge him in the future


The New Apocalypse vs Angus McMiller + Warmonger

I don't see McMiller picking up his first win in a tag match where he doesnt really seem to have any place in


Seeker vs Trehawke Phillips vs Vance Sturt

Want to give it to Seeker since he just turned, but I bet against Sturt and his folks once and he cost me. Ever since you got that badass alt you seem to want to be pushing him, so I'll give this to Sturt.


DIW Championship match,

The Comedian vs Malietoa

Can't have Tombstone vs The Comedian if you give it to a tag team wrestler


Full Metal Mayhem match,

Tombstone vs Asylum

Tombstone delivers good main event quality matches, Asylum less so.

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DIW: Big Effin' Super Show;

Thursday, Week 2, August 2012

Marv's Sports Central.

Att, 136.










Dean Hawkins "Good evening, this is Deep Impact Wrestling and tonight is our Big Effin' Super Show"


Big Jim Teasdale ".. Tonight Hawk i hope your ready for Stage 2 of Asylum vs Tombstones 3 steps of destruction rivalry"


Dean Hawkins "I am but any ideas what we're in for?"


Big Jim Teasdale "Yes, i have actually i was talking to Lori earlier and she said its going to be a Full Metal Mayhem match ... Inside a Steel Cage all metal items are not only legal .. but encouraged"




The Tax Man Angus McMiller comes out to the ring mic in hand "Hello tax dodgers .. Since my arrival in Deep Impact Wrestling behind the scenes i've pretty much saved this company .. but out here .. where it matters, well i've not done so well and so i've got rid of my dead weight Bob Shrunkle ... and replaced him with this man ..




.. Warmonger"


Warmonger "Thankyou for the pleasant welcome DIW fans (boo's all round) i'd just like make a quick statement my fee is $1,000 and for that small fee i will face in a match or attack anyone of your choosing .."




and here he is rudely interrupted by the arrival of the New Apocalypse Chaosmonger + Hatemonger ...


Hatemonger "So Warmonger your back!? Is your phone broken? Maybe you can't afford to call me!? No that can't be it after all the money APW have been paying you"


Chaosmonger "Warmmonger you want $1,000 to Wrestle!? Well how about i pay you double to return to that hole you've been hiding in?"


Tax Man "So 'New Apocalypse' you guys want a match i take it!? How about you two face us tonight"


Hatemonger "Your on!!"


Hardcore Rulez match;

Abattoir vs Misery



An even contest which looked like it could go either way .. that is until out ran ..




.. 'The Extreme Priest' Seeker who jumped up on the ring apron distracting Misery long enough for Abattoir to waffle him with a big Chair shot before pinning for the 3 count.


Seeker "For the last few years i've been on the path of extreme a path that not all wrestlers can follow .. and Misery, Milton Hittlespitz!? You guyz just couldn't keep up the pace ... So i had to cut you loose and .."




... He stops there because out runs 'Crazy Blue' Milton Hittlespitz and he has a Chair with Seekers name on in (literally) but he doesn't quite make it to Seeker as out runs ..




... Nightmare Stalker and he has a Chair with Crazy Blue painted on it and he and Milton Hittlespitz go at it clashing Chairs ..




.. Death Ref grabs a mic "Chair match right now Milton vs Stalker, oh and Seeker? Your barred from ringside"


Chair Match;

Nightmare Stalker vs Milton Hittlespitz



Nightmare Stalker is making his debut here for DIW an unsuccesful one at that Milton hits a Flying Kneedrop before pinning the 'Crown Prince of Pain' for the 1 .. 2 .. 3.


Hardcore Rulez match;

'Tax Man' Angus McMiller + 'Hired Gun' Warmonger vs The New Apocalypse (Hatemonger + Chaosmonger)



Warmonger and Chaosmonger square up starting off with a good old fashioned test of strength which much to the delight of the fans Chaosmonger wins .. But the celebration mood doesn't last long and Warmonger Chokebombs Hatemonger before going after Chaosmonger signalling for Angus McMiller to make the pin 1 .. 2 .. 3 and The Taxman and Hired Gun win the match.




Lori is backstage with a mic she informs the crowd and Tombstone in particular that Asylum is ready for his match tonight and will win to even the series ... afterall theres no way Tombstone can climb ... Especially not with a broken leg .. With this Asylum steps into view with a Steel Chair in hand and he looks ready!




Hardcore Rulez match;

'Extreme Priest' Seeker vs 'Outbacker' Trehawke Phillips vs 'Tough Guy' Vance Sturt




Seeker turns out to be quite the weasel now he's 'turned over a new leaf' dodging away from the fight wherever he can ... Trehawke sends Vance over the top rope and turns into a Hangmans Neckbreaker from Seeker he gets ready to pin but Misery is at ringside he throws a Chair at his former ally and Trehawke is back up but he gets a low blow from Ceri Dordevich and a High Knee from Vance Sturt who then rolls him up for the 1 .. 2 .. 3 and 'The Tough Guy' wins the match.




The Comedian "Tonight .. after i've finished this here pint of course ... And had a Cigar i complete a double. I've already beaten one Samoan and tonight i beat Malietoa one Running Powerslam and 3 seconds is all i need"


Hardcore Rulez match;

DIW Championship,


Malietoa vs The Comedian



Comedian does just as he said he adds Malietoa to his list of victims hitting the Running Powerslam followed by a pinfall and the 1 .. 2 .. 3.




An hype video is shown on the DVD edition reminding us of previous Asylum vs Tombstone encounters.


Full Metal Mayhem match;

Tombstone vs Asylum



The MMA fighter locks in a variety of Submissions in edition to using the weapons scattered around the Cage including hitting a Chokebomb onto a pile of Thumbtacks and Tombstone goes to climb out ...


.. But Asylum manages to grab a leg as he was just about to swing over the top of the cage and Asylum hits a Powerbomb from the top before himself climbing out of the Cage and Asylum levels the series at 1-1.

DIW: Big Effin' Super Show;
New Apocalypse want Warmonger + Taxman    E
Abattoir beat Misery                      E
Milton attks Seeker but Stalker cuts off  F+
Milton Hittlespitz beat Stalker           E-
Warmonger + Taxman beat New Apocalypse    D-
Lori hypes Asylum                         E
Vance Sturt beat Trehawke + Seeker        E
The Comedian promo                        E+
Comedian beat Malietoa                    D-
Hype video for Tombstone vs Asylum        E
Asylum beat Tombstone                     E+
Overall Card Rating:                      E+

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Brett Jingo's Notes:

Chaosmonger and Hatemonger had great chemistry when teaming together.

Seeker was really off his game tonight. Vance Sturt was really off his game tonight. Ceri Dordevich did some good work at ringside. The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable.

Malietoa is starting to become a little stale in his current role.


Predictions since Wrestlarama 2,


Zergon - Total: 32/47

John Lions - Total: 15/19

Linsolv - Total: 14/22

TheLeviticalLawKid3 - Total: 10/11

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Pretty cool show, nice to see the Tax Man finally getting some wins even though I voted against him. What render/worker are you using for Chaosmonger? If I had a render of him without the facepaint I could try and give him similar facepaint to what the other two 'mongers have.
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Pretty cool show, nice to see the Tax Man finally getting some wins even though I voted against him. What render/worker are you using for Chaosmonger? If I had a render of him without the facepaint I could try and give him similar facepaint to what the other two 'mongers have.


Yeah i want to keep him as someone the fans love to see lose but he needs a win every now and again or he would be seen as no threat to anyone.


Its 1 of many Random pics i have for new workers that debut i think i got it from the Render thread.

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Not the greatest, but I felt like one of the Soldiers of the Apocalypse deserved better than Insane Heat-esque face paint. All credit to the actual render goes to Clarity.


That is ace thanks alot for that.

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