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Diary Preview Thread

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So, here's an idea I had that might stretch me a bit - but in a good way. I think :p


We probably all remember the Watcher's Diary that Adam ran way back when. I was thinking of doing something similar as a sideline to my current diary, but combining it with a look at the different companies as I went along. For example, in month 1 I might look at NOTBPW, month 2 RAW and so on.


I'd do that by writing up the fed's big monthly show, whatever that is. Whether it's PPV, the tour's climax show, or just 30 men and the hot dog gal in Canada's snowy wastes, it would be a look at each company in the 'verse.


I'd also try and do each show in a different style - newsletter writeups, smartphone posts to a dirtsheet website, infinitywpi's barebones style, a full bells and whistles SWF.com writeup...


What do people think?


That sounds awesome, btw. :)

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This will be my next diary, probably. I'm not going to be doing it for a fair while as I'm aiming to get to at least 50 shows in my current one (10 in atm) but wanted to try the backstory at least. 0/0/0/0 fed in Derek B's CVerse 97 mod.


(OOC: Thanks go to Adam for the game, Derek for the mod, and the Celt for Barney LaRusso, who I believe he created in THIS awesome post in THIS amazing diary by Eisen Verse.)


“You said to me I had a job for life, Eisen!” I screamed at the SWF owner.


“That was before the injury, Gene.” he replied coldly. “I could cover for your lack of skill in the ring by booking you against better wrestlers. But the doctors say you’ll never wrestle again. What use are you to me now? You’re surely not deluded enough to think that you’re a good enough talker to manage or commentate.”

“You could keep me on as a road agent.”


He snorted. “Yeah, because guys like Faith, Bruce and McFly are likely to be happy letting a guy plan out their matches when they’re five times better than he is.”

“Find me another job, then. I saved your life, Eisen.”


He nods. “And because of that, I’ve employed you and pushed you for years longer than I would with anyone else of your talent.”


“You ungrateful…”


“I’ve been called worse.”


I took a deep breath. “Listen to me, Eisen. You do NOT want to do this to me. I’ve never told you this before – but there were photographs taken on that night. I think certain people would be rather interested in what happened.”

He threw his head back and laughed.


“You’re BLACKMAILING me, Gene?”


“I saved your life. I never told anyone what happened. All I’m asking for is to keep my job.”

“Gene, your job is as a wrestler, and after the car crash you aren’t able to perform that job. Now, I have to be honest, you’ve at least given me a good laugh with your little blackmail stunt, so here’s the deal.


I have friends up in the Mid-Atlantic. I will persuade them to sponsor a wrestling organisation for you to run. I’ll make sure they give you $5,000 a month or so to start off with. Obviously, if you’re as smart as you think you are, you’ll no doubt be able to grow it.”


“$5,000 a month? You’re insane, Eisen. That’s less than half what I’m on here at the moment. And it would take me years to get from that what I’d earn in a heartbeat from selling those photos to the Enquirer.”


He glares at me. “The only thing that’s insane is the amount I’ve overpaid you previously, Curtis. As for the photos… go ahead, sell them to the Enquirer. But do that, and you’ll officially be on my hitlist. And that’s not a good place to be. Ask Barney LaRusso. And if you think what happened to him was bad, then believe me, it could have been a lot worse. I’d tell you to ask four or five others, but it wouldn’t be very smart to admit to have anything to do with some events.”


LaRusso was a legend in the business. A top star in the 70’s, he was jobbed out in the SWF for six months over an offhand comment he made about Eisen, then sacked after a shoot promo. He’d never worked again, with most people convinced Eisen had managed to get him blacklisted from every federation around. And as for the others?


I suddenly wondered what on earth I’d been thinking of. I turned and walked away, as fast as I can.


“Offer’s still there, Geno,” he called after me mockingly. “At least you gave me a good laugh.”

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<p>USPW A Long Road To The Top Of The Mountain</p><p> </p><p>

A young man from California Daniel Andrews the younger brother of Aaron Andrews in TCW is asked to lead the youth revolution in USPW what will happen to the vetrans and will it push USPW to the elusive top of the mountain or submerge them to the bottom of the pile.</p><p>

Will Sam Strong stick with his chosen apprentice or will Andrews let him down and tempers boil.</p><p>

It's a Long Road To The Top Of The Mountain but who will fall by the wayside</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26069" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sounds pretty cool, JC. I'd honestly even be cool with just a well-written watcher's diary. I'm honestly a bit surprised the watcher approach isn't done more.<p> </p><p> Also, Stennick - just had a chance to read through the HGC post... Good stuff. Hoping you turn it into an actual project.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thanks BP means a lot coming from you. Doing the <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=166204" rel="external nofollow">California Pro Wrestling</a> 1977 C Verse diary right now <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> cheap pop but I am still really wanting to do the HGC diary as well. The CPW diary being so relaxed and easy to do with only a monthly show and 80 percent match ratio it doesn't take that much effort. </p><p> </p><p> JC I'd be interested in a watchers diary as well. Adam's a while back was great.</p>
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Month-long bump to see how people would receive this idea.

Right now I'm doing my dynasty, USPW: A Flash of Genius.

And I'm enjoying it a lot.


But, I sat and thought for a little bit today about any future dynasties. There was a post in the Small Questions thread about funny dynasties. I realized that those were some of my favorite ones too, like J Silver's and Comradebot's EWA ones. Promotions that are absolutely pathetic for the most part in the ring, satirical looks at them...that sort of thing.


I also realized that I just love the simpleness of James Casey's dynasties. A couple of pictures, little formatting, that sort of thing.


So, I came up with the idea to a James Casey-style (and, if I'm disrespecting your name by this, I'm sorry, JC), mostly humorous dynasty in the future...on RAW.


I don't remember a single RAW dynasty since 2010 came out, and it'll give me something to poke fun at while I suffer through the game.


So, it'll be my take on two great styles on this board. And maybe I'll fail at it. Probably so. But, anyway, just wanted to throw that out there.


With it being set in Australia, would anyone read it?


If so, I'd be brainstorming a bit for a future TLLK3 dynasty: "RAW: We've Got More Angles Than A Geometry Textbook".

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Month-long bump to see how people would receive this idea.

Right now I'm doing my dynasty, USPW: A Flash of Genius.

And I'm enjoying it a lot.


But, I sat and thought for a little bit today about any future dynasties. There was a post in the Small Questions thread about funny dynasties. I realized that those were some of my favorite ones too, like J Silver's and Comradebot's EWA ones. Promotions that are absolutely pathetic for the most part in the ring, satirical looks at them...that sort of thing.


I also realized that I just love the simpleness of James Casey's dynasties. A couple of pictures, little formatting, that sort of thing.


So, I came up with the idea to a James Casey-style (and, if I'm disrespecting your name by this, I'm sorry, JC), mostly humorous dynasty in the future...on RAW.


I don't remember a single RAW dynasty since 2010 came out, and it'll give me something to poke fun at while I suffer through the game.


So, it'll be my take on two great styles on this board. And maybe I'll fail at it. Probably so. But, anyway, just wanted to throw that out there.


With it being set in Australia, would anyone read it?


If so, I'd be brainstorming a bit for a future TLLK3 dynasty: "RAW: We've Got More Angles Than A Geometry Textbook".


Sounds good and I truly hope you make this, and if you use that name I would be delighted.

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Month-long bump to see how people would receive this idea.

Right now I'm doing my dynasty, USPW: A Flash of Genius.

And I'm enjoying it a lot.


But, I sat and thought for a little bit today about any future dynasties. There was a post in the Small Questions thread about funny dynasties. I realized that those were some of my favorite ones too, like J Silver's and Comradebot's EWA ones. Promotions that are absolutely pathetic for the most part in the ring, satirical looks at them...that sort of thing.


I also realized that I just love the simpleness of James Casey's dynasties. A couple of pictures, little formatting, that sort of thing.


So, I came up with the idea to a James Casey-style (and, if I'm disrespecting your name by this, I'm sorry, JC), mostly humorous dynasty in the future...on RAW.


I don't remember a single RAW dynasty since 2010 came out, and it'll give me something to poke fun at while I suffer through the game.


So, it'll be my take on two great styles on this board. And maybe I'll fail at it. Probably so. But, anyway, just wanted to throw that out there.


With it being set in Australia, would anyone read it?


If so, I'd be brainstorming a bit for a future TLLK3 dynasty: "RAW: We've Got More Angles Than A Geometry Textbook".


I believe theres been 3 RAW dynasties that i can remember off the top of my head. None thats got past 2 shows though i'd say ... I'm a big fan of the Australian CVerse scene so i'd read for sure.

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Month-long bump to see how people would receive this idea.

Right now I'm doing my dynasty, USPW: A Flash of Genius.

And I'm enjoying it a lot.


But, I sat and thought for a little bit today about any future dynasties. There was a post in the Small Questions thread about funny dynasties. I realized that those were some of my favorite ones too, like J Silver's and Comradebot's EWA ones. Promotions that are absolutely pathetic for the most part in the ring, satirical looks at them...that sort of thing.


I also realized that I just love the simpleness of James Casey's dynasties. A couple of pictures, little formatting, that sort of thing.


So, I came up with the idea to a James Casey-style (and, if I'm disrespecting your name by this, I'm sorry, JC), mostly humorous dynasty in the future...on RAW.


I don't remember a single RAW dynasty since 2010 came out, and it'll give me something to poke fun at while I suffer through the game.


So, it'll be my take on two great styles on this board. And maybe I'll fail at it. Probably so. But, anyway, just wanted to throw that out there.


With it being set in Australia, would anyone read it?


If so, I'd be brainstorming a bit for a future TLLK3 dynasty: "RAW: We've Got More Angles Than A Geometry Textbook".


I sure would be interested in reading.

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[...Sports Entertainment?...]


[...Superstars? Entertainers?...]


[...Our wrestlers are not superstars. We're not entertainers. We are professional wrestling. We have the best athletes in the business today and for the future. It all begins at the top...]



[...'The Nature Boy,' 'Slick Ric,' 'NWA World Heavyweight Champion.' Call him what you like but Ric Flair is the greatest wrestler in the business. Take a good long look at that 'other' company's World Champion...]



[...'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan? He is not immortal in the ring. Think he could last in a 60 minute match like our NWA World Champion? He couldn't last 6 minutes in the ring with the NWA World Champion...]


[...The year is 1989 and the National Wrestling Alliance with the new backing of owner Ted Turner is looking to push forward and push ahead against the onslaught of the World Wrestling Federation. Professional Wrestling versus Sports Entertainment. Who will win the battle?...]

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A diary I can't imagine ever actually writing. And yet...




New Year's Eve in Connecticut could be a subdued affair, a staid event, even a relaxed dinner party between friends.


For the McMahons, things were different.


The party had started around five in the evening when Pat Patterson and Big Dick Johnson had arrived with fifteen cases of beer 'and a can of soda for CM Punk'. A few wrestlers had been in attendance - those high enough up the ladder to merit an invite. The Callaways had put in an appearance before disappearing back to their hotel where they were planning on ringing in their first new year as man and wife. The Runnels family had arrived en masse and Dusty had earned a few extra bucks dishing out Bionic Elbows on demand and dancing like a funky monkey.


Vince had been in a great mood all night, toasting his wife, 'the senator, ladies and gentlement!', his daughter and son-in-law and their three daughters.


Shane hadn't been mentioned.


There had been a lot of drink. A lot of drink. There had been cigars, and punch, and caviar, and little pasty things that Vince claimed were stuffed with whale bladder.


By five in the morning on the first, Paul, Shawn and a few others were gathered around a table, in theory playing cards but for the most part trying to find bottles that had something left in them. Still bodies lay all around the grounds of the McMahon estate. Respected members of the local community were slumped across the prone forms of Mike Rotundo and Johnny Ace. Somewhere nearby the familiar cackle of Ted DiBiase could be heard.


"Y'know, y'know, y'know..." Shawn managed, before grabbing the arms of his chair and pushing himself upright. He grinned for a second, before realising that his chair was toppling backwards. The antique wood shattered beneath him as he hit the flagstones and he swore loudly.


"Hey! We're PG now," Paul cackled. He grabbed a beer from the cooler under the table and twisted the cap off easily. Downing half of it in one swig, he sank back in his chair. Looking around the estate, he smirked.


"And what do you look so happy about?" Vince demanded, strutting across the grounds as though he hadn't personally drunk enough to kill an elephant just a few hours before. Paul shook his head - his father-in-law would put it down to his Irish blood. Paul just thought there wasn't anything that could overpower Vince's sense of self-esteem.


"Just looking around, Vince," he replied. "All these people. Looks like that time a few years back we had the hardcore battle royal at 'Mania."


Vince looked around, smirking as he took in the detritus of the night's events. "Yeah, yeah! Didn't we have the Acolytes slam a garage door on Bob Holly or something? That was good stuff. Why'd we ditch that again?"


"Too many titles," Paul came back. "We wanted to focus on the World title, remember?"


"Yeah, I do. That was when it was all about you, i remember," Vince said. He turned to his son-in-law, a gleam in his eye. "All the belts got unified."


Paul shrugged. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. The fans had hated him for it, but that was his job.


"You never did much hardcore stuff, did you?"


"No. It was mostly comedy stuff."


"Right, right. And you don't do comedy. Well, you didn't."




"Didn't. Paul, I just had an idea. The internet geeks have only just about stopped crying over you being in the main event. How about if we put together an entire company for you, and even named it after you?"


Paul opened his mouth to reply, but stopped. He had no idea where his father-in-law was going.


"A whole company run by you, for you, and named after you. You'd be on top the whole time, and you'd show everyone what you can do."


There had to be a catch. Paul waited to find out what it was.


"We can make it small to save on the start-up costs, but once people know it's for real and it's the only place to see you, they'll be there in the thousands. I don't know why I didn't think of this before!"


"Uhhh..." Small didn't sound good. Small wasn't big - and big was the only thing Paul was interested in.


"I can just see it now. You take this little fed from the bingo halls to the arenas to outselling the SuperBowl or World Series, and then we do an invasion again and WWE wins. In a couple of years you could be headling 'Mania again."


"A couple of years? Vince, you know I'm ready to come back. It's the Rumble and-"


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, we're gonna need to work that out. No, this is the way forward. I've even come up with a name - just like that. I amaze myself sometimes. Now, this needs some thinking about, but we're doing it. It's my resolution for the new year. Cena and Orton can mind the shop while you're gone."


"Gone?" Paul said weakly. Somewhere in the last few minutes Vince had apparently made up his mind. Paul wished desperately he'd had less to drink.


"We'll need to scout out venues. We don't get out to Harlem very often now, but you'll be calling it home from now on."




"Yeah. Just imagine the posters," Vince said, waving a hand in the air as though drawing out a rainbow. "Harlem Hardcore Heaven - the Triple H promotion!"


He beamed at Paul, who could only manage a weak smile in return...

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WCW 2003. Not going to type the backstory here or anything but I will list some things that have happened.


WCW has built a roster that is by far the best in the US.

Curt Hennig was a World Title contender and then died.

Many surprising talent from WWE has jumped ship in my 3 years of game time.

ECW has gone under.

Bischoff is a ruthless boss to work for.

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(Tell me how this looks. With my USPW game corrupted, here's another idea in the planning stages. Special thanks to The Celt's post in Eisen-verse's SWF dynasty and the ones who made the Eric Eisen alts I'll use for this.)




Since its arrival in the 70's, the Supreme Wrestling Federation has had a choke hold on the business. With its "Sports Entertainment" style--popularity and showmanship over performance--the New England company has gone from controversial regional company to the world's largest wrestling promotion. In less than forty years, SWF has firmly put themselves on top, over the Japanese giants and threatening American companies like TCW.


The list of former SWF employees is extremely long and varied. Several head bookers have come and gone, some by choice...others victims of a ruthless businessman named Richard Eisen.


Boston native Richard Eisen has been the central, most polarizing figure in the SWF...if not the entire wrestling world. No matter what position you had in the company, no matter what you had done in the business up to that point, he could take you out with a snap of his fingers.


"You'd be begging at the feet of some cut-rate company after I get done with you," as he famously told dozens of workers.


Entire lists have been compiled of the ones that Eisen has put down.


The company has always been about one man only: the lone wolf, Richard Eisen.




But what if I told you that could all change?




What if there was someone else, by his side, through the run to global supremacy? A voice of reason, perhaps?


Would he listen?


What would change?


Would ANYTHING change?


Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to a world where the wrestling world was controlled by not one...


But TWO...






The year is 1977. SWF head booker and living legend Rocky Streets, following another legal problem caused by his sons Dusty and Sid, has decided to step down during his final years of his in-ring career. Even though he's been one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time, he's never gotten a true world title run.




If I were to win the World Heavyweight Championship, my ultimate goal in this business, I would have had to book myself in that way. I couldn't do that to the guys backstage...it wouldn't look right. I needed to win the title fairly, with my fate being controlled by another. Looking back, I have no regrets on my decision.


-Rocky Streets

After the classic finale at Golden Dreams 1976, Rocky Streets informed Richard Eisen that he was stepping down. Even though Eisen tried to get him to stay at the booker role (everything was going fine in the Land of Supreme, after all), Streets was final. Although Eisen could have easily gotten whatever he wanted in the company, he respected Rocky as a close friend. Streets had given SWF tons of attention during his "betrayal" of the Texas Wrestling League.




I hated that Rocky was stepping down. But it was a class act by an individual I have the most respect for. He helped shape SWF. Yeah, that's right. I'm not the heartless one most think I am. (laughs) But I did have a plan. That's the stereotype about me that you could have held to in that situation. I'm always six steps ahead of you.


-Richard Eisen

But Richard Eisen knew who he was about to offer the job to. In fact, he was going to give him an in-ring role in the next few days anyway. So he got in his car and drove up to his hometown. Near a frozen pond, a place Richard Eisen will never forget, he met his prospect.




He had just graduated from Boston University a few months back, an All-American wrestler. More importantly, he was a lifelong professional wrestling fan. Call him the initial inspiration for Richard's entry into the business.


The meeting was short. Richard told him what he already knew: he needed a new head booker, but someone that could shake up the scene. A fresh face with "real" wrestling experience in the SWF? It would sell itself. The wrestling machine would fall on the company, and his encyclopedic knowledge of the business would shock most. This rookie would turn some heads, without a doubt. Plus, his natural charisma would help in the entertainment-based promotion.


With the future head booker spending his days working at a gym and saving up money to watch Championship Wrestling from Boston shows, he jumped on the chance.


After all, how could you turn down Richard Eisen...especially if he was your older brother?


Welcome to the world of the two-headed Eisen attack. The world where Richard kept wheeling and dealing as the owner, and his All-American brother Kurt was the rookie booker.



The Cornellverse as you know it will never be the same.

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Sounds great!!!

Why, thank you, 20LEgend. If I follow through with it, I would really enjoy that game. Usually stray away from SWF, but I loved their '77 roster.


But, I should give credit where credit is due. ajcrible's and Stennick's Texas Wrestling League and California Pro Wrestling dynasties, respectively, inspired me to give the '77 mod a whirl...and now think about writing a dynasty. If you haven't checked those two guys' works out, do it. Now.

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Why, thank you, 20LEgend. If I follow through with it, I would really enjoy that game. Usually stray away from SWF, but I loved their '77 roster.


But, I should give credit where credit is due. ajcrible's and Stennick's Texas Wrestling League and California Pro Wrestling dynasties, respectively, inspired me to give the '77 mod a whirl...and now think about writing a dynasty. If you haven't checked those two guys' works out, do it. Now.


Big thank you to LL3 always nice to see someone enjoying mine and AJ's work. I'd love for there to be more 77 verse dynasties out there. Its an incredible mod that doesn't get near enough love IMO. So thanks for the shout out and in turn I'm going to shout out MTJTM, Sadisticblessings, PeterHilton, jtlant and anybody else associated with the making of that mod.

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Just a curiosity question...


I've enjoyed my WCW project quite a bit and it has been far better received than I expected... However, I have the feeling its winding down. Many reasons and its not on its last legs, but while I have plans that carry into 2004, 2005, and even 2006, I'm not sure I'll make it out of 2003. When it does end, it likely won't be because I'm looking to jump to another project. But the approach I took with the project has me wondering how readers would react to an "overview" style for a CornellVerse project.


One of the reasons I believed such an approach would work for a real world project is that almost all of the talent is known to the reader. If I put something like "Shawn Michaels had a great match" or "Paul Heyman cut a great promo", its easy to visualize that because we've all seen it. But if I put "Sam Keith had a trademark fantastic match" or "Ricky Dale Johnson cut one of his prototypical promos".... the connection isn't there. The reader might be able to imagine, but far more is left up to the imagination....


So I am curious if people think the overview approach would work for CV or no....?

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I personally don't think it would work as well. It worked very well with the time period and the promotion you took on. In 2002 anybody thats anybody in pro wrestling for 30 years was at your disposal and most of them as you said we had seen hundreds and thousands of times.


With the C Verse we don't have that pleasure and although it may be interesting to see something like that on some level I don't think it could garner the interest for me atleast that seeing it in your WCW dynasty does.


At this point though I'd say if you write it we all will read it. One of the few guys on here that I check out everything they do regardless of my "interest" level at the start of the project.

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I personally don't think it would work as well. It worked very well with the time period and the promotion you took on. In 2002 anybody thats anybody in pro wrestling for 30 years was at your disposal and most of them as you said we had seen hundreds and thousands of times.


With the C Verse we don't have that pleasure and although it may be interesting to see something like that on some level I don't think it could garner the interest for me atleast that seeing it in your WCW dynasty does.


At this point though I'd say if you write it we all will read it. One of the few guys on here that I check out everything they do regardless of my "interest" level at the start of the project.


Thanks Stenn. Quite similar to my thoughts and concerns.


I'm still toying with the idea, even though I don't even have a particular project in mind that I would use it for. One approach, which I think would be for a C-verse '97 or '77 or even '05 project, would be to interspace the monthly "chapters" with a great variety of "interludes". Instead of just using editorials, I could steal from some of the fine writers on here to use things like segments from particular shows, shoot interviews, even exerts from other books... Helping to flesh out the C-verse characters in a way that we don't need to for the real world...

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Now THAT would work BP (also glad to hear you got your nasty oil spill cleaned up that was bad PR for ya :D )


I think if you followed along those lines interjecting memorable segments, along with shoot interviews even bouncing back and forth between present day and then with retrospective interviews, along with memorable segments and maybe a bit of detail for the more important matches. Just a few dabs and dips (its a phrase and words leave me alone). I think that it would do MORE to flesh out the C Verse.


I would love to see the 97 verse get some love. I have started and stopped both HGC and SWF dynasties on my cpu before they ever made it here and I think oddly enough its getting lost in the shuffle.


I know you talked about at one time taking HGC from the very start or something to that degree and that could be interesting as you got guys like Cornell, Strong, Chord even Stallings talking about those first few months and even a killer backstory maybe. I'm rambling but yes I think that would be original and very fun to read.

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Now THAT would work BP (also glad to hear you got your nasty oil spill cleaned up that was bad PR for ya :D )


I think if you followed along those lines interjecting memorable segments, along with shoot interviews even bouncing back and forth between present day and then with retrospective interviews, along with memorable segments and maybe a bit of detail for the more important matches. Just a few dabs and dips (its a phrase and words leave me alone). I think that it would do MORE to flesh out the C Verse.


I would love to see the 97 verse get some love. I have started and stopped both HGC and SWF dynasties on my cpu before they ever made it here and I think oddly enough its getting lost in the shuffle.


I know you talked about at one time taking HGC from the very start or something to that degree and that could be interesting as you got guys like Cornell, Strong, Chord even Stallings talking about those first few months and even a killer backstory maybe. I'm rambling but yes I think that would be original and very fun to read.


The idea of doing HGC intrigues me. Every time I read a bit of London's diary (which I have to catch up on), I'm intrigued. The problem is that the game itself doesn't appeal to me once I actually get into TEW and start playing around. CGC in the current data is much the same - I like the idea of the promotion and some of the workers, but it just doesn't connect like I expect it to. I think being a Cult promotion is part of it. With HGC, I think its that I want it to be TCW and its not. Running Stalling's vision of Sports Entertainment doesn't appeal to me as much as it should and simply changing over to TCW's approach far earlier seems... cheap...


In the '97 data, its the SWF that appeals to me the most. I like the thought of the Nemesis-Cornell match having the opposite effect. Instead of having Eisen go sponsor-friendly, he embraces the 18-35 male demographic and exploits the East Coast Wars. The SWF enters its own version of the Attitude Era... I have some ideas I really like, and I will almost certainly put them together in a game soon enough. The problem with trying to turn it into a diary project - whether the overview style or a more traditional show-by-show approach - is that I know how things would probably go.... I would be unable to resist the urge of snapping up all the future stars that the '97 CornellVerse is so rich with. In an effort o hoard all the talent and sink HGC, I would sign up everyone with talent, potential, or who I could find some eventual use for. The result would be much like my 2008 SWF diary - a hugely bloated roster. Even worse, it would be robbing all the East Coast promotions of the talent that made the war interesting. Anyway, its just ideas at this point.

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I think the CV97 mod doesn't get enough credit because of how war works in the game. Well, at least, it's the downer for me. Wrestlers are constantly jumping ship, it's more annoying than anything else as often they don't even do half of their contract. Maybe with loyalty on... Oh I need to try that just to see.
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