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Interface Overhaul Mod

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Recently suggested that the TEW interface, skin, text etc was to rough, bright and in your face, the game looks as if its stuck in the 90's, i personally couldnt play the game for more than an hour without getting a headache my topic was closed, apparently Adam believed it was to much work and it wasnt a valid suggestion. So i spent the last two days doing it all myself


link to suggestion - http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73540


This isnt just a new skin, all buttons, in game text has been re writen, every screen and graphic etc has been redone, to make the game look more modern, pleasing and easy on the eyes


Here is a preview, the release will come when i checked through everything to ake sure all is OK


DOWNLOAD LINK - http://www.sendspace.com/file/y7tyjj


The Preview Screens











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Kudos to you for going out and doing this. I like the shades you've gone for, although having such an expanse of blank space seems a little odd after the textures on the default and grunge mod. Just a case of getting used to it, I guess.


The other comment would be that on the creative meeting screen and a couple of other places the buttons blend in with the background, so possibly a different colour for one or the other, or an outline around the buttons could work.


Otherwise it looks cool.

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Its pretty simple, I kind of liked it.


Obviously it wasn't a pointless thread if a consumer of the product wanted to say something, but I've noticed thats how this board goes.


too true.


gazwe, I havent had the headache problem to the same extent that u have, but those screenies are easier on the eye and make the menus seem more negotiable. good stuff.

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thanks for all your comments, its coming along nicely and quickly should be finished very soon, just afew buttons and graphics to do then any tweaks


@ Hive - i created those logos using CW's background and CW created the CMLL logo, they will be available for download once i release my 1989 mod which will be very soon also (cheap plug)

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