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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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Kobe I claimed this render a while back but he did not make the picture pack. So I would like this render to be used for Han Myung-bak:


Also, I do not think anybody has been claimed this render yet. So I would like to claim him for Han Myung-bak




Also, does anyone have an updated list of the un-claimed renders? The reason I ask is because I have a ton of guys that still need renders and I would love to go through the un-claimed list and give some of them renders.

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Kobe I claimed this render a while back but he did not make the picture pack. So I would like this render to be used for Han Myung-bak:




Also, does anyone have an updated list of the un-claimed renders? The reason I ask is because I have a ton of guys that still need renders and I would love to go through the un-claimed list and give some of them renders.


If you need renders doing, you can always send me a list. :)


By the way, are the ones I have done for you so far OK? The Brain, Bubba Hughes? I know you saw The Trekker.

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Bleddyn Cadfael – The Welsh Warrior Bleddyn Cadfael is a native of Cardiff, and has recently made a splash in both the English, and Japanese wrestling scenes. Stiff and vicious, Cadfael is a skilled technician, mixing strikes with grapples to great effectiveness, something he picked up training his skills in a small school in Japan. Cadfael has shown an ability to work most styles of wrestling, tending to work a methodical pace, mixing suplexes and slams to set up for his dreaded Cymru Am Byth submission hold. Cadfael is also a skilled boxer, and bare knuckle fighter, giving him the added benefit of a lethal right hand, which can end a match whenever he so chooses.


Age – 26

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Cymru Am Byth [sTF]

-England and Japan


[i'm fairly unfamiliar with Welsh culture, getting most of this off the interwebs (so it must be true. lol) If anything is wrong, such as the Welsh motto not being Cymru Am Byth, lemme know please? Thank you.]




Ryan Trackers – Ex MMA fighter Ryan Trackers was once considered the most dangerous man to ever set foot in the cage. Best known for his 12 second victory over Darren McMichael, which became an internet video sensation, Trackers worked the octagon for 6 years, before deciding it was time to try his hand at professional wrestling, due to a combination of a lengthy losing streak, and a steroid scandal. As an amateur, Trackers excelled at catch as catch can wrestling, able to counter most any hold, and turn it to a beneficial submission move. It wasn't until he encountered strikers that Tracker seemed to struggle, his ability to go toe to toe with stand up brawlers took him off his game.


In 2007, after losing four straight fights, Trackers tested positive for a steroid generally used in horse racing. He was fired before he was able to tell his side of the story, but was quickly recruited to join a small wrestling federation in Japan. Now, two years into his professional career, Trackers roams the independents, hoping for that one big break that will allow him to once again be the name everyone talks about.


Age – 31

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Cross Arm Breaker

-Egotistical; Known to have used steroids in the past; USA and Japan available




Zachary Cable - “Cold-Blooded” Zachary Cable is a rugged brawler from Green Bay, who has occasionally been nicknamed the Assassin. Ruthless and powerful, Cable is the very definition of ground and pound. A stellar linebacker in high school, where he first earned the nickname, due to his ability to seek out the opposing quarterback, and level him without remorse, Cable lives to dish out punishment. Cable relies on brute force to win matches, keeping his offense to basic moves that inflict a great deal of damage. It's also been said that the stoic monster will toy with his opponent, before hitting In Cold Blood, which can appear out of nowhere.


Age – 23

Sex – Male

Size – Heavyweight

Finisher – In Cold Blood (ICB) [Heart Punch]

-Antisocial; USA


(Still feel this profile is missing something, but I haven't quite put my finger on what that is, as of yet.)




Brett Rykers - “Rock God” Brett Rykers is a flashy young wrestler out of Canada. While hard to classify his style into any one category, the gritty rock star has proven he has the talent to entertain a crowd. Most people who have watched the Rock God in action have commented on the fact that, while not particularly bad, he doesn't excel in any one area of his wrestling skill, and tends to get lost during longer matches, due to his focus wavering to the crowd, or something less important.


A legitimate bass player and singer, Rykers gained small acclaim in Canada, with the title track off his first album Blood of the Virtuous, became a late night hit on underground radio stations. And although he loves playing with his band Tainted Virgin, Rykers first passion has always been wrestling. With his recent acclaim, and rumors of a second album being released, chances are that Rykers will end up working for a well known company that can capitalize on his success sooner, rather than later.


Age – 25

Sex – Male

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – Stage Dive [swanton Bomb]

-Compassionate, extremely flaky ; Canada and possible US; soft drug user, drinker

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A couple of future promotions for the States:


First, a Wrestling Society X style promotion that can go anywhere in the States:

Drake Wrestling Society


Founded by rebel billionaire and longtime wrestling fan Nathaniel Drake, the Drake Wrestling Society promotes itself as a grungey, underground company rebelling against the typical promotions of the day.


Second, a glitzy South West promotion from Hollywood:

Hollywood Takeover Project


The Hollywood Takeover Project is an LA based company run by Saul Kodiak's Kodiak Broadcasting Company and formed as an early program for their fledgling television station, KNTV. HTP puts a lots of Hollywood influences into their product and as a result, are less respected by their counterparts in the wrestling world.

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Was playing with some full body renders tonight. Really enjoyed making this, and I can kind of see why people like to pose workers instead of doing the uniform portrait. ^_^




Left to right (Eve Chessman, Rachel Roberts, Leviticus, Alizee French, Emma Granger)

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Another for Fullhouse........Please never ask for 10 alts again. I nearly cried on five ocassions. :p


Derek Hightower




:o Sorry about that, I knew whomever did the renders for Hightower would end up hating him. When I was creating his profile I realized I needed to come up with several alter egos I'm still working on completing 3 of them

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Was playing with some full body renders tonight. Really enjoyed making this, and I can kind of see why people like to pose workers instead of doing the uniform portrait. ^_^




Left to right (Eve Chessman, Rachel Roberts, Leviticus, Alizee French, Emma Granger)


Gave me a wowzer in my trousers. :p

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Gave me a wowzer in my trousers. :p


I didn't realize how similar Rachel Roberts and Leviticus looked. That's an issue you occasionally run into with texture reuse when they have highly distinctive features (in this case eyebrows).Will probably make them related (4th sister?) somehow. :)


I've overcome the lighting problem. I just transfer the ambient/opacity/glossiness/color/brightness etc. settings over to each render now. Still trying to work on the eye issue though. The pupils should be nearly equally dilated in all the renders since the "photographs" of the workers are being shot from the same angle. That said, for eye textures themselves the pupil dilation is different depending on the artists. Unfortunately, there are only a limited number of eye styles from each artist and so you have to work across artist when rendering such a large number of workers unless you want to do all your own eye textures (impractical). So I'm running into a problem with renders where pupil dilation is varying across workers, which dilutes uniformity. It's driving me crazy!


I have an inkling that I could resolve this (or at least soften the error) with the use of a more dynamic lighting setup, but with so many renders being made its impractical to wait on the rendering times required to use one. :(


That said a more dynamic camera setup across workers has the effect of distracting from the jarring eye difference. I guess the effect wouldn't stand up against repeated viewings, but the temporary aesthetic improvement makes moving away from the stationary, identical camera setup enticing.

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Bleddyn Cadfael – The Welsh Warrior Bleddyn Cadfael is a native of Cardiff, and has recently made a splash in both the English, and Japanese wrestling scenes. Stiff and vicious, Cadfael is a skilled technician, mixing strikes with grapples to great effectiveness, something he picked up training his skills in a small school in Japan. Cadfael has shown an ability to work most styles of wrestling, tending to work a methodical pace, mixing suplexes and slams to set up for his dreaded Cymru Am Byth submission hold. Cadfael is also a skilled boxer, and bare knuckle fighter, giving him the added benefit of a lethal right hand, which can end a match whenever he so chooses.


Age – 26

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Cymru Am Byth [sTF]

-England and Japan


[i'm fairly unfamiliar with Welsh culture, getting most of this off the interwebs (so it must be true. lol) If anything is wrong, such as the Welsh motto not being Cymru Am Byth, lemme know please? Thank you.]




Ryan Trackers – Ex MMA fighter Ryan Trackers was once considered the most dangerous man to ever set foot in the cage. Best known for his 12 second victory over Darren McMichael, which became an internet video sensation, Trackers worked the octagon for 6 years, before deciding it was time to try his hand at professional wrestling, due to a combination of a lengthy losing streak, and a steroid scandal. As an amateur, Trackers excelled at catch as catch can wrestling, able to counter most any hold, and turn it to a beneficial submission move. It wasn't until he encountered strikers that Tracker seemed to struggle, his ability to go toe to toe with stand up brawlers took him off his game.


In 2007, after losing four straight fights, Trackers tested positive for a steroid generally used in horse racing. He was fired before he was able to tell his side of the story, but was quickly recruited to join a small wrestling federation in Japan. Now, two years into his professional career, Trackers roams the independents, hoping for that one big break that will allow him to once again be the name everyone talks about.


Age – 31

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Cross Arm Breaker

-Egotistical; Known to have used steroids in the past; USA and Japan available




Zachary Cable - “Cold-Blooded” Zachary Cable is a rugged brawler from Green Bay, who has occasionally been nicknamed the Assassin. Ruthless and powerful, Cable is the very definition of ground and pound. A stellar linebacker in high school, where he first earned the nickname, due to his ability to seek out the opposing quarterback, and level him without remorse, Cable lives to dish out punishment. Cable relies on brute force to win matches, keeping his offense to basic moves that inflict a great deal of damage. It's also been said that the stoic monster will toy with his opponent, before hitting In Cold Blood, which can appear out of nowhere.


Age – 23

Sex – Male

Size – Heavyweight

Finisher – In Cold Blood (ICB) [Heart Punch]

-Antisocial; USA


(Still feel this profile is missing something, but I haven't quite put my finger on what that is, as of yet.)




Brett Rykers - “Rock God” Brett Rykers is a flashy young wrestler out of Canada. While hard to classify his style into any one category, the gritty rock star has proven he has the talent to entertain a crowd. Most people who have watched the Rock God in action have commented on the fact that, while not particularly bad, he doesn't excel in any one area of his wrestling skill, and tends to get lost during longer matches, due to his focus wavering to the crowd, or something less important.


A legitimate bass player and singer, Rykers gained small acclaim in Canada, with the title track off his first album Blood of the Virtuous, became a late night hit on underground radio stations. And although he loves playing with his band Tainted Virgin, Rykers first passion has always been wrestling. With his recent acclaim, and rumors of a second album being released, chances are that Rykers will end up working for a well known company that can capitalize on his success sooner, rather than later.


Age – 25

Sex – Male

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – Stage Dive [swanton Bomb]

-Compassionate, extremely flaky ; Canada and possible US; soft drug user, drinker


Dude, you keep getting better and better. :)

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Still trying to work on the eye issue though. The pupils should be nearly equally dilated in all the renders since the "photographs" of the workers are being shot from the same angle. That said, for eye textures themselves the pupil dilation is different depending on the artists. Unfortunately, there are only a limited number of eye styles from each artist and so you have to work across artist when rendering such a large number of workers unless you want to do all your own eye textures (impractical). So I'm running into a problem with renders where pupil dilation is varying across workers, which dilutes uniformity. It's driving me crazy!


OK, here is how I see things. Non uniformity adds to the whole feel of things. In the real world every worker isnt told to pose in the same way and taken in the same light with the same camera in the same place. It adds to the realism of the mod IMO, so don't let it stress you out ;)

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OK, here is how I see things. Non uniformity adds to the whole feel of things. In the real world every worker isnt told to pose in the same way and taken in the same light with the same camera in the same place. It adds to the realism of the mod IMO, so don't let it stress you out ;)


Yeah, you're right. :o Honestly, it's quite a bit more realistic to have a mis-mash of styles.


I just really loved what Sebs did when he worked on GDSverse and then what JSilver is doing right now re-rendering all of the workers with identical light sources etc. It's an insane goal to try and match that uniformity over more than 200 or so workers but I think it's beautiful and so as I come up with new ways to make my mats match across workers I'm constantly trying to improve on it.


That said, I really like the feel of our universe right now and the way that different artist contributions have a different take on it. Sometimes I look at what's been done and can't believe it. Our data is over half the size of the Cornellverse now, and the only custom fictionalverse mods with more workers in them are Over 9000, Darkfire and Kobeverse - all of which are 3+ year projects. We've nearly matched those databases in a third of the time. :D


Just goes to show you what can get done when a group of people work together towards a like minded goal. ^_^

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Dude, you keep getting better and better. :)


Why thank you. Cable's bio is still bugging me for some reason. Gonna have to look into it again later. I also have another little list of names I started scratching, while roaming Youtube at 3AM.


Renders or bios? :p


Man, if you keep getting better and better, pretty soon these pictures are gonna start talking to me. It's bad enough 3 of them already sang a rendition of Copa Cabana! :p

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