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Path to Glory: ROF We Are Pure Wrestling

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Donny Damage has been in a fairly bad mood lately. Stemming from a loss to me and a loss to Merle. His only two losses in the past two years. Well, I also felt bad that we have the best wrestler in the UK wrestling on a contract for $700 a show, when Jimmy Morris was making $900, so I gave the man a $2000 bonus as a way of saying thank you for a job well done. Hopefully, he'll want to renegotiate his contract in January.


Tuesday, Week 2, September 2012 (Shown Wednesday)

ROF Burning Championship Wrestling

Parliment Square (South, UK)


The Red Devils © vs. Team UEW (ROF Tag Team Championship)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Red Devils defeated Team UEW in 9:21 when Viktor Beskov defeated Gordon Leve by submission with a Red Devil Lock. The Red Devils make defense number 1 of their Ring Of Fire Tag Championship titles.


Hmmm, I was expecting better from these two teams. Must be being on TV and the lack of prestige of the Tag Titles.



Petey Barnes (14) vs. Sifu (18)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Sifu defeated Petey Barnes in 7:23 by pinfall.


I wasn't expecting a whole lot here and didn't get it. Can't be disappointed.



Josh Jones (27) vs. Leigh Burton (22)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Leigh Burton defeated Josh Jones in 6:56 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.


I'm sure this match went a long way to bringing Leigh Burton into the thoughts of the fans. He and Sifu will be big someday. And as long as Josh Jones stays with us, he will be a very valuable member of the roster.



Don Henderson and Frank Burton vs. Keith Adams and Merle O'Curle

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Don Henderson and Frank Burton defeated Keith Adams and Merle O'Curle in 15:19 when Frank Burton defeated Keith Adams by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Merle was distracted by Don as the pinfall happened. Frank wants to build his way up to a ROF Championship shot. If he can string together some big wins, I can see him doing it.



Walter Morgan © (6) vs. Zack Macomber (4) (ROF Burning Championship)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Walter Morgan defeated Zack Macomber in 11:40 by submission with a Wigan Wrench. Walter Morgan makes defense number 1 of his Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


Ahhhhhh... Can't go wrong with a Morgan/Macomber match. I thought about hot-shotting the belt to me, but I don't want to hurt the prestige of the title. I want a midcarder to grab that belt at some point.



Overall Rating: C

Attendance: 1000

TV Rating: 0.01


Bolt goes 4/5. Don't know if he missed the tag match, or called draw, but he was close.


Next time on Burning Championship Wrestling:

Newcy Brown vs. Vicious Vultures vs. Absolutely Flawless

Nigel Svensson (10) vs. Simon Ice (11) vs. Zack Macomber (6)

DJ Reason vs. Keith Adams (9)

Barry Griffin © (3) vs. Wade Orson (8) (Man of Steel Champion)

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Bolt goes 4/5. Don't know if he missed the tag match, or called draw, but he was close.




Newcy Brown vs. Vicious Vultures vs. Absolutely Flawless

Nigel Svensson (10) vs. Simon Ice (11) vs. Zack Macomber (6)

DJ Reason vs. Keith Adams (9)


maybe an upset here...


Barry Griffin © (3) vs. Wade Orson (8) (Man of Steel Champion)

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Newcy Brown vs. Vicious Vultures vs. Absolutely Flawless

One of these teams has your owner on it

Nigel Svensson (10) vs. Simon Ice (11) vs. Zack Macomber (6)

You seem to like winning

DJ Reason vs. Keith Adams (9)

Debut win for DJ Reason

Barry Griffin © (3) vs. Wade Orson (8) (Man of Steel Champion)

Could be a stretch, but I can see Wade taking the lower title off him so Barry can focus on Merle... seems to be the only person able to take on Merle and put up an even fight

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Tuesday, Week 3, September 2012 (Shown Wednesday)

ROF Burning Championship Wrestling

Aston University Sports Hall (Midlands, UK)


Newcy Brown vs. Vicious Vultures vs. Absolutely Flawless

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Absolutely Flawless defeated Newcy Brown and Vicious Vultures in 9:05; the order of elimination was Vicious Vultures first, and finally Newcy Brown.


Tons of penalties here. Tons of them.



Nigel Svensson (10) vs. Simon Ice (11) vs. Zack Macomber (6)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Zack Macomber defeated Nigel Svensson and Simon Ice in 13:21; the order of elimination was Nigel Svensson first, and finally Simon Ice.


It looks like I may have blew this one. All three of us had high momentum and this could have been built up into a main event match, I'm not complaining though.



DJ Reason vs. Keith Adams (9)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, DJ Reason defeated Keith Adams in 10:39 by pinfall with an Edge Of Reason.


Grumble... stupid DJ Reason... grumble...



Barry Griffin © (3) vs. Wade Orson (8) (Man of Steel Champion)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Barry Griffin defeated Wade Orson in 16:10 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock. Barry Griffin makes defense number 6 of his Man of Steel Championship title.


Whoopsie, bad call on this one, I forgot these two don't work well together. Oh well. Chalk one up.



Overall Rating: D+

Attendance: 686

TV Rating: 0.01


Everyone goes 2/4 this time, nobody thought AbFlaw would get the win, and I really don't blame you. This may turn out to be my last ditch effort to get them over. We'll see how it works.


Next time on Burning Championship Wrestling:

JK Lee and Josh Jones vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Pierre DuPont (17) vs. Sifu (15)

Don Henderson (7) vs. Leigh Burton (22)

Frank Burton (6) vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

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I had to let a few guys go. They either weren't progressing like I wanted them to (Leighton Buzzard), didn't fit in anywhere in my plans (Petey Barnes), or were to old and broke down to be of any use (Jimmy Morris). Good luck to all three of them. Needless to say, Petey now strongly dislikes me for letting him go. Sorry buddy, you should have changed from your cruiser style that the fans don't like in ROF.


Tuesday, Week 4, September 2012 (Shown Wednesday)

ROF Burning Championship Wrestling

Parliment Square (South, UK)


JK Lee and Josh Jones vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Red Devils defeated JK Lee and Josh Jones in 6:39 when Yuri Iliakov defeated JK Lee by pinfall with a Moscow Dynamite. The Red Devils make defense number 2 of their Ring Of Fire Tag Championship titles.


The Red Devils are soaring quickly in popularity. After the recent cutbacks, both men are now upper midcarders, which is great for them.



Pierre DuPont (17) vs. Sifu (15)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Sifu defeated Pierre DuPont in 7:50 by pinfall.


I can't complain about this match, these guys went out there and tore it down. Good job to them.



Don Henderson (7) vs. Leigh Burton (22)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Don Henderson defeated Leigh Burton in 8:58 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


I've stopped expecting a lot out of Don. If he doesn't start doing some good stuff, he's not going to be here for much longer.



Frank Burton (6) vs. Merle O'Curle © (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Merle O'Curle defeated Frank Burton in 27:45 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 5 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


I thought for a minute about putting the belt on Frank and then decided against it. Merle is my go to guy. He'll never let me down.



Overall Rating: C

Attendance: 1000

TV Rating: 0.01


Everyone goes 4/4 this week! Good job guys, next week might trip you up though. We'll see.


Next time on Burning Championship Wrestling:

Gordon Leve (18) vs. Jacques DuPont (13) vs. Lance Martin (23) vs. Robert Brown (16)

Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Nigel Svensson (11)

DJ Reason (8) vs. Zack Macomber (5)

Wade Orson (9) vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

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Here are the rankings to start the month of October 2012. We've got $134,000 in the bank. Our TV show is doing amazingly, we're growing by leaps and bounds. Nothing can go wrong!


1. Merle O'Curle

2. Barry Griffin

3. Donny Damage

4. Walter Morgan

5. Zack Macomber

6. Don Henderson

7. Frank Burton

8. DJ Reason

9. Wade Orson

10. Keith Adams

11. Nigel Svensson

12. Simon Ice

13. Jacques DuPont

14. Sifu

15. Jamie Anderson

16. Robert Brown

17. Pierre DuPont

18. Gordon Leve

19. Viktor Beskov

20. Yuri Iliakov

21. Leigh Burton

22. Alton Vicious

23. Lance Martin

24. Kelly Martin

25. Josh Jones

26. JK Lee

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Gordon Leve (18) vs. Jacques DuPont (13) vs. Lance Martin (23) vs. Robert Brown (16)

Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Nigel Svensson (11)

DJ Reason (8) vs. Zack Macomber (5)

Wade Orson (9) vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

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Next time on Burning Championship Wrestling:

Gordon Leve (18) vs. Jacques DuPont (13) vs. Lance Martin (23) vs. Robert Brown (16)


Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Nigel Svensson (11)


DJ Reason (8) vs. Zack Macomber (5)


Wade Orson (9) vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

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Tuesday, Week 1, October 2012 (Shown Wednesday)

ROF Burning Championship Wrestling

Aston University Sports Hall (Midlands, UK)


Gordon Leve (18) vs. Jacques DuPont (13) vs. Lance Martin (23) vs. Robert Brown (16)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Martin defeated Gordon Leve, Jacques DuPont and Robert Brown in 8:57 when Lance Martin defeated Gordon Leve by pinfall with a Body Rocker.


An alright match to start the show off, not too shabby, but I wasn't expecting a lot.



Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Nigel Svensson (11)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Jamie Anderson in 12:48 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


There was a lack of psychology here, and if that happened here, I'm worried for the main event...



DJ Reason (8) vs. Zack Macomber (5)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Zack Macomber defeated DJ Reason in 12:08 by submission with a Prawn Armlock.


Can you say sandbag? DJ Reason is cut. He's not good enough to be in ROF. Thanks to his lack of wanting to work with me, I ended up dominating him.



Wade Orson (9) vs. Walter Morgan © (ROF Burning Championship)

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Wade Orson defeated Walter Morgan in 17:12 by pinfall with a Bounce Back. Wade Orson wins the Ring Of Fire Burning Championship title.


I'm glad I had the psychology for this match scripted. Despite how good both of them are, neither man has good psychology. It's a good thing they have the talent.



Overall Rating: C

Attendance: 725

TV Rating: 0.01


Everyone is 2/4 this week, but for different reasons. Next week may be a bit easier to call.


Next time on Burning Championship Wrestling:

JK Lee and Josh Jones vs. Team UEW

21st Century vs. Absolutely Flawless

Nigel Svensson and Zack Macomber vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Hail Storm vs. Don Henderson and Keith Adams

Barry Griffin and Walter Morgan vs. Donny Damage and Merle O'Curle

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JK Lee and Josh Jones vs. Team UEW

21st Century vs. Absolutely Flawless

Nigel Svensson and Zack Macomber vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Hail Storm vs. Don Henderson and Keith Adams

Barry Griffin and Walter Morgan vs. Donny Damage and Merle O'Curle

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JK Lee and Josh Jones vs. Team UEW

21st Century vs. Absolutely Flawless

Nigel Svensson and Zack Macomber vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Hail Storm vs. Don Henderson and Keith Adams

Barry Griffin and Walter Morgan vs. Donny Damage and Merle O'Curle

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DJ Reason is officially gone and he will never be coming back to ROF while I'm in charge.


Tuesday, Week 2, October 2012 (Shown Wednesday)

ROF Burning Championship Wrestling

Parliment Square (South, UK)


Pierre DuPont had a disgusting mixture of French and British foods that did not mix well in his stomach. As a result, we had to start the show a little early so the boys could get out of the locker room.


JK Lee and Josh Jones vs. Team UEW

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, JK Lee and Josh Jones defeated Team UEW in 6:06 when Josh Jones defeated Gordon Leve by pinfall with a Canadian Backdrop.


Perhaps a surprise win for the guys on the lower end of the card. I was hoping for something slightly better, but that's ok.



21st Century vs. Absolutely Flawless

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The 21st Century defeated Absolutely Flawless in 6:47 when Leigh Burton defeated Lance Martin by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.


I want to dump AbFlaw, but they are technicians, I can't do it in good conscience.



Nigel Svensson and Zack Macomber vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Red Devils defeated Nigel Svensson and Zack Macomber in 9:07 when Yuri Iliakov defeated Nigel Svensson by pinfall with a Moscow Dynamite. The Red Devils make defense number 3 of their Ring Of Fire Tag Championship titles.


Nigel came out of this match looking good, which is a great sign for the future star of the UK wrestling scene.



Hail Storm vs. Don Henderson and Keith Adams

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hail Storm defeated Don Henderson and Keith Adams in 10:19 when Frank Burton defeated Keith Adams by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


I think Simon Ice is going to be the guy that really gains the most out of a random tag team pairing. He's already seen as a legitimate draw, which is amazing for him.



Barry Griffin and Walter Morgan vs. Donny Damage and Merle O'Curle

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Donny Damage and Merle O'Curle defeated Barry Griffin and Walter Morgan in 17:42 when Merle O'Curle defeated Walter Morgan by submission with a Celtic Wreath.


Barry walks away from this one unhappy with his partner's performance. That's two losses in a row for Walt, which is something he isn't used to. Great match though.



Overall Rating: C

Attendance: 1000

TV Rating: 0.01


Bolt nails it going 4/5 on a good show to boot. But what about next time?


Next time on Burning Championship Wrestling:

Alton Vicious (22) vs. Josh Jones (24)

The Foreign Legion vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Robert Brown (14)

Don Henderson (5) vs. Nigel Svensson (10)

Barry Griffin (2) © vs. Donny Damage (3) (Man of Steel Championship)

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Alton Vicious (22) vs. Josh Jones (24)

The Foreign Legion vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Robert Brown (14)

Don Henderson (5) vs. Nigel Svensson (10)

Barry Griffin (2) © vs. Donny Damage (3) (Man of Steel Championship)

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Alton Vicious (22) vs. Josh Jones (24)

The Foreign Legion vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Robert Brown (14)

Don Henderson (5) vs. Nigel Svensson (10)

Barry Griffin (2) © vs. Donny Damage (3) (Man of Steel Championship)

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Tuesday, Week 3, October 2012 (Shown Wednesday)

ROF Burning Championship Wrestling

Aston University Sports Hall (Midlands, UK)


Both Wade Orson and Humphrey Woolsey go in on picking up some post show partying material for the rest of the boys. Needless to say, this is a plus for the locker room.


Alton Vicious (22) vs. Josh Jones (24)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Josh Jones defeated Alton Vicious in 7:52 by pinfall with a Canadian Backdrop.


Josh Jones has quickly gained popularity and is better off than Alton at this point. Excellent news for me. What I do know is that neither of these guys can deal with the pressure of going all out, so I may have to try this again.



The Foreign Legion vs. The Red Devils © (ROF Tag Team Championships)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The Red Devils defeated The Foreign Legion in 5:43 when Yuri Iliakov defeated Jacques DuPont by pinfall with a Moscow Dynamite. The Red Devils make defense number 4 of their Ring Of Fire Tag Championship titles.


The Red Devils are an amazing tag team. I like them a lot. Strong Style, baby!



Jamie Anderson (15) vs. Robert Brown (14)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Robert Brown defeated Jamie Anderson in 8:42 by submission with a Samurai Secret Stretch.


Bummer. I think these guys are getting too old for pure wrestling.



Don Henderson (5) vs. Nigel Svensson (10)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Don Henderson defeated Nigel Svensson in 11:41 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock.


Alright! Don was involved in a really good match. I'm sure I can thank Nigel for it, but I'm not going to complain.



Barry Griffin (2) © vs. Donny Damage (3) (Man of Steel Championship)

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Barry Griffin defeated Donny Damage in 14:51 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock. Barry Griffin makes defense number 7 of his Man of Steel Championship title.


I knew that Donny wouldn't agree to lose if I told him to, so Barry went out there and told him to. I guess Donny respects Barry more than he respects me.



Overall Rating: C

Attendance: 823

TV Rating: 0.02


Bolt goes 3/5. Jingo only 2/5. Not an easy card to predict by any means.


Next time on Burning Championship Wrestling:

Gordon Leve (18) vs. Leigh Burton (21)

Jacques DuPont (12) vs. Sifu (14)

Keith Adams (9) vs. Simon Ice (10)

Frank Burton (7) vs. Wade Orson (8)

Merle O'Curle © vs. Zack Macomber (3) (Ring of Fire Championship)

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Gordon Leve (18) vs. Leigh Burton (21)


Always go for Leigh


Jacques DuPont (12) vs. Sifu (14)

the DuPonts are career makeweights


Keith Adams (9) vs. Simon Ice (10)

Ice seems to be going places


Frank Burton (7) vs. Wade Orson (8)

Love Burton. Very underrated


Merle O'Curle © vs. Zack Macomber (3) (Ring of Fire Championship)

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Tuesday, Week 4, October 2012 (Shown Wednesday)

ROF Burning Championship Wrestling

Parliment Square (South, UK)


Bobby and Walt have bonded recently over their shared love of classic movies. Good for them.


Gordon Leve (18) vs. Leigh Burton (21)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Leigh Burton defeated Gordon Leve in 7:15 by pinfall with a Back Suplex.


Not a bad opener from these two. Gordon isn't popular at all and was recently relegated to the enhancement talent role.



Jacques DuPont (12) vs. Sifu (14)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Sifu defeated Jacques DuPont in 7:50 by pinfall.


It looks like these two have good chemistry together. Awesome, that's always nice to find.



Keith Adams (9) vs. Simon Ice (10)

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Keith Adams defeated Simon Ice in 8:41 by pinfall.


Simon hurts himself further by being really off his game tonight. Keith ends up looking only alright in his win.



Frank Burton (7) vs. Wade Orson (8)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frank Burton defeated Wade Orson in 12:08 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Sadly enough, these two have awful chemistry with each other. Frank gets the momentum boost, hopefully, but Wade doesn't lose the Burning Championship as it wasn't on the line.



Merle O'Curle © vs. Zack Macomber (3) (Ring of Fire Championship)

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Merle O'Curle defeated Zack Macomber in 13:54 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. Merle O'Curle makes defense number 6 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.


Best match ever... clap, clap, clap clap clap... best match ever... clap, clap, clap clap clap. Merle and I show everyone how it's done. Awesome.



Overall Rating: C+

Attendance: 1000

TV Rating: 0.02


Bolt goes 4/5 again. Coming up next is the end of the month review, followed by the next card,

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