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Debut workers getting low gimmick ratings

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I'm currently stuggling to debut anyone with a solid gimmick rating. I check out their skills for performance gimmick styles and try to match it to what the crowd desires based on sublety. I usually pick something that isn't too difficult but highly rated. All of my Midcarders up started with B or better but I can't get any newly hires with that rating. Using MAW.


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I think a big part of it is what their debut segment is rated and since youre playing as MAW I doubt you are putting on B rataed matches or angles.


No, it really doesn't have much to do with it. I had Hugh de Aske debut with a B+ in an E+ match.


Some of its based on luck, and others on the product. Read your product's analysis to see what kinds of gimmicks people do and don't want to see in your company, try match them up with workers who can play that kind of gimmick well (and make sure that the gimmick works well with that worker's alignment).

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