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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Yea, the ultimate acceptance for allowing an Arcadia product be shown on another platform (ie: PPV) would certainly come down to Profit. If they can foresee a hefty financial return (with the DOA being their TV show; they reap all the 'profits'. Can then decide to either A) Keep it, B) re-invest it back into the DOA, or C) use that gained profit to help other Network shows, in the end.


I do like the idea of a "Saturday Night Main Event" idea every once in awhile. Not monthly, maybe not even every other month; however, only when it seems like there's a need for it. In that way, I COULD create a PPV company affiliated with the Arcadia Network that would ultimately show such an event. This way, if the PPV company is affiliated with the Network, the Network would be able to realistically feel comfortable with the decision as the profits would come solely to them. This would also allow me to book some "super-cards" if you will.


Hm. I guess I do like the idea.


That being said, if such an event were to transpire.... It wouldn't be very frequent as I want to keep the main focus on the fact that the DOA is more of a TV show than a wrestling promotion independent of the Arcadia Network. In the end, though, it could be a cool thing to develop down the line.



One way you could do it, and also promote it as part of the regular show is have the first half of the season build to a 'mid season' special card where the feuds and storylines are wrapped up ( or most of them as you can have some running the entire season) and do the same for the 'season finale'. Have that also be a super card to blow off all the feuds. It keeps in theory with how tv shows run as they have the longer special episodes like that, and also gives you a point to build towards as each episode leads further and further towards that conclusion, like most current shows do now.


I am sure you already have several plans and ideas about how you want to continue and these are just some suggestions that would fit in with your theme of this being a network show of wrestling , rather than a wrestling promotion on a network.

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Just caught up, great couple of backstory posts Eisen - really lays things out nicely.


I agree with Dragonmack that an end of season finale could be a good idea but I also think you're right in saying that a monthly event wouldn't really fit with the whole Arcadia thing.

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Just want to nod in agreement with what everyone else is saying about the end of the year super show. I think (and somebody more knowledgeable about this time period can correct me) that is what the WWWF used to do before they went all lets take over the world of wrestling. One show that comes to mind is the Shea Stadium show where Larry Zbyszko took on Bruno Sammartino.
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I didn't mean to sound like I wasn't enjoying the read. Far from it. This is one of the better diaries out there(no disrespect intended). I was just wondering on the direction. I do like a quarterly or bi-annual "Main Event" type thing just to really showcase the big fueds maybe. But by all means please keep running it the way you are. I really enjoy it.




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Firstly, before the new season layout...




I didn't mean to sound like I wasn't enjoying the read. Far from it. This is one of the better diaries out there(no disrespect intended). I was just wondering on the direction. I do like a quarterly or bi-annual "Main Event" type thing just to really showcase the big fueds maybe. But by all means please keep running it the way you are. I really enjoy it.





I'm sorry if I came across like I was offended. :D I certainly wasn't in the slightest. More or less, I was conveying how the DOA ran versus anything else. So, I probably got caught up in that and ended up over talking. Ha. Either way, I appreciate the support, and as you can see in this post, I'm def. taking your idea into account with the new layout for an overall "Season" in DOA terms!




Secondly, onto the 'special event' scenario that I have in mind.... (Thanks to everyone's insight!)


One way you could do it, and also promote it as part of the regular show is have the first half of the season build to a 'mid season' special card where the feuds and storylines are wrapped up ( or most of them as you can have some running the entire season) and do the same for the 'season finale'. Have that also be a super card to blow off all the feuds. It keeps in theory with how tv shows run as they have the longer special episodes like that, and also gives you a point to build towards as each episode leads further and further towards that conclusion, like most current shows do now.


I am sure you already have several plans and ideas about how you want to continue and these are just some suggestions that would fit in with your theme of this being a network show of wrestling , rather than a wrestling promotion on a network.


Just caught up, great couple of backstory posts Eisen - really lays things out nicely.


I agree with Dragonmack that an end of season finale could be a good idea but I also think you're right in saying that a monthly event wouldn't really fit with the whole Arcadia thing.


Just want to nod in agreement with what everyone else is saying about the end of the year super show. I think (and somebody more knowledgeable about this time period can correct me) that is what the WWWF used to do before they went all lets take over the world of wrestling. One show that comes to mind is the Shea Stadium show where Larry Zbyszko took on Bruno Sammartino.


I was thinking about the idea of creating 2 events a Season while driving home today (3 hour drive; so as you can expect... A lot of thinking can take place) & really fell in love with everyone's collective viewpoint. In the beginning, I wanted to keep everything solely on the Arcadia Network as that's the station that owns the DOA TV show all together (as it's not an actual wrestling company versus a weekly TV show that promotes Pro Wrestling).


With that being said, I've decided to go with Dragonmack's idea of creating an event at mid-season & then a Season Finale event as well. So, in a sense, it will be laid out like this:


Season #1

* Episodes #1 through Episode #11 are normal episodes

* Episode #12 (mid-season) will be a PPV event and will stand as a 'special show'. In a sense, a 'super-card' or 'blow-out' idea where everything can be a tad more "Grand".

* Episode #13 through Episode #23 are normal episodes

* Episode #24 is another PPV event and listed as a "Season Finale".


From there, We would transition into Season #2!


Overall, the 'special events' will probably take place on a PPV network like "My Select USA" (I have a negotiation pending) and will have a few lead up justification posts to 'sell the idea'. Also, these 'special events' will most likely only run 30 minutes more than a typical "Rapid Assault" episode. The overall duration will probably run around 2 HOURS (a typical "Rapid Assault" episode being around 90 minutes starting on Episode #9).


I still plan on focusing each week like it stands as its own entity; not watering down any broadcasts in which to 'sell the PPV. However, at the same time, the 'special event' will book itself in a sense as we grow closer to its broadcasting.


All in all, This gives the DOA some 'major moments' during each Season while still holding true to giving each episode its due! :D

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Sounds good. Hell it'd almost be logical given the set-up for the PPVs to heavily focus on setting things up for the future of the TV...a "blow out" in some respects but starting new programs as well. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it either way.
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At a segment taping for Episode #7

... Who knew the Arcadia Network has 'standards'? ...




“Really? John. Did you REALLY think the Network would let you hint toward bestiality?”


A coy smirk forms upon my face following Mr. Tarver’s response. I knew that the segment wouldn’t ‘fly’ in its entirety; however, I found my rebellious streak starting to manifest itself once again. Maybe it was the fact that I was finally comfortable in my own shoes again; knowing that I had someone like Jensen in my corner didn’t hurt though.


“I’ll keep out the Horse… But I’m not going to cut out the ‘little people’.”


I was trying my best not to burst out into laughter; aware that Mr. Tarver is caught up in a state of disbelief.


“They’re an essential part of the segment.”


With his head shaking back and forth slightly, Jensen is seen slamming the palm of his right hand square upon his face. In a show of truth, a slight stint of laughter resonates from behind his hand. A tell tale sign that he was, sadly, enjoying our conversation more than he thought he originally would.




He quickly pulls his hand away from his face in a dramatic fashion to show a large grin running from ear to ear. In what can only be described as a ‘What the hell are you trying to do? Get me fired’ kind of manor, Mr. Tarver playfully walks off the set; relaying one last message in the process.


“You better hope that we don’t get fined by the FCC. If we do, It’s coming straight out of your paycheck.”


Sadly, I wouldn’t have it any other way…




<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Johnny Vicious vs. Mikey James

El Dragón Dorado vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

The Tokyo Express © vs. Totally Supreme

Acid © vs. Matty Sparrow


What we learned:


* I guess the Arcadia Network has 'standards'. ha. They won't allow an angle listed at a 'high risk' level. Who would have thought? ;) I guess I'll have to strip down my original idea.

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They not only have 'Standards', they probably also have 'Practices' too! :p


Reminds me of that old WCW Lenny and Lodi gimmick when they were 'Standards & Practices' which, actually is something you could use as well. ;) Two big enforcers for Tyler called Standards & Practices, it practically writes itself. :D

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lol mmm I've been thinking that, a network vs. DOA angle could work, if it was made to seem real. I remember Greg2511 (I think that was his username) started a similar thing but for real in 08, though it never quite got off the ground despite an awesome start.
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They not only have 'Standards', they probably also have 'Practices' too! :p


Reminds me of that old WCW Lenny and Lodi gimmick when they were 'Standards & Practices' which, actually is something you could use as well. ;) Two big enforcers for Tyler called Standards & Practices, it practically writes itself. :D


I like the idea! There's a possibility that something like that would form in the future as I have a few major storylines that are waiting to unfold until toward the end of Season I. So, in a sense, if they were to debut under a name like that, it wouldn't happen until close to the start of Season II.


You and I are starting to think alike though. ha. ;)


lol mmm I've been thinking that, a network vs. DOA angle could work, if it was made to seem real. I remember Greg2511 (I think that was his username) started a similar thing but for real in 08, though it never quite got off the ground despite an awesome start.


A DOA vs. The Network storyline is something that I've been forumlating in my mind; however, don't want to give anything away. More or less, I didn't want to jump with something like that straight out of the gate as it would seem kinda funny that the Network was trying to attack the company that it owns straight out of the gate. Either way, there's a good chance that something like this will certainly take hold as the project goes along!

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Episode #7

Title: "… Life & War; A shade of Gray … "





Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

… ‘Porn-set’ Promo …


[The 7th episode of DOA “Rapid Assault” opens in a truly unique way; unlike any other opening segment in the TV show’s short history. Instead of a short, 1 minute, hype video portraying what happened on last week’s episode; We are given the sight of a ‘dead-air’ black background. For a second, it looks as if the show isn’t going to be seen this week; however, just as that thought begins to formulate the DOA symbol gleams across your HD TV.]


Unknown Man: And… We’re… Out…


[The sound of an unknown man proclaiming the end of a mysterious event is heard seeping through your TV’s sound system. With that, the convoluted sound of background chatter abruptly fills the scene. Meanwhile, the DOA logo has now faded into oblivion; officially opening the scene with the sight of Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow seated on the edge of a messy bed. His body, slouched slightly, as he appears to be completely naked; strategically covered in the ‘right area’ by a fluffy red comforter]


[Two half-naked women, dressed in only their bra & underwear, are seen standing off to the right side of the scene; talking as if they were fully clothed, in the middle of a suburban mall. In a sense, they appear to be quite comfortable with the fact that they have ‘little-to-nothing’ on. So, overall, there’s a feeling that this isn’t the ‘first-time’ either of these two beautiful women have been entrenched in such a situation.]


[Meanwhile, Matty Sparrow cracks an arrogant grin as he slowly stretches his head upward; looking straight into the camera lens. With further review, It looks as if the DOA’s ‘controversial superstar’ appears to be extremely exhausted; breathing rather heavily, slowly blinking his eyes, and making no attempt to hide his personal euphoria.]


[With a collection of beautiful, half-naked, women off to his side; Matty, once again, looks straight into the camera lens… finally at the point where he has enough energy to speak.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: I find it really… hard… [Quick pause] to hold a grudge against anyone when my life is caught in a constant cycle of… Physical… Gratification.


[A sleazy stint of laughter resonates from Matty’s mouth as the two beautiful women next to him now walk off camera; choosing to walk in front of the camera lens during their departure.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: But last week, Acid, you did a damn good job of trying to create a new enemy for yourself. [snarls; pauses for a second] I pushed my body to the limit and outlasted 19 other men. In reality, that’s not so unusual for “The Pecker-Wrecker”… [slight smirk forms followed by a wink to his ‘female fans‘.] But, none the less, I worked my ass off to get to this point… And what did you do? [slight Pause; to sell the moment.] You attempted to spoil my… climactic rise… with an assault that almost broke my back in half. [slight pause; again, to sell the moment.] Now, I understand that you were only trying to get a… ‘leg up’… On the competition, BUT, the truth of the matter is this… You [CENSOR] with the WRONG… MAN!


[Matty Sparrow begins to show an uncharacteristic sense of rage; his eyes becoming rather harsh in their gaze upon the lens before him. Meanwhile, a collection of half-naked, beautiful, women continue to pour past the scene; walking from one side of the lens to the other in which to create a sense of ‘traffic’. With time, the sight of his gorgeous muse’s settle his beating heart; restoring his trademark smirk in the process.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: I don’t care if Eric Tyler is at ringside. I don’t give a [CENSOR] if tonight is suppose to be the ‘debut of Greg Black’. I honestly, don’t give a flying-[CENSOR] what happens up until the main event.


[The sight of a collection of ‘little people’, half-naked, walking across the scene takes place. Matty, not blinking an eye, quickly high fives one of the male members of the pack; cracking a smirk and breaking his focus for a split second to send a message his way.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: Good work today, Dirk. [Laughs while shaking his head in disbelief.] I never expected to see you pack such heat. Damn. Now I know why they call you “Dirk the Donkey”.


[A few seconds pass, as the small crowd of people pass on by once again; leaving Matty to return to what he was talking about previously.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: What was I talking about again? [Cracks a quick smirk again] Oh yea, Acid. [His demeanor shifts, once again, to that of a more aggressive tone.] Tonight, I’m going to see to it that I repay the favor as I’m pretty damn-good about putting people on their backs. [Arrogant smirk w/ a short pause again.] I’m coming for you… Acid. Hell, better yet, I’m coming… for the DOA Championship!


[With that, The opening segment for the 7th episode of DOA “Rapid Assault” comes to a close. Matty Sparrow is seen ascending from his post; meanwhile, the camera man follows in suit in which to not display any male nudity in the process. With a blissful stretch, The #1 contender to the DOA Championship appears to be in a pure state of physical relaxation; however, no one would challenge the fact that, in one short hour, all of that will certainly change. A war is brewing; the DOA Championship the ultimate prize for the victor.]


Grade: C


Davis Detterich: Hello everybod-ay, and WELCOME… to DOA “R-R-R-R-RAAAPID ASSAULT!” [slight Pause] I’m Davis Detterich, along side my partner in crime John Greed, and we’ve got one HELL of a show planned for you here tonight!

John Greed: That’s right, Davis. Tonight, we’re going to see the man in the opening segment, Matty Sparrow, square off against the rabid warrior that is Acid for the DOA Championship! If you ask me, all the ‘c*ck jokes’ in the world can’t save you from Acid’s torturous wrath!

Davis Detterich: There’s more to Matty Sparrow than his one-liners, John. He’s a bonafide threat to Acid & the DOA Championship! I mean, he wen’t through 19 other men to officially accept the position of the NEW #1 Contender! That shouldn’t be taken lightly just because he’s a little ’over the top’ with his remarks.

John Greed: A little over the top? Is that a new term for a perv?

Davis Detterich: Hey! I’m not defending his antics. [Laughs] I’m just saying, He’s a talented athlete!

John Greed: Talent will win you matches, yes. But, It won’t win you Championships. There’s a level of focus, drive, and determination that goes along with being called a Champion. I just don’t see Matty Sparrow with any of that, to be honest.

Davis Detterich: I guess we’ll just have to wait and see… [slight pause; taking a second to transition to the next topic.] With that said, We certainly don’t have to ‘wait and see’ when it comes to Johnny Vicious & Mikey James! They’re up… Right now!!




Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious vs. Mikey James

Singles Match


For those expecting a basic squash match on account of the relative-unknown (by DOA standards), Mikey James, displayed in action against the hottest rising competitor on the U.S. wrestling scene, Johnny Vicious, you will be sadly mistaken.


While little has been seen from James thus far, His freakish athleticism fused with the learned abilities as a “Human Weapon” stands as an breath-taking combination; projecting his persona as a truly formidal opponent. In practice, This deadly persona appears to be relatively on the same level as the rabidly aggressive “Blazing Red Demon”; creating a seamless sense of openness to their collective combat. Back and forth, both men administer their very best, ring-shaking, maneuvers in hopes of a quick victory; however, neither appear to be able to “finish the job”.


As you can expect it, Those within the “Dungeon” begin to show signs of confusion; expecting to see Vicious simply mow over James much like he’s done to every opponent before him practically. However, this time around, something was different. Mikey James brought his “A-game” to the squared circle and it’s shinning through rather brightly.


In the end, despite James’ shocking transcendtory rebellion against preconceived notions levied against him by most DOA fans, it was Johnny’s burning fire within that ultimately stands as the “X-Factor”. With a massive second-wave of aggression spewing forth, The “Blazing Red Demon” begins to unleash the internal frustrations that define his DOA existence thus far; developing his typically destructive offensive styling into that of a ‘super-human’ showing of ability. Reversals, offensive combinations, and brute strength force Johnny into a dominant position as Mikey simply can’t keep up.


With Mikey reeling, Johnny Vicious is seen forcing his staggering opponent into an un-friendly position; executing his signature “Vicious Cycle” maneuver (360 Death Valley Driver) and ultimately gaining a standard three count from DOA official, Eugene Williams.


Johnny Vicious defeats Mikey James in 6:16 via a “Vicious Cycle” (360 Death Valley Driver).

Grade: D


Davis Detterich: A valiant effort from Mikey James. Even in a loss, He’s shown that he’s a “force to be reckoned with” here in Deadly Overloaded Action. Don’t agree with me? Just ask Johnny Vicious how “easy” it was to pick up another victory on his road back to the DOA Championship!

John Greed: Meh… I think it has LESS to do with Mikey’s “great ability” as you put it and more to do with the fact that Johnny Vicious isn’t as “good” as many think he is! Tonight’s match-up just furthers my reasoning! Johnny was “that” close to losing to a relative nobody here in the DOA. Yet, you want to make this more about Mikey? This has NOTHING to do with him and EVERYTHING to do with Johnny’s dwindling “stock” here in “The Dungeon”!

Davis Detterich: Are you on crack?!?!

John Greed: I would ask the same of you; however, I KNOW exactly what plagues you. It’s the “PR Machine” that is the Arcadia Network TELLING YOU, telling us ALL, that Johnny is supposedly this “amazing figure in Pro Wrestling”. I’m not buying it. I don’t care if they are my employers, Tonight showed us all the TRUTH behind Johnny Vicious; he’s not ‘ready for the limelight’.

Davis Detterich: I’m not going to ask again… Now, I just KNOW that you’re on crack…




Johnny Vicious and “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… “I’m in Control of YOU” …


[Vicious is seen pulling himself to his feet in an outward showing of frustration; his mannerisms rather harsh, aggressive, and cold in their practice. It’s quite evident that even the highly respected DOA official, Eugene Williams, is somewhat afraid of interacting with the raging superstar; instead, opting out of raising his hand in victory in a show of uncomfortable fear.]


[Meanwhile, without the glaring need of a glorious entrance, “The Voice of Reason” is seen shuffling through the “Dungeon Gateway” in silence. With no “resounding horn” (his theme music) signaling his arrival into the ringside area, Johnny Vicious is somewhat oblivious to his presence. Instead, continuing forth with his frustrated ‘pitty-party-for-one’.]


[Just as the unsuspecting Vicious is about to exit the squared circle, He’s stopped dead in his tracks by the sound of his bitter rival’s voice filling the “Dungeon” with an unwanted message. This message, reeking of a one-sided nature typical of Mr. Tyler, forces Vicious to slowly back away from the ring ropes; looking out toward the “The Voice of Reason” (who still stands inches from the “Dungeon Gateway”) with a look of immense hatred forming upon his face.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: I’ve been given the ‘green-light’ by the Network to oversee all matters as it pertains to your potential journey back to the top. [slight Pause; allowing the news to sink in.] It took some persuasion on my part; however, in the end, the Network execs felt that my “unique knowledge of the situation” gave me the proper insight to dictate the framework of your “journey”. [A slight, unsettling smirk forms upon Mr. Tyler’s face.] Now, up until now you’ve had a relatively easy road. [slight Pause.] No sense of a REAL Challenge. [Another pause follows; once again, to allow his message to sink in.] That’s all going to change NEXT WEEK on “Rapid Assault”!


[Johnny Vicious appears to be intently listening to Mr. Tyler’s message; however, also showing drastic signs of pure hatred resonating outward through his purely aggressive demeanor. Meanwhile, Mr. Tyler continues to stand inches from the “Dungeon Gateway”, safely removed from Vicious’s wrath, while projecting a sense of Authoritative Bliss; knowing that HE holds the ‘power’ in this scenario.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: As your presiding Authority, I have constructed a triple-threat-match for next week’s broadcast in which, I believe, you will find your hardest challenge since embarking upon this pilgrimage back to the DOA Championship. [slight Pause; staring square into Johnny’s “soul” if you will.] I know what you’re thinking… “But, Mr. Tyler, You don’t understand. It’s been difficult already. How can you make this ANY harder on me”?


[A faded grin appears upon the grizzled face of “The Voice of Reason” as he continues to stare in the direction of his bitter rival. Meanwhile, Johnny Vicious appears to be unhappy with the fact that Mr. Tyler is seemingly “mocking him”; his mannerisms grow even more aggressive as it looks as if Vicious is only a few seconds away from exiting the ring. However, with time, he calms himself down slightly in which to stay within the ring ropes. Snapping his head in the direction of Mr. Tyler & snarling in an animalistic kind of manor. Ultimately showing that his internal frustrations are starting to destroy his sense of civility. Instead, he gradually descends into an unsettling state of primal aggression.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: The thing is, Johnny, if you feel like you’ve been through ‘hell’ thus far… [slight Pause; allowing the moment to sink in.] then you have NO IDEA what ‘true hell’ is all about. [A sadistic smirk forms, again, upon his face.] Let me show you… What the first stage of ‘hell’… truly looks like…



Matthew Keith and Torment

… Shock & Gnaw …


[With that, We bare witness to the shocking sight of Matthew Keith & Torment walking through the “Dungeon Gateway”; both men walking shoulder to shoulder, however, a true definition of “polar opposites”. Matthew, equip with an arrogant smirk and a matching sense of swagger, comes to a stop next to Mr. Tyler’s right side as Torment, his head sunken down and an evil grin formed upon his face, also comes to a stop but on Mr. Tyler’s left side. Ultimately, standing as book-ends to “The Voice of Reason”. This sight, while shocking to us all, doesn’t phase Johnny Vicious though in the slightest as the deadly fighter continues to stare solely upon “The Voice of Reason”. His dead-set gaze growing with intensity as each second passes.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Say Hello to your opponents for next week, Johnny. [The same, sadistic smirk, is still seen upon the grizzled face of Mr. Tyler.] Two men, two polar opposites; however, both reeling off of their own reasoning to destroy you. Matthew, here, was blatantly humiliated by you last week, Johnny. You senselessly beat him, left him for dead, and ultimately treated him like a 2-dollar hooker. So, with that in mind, I decided to grant him ‘one last chance’ to return the favor. [slight Pause; projecting a sense of arrogance with his stature.] Meanwhile, Torment doesn’t really need any sense of motivation… [Looks over at his new ‘prize pupil’] Until now, He’s just lacked direction. So, with my tutoring, I’ve given him that sense of direction. [smirks; pauses] And that direction is to simply… destroy you!


[A short stint of laughter explodes from within the aged body of Mr. Tyler. Meanwhile, Johnny Vicious, for the first time, makes eye-contact with his opponents for next week. Snarling in their direction as those next to Mr. Tyler return the favor.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: That alone will almost certainly spell your demise; however, that’s not all, Johnny. [slight Pause] To better teach you a lesson about truly being at the “back of the line”, I’ve decided to create this match in FAVOR of your opponents; taking their strengths and ultimately tailoring your match-up in a way that makes it impossible for you to win. You see, next week, when the three of you square off between those very ropes, it will not stand as a standard DOA bout. Instead, you will be forced into a predicament where the ONLY way to win is through forcing another to submit. [slight Pause; stares down upon Vicious] Sounds easy enough, right? [smirks] Wrong. Another added stipulation to the match is that both of your hands will be tied behind your back, Johnny. [Mr. Tyler, once again, laughs slightly] Lets see how you walk away with a victory this time! Before it’s all said and done, I’m going to see to it that you leave “The Dungeon” on a stretcher next week. Mark my words… [Mr. Tyler drops the his arrogant smirk and replaces it with a very stern demeanor.] you will NOT walk out of here under your own power! I promise you that!


[With that, Mr. Tyler slowly drops the microphone down at his side, staring in the direction of Johnny Vicious the entire time. In return, Vicious is seen grabbing a nearby ring rope and shaking it violently; again, projecting his internal frustrations out in an overly destructive way. All in all, with the sight of “The Voice of Reason” and Johnny Vicious locked in a heated stare down; we fade into our first commercial break of the night.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: This isn’t fair! Johnny Vicious has jumped through EVERY hoop that Mr. Tyler has forced him through; however, this is teetering on ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. How the HELL can anyone defeat two other men if their hands are restrained?

John Greed: Oh, get over it, Davis! You can b*tch and moan all you want about ‘fair treatment’ BUT the truth of the matter is that Eric Tyler has been granted the special rights to dictate Johnny’s journey back to the DOA Championship. So, in a way, he has the right to ‘call the shots’ as he wants them to be called.

Davis Detterich: This is complete, and utter, bullsh*t, John, and you know it! A submission match against two technical experts where Johnny’s unable to use his hands throughout the match? [Davis laughs in disbelief] How could a match get any more one-sided?

John Greed: Hey… He could have set Vicious on fire in the process. [a Sly laugh follows] He’s going easy on the guy.

Davis Detterich: This is ridiculous…







John Greed, Davis Detterich, and ????

… Who could be in the Limo? Is it Greg Black? …


[We come back from a lengthy third-party promotional break to witness the sight of a black, stretch, limo idling out front of the DOA “Dungeon”. Those within the sound-stage, watching this unfold upon the massive wall-TV-plating that surrounds the “Dungeon Gateway”, begin to erupt in anticipation of who they think it may be. Meanwhile, with the sight of the mysterious limo still plastered on the TV screen, we hear DOA commentators, John Greed and Davis Detterich, weight in on who they believe it could be. Ultimately, creating a heavy cloud of confusion centered around WHO may reside within the vehicle.]


Davis Detterich: It looks like a Limo has just pulled up to the “Dungeon”; however, we still haven’t received word as to WHO may be within it. [A rustling is heard in the background] I don’t know about you, John, but I think I have an idea of who could be inside…


John Greed: As many of you know already, Greg Black, formerly a SWF employee, recently signed a contract with Deadly Overloaded Action!! [slight Pause] We know that his lawyers were able to craft a hefty contract in his favor. However, we are still unaware of when he will officially make his DOA debut. It could be tonight, it could be next week, We don’t really know at this point. [slight Pause; once again, a rustling is heard in the background] That said, could this be Mr. Black on his way to the DOA “Dungeon”?


Davis Detterich: Who else could it be? We know he’s locked into a contract, we know he passed his entrance physical, and we also know that he recently moved to Los Angeles to be closer to the “Dungeon”. I mean, in all honesty, who ELSE could it be?


John Greed: I’m not sure, Davis? It could very well be Greg Black but if I’ve learned ONE THING from this industry it’s that you NEVER, EVER, expect anything!


Davis Detterich: I guess you’re right… [slight Pause] With that in mind, Lets move on to the next match-up on tonight’s card; A heated battle between Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell, El Dragón Dorado, and “The Remarkable” Steve Flash!


John Greed: Great segue, Davis. [Laughs at his partner in crime] Remind the Network to NEVER give you a job where you’re asked to talk into a microphone.


Davis Detterich: Oh yea? Remind me to… talk to the Network… about… [seems to have nowhere to go verbally, so, he just tries to run with what comes to mind first.]… Shutting you up!


John Greed: You’re a genius.


[With that, this segment comes to a uneventful close; transitioning toward our second match on tonight’s episode of “Rapid Assault”.]


Grade: C-


[John Greed and Davis Detterich are heard arguing away from the microphones.]




El Dragón Dorado vs. Steve Flash vs. Teddy "Redeem Thee" Powell w/ Violet

3-Way Match

First Elimination rule-set


There’s much hatred for Teddy Powell lodged within our next match-up as two of his former victims, Steve Flash and El Dragón Dorado, attempt to gain a sense of revenge. Their collectively brewing disdain for the self-obsessed man of “Redemption” resonates straight into your home as it’s quite obvious that BOTH men are hell-bent on crashing his skull into the canvas below. This is evident ‘straight out of the gate’ as El Dragón Dorado practically takes flight, leaping across the ring, and crashing into Powell with fists of fury. Upon impact, Powell finds himself in an unsuspecting state of self-defense. However, his unsuccessful attempts to fend off both Dorado & Flash keeps the former PSW-star reeling from the very start.


As time goes on, Flash & Dorado appear to work as a ‘well-oiled machine’; united in their bitter hatred for Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell. No matter what he attempts to do, Powell always finds himself unable to truly capitalize. Instead, ultimately looking as if he is nothing more than a ‘punching bag’ for both of his opponents.


It appears that Teddy is on a ‘fast track’ toward a quick-loss…


That is, until, SHE got involved.





The mentally deranged, instigator of violence, Violet, ultimately helps Teddy to regain a small sense of composure; physically interjecting herself into the match-up by clawing, gouging, and choking both Flash & Dorado during various points of the match. Eugene Williams, the senior DOA referee, tries his best to keep the enraged psychopath at bay; however, even HE is unsuccessful in his attempts. Many may question WHY Eugene didn’t just call for a DQ, or even a no-contest, as Violet continues to persist violently; however, in the end, It seems that Mr. Williams understands the magnitude of such a triple-threat scenario. Instead, calling for DOA security to ‘escort’ Mrs. Violet to the back; a fact that only enraged her greater!


In the end, though, his call for ‘order’ pays off as Mrs. Violet is officially removed from the ringside area after being a ‘pest’ at best.


With Violet now gone, Teddy Powell, once again, finds himself unable to keep up with both of his opponents. That being said, Steve Flash looks to be slowing down rather drastically. His body appears to be unable to ‘keep up’ with Dorado’s blistering pace; a fact that seemingly weighs heavily on the aged-veteran.


El Dragón Dorado executes a ‘ring-rattling’ moonsault that, almost certainly, will bring an end to tonight’s triple-threat match…


However, before he can find victory…


Steve Flash ascends upon his pinfall attempt; viciously stomping a ‘whole’ in the back of Dorado’s skull.


In the end, despite his diminishing health, Steve Flash relies heavily upon his internal obsession for victory; Aggressively taking advantage of El Dragón Dorado’s staggering confusion.


Dorado tries to make a ’comeback’ but Flash’s unsuspecting ’second wind’, fueled by pure obsession, stands as his ultimate weapon; catching El Dragón Dorado off balance and executing his signature “Flash Bang” (Side Belly-to-Back Suplex/pin combo).


Teddy Powell tries to break the pinfall attempt but it’s too late. As the “man of Redemption” lands atop his opponents, The bell has already been rung. Signifying a BIG victory for Steve Flash in the process.


Steve Flash defeats Teddy Powell and El Dragón Dorado in 7:59 when Flash was able to execute his signature “Flash Bang” upon El Dragón Dorado.

Grade: C-



John Greed: What are you, The President of his fan club? [Laughs] Big deal. Steve Flash won a match. It’s his JOB to do so.

Davis Detterich: It’s not just the win, It’s how he did it! Violet tried to practically tear his eyes out, Dorado pushed his body to the extreme; however, in the end, it was his masterful focus that ultimately put him in the position to win! Wow… Just a GREAT showing from “The Remarkable One”.

John Greed: Remarkable? What was SO remarkable about all of that? He staggered around the ring for a good 5 minutes, huffed and puffed the entire time, and then took advantage of Dorado’s stupidity over anything else. That’s not “Remarkable”, That’s just taking advantage of Dorado’s child-like confusion.

Davis Detterich: You honestly can’t find anything to be happy about, can you?

John Greed: I’ll be Happy when the Network fires you…

Davis Detterich: Shutup…

John Greed: [Laughs] Make it happen, Mr. Tyler! Please, I’m begging of you… All it takes is one quick call to the Network. One simple phone call. Save me from this misery.

Davis Detterich: You’d miss me…

John Greed: Yea, I‘d miss you like I miss a kidney stone…




Eric Tyler, Citizen X, Mainstream Hernandez, The Elder Statesman, Acid ©, Rayne Man, and Torment

… A backstage rant …


[shortly following Steve Flash’s semi-breakdown during the last match-up, looking rather ‘heel’ish’ which stands as somewhat awkward compared to his typical ‘mild mannered’ self, we quickly transition to the sight of “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler standing before the four-person faction, “The Moral Majority”, in what appears to be Mr. Tyler’s office. With a small smattering of allies behind him, Mr. Tyler appears to be somewhat annoyed with whatever’s being brought to his attention by Citizen X and Mainstream Hernandez. How do we know this? While Eric always possesses a natural disdain for most everybody ‘not in his initial camp‘, The look on his face tells of a man growing rather tired of what‘s being presented before him.]


Mainstream Hernandez: And you’re okay with that? You, “The Voice of Reason”, are happy with a perpetual SINNER challenging for the DOA Championship tonight?


[Mainstream Hernandez looks rather combative at this point; in a state of disbelief over what he expects to be the truth.]


Citizen X: What kind of message does this send to the youth of America, Eric? That you can be a societal deviant and STILL succeed? [shakes his head in disbelief as well] That’s simple not right! We will NOT STAND for such a scenario!


[Mr. Tyler is seen throwing his arm slightly upward in a “wait” kind of fashion; meanwhile, rubbing his free hand around his eyes; creating a sense that he’s becoming rather overly stimulated by the conversation they are having. A fusion of being bored, annoyed, and ‘short tempered’, comes into play as he slowly lowers his raised hand back to his side; c*cking his head slightly to the right and staring upon the Moral Majority with a look that can only be described as: ‘purely annoyed’.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Are you two done yet? [slight pause; staring down the Moral Majority in the process.] I, just like you, don’t want to see Matty Sparrow in the Main Event; however, my hands are tied. The Network guaranteed the victor of last week’s “Overloaded Overthrow” that they would receive a DOA Championship match here, Tonight! [Continues to stare rather coldly in their direction] That’s written in stone. Do you understand? [slight Pause] I’m not worried though, As once Acid defeats Sparrow, He’ll be back to where he came from; Nowhere near the Main Event!


[Mainstream Hernandez quickly interjects following Eric’s last statement.]


Mainstream Hernandez: He shouldn’t be there in the FIRST PLACE…


[Eric’s annoyance with the situation turns even more drastic as “The Voice of Reason” appears to be ‘done’ with this situation all together; growing with aggression as he displays this rather tellingly through his non-verbal’s]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: You’re wearing my patience rather thin. [slight Pause; staring down the Moral Majority. They don’t budge though either.] How about instead of bitching and moaning to me, You both remove those ‘sticks out of your asses’ and do something about it! [Pause] I’m growing sick and tired of your constant bickering about what’s considered to be moral or immoral. Instead of harassing me; Get your asses out there and do something about it! If you don’t like Matty in the Main Event… Do… Something… About it!


[Mainstream Hernandez, in a pure example of a reacting vs. responding moment, jolts forward as if he’s going to physically challenge Mr. Tyler; a fact that Eric does not match. Instead, “The Voice of Reason” stands rather calm as Citizen X extends his right hand out upon Hernandez’s chest; signifying a sense of restraint.]


Citizen X: He’s right, Mainstream. He’s right. [Looks to Hernandez as he slowly stars to calm down slightly.] We’ve been so wrapped up in our preaching that our actions have fallen by the wayside. It’s time that you, and I, instill our sense of Morality upon Deadly Overloaded Action! [An evil grin forms] And it all starts tonight in the Main Event… We’ll see to it that Matty Sparrow receives some ‘holy justice’ from ‘up above’… [Mainstream looks confused at first] I’ll tell you more about it off camera…


[The Moral Majority slowly walks off camera as it appears that Citizen X has devised a dastardly plan focused on inflicting their own will upon Sparrow’s Championship title opportunity later tonight. Meanwhile, “The Voice of Reason” slowly shuffles across the room; opening up a small cabinet and pouring himself a small glass of whiskey. However, before he can take a drink, he locks eyes with another intruder through a mirror positioned on the wall in front of him. Mr. Tyler is seen slowly spinning around, now facing whoever has just walked in; once again, appearing as if he’s unbelievably annoyed with being interrupted as much as he has tonight.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: What do YOU want?



Jay Chord

… Arrogant Youth …


[The scene opens up slightly to show Jay Chord standing a good 10 feet away from “The Voice of Reason”; chomping his gum like a cow as he lazily leans up against a nearby office wall. With a sigh of annoyance himself, and a quick rolling of his eyes in the process, Jay responds in his trademark disrespectful fashion.]


Jay Chord: Pipe down, Old man. I’m not here to ‘blow smoke up your a**’. I just want a match…


[Most would expect Mr. Tyler to instruct his allies to ‘gang-assault’ ANYONE who spoke back to him in such a manor; however, this scenario doesn’t come to pass with Jay. Instead, A unsuspecting smirk grows upon the veteran’s face; taking a quick drink of his whiskey & then responding in an uncharacteristically calm manor.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: I like you… [slight Pause; confidently smirking in Jay’s direction.] You remind me of your Father when he was your age: Young, Brash, Arrogant, and not afraid of anyone. [Jay doesn’t respond; still leans up against a nearby wall, bored already.] You want a match? [Eric displays a coy smirk; envisioning his ‘master plan’ mentally.] You’ve got one; next week on “Rapid Assault”.


[Jay doesn’t look thankful in the slightest; instead, rather bored of Mr. Tyler’s short little rant. Expecting his response to be much shorter than what actually took place.]


Jay Chord: Good. [Chomps his gum some more] Who’d I got?


[Mr. Tyler continues to smirk; knowing that he has someone in mind.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: I can’t tell you that quite yet; however, you’ll know by the end of the night. [slight Pause] Lets just say, He’ll have to work his a** off just to ‘keep up’.


[With that, the scene comes to a close as the overriding question stands: Who will Jay Chord face next week on “Rapid Assault”? With no answer set, We are all forced to wait for the final answer to be given later on tonight.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: He won’t be able to ‘keep up’? Who is Eric Tyler talking about?

John Greed: I have a thought as to who it may be… BUT, I’ll keep that to myself.

Davis Detterich: Either way, It looks like Jay Chord will be making his singles debut in Deadly Overloaded Action, NEXT WEEK!!

John Greed: Before all of that, though, it looks like Matty Sparrow may have his hands full tonight! [Laughs] Not only will he have to compete with Acid but it also seems that The Moral Majority has something ‘up their sleeves’.

Davis Detterich: Don’t they always?








The Tokyo Express © vs. Totally Supreme

DOA Death-Defying Duo Championship Match

This match abides by Divisional Rules


The Death-Defying Duo Division is all about intense speed. Those who are successful find a way to fuse a high-energy attack with the calculated, borderline seamless, ability to utilize ‘jaw-dropping’ combinations in tandem. More or less, while it may seem somewhat reckless, there is an underlying need for true teamwork from start to finish; or else, You’ll A) Look like fools, and B) almost never walk away with a victory.


Thus far, The Death-Defying Duo Champions, Tokyo Express, have shown their complete mastery of the unique form of pairing combat.


Sadly enough, for Totally Supreme, they appear to be somewhat behind when it comes to absolute cohesion. Maybe it’s the fact that NARATO & OTA have worked in tandem for quite some time now (originally in TCW; now in DOA) and this pre-set comfortability has given them the ability to manipulate each challenger that’s come along? - OR - It’s simply the fact that Totally Supreme needs much more practice in which to pose as a true threat? However, regardless of the reasoning, there was no real fear that The Tokyo Express wouldn’t come away with a victory in this one.


While their offense was rather strong, Totally Supreme looked more like a random pairing of singles wrestlers; still far from a ‘well-oiled machine’ all together. Meanwhile, The Tokyo Express looks as if they are completely unstoppable; generating a thunderous offense that never seems to slow down in the slightest. This fact, knowing that Totally Supreme is somewhat overmatched, only furthers the narrative that OTA & NARATO are the Champs for a reason.


The one-sided nature of tonight’s 1st championship match-up is not entirely the only story forming within the ringside area. As the feverish action continues to unfold, The ‘holier than thou’ duo, The Moral Majority, appears through the “Dungeon Gateway”; focused, and determined, to analyze the competitors before them.



The Moral Majority


While they never physically become involved with the match-up, instead watching from afar, their presence stands as an uncomfortable cloud hovering over the ringside area. Ultimately creating an uneasy vibe where ‘anything’ could potentially take place.


In the end, even with a minor distraction waiting in the wings, The Tokyo Express prove their overall dominance by taking advantage of a large mistake made by their wayward challengers. When coming off of the ropes at full speed, Dick Eyezen leaps in the air for a cross body block; a move that would show to be unsuccessful as NARATO quickly ducks out of the way. While crashing to the canvas, Eyezen’s head collides with Tom Kornell’s, forcing him to stagger away from the impact holding his head. This fact gives OTA enough room to quickly slip in, Flooring the blinded Kornell with a “Ninja Strike” (Double-Clutch Karate Kick) to the jaw. As you can guess, with Kornell struggling to stay conscious, OTA is granted a standard three count from DOA referee, Eugene Williams.


The Tokyo Express retains the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships after defeating Totally Supreme in 5:02. The victory came as OTA connected with a “Ninja Strike” (Double-Clutch Karate Kick) to the jaw of Tom Kornell. This marks the 2nd successful title defense for The Tokyo Express.

Grade: D+


John Greed: wow… Totally Supreme… Totally… Sucked! [Laughs]

Davis Detterich: Yea, it appears that these two need to go back to the ‘chalk board’ and come up with a new plan! They looked pretty awful out there.

John Greed: They need… something. [Laughs] I don’t know if that’s a ‘new plan’, a new focus, or a new person all together. [Laughs] That was pretty bad.

Davis Detterich: That’s the thing about the Death-Defying Duo Division, You better know your partner better than you know yourself in a way, or else, you’ll end up looking awkward and confused.

John Greed: I have to give it to The Tokyo Express. Sure, I don’t really care for them personally as I think they’re a little too “hippy’ish” for me, but damn can they ever work as a team.

Davis Detterich: “Hippy’ish”? Are you calling Buddhism, “Hippy’ish”?

John Greed: This peace, tranquility, self-respect crap is only going to ‘burn them’ in the end.

Davis Detterich: It’s good to know that you’re accepting of others beliefs…

John Greed: I don’t have to be… I’m American.

Davis Detterich: Good God, there’s so many things that are wrong with that statement…




Steve Flash

… A ‘broken man’ …


[Following the “Tokyo Express’” successful title defense, We now abruptly transition to the sight of Steve Flash staggering down a deserted backstage hallway. His physical health appears to be rather diminished as the aged-veteran struggles to stay upright; wincing heavily as he attempts to straighten his back unsuccessfully in the process. Overall, it’s pretty easy to understand the narrative that Mr. Flash may be coming toward the end of his career; unable to physically stay healthy enough from week-to-week. Potentially destroying his body in the process as he attempts to ’death-grip’ the very industry he loves.]


[As any proud man would, with the sight of incoming DOA superstars crossing his path in the very same deserted hallway, Steve quickly attempts to shake off any signs of injury. Instead, doing his very best to project the fact that he’s 100%.]


Brendan Idol: Great work out there, Steve. [big grin seen upon his face] You STILL got it!


[steve gently cracks a smile in Brendan’s direction as the much younger, Brendan Idol, pats his self-made mentor upon the back; a gesture of respect, however, the light connection forces Steve to hide the obvious pain that a simple pat bestows upon him.]


Mikey James: This industry wouldn’t be the same without you, Steve. [A slight smile forms upon his face; in passing] You’re the consummate professional. I hope to, someday, carry the same claim.


[steve gently nods in Mikey’s direction as he continues onward down the hallway. Now, with Brendan and Mikey off-camera, Steve once again shows the obvious signs of injury. It’s almost as if the pain from within stands as a gigantic title wave; unable to truly contain its destructive force.]


[With a move out of desperation, trying to remedy the shooting pains in his back, Mr. Flash is seen slamming into a nearby wall; slowly turning his body in the opposite direction in which to rest his back up against the very wall he just slammed his body into. For a second, There’s a huge sigh of relief from the aged veteran; however, with time it appears that the pain is once again returning. While in the act of wincing, The scene takes a drastic turn with the sound of Mr. Tyler’s voice peering from the darkness.]



”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… Pushing retirement for Mr. Flash …


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: When is this all going to stop, Steve? [slight Pause] When will you finally learn that your body can’t keep up anymore?


[Mr. Tyler slowly appears from the right side of the hallway, slowly, methodically, walking down the deserted hallway on a pathway toward Steve Flash. His heavy black dress shoes clanking in the background as the faint cloud of cigarette smoke follows in his wake. Meanwhile, Steve is seen practically ignoring Mr. Tyler’s advances. Instead, focusing primarily on the immense pain surging through his body at the moment.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: What does Jakki think? I’m sure she’s tired of all of this, Steve. Weeks, months, years, without her Husband at her side. Having to wait by the phone every night, fearful of getting ‘that’ call. ‘That’ call that states that her husband was in an accident, paralyzed from the neck down. [Takes a quick drag on his cigarette] Isn’t it time yet?


[While Eric continues to drag on his cigarette, standing inches from the obviously injured Flash, Steve is seen looking straight forward while responding to “The Voice of Reason’s” last statement. Not showing him any respect in the sense of looking him in the eye, but rather, distancing himself from the scenario at hand.]


Steve Flash: Leave me alone…


[At the end of his last drag, Mr. Tyler is heard laughing heartily to himself. Meanwhile, flicking his burning stick on the ground before him; destroying its current slender state with the toe-end of his right dress shoe.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Truthfully, Steve. It’s time… [Looks off to the right for a second; sighing in the process.] I know the feeling. It’s like trying to smolder a raging fire with a small napkin; unable to even envision a life without Wrestling. [Looks Steve in the eyes] But, in the end, it’s the greatest decision you’ll ever make. The pain will subside, your mind will find clarity, and, hell, there’s always a ‘backstage position’ available here in Deadly Overloaded action for you. [slight Pause] How does that sound? A nice, comfy, desk job? Jakki and the kids will be thrilled.


[Again, Steve continues to look forward; not making eye contact with Mr. Tyler in any way.]


Steve Flash: Are you deaf, Eric? I said… Leave… Me… Alone…


[steve’s defiant nature doesn’t rock Mr. Tyler’s confidence in the slightest; instead, he’s heard laughing once again. Actually empathetic in a way as he knows exactly what Steve’s going through at this point of his career.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Not ready to talk about it yet, I take it? [smirks] That’s fine. [slight pause as he looks as if he’s about to walk away; however, turning back in Steve‘s direction] We’ll pick this conversation back up next week after you square off against Jay Chord.


[A devilish grin forms upon Eric Tyler’s face as Steve finally breaks his deterring gaze; staring straight into Mr. Tyler’s eyes. Not pissed by any means about the decision; however, trying to survey why such a match would be booked in the first place.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: That’s right, Steve. Next week, on “Rapid Assault”, it will be you and Jay Chord. [slight pause] Let’s see if you can… keep up.


[“The Voice of Reason” slowly continues down the hallway; removing himself from the scene all together. However, before he is entirely out of the shot, his voice is heard filling the deserted hallway they both reside in.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: You better ice those legs of yours, Steve, because, Next week, you’re going to need all the endurance you have left. [slight laughter follows] Tell Jakki “hi” for me.


[A devilish stint of laughter fills the hallway as “The Voice of Reason” officially exit’s the scene. Meanwhile, Steve Flash is seen still pressed up against the cold cement wall; wincing in pain.]


Grade: D


John Greed: Pack it up old man… [Laughs] You’re a good 10 years past your prime. What’s left to prove? That you can be the first man to ever compete with a functioning walker?

Davis Detterich: Come on, John. Don’t be an a**hole. People like Steve Flash, a true wrestling legend, get to call their own shots. Their careers end when THEY decide that it’s all done. No one else has the right to tell them to ‘step aside’ but them. It’s something men like Steve earn; the right to dictate when it’s ‘time’.

John Greed: Blah, blah, blah. Are you serious, Davis? A “Legend”? [Laughs heavily] An indy stand-out, yes, a “Legend”… You’ve gotta’ be kidding me! [Laughter again] Steve is holding the ‘next generation’ back by simply sucking up all of this TV-time. Give it up, man. Do what’s best for the industry! Get over your selfish grip & call it quits.

Davis Detterich: You, of all people, should know how hard it is to lose ‘it all’! Your knee injury forced you from active competition; a fact that sent you spiraling into the depths of self-destruction. I would think, of anyone, you would find a sense of empathy for the man?

John Greed: [His tone turns more harsh] Shutup, Davis. You know NOTHING about me.

Davis Detterich: Touch on a sore subject, John? [slight Pause] See, You know exactly what’s going on in Steve’s mind right now. Show some compassion.

John Greed: Compassion is for the weak…








Acid © vs. Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" Sparrow

DOA Championship Match

Ladder Match


From the very opening seconds of tonight’s Main Event, There resides a war-like atmosphere descending upon the DOA “Dungeon”. Two men, two complete opposites in every way, stand roughly 15 feet apart from one another as Eugene Williams officially calls for the opening bell; signifying the start of a hellacious battle that will certainly go down in the ‘sands of time’ as one of THE greatest DOA matches of all-time.


While everyone KNOWS that Acid is, by far, the most dominant figure in Deadly Overloaded Action; tonight will forever be remembered as the night that Matty Sparrow became a mega-star. Once, an overly processed, gimmicky, buffoon; however, NOW, he stands as a legit threat to ANYONE within the blackened ropes of the “Dungeon” squared circle.


How can one rise to the ‘elite level’?


Put everything on the line (your body, your mind, your spirit, your career, etc.) and push your entire being to the extreme; destroy everything in your path… Even yourself if need be.


That’s EXACTLY what both of these men did as they re-vive a bitter rivalry that started all the way back in the time of DaVE. Utilizing the ladder before them as a powerful, bone-breaking, weapon, Both competitors attempt to literally destroy the other as time goes on.


High risk aerial spots send the “Dungeon” crowd into a state of complete insanity while, also, pushing the physical limits of both men. (Example: Acid leaping off the top of the ladder; crashing onto Matty Sparrow with a twisting moonsault).


Weapons (such as Steel Chairs, tables, the ladder itself, and even TV cameras) come into play as this DOA Championship match quickly descends into a state of anarchy; both men practically taking each other’s heads off with various sickening strikes. (Example: Matty Sparrow aggressively pulling a camera away from its camera man; posing before it & then ultimately slamming it square into the head of a running Acid).


All in all, There is NOTHING that these two men don’t utilize as neither of them want to walk out of the “Dungeon” tonight WITHOUT the Title in hand. An unwanted scenario that leaves both, Acid and Matty Sparrow, to shockingly blur the lines of what is deemed as ‘acceptable violence’ on TV.


Back and forth… Violence reigns supreme.


Never ending… is the aggression that both men show toward each other.


Deadly… is the only word that can best describe the carnage levied by each competitor.


There is NO guarantee that either man could walk out of the “Dungeon” on their own accord. Instead, both competitors rely heavily upon their bodies generated adrenaline to mask the overall pain they truly must be suffering from. In a sense, brawling without any connection to reality as they continue to rage between the ropes.


In the end, both Matty and Acid are seen standing on opposite sides of the ladder; their feet positioned firmly on the 2nd to last rung. Following a wild brawl, some 10 feet above the ring, Matty quickly executes a shocking head butt that reeks of desperation. Lucky for him; however, the hard-hitting strike forces Acid to crash to the canvas below. Meanwhile, Sparrow grips the top of the ladder; seconds from possibly letting go himself.


This is HIS time… With Acid down and out, This is the exact moment that Matty’s been waiting for…


He reaches…


He reaches even more…


What’s this?


The DOA Championship is seen being pulled upward as Matty attempts to grab onto it.


At first, Matty thinks that it’s his mind playing tricks on him; the after effects of a hellacious fight (and a recent head butt at that). However, with time, he comes to realize that that title is ACTUALLY being pulled out of his grasp.



The Moral Majority


A DOA camera man quickly zooms in on the rafters of the “Dungeon” to see The Moral Majority standing along the cat-walk; physically pulling on the chord that suspends the DOA Championship. Ultimately, the culprits of ’screwing’ Matty over from winning said Championship in the process.


With his mind fixated on the travesty before him, Matty Sparrow is unable to notice that Acid is now back on his feet & climbing up the same side of the ladder he stands upon. In a quick twist of his body, Acid slides in underneath his opponent; locking in an awkward “Acid Rain Bomb” (Sit-Down Powerbomb) & planting Sparrow on the canvas 10 feet below him. The impact shakes the ring so violently that even the moves administrator, Acid, appears to be somewhat slowed down.


However, that doesn’t last very long…


With The Moral Majority dropping the DOA Championship back down to its original resting place; Acid is seen slowly climbing the ladder, rung by rung, and grabbing onto his very Championship…


It only takes a matter of a few seconds for the DOA Championship to, once again, lay firmly in his hands. A sight that stirs up a riot like atmosphere within the “Dungeon” as many believe that Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow was ultimately SCREWED out of a victory tonight by The Moral Majority.


Either way, Tonight’s Main Event goes down as a: brutal, career-changing, body-altering match-up that will certainly stand the test of time.


Acid retains the DOA Championship by defeating Matty Sparrow in 10:16 after scaling a ladder and retrieving his Championship on high. This marks Acid’s 1st successful title defense.

Grade: C+



John Greed: Oh pipe-down, Davis. [slight Pause] Don’t get your panties in a bundle. The REAL story here is that Acid is STILL The DOA Champion! Something that, I’m very sure, Mr. Tyler is VERY happy to see! Can you imagine? Matty Sparrow as the DOA Champion? [Laughs as he physically shakes in ‘fear of what could have been.’] This company wouldn’t last very long with a guy like Sparrow as Champion. That’s just the truth! Acid, and the Moral Majority, just did us all favors by keeping the DOA alive! Keeping our jobs in tact!

Davis Detterich: What the HELL are you talking about? [seriously enraged over what has transpired.] How can you accept a finish like that? Matty Sparrow HAD the title within his grasp & the ONLY reason we aren’t celebrating a NEW Champion right now is because the Moral Majority intervened! This is ABSOLUTE CRAP!! The Network can’t stand for this… Someone needs to call the ‘board of directors’; re-start this match or something!

John Greed: Re-start the match? [Laughs in disbelief] There’s NO WAY that’s going to happen. Whether you like it or not, Acid is STILL the DOA Champion! It doesn’t matter how it’s done, There’s no such thing as ‘cheating’ in a Ladder Match because there are NO RULES in which to break! The Moral Majority just made the smart decision to ‘better their careers’ by making a splash in the name of Mr. Tyler!

Davis Detterich: Someone needs to fix this…

John Greed: No one is going to fix anything, Davis. Live with reality… Matty Sparrow lost! It’s as simple as that…




Acid © and Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

… Post-Match Rioting …


[The livid “Dungeon” audience is on the verge of a full-on riot as their deafening chorus of negativity encompasses the entire ringside area. Trash, beer bottles, and even an entire trash-can, are seen flying in from the crowd; crashing inches from the STILL DOA Champion, Acid, as he barely stands upright while clinging to a nearby rope. A continuous, overpowering, chant of “Matty got screwed” takes form now as everything appears to be in a complete state of disarray.]


[With a severely chaotic environment on the verge of a mass-meltdown, It would take an iconic scenario to restore a sense of ‘order’. While what happens next may not successfully calm the rabid DOA “Dead-Heads”, It certainly does deter their focus away from Matty being screwed! In the end, sometimes a distraction is needed more so than just vengeance.]


[The lights go completely black…]


[A highly energized hush resonates through your TV screen as random flashes are seen all around the ringside area. At first, it’s expected that Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell is on the verge of making his presence known; however, with time that initial expectation is demolished by the very notion that this moment is much more ‘grand’ than anything previously thought possible for the DOA.]


[Then it showed upon the “Dungeon‘s” High Definition TV wall panels stationed all around the “Dungeon Gateway”…]


… Greg Black …


Thank you, jhd1!


[The overwhelming response is quickly met with a speed-metal-like theme song blaring within the walls of the “Dungeon”. Meanwhile, a rock-star sense of treatment is given to the debuting Black as a thunderous light show beams all around the ringside area. It literally looks as if the DOA “Dungeon” has switched over from a standard Wrestling event to a full-blown rock concert; perpetuating a crazed atmosphere that could only come with such an impactful debut!]


[The silhouette of the former SWF-stand-out is seen stepping through the “Dungeon Gateway” as his oiled skin occasionally gleams in the sporadic light display. At first, Mr. Black continues to stand at the very mouth of the isleway leading to the squared circle; however, as the lights come back on & the light show comes to a close, the amazing sight of Greg Black standing in the DOA “Dungeon” takes hold! With an arrogant smirk fixated upon his face, the accomplished youngster speeds toward the ring; entering under the bottom rope in a lightning quick fashion.]


[Wasting no time what so ever, Greg Black quickly plants a leaping sidekick square into the chest of the DOA Champion, Acid. The impact of such a powerful strike sends Acid crashing to the canvas below; however, within a few seconds, the “Warrior of Reason” is quickly seen back on his feet… ready for action. From there, the two iconic figures continue to lay heavily into one another until Greg Black utilizes his massive wave of momentum; executing his newly minted signature move - “The Black out” (a Standing Suplex into a Stunner) upon the staggering DOA Champion.]


[As you can expect, such a high-impact move leaves Acid completely motionless on the canvas below. A victim of a deadly one-on-one title defense, and an intense assault from the debuting Greg Black, leaves the often dominant Acid slipping out of consciousness in the middle of the squared circle; a scenario that is EASILY one of THE most shocking moments in the DOA’s short history.]


[The loyal DOA “Dead-Heads” fill the “Dungeon” with a heavy blanket of excitement; completely stoked over Greg’s debut. Meanwhile, Matty Sparrow is, now, seen slowly pulling himself up to his feet. While his physical health appears to be quite weak, his signature coy smirk still resides upon his face. With one arm draped across his stomach signifying a showing of immense pain, Matty extends his free hand in which to shake Greg’s.]


[The DOA crowd is going absolutely nuts by this point… Expecting to see Matty and Greg embrace in the middle of the ring; however, that is sadly not what takes place.]


[Greg, cracking a smirk of his own, looks as if he’s about to accept Matty’s handshake when all of a sudden… BAM… Greg Black stomps heavily on the injured stomach of tonight’s DOA Championship challenger. With Sparrow bent over in pain, Greg quickly grabs hold of him… Once again executing his newly minted signature move - “The Black-Out” (A standing suplex into a Stunner) upon another DOA superstar within seconds of his last impact.]


[The crowd, at this point, has NO IDEA how to respond; confused as to what ‘side’ Greg Black lies on. Ultimately, drawing a wave of ‘tweener heat’.]


[With that said, the crowd’s confusion doesn’t seem to phase Greg in the slightest. Instead, the DOA newcomer, quickly rises back to his feet with an arrogant smirk running from ear to ear. Most likely proud of what he has just accomplished in his first night ‘on the job’. With his arms stretched outward in a “how great am I?” kind of fashion, the 7th episode of DOA “Rapid Assault” comes to a close with the sight of Greg Black grandly standing over his two fallen victims: Acid and Matty Sparrow.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: OH MY GAWWDD!!

John Greed: Who the HELL does he think he is… walking into DOA & assaulting our Main Event competitors like that? This isn’t the “Land of Supreme”, Greg. You haven’t done ANYTHING yet that gives you the RIGHT to make such an attack!

Davis Detterich: GREG BLACK IS OFFICIALLY PART OF THE DOA!!! [slight Pause] But where does his allegiance lie? Was he brought out here by Mr. Tyler to assault his OWN Champion? - OR - Was this all just a selfish assault by a man whose looking to make a major imprint on the DOA landscape?

John Greed: Someone get him out of that ring… Who the HELL does he think he is?

Davis Detterich: Tune in next week ladies and gentlemen as we find out Greg Black’s motivation for tonight’s attack! Also, we’ll have Steve Flash and Jay Chord in action. Plus, Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” taking on Matthew Keith and Torment in a Three-way Submission match!! [slight Pause] GOOD GOD, Join us Next week on DOA… “R-R-R-R-RAAAAAPID ASSAULT!!”








Overall Show Grade: C-

TV Rating: 0.23 (+ 0.01)

Dungeon Attendance: 2,000


<hr color="black">

Quick “Rapid Assault” Results


Johnny Vicious defeats Mikey James via pinfall.

Steve Flash defeats El Dragón Dorado (and Teddy Powell) via pinfall.

The Tokyo Express defeats Totally Supreme via pinfall; Title Defense #2

Acid defeats Matty Sparrow by retrieving the DOA Championship; Title Defense #1

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I really enjoyed reading Episode 7, E-V. The show's title really works well with the influx of 'tweener' characters (and scenarios for that matter). Greg Black looks hella-sweet and I love how you debuted him. Now we have to wait til next week to see what 'disposition' he may fall under. Even though I'm guessing that it won't come out that quickly anyways.


Shocking to see Totally Supreme get their butts handed to them though. You really seem to like those guys so it seemed pretty weird to have them get mowed over. Then again I'm sure there's a story behind it all.


I also liked how you kept The Pecker Wrecker over despite losing in the Main Event. He can legitimately say that he was 'screwed' (something I'm sure you'll have fun with saying from Matty's perspective) by the Moral Majority and still seem like he belongs in the Main Event scene. A re-shot probably comes at some point I'm guessing.


Good stuff, E-V.

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Great work as always! I love the the Moral Majority pulling up the cables so that Matt can't get the title. I am a bit shocked that no real fed (at least that I am aware of) has not done this yet.


The post-match riot was great as well, it made me think of when the ECW fans threw all of those chairs into the ring.


And the Steve Flash storyline is perfect! When I used him I never really had a clue what to do with him because he is so bland. However, you have managed to give him "The Wrestler" storyline and I love it.

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I just wanted to say great show E-V.


Love the shout-out with the kidney stone bit. :D


Glad that Sparrow didn't win the title personally. But then I'm a fan of the Moral Majority.


The Steve Flash/Jay Chord match next week should be great! Go Flash! Teach Chord some manners!


And I would be remiss if I didn't mention the debut of Greg Black. Now that is how you debut a future superstar. Looking forward to hearing exactly what he has to say.

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I really enjoyed reading Episode 7, E-V. The show's title really works well with the influx of 'tweener' characters (and scenarios for that matter).


Thank you, Oracle!


Yea, I'm a big fan of 'tweener' scenarios. While other companies like USPW, for example, must abide by the "black and white" mentality to booking. A company like DOA is given a lot more free-range to explore the "Gray Area in between". To me, It's far more interesting to tell a story based upon the characters and not worrying so much about disposition entirely. Sure, I still have some people who are naturally more heel than face, or vice versa; however, even Eric Tyler has a sense of 'likeability' to him as he tries to inform Steve Flash of the dangers of competing for too long past your prime. It's far more interesting to see real people, with real flaws, and more character-based storylines than just saying "so and so is a babyface" and so and so "is a heel"; now fight!! ha.


The DOA is at a medium level when it comes to face/heel disposition levels, So, you're not going to see very many heel vs. heel scenarios (not saying it WON'T HAPPEN, Just may not be alot). However, there is still a loose-based guideline as to who is face and who is heel. Just, in some cases, it won't ALWAYS be so cut and dry.



Greg Black looks hella-sweet and I love how you debuted him. Now we have to wait til next week to see what 'disposition' he may fall under. Even though I'm guessing that it won't come out that quickly anyways.


I have jhd1 to thank for that alt render (Along with every other one for that matter). He did a knock-out job with Greg's new look!


Shocking to see Totally Supreme get their butts handed to them though. You really seem to like those guys so it seemed pretty weird to have them get mowed over. Then again I'm sure there's a story behind it all.


I don't want to give too much away; however, it was done on purpose to set up a new facet to their storyline (ie: "wanting to take over the DOA").


I also liked how you kept The Pecker Wrecker over despite losing in the Main Event. He can legitimately say that he was 'screwed' (something I'm sure you'll have fun with saying from Matty's perspective) by the Moral Majority and still seem like he belongs in the Main Event scene. A re-shot probably comes at some point I'm guessing.


Good stuff, E-V.


I really wanted to keep Matty strong; however, ultimately have him lose to Acid (as he's "the man" in the DOA right now). Matty's only at a "E+" in popularity so it was hard to justify him defeating Acid outright, or taking on the title for that matter at this point; however, with that said, I do really enjoy writing for him. At this point, I'm trying to 'test the waters' as it pertains to pushing him into the Main Event scene.


Great work as always! I love the the Moral Majority pulling up the cables so that Matt can't get the title. I am a bit shocked that no real fed (at least that I am aware of) has not done this yet.


Thank you, BHK!


I was trying to rack my brain about the same thing. I don't think I've ever seen a national company pull that off before? Then again, it could have happened in Japan or something and I wouldn't really know (as I really only know the US wrestling scene). All in all, I really liked going with the idea as it can be dubbed as Citizen X portrayed it as.... "Justice from Above". (fitting in with their 'religious views').


The post-match riot was great as well, it made me think of when the ECW fans threw all of those chairs into the ring.


I use to LOVE how 'hands on' the ECW crowd was & that stands as HUGE influence on how I portray the DOA fans as well. 18-35 year old males, probably drinking during the event, and all intelligent enough to see through crap (however, able to live through more comedic segments as they find a fusion of nostalgia & enjoyment out of them). So, when Matty was screwed over (someone who I could foresee as a HUGE favorite with most men; especially in the young part of our demographic), A riot seemed realistic to see as they were unhappy with the outcome.


I'll never forget going to a WCW house show in my hometown when I was younger and watching people throw trash cans, bottles, in the ring following the Main Event as, I think, the nWo cheated their way to a victory. That image stuck with me as a wrestling fan; so, when something goes down like Matty obviously being screwed... The fans (possibly drunk by the end of the show) are more apt to respond in an unfavorable manor.


Creates a sense of unpredictability!


And the Steve Flash storyline is perfect! When I used him I never really had a clue what to do with him because he is so bland. However, you have managed to give him "The Wrestler" storyline and I love it.


I have to be honest, I haven't seen "The Wrestler" yet...


(Ducks behind a cage so that beer bottles don't hit me as their thrown)


I really wanted to see it; however, never got around to renting it. That being said, when I crafted the new storyline for Flash, I knew that it would probably be relatively close to the "Wrestler" plot-line (at least from what I've heard in the past). All in all, I'm not trying to copy what was done in the movie! So, if anything does seem really close then it's 100% based on crazy circumstance. That being said, I really want to watch it soon!!


Also, I never really knew how to book Steve Flash either in the past; however, I'm really enjoying what's happened for him thus far. Plus, there's A LOT more to this storyline than what originally has been seen. So, I'm really excited to keep on moving forward with it; introduce a character or two in the process.


Finally caught back up with this.


Also Greg looks sick. And Teddy.


On a side note, damn the Moral Majority!


Thank you for taking the time to catch-up, Huntman! I know it can be quite a daunting task to read over post after post; so, I'm extremely grateful for those who decide to take 'the trek'.


Jhd1 is the man, isn't he? The idea that I had for both Black & Powell was perfectly relayed in what he was able to develop. Great stuff!


Thirdly, I agree... Damn Moral Majority! ;)


I just wanted to say great show E-V.


Thank you, Angel! It's great to see you comment in this thread as I'm a big fan of what you've done with USPW for quite some time now. (I've been a consistent lurker).


Love the shout-out with the kidney stone bit. :D




Glad that Sparrow didn't win the title personally. But then I'm a fan of the Moral Majority.


That's understandable. I didn't think Matty would resonate with everyone as the feud between he and the Moral Majority really makes you choose sides. They are both a lot of fun to write for though as I get to create this little 'civl war' in my mind on a daily basis. ha I've got all the ammo I need by turning on Cable News stations these days...


The Steve Flash/Jay Chord match next week should be great! Go Flash! Teach Chord some manners!


It should be a great match! Two men who are perfect for the DOA's product squaring off against eachother in a classic "Old School vs. New School" kind of scenario. It'll be interesting to see where this goes! (Even I haven't really come to a decision quite yet how this chapter of the "Flash Storyline" plays out).


And I would be remiss if I didn't mention the debut of Greg Black. Now that is how you debut a future superstar. Looking forward to hearing exactly what he has to say.


Thank you for the huge compliment, Angel! Greg in the DOA is a Huge, Huge, deal! So, I wanted to best bring that out by having him debut in a truly confusing manor. Confusing in the sense that NO ONE knows what's going on in his mind as we speak. Why did he attack both men? (one face, one heel) Where will he go from here? Is he Pro-Tyler or Anti-Tyler? There's a lot of this story left to be told! :D





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The results for Episode #7 can be found on the previous page!

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Review of Episode #7: "... Life & War; Shades of Gray ..."

- 3rd week of June 2010 -



The Monday Following Episode #7

... Lackluster angles, Matty not ready for the limelight?, Wait, Now we like him ...


I have wrestled in small gymnasiums in Mexico City. Stood before hostile Pittsburgh crowds. Heard my knee practically snap in half while competing in Rhode Island. However, no scenario can ever match the crippling anxiety that comes with a weekly ‘production review board’ meeting.


I know it sounds rather funny when said out loud; however, I would much rather spend my time with a coked out, mind-tripping, Pittsburgh-native in a darkened alleyway at 3:00 AM than spend more than 5 minutes with these ‘suits’. At least with the junkie I knew EXACTLY what they wanted out of me: Money. With the ‘review board associates’ I was almost always in the dark; unable to EVER expect what’s coming next. Ultimately, Standing before them as a perpetual ‘wounded-warrior’ without a clear cut ‘battle-plan’.


They KNOW how hard I work; hardly ever stepping away from my desk all week (sometimes even during weekends); however, it never seems “good enough” in the end.


Now, I understand that it’s their job to compile a comprehensive report on a weekly basis regarding each and every DOA episode; utilizing viewer interviews, website feedback, polling information, and general ‘buzz’ circulated the internet; but, it becomes a rather daunting task to hear what you’re continuously doing wrong. All be it “subjective”; however, our viewers really dictate the Network’s direction in a way.


They’ll never tell me ‘out right’ to change something but it’s almost always implied that I must follow in their footsteps. For if I don’t, There’s a good chance that “Rapid Assault” will find itself a new producer. Which, for me, means a one-way trip back to Minnesota.


Network Note #1

Subject: The Angles didn't live up to the in-ring Action.<hr color="black">

“I just got off the phone with members of the ‘board’ and it seems like the Network is pretty happy with the show you put together last week. All the initial feedback coming in from dot com appears to be rather positive; so, for the most part, we don’t have much to relay this week. With that being said; however, there are a few glaring issues to address; one of those issues being the collection of lackluster segments through out Episode 7. As we said, the Network is comfortable with your work this week; however, there is a general feeling that most of your ‘non-match segments’ fell quite flat with DOA viewers. [slight pause; staring in my Direction for a few seconds to add a little stress to the situation, forcing me to think deeper about what could be wrong.] Now, we’re not really sure if it’s the people you used in these segments, or the overall message, or lack there of, to these scenarios that ultimately left many with a ‘bad taste in their mouths’; but, this needs further review from everyone involved. If we can‘t thoroughly entertain our audience from start-to-finish then we’re ultimately ‘dropping the ball‘. Do you understand?”


I have always been a booker that focuses much more on telling a story versus playing to my companies strengths. Most may label this as ‘career-suicide’, in a way; however, it’s my extensive knowledge of the “forgotten few” that, I believe, makes me a well-rounded visionary.


Sure, I could litter each episode of “Rapid Assault” with the constant sight of our ‘top stars’. To most, again, this would be the smarter choice. The quicker path toward potential greatness.




That’s just not me. It’s not how my mind works.


I signed on to Deadly Overloaded Action for the possibility of developing new superstars. This TV-Show, “Rapid Assault”, gives any creative mind the ability to really convey a unique message. Far removed from the typical trappings of most Pro Wrestling companies. In the DOA, There’s this air of ‘newness’, this underlying feeling that innovation is always around the corner. So, with that organizational tone already set, why would I go against such a powerful image?


As I said, I joined Deadly Overloaded Action to develop new characters. To give a ‘voice’ to the new breed, the forgotten few, and those who were deemed ‘dispensable’ by the “Big Three”.


If, at first, viewers are a little thrown off by seeing lesser-known people in a position of much focus, then all I can hope for is that they will stick around with the knowledge that we’re attempting to bring them ‘something new’.


It may mean a lackluster response in the start




With time, I’m positive that the ‘new breed’ of the Wrestling Industry will not only change Deadly Overloaded Action for the better… But, will also change the industry as a whole for the better!


It’ll just take a little time to familiarize the masses with said ‘new breed’.



Network Note #2

Subject: Not ready for the 'Bright Lights'?.<hr color="black">

“While we’re not sure why most of your segments received such a lackluster response from some DOA viewers, We do know one thing for sure: Matty Sparrow drastically under-performed during Greg Black’s debut. Now, this isn’t necessarily a ‘tell-tale-sign’ that he’s on a fast track toward being pushed side; but, it’s best to keep your eye on Mr. Sparrow. If he continues to underperform while in the Main Event then maybe it’s best to keep him earlier on in the show? He can still stand as a great asset to the company; however, just not relied upon to usher in great ratings. [Pauses] All in all, it’s best to keep a close eye on Mr. Sparrow’s performances as you continue to test his abilities as a potential top character.”


He may not be the most talented man on the roster but the “Pecker-Wrecker” persona has quickly become one of my favorite developments thus far in Deadly Overloaded Action! As a wrestler, Matt Sparrow is quite possibly the consummate “forgotten one” in the Industry. Always labeled as: ‘too bland’, ‘too slow’, and uninteresting. However, his rise in the DOA is a perfect example of WHY I fought so hard to join this Network in creating a weekly wrestling event.


Here stands a man hungry for success.


After years of bouncing around between various Indy promotions, Matty found a home in the DOA as the uber-controversial, borderline-censor-worthy, Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow; a moonlighting porn-star with a thirst for the female form. Needless to say, How can such a “over the top” persona NOT catch on with our demographic?


As time went on, My love for his character grew stronger and stronger. Here stands a man with something to prove, Giving it his ALL week in and week out under a gimmick that most would simply shy away from. Why? “It’s too racy”! “I don’t know how I could sell this to my kids?”


This doesn’t bother Matt.


He’s putting his body, his reputation, his overall image as a man on the line for Deadly Overloaded Action; and meanwhile, is taking this grand opportunity and knocking it out of the park.


Sure, He may under-perform now and then; however, it all goes into the ‘learning curve’ of trying to re-invent yourself on a greater scale. I’m not afraid as Matty, in my mind, is arguably the greatest asset to the DOA along with Johnny Vicious.



Network Note #3

Subject: STILL, We 'like' Him.<hr color="black">

“We don’t want you to think that we’re entirely down on Matt Sparrow though, John. That’s certainly not the case. [slight Pause] While your opening segment was a little too racy in it’s original format, It appears that your revised version really resonated with most DOA viewers. You did a great job of summing up his character while also bringing a ‘wow-factor’ to the whole scenario. [Cracks a smile] If you ask me, You made a STAR in Matty Sparrow during this last Episode. Great work.”


This is what I mean. You can NEVER expect to know what the ‘review board’ is thinking as your initial thought always turns on its head by the end of our meetings. At first, They want me to ‘watch’ Matt’s progress; monitoring it to see if he’s really “ready” for the limelight. However, seconds later, He’s praising our depiction of the “Pecker-Wrecker” persona. It’s this kind of confusion that ultimately pushed me to stop caring about the small details within the fabric. Why freak out about every little thing put forth by the Network? Their research can tell me one thing, and I cherish the fact that it’s presented to me, but, in the end… I was hired as the Director of Wrestling Operations for a reason.


I may not have much confidence in myself.


I may not have this job for very long.




I’m going to continue to turn this industry upside down… The only way I know how…


Through controversy.





<hr color="black">

What we learned:

* After Episode #7, I was given this in-game note -"There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action". This didn't come to me as much of a shock as most of the angles didn't really "hit" as well as I would have liked them too. The one that stung the most, though, was having Matty rub elbows with both Acid and Greg Black and yet he didn't raise in popularity at all. So, Matty ends up under-performing in the final segment which brings the grade down a "D+" and yet no one really gets any sort of in-game gain from the scenario. With that said, I like how the actual segment came out from a write-up perspective though. Plus, a "D+" is not entirely bad for a grade when it comes to DOA segments. Sure, a "C" or higher would have been nice but when you have a roster full of wrestlers who aren't that popular (from an in-game perspective) then you're pretty happy to see anything at a "D+" or higher. (Sometimes even a "D" looks nice).


* As said, Matty underperformed in the final segment of the night. Was kind of a boo'ish moment if you ask me. I was really hoping to give him a little bump, popularity wise, coming off of a great match with Acid and then a huge segment with the companies two most popular workers. I don't know, Maybe he'll be the "Billy Gunn" of the Cornellverse. ha. You try to push him but he just never seems to 'take on' as a legit Main Eventer. I guess we'll see.


* The opening segment with Sparrow went over really well as it pulled down a "C" for a segment rating. That's pretty good for a guy who doesn't have THAT great of mic skills (probably because he spoke about Black and Acid though). It just goes to show, if placed in the right time during the show, Matty can really deliver from a grade perspective (A match rating= C+, promo rating= C). Hopefully, We'll see more grades like this versus stinking up major storyline segments. (ie: Black's debut).



Popularity Shifts:


+ Pop. Gains




- Pop. Losses


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I think the problem isn't Sparrow... the real problem is when he's on screen with big names, he gets overshadowed, giving the impression he's underperforming.


I noticed this when I put a lot of main event names with one upper midcard name. Guess what? the upper midcard guy "underperformed". However, I put him with one main event guy, the note isn't even there. I think it's an anti-sudden-push mechanism. You ever notice, when watching RAW or Nitro, where a undercard is hanging out with main eventers, but feeling that he just doesn't belong? That's the feeling.

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I think the problem isn't Sparrow... the real problem is when he's on screen with big names, he gets overshadowed, giving the impression he's underperforming.


I noticed this when I put a lot of main event names with one upper midcard name. Guess what? the upper midcard guy "underperformed". However, I put him with one main event guy, the note isn't even there. I think it's an anti-sudden-push mechanism. You ever notice, when watching RAW or Nitro, where a undercard is hanging out with main eventers, but feeling that he just doesn't belong? That's the feeling.


Took the words right out of my mouth.

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I think the problem isn't Sparrow... the real problem is when he's on screen with big names, he gets overshadowed, giving the impression he's underperforming.


I noticed this when I put a lot of main event names with one upper midcard name. Guess what? the upper midcard guy "underperformed". However, I put him with one main event guy, the note isn't even there. I think it's an anti-sudden-push mechanism. You ever notice, when watching RAW or Nitro, where a undercard is hanging out with main eventers, but feeling that he just doesn't belong? That's the feeling.


That makes sense. In a small way it's the Eric Young effect for me when I watched Impact last night. haha. I understand it now a little better from an in-game perspective; however, I could still see the Network flagging Matty if they felt like it didn't seem right. Either way, That makes a lot of sense AMP. Thank you for that!

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Great show, E-V! I really liked what you did with Matty Sparrow/The Moral Majority. Their feud has just gotten a lot more heated with the MM's new outlook on things. Also, Vicious in a three-way Submission match while his arms are tied behind his back? Damn, Feels very Austin/McMahon like during the Attitude era.


Love what you've been doing with this diary. It's a great read!

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Wrestling Legend unleashed!! Arcadia Network in his sights!

Posted June 21st 2010 10:13AM by TMC Staff




Here we go, Again.



Who’da thunk it? Wrestling Legend, and beloved Owner of USPW, Sam Strong REALLY dislikes the Arcadia Network’s newest program development, Deadly Overloaded Action. Stop me if you’ve heard this already, wait, never mind that because we alone have covered this very scenario many times since January and we need our view count up, but Mr. Strong is, once again, on the offensive as it pertains to the underground wrestling TV Show - “Rapid Assault”.

In a phone interview with the beacon of ‘Family Values Entertainment’, Mr. Strong had many harsh statements thrown at the upstart wrestling program. If you’re not a wrestling fan than it all boils down to this: ‘Whatever happened to predictability? The Milkman, the paperboy, Evening TV.’ (Yes, “Full House” but none the less; the projection of a ‘Family Friendly’ Product that we ALL can “enjoy”). To those who label yourselves AS wrestling fans. Firstly, Climb on out of your mother’s basement. Secondly, Here are a few choice statements made by your glorious Mr. Strong himself:


“Is this what the youth of America believes to be entertaining? ‘In your face’ Sex segments, midgets, half-naked women? It’s disgusting. The Arcadia Network is single-handedly destroying the very fabric of the Industry that I love. I will NOT stand for this!”




“Their in-ring action is only going to get someone killed. Then what? Where does this industry go from there? By that point, We’ll be considered to risky for even late-night TV. In time, the Arcadia Network will make Pro Wrestling so undesirable that each and every wrestling program will have to FIGHT to justify their existence on National Television.”




“They gloat to be a ‘stage for the forgotten’; however, those men and women were ‘forgotten’ for a reason. If you don’t have enough skill, drive, or determination, then you won’t find a ‘home’ with myself, Cornell, or Eisen. It’s as simple as that. If the Arcadia Network wants to form a wrestling program based upon our ‘table scraps’ then so be it. However, don’t go around labeling yourself as ‘new’ and ‘innovative’ if you’re simply using what we didn’t need. They couldn’t ‘cut it’ here. They can’t cut it in the Industry, period.”




“This sophomoric, degenerate-like, entertainment needs to stop!! If the Arcadia Network won’t ‘grow a pair’ and limit what’s seen on TV then I’ll see to it, as GOD as my witness, to pressure those in charge to change their ways. Mark my words, I will put an end to this crap!”


Can someone say… Grandpa’s Cranky, Anyone?


More information to certainly come (sadly)…

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