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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream


Out of the two Funk has been getting the slightly stronger push, even if has been off TV for a few weeks.


Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez


MH wins this to have the Moral Majority looking a threat for the Deadly Duo belts, Totally Supreme have already had their shot.


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell


I'm going for another cheating win for Powell here, to set up a final showdown with some kind of stip added on for the mid season supercard.


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment


DQ win followed by a beatdown at the hands of Tyler's minnions


Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow


You've indicated quite heavily that Sparrow can't seem to convince the fans that he is a main event calibre competitor, so I would be shocked to see him go over the white hot Greg Black.

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow


Part of me wonders if you're going to pull a fast one on everyone and have Jettstream beat Funk even though he's highly focused upon on this card. Then again that could just be based off my weird booking patterns in my game. lol. Great card. I'm looking forward to reading it.

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Tuesday Morning, The 1st Week of July 2010

... Pressure reigns Supreme ...



Good Morning, Mr. Greed


"Did you sleep at your desk last night?"



She proclaimed with a playful grin forming upon her face.


"Yea, I guess I did."


I slowly try to re-focus my eyes to daylight as my right hand glides through the bird's nest that is my morning hair.


"It looks like you fell asleep on your folder."


Again, playfully responding as a light hearted stint of laughter fills my, often, cold office environment. How did she know? Unaware of it at the time; it was quite obvious as I had the DOA's logo heavily imprinted upon my right cheek. The culprit of such an imprint: the leather-bound folder in front of me.


All I could do was laugh in return; embarrassed by my crazed look.


"Your apartment is only a few miles away. Why didn't you go home? Do you really have THAT much work ahead of you?"


It was somewhat weird at first, the fact that Sophia knew where I lived; however, that was her job: to constantly stay in the loop & report back to Mr. Tarver when need be. So, in a sense, it was her JOB to be attentive.


I respond gently; sighing in the process.


"This next show is a 'make or break' one for me, Miss Gordon."


"Call me, Sophia."


We locked in a glance for a second; however, my eyes are too raw by this point to really know.


"Okay, Sophia. [slight Pause] I can't mess up with this show. The Network's given me 90 minutes to develop the DOA into an epic, weekly, soap opera; if you will. It has to have this 'movie-like' quality while also abiding by the typical rules set by most Wrestling productions. So, needless to say, we're charting on 'land not yet discovered'."


She smiles; nods her head in the process. Then responds while slightly laughing at the playful absurdity of Greed's rambling.


"Sounds like a steep hill to climb. How about I get you some coffee?"


I nod; smiling to myself as I look down upon the very folder I had recently fallen asleep upon.


"That would be great. Thank you, Sophia."


With that, the slender framed 20'something female slowly shuffled out of the room; playful in her delivery; however, calculated in her business sense. She's really "going places" most believe. She just needs to escape the dreaded 'underworld' of being another's (Mr. Taver) personal servant.


Something we both, funny enough, share in common.




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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow


Diary Note: There are some 'backstage scenarios' with John that are going to start forming from here on out. I'm unaware of when the big 'takeover' will take place within the diary. Pretty soon I would guess; however, I'm not 100%. I'm itching to pull the trigger now but don't want to overshadow what's taking place within the ring as well. With that said, I think the overhaul from a corporate scenario can still work (and take it's own focus) without hurting the overall product on 'the other side of the curtain'.


Also, there are some other situations that will potentially arise with John coming up here, so, there may be more posts than usual between the card for Episode #9 and the actual results? I'm not 100% sure as well on this point. However, I guess what I'm asking for is a little bit of time before the results really get hammered on. This show, being now 90 minutes, will probably take much longer to write/craft. So, the time frame between the card and the results may be a little longer. That being said, This diary could end up falling into the 3rd or 4th page of the thread at some point. Then again, with the new backstage scenarios slowly taking place, there may be a few more posts coming up before the results for Episode #9.


All in all, I hope you're enjoying everything thus far. I plan on turning things, at least right now, slightly back toward a focus on John; as he's been somewhat lost as of late. Just know that there won't be any 'filler' posts in which to simply bump me back up on the forum. If anything, each post that comes forward before the results will be done for a reason; to further some of the corporate/personal storylines forming around John.

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

-Jettstream has really only been a jobber since his debut, though I'd love for him to get it.


Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

-Eyezen getting the win would keep the Totally Supreme/Ota & Narato feud going and I don't think that Mainstream has enough closure in his program with Sparrow to drop it and feud with the tag champs.


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

-Powell gets the underhanded win against his current foe.


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

-Seems to me that some of "All the King's Men" are unaccounted for, and I see them getting involved.


Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

-Sparrow's gonna fall back to the Upper Midcard, and Greg's gonna face Acid.

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

A draw when Jay Chord runs in and attacks them both. No? Oh well.


Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

The Moral Majority pick up another victory for their cause.


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Redemption is good for the soul.


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Sticking by my man Steve Flash.


Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

At one point, I might have thought a draw due to interference by Acid but with Matty going downhill, Greg is going over him to the top.

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<hr color="black">1st Week of July 2010<hr color="black">





A power-shift at Arcadia



BREAKING NEWS: William Tremont, CEO of the Arcadia Network, is stepping down from his post; his son, the ‘rebellious billionaire’ Viktor Tremont, will inherit said position.


It appears that the transfer of power within the Arcadia Network has officially been announced. After months of speculation, 70 year-old William Tremont has accepted a severance package in which to step-down as the network’s overall authority; paving the way for his son, the infamous, Viktor Tremont, to accept the role as the ‘figure-head’ of the Network.


It’s believed that Viktor’s unique flavor for extreme showmanship helps to further the overall narrative set forth by Arcadia: Male-driven entertainment with a chaotic, and sometimes intense, flair for the dramatic.


It has been reported that William will continue to hold a presence as a ‘special aide’ to his son; however, the 42 year-old ‘daredevil’, Viktor, will assume his father’s position by the end of the week.


Little is known whether or not Viktor will make any grand changes to the summer line-up, but with that being said, many expect that he will continue to drive the Arcadia Narrative home; most likely with reckless abandon.


An Arcadia spokesperson has informed us of a press conference set for Thursday of this week; in which, many of these topics will be addressed.


Stay tuned for more information as it comes along.





<hr color="black">NEXT: WHO IS VIKTOR TREMONT?...


"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

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... 1/3 Egotist ...

... 2/3 Insane ...






This is, quite possibly, the best way to describe Viktor Tremont (Vick-tore Tray-mohnt) in the most simplest form. To indulge upon his description will only leave you baffled; questioning why he still stands with us today despite his numerous 'death-defying' moments in life. However, it's this very self-destructive nature that has catapulted his societal persona to the 'heavens'. At least, with the younger generation.


His name is synonymous with the 'dare-devil' mentality that tends to plague most men teetering through life; looking for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to spark a strong sense of purpose from within. It's this constant need for an 'adrenaline rush' that ultimately hovers over these men; awaiting their demise like the grim ReaPeR himself. However, while similar to some in his circumstance, Mr. Tremont's experiences in life have truly set him aside as jaw-droppingly unique.


Growing up in a wealthy family, Viktor was practically given anything he wanted. It was this 'take, take, take' mentality that ultimately pushed the young lad to eventually push the boundaries of what is deemed as acceptable. How does one know when to stop.... When they've never been limited before?


With a thirst for the dramatic, Viktor is widely considered to be 'one-of-a-kind'. A rebellious visionary without any product to call his own at the moment; well, until he took over the Arcadia Network.


Now, many wonder if the Network will be his great masterpiece. Will his insane, life-to-the-extreme, avant-garde approach to life find a way to ultimately re-brand the Arcadia Network? Pushing it's boundaries even farther toward a borderline self-destructive tone? - OR - Will he find the position to be rather dull? Moving on to something new in a matter of a few months?


We will find this answer in time.


However, with that said, here is a general bullet-note view of Viktor Tremont; giving you a great deal of insight toward the man who now 'runs the show' within the Arcadia Network.



* 42; but acts youthful. Hasn’t let age wear him down in the slightest.


* A Bachelor; never married.


* Labeled a ‘Flake’ by some; Viktor is always looking for the ‘next mountain to climb’. So, fears are already running ramped that his Father’s network, Arcadia, will continue to ‘nose-dive’ as Tremont grows tired of the position.


* Live by the mantra: “Caution is for the weak minded.”


* A motocross hobbyist.


* He comes from money as his Father has boat loads; this helped him to never really worry about making ‘ends meet’.


* Without the fear of needing to make money; Viktor lived a life of extreme showmanship: doing crazy things in which to find his ‘next high’.


* Traveled the world; harvested crops with Buddhist monks in Tibet, ran with the bulls in Pamplona, back-packed through Europe at the age of 16, and sky dived in the jungles of Brazil.


* With his dad as an investor; Viktor attempted to spearhead his own energy drink named “Viktor”. It failed miserably; however, it was the first act by the younger Tremont to develop his own ‘personal brand’. Promoting, and marketing, “Viktor” with an extreme sense of ‘dare-devil’ like drama.


* Recently, Viktor was the main developer of the smash Arcadia hit: “Dude… You’re going to get yourself KILLED!”. The show has been on the air for 3 years now & has catapulted in success after Viktor himself began to take part in the action; almost literally killing himself in a ‘stunt-gone-wrong’.


* Said ‘Stunt-gone-wrong’ was a motocross jump in the early 2000’s, Where the younger Tremont viciously crashed his bike upon a botched landing; breaking numerous bones in his body and ultimately wiring his jaw shut. He spent a few months in a hospital bed because of this fall; it’s been dubbed, personally by Viktor, as nothing but a ‘flesh-wound’. Something that many late-night comedians joked about; bringing a new narrative to life that was always underneath it all: that Viktor is simply an ‘idiot’ with a ‘death wish’.


* He’s been seen with several “B-List” celebrities in the tabloids as he’s an active participant in the LA “night scene”; often photographed by various gossip magazines & seemingly always in the news for questionable scenarios.


* A self-proclaimed ‘Fan of Pro Wrestling’, Viktor participated in the SWF’s heralded event, “Awesome Impact”, in 2007; he was planted in the front row in which for Runaway Train to gain a little ‘heel heat’ by pushing the infamous Tremont into the 3rd row with a blatant push. In the end, Tremont went off-script and leapt at Train as he walked away; causing the big-man to suffer from a minor knee injury after hitting the deck. Since then, Richard Eisen, has repeatedly dismissed the ‘rebellious billionaire’ as a “punk”… Vowing that he would never again return to SWF broadcasts for his antics.






"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow


In-Game Perspective: Jensen Tarver will still stand as the "Owner" of the DOA from an in-game perspective (the business hierarchy) as he's the Director of Programming at the Network. With that being said, I plan on creating Viktor Tremont into the database and bringing him on board with the DOA in the next few weeks.


I don't have him written into any storylines really; however, he will play a role in the next month or so. However, don't expect for him to just jump into the set without there really being a reason to do so. In the long-run, he may become an on-screen character but for now he's just going to be more of a 'backstage figure' for John to work with/deal with. To be honest, I'm really excited to write for this guy.


This is what I'm thinking from an in-game stats perspective:


Popularity: B-

Why: He's quite popular for a certain part of the population. Those who don't like him, Still know who he is though as well. I could go higher than this but I don't feel comfy throwing him out there with a big time popularity grade as it may seem a little like cheating down the road. He's gained some popularity in the Pro Wrestling world, as well, by his incident with Runaway Train in 2007.


Charisma: A, Microphone: C+, Acting: C+

Why: He's more charismatic than he is a 'great speaker'. I mean, he's not terrible on the mic, but, he's more so known for being a wildly charismatic guy.


Also, Viktor opens with a 'bitter hatred' relationship between he and Richard Eisen (due to the incident at "Awesome Impact" in 2007). He also will open with a 'strong friendship' with Jensen Tarver as the two work together to develop Arcadia into a strong, underground, TV network. With time, as you'll see in the next few posts, he will have a few 'simmering tension' relationships as well.

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The Press Conference - The Morning of "Rapid Assault"

... HIS Grand Entrance ...



I should have expected it: The insane manor at which he would debut; however, I don’t believe anyone really had a clue. The simple thought of the, now, infamous Viktor Tremont strolling into a traditional press conference appeared to feel too ’grown up’, too ’blatantly boring’, for a man who has lived his entire lifetime on ’the edge’.


You know, The line between insanity and genius.


The thin line between innovation and psychosis.


The practically unseen line of ’extreme sports’ and pure-self-destruction waiting to happen.



The new OWNER of the Arcadia Network


This is Viktor in his most truest form. A rebellious, new-path forging, Egoist with a LOVE for anything ’outside of the box’.


In a sense; A pure ‘showman’.


So, as we all questioned WHY such a press conference would take place out in the fields of an unknown location in Burbank, our answer was given shortly there after:


With the sun beating heavily down upon my face, I slowly became attentive of the situation at hand; hearing a small wave of banter forming within the crowd. After a few seconds passed, I too found myself looking high into the heavens… Wondering what everyone else was looking at; while also attempting to dodge the blinding effects of the Sun.


There he was…


At first it was only a small spec of a figure; free-floating toward the Earth’s crust. However, with time, that small spec became larger, and larger, until it was quite obvious that it was a man sky-diving in our direction.


With his parachute now deployed, Viktor is seen pulling a large, folded, sign out from his back-pack. That sign portraying the Arcadia Logo to the masses.



The #1 Source of 'Extreme Entertainment'


His landing was rather smooth; if you can call speeding toward the Earth ‘smooth’.


After a cackle of assistants are seen freeing him from his chute, A devilishly smiling Tremont is seen strutting his way toward an open microphone; standing before a large Arcadia Logo. It’s here where he bestowed a new edict for the Network; the dawn of a new form of entertainment.


While holding an arrogant grin across his face the entire time; Mr. Tremont made his intentions quite clear… To continue the overall brand of the Arcadia Network as THE #1 Source for Extreme Entertainment. He, personally, had grown tired of the over-produced… the mindless production… of systematic TV programming. While HIS father’s network was strong enough to forge forward with such a product… HE was here to push it even farther.


His words were direct and arrogant; however, there also stood a sense of LOVE for this Network. The network his father built. In a sense, while he may not be qualified to run a network, he still respected what his Father had developed; focused on continuing forward with what William (his father) had constructed.


In the end, He did touch base shortly upon the DOA; citing that WE were the truest example of what the NEW Arcadia will be all about: Insanity, Chaos, and ‘extremely high-paced action’. A ‘personally dubbed Wrestling fan’, Mr. Tremont touched upon the notion that Deadly Overloaded Action was one of his Father’s greatest decisions; a decision that he firmly inspired. Either way, after throwing a few ‘brushback pitches’ in the direction of our competition, He ultimately conveyed a strong message in our favor:




The DOA was here to stay…

Let CHAOS reign Supreme…




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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow


What we've learned:


* Viktor Tremont is the NEW Owner of the Arcadia Network; his position handed down to him by his Father (William Tremont) who stood as the owner previously.


* Viktor's real-world counterparts are those like: Richard Branson or Mark Cuban. Not really stealing from either man; however, cut from that 'same mold'. A 'showman'.


* Viktor is a 'self-proclaimed' Wrestling Fan; heavily influenced his father to develop it's own Wrestling show.


* Viktor's stats (from an in-game perspective) are shown in the following post; however, a new tidbit of info is that he starts with negative relationships with Richard Eisen, Tommy Cornell, and Sam Strong. Why? Well, Eisen's will be the strongest sense of hatred due to the 'botched scenario' during "Awesome Impact" in 2007. With the other two, it simply comes from the fact that he personally called out the DOA's competitors during his press-conference. In a way, sticking up for his TV show and hopefully stimulating some interest from those who haven't watched the program yet.

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Wanted to let you know that I'm only two shows behind and am eating this up. It is really an outstanding piece of work, Eisen.


I'm looking forward to getting in on the predictions next time 'round.




NoNeck!!! It's been forever!


Great to know that you're making the lofty climb up to present time with this project (as I know there's a lot to read. ha). Either way, I'm happy that you're enjoying it thus far. It's been a true labor of love thus far & i'm extremely excited to go forward with some future plans/booking ideas.








Side note: Big OOC post coming late tonight.

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This is an 'OOC' post.

<hr color="black">


A lot has changed, is about to change, and/or will continue to change in this project (and in life) & I wanted to briefly touch on it in an 'OOC' post tonight. First and foremost, this project is 100% going forward without any fears of falling apart. I want to make that totally clear as this is not a big message in which to tell others that this project has already come to a close; because that's simply not true. I LOVE constructing my own version of the Cornellverse through the eyes/perception of John Greed. This DOA project more specifically has become a true labor of love from a writer's perspective as I absolutely love Deadly Overloaded Action. The action, the storylines, the overall theme, is exactly what I would watch if it had a real-world counterpart. So, it's a lot of fun to create a company/product that works for "me". With that said, there's nothing changing as it pertains to the duration of this project as I intend to go forward until the Network pulls the DOA off the air. I hope, for my own sake, that that doesn't happen for quite some time! (That's one of the reasons why I chose Arcadia as I knew I would possibly have a longer shelf life due to their patience. So far, I haven't seen anything regarding them saying that they may 'pull' "Rapid Assault", ultimately killing this project, so, as of right now everything seems "A-Okay".)


Anyways, I wanted to touch on a few subjects (both in-game and general diary info) in which to help guide others into what I'm thinking, why I made a few decisions recently, and what to expect from a time-frame for most results now that "Rapid Assault" has gained an extra 30 minutes each week.


So, here we go....



I. The reason for Viktor Tremont.


I chose to develop a new figure-head of the Network based upon two major reasons: 1) I really wanted to utilize a 'boss' kind of persona that worked with the 'larger than life' mentality brought forth by a Richard Branson and/or Mark Cuban, and 2) to continue to 'flesh out' the Network perspective of this project.


The thought of the Arcadia Network being run by someone like Viktor intrigues me greatly. He's brash, intelligent, crazed, a dare-devil, and someone who thinks 'outside of the box'. With a 'life is short; live life to the fullest' mentality is something that's really interesting as a writer. In a sense, I'm using Cuban and Branson as an initial backdrop; however, with time, I'm sure he'll continue to grow into his own character.


This way, The Arcadia Network feels more 'fleshed out' instead of a bunch of nameless suits outside of Mr. Tarver. There now stands a figure-head to the network who personifies everything that the Arcadia Network stands for. He is the physical personification of the type of programming brought forth; so, needless to say... He'll be an amazing tool to help define the DOA in the long run.


II. Viktor Tremont as an on-screen character.


While there are no major storylines set just yet for Mr. Tremont, My plan is to have him take a 'hands on approach' with his favorite Arcadia Program somewhere down the line. The possibilities are limitless with him at the helm; honestly. It's something that really interests me from a booking perspective as you can certainly bank on things not becoming all that 'formulaic' with Tremont.


With that being said, I'm not going to simply implement him into the show in which to drive up segment grades. Sure, he'll do so naturally with good popularity (B-) and entertainment skills (Charisma: A, Mic & Acting: C+); however, I don't want him to be seen as a crutch. He's more so of an addition; a major part of the Arcadia Storyline that continues to form as John attempts to make the transition into a new industry (TV). Needless to say, Viktor's creation is NOT to simply drive up grades... But rather, to aide in the development of the diary as a whole.


So, with that being said, he will make his debut on "Rapid Assault" at some point. When? I'm not sure. It will have to be within the right scenario, As I'm sure it will go down as a MAJOR moment in DOA history: The day the real 'boss' made his presence known.


III. Where is Roy Edison?


I know not many people are probably really asking this; however, I thought I'd touch on it. I had a great idea for Edison when I first brought him on board (his "learning the ways of Pro Wrestling" storyline that he started with); however, I've grown to become quite bored of him already. Why? He doesn't personify the DOA to me. At first, He was suppose to be this quick and easy draw. However, with time, I've realized that his skill-set isn't perfect for the DOA product. That being said, I don't know if i've 100% given up on him yet... BUT, I'm simply confused at this moment. Where to go from here?


IV. The Guru not showing up on Episode #9.


This is probably not as important to many; however, The Guru will not be making an appearance on Episode #9 as originally promoted. Why? Couldnt' find room for him to be honest. ha. That being said, maybe he could have helped this show as it pretty much fell apart from an in-game perspective....


V. Time-frame for Show Results.


This is where things may change slightly. With an added 30 minutes to each broadcast of "Rapid Assault", that adds somewhere around 5-6 more segments in the show. So, needless to say, that's quite a mountain to climb when you take in how detailed most of these shows are. With that being said, I don't really plan on scaling back very much from the point of description; however, I do plan on shortening the match write-ups for some of the less important bouts? I'll get to that in the next roman numeral though...


Expect most shows to take a little longer now. So there may be wider gaps between the posting of the card and then the results soon there after. This may mean that the project may appear 'dead' at points; however, will most likely just be laying dormant until someone 'bumps' it up with a prediction or feedback. In the meantime, backstage info will come forward in posts as I try to get the results ready for posting.


All in all, It may just take longer I guess is what i'm trying to say. ha.


VI. A change to the layout of the shows?


The actual layout won't change. What I mean here is spending more time on creating segments length based upon how long they are set for in-game. Up until now, I've lost that fact as all segments look like major segments when they may not be? I mean a 2 minute segment shouldn't last as long to read as a 6 minute segment. That's my fault.


Either way, I'm going to do better to write these segments based upon how long they were actually booked for. This will help me out as some of my segments are only booked to be 3 minutes, while others are 5-6. So, those who are only 3 minutes should get 'less focus' in the sense of length of writing as those that are booked much longer. Does that make sense? haha.


I've never been a fan of 'dumbing down' my writing for certain segments based upon how the fans reacted (grades). So, I don't plan on making that change. The way I look at it, It's the Russo effect. I'll book the matches and segments as I want them booked (that makes sense for the DOA) and it's up to the crowd's reaction to see what worked/didn't work. It has nothing to do with how well the segment goes from a writer's perspective... Just, How they perceived it.



All in all, That's my little schpeel. If you read all the way through then thank you. ha. If not, I understand. Chalk it up to the ramblings of a 'mad man'. :D





<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

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III. Where is Roy Edison?


I know not many people are probably really asking this; however, I thought I'd touch on it. I had a great idea for Edison when I first brought him on board (his "learning the ways of Pro Wrestling" storyline that he started with); however, I've grown to become quite bored of him already. Why? He doesn't personify the DOA to me. At first, He was suppose to be this quick and easy draw. However, with time, I've realized that his skill-set isn't perfect for the DOA product. That being said, I don't know if i've 100% given up on him yet... BUT, I'm simply confused at this moment. Where to go from here?


Funny thing is, I was going to ask you this but I could not remember his name and I was to lazy to look it up. I was going to just call him the MMA dude but there are a lot of MMA dudes in the game.


Have you been using him in dark matches?

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IV. The Guru not showing up on Episode #9.


This is probably not as important to many; however, The Guru will not be making an appearance on Episode #9 as originally promoted. Why? Couldnt' find room for him to be honest. ha. That being said, maybe he could have helped this show as it pretty much fell apart from an in-game perspective....



SEE!?! He's saboatoging you already!!! BEWARE THE GURU!!! :p

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Funny thing is, I was going to ask you this but I could not remember his name and I was to lazy to look it up. I was going to just call him the MMA dude but there are a lot of MMA dudes in the game.


Have you been using him in dark matches?


Yea, I've been using him in dark matches; however, not really happy with what I've seen. The big, major, problem that I have with him right now is that he's the perfect 'monster heel'. With that being said, though, the DOA is pretty stock-piled with big-time Heels (Tyler, Acid, Torment, Jay Chord, The Moral Majority, Rayne Man, Teddy Powell, Totally Supreme, etc.). So, it's hard to find room for the guy when I feel like he's just going to be another heel in the mix. ya know? I have a storyline set for him (have been kicking it around for awhile) but can't seem to really give it any time to start seeing how I'm more so focused on these other heels and what programs they are currently working within.


Needless to say, I plan on turning some people babyface in time so I can balance it out a little more. Until then, I can try to force-feed Edison's storyline within the ranks, but, I'm afraid that it will seem overloaded when it comes to focus on my Heels.


More thinking I guess...


I forgot about Roy Edison, and it seems the Network seems to, as well. Didn't they push Greed to use him more in the beginning? Now look at what they are pushing.... :p


I would guess that you mean Matty Sparrow? ;)


Yea, The Network was heavily in his corner from day-one as they promoted a small documentary on his transition from MMA to Pro Wrestling. Sadly enough, with time, even they can see the problem that lies with Edison: He's not a TRUE DOA superstar. He's different; however, that's what makes him cool I guess. There are certainly some areas that he could fit into... Just need to find a way to get him into those; realistically.


As for the Network... He was a passing trend. With time, Trends always come to change. :D


SEE!?! He's saboatoging you already!!! BEWARE THE GURU!!! :p


HA! :eek:


I never saw it coming. Your prophecy is already on its path to being true. haha. I really wanted to get him into this card; however, as I booked the show, I felt like I was spending too much time on people who weren't involved in the night and less on the people who actually had matches. It felt like the matches were just a sideshow.... So, I gave more time to those who were participating in competition. Building up their matches for the night & elongating storylines with their actions outside of the ring.

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Enjoyed Tremont's little introduction Eisen. Can't wait to see if and when he turns up on Rapid Assault.


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

I've always seen Funk as a sort of upper midcarder, whereas Jettstream is more of an opener.

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

It is OTA. Simple!

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

I'm probably wrong, but you made Powell out to look a little weaker than Dorado in their last match.

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Vicious lost last time so he's due another win, although I fully expect to be wrong on this one too!

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

Black's going to the top and unfortunately for Sparrow, he's on his way down.

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Status Update for Episode #9


I know, No one may be calling for an actual update on the upcoming episode of "Rapid Assault"; however, I felt like I should brief those who are waiting for such a post.


I booked the show and now am in the process of fleshing out the results. To be honest, I took some much needed time off in the last week to 're-charge my batteries' and I'm really happy that I did so. With the added 30 minutes per show it really forces me to put a lot more effort from a writing perspective, so, the task can be quite daunting. With that being said; however, I'm pretty happy with how it's come out thus far. I'm attempting to be more 'to the point' when it comes to my writing style. Not really stripping anything away but, more or less, making it an easier read for those who don't want to cycle through a wall of text. Then again, The write-up still feels somewhat the same so maybe nothing has really changed in that standpoint? I'm not sure.


Here are some things I learned while booking/writing Episode #9:


+ The in-game grades are not really 'amazing'. I think during this episode I've finally found who deserves to be where on the card. So, luckily, while the grades don't reflect how great of a show it felt like in my head.... I'm ultimately pretty happy with what I've learned.


+ I personally enjoy writing for the DOA characters. The storylines that are forging ahead are really riveting for me as a writer!


+ Writing a 90 minute episode takes FAR MORE focus than writing a simple 60 minute episode. Needless to say, That's why I've found time to go MIA a little in which to not feel 'overrun'. I've found if I start to look at a diary like it's a 'job' more so than anything then that's where it has potential to die. Why? I'm not getting paid for this job. ha.


All in all, I Just wanted to give those look for the results of Episode #9 something to 'chew on'.


Hope you're looking forward to the show!





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I wouldn't worry about the grades for the show. In fact I would not even list them if I were you. The fact of the matter is that your great writing is what matters. Much like PSW were Larry Wood and others would give you horrible ratings, it did not matter. Why because you writing took what was an E+ in game match and turned it into an A+ written match. Just my two cents for what it is worth.


Oh and you have never gotten a 2 rating in any of your matches or segments. Right? Well I have, and yes it is funny but it sucks as well...

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Take your time to get recharged Eisen-verse. When the show goes up it goes up. You have your readers here and I doubt a lengthier writing process will lose them. I agree with BHK too as your grades are fun to look at but they're not the be all end all. You're a great writer and it shows.
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