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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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While I don't think you posted your exact product, which is fine, I've tried to sign Mikey D (as you have him, I forget his real last name) in a few companies already and he's generally too conservative. Given the nature of DOA, I'm surpised you got him.
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I am glad my suggestion to you made the final roster! Long live Ted Brady!!! Its cool that good old bitter Ted is finally seeing some love in a diary, even if he ends up being a jobber.


Also, I love the new and improved Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell. I will be interested on how much he has changed since PSW.


Good to see Roy Edison in there as well, I have a feeling that we will see great things come from him.


Finally, I am glad to see so many CZCW wrestler's! That is one of my favorite promotions so I am glad to see so many of them showing up here.

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This is going to be fun ride EV. I hope Greed's addictions don't come back to hurt him. Would be interesting to see if any of the other prospective bookers throw some flies in the ointment down the line.




It certainly is shaping up to be a rollercoaster.... Cranking upward... Unaware of what could be on the otherside, however, excited as you have an idea of where it could go. All in all, The product... The initial Cast.... The backstage scenario for Greed.... It's all very, very, fun to write thus far! So, as each post goes by, I find myself better understanding what I'm doing with this one.


It took a good while before I really hit my stride with PSW, so, I'm expecting that with this project as well. With that being said, however, I'm probably more excited starting this project than I was when I first started the PSW one as I know what to expect with this one (from a realistic writing perspective).



Enjoying this so far. Love how the executive talks about hyping it up using different techniques (obviously!!!). Good slow build so far. It must be awfully tempting just to jump into the shows, but I like this approach as it rounds out the story quite nicely.


It truly has been a hard process by not just jumping into the first show. That being said, I too have been enjoying the slow build... As it gives the backstory enough weight in which to move forward seamlessly. The more the reader can understand about Greed and his current situation, as well as the company as a whole, the better chance they have at visualizing as we go forward!


As for the different promotional techniques, I'll be tackling that in my post following my next one. A bit of fun, however, also something to prove why it's justified to start the company out at a "Cult" level as I have a powerhouse marketing machine behind me and DOA.



While I don't think you posted your exact product, which is fine, I've tried to sign Mikey D (as you have him, I forget his real last name) in a few companies already and he's generally too conservative. Given the nature of DOA, I'm surpised you got him.


To be honest, The DOA's creation has been done through the editor as my in-game won't have it's first show til May. I didn't know if the computer would let me build a roster over that time if I was suppose to be running a TV show, so, I decided to jump the data up to a May start date and just create the company via the editor. I'm sure, as the first season comes to a close, I'll have people who will not re-sign because they are un-happy with the risk that comes with the company. That being said, I would expect that (with my roster) these wrestlers may take a chance on something slightly more crazy if they feel like it may be their last chance, or only chance, at Wrestling Fame.


I am glad my suggestion to you made the final roster! Long live Ted Brady!!! Its cool that good old bitter Ted is finally seeing some love in a diary, even if he ends up being a jobber.


Also, I love the new and improved Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell. I will be interested on how much he has changed since PSW.


Good to see Roy Edison in there as well, I have a feeling that we will see great things come from him.


Finally, I am glad to see so many CZCW wrestler's! That is one of my favorite promotions so I am glad to see so many of them showing up here.


How could I not sign Ted Brady? haha ;) Much like Eric Tyler, He's going to stand as the ultimate "geezer" looking to slow-down the momentum of the Next Generation. As a writer, His jaded-ness intrigues me greatly... So, while he may not win a lot of matches (not really sure about that yet), He will certainly have a front-center character in a way!


Teddy's "Redeem Thee" persona is going to be, so far, my favorite character to write for. It's a play off of what he was in PSW, however, slightly more amped up. Not so much the "Lie, Cheating, and Stealing" mentality but more of the pissed off, How have you overlooked me? kind of way. Didn't jhd1 do an amazing job at the alt render? True artwork there.


As for Roy, He's going to stand as a big part of the picture as well as he ties in our connection with the MMA audience. That will certainly be hyped straight out of the gate. All in all, He looks like someone I would write for in a typical diary, so, I'm exicted to ease off the brakes with him & see where he goes.


You got a reader in me. As long as you, TK, and BigPapa make diaries for this addition of TEW.. than hell, I don't even have to make one to stay entertained.


Wow, Thank you so much! You've placed me in such great company that I don't know whether or not to apologize to BigPapa and TK or come away feeling like a legit writer here. ha. :) Either way, I'm honored that you think of my work that highly.

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Wrestling Legend gets grumpy with Arcadia

Posted Feb 5th 2010 12:10AM by TMC Staff







It appears that Pro Wrestling Legend, and current owner of United States Pro Wrestling , Sam Strong has shown signs of becoming increasingly grumpy toward Cable-TV juggernaut The Arcadia Network. While some have accredited such rage to a sense of senile-furry, Others have uncovered what appears to be the REAL truth.


The Arcadia Network has recently announced the development of their own Wrestling Promotion entitled Deadly Overloaded Action in an attempt to rev up viewer ship with their demographic base (18-35 year old Males). The original project is said to be an “attack on the Traditional Wrestling bore-fest that we’ve all come to despise”. Needless to say, someone like Sam Strong would have a lot to lose if DOA ends up with a successful reign in popular culture.


Recently, following a taping of the USPW’s weekly Television Event, Sam Strong was heard spewing-forth a tirade that would make even the grumpiest of old men cringe with empathy.


In a sense, Strong tells DOA and Arcadia Network to “get off of his lawn”…




[Just then a voice peers over all as Sam closes a short conversation with a grouping of fans. Meanwhile, still signing various forms of merchandise in the process.]


Random Voice: Mr. Strong…. Strong…. What do you think about DOA?


[A sly smirk forms on the Living Legend’s face as he continues to sign autographs.]


Random Voice: Are you afraid of what their impact could mean for USPW?


[sam Strong laughs to himself, looking up at where he believes the random voice came from. Again, still signing merchandise in the process, however, finally catching the bait.]


Sam Strong: We aren’t afraid of anyone. The Arcadia Network appeals to an entirely different kind of base than the average USPW viewer. They can blow things up, bloody each other, even leap from the tops of buildings for all I care…. [Laughs] They have nothing on us.


Random Voice: So, you don’t feel any sense of competition now that there is a “new kid on the block”?


[sam finishes up with his last autograph and is ushered away by a few company-employed security members. However, before he could entirely leave the scene he spins around with a confident smile on his face… Proclaiming these final words.]


Sam Strong: The Arcadia Network is a haven for degenerates and a**holes. Whatever they put together will almost certainly fall apart…. Just like every other form of original programming they’ve attempted in the last 5 years. What are they called? Isn’t it like the “Gravediggers of TV”? [Laughs] I’m not afraid in the slightest.


[With that Sam Strong disappears from the scene]




<hr color="black">NEXT: THE FINAL DETAILS ARE GIVEN...

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Late April 2010

... Guerrilla Marketing ...




“Sam Strong doesn’t appear to be happy about our operations here….”


Mr. Tarver opened with a light-hearted joke as he freely slid through my office door. A sly smirk is all that is seen upon his face as he twists his neck slightly, sending the sound of a single crack resonating through the room, slowly leaning his body against a nearby glass windowpane overlooking the office area. Jensen, and I, had grown to work quite well with each other; a stark contrast to my days with Mitch [Naess] in Pittsburgh. However, I wasn’t and idiot. I knew that the winds of change could come roaring like a overwhelming tide if I didn’t hold up my end of the bargain…. Ratings….


“I don’t believe Sam likes much that isn’t positively connected with USPW these days…”


I laughed slightly, pushing myself away slightly from my desk, however, still seated upon the very chair that could also dub as my apartment since I tend to spend more time here than there…. A small price for a position that actually pays me a steady income. Again, a stark contrast to my days in Pittsburgh.


“Well, either way…. Any press is good press. Right?”


And there lies something that is most telling about Mr. Tarver, Then again the same could be said about the Arcadia TV Network as a whole. To them, The infamous line “Any press is good press” is truly a statement they believe deep within their bones.


Your top TV actor was caught with a prostitute? Great! That way you can spin it that he was looking for a release following a hard days work on the HIT Arcadia TV Show - “Dude, You’re bleeding”.


Another bad-break-up between your top female actor and another celebrity? Amazing! There’s no time for personal-pride…. Shove her out in front of the cameras! Hopefully she will cry at some point & the cameras will pick it up while she’s wearing a T-shirt of the show she’s on.


In all honesty, This was there way about everything. Marketing themselves, their stars, their overall product was something that took on a life of its own….. Often overstepping the bounds of what people thought were “acceptable” in which to get the word out. Then again, that was the nature of the beast with Arcadia. They were in the business of money, ratings, and… dare I say… Sex. So, whatever they could do to pull in their demographic….They did it….. And it was NO different with the DOA project….


Between the months of January (when the project was solidified) and April (the month before our first show would air), The Marketing executives were working quadruple-time trying to generate some sense of buzz for DOA. It felt like, almost, every week they would ask if I had an updated roster so that they could…. And I quote… “Wh*re the hell out of them, so, We could get out ahead”….


And “Wh*re them out” they did….


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” was a guest on a popular late-night Arcadia TV Show - “Pillow Talk”.


Teddy Powell appeared on the prime-time smash-hit for the Arcadia Network - “Sick INK”.


The former TCW Tag-Team, “The Fly Boys”, were seen throughout the Arcadia Network’s coverage of “Spring Break 2010”.


Daredevil, and all-around “Man with a Death Wish”, Jettstream was a special guest on the underground cult-classic on Arcadia - “Are you Stupid? You’re going to get yourself KILLED!”.


The Arcadia Network developed, shot footage, and presented a One-Night Special Documentary of Roy Edison’s transition from MMA to Pro Wrestling.


And Finally, Cannonball Funk was one of the most-talked-about auditions on CBA’s musical Juggernaut - “America’s Superstar Search”. In this case, Sam Pratt wasn’t all that excited about portraying himself as an absolute fool in front of millions of viewers, however, when the Network tells you to do something… You do it!


There was no escaping the overwhelming grasp of the Network. If they wanted you to jump through a hoop of fire…. You were forced to do so. Then again, some within the DOA ranks understood that such a scenario would ultimately bode well for the company they are now employed with. If we were going to, somehow, compete with “the Big Boys” we would FIRST…. Have to generate enough consistent viewers to call ourselves Relevant.


While it may sound rather degrading…. It was a honest, and true, form of Guerrilla Marketing at its best. Also, it wasn’t like this was the ONLY way we were conveying our message to watch our programming. There was the classic TV spots, full length commercials, and “shout-outs” on various other Arcadia TV shows. However, It’s the “out-of-the-box” Marketing that was seeming to really take hold…..


… And take hold it certainly did …


We were now, only, a week away from our first Televised broadcast & it appears that our demographic was hyped, and ready, for exactly what were selling. Our weekly broadcast, DOA “Rapid Assault”, was set for an hour at the start of the “Late-Night” Time-slot. I was assured, by Mr. Tarver himself, that if we proved to show a strong consistent showing that we MAY be able to lengthen the show at a later date…. However, that would possibly not happen until toward the end of our First Season (May of 2011). Either way, the marketing campaign had worked…. We were inches away from the starting line…. Ready to sprint straight out of the gate…. With a rabid, hungry, following that was eager for something new…. Something…. Defiant.






What we Learned:

* The DOA is at a "Cult" Level. (44% Popularity in the U.S. = a "D-")

* The prestige level is set at a "E+".

* The momentum level is set at a "C+". (Due to Marketing for 4 Months)

* "Rapid Assault" is the name of the 1 hour weekly TV Show for the DOA.

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A little update - I had an issue that deleted all the changes I made to my database, in a sense taking me back to the original database. So, with that being said, all the work I put into crafting DOA and it's roster was lost. While it's frustrating, I plan on re-creating everything, however, wanted to let everyone know as it may take a little bit before I post the first card now. I'll have time coming up here but I'm not totally sure when It'll all be done? I'm guessing the first card will hit sometime next week as it's going to take a bit to make sure that everything was recovered.


It's at times like this that I wish I would have just tackled a company already in the database, however, the whole TV Network/New look on wrestling/Modern Company thing that pulled me out of my "self-declared retirement". So, I guess, as I get everything done you'll see this start back up.





UPDATE: I have to reinstall the game tonight which, will in turn, set me back a little bit later. So, I'm thinking the first card will be up and running by mid of next week? Hopefully no one passes on this project if it takes a little bit to get everything back in full swing.


** Also, under an idea given to me by jhd1, "Cast Contracts" will be shortened from 12 months to 6 months. They will also switch from "PPA" agreements to "Written" agreements as it will better simulate a Season. So, Season 1 of "DOA" will be set from May 2010 (when the game starts for me) to October 2010. This will set "Season 2" from November 2010 to April 2011. This, I feel, will be a better way to truly simulate a real "Season Cycle" versus going an entire year just to finish up Season 1.

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Also, under an idea given to me by jhd1, "Cast Contracts" will be shortened from 12 months to 6 months. They will also switch from "PPA" agreements to "Written" agreements as it will better simulate a Season. So, Season 1 of "DOA" will be set from May 2010 (when the game starts for me) to October 2010


Shortening the contracts is no big deal, although there may be some issues if the game considers those as short term contracts and the wrestlers balk. If so, then it may be hard to sign or renew anyone for season two.


And as for setting the contracts to written, while for scenario purposes it makes sense as it would be believeable to have the networks get exclusive deals with their talent, you can miss out on some drama you could use for your 'episodic weekly shows' like 'Contracts have been offered by another promotion, who will stay and who will go?' Tune in next week to find out on 'DOA Rapid Assault!'


Ideally it would probably benefit you to run a test game to see what effects these changes would have, but I know that once the creative bug hits and you start getting stuff written down, you want to run with it. That's part of the reason my David Mack chronicles came back so quickly. I had an idea, started getting some thoughts on backstory and storylines, and next thing you know,I am posting a new dynasty. :D

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Shortening the contracts is no big deal, although there may be some issues if the game considers those as short term contracts and the wrestlers balk. If so, then it may be hard to sign or renew anyone for season two.


And as for setting the contracts to written, while for scenario purposes it makes sense as it would be believeable to have the networks get exclusive deals with their talent, you can miss out on some drama you could use for your 'episodic weekly shows' like 'Contracts have been offered by another promotion, who will stay and who will go?' Tune in next week to find out on 'DOA Rapid Assault!'


Ideally it would probably benefit you to run a test game to see what effects these changes would have, but I know that once the creative bug hits and you start getting stuff written down, you want to run with it. That's part of the reason my David Mack chronicles came back so quickly. I had an idea, started getting some thoughts on backstory and storylines, and next thing you know,I am posting a new dynasty. :D


I think, while I like the idea of "Who may not be here next week?", I think I may still go with a written contract of 6 months as that seems quite realistic as to what would happen in real life if a TV Network were hiring out people versus just a sole governing company. Especially with the fact that I've tried to change the overall feel of this diary versus a typical wrestling one as it's coming from a different place (ie: A Network).


That being said, I'm going to start the process of uninstall and reinstalling tonight and should have everything back up and running soon. However, I 100% agree with the whole thing about jumping into a new diary rather soon. ha. I wasn't expecting of doing one what so ever, or even buying the new game for all that matter, when it first came out. BUT, as I began to find an interest in a specific story (ie: working for a Network) and saw how things would be different.... It all started running through my head to the point where I couldn't stop myself from going forward this soon. ha.


Needless to say, now that I've pushed through all the backstory information... It's probably a good place, if there was one, to have to take a small second to re-get-my-data-back. As, now, the next post that I can put forward will be an actual card that will move into a different part of the diary (now fusing in the actual in-game booking).


All in all, Thanks for your comments thus far Dragonmack. I've enjoyed your previous work, so, it's always nice to "rub elbows" with someone you respect.



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I was able to solve a few problems as it pertains to my TEW game, so, needless to say... The first official card for DOA "Rapid Assault" will come tomorrow night! That being said, I wanted to post the in-game details about this DOA project & what you can expect from an "Inner Circle" perspective.





Deadly Overloaded Action


Basic Information:


Company Size & Popularity: Cult (44% across the U.S. except for Hawaii is set at 38% and Puerto Rico is at 35%).

Reason: As the back story states, The Arcadia Network spent from January of 2010 to April of 2010 hyping the debut of the DOA. So, having a marketing machine behind you would almost certainly help your name get out there (especially see some of the appearances made by specific wrestlers a few posts back). At a popularity level of 44%, That's just on the cuff of "Cult" (D- in grade), so, it's not like they're a massive powerhouse as they are still WAY behind USPW.


Location of DOA Operations: Los Angeles, CA

Company Momentum: C+

Company Prestige: E+

Promotion Rank: 7th

Starting Capital: $500,000

Owner: Head of Arcadia Programming, Jensen Tarver


DOA Product:


Key-Feature: Modern

Heavy: Cult and Risque

Medium: Realism, Mainstream, Daredevil


DOA Contracts:


I've decided to leave all DOA contracts set at PPA agreements as I didn't want to disturb any of their original contracts (most with CZCW and PSW). That being said, I have shortened each contract at the start to last for 6 months as this will simulate "Season #1" for the DOA (From May 2010 to October 2010, Season #2 starting in November of 2010). When the first season is up, The entire "Cast" will be reviewed as to who will return for the 2nd Season.


With each contract set at PPA, There is a chance that people will be stolen away from me during mid-season. However, as you know with my PSW diary, I'm not overly afraid of such a thing happening. Even those "at the top" are replaceable (and I have back-up storyline plans just in case they do leave).


All in all, This company will be run rather different as it's being set more to a TV Schedule, and guidelines, versus a typical Wrestling company.






DOA's TV Show:


Location of TV Show Operations: A Sound Stage on the Arcadia TV Lot; Los Angeles, CA

The Night it Airs: Thursday

Time-Slot: Late Evening

Is it Live?: No

Run-Time: 1 HOUR

Match/Angle Ratio: 70%




Ultimately, Why Should I read this? Good question, especially as there are some great diaries making their rounds thus far. Well, If you like a mixture of gritty characters... Crazy Characters... Sex, Violence, and Rock-n-Roll mentality all wrapped into a high-paced environment... Then this may be the diary for you!


The reason I "came out of retirement" was because I felt there was a unique story to tell here. Sure, John Greed's continued evolution is my main focus, however, the ability to tell a story never really seen before in TEW-terms was very intriguing. I plan on trying to tackle this diary differently than your typical "Wrestling Promotion based diaries". What that means is... DOA is run by a Network... Not an overbearing wrestling promoter... so, in turn, there will be different situations that will arise. I want to, ultimately, create a vibe as if you were on the inside of a real TV studio attempting to make Wrestling, and broadcast, History!


The terminology will be slightly different. The characters interactions will be slightly different. Hell, even how news is tackled will be slightly different as it bends between Mainstream Media attention & John Greed's perception of it all.


All in all, I hope I have you as a reader going forward! This diary may not move as fast as my PSW did as I now have a lot more on my plate. however, if you stick with me... It should be one hell of a ride!



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The reason I "came out of retirement" was because I felt there was a unique story to tell here.


That was a retirement? It only lasted like four months!:D I think you were taking a sabbatical. Because if not then you are the Brett Favre of diary writers!:D

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That was a retirement? It only lasted like four months!:D I think you were taking a sabbatical. Because if not then you are the Brett Favre of diary writers!:D


HAHA! No, then I would have to do this 3 or 4 times in a row. jk. I'm a Favre fan, what can I say? ;) I guess he rubbed off on me.

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Ultimately, Why Should I read this? Good question, especially as there are some great diaries making their rounds thus far. Well, If you like a mixture of gritty characters... Crazy Characters... Sex, Violence, and Rock-n-Roll mentality all wrapped into a high-paced environment... Then this may be the diary for you!


I'll be reading this, bookmarked. :)

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Series Premiere!

Episode #1

Thursday, 1st week of May 2010


The most chaotic, athletically grueling, death-defying form of Pro Wrestling is coming straight into your home this week, Thursday, on the Series Premiere of DOA "Rapid Assault". No one will be safe.... Everyone may leave via an ambulance.... and Some, May never be the same again.... However, ALL DOA competitors will gain your absolute respect as they wage war with one another, putting their lives at risk, all for one momentous collective prize.... To usher in a New Era in Pro Wrestling... An Era of limitless possibilities... An Era... of Deadly... Overloaded... Action!




Jettstream vs. Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious

Singles Match


The opening match of the night will certainly stand as a true testament to what to expect here in the DOA as the “man with a blatant death wish”, and all-around human-cyclone, Jettstream is set to take on the ultra-aggressive, sadistically violent, Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious in an epic one-on-one altercation. Can the masked high flier find a way to utilize his circus-like aerial act to overwhelm his oponnent OR will his luck run short as the grunge-based street fighter beats him into a bloody pulp? Either way, the opening match of the night is set to be a truly awe-inspiring scenario.



Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Singles Match


Fresh off of his fearless audition for the CBA network smash-hit, “American Superstar Search”, Cannonball Funk looks to further his public persona by walking away with an undefeated record in the DOA this Thursday. However, before he can do so, the fun-loving Funk-performer will have to overcome one of the greatest, and most menacing, figures in Pro Wrestling today… The former MMA-Stand-out, Roy Edison. It’s time to see whether or not Cannonball Funk can do more than just gyrate, scream in a growling tone, and sing with his signature raspy delivery. All in all, if he’s unable to show any sense of toughness between the ropes then it’s pretty much a fore-gone-conclusion that the debuting, Roy Edison, will make quick work of the charismatic entertainer.




The DOA Death-Defying Duo Championship Match

Match TBA


While little is known as to what will actually take place in the first ever Championship match in DOA history…. One thing is for certain… Two men will walk away as the inaugural Death-Defying Duo Champions! Who will prevail? Who is even being considered as potential competitors? With so many questions left unanswered…. This Thursday’s Episode of “Rapid Assault” is shaping up to be a truly chaotic event.




Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado

Singles Match


In the very first Main Event in “Rapid Assault” history, The “Indy-Wrestling Legend” Steve Flash will square off against the “Latino Lightning Bolt”, El Dragón Dorado, in what ‘s set to be a major one-on-one affair. Whispers coming from within DOA headquarters have labeled the Main Event as a potential preview as to who could via for the DOA Championship at a later date. With that being said, and with such high hopes placed in each competitors corner, who will make the first BIG splash on route to the top prize in the DOA?





And, Finally, we will hear from the designated "Voice" of Deadly Overloaded Action as it pertains to the crowning of the FIRST EVER DOA Champion. This, and much-much more, will come to pass this WEEK on the Series Premiere of DOA..."Rapid Assault"!




<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado

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Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

This one could go either way, but the red haired 'Vicious' has the higher ceiling.


Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

The style would seem to favor Cannonball, but Edison and his mma is there for a reason, so I see an upset here.


Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado

Flash is god, but the repackaged Dragon could be your major star.

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