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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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D.I.F.H. are actually one of WSX's great legacys in the wrestling world. The pairing of Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs was genius. During their entrance the lights would go down a bit before DIFH came out and Jimmy would be waving his cell phone in the air (when it was lit up it was kinda cool). During their matches Jacobs would hit more technical style mores while Black would be far more hard hitting (because he hates his parents so damn much!). Jacobs would encourage Black to be more gentle while Black would rage out. The commentators would also talk about how many girls were Jacobs friends on myspace and his love of sibbing vodka in the park. It was all great stuff.


In fact the team had such chemisty Jimmy would use his RoH connects to bring DIFH to Ring of Honor as Age of the Fall; an hardcore emo-ish Anarchist (far more aggressive than DIFH, probably because they were heels now) group which became very successful there too, they won the ROH Tag belts, before splitting up and feuding setting Black a road that last week won him the RoH World Championship (Only the 12th Champion in 8 years)




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D.I.F.H. (Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black) stood for Doing It For Her. They were promoted as being "emo" or "scene" and Tyler Black was pushed as being "intense" while Jimmy Jacobs was "sensative." I'd say its kinda similar to the "Teen Idol" gimmick in the default data modified slightly.


Also, if you've been watching WSX online somewhere, could you tell me where? I was a huge fan back in the day, but I had to watch online because I didn't really have cable.


Their DVD is for sale at Best Buy I think. I paid $20 for it. Really interesting stuff honestly.


- Sonfaro

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Wow, I'm sorry I have been so busy with my own mess that I missed this gem. I really love the perspective... it feels very fresh and lively to me. I am almost caught up with it, but I love it so far. Great :D


Thank you, Yuu Onuki! :D


With this project, even more so than PSW, I'm really trying to tackle the situation as a whole. Not just John Greed's failings of an addict. Sure, that will still probably peek its ugly head. However, this project is more so from within the rigid Network framework. It's been a joy to write thus far & I've finished booking the 2nd show.... So, If you're caught up, The next shows results should be up sometime by the middle of this week!!



D.I.F.H. (Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black) stood for Doing It For Her. They were promoted as being "emo" or "scene" and Tyler Black was pushed as being "intense" while Jimmy Jacobs was "sensitive." I'd say its kinda similar to the "Teen Idol" gimmick in the default data modified slightly.


Also, if you've been watching WSX online somewhere, could you tell me where? I was a huge fan back in the day, but I had to watch online because I didn't really have cable.


From you, and Celt's description, of D.I.F.H, I can't believe I forgot about these guys. ha. I love the gimmick & may do a formulation of it at some point? Then again, it'd have to take some tweaking so I wasn't outright stealing their gimmick. ya know? Right now (While they don't have a big cameo in the next show) "Moral Majority" is kind of my strong gimmick tag team... With another one on the way in the 2nd show. ;)


As for WSX footage, I actually found a lot of it on Youtube. Not full shows but just segments and matches; best ofs, etc. I hope that helps as it's a great collection of footage to watch.... Totally a huge influence on what i'm trying to convey with DOA.



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Jettstream vs. El Dragón Dorado

EDD was in the main event last time and Jettstream is (at least for now) a jobber to the stars.


Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" vs. Fox Mask

Picked based on his name alone, LOL.


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Fly Boys

Forgone conclusion with Jimmy P leaving and TE just now winning the titles last show.


Acid vs. Cannonball Funk vs. Johnny Vicious

I know you gotta thing for Acid (as evidenced by his streak in your XWA diary).

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Jettstream vs. El Dragón Dorado

Dragon will be great, but I think he falls short here.


Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" vs. Fox Mask

Have to go with the majority here


The Tokyo Express © vs. The Fly Boys

Fly boys are in a state flux now


Acid vs. Cannonball Funk vs. Johnny Vicious

I think Acid is the hot commodity ATM

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Episode #2

Title: "… The Invasion ascends from on High … "





Acid, Cannonball Funk, and Johnny Vicious

… Hype Video …


[The initial moments of this weeks episode of “Rapid Assault” conveys a narrative through video as to what happened on LAST WEEK’S Broadcast. The said video carries an “out of control”-like vibe as a popular cult rock-theme blares in the background; meanwhile, the video footage seen shows a collection of lasting images from the victories of Acid, Cannonball Funk, and Johnny Vicious on the series premiere of “Rapid Assault“. All in all, The short hype video is used to shape an overall tone that the three men meeting in our main event tonight had won hard-fought battles only a week ago: Right here in the “Dungeon”.]


Grade: D


Davis Detterich: Hello everybod-ay and WELCOME to DOA “R-r-r-rapid Assault”! I’m Davis Detterich, along side my partner in crime John Greed, and we’ve got one hell of a show planned for you here tonight!

John Greed: That’s right, Davis. In tonight’s Main Event, We have three men who can realistically say that they are undefeated here in the DOA; however, who will be able to make that claim following their match tonight? Will it be Acid, Cannonball Funk, or Johnny Vicious that will walk away as the SOLE undefeated superstar here in the “Dungeon”? Only time will tell…

Davis Detterich: It’s certainly set to be a deadly three-way affair! Also, we have the Death-Defying Duo Championship on the line as the newly crowned champs themselves, The Tokyo Express, face off against the very men they defeated to win the titles last week, The Fly Boys, here tonight!

John Greed: Do the Fly Boys have what it takes to rip the Death-Defying Duo Championship away from The Tokyo Express only 7 days after they obtained the belts? I guess there’s no telling thus far; however, I’m sure we’re set up for another classic bout between these two established tandems.

Davis Detterich: This and much… much more… On the only Weekly TV show that can bring you the kind of fast-paced, hard-hitting, controversial action that you crave!! DOA “Rapid Assault”!!




Eric Tyler

… Relaying HIS expectations …



… I deserve… Your… Respect! …


[The energetic, and often extremely vocal, DOA fan base quickly showers the “Voice of Reason” with a heavy chorus of boo’s as the grizzled veteran slowly appears through the “Dungeon Gateway”. The look of absolute disdain practically oozes from his entire body as the Wrestling Legend appears to be quite annoyed with those in attendance already; glaring at them as if he were a short-tempered professor standing before his students.]


[His overall image, while quite professional in terms of dress, continues to perpetuate the narrative that he’s “A fish out of water” here in the DOA. Why? He stands for everything that the DOA is not. Physically slow, aged, grumpy, set in his ways, and a true believer of Traditional values within the industry (evident in his long-time persona within DaVE). It’s this distinction that truly displays his worth as a character within the DOA as Mr. Tyler can easily show what the company is all about just by showing his contrasting views.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: I know a lot of you would rather that I stayed in the back. [Cheap pop from the crowd] I’ve been briefed of your reviews online & it’s quite telling of the process of this countries continued descent into absolute stupidity. You all want your programming to be a short as possible. That way you can fit it onto your phones, watch it on your computers, and ultimately only pay attention when someone “takes a dive”. THIS… Exactly THIS is what’s wrong with the modern wrestling fan. You don’t care about in-depth development. You don’t care about properly setting up an event. No, you want everything to be instantaneous and if it’s not… You instantly turn away like some mindless primate in need of another toy.


[Another heavy chorus of boo’s fill the DOA “Dungeon” as Mr. Tyler simply pushes forward with his agenda. Not giving the DOA fan base any room to enjoy their ability to show their hatred for the grizzled veteran.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: You can boo all you want… But it’s the truth. [slight Pause] You see, As long as I have the ability to stand above the rest and act as the “Voice of Reason” to the Network; This company will be run with a heavy hand & an emphasis on respecting the tradition of our trade. I will not STAND for the utter destruction of this industry… An industry I helped to build! Instead, I will see to it that only those who actually deserve to be on top… Will find their rightful place atop the DOA. That doesn’t only mean wins and losses and their overall ability. You see, You must also carry a sense of respect for the true craft of this “sport”. Without that, without any sense of discipline, and you’ll be nothing more than a show-opener as long as I’m here.


[Mr. Tyler is on the verge of continuing his rant, When all of a sudden he’s interrupted by the blaring sounds of someone else’s theme music.]





Cannonball Funk

… Making his presence known …


[The DOA “Dungeon” erupts at the sight of Cannonball Funk grooving his way through the “Dungeon Gateway” as “The Voice of Reason” drops his head slightly in a show of complete annoyance over what it taking place. He watches on with an “ice cold stair” that could literally kill a small animal as the fan-favorite, Cannonball Funk, gyrates his way down the isle way and into the ring. However, Funk’s typical lengthy arrival into the “Dungeon” is cut quite short as Mr. Tyler takes offense rather soon after he steps through the ring ropes.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: TURN OFF THIS CRAP!!… TURN IT OFF!!


[Funk’s theme music comes to an abrupt close as the fans instantly fill the silence with another resounding chorus of boo’s directed at “The Voice of Reason”. However, this doesn’t seem to phase the elder-statesman at all.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: After 20 years of service in this industry… and 7 World Championships… How the HELL do you think you have the standing to interrupt ME?![Crowd boo’s] This is EXACTLY what I’ve been talking about… Don’t you get it? How am I suppose to trust the Next-Generation of Wrestlers when you’re all a bunch of me… me… me… Buffoons? Where is your respect for your elders? Where is the HONOR that you take in stepping between the ropes with a true Living Legend? Where is the common decency that should be shown to someone of my standing? But NO! You would rather gyrate down the ramp… Entertain these nimrods and throw around a few catchy phrases instead of carrying yourself like a true gentlemen. Isn’t that right?


Cannonball Funk: HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAY!!! [Crowd yells along with him] Ya know man… You gots to settle the f*ck… down! [Dances a little] Ya gotta drop that geezer, “I hate the world”, way of life… And start enjoyin’ yaself! Ya hear me? [Dances again] HHHHHHHHAAAAAY!! [drops down to the splits and back up; spinning around once again]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: What are you? Some sort of clown? Is it your goal to make an absolute fool out of yourself? You wouldn’t have lasted a second in the “good ole’s days”. We had names for people like you… Flashy Losers. [Crowd boo’s again] Dance around a little here, rile up the fans there, and ultimately lose in the end. Why? Because you lack the discipline to really make a difference in between these ropes. Then again, You’re not alone. The rest of your generation appears to be just as inept as you are.


[The crowd boo’s like crazy as Cannonball Funk doesn’t seem to hear a word that’s said to him. How could he? He was practically dancing the entire time Mr. Tyler spoke.]


Cannonball Funk: What’s your beef, playa? You not getting’ any from the misses?


[Funk’s last statement seems to hit a nerve with Mr. Tyler as his demeanor turns from annoyance to an all out sense of hatred for the man before him.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Listen here you jacka**. You’re lucky… amazingly lucky that I hung up my boots a long time ago because if I were still active… You’re body would be in pieces all around this ring.


[The crowd roars into another chorus of boo’s; however, not for what you’re thinking. Sure, Mr. Tyler’s statement is rather forceful in nature but their real display of “heel heat” comes from the fact that Roy Edison has walked through the “Dungeon Gateway” at this point.]



Roy Edison

… Hell-bent on Destruction …


[His focused eyes show the level of intensity raging through the former MMA-star’s body as Roy quickly ascends upon the ringside area; Cannonball Funk not knowing any of this is taking place.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Then again… [Evil smirk] It appears that you’ll be receiving what’s due to you…


[Cannonball Funk looks as if he is confused, not knowing who has just jumped in-between the nearest set of ring ropes, and is quickly floored by a speeding close line from an interfering Roy Edison. Mr. Tyler, sensing that his presence isn’t needed much longer, is seen exiting the ringside area at a leisurely pace. Meanwhile, the former MMA-star is seen ripping into the man who defeated him last week via a DQ when Roy defiantly did not break his submission attempt.]


[in the end, Cannonball Funk is seriously laid out by a brutal attack by Edison. So much so that Funk lays motionless in the middle of the ring following a big-time belly-to-belly suplex off the ropes from Edison. The “Dungeon” crowd fills the arena with the sound of a familiar booing pattern, however, it doesn’t’ seem to register with Edison. Instead, he slowly starts to back away from his victim… Never taking his eyes off of the fallen Funk… However, forming a sadistic smile on his face as if he had tamed the personal demons within through force.]


Grade: D+


John Greed: Rule of the day, Don’t F*ck with Roy Edison…

Davis Detterich: But what did he do to mess with Roy Edison, really? He beat him last week because Edison wouldn’t break his submission attempt? He had the match in the bag but it was his own failings that brought on his loss.

John Greed: Exactly.

Davis Detterich: Exactly, What?

John Greed: Cannonball Funk should have asked the referee to restart that match. He KNOWS that Edison is new to Pro Wrestling & most likely didn’t know the rules set in play. If he were a true competitor then he would have given Roy another chance at setting the match right.

Davis Detterich: Are you kidding me?

John Greed: Eric Tyler was right, It’s people like Funk who make this industry look bad these days. We need a resurgence of honor, pride, and respect within this craft… And Roy Edison gives us exactly that!

Davis Detterich: You’re seriously mental…



Jettstream vs. El Dragón Dorado

Singles Match


The opening match of the night carries an overwhelming tone of “proving oneself” after both Jettstream and El Dragón Dorado fell short of victory last week in the “DOA Dungeon”. It’s with that sense of background knowledge that ultimately uncovers the truth behind the look of desperation in both competitors eyes shortly after the initial bell was rung. Neither man, both seemingly hell-bent on picking up an early pinfall, wanted to fall victim to the other as the overall pace of their bout could be classified as a “never-ending state of motion”; a true testament to the notion of Chain-Wrestling if there ever was one.


In the end; however, El Dragón Dorado’s natural ability to survey oncoming situations with a sense of tranquility ultimately stood as his greatest tool versus such a reckless flier as Jettstream. ‘Stream, looking to catch his opponent off guard with a top rope moonsault (Mind you, While El Dragón Dorado was still standing… yet, dazed), isn’t able to calculate the recovery time of the staggering El Dragón Dorado… As, once Jettstream ascends upon the Mexico-Native, El Dragón Dorado quickly dodges his attacker… Instead, moving slightly to the side as Jettstream lands shockingly on his feet. Despite Jettstream’s athletic prowess, The unsuccessful dive proves to be his ultimate downfall… Giving El Dragón Dorado enough room to slip in and execute his signature, “Las Llamas Mortales” (Twisting Face-Plant Russian Leg Sweep), upon his unsuspecting opponent. This gives way to a standard 3 count in favor of El Dragón Dorado as DOA official, Eugene Williams, charismatically dives to the canvas to deliver a unorthodox proclamation of victory.


El Dragón Dorado defeats Jettstream in 7:36 via “Las Llamas Mortales” (Twisting Face-Plant Russian Leg Sweep)

Grade: D


Davis Ditterich: Two men… Seemingly on two different pathways at this point in their career!

John Greed: I have to say, Jettstream is one hell of a competitor… He has all the tools to be successful here in the DOA; however, until he finds a way to balance his reckless style with a sense of “choosing his shots”… Sadly, He’ll always fall just a maneuver, or two, short of a victory.

Davis Ditterich: Well said, John.

John Greed: [in a mocking tone]… “W-hell Sayd, John”…

Davis Ditterich: Are we going to go through this EVERY single show? OR will you eventually grow up and treat this job with a sense of professionalism?

John Greed: Hm… I’d go with the first choice, Davey… I’ve evaded any sense of adult-like behavior up until now; so, I doubt you’ll be the one to make my try… [Laughs]




Unknown Limo

… Who resides within the Limo? …


[shortly following the impromptu banter between commentary members, John Greed and Davis Detterich, we are now presented the sight of a lonely black limo idling a few feet away from the building entrance of the DOA “Dungeon”. The blazing California sun beams incessantly in the background as the sound of an inquisitive sense of banter between John and Davis begins to take shape.]


Davis Detterich: What’s this all about? Who could be in the Limo? Could it be the “revolutionary figures” from the “Big Two” set to overtake the DOA “Dungeon” here tonight?

John Greed: I have absolutely no idea, Davis. It’s not in our notes from what I can see. Whoever this is seems to be making their own entrance; uninvited if you will.

Davis Detterich: [Muttering to himself] I’ve just been given word from the back that there were 2 men spotted in the back of the limo! It’s been verified by a few sources backstage that these men are indeed… wow… I can’t believe that I’m saying this… But, We’re only minutes away from the two “Top Dogs” in both TCW, and the SWF, making their supposed first-time appearance TOGETHER… Here in the DOA!

John Greed: You’re not saying… Really?… The owners of TCW and the SWF are in THAT limo and on their way into the DOA “Dungeon”? That seems impossible…

Davis Detterich: That’s what I’ve been told, John. I’m just relaying what I’ve been told.

John Greed: Well F*cking-A, Maybe I’ll finally get an answer from “Tricky-Dick” as to why they fired me in 2007. [Laughs]

Davis Detterich: My guess is, with common knowledge of his personality, that you won’t receive such information… He’ll probably just fire you again. [Laughs]

John Greed: Luckily for me, and for the rest of you watching at home, this is the D…O…A! Their power doesn’t stretch into our domain. To me, to this company, they will be nothing more than over glorified outsiders.


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: We’re heading to break… But make sure to stay tuned! The “Top Dogs” of the “Big Two” are only a couple feet away from stepping into the DOA “Dungeon”! This can’t go down good for anyone…




Steve Flash

… Who attacked Steve? …


[A fearful wave of people rush upon the scene as Steve Flash desperately staggers down a deserted backstage hallway of the “Dungeon”. With every step it’s obvious that the respected indy veteran is barely able to shuffle his feet one after the other. Instead, his weakened body looks to potentially collapse upon itself. Ultimately forcing the aged superstar to crash to the cold cement floor below.]


[With paramedics now on sight, Steve attempts to continue his journey. It’s almost as if he’s stuck in a shock-like haze as blood profusely pours from the top of his forehead; dripping onto the floor beneath him like a leaky faucet. Paramedics, once again, attempt to subdue the confused victim as the indy veteran finally collapses into a seated position on the floor. It’s there where the camera first catches glimpse of the large red “R” surrounded by a framing circle on Mr. Flash’s chest. It could be blood or may be paint; however, one thing is for sure: This attack was not a random assault. It had a sense of meaning to it and whatever that was seems to have a tie with the letter “R”.]


Grade: D


Davis Detterich: If you’re a newcomer to the indy wrestling scene then Steve Flash may not look all that impressive; however, this man has single-handedly become the praise of the New York Indy scene for years now. It’s just so sad to see him brutally assaulted in this manor. A man of his standing shouldn’t ever have to be subjected to such treatment.

John Greed: Are you hearing yourself? His standing is EXACTLY why he’s target #1 by those who think they are being “held back”. Why? When you have someone like Steve Flash on your roster there’s a good chance that he’s receiving a lot of focus on a weekly basis. That’s the kind of thing that rubs certain individuals the wrong way; As it should!

Davis Detterich: So you would advocate this kind of brutality? The kind of vicious assault that has seemingly left a respected veteran like Steve Flash in a state of absolute shock?

John Greed: It’s all part of the trade, Davis. That’s something you’ll probably never truly understand without stepping between those ropes. With success comes a lot of praise; however, it also brings along a lot of hatred from those who feel they should be where you are. This isn’t baseball. There are no rules to protect one another in Pro Wrestling. The second you step into the DOA “Dungeon” is the very moment that you must be aware of those around you. It’s as simple as that.




Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker“ Sparrow vs. Fox Mask

Singles Match


A funny thing happened on the way to the forum, and/or “DOA Dungeon”, as Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow is greeted with a resounding show of support. The DOA’s resident “Porn-Star” appears to have developed quite the following as his robust jazz-themed romp tune builds with intensity. This fact shows to be quite evident as Fox Mask, a relative fan-favorite in most corners, receives nothing more than a lack-luster response in “The Pecker-Wrecker’s” wake. Either way, their match-up appears to be somewhat of an anticipated affair as the DOA “Dead-Heads” seem to favor Sparrow quite heavily.


Sadly, The hype before the match far outweighs the actual reaction given to their singles match. Maybe it was Fox Mask’s average ability as it pertains to selling Matty’s offensive attack? Then again, It may have been due to Matty’s sub-par abilities as a whole? There’s no real “smoking gun” available here; rather, just an anticipated match that finds itself without any sense of positive reception. In a matter of a few minutes, The momentous wave brought on by Matty’s in-ring debut has worn off and it appears that the action is drifting toward a standstill. That is until THEY arrive on the scene…




“The Moral Majority” shuffle their way toward the ringside area; soaking in every twist and turn within the ropes. Prudence and Grace, reacting as if they have fallen completely into a state of submissiveness, slowly shuffle inches behind Mainstream Hernandez and Citizen X; Staring at the floor as if they were forcibly stored in a trance-like existence. At first, Their presence (“The Moral Majority”) appears to be forced; as if they had no real connection to the action before them. However, that mentality quickly fades as Mainstream Hernandez begins to spout off in a verbal tirade; demonizing Matty Sparrow for his promiscuous ways. With a book in hand, most likely a personal book of religious literature, Hernandez continues to verbally tear into Matty. When that does not seem to bother him in the slightest, Citizen X appears to break-free from what you would expect as a “respectful” gesture from a “Man of GOD”; Pushing Prudence in the direction of the squared circle and yelling to her to “Show him what you got”. As you can expect, Prudence slowly starts to dip her tank top to the side, only exposing her naked right shoulder; however, the act (while hypocritical of Citizen X) works quite well as Matty Sparrow turns his attention to the undressing woman before him. Almost as if he couldn’t control himself in the slightest as he smirks devilishly in her direction.


Fox Mask, attempting to take advantage of the window that has been opened for him by “The Moral Majority”, swiftly incorporates a lightning quick combo of kicks and strikes. While this does certainly send Mr. Sparrow reeling; It does not work for very long.


In the end, as Fox Mask lunges in the direction of his opponent, gearing up for a standing roundhouse kick, Matty Sparrow prioritizes his focus away from Prudence and back upon Fox Mask. With a slight duck, Matty catches the unsuspecting Fox Mask off guard with his signature “Testicular Thrashing” (A knee to the groin followed by a snap DDT); officially ending the match.


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow defeats Fox Mask in 6:13 via a “Testicular Thrashing” (A knee to the groin followed by a snap DDT).

Grade: E+


John Greed: Someone should seriously check on Matty Sparrow’s sexual orientation… I mean, Prudence was pretty much putting herself out there for him & he actually took his eyes off of her. A straight man does NOT take his attention away from a busty blonde if she’s about to take her top of… Am I right, Davis? [Laughs] Then again, You may be a-sexual from what it seems…

Davis Detterich: Are you serious? Have you not seen one of his 100 movies thus far? The man certainly loves the ladies… Then again, I don’t believe that’s the real situation in question here. Citizen X, a man supposedly who preaches against promiscuity, forced Prudence into “stripping”… Just to try to steal Matty Sparrow’s attention away from the match. What’s that all about? Hypocritical much?

John Greed: Hypocritical? F*ck no… I call it… “Being resourceful”… It’s pretty evident that these guys don’t condone what Matty does in his free-time from the DOA. Hence, the violence-laced scripture thrown at the man. If anything, Citizen X was using one of GOD’s greatest creations to lure a sinner into the open… Ultimately to spell his own demise.

Davis Detterich: So, in a sense what you’re saying is, It’s okay for them to do something like that? However, if it were someone else, like let’s say Matty Sparrow being a “Porn-Star”, then it’s considered a Sin?

John Greed: Yep…

Davis Detterich: I don’t get religion…




Totally Supreme (Dick Eyezen & Tom Kornell)

… “The Big Two” Arrive …



… We Run this Industry …


[seconds following such a proclamation, a generic rip-off theme of the SWF’s “Supreme TV” opening is heard blasting through the DOA “Dungeon’s” state-of-the-art sound system. The entire crowd in attendance rises to their feet in a state of confusion; shocked as to what may be taking place. Meanwhile, Davis Detterich and John Greed are heard practically crapping their pants over what is, what they expect, about to take place.]


Davis Detterich: I can’t believe my ears… Is this really… Are we about to see Richard Eisen and Tommy Cornell make their debut in the DOA “Dungeon”? What is their reasoning for coming to the DOA? Why together?

John Greed: This will certainly change the course of the Pro Wrestling industry as we know it… I can’t believe what we’re about to witness… It’s so cataclysmic that I’m afraid the universe may just implode upon itself. [Laughs]


[As the theme song continues to blare, at length, in the background; we are now witnessing the debut of the DOA Tag team, “Totally Supreme”. Dick Eyezen, and Tom Kornell, step through the “Dungeon Gateway” to a response from the crowd that can only be classified as a fusion between confusion and hilarity. Those who don’t really understand what’s taking place are completely confused as to why two men, who appear to look like Tommy Cornell and Richard Eisen, are coming out of the back when they THOUGHT they were getting the real thing. Meanwhile, those who are “in-on the joke” bask in the genius that has just resonated within the DOA “Dungeon”.]


[Dick Eyezen, in the tradition of what you would expect to see from his real counterpart, stomps his feet aggressively while dipping his head slightly; all with the vision that he is feverishly storming the ringside area. Meanwhile, Tom Kornell takes a more leisurely approach to his ascension upon the squared circle; taking time to gloat with the fans and ultimately look as if he is the “Greatest Wrestler of All-time”. Either way, both men seem to fit their counterparts to a “T” as they over-act the small, subtle, nuisances that go with the personas of Richard Eisen and Tommy Cornell.]


[Now, in the ring and their music coming to a close, the hilarious depiction of the “Big Two” owners stand before a highly receptive crowd. Not so much that they are looking to them as babyfaces, but rather, laughing at the notion that the DOA is taking “pot-shots” at the two most powerful wrestling promotions in the U.S.; continuing the narrative that the DOA is the true “rebel” of the industry.]


Tom Kornell: There’s no need to adjust your TV Screens as what you see before you is reality. [smirks] The two most powerful men in the Pro Wrestling industry have joined forces all in the name of squashing your little sorry-attempt for a show!


[The crowd boo’s in response to Kornell’s statement; however, it’s not a real sense of legit “heel heat”. Rather, more of a mixture of laughing and playful booing that shows the fans willingness to play along with the joke.]


Tom Kornell: When the DOA first spawned, I have to admit, I was shaking in my glossy black boots. How could an out-of-date, snail-like, wrestling product attempt to stave off a company littered with fast-paced, hard-hitting, controversial action? Sure, we have some great competitors on our roster but, really, once you move on past me… There’s nothing more than a bunch of overweight, talent less, hacks. I mean, have you seen our Tuesday programming? Jeeesh!! Talk about shotty-booking!


[Laughter comes from the crowd; yet again.]


Tom Kornell: I thought I was alone. I thought that my fears were only shared between me and my stuffed animal, Wolf-Hawk, but then a glorious instance came my way. “Tricky Dick”, here, was facing the same anxious thoughts that had plagued me for the entire 4 months that the DOA was promoted on the Arcadia Network. It was uplifting to know that…


[in mid sentence, Dick Eyezen storms toward Tom Kornell in the same manor that he entered the squared circle, reaching outward and forcibly pulling the microphone from Kornell’s hands. Tom, stepping back with a look of shock on his face, stands along side his partner as “Tricky Dick” rambles off in an angry, old-man, kind of rant.]




[With that, Dick Eyezen drops the microphone onto the canvas below and storms away from Tom once again. Awkwardly, Tom slowly leans back down and picks up the mic to once again speak.]


Tom Kornell: [Clears his throat] As I was saying, I found someone who shared my fears about the incoming DOA promotion. So, we staged a sleep-over-party and stayed up ALL NIGHT… Yep, we didn’t go to bed til 1 AM! Well, Dick passed out at 7:30 PM, but, I continued to speak for him as if he was awake… SO… It’s like we were up all night! [Crowd laughs] And it was there that we devised a plan! That plan was to join forces to squash the DOA before it even has a chance to impede upon our companies!


[Again, Dick Eyezen storms toward Tom Kornell… Grabbing the mic from his hands]




[With that, again, “Tricky Dick” drops the mic from his hands; however, this time Tom Kornell is ready for it. Now, catching the mic in his hands, Tom tries to finish off the promo in a “respectable fashion”]


Tom Kornell: Don’t worry kids, He won’t hurt you. He just hasn’t had his warm glass of milk yet. [Pauses] But back to the plan at hand, We have formed together to create the most unstoppable super-force this industry has EVER SEEN all with the goal of destroying the DOA! How are we going to do so? One step at a time… Mostly because Dick has problems staying awake for anything other than daytime game shows… BUT, mostly because we have one prize in mind… The DOA Death-Defying Duo Championship! With the titles in our hands, We can start to level the DOA from the inside out! There will be NO stopping us then… [smirks] So, this marks a warning to everyone here in the DOA, but definitely in the direction of The Tokyo Express, We’re coming for the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championship… And when we finally obtain those shiny, amazingly crafted, far superior tandem titles… We’ll begin our destruction of the DOA… piece… by piece!!


[Tom Kornell drops the mic as the generic rip-off theme of the SWF’s “Supreme TV” opening, once again, blares over the state-of-the-art “Dungeon” Sound system. With that, we slowly fade to a commercial break with the sight of Dick Eyezen taking a nap in the corner of the squared circle as Tommy Cornell climbs a nearby ring rope and attempts to copy Tommy Cornell’s signature pose.]


Grade: D


John Greed: That is, single-handedly, the greatest thing I’ve ever seen… [Laughs]

Davis Detterich: That’s right, Ladies and Gentlemen. The creators of Totally Supreme are here to “destroy” the DOA from the inside out! [Laughs] I just hope it doesn’t interfere with “Trick Dick’s” napping regiment.

John Greed: Good god, I love these guys… [Laughs]





The Tokyo Express © vs. The Fly Boys

Death-Defying Duo Championship Match


Tonight’s Death-Defying Duo Championship match conveys a heavily focused narrative as two teams collide for the second time in as many weeks. The narrative spoken of stands as a true conflict between stability and unrest. The perpetuators of stability, and an internationally renown tandem, The Tokyo Express look as if they have done this before, and will do so again for weeks to come. The Fly Boys, on the other hand, look as if they had literally spent the entire night bickering at each other in the locker room area. Their body language speaks of an uncomfortably normally only seen with divorcing couples; however, they must find a way to overcome their odds if they wish to obtain the “crown jewel” of the Death-Defying Duo Division here in the DOA.


The awkward tension between Jimmy P and Donnie J continue far into the match as neither man appears to really trust the other. Instead, You see situations like Jimmy P literally pulling down the top rope as Donnie J hits it; All with the thought that he would then be declared as the legal man. It’s this sort of “back-and-forth bickering nature” that ultimately forces the veteran tandem into a spiraling downturn. Their inability to really formulate a cohesive attack is where they differ greatly from the Death-Defying Duo Champions as The Tokyo Express take firm control of the match-up.


In the end, Jimmy P looks to butt-into the match-up by leaping off the top rope onto an awaiting NARATO (this despite the fact that Donnie J was the actual legal man at this time); however, as Jimmy P takes flight he accidentally slams into the back of Donnie J (as he had no idea of Jimmy’s intent). This opens the door for NARATO to take advantage of the situation by aggressively pulling Donnie J to the canvas with a school-boy roll-up; NARATO is granted a three count from Eugene Williams.


The Tokyo Express defeats The Fly Boys in 5:40 via a school-boy roll-up by NARATO upon Donnie J. This marks the 1st successful title defense by The Tokyo Express.

Grade: D+


Davis Ditterich: The Fly Boys look to be all over the place. They couldn’t set a consistent rhythm the entire way through the match. It’s almost as if they both came into tonight’s title shot with different intentions. Donnie J was looking to win the titles while Jimmy P was looking to WIN the titles for The Fly Boys. Even if that meant overstepping his bounds time and time again.

John Greed: Maybe he didn’t trust Donnie J to get the job done?

Davis Ditterich: While that may be true, Wasn’t it Jimmy P who fell victim to a three count from OTA? Not Donnie J?

John Greed: You can’t run from the facts. That is true! However, there has been some grumbling backstage over the last week that Jimmy P blamed Donnie J for not “covering him” toward the end of the match. That’s a proper reason to not trust somebody. You have to trust your tag partner at all times & if Jimmy feels that Donnie is unable to watch out for him then there’s bound to be some friction.

Davis Ditterich: Yes but , again while that’s true, can’t one make the case that it’s Jimmy P that may have been reckless last week? Ultimately causing The Fly Boys to lose? Not just that Donnie J didn’t “cover him”?

John Greed: I doubt we’ll ever really know for sure as it seems that these two are obviously going in different directions.




Eric Tyler & Acid

… “My Plans for You” …


[A darkened room sets the scene for what certainly can be described as a theoretical declaration of WAR. Eric Tyler, the dubbed “Voice of Reason” for the DOA, stands stage left in the pitch black room as the vision of Acid stands in the center of the screen; his back to the camera as his shoulders aggressively rise and fall with each and every breath. With a simple flick of his cigarette, Mr. Tyler rubs his shiny black dress shoe over the smoldering stick; meanwhile, his open collared dress attire sends a message of someone in charge, however, not held down by the need to wear a tie to instill a sense of power.]


[“The Voice of Reason” begins to slowly pace back and forth in front of his chosen DOA roster member, spewing forth a sense of rhetoric that’s focused entirely on formulating a battle plan for Acid. All the while, Acid himself continues to breath rather heavily; occasionally filling the darkened room with the sound of a predatory growl.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: If the Network wants me to sculpt them a TRUE DOA Champion then I’m going to see to it that EXACTLY that takes place. [Pauses] My name, my standing, my Legacy… depends on this… And that’s why I reached out to you Acid. That’s why I brought YOU here to the DOA.


[An evil grin forms on Mr. Tyler’s face as he slowly looks up at his soldier. You can see the very second, in his eyes, that he begins to start drinking his own “Kool-Aid”; eventually the ultimate downfall of any major political figure.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: They have asked me to construct the first ever DOA Championship match for next week, here on “Rapid Assault”. [Pauses; looks to Acid] If you can win your match tonight then there will be no need in justifying your participation in next week’s title match… That’s something that we NEED! The Network, while giving me room to make suggestions as the “Voice of Reason”, ultimately stands as the true governing body of this organization. I can make policy changes, dictate matches, and even manipulate title opportunities; however, if they feel my choice isn’t justified then all it takes is one single phone call & I’m forced to fall in line. I don’t like it… but it’s the conditions I accepted when I signed on under this role with the DOA. So, for now, I must abide by those set of rules. [Pauses] BUT, If you can make sure to come away with a victory tonight then there’s no way the Network could object to my decision of placing you in the DOA Championship title match. [Pauses] That, again, is where you come in. If you win tonight… If you can overcome both Vicious and Funk… Then I’ll see to it that you come away with the DOA Championship next week…


[Once again, an evil grin forms on Eric Tyler’s face.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: The time is now, Acid. The battle is only minutes from taking shape… Go out there and secure us a victory!


[Mr. Tyler, walking past his “chosen” superstar, gently taps Acid on the right shoulder as he continues his trek past the camera man. The initial contact of Tyler’s hand, no longer actually on Acid’s shoulder though, ignites something deep within the animalistic warrior. His head quickly snaps around to look at the camera as his eyes theoretically burn a whole through the nearby camera lens. We now fade to black with the sight of Acid, still aggressively breathing and snarling like a predator, staring into the camera as if he were looking straight into the souls of those watching at home.]


Grade: C+


Davis Detterich: Breaking News to those who just tuned into “Rapid Assault”… “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler has just announced that NEXT WEEK, here on “Rapid Assault”, we will see the crowning of our FIRST EVER DOA Champion!!

John Greed: While the actual match itself is unknown at this moment, There’s a good bet that if Acid comes away with the victory tonight… he will be one of the competitors in that very match… And rightfully so!

Davis Detterich: Lets see who can come away with a victory here in tonight’s Main Event as it will almost certainly speak to who will have a place in next week’s DOA Championship Match!!




Acid vs. Cannonball Funk vs. Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious

Triple-Threat Match

The Entire DOA Roster at Ringside


An unsettling vibe blankets the “Dungeon” ringside area as a wave of competitors form a Motley Crew around squared circle. While there currently stands a sense of order, Even the most optimistic personality would venture to guess that that very notion will certainly unravel by the end of the night. Needless to say, The overall tone appears to be that of endless possibility. As all it takes is one wayward soul to become aggressive before the entire crowd follows in suit.


The match itself, unlike the earlier Matty Sparrow/Fox Mask altercation, truly lives up to the hype placed upon it before hand as the initial moments of the match are quite tense. Cannonball Funk, obviously injured from the earlier attack by Roy Edison, is quickly singled out as the “weakened individual”; A fact that has Johnny Vicious and Acid form a part-time alliance of sorts. Funk, unable to defend himself against to rabid competitors, swiftly finds himself in a unfavorable situation as both of his opponents pick at his injured body like two vultures in need of their dinner. Needless to say, the lovable Funk-Superstar is almost instantly viewed as a “rag doll” in a sense; thrown around the squared circle with barely any fight to him.


While their alliance is certainly quite destructive in nature, The length of such a pairing does not last very long. Acid, on the verge of preying on the injured Cannonball Funk, is completely floored by a flying knee strike to the back of his head by Johnny Vicious. The impact is so sickening that the thud can be heard through out the entire “Dungeon”; A fact that drives the crowd to actually cheer for Vicious. In a brief moment of crowd acceptance, Johnny Vicious turns his focus on his fallen, one-time, ally; violently stomping a theoretical hole in the back of his head. While the attack is somewhat shocking, Everyone knows that the DOA is a “Dog-eat-Dog” world & any sort of upper hand that you can acquire is something you can’t pass up. With that being said, a wild chaotic brawl begins to emerge between Acid and Johnny Vicious; Brutal in nature & wild in practice.


The tone set by Vicious and Acid appears to have rubbed off on their DOA co-workers as tensions continue to rise around the ringside area. Fights between awaiting roster members begin to take shape as the whole ringside area resembles a “cold war” mentality; no one wanting to throw the first punch; however, everyone ready to do so. This short stage of order comes crashing to a halt though with one major dive from Johnny Vicious…


Acid is thrown from the ringside area; crashing to the cold cement below. A series of DOA superstars hold back the impulse of quickly jumping the Tyler-praised competitor; however, a few seconds later Johnny Vicious is seen leaping over the top rope and landing on Acid, as well as a crowd of DOA wrestlers, with a twisting cannonball like plancha. In all, 7 men hit the floor as this very act ignites a sense of riot-like maneuvers. Before you know it, Weapons are in hand and the entire DOA roster is looking for a fight. It’s this very fact that leaves the ringside area as an all-out war zone; a battlefield if you will. Luckily, for both Johnny Vicious and Acid, the two competitors are able to squeeze their way back into the ring BUT not before falling victim to a few violent strikes from nearby co-workers.


With the ringside area in an absolute state of violent hysteria, The main event continues to rage on within the ropes as Johnny Vicious attempts to subdue both Acid and Cannonball Funk with a string of fast-paced combinations. At first, His attempt is quite successful and Vicious looks to be an all-powerful being; however, the numbers game plays into the situation over time giving Cannonball Funk the ability to actually take control of the match; all be it briefly. Funk’s domination quickly subsides as Acid, once again, takes over; however, it isn’t until an outsider interferes that he ultimately scores what’s important.


As Johnny Vicious mounts a comeback upon his former ally, for one-match-only, Vicious is shockingly assaulted as he hits a nearby ring rope for momentum. Jettstream, wielding a steel chair in hand as the ultimate equalizer in a mass riot, slams the unforgiving steel into the back of Johnny Vicious; just as he hits the ropes. The strike causes Vicious to stagger back toward the middle of the ring with his back arched giving enough room for Acid to quickly take control of the situation by stomping Vicious in the stomach. This strike, while quite small in the grand scheme of things, opens up Acid to execute a massive sit-down power bomb upon his dazed opponent; A fact that ends in a three count in favor of Acid.


Acid defeats Cannonball Funk and Johnny Vicious in 13:44 via a Sit-Down power bomb upon Johnny Vicious following a steel chair strike on Vicious by Jettstream.

Grade: C+


John Greed: duh, duh, duh… And another one bites the dust! Chalk another victory up for Eric Tyler’s choice for DOA Champion, Acid!

Davis Detterich: It’s hard not to see Acid as, possibly, the eventual DOA Champion. It could be only a matter of time. However, tonight, his victory comes with a small hint of underhandedness as Jettstream is the man who actually wounded Vicious before Acid’s powerbomb.

John Greed: Either way, You can’t take the victory away from Acid.

Davis Detterich: Very true. I wonder what this will spell for Johnny Vicious and Jettstream NEXT WEEK on “Rapid Assault”. These two are no strangers to each other here in “The Dungeon” and I’m sure there will be a hefty load of payback coming in ‘stream’s direction next Thursday!

John Greed: There’s no doubt about that. If I were Jettstream, I’d make sure that I take out a large life insurance plan in the next week. There’s a good chance that he may just lose his life for costing Vicious the win here tonight.

Davis Detterich: Also tune into next week’s telecast to see the FIRST EVER DOA Championship Match!!

John Greed: By the looks of what happened tonight, Eric Tyler is probably overjoyed in the back! His choice of superstar, Acid, has won tonight’s main event and almost certainly obtained a spot in that very title match!

Davis Detterich: Thank you all for joining us here tonight in the DOA “Dungeon”! We hope to see you here next week on the Arcadia Network. Where “Real men watch real TV”. Goodnight!!





Overall Show Grade: C-

TV Rating: 0.22 (+ 0.03)

Dungeon Attendance: 2,000 [sell Out!]


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Quick “Rapid Assault” Results


El Dragón Dorado defeats Jettstream via pinfall

Matty Sparrow defeats Fox Mask via pinfall

The Tokyo Express © defeats The Fly Boys via pinfall

Acid defeats Cannonball Funk and Johnny Vicious via pinfall

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Yep, the Dick Eyezen & Tom Kornell segment was fantastic, probably one of the best segments in any diary ever. Absolutely fantastic work.

Good show, EV. Loved the Dick Eyezen & Tom Kornell segment. The Tokyo Express alts are pretty sweet, too.


Thank you both for your feedback! To be honest, It's just as joyous to hear from others as it pertains to how they liked/disliked your show than the whole booking process; so, Thank you again. :D


"Totally Supreme" was a development of mine that I was extremely excited to debut. However, I wanted to truly give them their due, and properly introduce them, so, they weren't able to make the Series Premiere. Either way, I had a lot of fun writing their segment & and am looking forward to the future plans that I have for them! Arguably my favorite characters in the company thus far as it's the perfect way to send a little jab at the "Big Two" in a comedic fashion. I'm sure, Mr. Eisen and Cornell will have something to say about.... ;)


Overall, I'm really happy with this show & feel very confident with what came together. A few storylines were explained from last week, some that started in this show (ie: Totally Supreme, who attacked Steve Flash, Moral Majority's beef with Matty, and the title match for next week), and overall the vibe I'm trying to convey is getting easier and easier to formulate in my mind.


All in all, I hope that you enjoyed the show! "Network Notes" to come at some point later today.



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Awesome stuff again Eisen, really enjoyed the Tyler-Funk segment. And I have to agree with everyone else, Totally Supreme were just that :D It's nice to see the roster develop from a collection of renders to believable characters. The Tokyo Express rock as well!
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Review of Episode #2: "The Invasion ascends from on High"

- 2nd week of May 2010 -




The Morning after "Rapid Assault"

... It's all about Sex, Baby ...


My eyes frantically dart from one side of the room to the next as my caffeine-starved mind attempts to make sense of what lies before me. With each and every drawing breath, I can feel the overwhelming weight of every creative decision made for last nights broadcast. Almost as if I were standing within a glass box; open to the endless process of review by others who believe they “know what’s best”. When in reality, they know little-to-nothing as it pertains to developing a sound wrestling event from start to finish. While true, I made a conscience effort to never relay this fact as the second I did; I would be out of a job.


“Well, I guess we can get started…”


The large, heavy, hand of a nearby clock ticks loudly; resonating the sound within the sand painted walls of a small meeting room affectionately called “The War Room” by those employed by the network. It was a space meant solely for analytical review of company programming & was often portrayed as the “Torture Chamber” by those not on the corporate level; something that the higher-ups never really came to uncover.


“You exceeded last weeks TV rating by + 0.03 points; Something the Network is VERY happy to hear. While we would rather push numbers much higher than 0.22, We understand that it will take time before such a climb will take place. Everything takes a little time, and hard work, right, John?”


His lame attempt at keeping me included in their one-sided review was laughable.




I knew to keep my answers short and concise. At least, That’s what I was told to do by Jensen’s personal assistant: Sophia Gordon. She had become an amazing source of knowledge as I transitioned from the Indy Pro wrestling world into the mind-numbing world of TV production. Well, not necessarily “mind-numbing” per se, but rather an industry that I knew little about from the start. Also, and industry that was rooted in the process of fine tuning every small detail in hopes of an eventual major payoff. Sadly, though, if that payoff didn’t show fast enough… You were excused.


“The show was well received by media outlets and it appears that your development of a SWF/TCW knock-off has actually played quite well with the viewing public. That being said, You need to be very careful how you go about portraying these characters. We don’t need a lawsuit hanging over our Network. We’ll make sure legal meets with you later this week to go over what is deemed as ‘acceptable’ through copyright law.”


I knew that the characters of Dick Eyezen and Tom Kornell would generate a sense of buzz for the company. How could it not? We were practically jabbing the two biggest figures in Pro Wrestling history from the comfort of our own “Dungeon”. Sure, copyright laws may limit what’s actually seen as “acceptable”, but in the end, it forced the “Big Two” to take notice of our arrival on the scene. If they didn’t attempt to squash our attempt at making-light of their personas then the publicity stunt would only grow in strength. However, if they did actually address us, and the fact that we were using their likeness to poke fun at their companies, then a media firestorm would certainly follow… Creating a greater sense of product awareness for the DOA. It was a simple win/win scenario in my eyes.


“It appears that your characters Matty “The Pecker Wrecker” Sparrow and Fox Mask were unable to keep the momentum going during last night’s telecast. Is there any sense of reasoning behind this? Have you spoken with the two individuals about their lackluster performance? If this were to continue, There may need to be some changes as it pertains to who you highlight on a weekly basis. Keep an eye on this. If it continues then the Network would like to see you move away from pushing them to the forefront.”


He was right. Matty and I have become quite close since he joined the DOA in the early hours of it’s inception. He was actually the first phone call that I made following my hiring here at the Network. Why? He and I had rubbed elbows on a few occasions over the years on the indy circuit, and overall, I felt like he had something to offer the company. His “porn-star” persona was 100% his choice and, in my eyes, it’s paid off already in generating a sense of unique buzz for the company. That being said, He and Fox Mask did a terrible job of keeping the “Dungeon” from falling flat. Now, I wasn’t as quick as the Network to turn away from his involvement on most upcoming shows; however, it was certainly something that needed a sense of monitoring going forward. Especially with a high profile feud forming between he and “The Moral Majority”.


“The Network would like to see the usage of more sexual overtones. Mix it up a little. We have noted that you’ve pushed ‘the envelope’ a time or two with “The Moral Majority”; however, we need some more grit in the overall production of our events. While you’ve done a great job up until now with creating the grungy modern vibe we were hoping, We believe that you may be losing some interest from our key demographic without the usage of more female skin. I mean, at this point, there are points during our broadcast where we are being beaten in the ratings by the Pop! Network’s original programming, “If you can seek Amy”! We need some more sexual overtones to keep up with the growing demand for ‘sex on tv’.”


In no way am I prude; however, I’m also one that believes sexuality has it’s time and place within a wrestling event. If you throw it in your viewers face without any real sense of “reason” then it looks like you’re attempting to create a cheap-ploy in gaining attention. That being said, this is something the Network has been pushing since day one: The use of strong sexual overtones. They want grunge, underground, contemporary adult-entertainment and those sort of messages flow quite well with this same notion. So, needless to say, that’s something I needed to find more room to deliver upon. Not necessarily re-construct our shows in which to interject sex everywhere… BUT, to create another undercurrent of sexuality within the fray. I guess the “Moral Majority” has some more hypocritical juices within them after all… As they would be leaned upon heavily to “pimp out” the characters of Prudence and Grace.





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What we Learned:


* Matty Sparrow and Fox Mask brought down the crowd's energy during their match this week on "Rapid Assault". Seemingly for no real reason as their chemistry appears to be at "neutral". Either way, it was a letdown during the middle of the event.

* "Totally Supreme" gains interest from the media as it pokes fun at the SWF/TCW.

* I'm looking to incorporate more sexuality into the product as the roster takes shape. "The Moral Majority" will most likely be the cause of this interjection as their hypocritical vibe will work well in introducing more female skin.

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Very good show, very good indeed. Here are some specific notes.


I really like Eric Tyler as the voice of reason. He's also not so far out of retirement you couldn't pull him into the ring a time or two more and I think having him team possibly with Roy Edison might be good for the MMA star.


Dick Eyezen & Tom Kornell are a great team and a genius idea. The segment was some of your best writing and I'm looking forward to more of them on screen, even if they never wrestle but I'm sure they will.


The Acid win was good and I can't wait to see who he faces for the title. I would suggest Vicious as unlike Cannonball he was cheated out of his chance at winning, plus I think it'll be a great match to end a show on.


You stole my name. My first tryout game from 2010 was SWF and I teamed Angry Gilmore and Squeeky McClean up as The Moral Majority. Ok maybe you didn't steal it but it was quite a coincidence.


Still some of the issues I brought up last time but its a lot better. Some awkwardness still but not so much I had to go back reread sentences again.


All in all great. Good character development. A sense of antcipation for the next show which is always good.

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Totally Supreme = pure genius. :cool:


The whole show was really well put together. It was almost as if I were watching it on TV as I read it through. Great work so far, EV! This is exactly why I keep up to date with your projects as you really do a great job of putting together a great story.


Can't wait to see what happens next with Tom Kornell and Dick Eyezen! FTW!

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Monday, Week #3 of May 2010

… “I’m not a Joke! “…




“How do you expect me to do this much longer, John? I mean, do you plan on using me as some sort of joke for the next season? For endless seasons after that? I thought when I left New England that I’d finally have a chance to prove myself as a legit competitor.”


- Sam Pratt; Cannonball Funk


The rest of my week followed in a steady manner. The initial anxiety that came with standing before a Network-developed “Review Board” started to slowly wane as each day came and passed. It was now, Monday morning, the beginning of a new work week and the theoretical “ground-floor” as it pertains to the development of Episode #3 of DOA “Rapid Assault”. I did my best to shut-out the world around me as other Arcadia employees scurried past my office door. Not to speak with me, or scurrying to appease what I had placed upon them; but rather, to stimulate the notion of an aggressive work-week across the board. Typically, Monday’s were always the most busiest day around the office, as the weekend was often used to “refresh” your mindset. Most of us; however, didn’t really have the opportunity to enjoy any free time as a second wasted on personal endeavors was a second lost in the development of a TV show waiting in limbo.


Why in limbo?


Just as with any other network, The Arcadia Network wasn’t in the business of pushing through a show with little return. If you didn’t do your job, If you didn’t develop an interesting product for the masses then you were ultimately shunned by studio executives. Labeled with a scarlet letter of sorts & removed from the premises as quickly as you climbed into it. Either way, I spent most of my weekend sneaking back into Arcadia headquarters in Burbank (California). Speedily ascending up through the trendy, night-club-esque, layout that the Network had constructed for its home base.


So, needless to say, I wasn’t all that shocked with what was waiting for me Monday morning; as my entire weekend was practically devoted to the DOA as a whole. Troubleshooting any issues that may arise and ultimately losing myself within my work; A newly formed “Work-a-holic” which, I’m sure, would stand as a major shock to all of those who came to know me during my days in Pittsburgh.





“John, Can I have a word with you?”


I barely looked up at the doorway as I knew exactly who was standing their. His voice, unique in its baritone, was a clear-cut giveaway to his identity.


“Sure. Just one second, though…”


I finished with my small stack of paperwork; dedicated to the project before me as we attempt to bait a U.S. PPV network to explore ventures away from just TV. A fact that was brought on by the Network themselves, Knowing that PPV revenue would stimulate the bottom line for Arcadia, and also, would raise awareness with their new “pet-project”.


“It has to do with my character here in the DOA. I have some issues with how I’m being portrayed…”


My head c*cked slightly to the right as my eyes lightly squint in Sam’s direction.


“What’s wrong, Sam? You’re not happy with the amount of camera time you’ve had thus far? We’ve had you in two high profile matches and even had you open our last episode! You’re “hot” in the eyes of the fans.”


Sam nods in approval; however, with a hint of annoyance in his gesture.


“Yes, I know that the gimmick has caught on with everyone so far… And, honestly, I’m seriously happy with the amount of time I’ve been given on ‘Rapid Assault’, But, How do you expect me to do this much longer, John? I mean, do you plan on using me as some sort of joke for the next season? For endless seasons after that? I thought when I left New England that I’d finally have a chance to prove myself as a legit competitor.”


I can’t say that I was floored by his admission as Sam had hinted toward this a few months back. It was just before he was set to debut to the masses on the popular CBA ameteur music search, “America’s Superstar Search”. He expressed anxiety over looking like a ‘fool’ in front of the American public. Ultimately, showing his unhappiness with the fact that he was literally being forced by the Network to show himself as a ‘clown’, in a sense, as he auditioned for the show. He was quickly rejected as a participant on the show; however, his infamous rendition of “Pappa’s got a brand new bag” landed a lot of pre-show press for the DOA. All in all, While it was great for business… Sam went AWOL for a good week or so after its airing. Not answering emails, phone calls, or even a simple text here and there. It was obvious to see, at that time, he was unhappy with the course of his persona. BUT, somehow, everything smoothed over after the week and it seemed like he was back on board. Well, that was until now.


“I understand, Sam. The process of being type-casted is not an easy situation for anyone. When you left the SWF, You wanted to move into a more serious role & you did exactly that down in Puerto Rico. However, up here, you have to have some sense of a character if you want to truly get ‘over’ with the greater public. I know you know that, as it’s ‘Wrestling 101’. I’m sorry if the ‘Cannonball Funk’ persona isn’t what you were initially excited about; however, look at the return for you thus far. You’ve pretty much resurrected your career in a matter of a couple of months. Isn’t that something that you can hang your hat on? That you can find success somewhere outside of Eisen’s machine?”


Again, Sam nods his head in approval; however, not totally drinking the “Kool-aid” brought forth by John.


“I can’t argue with the notoriety. It’s nice to finally be back on a bigger scale; however, at the same time, A little part of me dies every time I have to gyrate around the ring like a stupid fool.”


“Maybe it will get easier the more we move forward? We’re giving you a lot of room to develop into a big-time player here. In time, you have find it much easier to deal with your initial fears as we continue to push you up the ranks?”


Sam is silent at first, instead, taking a deep breathe as he looks out into the hallway.


“Yea, I suppose so.”


“Great, Gear up for this week though, Sam, as we have you in another high-profile scenario. Sound good?”




With that, our meeting has come to a close. I could feel the unease in his every step as Sam slowly exits my office. What was I to do, though? We NEEDED “Cannonball Funk” in the DOA as his persona had already taken hold with our fan base. (not to mention, Some outskirt viewers as well).

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Heya Eisen-Verse,


I just sat down today and re-read everything from the beginning and it's quite a great read.


The characters are amazingly done and very creative. As with everyone, I enjoy the Dick Eisen/Tommy Kornell stuff. I can see Dick laying there asleep backstage at one of the shows sucking on his thumb or something. lol. It kinda reminds me of the Eric Bischoff parodies that Steve Austin did in ECW.


My favorite character right now has to be Eric Tyler. I think you are really getting the mentality down of us versus them. If the station and your goals will allow you, I can see you recruiting a few older guys for a season or two to be part of Tyler's Army.


Anyway, I'm sure I'll have more stuff later, but great job so far.

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(A quick OOC comment as I put together the next card for "Rapid Assault"; due up tomorrow.)


Thank you to everyone for your feedback thus far. As I said a few posts back, This project has quickly become a labor of love for me as each character has found their own voice pretty quickly. I would go as far as to say that this diary, even more so than my X-WA and PSW ventures before, is my favorite diary I've worked with thus far. The characters are intriguing and have their own individual tones, the booking is more thought out (I actually take my time now when it comes to putting together cards), the Network interactions is "fresh" for me to write about, and my failings in the past have given me a new, greater, sense of how to create a better product from top to bottom. So, even though my PSW project gained me much acclaim (which I am greatly appreciative of; and still in awe of as well), the DOA has quickly become my favorite development thus far. Needless to say, I hope you all continue to follow this thing as it continues to move forward. It's great to hear any/and all feedback from others & ultimately gives me the sense that the hard work going into booking/writing is well worth it.


For those who consider themselves "prediction-types", The next card for "Rapid Assault" will come tomorrow afternoon! I've attempted to put it together tonight, writing wise; however, each time I try it comes out as mush. So, I'm going to give myself the night off from writing and come back tomorrow fresh and ready to go.


If you ever have a question, comment, or concern that comes up during the diary then certainly make your voice heard. I'm not one to frown upon reader interaction what so ever. Actually, it's something I cherish as a writer since other mediums don't allow you to have such hands-on interaction with those who enjoy your work.


All in all, I just wanted to say "Thank you" and let others know that the next card will be up tomorrow. With such great diaries out there like PA's TCW project, Mack's "David Mack" Chronicle coming back to NYCW, Angel's USPW project, and PhantomStranger hitting 1,000 posts with TCW, (To name a few; I know there are many, many, more great projects out there too on top of these) It can be quite hard to formulate a real consistent following. That being said, hopefully there is room for all of us to flourish as TEW 2010 continues to inspire some great work here on the GDS forum.



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Episode #3

Thursday, 3rd week of May 2010


The most chaotic, athletically grueling, death-defying form of Pro Wrestling is coming straight into your home this week, Thursday, on DOA "Rapid Assault". No one will be safe.... Everyone may leave via an ambulance.... and Some, May never be the same again.... However, ALL DOA competitors will gain your absolute respect as they wage war with one another, putting their lives at risk, all for one momentous collective prize.... To usher in a New Era in Pro Wrestling... An Era of limitless possibilities... An Era... of Deadly... Overloaded... Action!




Steve Flash vs. Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious vs. El Dragón Dorado

Triple-Threat Match

The winner will face Acid for the DOA Championship in the Main Event; Later that night!


The opening match of this week's episode of "Rapid Assault" is set to absolutely tear the roof off of the DOA "Dungeon"! With "The Voice of Reason" Eric Tyler's championship decree made in the closing moments of last week's episode, The overwhelming notion for this week's telecast is that of the crowning of the DOA's FIRST EVER DOA Champion! Which one of these three worthy competitors will ultimately compete for said championship, at the end of the night, versus Tyler's personal roster addition, Acid? Better yet, Who will have the perfect combination of dedication, and overall ability, to potential overcome the odds in winning this match... Then, going onto challenge in the hottest main event in the DOA's short history? Tune into this week's telecast of "Rapid Assault" to see who will "Stand above the Rest" on their way to a Championship Title opportunity!



The Moral Majority vs. Feline Fancy

Death-Defying Duo Match [Abides by Divisional Rules]


Quite possibly, The most controversial figures on the DOA's initial cast, "The Moral Majority", had made a name for themselves as a polarizing faction. Their combination of extremist viewpoints, and an overall want to undermine those who dare challenge them, have made for an interesting character development as the deadly duo sets their sights on the ultimate tandem prize in the DOA, The DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships. However, before they can EVER stand-out as a worthy challengers, First they will have to find a victory within the walls of "The Dungeon".


That same notion bodes true for the underdog Duo of "Feline Fancy" as they, just like "The Moral Majority", are looking to break their defeated record within the DOA. A pairing of Indy veterans, Fox Mask and Masked Cougar, are no strangers to having their backs against the wall. Many believe this, along with their unique high-octane offensive styling, will ultimately put them in a great position to potentially challenge for the Death-Defying Duo Championship at some point down the road. However, in this week's telecast, only one team can win... Who will it be?



Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Special Stipulation: No DQ; There must be a legit winner.


While the DOA is still recklessly speeding through a state of infancy, Cannonball Funk and Roy Edison have forged quite a heated rivalry in a matter of two weeks. Roy Edison, a former MMA competitor, perpetuated everyone's worst nightmare as it pertained to HOW he would function as a Pro Wrestler; becoming a deadly "Loose Cannon" in his first match-up against Cannonball Funk. His inability to break a submission hold, a maneuver that appeared to have Eddison on a verge of an impressive debut victory, ultimately forced DOA Head Referee, Eugene Williams, to end their altercation in an unsatisfying DQ victory in favor of Funk. This fact, along with his natural inability to control his emotions as seen during his polarizing MMA career, quickly formulated a "Deadly Tornado of destruction" as Mr. Edison began to loose grip with reality; Attacking everything in sight.


Meanwhile, Cannonball Funk was able to step into last week's Main Event due to the fact that he was "Victorious" over Eddison in their first meeting. This situation, pushed Roy to eventually attack Funk from behind during last week's telecast. The gruesome assault not only floored the Funk-Superstar but also hurt his chances in coming away with a victory that night; As his body was physically unable to rebound from his injuries.


All in all, Will Roy Edison finally find a sense of revenge by defeating Cannonball Funk? - OR - Will the fun loving, party-creating, Cannonball Funk find a way to, once again, overcome the odds and defeat the deadly fighter? Either way, This match is squaring up to be a truly sickening affair as most expect a heavy load of brutality before its conclusion.





Acid vs. The Winner of Match #1

DOA Championship Match

Singles Match


In what will go down as, arguably, the most historic match in DOA history, The hottest underground company will FINALLY crown it's FIRST EVER DOA Champion! It's been confirmed that Eric Tyler's personal roster addition, Acid, will stand as one of the final competitors for the "top prize" in the DOA; however, who will be his opponent in "Rapid Assault's" 3rd ever Main Event?


Will it be the aged-veteran, and the beacon of consistency, "The Remarkable" Steve Flash?


Will it be the grungy, street-fighting, instigator of brutality, Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious?


- OR -


Will it be the pride of Mexico, and the man who allows his natural athletic abilities to speak for himself, El Dragón Dorado?


All in all, No matter who makes it into the final match-up of the night; Gear up for one of the greatest matches in our industry's history. Why? Because ONLY the DOA can bring you the kind of high-paced, borderline reckless, All-out-warfare that other organizations can only dream of!


Who will be the defining cornerstone of an underground revolution? Who will stand as the historic FIRST Champion in DOA history? Tune in this Thursday to find the answer...





Also, by the end of the night, Will we discover the identity of the person who attacked Steve Flash last week on "Rapid Assault"? While their identity is still shrouded in mystery, There have been rumors circulating as to who it may have been. Will the attacker finally show their face? Tune into this week's broadcast of "Rapid Assault" to find out!




<hr color="black">

"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Steve Flash vs. Johnny Vicious vs. El Dragón Dorado

The Moral Majority vs. Feline Fancy

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Acid vs. [insert Winner from Match #1]

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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Steve Flash vs. [insert Winner of Match #1]

The Moral Majority vs. Feline Fancy

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Eddison

Acid vs. Steve Flash -or- Johnny Vicious -or- El Dragón Dorado


I think Acid will be the first champ, but I see that not lasting long. Very curious that Funk is going to do. Hopefully he gets the push he wants.



Keep it up EV



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Steve Flash vs. Johnny Vicious vs. El Dragón Dorado

Steve FLash is taken out of this match by his mystery attacker, which is the only way I will ever vote against a Flash win. Johnny has his thing with Jett but a Vicious/Acid match is going to blow the roof off the joint.


The Moral Majority vs. Feline Fancy

I love me my CZCW alumns but Moral Majority is in a hot story.


Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Edison loses by a fluke of luck with a roll up from out of nowhere and it infuriates him even more.


Acid vs. Johnny Vicious


Yeah Acid's your guy here he's gonna make a great champ and his matchs with everyone will be good.

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Steve Flash vs. Johnny Vicious vs. El Dragón Dorado

The Remarkable One picks up a Remarkable victory.


The Moral Majority vs. Feline Fancy

Due to a distraction from outside the ring.


Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Edison has disappointed so far with ratings it would seem so the obvious push is for Cannonball.


Acid vs. Steve Flash

Acid gets the win when the attacker reveals him/herself.

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