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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Thank you all for your feedback thus far for Episode #3! :D It's great to know that the collection of you really like what you read. It took a lot of focus to put this one together; however, I'm very happy with how it all came together!



Fantastic, need I say more!? You'd not get it on pre-watershed though would you? ;)


I have to ask, jhd1, what does this mean? Haha. I'm stumped!

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Thank you all for your feedback thus far for Episode #3! :D It's great to know that the collection of you really like what you read. It took a lot of focus to put this one together; however, I'm very happy with how it all came together!


I have to ask, jhd1, what does this mean? Haha. I'm stumped!


You should be happy with it, it was great! And once again, I've stumped you all with some British references...:o


The Watershed is a term used to describe a time in television schedules which divides the period when it is permissible to show television programmes which have 'adult content' from the period when it is not.


It looks like you call it 'safe harbor,' it's basically the time that programming can start being, well, more violent, graphic, risque etc. Here it is 9pm, so if it is meant to be a gradual transition DOA would probably be on about 11:30pm! :p

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You should be happy with it, it was great! And once again, I've stumped you all with some British references...:o


It looks like you call it 'safe harbor,' it's basically the time that programming can start being, well, more violent, graphic, risque etc. Here it is 9pm, so if it is meant to be a gradual transition DOA would probably be on about 11:30pm! :p


Oh! Now I get what you're talking about! :D Our cultural differences, yet again, get the best of me. ha. (Ie: Our talk about what a "bloke" is).


And yes, the DOA would certainly be on later than your typical "family friendly" TV-show. haha. That's what I love about the company though as it gives me the ability to book the kind of wrestling I like to watch (Modern) and also bring some edgier storylines/characters to the front. It makes for a fun write! :D





Network Notes up in 10-15 mins
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Review of Episode #3: "The Vicious Climb"

- 3rd week of May 2010 -



The Monday Following Episode #3

... Catch-phrases, Movie-Action, and a DOA Newbie? ...



I nervously fidgeted in my seat as I could feel the pull for a cigarette forming from within my body. I had attempted to quit a few times now since moving to California; however, with little success. It was my physical manifestation of my stress levels... If I wanted a smoke then I was almost positive that my body was trying to flush out any sense of anxiety.


Anxious? In a "Review Board Meeting"? Oh, god no....


... Sense the sarcasm?



“You know, John. This last show must have really struck a chord with Wrestling viewers! We saw our internet search numbers catapult to an all-time high on Friday morning; 300%. [Confident Smirk] That’s just simply amazing news, John. Along with our spike in internet-based searches, Johnny Vicious’s name was listed in 40% of those inquiries. We should REALLY capitalize on this, John. [An awkward stair follows] We’re thinking a crafty catch-phrase would do the trick. Something like… “We can either do this the easy way… or the Vicious way!”. [An arrogant smirk is shown; as if they are extremely proud of their creation] You know? Something along those lines. You can take it, work with it, and maybe incorporate that into future broadcasts? Don’t worry… [still holding the same smirk upon his face] I won’t look for any credit in that catch-phrase. That’s all yours if you want it…”


Absolutely not. That’s what I wanted to say following his little rant; however, I knew that speaking my mind in these meetings would land me on a fast track toward unemployment. There was no way, in any corner of my mind, that I would be comfortable slapping a cliché catch-phrase onto a character like Johnny Vicious. The beauty of “Vicious” is that he never speaks. Instead, He uses his “tough-as-nails” fighter mentality to “speak” for him. He’s what you would expect from a man who has spent a few years in prison, has now finally made his way out into the “real world”, and is struggling with keeping his anger in check by societal standards. While Vicious’s character hasn’t been in jail; well at least that we know of by this point, it’s this ultra-aggressive demeanor that practically oozes from his every pore. HE IS the physical personification of the DOA; in and out. Which only makes his feud with Acid/Mr. Tyler that much more grand as Mr. Tyler’s union stands as a governing body looking to make judgments based upon their own wants (versus what’s best for the overall organization). Vicious, on the other hand, is the utter-defiant warrior that stands for all that is right… While not so “black and white”. He doesn’t know that he stands for this, and would probably knock-out anyone who dare make the connection; however, there is no denying the fact.


With that being said, There is no freakin’ way that I’m going to slap a catch-phrase onto his persona. Hopefully, in time, the “suits” will forget about the idea once they realize the true depth of his character. Then again, they aren’t in the business to make memorable characters. They are in the business, the Arcadia Network, to make as much money as humanly possible.


“We would like to see you utilize more unique spaces during “Rapid Assault“ broadcasts. Take advantage of the “Hollywood“ way of doing business, John. You have a large crew at your disposal, top-of-the-line camera‘s, and an actual budget now that you work for us. While we understand that the DOA “Dungeon“ has become a major focus of yours; creating a vibe for ‘Sound Stage D‘, We really want you to utilize your surroundings here. It will ultimately create more of a “developed-tone“. Much like you would expect if you were watching a movie!”


He had me there. To be honest, I’m not use to having such tools at my disposal. Sure, we shot some “off-location” promos during my time in Pittsburgh; however, we never really had the proper permits to shoot such footage. So, We were constantly on the look out & on the verge of fleeing the scene at any sound of a potential officer. Either way, while creating the overall tone of the DOA “Dungeon” has been quite important to me up until now, I knew that this note really did carry some weight. It was time that I start taking advantage of the tools granted to me by the Network. In the end, It will only help pushing our product forward as we now have the ability to truly tell a story more so than ever. In a way, the DOA had the ability to blur the lines between competitive in-ring action and “movie-like” quality segments; Something that I’m sure “The Big Three” would love to be able to tote for themselves.


”The Network is very happy with the initial ratings that you‘ve been able to acquire. However, there is always room for improvement. Right, John? [i nodded slightly; honestly, half paying attention by now] The president of the Network, while at a national broadcasting conference in Las Vegas, forged a conversation with a man he met at a blackjack table that night. It seems that the man in question has a son that is, as he put it, “primed for greatness“. Needless to say, The president would like to see to it that this man‘s son finds a spot on the DOA roster. While, to be honest, I know very little about Pro Wrestling… I‘ve heard that this name alone will attract a lot of our established wrestling viewers. [A confused look grows upon his face] His name has even shown up on a few of our internet-based “meet-and-greet“ campaigns with the viewers as a man they wanted to see in action here in the DOA. All in all, I‘m shocked that he didn‘t find his way onto the original roster with all of this coming out now? [A slight look of annoyance forms on his face] But that‘s neither here nor there as it‘s all in the past. We are putting together a meeting between the two of you later this week. Whatever you do, Put forth your best presentation as we REALLY need this guy as part of the cast. All of our jobs depend on it as… If the president says he want something done… You get it done… OR… He finds someone else who will get it done for you!


Did I miss something? Was there a glaring option out there that I must have overlooked? I’m not quite sure. I felt as if I really combed over the Indy circuit to make SURE that the DOA started off with a strong sense of footing. Either way, I’m interested to see who this man may be? If our viewers want him, and the Network’s President wants him, It looks like he’s on a fast-track toward becoming the newest member of our cast. I guess I’ll find out who he is by the end of the week…





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What we Learned:


* Johnny Vicious turned from a "heel" to a middle-of-the-road "babyface" during this last show. The exact segment was the stare down between Vicious and Acid/Mr. Tyler (as they were instantly shown as the ultimate bad duo. Making Vicious the cheered babyface in their altercation). In the DOA, face/heel divide is set at a "medium" so he's being used as a man who is loved by the DOA fans; however, tends to act more like a tweener with babyface tendacies. He is now listed as a "Main Eventer" after this last show has the top 4 matches (grade wise) in the DOA since this diaries start!


* I'm going to start using more Movie-Like presentation on some segments to really capitalize on the fact that John works for a TV station versus a small rinky-dink wrestling promotion in Pittsburgh. The grand nature of the segments will really give the characters a better sense of depth, I believe.


* There is a NEW ROSTER ADDITION coming to the DOA in the next few weeks. As you can see he has a famous father (that may give it away) and I'm really excited to write for him both in the ring and out. He's one of the most interesting people in the Cornellverse from a writer's perspective; I believe.


I'm toying around with changing the layout of the "Network Notes" to this kind of layout. It still gives you the ability to hear what John's reaction to said notes are; however, makes it easier to read overall. While I love writing things out in dialog form, for this segment at least it's probably best to just do so in this way.
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Later that day

... Anxiety Cometh ...



I could feel the boulder-like knot swallowing up every single piece of available space within my stomach. My mind, all be it hazy at best, found an inability to truly focus on anything other than what lay before me.


An exert from TotalExtremeWrestling.com

3rd Week of May, 2010


"Bear Bekowski, THE personal "pet project" of Richard Eisen, has now officially been called up to 'the big leagues'. Following a brief statement from our "inside sources", It's been reported that the bruising youngster has finally found his way to the main roster. While some question his "readiness" from an in-ring perspective, His overall menacing look appears to be his ultimate selling point with Mr. Eisen himself"


I quickly did my best to survey the situation at hand. Was I falling victim to my overactive anxiety due to the fact that Bear's "calling up" brings me back to that day; The day of "The Injury". OR, Was it more in-line with the notion that THAT could have been me? If it was the second choice, Then I was only setting myself up for my sanities failure. Bear, while extremely "green" while I was working with him in RIPW, had everything going for him that I... did not. His size, his look, his menacing stair... He was the prototypical wrestler that Mr. Eisen LOVED! Me, on the other hand, I was just another "garden-variety" lightweight in HIS eyes. In hindsight, I now know that my chances of ever making the "big leagues" was few and far between BECAUSE there was always someone faster, someone smarter, someone more "in your face" then I was.


So, with that, I slowly turned toward my meditative breathing exercises to ultimately allow my rapid heart-rate to subside slightly. With the initial "shock" of the scenario at hand now out of the way, It was much easier to sit back and congratulate my former co-worker through a heavily-guarded stint of internal monologue.


"Great for you, Bear... It's well des...."


In mid thought; however, my mindset quickly shifted backward...


"Where the hell are my cigarettes?"


I stormed out of my office; taking a long lunch that day away from the masses. It was best to be alone. Best to work through my own internal hell without the need to interact with anyone else.

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Absolutely loving this, EV! Wasn't much expecting Bear to come up again, but it is the sort of thing that I can see popping up and eating at a character like John. I also like the new format of network notes, but I miss the 'What We Learned' summary at the bottom of the post.


One thing, and I HATE to play grammar police but this his happened in all of your previous three story posts; you keep typing 'stair' when you mean 'stare'.

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Absolutely loving this, EV! Wasn't much expecting Bear to come up again, but it is the sort of thing that I can see popping up and eating at a character like John. I also like the new format of network notes, but I miss the 'What We Learned' summary at the bottom of the post.


Thank you, Falling_Star!!


I didn't believe that Bear would come up either; however, when I saw he was called up in my game... I couldn't resist. The two of them are entangled in their history together, so, such a big shift for him would mean something to John. Ya know? So, it just felt fitting to have him see the news, analyze it, and come to a point where he was still quite bitter. Even after all this time of trying to get over it.


I actually forgot the "what we learned" part of the segment. if you don't mind looking back on the post in the next 5 mins then you will see what I forgot to write there. ha. That was my mistake. That will def. stay in the future, Just was my absent mind that forgot to include that. As I said though, I'm in the process of writing that up and editing the last Network Note post to put that back in.


One thing, and I HATE to play grammar police but this his happened in all of your previous three story posts; you keep typing 'stair' when you mean 'stare'.


That is 100% my fault and can be attributed to laziness. I do a spell check before posting each show and I know I've seen that come up before; however, never really paid attention to what it was really asking to change. So, in my lazy state, just hit "change" and went on with my day. I'll keep my mind focused on that a little more as we go forward, To cut down on the mistakes.


All in all, Thanks! Good to hear from you!

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I'm toying around with changing the layout of the "Network Notes" to this kind of layout. It still gives you the ability to hear what John's reaction to said notes are; however, makes it easier to read overall. While I love writing things out in dialog form, for this segment at least it's probably best to just do so in this way.


I like this approach. I like that it separates things nicely without making things confusing or muddled.


The Bear segment was sweet. Even just to show the remaining bitterness there for Greed, it adds depth to the character.

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Long time reader and first time poster.


I am really digging on the whole risque, grungy, anti-authority, new wave of Pro Wrestling theme you have created for the DOA. It makes for a very interesting read from start to finish. Your vision of the DOA is so great that I wish there was a real world counterpart!


Johnny Vicious reminds me a lot of a more vile version of the Crow Sting character. He does not need to speak in which to make a statement but rather uses his fists to do all the talking needed. I guess he's kind of a cross between the Crow Sting and Stone Cold from that aspect. Yea I know that's a crazy comparison of two polar opposites but Vicious's character seems to be very defiant (like Austin) but also silent in his delivery (Sting) creating more mystery behind him.


You have a reader in me going forward, Eisen-verse.

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I agree, the new Notes is great and the little snippet about Bear was well placed too. 'We can do this the easy way or ... the Vicious way' actually made me laugh. I can just imagine him saying that in a Western, US Marshall John E. Vicious :D
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I like this approach. I like that it separates things nicely without making things confusing or muddled.


The Bear segment was sweet. Even just to show the remaining bitterness there for Greed, it adds depth to the character.


Thank you for the feedback on the layout of the "Network Notes", PA. I initially forgot to include the "What we learned" section; however, everything above that was done to simplify the whole process. This way, it was more of a listing of what was brought forth by The Network. What their wants/needs were and how John would ultimately react to said wants/needs.


I'm hoping to create the dissonance that really takes place between TV Shows and their Networks. As a show's developer, John has to balance the process of taking what they have to say into account, analyzing it, and ultimately doing his best to appease everyone (himself and them) so that he can ultimately keep his job. Certain scenarios (such as the Network calling for John to slap a catch-phrase on Johnny Vicious) are outwardly "shot down" by John (at least in his head as he knows better not to challenge the Network at this point); however, some are actually taken into consideration as a great idea as well (ie: The Network calling on John to utilize the film-making process to segments within the show).


I have a lot of things planned between the Network & John; however, plan on doing so overtime; When it feels right to do so. So far, It's been pretty cordial between the two as I didn't really want to add a sense of drama so early on. (As most things are, you have a "honeymoon" period with those you work for, or you surround yourself with; however, in the end, It's expected that the two will butt heads at some point down the road).


As for John & Bear, I really want to keep a consistent tone for John from one project to the next. Sure, he's seemed a little more composed lately; however, a lot of that is due to the fact that he's wrapped up in work. However, Bear's "call up" is really the first example of how things are not really any different from the embattled Mr. Greed. There are some twists, some turns, some relationships forming, that will ultimately continue the "Evolution Greed".


It just takes some time to make sure that these things happen in a more "real" pace versus just throwing them all at the reader in one second. :D


I agree, the new Notes is great and the little snippet about Bear was well placed too. 'We can do this the easy way or ... the Vicious way' actually made me laugh. I can just imagine him saying that in a Western, US Marshall John E. Vicious :D


The quote that the Network tried to force on Vicious was actually a quote I used for an old Role playing character that I had in an E-Fed back in the 90's. He was called "Stric Lee Bizness" (used the name in my X-WA diary) and his line was, "We can either do this the easy way... or the Hard Way"... With "The Hardway" being the name of his finisher. So, when I needed a quick quote to have the Network go goo-goo over in which to try to push it on Johnny Vicious (and to an extent Mr. Greed as a writer of the show), it seemed most easiest to throw in there. :D I'm glad that it made you laugh; even just a little! I wanted to portray how, sometimes, the Network will be totally off the mark when it comes to what's RIGHT for a Pro Wrestling show versus what they THINK is RIGHT. Ya know? These are guys who really have no major connection with "the sport"; so, they go off of what they remember seeing when they were children. Also, and that, they use their focus groups to find out additional information; however, when it comes to stuff like this... No one in their right mind would ask for such a new addition to Vicious's character... UNLESS, You knew little to nothing about Pro Wrestling character development. :D




You both caught me on a day where I feel the "itch" to write, so, that's why you received such long responses. haha. Sorry if it wasn't what you were looking for (reading a wall of text that spells out everything under the sun).


Episode #4 Card due up Later Today!

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Nothing wrong with explaining the things you want to explain with a bit of detail.


The network-running-a-promotion idea is with a ton of potential. I thought so right from the start. There is a ton of room for creativity there, so I am most intrigued to see how you play it out.

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The network-running-a-promotion idea is with a ton of potential. I thought so right from the start. There is a ton of room for creativity there, so I am most intrigued to see how you play it out.


That's exactly what drew me out of my "Short retirement" as I couldn't let this story pass me up. To be honest, If it wasn't for this creation then I probably may have never created a new diary. Nothing else in the Cornellverse really had me going "Oh, I really want to write about that"!! Luckily, for me, the whole addition of Network run promotions really grabbed my attention! :D

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Episode #4

Thursday, 4th week of May 2010


The most chaotic, athletically grueling, death-defying form of Pro Wrestling is coming straight into your home this week, Thursday, on DOA "Rapid Assault". No one will be safe.... Everyone may leave via an ambulance.... and Some, May never be the same again.... However, ALL DOA competitors will gain your absolute respect as they wage war with one another, putting their lives at risk, all for one momentous collective prize.... To usher in a New Era in Pro Wrestling... An Era of limitless possibilities... An Era... of Deadly... Overloaded... Action!




Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious vs. Donnie J

Singles Match


The opening match for this week's episode of DOA "Rapid Assault" portrays the narrative of two men floating in two opposite directions within Deadly Overloaded Action. Johnny Vicious, a competitor who was arguably one "big-move" away from defeating Acid for the DOA Championship last week, sets his sight upon a man who is forging through a nasty break-up of the classic Duo, "The Fly Boys", Donnie J. While both men are considered by many to be strong in-ring competitors, One can't deny the fact that Vicious has quickly become one of THE most powerful forces in the companies short history. It is this fiery momentous rise that has many shouting Johnny Vicious's name from a theoretical mountain top. Calling on the "Silent but certainly deadly" street-fighter to bring an end to Acid's reign atop the DOA; Also, proving "The Voice of Reason" wrong that ONLY HIS roster additions have the ability to succeed.


In the end, Will Donnie J be able to overcome his recent string of misfortunes by defeating the Red-Hot Johnny Vicious? - OR - Will "The Blazing Red Demon" add another notch to his belt as he continues his Violent-climb toward the top of the DOA?



Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" Sparrow & ???????? vs. The Moral Majority

Death-Defying Duo Match [Abides by Divisional Rules]


Don't look now but a bitter, and somewhat polarizing, feud is brewing between the ultra-conservative, "Moral Majority", and the promiscuous Lothario, Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" Sparrow. While it's quite known that Matty moonlights as an Adult-Film-Star outside of the ring, It's this very practice that has pushed the "Moral Majority" to take offense to his "loose nature"; Ultimately taking it upon themselves to personally censor Sparrow.


With the fire heating up between these two subcultural representatives, The question is: Who will prevail this week as they officially meet for the FIRST TIME within a DOA ring?


Also, who will stand as "The Pecker-Wrecker's" mystery partner? Is he, or she, a member of the DOA roster already? - OR - Will we see the debut of a new competitor stepping into "The Dungeon"? Either way, This match-up is certainly set to deliver an apocalyptic like exchange as we all bare witness to the classic battle of Good vs. Evil.... In review, though, which side stands as what? Depending upon your own personal views, Either could take their rightful place as "Good" or "Evil".



OTA vs. Matthew Keith

Singles Match


The third match on this week's DOA "Rapid Assault" card perpetuates the narrative of: Accomplished Wrestler vs. "Green" up-start with potential. OTA, also known as Fumihiro Ota in previous companies, has formulated quite the hefty-resume since debuting in the 90's. A 5-time TCW Cruiserweight Champion, 3-time TCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion, and current DOA Death-Defying Duo Champion, OTA has done nothing but prove his worth as a Pro Wrestler through out his illustrious career. With that being said, he's often over-looked and considered by many to be slightly overrated. Is this rooted in reality? Certainly not. However, It's a battle that OTA has had to wage since his initial release from Total Championship Wrestling in the mid 2000's.


On the other side of the ring stands Matthew Keith. A young man with his entire career laid out before him; however, also battling with his own demons as a 2nd-generation wrestler. I know many would question why such a scenario would be something to "battle with"; however, those who perceive this scenario as such are looking past the real-situation of Matthew trying to remove himself from his father's shadow, Sam Keith. A very lofty, and somewhat impossible, feat that Matthew must encounter EVERY DAY of his professional career.


So, who will ultimately prevail? The man with years of gold wrapped within him BUT STILL struggling to break free from the pessimistic views of some? - OR - The youngster with all the skill in the world... But, an inevitable foe of his father's legacy? Either way, their first ever DOA altercation is set to be a highly-personal affair.




Steve Flash vs. Teddy "Redeem Thee" Powell

Singles Match


The shocking attack of Steve Flash by the debuting Teddy Powell was one of THE most talked about moments of last week's episode of DOA "Rapid Assault". The nature of the assault, the mystery wrapped within Powell's intention, and the dramatic decline of, the beloved, Flash's health is ultimately why such a situation really took hold with DOA viewers.


At first it was expected that Steve Flash would not be cleared by local doctors for action this week; however, even Powell's deadly assault wasn't enough to keep "The Remarkable One" from competing within the "Dungeon"; A short week following his physical demise.


With a heavy sense of rage brewing within the mind, and body, of the Indy Legend, Many believe that Powell's attack may have been the theoretical "waking of a sleeping giant" for Mr. Flash. Will this blind-hatred for his attacker allow Flash to overcome his physical limitations in which to defeat the mysterious Powell? - OR - Will Teddy officially start his personal campaign for "Redemption" with a resounding victory within "The Dungeon"?






Also, "The Voice of Reason" Eric Tyler will flex his ability to govern over "The Dungeon" by crafting a celebratory ceremony for the newly crowned DOA Champion, Acid.




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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Johnny Vicious vs. Donnie J

Matty Sparrow & ??????? vs. The Moral Majority

OTA vs. Matthew Keith

Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

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Johnny Vicious vs. Donnie J

Good god does Donnie suck


Matty Sparrow & ??????? vs. The Moral Majority

Pick up a tainted victory


OTA vs. Matthew Keith

Ota is a tag star, Keith will move up into a good singles position.


Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

Hmm Steve Flash in a match who do you think I'm gonna pick.

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Johnny Vicious vs. Donnie J

Donnie isn't going to beat Vicious

Matty Sparrow & ??????? vs. The Moral Majority

The Moral Majority gets one-up on The Porn Star.

OTA vs. Matthew Keith

While Ota is a tag star, he is experience which will defeat Keith.

Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

Flash mark.

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Johnny Vicious vs. Donnie J


Vicious is hot right now and though he didn't win the title, the last show did turn him into a 'star'.


Matty Sparrow & ??????? vs. The Moral Majority


Anytime a mystery man's involved, I'm gonna side with them.


OTA vs. Matthew Keith


Keith will become a 'star' in future seasons, but for now the veteran and one half of your current Tag champs goes over.


Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell


I see this being a DQ win for Flash, but Powell will be the one walking out of the ring looking like the winner.

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Johnny Vicious vs. Donnie J

Vicious is main event material, Donnie is a fly boy flying solo.



Matty Sparrow & ??????? vs. The Moral Majority

Shock value partner, plus never bet against that many ?


OTA vs. Matthew Keith

Could go either way, but you probably want to get as much out of Keith as you can from the beginning



Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

Flash is king in smaller feds, but in larger ones he is the gatekeeper.

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Guest TDubTNA

Johnny Vicious vs. Donnie J

Johnny is easily winning this one


Matty Sparrow & ??????? vs. The Moral Majority

I was leaning towards going with TMM but I have changed my mind and I'm gonna roll with Matty and his partner


OTA vs. Matthew Keith

This match could go either way as I'm a big fan of Matt but I think OTA will prevail


Steve Flash vs. Teddy Powell

I like Teddy's new character and think he'll pick up the win here

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No mistyping while at work. I meant Donnie. Its been changed.


Oh, okay! Good to know. I mean, If you have a problem with Johnny then I was certainly ready to talk over any issues you may have with how he's being portrayed. However, it's good to know that it was just a mistyping. Mostly for selfish reasons as I really like how Johnny's character has taken shape & he, among many characters thus far, have had A LOT of focus directed in which to keep a consistent theme for his persona!

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Oh, okay! Good to know. I mean, If you have a problem with Johnny then I was certainly ready to talk over any issues you may have with how he's being portrayed. However, it's good to know that it was just a mistyping. Mostly for selfish reasons as I really like how Johnny's character has taken shape & he, among many characters thus far, have had A LOT of focus directed in which to keep a consistent theme for his persona!


No I love Johnny. He's acutally the first non-Hell Monkey portrayal of Hell Monkey that's I've enjoyed. Personally I like the monkey mask.

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