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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Paul London & Sid Vicious v Vader & Vampiro

Alex Wright & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Rick Steiner & Super Crazy

Air Paris v Desmond Wolfe

America's Most Wanted & Spanish Announce Team v Backstreet Boyz, Devon Storm & Harry Smith

Doug Williams v Ken Anderson v Mike Quackenbush v Mr Wrestling IV

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Paul London & Sid Vicious v Vader & Vampiro

Alex Wright & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Rick Steiner & Super Crazy

Air Paris v Desmond Wolfe

America's Most Wanted & Spanish Announce Team v Backstreet Boyz, Devon Storm & Harry Smith

Doug Williams v Ken Anderson v Mike Quackenbush v Mr Wrestling IV

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown defeated EZ Money in 6:24 by pinfall with The Pounce. The two didn't click. D



Saturday, week 3, August 2003

Antelope Gym, Phoenix, AZ.

Live on Sci Fi.


Jeff Jarrett is in ring venting his anger to Harley Race's at his ruling that he can't get physical with American Dragon prior to their World Championship match tomorrow night at Victory Road. Dragon then shows up and goads Jarrett, telling him he knows how badly Jarrett wants to get a piece of him, but that he is fully in control of his emotions and ready for tomorrow night. Race stands between the two during the confrontation. C


Doug Williams v Ken Anderson v Mike Quackenbush v Mr Wrestling IV

An interesting dynamic in this match where a heel tag team faced two face wrestlers who have no common ground. Despite this, Williams and IV knew they had to work together to eliminate a common threat. This they did, taking the match to Ring Wizards with some success. However, Williams ultimately turned that on it's head, taking advantage of Ring Wizards being on the arena floor in 8:55 when Doug Williams defeated Mr Wrestling IV by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. D+


Desmond Wolfe speaks from backstage where he promises he will take CM Punk's X Division Championship "for Queen and country". D+


BG James is in the ring, angry at Ken Shamrock's promise that he will force him to sign the contract to face him tomorrow at Victory Road. James says he never will. Ken Shamrock marches down to the ring and James tries to beg him off. Shamrock lays in to him though and after beating on him locks in the Ankle Lock. When James is tapping, he pulls out the contract and a pen from his jeans pocket and screams at James that he will only let go of the Ankle Lock when he signs the contract.


James screams in pain, and not wanting his ankle to be broken, signs the contract. D+


Backstreet Boyz, Devon Storm & Harry Smith v America's Most Wanted (with Robert Roode & Dawn Marie) & Spanish Announce Team (with So Cal Val)

Backstreet Boyz looked hot here, Devon Storm and Smith not so mainly due to their inexperience as a team. Dawn Marie, So Cal Val and Robert Roode tipped the match in the favour of AMW and SAT though as all three proved to be constantly distracting to their opponents and Mickey Jay had a tough time trying to keep things under control. This helped them to take the match in 7:55 when 'Wildcat' Chris Harris defeated Harry Smith by pinfall with a Catatonic. C-


Shane Douglas is backstage hyping his match with Rick Steiner. Steiner interrupts and they have a scuffle that has to be seperated by TNA's security force. C-


Eric Bischoff is in the ring with Vader and Vampiro. He address Sid Vicious and says that the wants him out of TNA now. He tells Vader and Vampiro to finish the job tonight. C-


Air Paris v Desmond Wolfe

Wolfe warmed up well for his big match tomorrow night by looking impressive against the first X Division Champion, Air Paris and coming out with an impressive victory in 8:34 by pinfall with a Guvnor's Crumpet. C


Ernest Miller had an interview hyping his upcoming no disqualification match with Steve Corino. C-


A music video is shown to promote Frankie Kazarian. D+


Alex Wright & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger Bagwell) v Rick Steiner v Super Crazy

The homosexual trio seem to be becoming more unpredictable by the week. One week they are arguing and in fighting and the next they are sharing a love in huddle where they touch each other up pre match (nothing too graphic, it is TV after all) before working very well as a unit, despite Wright under performing. Steiner and Crazy struggled in that sense, which doesn't bode well when Paul London joins them for a six man tag tomorrow night. The win came for the Happy Homos (mmmm... could that become a tag team) in 9:21 when Buff Bagwell defeated Super Crazy by pinfall with a Buff Blockbuster. C-

Following the match, Buff and Roger celebrate with a tender, loving embrace and Alex Wright celebrates in the ring only for Rick Steiner to attack and nail him with a bulldog. D+


A music video is shown to promote Devon Storm. C- (This show sure has been consistant thus far).


Paul London & Sid Vicious v Vader & Vampiro

Sid looked his usual dangerous self, but the problem was was that the main event was the worst action of the night. Oh dear. Eric Bischoff was the difference maker when he ventured down to ringside, he proved to be a big distraction for Sid. This enabled Vampiro to pull off an upset in 13:19 when he rolled Sid up and pinned him with a handful of tights. Sid was seething but Bischoff got Vader and Vampiro to immediately leave the ring and head up the ramp. D


Mike Tenay, Don West and Potter run through the card for Victory Road, finishing off with the Jarrett v Dragon main event. C+


Show rating: D+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV rating: 0.62

Loss: $49,278

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Sunday, week 3, August 2003




Jeff Jarrett (champion) v American Dragon (C heat)




Backstreet Boyz (champions) v America's Most Wanted (C-)




CM Punk (champion) v Desmond Wolfe (C-)



Ernest Miller v Steve Corino (D+)


BG James v Ken Shamrock (D)


Alex Wright & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Chris Candido (D)


Sid Vicious v Vampiro (D+)


Mike Quackenbush v Mr Wrestling IV (D-)


Devon Storm & Harry Smith v Spanish Announce Team (D-)


Air Paris, Shane Douglas & Vader v Paul London, Rick Steiner & Super Crazy (C-)




There will be a 16 man tournament starting on Impact after Victory Road. Choose eight of the participants. If they are not on the current TNA roster, I will try and sign them.

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Jeff Jarrett (champion) v American Dragon (C heat) Well I hope




Backstreet Boyz (champions) v America's Most Wanted (C-)




CM Punk (champion) v Desmond Wolfe (C-)



Ernest Miller v Steve Corino (D+)


BG James v Ken Shamrock (D)


Alex Wright & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Chris Candido (D)


Sid Vicious v Vampiro (D+)


Mike Quackenbush v Mr Wrestling IV (D-)


Devon Storm & Harry Smith v Spanish Announce Team (D-)


Air Paris, Shane Douglas & Vader v Paul London, Rick Steiner & Super Crazy (C-)

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Konnan defeated Jody Fleisch in 8:24 by submission with a Tequila Sunrise. Fleisch was off his game. D+



Sunday, week 3, August 2003

Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY.


A limo pulls up at the entrance to the arena. The driver steps out and opens the door, and out walks Jeff Jarrett, carrying his NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt. He speaks into the camera, saying American Dragon has no chance of winning tonight as Jarrett has weeks of pent up frustration inside him bursting to get out. B-


Devon Storm & Harry Smith v Spanish Announce Team (with So Cal Val)

An entertaining opener where Harry Smith showed how far he has developed in just over a year. He came to TNA as green as grass but now he is growing into a tidy little performer. He has teamed on occasions with Devon Storm of late and the two are beginning to show signs of looking like a team. SAT however are the ultra slick unit you would expect them to be as they took control of the match and looked dangerous. They took the win in 10:33 when Joel Maximo defeated Devon Storm by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. C-


American Dragon is shown backstage preparing for his title shot tonight. He details how hard he has been training and how much he has studied both Jeff Jarrett and their previous match at Slammiversary. C-


Mike Quackenbush v Mr Wrestling IV

A significant improvement from the mysterious IV, who after an impressive debut main eventing Hard Justice against Jeff Jarrett, put in some stinkers since then. Quackenbush was his usual consistant self... and broke a few rules in the match which earned him some verbal from Robert Brisko. IV's improvement led to him taking the match in 7:26 by pinfall with a Sudan Elbow Drop. C-


Ken Shamrock makes a short, sharp comment that tonight will be the night where he takes revenge on BG James. C-


Alex Wright & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger Bagwell) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Chris Candido

Roger seemed to take a shine to Monty's toned, muscular body, as a couple of times he majorly distracted him by rubbing his pecs and his ass. This was a gameplan as Buff wasn't the slightest bit bothered about Roger's wandering hands. It worked. Monty was completely distracted from the match and Candido left frustrated, though who knows whether this was due to Monty's lack of wrestling or his lack of Roger attention. Wright picked up the win in 9:46 when he defeated 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown by pinfall with a Homo Delight. C-


Backstage, and Spanish Announce Team are demanding a Tag Team Championship match from Harley Race. Race says he will take it under consideration and tells them it was an impressive victory earlier tonight. D-


BG James v Ken Shamrock

Shamrock was less than impressive in a match where he still battered James for long periods. Shamrock's poor performance did at least allow James to put up a fight, after all, when Shamrock is in the mood to tear your head off, very few can prevent him. Shamrock extracted revenge in 9:42 by submission with an Ankle Lock. D+


Steve Corino is making his way to the ring for the next match when a fan stops him and asks him for an autograph. Corino flips him off. C

No Disqualification Match

Ernest Miller v Steve Corino

A good match with a very keen crowd, this is one of TNA's better matches of recent weeks. Corino used the full leeway of the no disqualification rules by using every underhanded tactic in the book and a few weapons too. Seeing his opponent play the low road, Miller began to follow suit in what became a physical and intense contest. Both men scored a couple of near falls until Miller threw a chair at Corino who caught it and in 12:34 Miller won by pinfall with a Thrust Kick into a steel chair into Miller's face. C+


The camera cuts backstage where we find Sid Vicious warming up. He looks full bore psycho tonight. B-


Sid Vicious v Vampiro

A reasonable match but given all it's build up and the ongoing feud between Sid Vicious and Eric Bischoff it was disappointing, given that very little actually happened apart from the match. Sid was strong throughout and Vampiro fought on for as long as he could, but succumbed in 10:26 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. D+


CM Punk cuts an interview about his upcoming match with Desmond Wolfe, where he treats him with utter contempt, calling the match "a complete waste of time" and a "foregone conclusion". C


Cage Match


CM Punk (champion) v Desmond Wolfe

A very good match that saw a good mix of technical wrestling and brawling and violence with the cage. Both men were bleeding a few minutes into the match and both men tried to use submission moves to win the belt as well as trying to escape the cage. A race up the cage saw both men get to the top where they started to trade blows. Wolfe got the better of it and ended up crotching Punk on the top of the cage. Poor little man Punk! The Englishman took full advantage in 14:41 when Desmond Wolfe escaped the cage. Desmond Wolfe wins the TNA X Division title. C+


Having picked up the victory, Desmond Wolfe celebrates in the ring with his newly won X Division Championship. E+


Shane Douglas speaks where he says that his trio is far superior and scoffs at the lack of quality that Rick Steiner's trio possesses. E+


Rick Steiner replies, saying that at least he can trust his team members. He can't trust Douglas' partners any more than he can throw them. E+. What's with all the E+'s now?


Air Paris, Shane Douglas & Vader v Paul London, Rick Steiner & Super Crazy

A relatively sedate start as Shane Douglas did the age old tactic of avoiding Steiner at all costs. When Steiner eventually did manage to get his hands on Douglas, the intensity went up tenfold and it was initially an all out brawl, which Steiner prevailed in. Things began to settle down again though and this led to the match conclusion in 13:56 when Shane Douglas defeated Rick Steiner by pinfall with a Franchiser. C-


A video is shown to recap the Tag Team Championship reign of Backstreet Boyz. C+



Two out of Three Falls Match


Backstreet Boyz (champions) v America's Most Wanted (with Robert Roode & Dawn Marie)

A little disappointing for two main reasons, Johnny Kashmere was below par and also due to a lack of psychology between the two teams. Fall one went to the champions when Johnny Kashmere rolled up James Storm and hooked his legs in 12:33. Fall two went the way of the challengers in 17:48 when Harris pinned Kashmere following a Death Sentence.

Both teams were jostling for the advantage when Spanish Announce Team made their way to ringside. They hovered around for a time, teasing whether they would attack the champions or the challengers. With So Cal Val distracting Mickey Jay, they went after the challengers, attacking AMW which led to the champions making a successful defence in 22:04 by two to one, with the final fall happening when Trent Acid defeated 'Wildcat' Chris Harris by pinfall with a Backstreets Back following interference from the Maximos. C-


Eric Bischoff and Harley Race appear backstage. They say they actually agree on something... that the move of Impact to Spike TV in a couple of week's time will be the best thing that has happened to TNA. They say the fans won't suffer as the show will still be on at the same time on the same night. Spike TV will help take TNA onwards, and on Impact next week they will have a big announcement about the first show on Spike TV. C-


As we wait for the match between American Dragon and Jeff Jarrett to commence, Tenay and Don West run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C+




Jeff Jarrett (champion) v American Dragon

Some flashes of great wrestling here with a crowd who watched on with great interest. It makes me wonder a little why it didn't rate a little higher. This was a true wrestling match. Classic heel v face with some old school technical wrestling that was a joy to watch. Dragon is going to go far in this business... but for the second time in three pay per views he just came up short against Jarrett yet comes out of the match with a greater standing than he had before it. Jarrett's victory came in 23:40 by pinfall with The Stroke. Jeff Jarrett makes defence number 11 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C+


Following the match, in a show of respect and sportsmanship, Dragon offers Jarrett a handshake. Jarrett rudely brushes him off, holding up the championship belt in his face before leaving with it, holding it aloft. C


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the in ring action.

Attendance: 8070 (new TNA record)

Buy rate: 0.34

Profit: $78,420

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It seems I surprised a few of you with some of the results at Victory Road


BHK1978 - 6

Hartattack - 3

totti - 5

Kijar - 1

Acidburned - 8

Olympia - 6

JayR666 - 5


Congratulations to Acidburned.


Thinking about it, a slightly improved prize would be for the winner to name the number of wrestlers in the 16 man tournament to start on Impact as per the number of right predictions he made. As Acidburned got 8 correct... it makes no difference anyway. :D


As part of the intrigue, I'm not telling you what the tournament is for, or when it will reach a conclusion. Hence, you have no limits on who you can select, apart from they must be an active wrestler. Unfortunately this rules out Abyss as he will still be out of action for some time. Doug Williams can be selected as he will return soon. Anybody outside of TNA will try and be signed, but if I can't, then that's one pick lost.

All yours Acidburned. If you want a current roster, let me know.

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TNA's drug testing produced mixed results at Victory Road.

Clean results were returned by Air Paris, Shane Douglas and Joel Maximo.

Chris Candido, Harry Smith and BG James all failed their tests. As this is BG James second failed drugs test, TNA have released him from his contract. Candido and Smith have been kept on but faced disciplinary action.


Roger Bagwell has signed a contract extension for a further two years.

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AAPW Free Fall


MsChif beat Aja Kong (E+)

The Inferno Kid beat Rico Quinones (E+)

Scotty Riggs beat Sonny Siaki (D)

Dan Severn beat Adam Pearce (D)

Low Ki beat Caprice Coleman (C+)

Monty Brown beat Hotstuff Hernandez to retain the AAPW World Heavyweight Championship (C-)


Show rating: C-

Attendance: 300 (sell out)

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Great card!


Two things I found funny were this:


Alex Wright & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger Bagwell) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Chris Candido

Roger seemed to take a shine to Monty's toned, muscular body, as a couple of times he majorly distracted him by rubbing his pecs and his ass. This was a gameplan as Buff wasn't the slightest bit bothered about Roger's wandering hands. It worked. Monty was completely distracted from the match and Candido left frustrated, though who knows whether this was due to Monty's lack of wrestling or his lack of Roger attention. Wright picked up the win in 9:46 when he defeated 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown by pinfall with a Homo Delight. C-


and this:


Roger Bagwell has signed a contract extension for a further two years.


Keep up the great work!

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Great show mate.


I like how your establishing The Backstreet Boyz as Tag Team Champions. The win against AMW will really help them become the premier tag team.


I wanted to see Steve Corino get a push into the big time, but I guess there's plenty of time for that yet.


I might be the only one, but I want to see Jarrett's reign as Champion continue for a lot longer yet.

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It seems I surprised a few of you with some of the results at Victory Road


BHK1978 - 6

Hartattack - 3

totti - 5

Kijar - 1

Acidburned - 8

Olympia - 6

JayR666 - 5


Congratulations to Acidburned.


Thinking about it, a slightly improved prize would be for the winner to name the number of wrestlers in the 16 man tournament to start on Impact as per the number of right predictions he made. As Acidburned got 8 correct... it makes no difference anyway. :D


As part of the intrigue, I'm not telling you what the tournament is for, or when it will reach a conclusion. Hence, you have no limits on who you can select, apart from they must be an active wrestler. Unfortunately this rules out Abyss as he will still be out of action for some time. Doug Williams can be selected as he will return soon. Anybody outside of TNA will try and be signed, but if I can't, then that's one pick lost.

All yours Acidburned. If you want a current roster, let me know.


Would be good to see the current roster please.

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Great show mate.


I like how your establishing The Backstreet Boyz as Tag Team Champions. The win against AMW will really help them become the premier tag team.


I wanted to see Steve Corino get a push into the big time, but I guess there's plenty of time for that yet.


I might be the only one, but I want to see Jarrett's reign as Champion continue for a lot longer yet.


Not the only one, I like Jeff as well (ducks his head while people throw stuff at him) and I think that Nobby is doing a good job with him.

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Thanks BHK.


The current roster, heels in italics...


'Cowboy' James Storm

Rick Steiner

American Dragon

Ken Shamrock

Trent Acid (Tag Team Champion)

Sid Vicious

Steve Corino

Jeff Jarrett (World Champion)


CM Punk



'Wildcat' Chris Harris

Ernest Miller

Johnny Kashmere (Tag Team Champion)

Mike Sanders

Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell

Abyss (currently injured)


Jose Maximo

Shane Douglas



Desmond Wolfe (X Division Champion)

'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

Chris Candido

Mr Wrestling IV

Super Crazy

Doug Williams (injured, will return shortly)

Alex Wright

Ken Anderson

Joel Maximo

Air Paris

Mike Quackenbush




Devon Storm

Harry Smith

Jody Fleisch

Frankie Kazarian

Judas Mesias


Little Guido



Paul London

Robert Roode

Jorge Estrada

Sheik Abdul Bashir

Tony Mamaluke



Necro Butcher

Austin Aries

EZ Money

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that was an excellent card. You have taken the Backstreet Boyz from an also-ran team that everyone picked to lose every match all the way to the tag titles - and agree the win over AMW cements them on top.....and the match served to keep AMW over as they can now build up a feud with the SAT. Bagwell-Wright are GOLD and can see them continue to work their way up the tag team ranks and maybe the team to finally unseat the Boyz for the titles in a few months.


Jarrett seems to be the cream of the crop right now with Sid Vicious being the toughest challenger on the horizon. Looking at the main eventers, Vampiro and Corino look to be the most interesting to switch things up on top. Wildcat Harris, Douglas, and Bagwell in the 2nd tier would also be interesting choices to see what they could do on top with the world title - if you were ever so inclined. Not sure what all thier saleries are, but could be a way to help with balancing the budget if they are lower paid and able to still get the job done.

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Thank you for your picks Acidburned. All will be revealed on the next Impact, which will be posted in the next few days.


Thanks Olympia too. Unusually for me I have lots of ideas buzzing in my head about where to take different wrestlers. I normally book month by month but I have ideas for Jarrett, a long term plan already in motion for Sid, an edgy idea for CM Punk, the Alex/Roger/Buff tale will continue running, BB/AMW/SAT will go on for a while and there is also the 16 man tournament I've already mentioned. Exciting times...

Just a shame I don't have and can't get AJ and Samoa Joe.

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Impact preview


It's Impact last appearance on Sci Fi so you can be sure everybody will want to go out with a bang.

Eric Bischoff and Harley Race have promised some big news regarding the move to Spike TV.

Spanish Announce Team cost America's Most Wanted a very good chance of the Tag Team Championship at Victory Road. AMW will be wanting some revenge.


And it's only two weeks until No Surrender!


Catch the action for the final time on Sci Fi on Saturday night.



Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino

Frankie Kazarian v Robert Roode

Happy Homos v Paul London & Super Crazy

Devon Storm v Vampiro

Ernest Miller v Shane Douglas

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