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TNA's New Beginnings II

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'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Abyss v Ken Shamrock (C heat)



WWE Invaders (Teddy Hart & The Miz) v Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) (D)



Satoshi Kojima (champion) v Evan Karagias ©


CM Punk v Jimmy Hart's WWE Invader (C-)


AJ Styles v D'Lo Brown ©


Jeff Hardy v Jerry Lynn (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV (TV Champion) v Steve Corino (D)


Ernest Miller & Joel Maximo v Jose Maximo & The Amazing Red (D)


Bryan Danielson v Doug Williams (C-)


AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Bumders ('Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell) (C-)

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Kashmere & Sakoda defeated The Young Bucks in 5:55 when Johnny Kashmere defeated Nick Buck by pinfall with a Cradle Breaker. Matt Buck was off his game. C-



Sunday, week 2, February 2005

The Oil Palace, Tyler, TX.


Live on UrbanXtra pay per view


A fan's view of the show opening.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/n917QNJykKI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




WWE Invaders (champions, with Jimmy Hart) v Brits Abroad

A title match to start proceedings and a good enough opening match. Teddy Hart played off Jimmy Hart's antics very well in this match and this gave his team the edge over their British opponents, who were welcomed on their way to the ring by The Chemical Brothers. Ultimately, Hart's WWE men made fairly easy work of their opponents in their first title defence and triumphed in 9:59 when Teddy Hart defeated Chris Hero by pinfall with a Hart Attack. WWE Invaders make defence number 1 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C-


Dusty Rhodes has 'Cowboy' James Storm in his Director of Authority's office. He gives Storm a simple and stern instruction - do not interfere in tonight's World Championship match. Storm stays silent, nodding slightly before he leaves. C-


Mr Wrestling IV (TV Champion) v Steve Corino

IV was very impressive in his first outing as TV Champion in this non title match, and Corino was equally as impressive as the two put on a really good match which featured some great wrestling. Corino has been on a little roll of late but IV has been in solid form since returning from a short time away and he continued this form in 11:54 by pinfall with a Sudan Elbow Drop. B-


Kevin Kelly interviews Satoshi Kojima backstage and asks him what he means by him wanting to redefine the X Division. Kojima states he wants the X Division to be about pure wrestling and fighting and not about who can fly the highest and furthest. C


Jeff Hardy v Jerry Lynn (with Jimmy Hart)

Another bout that featured some great action and at times Lynn struggled to cope with Hardy's unorthodox offence. Lynn is no ham and egger though and he fought Hardy hard, having him on the brink of defeat on a few occasions. Hardy stuck in there, mounted a comeback and took the match in 15:11 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb. C+


AK-47 v Bumders

Has depression set in, in particular for Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell? Kid Kash came out with a shredded pink ribbon dangling from his ass. Buff started crying. Also, he and 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown didn't come out sporting their usual big boners. Buff's mind didn't seem to be on the match at all and despite Austin Aries underperforming, AK-47 dominated most of the match because of Buff's and to a lesser extent Monty's mental state. AK-47 took a surprisingly comfortable win against the former champions in 12:13 when Austin Aries defeated 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. C-


Kevin Kelly interviews Mr Wrestling IV backstage who expresses his happiness at returning to TNA beter than ever and winning his first title, the TNA TV Title. C


Bryan Danielson v Doug Williams

Originally scheduled for Genesis before Bryan Danielson suffered a short injury, the two put on a match that showed they deserved the chance to wrestle each other as both men looked impressive in another match that saw excellent wrestling. Williams was riding a wave when he was the TV Champion and then had a short spell in the World Championship picture. He has since been on the slide though, a slide that carried on with defeat in 15:04 by submission to an Arms Across America. C+


Ernest Miller & Joel Maximo (with Jimmy Hart) v Jose Maximo & The Amazing Red

A match steeped in personal issues with Miller and Joel Maximo accusing Joel's brother Jose of making the wrong choice by alligning with New Dawn and not the WWE Invaders. Jose clearly feels he has made the right choice. He has never been in WWE unlike his brother, he has family by his side in his cousin Red and he is with a group that stands by it's ethics and professionalism. The two brothers had no qualms in fighting each other, neither did Red with Joel. With being thrown off their game when Jose named Red as his partner, Jose and Red capitalised on this from a week ago and made the most of their opponent's anger and slight lack of focus. They won the tag match in 14:27 when Jose Maximo defeated Ernest Miller by pinfall with a Dawn Call. C


Harley Race hypes his monster Abyss and says he will become the second two time NWA TNA World Champion, beating Ken Shamrock to match Ken Shamrock. D-


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThKNt-GY1ww?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThKNt-GY1ww?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


CM Punk walks out to the ring, stern faced while the crowd voice their appreciation of the straight edge New Dawn leader.


<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/63gdZAsl62E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Jimmy Hart then walks down to the ring to a chorus of boos and one fan is heard shouting "f*ck off back to WWE you a*shole". He gets in the ring and stands up to Punk. He tells Punk his opponent is standing behind him. The camera pans back to reveal



CM Punk v Sid Vicious (with Jimmy Hart)

Sid clobbers Punk in the head as Punk turns round and he drops to the mat. The crowd are booing loudly. Sid picks Punk back up and nails a Powerbomb and it looks over in seconds... but Punk barely kicks out. Punk tries to mount comebacks through the match but the initial assault and Sid's overall size and power is too much. Sid wins, thanks to this in 10:40 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. The sad Sid has gone and the evil Sid is back. C


AJ Styles v D'Lo Brown (with Jimmy Hart)

A delighted Jimmy Hart stayed at ringside for the battle of "seconds in command". However, he would not have been delighted with the outcome of this great match up as Styles and Brown tore the house down. They battled back and forth, with AJ's exciting style meeting a match in D'Lo's straight forward style. After a long, hard match, AJ took the victory in 22:25 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. B-


Kevin Kelly interviews Ken Shamrock backstage. Shamrock is ready for the main event, saying he is the superior wrestler and not only is he the only two time NWA TNA World Champion, tonight he will become the first three time champion. D-




Satoshi Kojima (champion) v Evan Karagias

Karagias gets his rematch against the man who dethroned him as champion and again they put on a very good match with Karagias' speedy, flying offence being matched by Kojima's wrestling and fighting style. Kojima again had the better of his aerial based opponent and it seems his quest for 'less air' in the X Division is gathering momentum. Kojima kept his title in 23:33 by pinfall with a Lariat. Satoshi Kojima makes defence number 2 of his TNA X Division title. C+




'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Abyss (with Harley Race) v Ken Shamrock

A very good main event which initially saw Shamrock and Abyss pool their anger towards being screwed by 'Cowboy' James Storm helping 'Wildcat' Chris Harris keeping his title against them. This lasted a few minutes before the desire to become champion saw them arguing and then fighting. Harris took time to recover.

Harris then came back into the match and scored near falls on both Shamrock and Abyss.

The match became and old school three way match, with many pinfalls being broken up and the match going on for a long time but never losing quality or crowd interest. The three did a very good job in that respect.

With the match finally poised, Robert Brisko got squashed by Abyss. 'Cowboy' James Storm, seen watching earlier backstage on a monitor spied his chance. Grabbing a six pack, he ran to ringside and first nailed Harley Race with a beer bottle before doing the same to Abyss and Ken Shamrock, making all three men bleed. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris was livid, asking Storm what the hell he was doing. Storm told Harris he was keeping him his title and "don't be an ungrateful b*stard". In terms of the match, Brisko was coming too and Harris was very much in control now. He didn't have any options other than to wrap it up. He did this in 38:29 when he defeated Abyss by pinfall with a Catatonic. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris makes defence number 4 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. Harris started a stunted celebration in defending his title before getting in Storm's face telling him to "stop this nonsense". Storm took exception, grabbed another bottle of beer and hit his partner full in the face with it. Harris dropped to the mat bleeding. Storm stood over him, raised another beer bottle in the air, poured some down his throat before dropping the title belt on his now former partner. B-


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the matches.

Attendance: 7940

Buy rate: 0.58 (new TNA record)

Profit: $138,453


Against All Odds is rated the third best show in TNA history.

AJ Styles v D'Lo Brown is rated the second best match in TNA history.

'Wildcat' Chris Harris v Abyss v Ken Shamrock is rated the ninth best match in TNA history.

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congrats on the great show!! highest ever PPV buy rate - impressive, and hopefully Wildcat can keep carrying the company on top even though I'm sure there are those in the back office who don't have as much faith in him and will want to put the title back on an "established star" (ie WWE reject) in order to capitalize on the newfound success.


should be interesting to see the feud between America's Most Wanted (and where does their protege Robert Roode fit into things? or does he sit it out?)

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1. Jay R 10

2. David Corperial 9

3. BHK 8

3. Michgcs 8

3. Nest 8

6. The Final Countdown 7

7. Olympia 6


Well done to Jay for scoring a perfect score, off memory the first my diary for the contests.

No prizes this time as detail. Instead, everybody who made predictions, for each correct one made it gives you one vote for the stipulations that I will outline in due course for the World Championship match at Destination X. So for example, Jay will receive 10 votes. He can then put all of these on one choice, or spread them out however he chooses. Anybody who didn't make any predictions can still vote but will only receive a single vote.

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Impact Preview


Against All Odds saw some crazy action. Most of all was 'Cowboy' James Storm turning on his partner 'Wildcat' Chris Harris moments after he had helped him to defend his title. Harris will be fuming and how will he respond on Impact?

Another person who was surprised was CM Punk. Jimmy Hart got in sad Sid Vicious' ear and persuaded the big man to turn his back on the fans and join the WWE Invasion. Sid's brutal attack led to a comfortably victory. Will Punk seek revenge?

Speaking of revenge, will Joel Maximo seek revenge on his brother Jose having lost to him and their cousin Amazing Red at the pay per view.


Watch live on Spike TV on Saturday night.




TNA TV TITLE - Mr Wrestling IV (champion) v Jerry Lynn

Jeff Hardy v Steve Corino

Abyss v Doug Williams

NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH - AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Buck)

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TNA TV TITLE - Mr Wrestling IV (champion) v Jerry Lynn

f HardyJef v Steve Corino

Abyss v Doug Williams

NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH - AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Buck)

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TNA TV TITLE - Mr Wrestling IV (champion) v Jerry Lynn

Jeff Hardy v Steve Corino

Abyss v Doug Williams

NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH - AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Buck)

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TNA TV TITLE - Mr Wrestling IV (champion) v Jerry Lynn

Jeff Hardy v Steve Corino

Abyss v Doug Williams

NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH - AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Buck)

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TNA TV TITLE - Mr Wrestling IV (champion) v Jerry Lynn

Jeff Hardy v Steve Corino

Abyss v Doug Williams

NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH - AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Buck)

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Caprice Coleman defeated Prince Nana in 5:36 by pinfall with a Thermal Shock. C+



Saturday, week 3, February 2005

Daniel P. Rose Center, Mount Pleasant, MI.


Live on Spike TV


Impact starts with AJ Styles questioning what Satoshi Kojima is on about when he is says he is ushering in a new style of X Division. Styles talks passionately about the exciting X Division style and that the X Division is so great because of the mixture of wrestlers that make the division with high flyers, fast competitors as well as more traditional wrestlers.

Kojima comes out and says that Styles can't do anything about Kojima's new "Fighting X" where the ability to wrestle and fight matters and not how fast you can run or how high you can fly. Styles challenges Kojima to prove which is best at Destination X and to put the title on the line to prove it. Kojima, always eager for competition, readily accepts. C+


Brits Abroad v Young Bucks

The Brits looked much better than their young but exciting opponents, who epitomised the excitement of the X Division that Kojima wants to eradicate in "Fighting X". It didn't get them very far as the Brits showed they are the more established team in 6:04 when Chris Hero defeated Matt Buck by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome. D+


We are in the TNA Director of Authority's office where Dusty Rhodes is sitting behind his desk, writing something. EZ Money and Mike Sanders burst in and demand to know why they don't have a Tag Team Championship match. Rhodes remains calm and tells them they don't deserve one and they have to start making a name for themselves. Rhodes also adds that their stable mates AK-47 have a number one contenders match tonight against Johnny Kashmere and Keiji Sakoda. Money and Sanders aren't happy. C


Following a commercial, Dusty Rhodes has CM Punk in his office. Rhodes tells Punk he will face Ken Shamrock at Destination X. Punk asks why. Why when New Dawn are battling to halt the WWE Invasion why TNA are not doing anything to help. Rhodes says he needs a marquee match at Destination X and he and Shamrock can give that. Following Destination X, Rhodes will give full support to stopping the WWE Invasion. Punk accuses Rhodes of not taking the situation seriously. C-



AK-47 v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Both teams knew they have a major chance at glory here and both fought hard to earn it though Kid Kash still carries the Feast or Fired briefcase giving a Tag Team Championship match. Both teams worked very well together and had the advantage in spells. Kashmere and Sakoda came out with the championship match at Destination X when they won in 10:32 when Johnny Kashmere defeated Kid Kash by pinfall with a Cradle Breaker. C-


Kevin Kelly interviews D'Lo Brown, who is coarse and direct, he's mad at losing the TV Title to Mr Wrestling IV and to AJ Styles at Against All Odds. He says the Invasion will soon be kicking up a gear and walks off. C-


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown is backstage consoling Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell. Some big black man love is working as Buff starts to cheer up, the tears stopping and Monty presents Buff with some new pink ribbons, which delights Buff. His delight gets stunted when Bryan Danielson appears and informs Buff they have been assigned a match at Destination X. Danielson says he doesn't care about his gay relationship or any pink ribbons, he just cares about getting the job done. Buff's smile goes again. C


Abyss (with Harley Race) v Doug Williams

Abyss is clearly not in a good mood following Against All Odds when 'Cowboy' James Storm again cost him a possible World Championship win. He hammered Williams in the early going and to Williams credit he hung on in there and fought back. The two then had a good match before Williams eventually fell to Race's monster in 9:42 by pinfall with The Black Hole. C+


Jimmy Hart is backstage with Sid Vicious, praising Sid for a job well done and giving him a pep talk for his upcoming battles. CM Punk enters scene and tells Jimmy "you got me" but the war isn't over. Punk says the WWE will never take TNA over as long as he can fight the battle. C


Dusty Rhodes is having a busy night as now the NWA TNA World Champion, 'Wildcat' Chris Harris enters his office. Harris says he is sick of the bullsh*t that that b*stard 'Cowboy' James Storm has been up to and wants to kick his a*s. Harris tells Rhodes to give him Storm at Destination X. Rhodes says that's a good idea, he'll make the match for the title. Harris is delighted. Rhodes says he'll do something else for him. Rhodes says he will conduct an internet poll for the match type and which ever type gets most votes, will be the match. He says that given Harris' will have far more support, he will probably get a favourable match. Harris thanks Rhodes and says he can't wait for Destination X. C




Mr Wrestling IV (champion) v Jerry Lynn (with Jimmy Hart)

IV makes his first title defence following winning the title from D'Lo Brown last week and he and Lynn put on a closely matched, decent match where near falls and submission holds, mostly from IV were frequent. Lynn's desire to win the title for himself and the WWE Invasion was evident but he came up short in 13:04 by pinfall with a Sudan Elbow Drop. Mr Wrestling IV makes defence number 1 of his TNA TV title. C


Dusty Rhodes is seen in his office again. He has with him Jorge Estrada and Evan Karagias. He tells them that they will be two of six men in an Ultimate X match to determine a number one contender for the X Division Championship. He says the other men they will face are 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, The Amazing Red, Ultimo Guerrero and Caprice Coleman. Karagias is delighted, he has two stable mates in the match with him. C-


Kevin Kelly interviews Ken Shamrock backstage. He asks Shamrock about the Punk match at Destination X. He says he doesn't care, he'll beat him up on his way to finally getting a one on one match with Chris Harris and becoming a three time World Champion. C


Jeff Hardy v Steve Corino

A main event that featured some great action but the two looked a little awkward in the ring and appeared to lack chemistry together. Hardy slowly but surely got the better of Corino and took the main event in 17:19 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb. C


Show rating: C

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 3019

Rating: 1.04 (new TNA record)

Loss: $57,629

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Sunday, week 3, March 2005


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pqS721yggyw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Current card



Satoshi Kojima (champion) v AJ Styles (C+)




'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v 'Cowboy' James Storm (C-)



WWE Invaders (Teddy Hart & The Miz, champions) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda (D)




Caprice Coleman v Evan Karagias v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels v Jorge Estrada v The Amazing Red v Ultimo Guerrero (D)



Joel Maximo v Jose Maximo (D-)


Bryan Danielson v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C-)


AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) (D)


Doug Williams v Jerry Lynn (D)



Air Paris v Jeff Hardy (D)


CM Punk v Ken Shamrock (C-)




How many correct predictions you made for Against All Odds gives you the number of votes you have to pick the match. Anybody who did not predict for Against All Odds can still vote but have one single vote. Votes can be put all on to one match or spread however you see fit. Voting can be done via PM or on the forum, it's your choice whether you want your votes private or public.

The match types are

1. Steel cage

2. Bar room brawl

3. Last man standing

4. Street fight

5. Regular match



To be decided

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WWE held No Way Out. The event drew a 23,123 at the Fleet Center and a 6.06 buy rate on pay per view.

The main event and match of the night saw Booker T retain the Undisputed Championship over Shawn Michaels.

The show rated B+


WWE has risen back to Global in size with the show.



Sean O'Haire has won the OVW Heavyweight Championship for the second time, beating Ken Shamrock who managed fifteen successful defences.


Bryan Danielson and Satoshi Kojima have both extended their contracts by three months.

EZ Money has signed for a further year.

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<p><strong>Impact Preview</strong></p><p> </p><p>

It's the end of an era in TNA as Impact is broadcast on Spike TV for the final time before moving over to sister station Spike next week. Dusty Rhodes has decided that they should go out with a bang on Spike TV so has booked every title in TNA to be defended on what will be a memorable way to end.</p><p>

Elsewhere, CM Punk is confused as to why Rhodes has booked him in a match at Destination X against Ken Shamrock rather than continue his quest to halt the WWE Invasion and Jeff Hardy has a message for Air Paris who is due to return at the X Division based pay per view.</p><p> </p><p>

Watch the action for the final time live on Spike TV.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - 'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Abyss</p><p>

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - WWE Invaders (Teddy Hart & The Miz, champions) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)</p><p>

TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - Satoshi Kojima (champion) v Jose Maximo</p><p>

TNA TV TITLE - Mr Wrestling IV (champion) v D'Lo Brown</p><p>

The Amazing Red v Ultimo Guerrero</p>

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<p>NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>'Wildcat' Chris Harris</strong> (champion) v Abyss</p><p>

chance for Harris to prove his worth without Storm involvement, and a win over a former champion should do wonders for his increasing overness</p><p> </p><p>

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>WWE Invaders</strong> (Teddy Hart & The Miz, champions) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)</p><p>

TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>Satoshi Kojima</strong> (champion) v Jose Maximo</p><p>

TNA TV TITLE - <strong>Mr Wrestling IV</strong> (champion) v D'Lo Brown</p><p>

<strong>The Amazing Red</strong> v Ultimo Guerrero</p><p> </p><p>

Is OVW a WWE development league? Shamrock was their champion? Maybe that's why Rhodes is sending Punk after him as Dusty suspects that Ken is a mole</p><p> </p><p>

you said you were leaving SPIKE to go to SPIKE? Did you mean a different station?</p><p> </p><p>

as for the match stips, I'll put my votes to a street fight to keep the balloting somewhat close. Street fight or Bar Room brawl both fit these guys, and agree with Nest about it leading to a cage match at Lockdown</p>

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<p>OVW is a development company for WWE.</p><p> </p><p>

Impact is moving from Spike TV to sister station Spike. Had I not buggered up extension negotiations it would have been on both stations instead of coming off Spike TV. The move to Spike means Impact will now be broadcast on Monday nights and will also be broadcast in Canada for the first time. The slot I've got though suggests low ratings instead of medium that was for Spike TV. Have to see what difference it makes in a couple of shows time.</p>

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<p>I'm putting all my votes on Barroom Brawl, as well.</p><p> </p><p>


NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>'Wildcat' Chris Harris </strong>(champion) v Abyss</p><p>

<em>No sense in letting Abyss get the win here</em></p><p>

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - <strong>WWE Invaders (Teddy Hart & The Miz, </strong>champions) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)</p><p>


TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - Satoshi Kojima (champion) v <strong>Jose Maximo</strong></p><p>

TNA TV TITLE - <strong>Mr Wrestling IV (champion)</strong> v D'Lo Brown</p><p>

<strong>The Amazing Red</strong> v Ultimo Guerrero</p><p>

<em>Both guys are on a roll</em></p>

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