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TNA's New Beginnings II

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TNA TV TITLE - Al Snow (champion) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz, champions) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)

NUMBER ONE CONTENDER MATCH, WINNERS GET A TITLE MATCH AT SACRIFICE - Beer Money ('Cowboy' James Storm & Robert Roode) v Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Latin American Exchange (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

Christian Cage v Doug Williams

John Layfield v The Amazing Red

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Johnny Kashmere defeated Chris Masters in 5:51 by pinfall with a Cradle Breaker. D



Sunday, week 3, April 2005

Broadcast on Monday night, week 4, April 2005 on Spike.

J.S. Dorton Arena, Raleigh, NC



Their is a sombre atmosphere in the J.S. Dorton Arena as Impact starts, both from the crowd and from the announcers, Mike Tenay and Potter. Both say they were sickened from events at Saturday night's Lockdown pay per view. They have an update on the condition of New Dawn.

Images are shown of each of the four New Dawn members involved in Lethal Lockdown in hospital. Tenay and Potter talk over the images. They say that Caprice Coleman, Evan Karagias and Jose Maximo have all suffered injuries sufficient to keep them out of action for around a month after being handcuffed the cage last night and hit with weapons. All three men are seen battered and bruised.

CM Punk is then seen, on a life support machine. Tenay emotionally says that Punk came very close to losing his life last night. Tenay struggles to keep himself together as he says that Punk has not regained consciousness forty eight hours later and there will be further updates as they develop. B-

Tenay and Potter are then interrupted.


<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/63gdZAsl62E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Jimmy Hart leads the WWE Invasion down to the ring much to the annoyance and dismay of Mike Tenay and Potter. D'Lo Brown is carrying a box. Jeff Jarrett gets a mic and tells the world that CM Punk was right all along, he is the man behind the whole Invasion but that he is too smart for everybody in TNA and all the fans. He had them believe that Jimmy Hart was the man behind it all, when he was the one coordinated the men in the ring. Jarrett was the one who signed everybody including the latest influx of top stars. He says that while Dixie Carter may own the company, she doesn't run it, so Jarrett took it upon himself to start getting his company back. He tells everybody that there are three major changes that will happen straight away. Firstly, Explosion is no more. In it's place will be a much better and weekly pay per view called WWE Attitude where true superstars can showcase their skills. Secondly, with everything Jarrett has to do piecing the Invasion together, he has appointed somebody to run WWE Attitude for him. Introducing...


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dY_q7_eQskY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Another bombshell as Mr Perfect Curt Hennig swaggers to the ring. He gets in, shakes hands with Jeff Jarrett and takes the mic. He says how he will be the perfect man to run WWE Attitude. He says the third and final major change involves the TNA TV Title. He brings Al Snow forward, and tells him that the TV Title no longer exists. Snow looks pissed. Perfect calms him down though and tells D'Lo to give Snow the box. Snow opens it and has a huge smile on his face. Mr Perfect tells Al Snow that while he is no longer the TNA TV champion, instead he is now the WWE Champion. Snow beams as he straps the new championship belt around his waist. Perfect continues that saying because of this, Christopher Daniels will not get a TV Title match tonight but he will still be in action and that his new opponent will be Abyss. C+


Following a commercial break, cameras are with Joel Maximo backstage who sickening laughs about his brother Jose's injuries he suffered last night and says he took delight in causing them. B-



Beer Money v Brits Abroad v Latin American Exchange

Finally the first action of the night and it was OK. Three teams vying for a title match at Sacrifice and 'Cowboy' James Storm did not perform well. This led to the downfall of Beer Money in this match and it was Desmond Wolfe who earned a title shot for Brits Abroad in 9:38 when he defeated Robert Roode by pinfall following a Tower of London. C-


Backstage again and Jeff Jarrett is gloating to the camera about what he has done and will do to the company he founded. C-


Backstage and TNA Director of Authority and WWE Attitude leader Mr Perfect clash. Rhodes says Perfect can't waltz into TNA and do what he likes. Perfect says he can as Jarrett has given him the power to do so. They dispute the NWA TNA and WWE Championships, which finishes with Perfect signing 'Wildcat' Chris Harris v Matt Hardy for the NWA TNA Championship at Sacrifice. Rhodes can't believe what has just happened, but appears to be not be able to do anything about it. B-




WWE Invaders (champions, with Jimmy Hart) v Full Blooded Italians

Jerry Lynn and The Miz made a lot more of this match than they probably should have done. They were anticipating an easy match, but Guido and Mamaluke put up quite a fight. The champions did eventually prove too classy in 12:21 when The Miz defeated Tony Mamaluke by pinfall with a Mizard of Oz. WWE Invaders make defence number 7 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C


A dark, shaven headed figure is seen lurking in the backstage area. We know now of course that this is Maven. Maven shows no remorse at all for what he and his fellow WWE Invaders did to CM Punk at Lockdown, in fact he goes further to say he enjoyed it and Punk deserved it. B-


Bryan Danielson is backstage and says that while he may not have seen eye to eye with New Dawn in the past, he is sick and disgusted at what happened to them at Lockdown. Danielson goes on to say that CM Punk has the right ideals for the company and he needs help to get them into TNA so TNA is run like a proper wrestling organisation. The fans start to cheer Danielson which turn to boos as the WWE Champion, Al Snow appears. He's heard what Danielson has said and tells Danielson he is making a mistake if he is going to align with TNA and he will go the way of New Dawn. Danielson retorts that he would rather go down with pride and integrity that commit dispicable acts like the WWE Invaders have done. Snow is getting agitated and challenges Danielson to a match at Sacrifice. Danielson is only to eager to accept and even gets Snow to agree to put the WWE Championship on the line. Danielson's face turn is very well received. B-


Abyss (with Harley Race) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels

Daniels is clearly pissed off at losing his title match tonight and having to face Abyss instead. This plays into Abyss' hands though, as Daniels takes the fight to Abyss, the monster simply over powers him. Abyss ends up making fairly short work of Daniels and takes the contest in 4:41 by pinfall with The Black Hole. C-


Dusty Rhodes is backstage with The Fringe. He tells The Fringe that they need to believe that TNA needs to stand up to the WWE Invasion or they may get run out of their jobs. He says with New Dawn now out of the picture, he needs The Fringe like never before. Mike Sanders speaks up, saying that they aren't happy with how Rhodes treated them in the past and suddenly he needs them. Sanders says The Fringe will consider what he said. C


Elsewhere backstage there is a bizarre meeting between Goldust and Mr Wrestling IV. Neither really knows what to make about the other, apart from calling each other a freak. C+


John Layfield (with Jimmy Hart) v The Amazing Red

One of only two New Dawn members left, Red had a massive task to try and beat Layfield who was making his in ring debut in TNA. He couldn't do it. Layfield was too big, too strong and too smart and took the match in 7:11 by pinfall with a Clothesline From Hell. C-


Satoshi Kojima appears via a video link. He apologises to TNA for not turning up to Lockdown as he was stuck in Japan unable to fly to the States having competed there. He says he will be back for his title soon. C+


Ken Shamrock bursts into Dusty Rhodes' office, demanding another shot at the title. Rhodes dismisses him by telling he agreed to his last chance match and he has a lot more on his mind with the WWE Invasion than Shamrock's obsession at being a three time champion. Shamrock tips over Rhodes' desk, and gets in his face. Rhodes gives Shamrock a title match at Sacrifice, but it's at the X Division champion. Shamrock is pissed, and punches the door before he opens it. C+


Christian Cage (with Jimmy Hart) v Doug Williams

Another debuting WWE Invader and the main event against Williams is comfortably the match of the night. It was a very good display of technical wrestling that for much of the match could have gone either way. Cage prevailed though in 19:23 by pinfall with an Unprettier. B-


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the in ring action.

Attendance: 3230

Loss: $76,284 (new TNA record)


Impact is the fifth best show in TNA history.

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WWE held Backlash at Kochi Stadium, Shikoku, Japan. The show drew a 5000 sell out crowd and a 5.90 buy rate on pay per view. The main event saw Rob Van Dam retain the Undisputed Championship against Kane (B-). Match of the night saw Chris Jericho beat The Undertaker (B). The show was rated B-

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Attitude Preview


Explosion makes way for the WWE Invasion's new weekly pay per view show, Attitude. Expect the show to heavily feature WWE Invaders, but the man who runs the show, Mr Perfect, is allowing all titles to be defended on the first Attitude show.

Watch the action live on UrbanXtra pay per view on Wednesday night.




NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - 'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v D'Lo Brown

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP - Al Snow (champion) v Mr Wrestling IV

TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - AJ Styles (champion) v Air Paris

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz, champions) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Bryan Danielson v Matt Hardy

Doug Williams v Maven

Brits Abroad v Dudleys

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Storm defeated Alex Shelley in 6:41 by submission with a Canadian Maple Leaf.



Wednesday, week 4, April 2005

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view

Waco ISD Stadium, Waco, TX.





WWE Invaders (champions, with Jimmy Hart) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

An OK start to the show which saw the champions have the majority of the match over the challengers and made their dominance pay when they took the contest in 7:51 when The Miz defeated Johnny Kashmere by pinfall with a Reality Check. WWE Invaders make defence number 8 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D+


Curt Hennig comes to the ring and announces that Mr Wrestling IV's rematch at Al Snow will be his one and only rematch to win the WWE Championship. C


Brits Abroad v Dudleys (with Jimmy Hart)

The Dudleys make their much anticipated wrestling debut in TNA and they don't disappoint as they and the number one contenders put on a good match. The Brits perform very well and give the Dudleys a tough time, but Devon and Ray have been round the block a few times and make a winning start to life in TNA in 8:54 when Brother Devon defeated Chris Hero by pinfall with a 3D. C


CM Punk is seen on screen on in a hospital bed. Four days following the sick hanging at Lockdown, and he is still on a life support machine. Potter speaks on commentary, saying he agrees with Mike Tenay on Impact this week when he said it was the sickest thing he has seen in wrestling. Potter says that he hopes Punk's condition improves very soon and that in time he will be able to return to the ring. C


Doug Williams v Maven (with Jimmy Hart)

Another WWE Invader makes his debut and again against a British TNA stalwart. Maven has changed before he came to TNA and he is far more darker and sinister than he has ever been before and was the main man in the hanging of CM Punk. Here he and Williams put on a good technical match and Maven got the best of Williams thanks in part to his new attitude in 12:06 by pinfall with a Crossbody Block. C


Goldust speaks from backstage, talking in riddles about how he had to make a point to "people like Monty Brown and Buff Bagwell." C




AJ Styles (champion) v Air Paris

A great match that saw an abundance of exciting fast paced and high flying action between two men that personify the X Division. Paris tried to make the most of his title chance by putting Styles in serious trouble on numerous occasions but the champion was resilient and managed to prevail in 15:25 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 3 of his TNA X Division title. B-


John Layfield has found Ken Shamrock backstage and he gives him reasons why a guy as good as Shamrock would be an asset to the WWE Invasion and why Shamrock should join them. Shamrock ponders on what Layfield said as he leaves. C-


Bryan Danielson v Matt Hardy (with Jimmy Hart)

Another debuting Invader and another debuting victor in an excellent technical match that the crowd really got into, loudly booing Hardy and cheering Danielson, which hasn't happened in TNA for a long time. Danielson looked very good but Hardy made the most of Hart's distractions and took the win in 12:51 by pinfall with a Twist Of Fate. C+


Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage are backstage, Jarrett said it has taken four months for his master plan to come together to start claiming back his TNA and in Christian Cage he has got one of wrestling's top performers and a man who can take TNA and WWE to the next level. C-




Al Snow (champion, with Jimmy Hart) v Mr Wrestling IV

Snow defends the WWE Championship for the first time against the man he beat for the TNA TV Title. The two put on a great match in front of a ferocious crowd who were clearly behind the masked man of mystery. IV looked like winning, until a distraction from Jimmy Hart and John Layfield allowed Snow to take control and defend the title in 15:40 by pinfall with a Snow Plow. Al Snow makes defence number 1 of his WWE title. B-


Harley Race is backstage with Abyss, saying his monster is having a new start and will soon steam roll through TNA again. C




'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v D'Lo Brown (with Jimmy Hart)

A solid main event that could have gone either way for most of the match. Harris got on top when it mattered and put the bout to bed in 21:09 by pinfall with a Catatonic. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris makes defence number 10 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C+


Show rating: C+

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the matches.

Attendance: 6966

Buy rate: 0.12

Profit: $21,403

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Saturday, week 3, May 2005

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view

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Current card



'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Matt Hardy (C+)



WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz, champions) v Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) (C-)



AJ Styles (champion) v Ken Shamrock ©



Al Snow (champion) v Bryan Danielson (C+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Goldust (D)




To be announced

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Jimmy Hart, AJ Styles and Air Paris all returned clean drug tests at Attitude.


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell has left TNA. His contract expired and he did not express any interest in extending his deal.


Abyss has won the XPW Heavyweight Championship, defeating Brian Lawler who managed eleven successful defences.

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Impact Preview


As we enter May, TNA enters Jamestown for the next episode of Impact.


The WWE Invasion has assumed near total control of TNA since Lockdown. Dusty Rhodes though has some news for them tonight.

Dusty is also looking for a response from The Fringe after he turned to them for help fight for TNA last week.

Plus there will be an update from the hospital regarding the condition of CM Punk.


Catch the action on Monday night on Spike.




AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash) v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Abyss v The Amazing Red

Billy Kidman v Satoshi Kojima

Brother Devon v Doug Williams

Goldust v Mr Wrestling IV

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Shoichi Funaki defeated Alex Shelley in 5:39 by pinfall with a Rising Son. Shelley was really off his game. C-



Sunday, week 4, April 2005

Broadcast on Monday night, week 1, May 2005 on Spike

Jamestown Civic Center, Jamestown, ND.



Curt Hennig is in the ring at the start of Impact. He is gloating that the WWE Invasion is getting stronger and is taking a hold on TNA, and ultimately will take over the company including this crap television show. Dusty Rhodes interrupts and comes to the ring. He tells Hennig not so fast, he has a message from none other than TNA owner and President Dixie Carter. She has ruled that although she cannot prevent the Invasion from calling the Explosion show by the new name Attitude since Jeff Jarrett has managed to wrangle into that particular deal, she can put a block on it being a weekly show and hence forth it will become a monthly pay per view show on the first Wednesday of every month. Hennig is livid while Rhodes is beaming. D+


Kevin Kelly is backstage with the Tag Team champions, The Miz and Jerry Lynn. Miz say they are looking forward to Sacrifice where they will dispose of another pair of "worthless challengers". C+


AK-47 v Johnny Kashmere & Keiji Sakoda

Kid Kash is still carrying the Tag Team Championship Feast or Fired briefcase as the two members of The Fringe put in an impressive shift against Kashmere and Sakoda. They were mostly in charge of the match and came out of it with a good win in 7:53 when Kid Kash defeated Keiji Sakoda by pinfall with a Money Maker. C-


Goldust speaks from backstage, talking in riddles about how he has disposed of one TNA homo and at Sacrifice he will dispose of the other in Monty Brown. C


The Fringe enter Dusty Rhodes' office. Mike Sanders speaks as leader of the group and he says they have thought about what Dusty said. Sanders says TNA is their home and they will step up and fight for TNA against The Invasion. Dusty is delighted and shakes the hand of Sanders. D+


Abyss (with Harley Race) v The Amazing Red

Abyss dominated his much smaller opponent, where Abyss weighed in at more than double Red's weight. The foregone conclusion ended in 3:48 by pinfall with The Black Hole. Abyss is dominating at the moment... but much smaller opponents from the X Division. C-


Matt Hardy attacks the World Champion, 'Wildcat' Chris Harris backstage. He throws him into some large containers, which leaves Harris down. C


AJ Styles and Ken Shamrock engage in a war of words over who will come out of Sacrifice as the X Division champion. C+


Billy Kidman v Satoshi Kojima

A very well received match despite it perhaps not being as technical impressive as X Division matches in the past. Kidman was impressive in defeat to the ultra steady, ever impressive Kojima who took it in 11:36 by pinfall with a Lariat. B-


Christian Cage, D'Lo Brown and Jeff Jarrett are backstage, telling The Fringe they are idiots for agreeing to side with Dusty Rhodes and TNA. Jarrett says he could have promised long and successful careers with the WWE Invasion but instead they have signed their own death warrant. C


Al Snow was speaking out on Bryan Danielson and that he will beat him at Sacrifice and defend the WWE Championship. Danielson arrives on scene and tells Snow that he, the WWE Invasion and the WWE Championship are all fake, and at Sacrifice it will be time to get real. C+


Brother Devon v Doug Williams

A good match between two halves of teams that will meet at Sacrifice, Williams was more than holding his own against the accomplished Devon only for Brother Ray to turn up and interfere in the match. This allowed Devon to pick up the win in 12:24 by pinfall with a Deadlyville Drop. C+


John Layfield is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Mr Wrestling IV. IV tells Layfield the WWE can go to hell, and they start arguing. After some heated words, IV challenges Layfield to meet him in the ring for a match at Sacrifice. Layfield accepts. C


CM Punk is seen in his hospital bed. Potter and Mike Tenay are encouraged that he has been taken off life support and is somewhat conscious. Punk is aware of where he is and exchanges pleasantries with a rather buxom nurse.


Punk is in a weak state though and drifts off to sleep.

Moments later, Jimmy Hart and Maven enter the room. Tenay and Potter know this will only go bad. Jimmy Hart laughs as Maven pinches the feed on the drip and Punk wakes in agony. Hart is in hysterics as Maven carries on pinching the drip stoically. Alarms start going off on the machines that are monitoring Punk, so Maven and Hart escape through a window only moments before doctors and nurses come rushing to Punk. Tenay and Potter express their utter disgust. C


Goldust v Mr Wrestling IV

A decent main event that saw Goldust pick up a TNA debut win. The contest was even throughout until the last couple of minutes as IV tired and Goldust took control. He finished it off in 17:39 by pinfall with a Bulldog. C+


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the matches.

Attendance: 3400

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Saturday, week 3, May 2005

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view

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Current card



'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Matt Hardy (C+)



WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz, champions) v Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) (C-)



AJ Styles (champion) v Ken Shamrock ©



Al Snow (champion) v Bryan Danielson (C+)


Dudleys (Brother Devon & Brother Ray) v Pride of Britain (Doug Williams & Pac) (C-)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Goldust (D+)


John Layfield v Mr Wrestling IV (D+)


Christian Cage, D'Lo Brown & Jeff Jarrett v The Fringe (EZ Money, Mike Quackenbush & Mike Sanders) (C-)




To be announced

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sad sad news indeed to see Bagwell leave -- he's been a true bright spot and focal points of TNA since the outset. I guess it was time to run back to Roger, maybe make amends with Alex -- then some day to make his triumphant return to TNA


Matt Hardy prolly did the smartest thing in his life as he bailed out before Wildcat Chris Harris tore him apart. The druggie hardy boyz are the first invaders to be shown the door. Even if it wasn't done in the ring, it can be used as fodder for interviews and bragging rights (you put some of ours in the hospital, we sent a couple of yours to the morgue -- as Arn Anderson would say)

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CM Punk, the anti drug crusader currently being pumped full of drugs to keep him alive would no doubt have a lot to say if he knew about the Hardys leaving due to Jeff's failed drug tests.


Shame to lose Buff indeed. Leaves Monty in a bit of a void now.


Another void is who will challenge Harris at Sacrifice now?

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Attitude Preview


Attitude is back on UrbanXtra pay per view still being run by the WWE Invaders but reverting back to Explosion's previous monthly schedule.

Promised are four championship matches, but Al Snow's opponent for the WWE Championship match has not been announced.



NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - 'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Satoshi Kojima

X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - AJ Styles (champion) v Maven

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz, champions) v The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders)

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP - Al Snow (champion) v Curt Hennig's hand picked challenger

Dudleys & John Layfield v Pride of Britain (Doug Williams & Pac) & Mr Wrestling IV

Jeff Jarrett v Mike Quackenbush

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Double R (Rocky Romero & Roderick Strong)

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I'm sure you'll have a good surprise for us to face Harris for the world title.

I was going to suggest former X champ Kojima, and viola you announce him for the Attitude show. A rematch with Storm could also be a good one as their matches were top notch (and with James' partner leaving, he will need something to do -- at some point I could see the Invaders attacking during their match and leading to them reuniting to reform AMW).


just my opinion, but I'd like to see Harris stay above the invader angle for now, but after a few more good defenses be set on a collision course with the "WWE" champ Al Snow for a unification bout!

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OK, this was my little secret... but I was going to have James Storm interfere in the Sacrifice main event and cost Chris Harris the title. The winner was going to be Satoshi Kojima.

That was until Kojima couldn't make Lockdown as he was booked in Japan, nor Sacrifice for the same reason.

Matt Hardy was going to be a great Plan B.

Now I have to go to Plan C, which I didn't/don't have.

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown defeated Adam Bomb in 8:01 by pinfall with The Pounce. D+



Wednesday, week 1, May 2005

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view

DCU Center, Worcester, MA.



Brits Abroad v Double R

The opening contest of the show saw the number one contenders to the Tag Team Championship pick up a good win against Double R despite Desmond Wolfe having an off night. They looked impressive as a pairing and disposed of Rocky and Roderick in 7:45 when Chris Hero defeated Rocky Romero by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome. C-


Curt Hennig is backstage with Al Snow. He tells Snow he has booked him in a four way tonight with the WWE Championship on the line. Snow goes berserk at first until Hennig tells him that the challengers will be Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage and Goldust. Snow tells Hennig great plan when he knows it's three Invaders versus Danielson. E+


Jeff Jarrett v Mike Quackenbush

Will The Fringe be able to stand up to the WWE Invasion? Given their apparent lack of depth and on evidence of this match, the answer to that question will turn out to be a resounding no. Rhodes will need to rally all of TNA's stars together to have a hope of quashing the Invaders. In this one, Jarrett largely dominated and took it in 7:01 by pinfall with The Stroke. C-


Backstage and Kevin Kelly interviews Ken Shamrock who says it is a joke he has to challenge for the X Division Championship but that it won't be a joke when he breaks AJ Styles. C-




WWE Invaders (champions, with Jimmy Hart) v The Fringe

The Fringe put up a much bigger fight here than Mike Quackenbush was able to manage here, but the outcome was a very familiar tale as the WWE Invaders overcame The Fringe for the second time tonight in 11:28 when The Miz defeated EZ Money by pinfall with a Mizard of Oz. WWE Invaders make defence number 9 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C-


Harley Race and Abyss are laughing at Abyss' recent domination of X Division wrestlers. Billy Kidman approaches and challenges Abyss to continue that at Sacrifice. Race laughs at Kidman, asking if he has a death wish. Abyss grabs Kidman by the throat and lifts him, pinning against the wall before dropping him. Race tells Kidman he has his wish. C


Dudleys & John Layfield v Pride of Britain & Mr Wrestling IV

An entertaining match and one where the Brits and the masked mystery one surprised their WWE opponents by how tough they proved to be and how hard a match they gave them. The Dudleys and Layfield know their way around though, their championship history is proof of that, and they overcame their stubborn opponents in 8:42 when Brother Ray defeated Pac by pinfall with a Bubba Bomb. C+


CM Punk is again seen in the hospital, back on life support following the incident involving Jimmy Hart and Maven at the weekend. Another big different is that instead of a buxom nurse looking after Punk, at least for now, there are two burly armed security men. C+




AJ Styles (champion) v Maven (with Jimmy Hart)

The new dark and sinister Maven troubled AJ in the early going with a series of violent attacks which led to Robert Brisko threatening to throw the match out. Maven calmed down a little as a result and AJ fought back. The two went toe to toe for much of the rest of the match which resulted in a successful title defence for AJ in 16:38 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 4 of his TNA X Division title. C+


D'Lo Brown says he has been watching the action tonight and he sees no way how The Fringe can hope to overcome the WWE Invasion. E+




Al Snow (champion) v Bryan Danielson v Christian Cage v Goldust

As expected this was only a four way match in name as Curt Hennig's plan for a three on one match to soften up Danielson for Snow's serious title defence against him at Sacrifice unfolded. It was not that Danielson went down without a fight, on the contrary, he fought as hard as he could simply to survive rather than trying to win the title. There came a point where it became to much though and he succumbed in 17:18 when Al Snow defeated Bryan Danielson by pinfall with a Snow Plow. Al Snow makes defence number 2 of his WWE title. Only a run in from all five members of The Fringe saved Danielson from a serious beating as Snow, Cage and Goldust escaped up the ramp. C+




'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Satoshi Kojima

A fantastic match that had the crowd enthralled throughout. Kojima called lots of trouble for the champion and Kojima is in no doubt pound for pound one of the best wrestlers in TNA. Harris on the other hand is in the form of his life, having been World Champion for over four months and beating everybody placed before him. Harris continued his impressive streak with a hard fought victory over Kojima, who most certainly will have another chance at some point in the future. Harris' win came in 22:53 by pinfall with a Catatonic. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris makes defence number 11 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. B


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 8302

Buy rate: 0.76 (new TNA record)

Profit: $179,138 (new TNA record)


Attitude is TNA's best ever show

'Wildcat' Chris Harris v Satoshi Kojima is TNA's second best ever match

Attitude is TNA's 200th show

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