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The SWF Discussion Thread

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I don't think it's so implausible to have wrestlers answering questions from the fans and signing autographs. Right before a show? Maybe a little less so, but I wouldn't say 'This would never happen ever'


It does happen all the time. On some shows its pre or post and on some shows there is an intermission where the workers come out to sign autographs for (or if you're a heel heckle) the crowd. I've worked shows where this has happened a few places in NY and you'll see that the guys with less character stick with guys with more character to get the hang of "working" the crowd. These segments are totally plausible and do happen in real life. Now to they happen on a WWE show probably not I've never worked one obviously but on the indies they happen all over the place.

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The SWF is not a real promotion. It's fake. There's no reason to talk about the realism of booking in the topic about SWF.


I might be getting Stone Jr. onto the roster, btw. I've unintentionally stunted my main event to where Gilmore, Money, and Faith are the only guys I trust in the ring. Beyond them I have 10 other guys, 3 at upper-midcard, with 80-or-greater psychology. I also unintentionally got Eric Eisen to 100 momentum, so he's in the elite group of workers (he has 95 pop in the US. Wow...)


Also, going with custom merch for the first time. I checked my roster; everyone with 80-or-greater popularity has maxed out merch. Except Chase; I figure posters and "misc." would best highlight dat rack.

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What's the fun in the game if you don't treat it like a serious promotion and not do everything realistically?


If you want to improve someone's Entertainment skills then align them or make them on-screen friends and use them in storylines. I wish you could assign ring-announcers on this game - it would be a easy way to improve Entertainment skills.


I tried to sign Dan Stone Jr to SWF, but oddly enough this is the first time his ever declined to stay in NOTBPW.

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Simply put, you can't simulate the real world exactly in TEW, so some things you have to fudge a little.


I'm a great believer in the eight-man training angle, and use them on every show. They work, and simulate what I'd do in the real world - tell the guys with average skill to learn from the guys with real skill, or pay for them to go to acting classes or anything along those lines.


There are built-in penalties - Overexposure of certain workers, for one. I also can't run dark matches to train in-ring skills, or look for chemistry.


And ultimately, it's a game - there's no right or wrong way of playing it.

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Well, that was... unexpected. Started up a new SWF game and ran the Hell Freezes Over pay per view this morning. Nothing fancy - stuck with the existing storylines and a few random matches to fill out the card. Plus a bunch of angles because I forgot events have the 70-30 ratio. Used a threeway between Eric Eisen, Rich Money, and Jack Bruce to headline. The match ended up pulling a really strong A grade (98). Close to an A* on my first major show... I tend to forget how relatively easy it is to pull strong grades with Supreme. Always love that about the empire that Eisen built...
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  • 2 months later...

This is a strange question that probably has an obvious answer but I feel like I need to ask it.


Professor Nero just retired, leaving RIPW a rudderless ship. Do I/can I assign someone to run it? Do I hire someone? Do I take over myself? Or will Richard handle it?

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This is a strange question that probably has an obvious answer but I feel like I need to ask it.


Professor Nero just retired, leaving RIPW a rudderless ship. Do I/can I assign someone to run it? Do I hire someone? Do I take over myself? Or will Richard handle it?


Someone will take over, it might just take a couple of weeks for the game to work out who to put in charge since Nero generally doesn't have any positive relationships with anyone so he can't pass ownership on to his friends/relatives.

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