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WEXXV: "Tohoku Death Trip" 2.0

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'Tohoku Death Trip'

'To compete and complete a tour with WEXXV in their home region of Tohoku, Japan. Within the wrestling industry the 'Tohoku Death Trip' is considered as a true mark of proving one's toughness and duration, it's a trip every self-respecting warrior should make atleast once in his career.'









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Warrior Engine XXV




Garbage Wrestling

Tohoku (Japan)

Size: Small (
in Tohoku,
elsewhere in Japan


Ranking Importance:

Ranking Influence:

Owner & Head Booker:
Ryu Kajahara




Japan Economy:

Japan Wrestling Industry:



Tour #1:

Tour #2:




Cult, Daredevil


Modern, Comedy, Risque

Very Low:
Traditional, Mainstream


Match / Angle Ratio:

Face / Heel Divide:

Match Intensity:

Match Danger:


Will attract a vocal fan base to WEXXV shows.

.. Will mean wrestlers are rated equally on performance and popularity.

.. Will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick.

.. Will attract fans who will not respons will to one-dimensional gimmicks.

.. Will attract fans who expect gimmicks to be subltle and complex.

.. Will attract fans who respons well to high risk matches.

.. Will prevent WEXXV from getting Afternoon, Early Evening, Evening, Prime Time, Late Evening TV time slots on some networks.

.. Will make getting sponsorship extremely tough.

.. Will allow WEXXV to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes

.. Will mean that the 'Young Lion' system will not be taken into account at any time.


Warrior Engine XXV is the brain child of the legendary Japanese hardcore worker Ryu Kajahara, who saw a gap in the Japanese market for a truly wild promotion.


Using his own popularity as the launch pad, WEXXV burst onto the scene in 2005 and soon had people talking thanks to the organised chaos that passed for one of their shows. They don't pretend to have the best workers or greatest matches, but they do have a committed roster of insane wrestlers willing to put their bodies on the line.


Against all odds, WEXXV have managed to stay alive despite many financial difficulties over the years, and look on course to reach their fifth anniversary in 2010. However, with Kajahara himself coming closer and closer to retirement, the long-term future for WEXXV is uncertain.








Main Event





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Ryu Kajahara, 52. Light Heavyweight Psychopath

Ryu Kajahara is something of an enigma in Japan; while he's pretty dire in terms of in-ring talent, he's gotten hugely over with the fans. This is primarily because he is an absolute psycho, willing to take the most insane risks imaginable, and he has charisma to burn. His appearances on popular Japanese TV shows have made him a huge star, despite the fact he has never worked for any of the big promotions. In 2005 he set up WEXXV, his own hardcore promotion. In recent years he has been troubled by knee and back problems, but seems intent on continuing wrestling until he has absolutely no choice but to retire, and it hasn't stopped him continuing to win titles in his own promotion.



Kajahara Claw (Mandible Claw)

Short Arm Lariat

Swinging Neckbreaker







Theme: S.O.B Theme
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Gareth Wayne, 36. Heavyweight Brawler

Gareth Wayne is a tough and rugged brawler who is originally from Kentucky, who has had many different identities over the course of his career, including The Gambler, John Doe, and "The True American" Jorge Washington. For most of his career he has been a wrestling nomad, pitching up in a promotion and giving a few years of hard work before heading off to explore new pastures.


In 2006 he joined WEXXV in Japan and started working under his real name. Many expecting him to only stay a year or two at most, but as 2010 starts he is still there. Wayne has established himself as a true main event threat, being a former champion and the leader of the biggest heel stable in the company, The S.O.B.





Curb Stomp







Theme: The New Dawn Theme
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Munemitsu Senmatsu, 24. Heavyweight Brawler

Munemitsu "The Hammer" Senmatsu is a big youngster from Japan, known for being a heavy hitter. He graduated from the dojo system of Golden Canvas Grappling in 2005, but was not kept on for the main roster. He joined Warrior Engine XXV shortly after, and is one of the few break-out stars in the company's short history, with the fans liking his no-nonsense style. In 2006 he captured the WEXXV tag titles with his partner Taheiji Konoe, beating The Peak Brothers, and he followed that up by winning the WEXXV title in 2007 after the biggest push in promotion history. WEXXV's gamble on the unproven rookie seemed to pay off, as Senmatsu has become a solid main event presence and won his second Warrior's Heart title in 2009.



Release Powerbomb

Super Smash Lariat

Top Rope Powerbomb






Kimitada Ohishi, 53. Heavyweight Brawler.


Theme: Team WEXXV
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"The Tokyo Tornado" Kimitada Ohishi is a massively-experienced veteran Japanese heavyweight brawler who made his name during the early 1980s with a series of insane wild brawls, mainly with North American touring workers. The "tornado" part of his nickname came about because of this, as after his arena-wide brawls the place looked like a tornado had hit it. Although he is physically broken down due to age and injuries, he remains a wrestler who never gives less than 100% effort, and he continues to work for his friend Ryu Kajahara's Warrior Engine XXV promotion, where he is a former champion.




Stomach Claw

Spinning Elbow Strike




Upper Midcard





Theme: S.O.B Theme
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Dr. Lee, 40. Middleweight Psychopath.

"The Icon Of Insanity" Henry Lee is most famous for his decade with DAVE, where he was a major star and one of the wrestlers whose hard work and sacrifice helped make the promotion such a success and cult phenomenon. Although absolutely terrible in the ring, his crazy brawls and willingness to take spectacular bumps made him very, very popular.


Thanks to DAVE's working relationship with WEXXV Lee got to start working in Japan regularly, but in October 2006 the two promotions had a falling out and left him having to choose one or the other. He chose Japan, realising that his time with DAVE was coming to an end anyway. He has become one of WEXXV's most successful foreign workers, especially in the tag team ranks alongside fellow DAVE alumni Doug Peak. During 2009 Doug Peak's mental condition become worse and thus Lee become his personal psychologist.



Asylum Buster (Collapsing Piledriver)

Camel Clutch







Theme: Brothers In Vengeance
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Hiroshi Morisue, 31. Heavyweight Psychopath.

Hiroshi Morisue is a 299lb psychotic brawler who isn't particularly talented in the ring, but has gotten over thanks to some better workers going out of their way to make him look good and his own willingness to take crazy bumps and bleed a lot. He also has a very distinctive look, sporting the Crazy Beard Of Madness and Mohawk Of Insanity, which gives him a certain aura.


Morisue has been with Warrior Engine XXV since 2005, and is one of the backbones of the promotion - he is the only "triple crown" winner in the company's history to date.



Running Powerslam

Swinging Sideslam

Top Rope Lariat






Theme: The New Dawn Theme
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Mamoru Nagahama, 34. Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Mamoru Nagahama is a good solid technical worker, noted for the wide variety of suplexes he uses. Many thought that he'd become a big star when he started putting on great performances in the late 1990s for PGHW, but a recurring knee injury meant that he spent long periods of time on the sidelines, and he was never able to achieve his full potential.


After PGHW released him, he spent a great deal of time rehabbing his knee and looking for an opportunity to break back into wrestling, which came in the unlikely form of WEXXV. Not an obvious fit for the ultra-violent promotion, Nagahama jumped at the chance anyway, realising that it would mean some much needed exposure. His excellent tag team with Matsudaira Morioka has become the greatest duo in the company's history.



Nagahama Guillotine (Guillotine Choke)

Backdrop Suplex

Northern Lights Suplex






Patient Peak, 30. Heavyweight Brawler


Theme: S.O.B Theme
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"Dangerous" Doug Peak is a 275lb brawler who is noted for his hardcore style. He is best known for his tag team work, primarily alongside his brother Eddie; they were a dominant duo in both DAVE and WEXXV, and were considered one of the toughest teams of the modern era. The team split up in October 2006, when the falling out between DAVE and WEXXV resulted in Doug electing to remain in Japan while his brother returned to the US to become a huge star.


Doug has established himself as one of the best foreign workers in WEXXV, and is particularly noted for his tag team with another ex-DAVE employee, Henry Lee. "The American Psychos" are former tag team champions, and key members of the biggest heel stable in the promotion, The S.O.B. During 2009 Peak's mental condition become worse and thus Dr. Lee become his personal psychologist.



House Of Horrors (Death Valley Driver)

Asylum Buster (Collapsing Piledriver)










Battle Sakata, 33. Heavyweight Brawler


Theme: Brothers In Vengeance
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Battle Sakata is a solid brawler who, while not likely to end up as a world champion, is a reliable midcard performer. After spending most of his early career drifting around the Japanese independent circuit he joined Warrior Engine XXV in 2005, and in November of that year became the very first King Of The Death Matches, a title he'd hold for five months before dropping it in a now-legendarily brutal bout to his own tag team partner, Hiroshi Morisue. Since then, Sakata has gone on to have a major feud with the American Psychos, Doug Peak and Henry Lee - the long-running battle has seen them trade the King Of The Death Matches belt and the tag team straps on several occasions.



Sakata Twist (180* Front Suplex)

Powerbomb Pin

Dragon Suplex






Theme: S.O.B Theme
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Dallas McWade, 38. Big Heavyweight Brawler

Dallas McWade is the identical twin brother of Dean McWade. The two grizzled Canadian mountain men have made a name for themselves as one of the most destructively violent tag teams in North America, first with CGC and then with NOTBPW, leaving a trail of bodies behind them. The McWades also made numerous appearances for DAVE in the US during the final year of that promotion's life, and although they never became tag champions they did become one of the company's hottest acts. When their NOTBPW contracts came up for renewal in 2009, Dean decided to take a hiatus from the business. Dallas promptly decided the time was right to try some new things of his own, and headed to Japan where WEXXV were only too glad to take him.



McWade Face Wash

Murder On The Mountain (Oklahoma Stampede)

Big Foot







Koichi Kajiwara, 34. Light Heavyweight Brawler


Theme: Team WEXXV
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Koichi Kajiwara is a former professional rugby player from Japan, who moved to wrestling after a bad knee injury ended his playing career. He has a big, thick 275lb physique that gives him a powerful edge, and a lot of his ring style is based around him simply running through opponents using raw strength. The downside to him is that his knee injury has seriously reduced his mobility, and he is often criticised for being too one-dimensional in his work. He joined WEXXV in April 2007, and just eight months later he captured his first pro title, the King Of The Death Matches. Since then he has gone on to be a regular in death matches, winning the title again along the way, and is now established as a solid midcard presence.



Release Powerbomb

Running Tackle

German Suplex






Theme: The Church Of Pain Theme
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Larry Wood, 41. Big Heavyweight Psychopath

"The Mountain Man" Larry Wood is a big intense brawler from the north of Canada, who has a great wild look about him - in reality, Wood is nothing like his character, as he has an IQ of 165, can speak five languages, and has a Phd in biochemistry from Oxford.


He is best known for his work in NOTBPW from 1993 until 2003, when his wonderfully crazy tag team with his fictional brother Billy (Alysian Scottsfield) became massively over and hugely successful too. He joined WEXXV in 2005, and has been a fixture for them ever since, participating in many arena-wide brawls. His psychotic character - which he goes completely over the top with when in the East - has become hugely over.



Running Big Foot

Double Handed Choke Bomb

Choke Slam






Theme: The New Dawn Theme
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Matsudaira Morioka, 37. Middleweight Puroresu

Matsudaira Morioka is a hard-hitting Japanese wrestler, who is known for having some of the stiffest chops in the business. His no-nonsense approach to wrestling is unspectacular but respected by Eastern audiences. He is not especially naturally talented, he is certainly no born athlete to say the least, but he has carved out a career for himself through toughness, dedication, and hard work.


His best period in the business was between 1999 and 2002, when he worked for GCG, but since joining WEXXV in 2007 he has had a career "second wind", as his tag team with Mamoru Nagahama has become one of the best things in the promotion, and led him to three tag team title reigns.



Backdrop Suplex

Boston Crab

Full Nelson Slam






Low. Midcard




Theme: The Church Of Pain Theme
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Travis Century, 46. Heavyweight Brawler.

"The Preacher" Travis Century is a veteran brawler, who is known to be a reliable performer. What has kept him in work for most of his career has been his "crazy Southern preacher" character, which he plays to absolute psychotic perfection. Recently his career has had something of an Indian summer - after a very poor spell in NYCW, where he was completely mis-used, he was signed up by DAVE. Given free reign to amp his character up to the max, he clearly loved every second with the company, and was understandably upset when it went bankrupt right about the time he was establishing himself as a credible main event threat. Shortly afterwards he headed to Japan, where his buddy Henry Lee had arranged for him to come in and work for WEXXV. Recently he has formed a potentially great new team with Larry Wood, which could take Japan by storm.



Salvation (Crucifix Powerbomb)

Dangerous Brainbuster

Texas Cloverleaf






Bull Wrecker, 24. Big Heavyweight Brawler


Theme: S.O.B Theme
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Eric "Bull Wrecker" Sandretti is a massive 300lber, known for his powerful, physical style of wrestling. Breaking into the sport during late 2002, he immediately started working for as many promotions as he could, looking to gain as much experience as possible. During this time he went under a variety of other names including Wrecking Machine and "The Hit Man" Eric Sandretti.


In 2005, he joined USPW, working as Eric The Bull, and slowly began working his way up the rankings. Unfortunately, his big asset - his size - was negated somewhat by the fact that the roster contained many other huge guys who were as big, or bigger, than him. As a result, Eric failed to really catch on, and in late 2008 he requested his release. He started appearing for WEXXV in Japan in mid 2009, as he tries to restart his career.



Pancake Maker (Elevated Flapjack)


Swinging DDT






Theme: Eguchi The Amazing Theme


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Eguchi The Amazing, 34. Lighweight Entertainer

Eguchi The Amazing is a Japanese comedy wrestler, noted for his crazy spiked hair. His in-ring skills are limited at best, but he has managed to carve out a career for himself by sticking to what he can do well; entertain the fans. He has seemingly hundreds of comedy spots that he sticks in matches, everything from getting his head stuck between the turnbuckles to doing mime routines during matches. He was hired by WEXXV in 2008, probably with a spot as a midcarder in mind in order to provide comic relief between brutal death matches. The only non-aligned wrestler on the roster.



La Magistral Cradle

Double Footed Stomp

Twisting Moonsault






Zeshin Makioka, 23. Small Spot Monkey


Theme: Team WEXXV
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Zeshin Makioka is a flashy young high flier from Japan,who was originally trained in the World Level Wrestling dojo, but left shortly before graduating. He is noted for his bright blonde hair and great athleticism, but also for the fact that he tends to blow a lot of moves during matches. In 2006 he was picked up by Warrior Engine XXV, who saw his entertainment value. Since then, he has worked some brawling tactics into his ring work, and the result is that he has developed into a better worker. That said, he has yet to find that extra something that is needed to allow him to go from entertaining lower-level wrestler to potential champion.



Double Jump Moonsault

Tornado DDT

Spinning Wheel Kick










Taheiji Konoe, 23. Middleweight Brawler


Theme: Team WEXXV
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Taheiji "The Animal" Konoe is a young middleweight wrestler who made his pro debut in mid 2005; he got his nickname during his first few matches, when his savage intensity and killer instinct became apparent. That attitude got him signed by Warrior Engine XXV in 2006, and he soon got his first taste of gold when he and his tag team partner Munemitsu Sematsu, collectively known as The Pack, defeated The Peak Brothers to win the WEXXV Blood Brothers tag team belts. Unfortunately for Konoe, the team was disbanded shortly after in order to give Sematsu a big solo push, and he has been lost in the resulting shuffle.



Animalistic Gore

Savage Cradle DDT












Brains McGhee, 39. Manager (C+)

At just 3'6, Brains McGhee is one of the shortest men in pro wrestling, but his "little boss" routine has kept him in constant work since his first appearances in 1996. In late 2005, he got a big break when he was hired by the SWF and given a "biker makeover", becaming the mouthpiece for rookie tag team The Dirty White Boys. However, by September 2006 he was on his way back to the independent scene, when it became clear that Grease Hogg and Lead Belly could handle their own interviews comfortably. He was surprisingly hired by WEXXV in early 2009, apparently in an attempt to use his SWF association to add extra gloss to the S.O.B. stable of foreign workers that the promotion was pushing.







Eisaku Shigeki, 44. Colour Commentator (C-)

Eisaku Shigeki is a Japanese sports broadcaster. Formerly a play-by-play man, more recently he has started using more of a colour commentary approach. He has been working for WEXXV since 2008.







Isao Takemura, 36. Referee ©

Isao Takemura is head referee for WEXXV.







Motoichi Arakida, 51. Roag Agent (B-)

Motoichi Arakida was one of the most popular heavyweight workers in Japan during the late 1980s \ early 1990s, with his status as a future legend assured when he became the first man ever to win the BHOTWG title on three occasions. He was nicknamed "The Japanese Defender" because he spent so much time fighting foreign wrestlers. He suffered a career-ending back injury during a match with Hooded Kudo in 2001, and is now making a living as a road agent.







Robun Yamazaki, 46. Announcer (C+)

Robun Yamazaki is an announcer in Japan, who became the official voice of Ryu Kajahara's Warrior Engine XXV when the promotion debuted in 2005.







User Character:

Keiji Arakida, 21. Road Agent

Keiji Arakida is the nephew of Motoichi Arakida and due to his connections has gotten a small "jack-of-all-trades" staff job at WEXXV.


Psychology: 50%

Respect: 40%




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WEXXV Warrior's Heart

Champion: Ryu Kajahara

Prestige: B+










WEXXV King Of The Deathmatch

Champion: Patient Peak

Prestige: C










WEXXV Blood Brothers

Champions: Naga-Mori

Prestige: C


















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Experience: C+








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Experience: D+







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Experience: C+







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Experience: E+








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Experience: E



















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The S.O.B. (Society Of Bastards) evolved from the original American Bastard Society stable (Henry Lee, Doug Peak and Gareth Wayne), and is a large group of foreign workers looking to take over WEXXV.


Bull Wrecker, Dallas McWade, Dr. Lee, Gareth Wayne, Larry Wood, Patient Peak, Travis Century

Momentum: B







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Team WEXXV was formed in 2009 to counter the growing threat of the S.O.B. stable. It consists entirely of Japanese workers from the promotion, making a loose alliance against the foreign group.

Members: Battle Sakata, Hiroshi Morisue, Kimitada Ohishi, Koichi Kajiwara, Ryu Kajahara, Taheiji Konoe, Zeshin Makioka

Momentum: B







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The New Dawn was formed in 2008 by Senmatsu, Nagahama and Morioka, who at the time were all champions in WEXXV. Their alliance has continued even after losing the belts.

Members: Mamoru Nagahama, Matsudaira Morioka, Munemitsu Senmatsu

Momentum: B



























  • Three Divisions:
    Warrior's Heart, King Of Death Matches and Blood Brothers.

  • Each #1 contender has to have three (3) consecutive victories until he can receive a titleshot against the champion in his division. Also the #1 has to defend the #1 contender's spot succesfully atleast once before getting the title match.

  • Should the #1 contender/champion lose the championship match, he'll fall back in the line all the way to the last spot and he must face the possible 'unranked' warrior (should there be a challenger for the spot for that division) before climbing back up the ladder. For example in Warrior's Heart division the #9 would have to face a possible #10, should there be anyone willing to compete for the spot in that division).

  • Exhibition matches have no regulations nor does the outcome of those matches affect the way the rankings are ruled.

  • Class restrictions: Warrior's Heart (Main Eventer - Upper Midcard), KODM (Midcarder - Opener), Blood Brothers (Upper Midcarder - Opener

  • Depending on what week it is, the warriors can only face person that are 1-4 steps away from them. At the start of the month on Week 1 they can only face warriors that are either directly lower or directly higher than them in the rankings (#4 can only face #3 or #5). For example on Week 3 #5 can face #2 to #8 and so on. This applies to all divisions.





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Warrior's Heart Division

#1 vs. #2

Gareth WAYNE vs. Munemitsu SENMATSU

American Deathmatch



Blood Brothers Division

#3 vs. #2

The Church Of Pain vs. American Psychos

American Deathmatch



Warrior's Heart Division

#4 vs. #3

Hiroshi MORISUE vs. Kimitada OHISHI

American Deathmatch




Click here to take survey for Gorefest Tour, Day I









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The Famous Monster



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Look at your mind.. Look at the strength you never found

You lean on your pride.. The only thing that would never let you down

Look at the signs.. Look at the way they stop and stare

They're watching you die.. And when you're gone it's like you weren't even there.


Cause you're a famous monster.. You'd do whatever they offer..

You tie their noose around your neck.. And they throw you over..

'Cause you're a famous monster..



Saliva - Famous Monster











That was my initial reaction in my mind when I saw Ryu Kajahara for the first time. The 52 year old owner of a garbage wrestling promotion had a certain aura about him but it couldn't silence the song's chorus from playing in my head. I didn't understand why anyone in their right mind would be doing hardcore wrestling for such a small money at that age. Or dare I say, at all.



I'm sure you're thinking '
then what are you doing in WEXXV?
'. Go figure. I'm young and I was unemployed until my uncle Motoichi got me this small 'jack of all trades' staff job with his connections. It's not much but much better than having no job at all. Somehow I got the feeling that some of the wrestlers were here for the exact same reason.



The difference was that I wasn't going to end up being fifty, having thumbtacks and barbedwire wrapped all over my body nor having light tubes smashed into my head on a weekly basis or worse. Not me, I have goals in my life and atleast some dignity left. I'll do this until I find a better job.



My uncle and Ryu had a quick pre-show booking meeting between each other, uncle barely introduced me to Ryu. I guess that my job was that kind of 'he can stay if he's not too much of a trouble' -deal in the end. I sat on the bench at the locker room and looked around, quiet in the corner.











Hey kid, could you lend me a hand?



Someone was asking for me. 'Kid'? No way man, no way.. A tad too disrespectful for my liking. I looked at my left and saw this big dude by the bench next to me, trying to get on what seemed to be a straightjacket.








He looked like a weirdo with his pale, 'greyish' skin and those freaky eyes. I had never seen anyone with eyes like that, perhaps he had contact lenses or something.. He seemed like a nice guy nonetheless. I reached over and put the straps on from the back. Have you ever had to dress a nearly 300lbs man into a straightjacket on your first day at your new job?



Thought so.










I'm Doug.


Keiji. Nice meeting you.
, I mumbled with my bad English.



Out of instinct I offered a handshake only to realise that I had just put the straightjacket on for him for reasons unknown to me at the time. He smiled back, came a bit closer and hit me with his right shoulder. You know, that kind of american 'alpha-male', jock bullsh*t. I hated it and he apologized right away. It's not that like it hurt but.. Well okay it hurt a little. He was a big wrestler, I was a normal dude. I felt so small among the wrestlers. I felt so uncomfortable there..





The show was about to start.












What am I doing here..?











.. I don't belong here ..











Keiji's Journal

Friday, Week 1, January 2010

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Gorefest Tour, Day I (Friday)

Iwata Hall, Tohoku. Attendance: 629





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Ryu Kajahara's gentle theme started and the place erupted, the fans knew exactly who was coming to open the show. The gentle sound of the theme echoed in the darkness with shades of green being projected to the ramp. The theme faded into the WEXXV theme, lights came back and Kajahara was standing tall on the ramp. I had heard that the fans were loud and loyal, aswell as crazy, but still the noise took me by surprise.




Ryu had a small smile on his face as he made his way to the ring and grabbed the mic while the WEXXV fans were chanting his name..



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first WEXXV show of the year!


This ain't GCG, this ain't Burning Hammer, this ain't PGHW!





"W E X X F'N V!!"


"We've got an awesome show for you all tonight. Well our shows are always awesome and if this show sucks it might be your fault. On a more serious note we got four matches tonight so let's get this show started.."



"Please welcome, the only 'Triple Crown' champion in WEXXV history, one half of Brothers In Vengeance, Hiroshi Morisue!"






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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25">


Morisue makes his tribal-like entrance and enters the ring.



"He will go head to head against none other than the 'Tokyo Tornado', a former Warrior's Heart champion, Kimitada Ohishi!"






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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25">


Ohishi comes out to a nice ovation and enters the ring, Morisue even helps Ohishi to get into the ring by pulling the ropes apart, making it easier for Ohishi to enter the ring, as a sign of respect towards the veteran. Ryu shouts 'Ring the bell!' from the ramp and the first match of the year is underway.




























Warrior's Heart Division

#4 vs. #3

Hiroshi MORISUE vs. Kimitada OHISHI

American Deathmatch

61% - 39%



The crowd was fired up and the chants were split evenly between the two warriors: One half of the crowd chanted for Ohishi, the other for Morisue, as the two engaged in the middle of the ring. After a test of strenght the warriors found themselves outside of the ring, brawling wildly in the crowd. Both men were using anything they could get into their hands onto but the action was soon halted when Ohishi did a piledriver on top of a chair but only got a two count from Morisue.




Later in the match Morisue set up a table leaning on the corner but Ohishi came from behind and hit an awkward looking belly-to-back suplex on the tacks. Morisue landed on his side and got up quickly, trying to hit a lariat but Ohishi sidestepped, Morisue almost went trough the table. Ohishi bounced off the ropes and tried to hit a lariat himself but Morisue tackled him, lifting him up on his arms, turned around and shashed Ohishi trough the table with the Running Powerslam!




One.. Two.. Three!!




I did not know what to think of the match. I was expecting something a lot better to start the year with.. Well, it was a decent showing I guess. Could have used few more spots but hey, I'm not the booker.



Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Hiroshi Morisue defeated Kimitada Ohishi in an American Deathmatch match in 9:07 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.

Morisue rises to #3, Ohishi drops to #4 in the Warrior's Heart division.


























Morisue drops out of the ring, leaving Ohishi in the wooden wreckage of what used to be a complete table when suddenly and out of nowhere, Larry Wood hits the ring and attacks Ohishi with a chair wrapped in barbedwire. Wood keeps hitting a semi-defenceless Ohishi with the chair, beating him into a bloody pulp. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Ohishi completely destroyed.




























Blood Brothers Division

#3 vs. #2

The Church Of Pain vs. American Psychos

American Deathmatch

61% - 39%



Larry Wood is joined by Travis Century while the ref and EMT's drag Ohishi out of the ring as the next match is about to start. The American Psychos enter the ring with Dr. Lee guiding his patient Peak and releasing him from the straightjacket. I finally got my answer to the question about the straightjacket, the Psychos clearly had a doctor/patient gimmick going on and that's why Doug needed me to put the straightjacket on.




This match was far more brutal than the first one, the rulebook was just another item with which to hit the opponents with. There were barbedwire wrapped around chairs and 2x4's, countless thumbtacks all over the place.. I even saw a stapler which Century used as he started to stapple Peak's mask right into his face. I grinched everytime I heard the sound.




The end came after a huge series of big moves when out of nowhere Wood blindsided Dr. Lee with his Running Big Foot, snapping Lee's jaw with a sickening force behind the kick. The count to three was academic at that moment as Century held Peak away from interrupting the count, I'm not sure if Lee was out legimately or he was just selling the move really good.




Either way, both teams made for a decent effort and the Church Of Pain came out of the match as the winners, switching the places in Tag division.




Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Church Of Pain defeated American Psychos in an American Deathmatch match in 11:01 when Larry Wood defeated Henry Lee by pinfall with a Running Big Foot.

The Church Of Pain rise to #2, American Psychos drop to #3 in the Blood Brothers division.


























Eguchi The Amazing comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually introducing his guest Munemitsu Senmatsu.


"Please welcome, the former two time Warrior's Hear champion and the leader of the New Dawn, Munemitsu Senmatsu!"






Senmatsu makes his standard entrance and enters the ring, grabbing the mic from Eguchi.



"Let's cut to the chase. Gareth Wayne.. I've heard of this .. So called 'war' between Team WEXXV and the S.O.B. The thing is that people have seemed to forgotten the New Dawn: The greatest team in professional wrestling, Naga-Mori and the greatest Warrior's Heart champion there ever was.. Me. We three are the finest athletes in this freaking company. We're all former champions.


"The New Dawn will come and end this ridicolous 'war'."


"It's going to start tonight. I'm going to start the war against you and your kind Wayne. You're not welcome here. This is our house, b*tch."


"I'm gonna destroy you. I'm gonna destroy everyone who steps into my path, in my quest in becoming a three time Warrior's Heart champion."



Eguchi takes the mic back.


"Dont' spit on it you ape! It's my mic, not yours!"


Senmatsu looks down on Eguchi who pulls a deck of cards from his pocket.



"I'm going do some Tarot card reading for you.. For free!"


"I'm not interested.", Senmatsu turns away and leaves the ring.


"But you have to!"


Why.. Why should I? You don't really believe in that crap do you?"


"Please. It's a very special Tarot card deck. I've combined several different variations in it and added some of my own."


. Just this one time."


"Thank you! Pick three!"



Senmatsu picks three cards out of the huge pack that Eguchi is holding in his hands.



"What kind of cards are these..?


'The Magician'.. 'Three of black cat crossing the street'.."




" The ''Two of kicked to death in a dark alley'!?"



"Doesn't look good for you I'm afraid."


"You're afraid? Well be afraid.. Be very, very afraid.. "



Senmatsu floors Eguchi with a Super Smash Lariat, leaving the fan favourite entertainer unconscious in the ring. Senmatsu looks down on the fallen Eguchi, then slowly picks up the mic and shouts..


"Gareth Wayne.."



"Come.. "


"And get some."





























Warrior's Heart Division

#1 vs. #2

Gareth WAYNE vs. Munemitsu SENMATSU

American Deathmatch

73% - 27%



Wayne rushes into the ring and the match is underway, referee Takemura simply rolls Eguchi out of the ring and rings the bell. The two big brawlers start with a fast pace, hitting clotheslines worth of few weeks laundry. I have no idea if that even made sense but hopefully you got the idea. Wayne gets the upper hand via cheap tactics, the basic thumb to the eye gives enough distraction for Wayne to hit a Brainbuster but only for a two count.




The veteran Wayne keeps Senmatsu down on the ground for surprisingly long time, hitting knees and elbows to the back of Senmatsu who can't seem to find a way out until he sends Wayne out by grabbing him from the tights. Outside the two slam each other's heads to the steelsteps by the corner, Senmatsu gets a nasty cut to his forehead. Wayne grabs a chair from one of the fans and hits Senmatsu with it but only for a two count. Wayne sends Senmatsu back into the ring and brings a barbedwire board with him. In the ring Wayne smashes Senmatsu's head into the board repeatedly, even hitting a Curb Stomp but he can't seen to put the big youngster down. Senmatsu is heavily bleeding from the forehead.




Senmatsu finally gets some momentum going with his power moves until Wayne whips Senmatsu's right arm into the turnbuckle, then taking the youngster down to the canvas once again with an arm drag, then locking in an arm bar, wrenching the right arm beyond the elbow socket. Wayne releases the hold and grabs a chair, hitting the arm with it and eventually putting the arm between the folding of the chair, then hitting a stomp from the second rope. Senmatsu screams in pain as his arm is possibly broken after the spot.




Senmatsu tries to protect the arm and gets some momentum going with a tackle but his momentum is cut short when he goes for a powerbomb which fails miserably. Wayne hits several elbows to the arm, then hits his patented Shoulder Breaker, dropping Senmatsu on top of the barbedwire board and locking the healthy arm under him, pinning Senmatsu in a hard position.




.. From which Senmatsu can't get out of due to the bad arm being free, Wayne surprisingly gets a three count pinfall victory out of the youngster in one of the strangest finishes in WEXXV history for a while.




Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Gareth Wayne defeated Munemitsu Senmatsu in an American Deathmatch match in 14:34 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker.

Wayne stays at #1, Senmatsu drops to #3 in the Warrior's Heart division.

























Gareth Wayne stays in the ring for a while, celebrating his victory over a bitter Senmatsu who's like a wounded animal in danger. Just as when Wayne goes to the other side of the ropes, Senmatsu gets up and hits a no-hands running tackle as he goes trough the ropes, tackles Wayne and drives both warriors straight into the ringside floor, causing a huge, horrified gasp from the crowd. The warriors land awkwardly; Wayne lands face first into the floor while Senmatsu lands almost head first. The two lay on the ground, still and lifeless, until staff members come to tend them. It seems as if Senmatsu got the last word.






























100% - 0%


In our main event Exhibition match the Warrior's Heart champion Kajahara met one half of the Brothers In Vengeance tag team, Battle Sakata in a non-title match. The match was quite decent but it didn't have that much heat going into it to be honest but on the other hand people payed to see Kajahara, no matter who he faced.



While the two gave a decent performance there was something missing. The earlier 'tackle trough the ropes' and the brutality of the match itself seemed to take away from the main event match as it couldn't quite live up the to the extremeness of the earlier matches in general. Sure there few chair and table spots here and there but the softness of the match clearly showed.



Unsurprisingly Kajahara made Sakata tap in just after ten minute mark. It wasn't that bad for a main event but nothing to write home about, somehow I still have a feeling that we could have done a better show overall.



Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ryu Kajahara defeated Battle Sakata in 10:22 by submission with a Kajahara Claw.






Overall Grade:








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As long as you are gaining pop in Tohoku you are doing fine, enjoyed the write up, don't get discouraged because you increased you popularity :). Love that you brought in Eguchi, gotta have the comedy guys to go with the lunatics.


Eguchi starts with WEXXV actually, he's got really good entertainment skills. The show result writings are more from the mindset of the user character rather than from my point of view as a player.


Hope you liked the show, it was long overdue, been busy as a dyke in a hardware store. Any D -range or lower will get match report of that lenght, better grades will mean longer reports. :rolleyes:

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Ha, shows how much I've played WEXXV since I didn't know about Eguchi on the roster. I've been doing this Dramatic Dream Wrestling ripoff fed touring around Japan and Eguchi has been one of the fun surprises. I like him even more now that I know he's actually in a starting fed. Anywho, still love this, keep up the good work.
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Gorefest Tour, Day I

Prediction list results:


Benrollo, Apupunchau, randomfreeze,


Bigpapa42, praguepride, SeanMcFly, medla, Comradebot, Tweek It, JoshEngleman, MaxxHexx, MrOnu, Midnightnick, FlameSnoopy is DANGGEROOUUS~!, Huntman


Sartagis, zman,





Congrats to Benrollo, Apupunchau and randomfreeze for right choices in the poll. I will award the users every two weeks, after 4 tour shows and one big show has been completed. Yes, I heard from my uncle that WEXXV is going to hold a bigger, separate event after each four touring shows, to somewhat simulate the cycle that non-touring promotions have. Hopefully we can manage that, both financially and physicly.


Here's the card for tomorrow's show!















Warrior's Heart Division

#4 vs. #5

Kimitada OHISHI vs. Larry WOOD

American Deathmatch


Larry Wood is going to have double-duty on the show as he'll face Ohishi, the veteran who he attacked on Friday, in our opening match in the Warrior's Heart division. The reason for the attack become evidently clear, at first I didn't realise why Wood would attack Ohishi but he was right behind him in the rankings and thus wanted to make the next match as easy for him as possible so it made sense.










KODM Division

#4 vs. #5


American Deathmatch


Our second match is for the middle rankins of KODM division, Kajiwara and Bull Wrecker will lock horns. This one is going to be hard one to predict as either man can pick up the victory here. It'll be Kajiwara's experience versus the power of Bull Wrecker as the two have 10 years between them. All in all the two warriors are quite evenly matched.









Warrior's Heart Division

#8 vs. #9

Mamoru NAGAHAMA vs. Dallas MCWADE

Tables Match


Third match of the night will be contested under Tables rules, one half of Naga-Mori, Mamoru Nagahama will take on another tag team specialist, Dallas McWade in a battle of technical wrestling vs. brawling. Expect the match of the night in terms of wrestling quality as these warriors are very good in their area of expertise. This one is as hard to predict as was the Kajiwara vs. Wrecker match.











Blood Brothers Division

#1 vs. #2

Brothers In Vengeance vs. The Church Of Pain

American Deathmatch


Our semi-Main Event is almost the real the main event of the show: Brothers In Vengeance vs. The Church Of Pain: The two most brutal, psychotic tag teams in Warrior Engine history will clash. This one will be a bloodbath folks. Expect some great tag team wrestling and sickening spots from these four lunatics as they battle for the #1 spot in the Blood Brothers division.












Ryu KAJAHARA vs. Taheiji KONOE



In our Main Event the Warrior's Heart champion will get to school the youngster Konoe in a non-title Hardcore match.













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