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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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Total Championship Wrestling


"We're number two! We're number two!"


Total Championship Wrestling seems stuck at that spot, forever behind the Eisen Empire and Supreme Championship Wrestling in the endless Tuesday Night Wars. Trying to beat them with the approach they perfected was a zero sum end game for Hollyweird Grappling... Then the expensive hobby of a billionaire yet too young to drive eventually became the passion of Tommy Cornell. Is the passion of the great wrestler in the world enough to carry Total Championship Wrestling to glory?


Although the change in ownership which drastically changed the product and direction of TCW happened in 2004, the change has been gradually. At least in some ways. When the name changed from HGC to TCW, so too disappeared the obvious emulation of the SWF and the goofy storylines that entailed. Other things took longer. Making massive changes to a national-level wrestling promotion is not an overnight process. Or at least it shouldn't be. The gradual changeover saw workers who didn't really fit the new approach stay in the upper reaches of the card as the roster was gradually revamped. The death of Danger and Violence Extreme provided an influx of talent to TCW, hastening the process. That process of change remains on-going, however.


The quest to overtake the Supreme Wrestling Federation is an up (Brent) hill battle for TCW. There remains resistence. Many mainstream casual fans simply don't "get" the idea of moving backward to a style of professional wrestling that was put out of business by the Eisen juggernaut, nor the grittier presentation that contrasts the polished production values of the SWF. Many cult fans, choosing to believe the never-substantiated rumors of Tommy Cornell owning TCW, view the promotion as nothing more than a vanity project of the great wrestler in the world. TCW can't win over everyone...


As the calendar turns to a new decade, the chase continues... The war wages on...



An Introduction


...and we're back!


That's right, readers! The meandering and easily-distracted mind that brought you the epic roster bloat that was SWF: Generation Supreme now presents a brand new project. A whirlwind tour through the self-contained (not just Self-contained) universe that is the CornellVerse brought us back to the one place we knew we were headed... to Total Championship Wrestling!


I did give consideration to a number of other possible promotions, but no where else felt as "right". Although there is a proliferation of TCW diaries on the go at the moment, including two personal favorites in those of PhantomStranger and Zeel1, this still felt like the right way to go. I'm sure there will be some crossover of ideas with the existing TCW diaries, but I will try to avoid. A lot of the ideas I'm going to use here are ones that I've mulled over for a long time, some of them going back before I ever started Gen-S. The changes to TCW for 2010 have fit in quite nicely with these plans. Almost too well...


What to Expect


So what can one expect from my vision of Tee-Cee-Dub? Well, I can say that it will not be 100% pure wrestling without any angles. I don't intent to turn TCW back into Sports Entertainment, but storytelling seems to be key aspect of the promotion. That can be done without the use of angles... but I find that less fun to write and more restrictive to book.


My vision of TCW is intended to be the antithesis of the SWF Sports Entertainment spectacle. To be the true alternative. To have almost as much in common with the sweaty indy shows held in grungy high school gymnasiums as it does with the polished spectacle of the Eisen-vision. I won't try to define that vision as this point with attempts at real world comparison, because I don't know that it will come across. I hope it will in the storyline, but know that this vision is pieced together with aspects cobbled from many different real world promotions and eras. A way to explain is that TCW is not trying to revolutionize professional wrestling - its trying to take it back to where it "should" be.


I will try to avoid repetition of what I did in the SWF, in terms of characterizations and storylines. I'm not saying I will succeed, but I will try to be wary of this. Music, which will be a lesser focus here, may be reused.


I will try to learn from my mistakes that I made with Generation Supreme. So does that mean we won't see Big Papa trying to juggle a three-way brand split, 4-TV show, 185-man roster again? In theory, it sure does! The major problem I had with that game - in retrospect, at least - is that I had conflicting ideologies driving me. On one hand, I wanted to bring in a ton of young new talent, get them over, and have new stars - the entire idea behind the Generation Supreme movement. At the same time, I didn't want to go too far away from the established talent, lest I lose the "soul" that was the SWF. Hence, new stars were made without old ones moving down and the bloat occurred. I was overly reluctant to get rid of anyone I could find some use in... and I could find almost anyone useful. The approach I am taking (or at least intending to take) with this game is different. Its not a matter of finding a use, but actually needing them. So if I have three workers filling the same role to the same level while I really only need one, two of them are gone. Or at least changing roles. I also intend to make better use of the development territory even more established workers, if short spells there can help them grow a bit and they can be spared.


As for adding new talent, I will be doing so more carefully. Some of the talent being signed at the start will be the standard "same old faces", while others will be names not seen as often. Many will go to development, at least for a time, until they are "ready". I also have a list of unavailable workers who I would try to sign if and when they become available. Its not as long as you might think. Unlike my SWF game, where I would sign a worker simply to hurt the promotion they were working for, this time they need to be bringing something to the table. The overall intent with new workers to be more conservative and "realistic". I am not looking to replace the entire main event scene over the course of the year, but elevate the talented midcarders and replace them with more talented workers. I want to be a more fiscally responsible - something I did not need to do with the SWF at all - and also realistic about whether TCW would be likely to find and sign a given talent. You can find a reason that Tee-Cee-Dub might scout and sign some obscure wrestler from New Zealand... but to suddenly grab 15 or 20 unknown raw talents from the furthest corners of the globe? Basically, what I'm saying is don't expect me to raid Zen or ACPW to a huge degree.


There was consideration of continuing the adventures of Avatar from Generation Supreme. That just didn't seem right. So we will get a slightly different set up. Given that the Random Thoughts segments became an unexpectedly beloved part of my SWF diary, I would be remiss if I didn't attempt something similar. It will be a bit different this time, both in presentation and perspective. But it will be used to give a backstage perspective to things. I can't do "kayfabe only" like Self, and it doesn't fit with the story I want to tell here. I am sorely tempted to reveal more about this, but I will restrain myself. I will just say that they're going to be called "The Total Mark" and leave it at that.


The layout will be very familiar to anyone who read Gen-S. I figure there is no reason to mess with something that worked. I did toy with the idea of trying to push the narrative envelope and had something I considered trying, but I doubt whether it would play out that well, so I stuck with a tried and true approach.


A small note on the name of the diary... I know there was a similarly named 2008 project. However, I had the logo done up a long time ago and liked it too much not to use it...


The Game


I resisted the urge to go full sandbox with this game. I may still go that direction, if it really does make things easier. Very much like my SWF game, this one is not about the challenge but about the stories.


The most notable user preference turned off from the start is the Repetitive Booking Penalty. I can understand the value of it, but I like the freedom that playing without it provides. That does mean I intend to find one great match-up and spam it endlessly (though I am not above that). Simply that I feel it provides a bit of extra freedom. Most everything else is set to on - Perfect Show Theory, morale effects, etc. I do have deaths set to low, with Kenny deaths on (for now, at least). I also have new worker generations set to high with the database adjusted so they will start from February 2010. This should allow this version of the CornellVerse to evolve a bit differently...


The only change to TCW's product is lowering the Match-Angle Ratio to 80%.


The shows will not start as of the beginning of January, 2010. I have played a bit into the game and have a specific start point, but I'll reveal that one in due time...


A quick thank you to the many who contributed to this project in some way, including but not limited to jhd1, FINisher, Reaper, Liamo, and Doctor Doom (off-site logo provider). As well, a thank you have contributed by helping me bounce ideas around (I think you know who you are), and to everyone for taking the time to read, both this and my previous works.


Previous Projects


SWF: Generation Supreme

  • Shockingly well-regarded first project
  • 3-time Diary of hte Month winner
  • #1 on the 2009 Must-Read List (?!?)
  • Winner of several 2009 Diary of the Year awards, including CornellVerse Diary of the Year


World Wrestling Entertainment: A New Era

  • Uh, it had pictures and stuff...

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Promotion Information



Basic Information

Location: Los Angeles, California

Nation: United States http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/North%20America/USA.png

Founded: December 1996

Founder: J.K. Stallings

Owner: Tommy Cornell

Booker: Joel Bryant

Popularity: National

Schedule: Full-Time

Style: Tradition Updated




Authority Figure: None

Competitive Committee: The Home Office


Development Territory: Full Throttle Wrestling


Location: Los Angeles, California

Nation: United States http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/North%20America/USA.png

Founded: February 2010


Booker: Johnny Martin

Popularity: Regional

Schedule: Full-Time

Style: Tradition Updated Amped-Up

Prestige: E+

Momentum: E+



FTW Big Gold Belt: Johnny Martin

FTW National Champion:

FTW Tag Team Champions:


Dojo: TCW School of Pro Wrestling

Location: Los Angeles, California

Nation: United States http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Bigpapa42_2006/Flags/North%20America/USA.png

Reputation: B

Emphasis: General Training

Head Trainer: Brent Hill

Notable Graduates: Aaron Andrews & Esther Coleman

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Pay Per View









TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Type: A Show

Network: GNN Total Sports

Slot: Tuesday Prime Time

Commentators: Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes

March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4





TCW Uprising TV

Type: B Show

Network: GNN Total Sports

Slot: Friday Late Night


March 2010

  • Week 1 B
  • Week 2 B-
  • Week 3 B
  • Week 4 B-

April 2010

  • Week 1 B
  • Week 2 B
  • Week 3 B
  • Week 4 B

May 2010

  • Week 1 B+
  • Week 2 B
  • Week 3 B
  • Week 4 B+

June 2010

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4


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TCW World Heavyweight Champion



Rocky Golden





TCW International Champion



Sammy Bach




TCW All-Action Champion







TCW World Tag Team Champions



The New Wave



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Main Event


Upper Midcard




Lower Midcard

  • Clark Alexander
    6'3 + 275 pounds - Hawaiian Thunder
  • Flying Jimmy Fox
    5'9" + 202 pounds



  • x





  • Jason Azaria
  • Kyle Rhodes

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Roster Part II



Tag Teams



  • Planet Silver - Sara Silver, Bali So' & Rav Umaga
    Sara Silver's collection of young talent from around the globe.
  • The Hellfire Club - Eddie Peak, Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo & Floyd Goldworthy
    The Hellfire Club is a loose collection of deranged individuals who have come together to plague TCW's babyfaces; the original three were Eddie Peak, Genghis Rahn and American Buffalo.

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World Tour



Supreme Wrestling Federation


World Rank: #1

Prestige: A*

Momentum: B

Size: Global

Owner: Richard Eisen

Head Booker: Peter Michaels


SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

SWF North American Champion: Brandon James

SWF World Tag Team Champions: Valiant & Jack Giedroyc


Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods


World Rank: #3

Prestige: A

Momentum: B+

Size: National

Owner: Tetsuzan Kaneko

Head Booker: Tasuku Iesada


Burning World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa

King of Fightesr: Tadiyuki Kikkawa

Burning Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon

Burning World Tag Team: Kanishoki & Yuasa

Burning Junior Tag Team: Elemental III & Masuko

BHOTWG Best of the Super Juniors: -


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling


World Rank: #4

Prestige: B-

Momentum: C

Size: Cult

Owner: Sadaharu Jimbo

Head Booker: Nobuatsu Tatsuko


PGHW Glory Crown: PRIDE Koiso

PGHW Glory Tag Crown: Ugaki & Muruyama (2)

PGHW Historical Japan: Bussho Makiguchi

PGHW Elite Series: -

PGHW Elite Tag Team Series: -


United States Pro Wrestling


World Rank: #5

Prestige: C+

Momentum: C+

Size: Cult

Owner: Sam Strong

Head Booker: Shane Sneer


USPW World: Enygma

USPW Television: Andre Jones

National: Peter Valentine

USPW World Tag Team: The Towers of Power (5)

USPW Women's: Raven Robinson


North of the Border Pro Wrestling


World Rank: #6

Prestige: C+

Momentum: B+

Size: Cult

Owner: Dan Stone

Head Booker: Victoria Stone


NOTBPW Canadian: Steve DeColt

NOTBPW Tag Team: Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes

NOTBPW Women's: Kristabel Plum

NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup: -



Golden Canvas Grappling


World Rank: #7

Prestige: C

Momentum: B-

Size: Cult

Owner: Hanshiro Furusawa

Head Booker: Haruki Kudo


GCG World Heavyweight: Kiroyasu Gakusha (2)

GCG Openweight Championship: Mabuchi Furusawa

GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team: Takayuki 2000 & Harumi Okazawaya


Canadian Golden Combat


World Rank: #8

Prestige: B-

Momentum: B-

Size: Cult

Owner: Alex DeColt

Head Booker: Phil Vibert


CGC World: Jack DeColt (5)

CGC Canadian: Joey Poison

CGC World Tag Team: Grayson & Maxamillion


South of the Border Pro Wrestling


World Rank: #9

Prestige: D

Momentum: C

Size: Cult

Owner: Jorge Ibanez

Head Booker: Pablo Rodriguez


Campeón de Mundo: El Fuerza

Campeón de Menor: El Sucio

Campeónes de Parejas: Los Enfrermos (Tijuana Vampire & Enrique Merino)

Campeónes de Trios: -


World Level Wrestling


World Rank: #10

Prestige: D

Momentum: B+

Size: Cult

Owner: Koji Kojima

Head Booker: Haru Kurofuji


World Level Universal: Magnum Kobe

World Level Show Stealer: Kazuma Narato

World Level Street Fighting: Insane Machine

World Level Tag Team: Black House (Kazuma Narato & Mokuami Maita) (2)

World Level Tap Out: Rogue Matsuo SF


21st Century Wrestling


World Rank: #11

Prestige: E+

Momentum: C

Size: Cult

Owner: Jeff Nova

Head Booker: Pit Pull Brown


21st Century World: Joss Thompson (3)

21st Century United Kingdom: Harry Wilson

21st Century Tag Team: Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez & Jay B)


5 Star Supreme Wrestling



World Rank: #12

Prestige: C-

Momentum: D+

Size: Regional

Owner: Sakurako Kagawa

Head Booker: Kuniyoshi Chishu


5 Star World: Yuma Maruya

5-Star Tag Team: The Rainbow Girls (Niko Sakakibara & Otsune Tsmura) (2)

5-Star All-Asian: HEART Saitoh


Original Lucha Libre in Extreme


World Rank: #13

Prestige: C-

Momentum: D+

Size: Regional

Owner: Joaquin Soler

Head Booker: Phoenix I


Campeón de Universal: Nicholas Lopez

Campeón de Mexico: Mr. Lucha III

Campeónes de Parejas: -

Campeónes de Trios: Swarm I & Swarm III & Rafael Ruiz


Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation


World Rank: #14

Prestige: D

Momentum: C

Size: Regional

Owner: Domino

Head Booker: Domino


Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF: Mayan Idol

Campeón de Lucha MPWF: Hijo Del Relampago (2)

Campeónes de Parejas MPWF: Varones Americanos (Gino Verde & Hombre De la Energia)

Campeónes de Trios MPWF: Spanish Superfly & Mario Heroic & Angel De Mexico


Warrior Engine XXV


World Rank: #15

Prestige: E-

Momentum: E-

Size: Small

Owner: Ryu Kajahara

Head Booker: Ryu Kajahara


Warriors Heart: Ryu Kajahara

King of Death Matches: Doug Peak

Blood Brothers: Naga-Mori (Mamoru Nagahama & Matsudaira Morioka) (3)

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I have to say that I love the backstory and while I may have not been a full time follower of Generation Supreme I was a fan. I will try and follow this from the beginning to where ever you decide to take it although I know that you yourself are a fantastic writer so whatever you do will be fine with me. I do agree with BHK in saying that I can't stand the Kenny Death's, although I don't blame anyone for having them on in their games. Anyways good luck I will be reading!



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Yes! I'm in from the start. I've never, ever, run TCW so let's see if this, like Gen-S, gets me started :D


I'll be prediction-ing, expect it to go wrong!


Quick Q how can you be Global so fast plus the no2 promotion at the same time? Or is it just a typo? Also I wouldn't but the random generator so early and so high as it will result in a whole lot of unknown people.


The AI has done so very early on in numerous games I've played, usually resulting in both of the 'Top Two' as Global powerhouses. And I would guess the game spewing out unknown people is kind of BP's point. As long as they've got pictures and character I'm happy!

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I've been looking forward to this :D


Yeah, I've seen TCW grow pretty quickly when the AI has been booking. I'm guessing its because they start already being show in Canada, helping get over there pretty quickly with good shows.


I don't see why people hate the 'Kenny Deaths'. It's just a bit of fun and fits with the CornellVerse's general craziness.

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This is the one I've been waiting for! I also followed Gen Supreme as a lurker from the beginning and it was one of the best diaries I've ever read on this board. So you've got one more follower in me and whatever direction you take I'll be reading.


p.s - How do you like seeing Rocky Golden as champ? Will he actually win a match in this diary? It'll be cool to see how you use him considering he never did anything of note in SWF besides blow wind.

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Its great to see such a big immediate response. I am planning on having the first Total Mark up later today, but it will be a bit before we get the first show. Not weeks and weeks, but not likely in the next few days.


I was going to quote each of the posts so far and give some type of response to each, but I figured that would be messy. So I'll do one big thanks and respond to a couple of the comments...


Good eye, Hyde. That actually was just a typo. I copied the format of the promotion info from my SWF diary and didn't change that. Whoops! As I said, I'm not starting the shows from the start of January 2010, but a bit into the year. Not far enough to grown that much yet, however.


I'm not outrightly against the idea of Kenny Deaths. They are amusing. I don't mind seeing them as an occassional thing, just not too frequently.


Thanks kamikazekopec22. And I do have some notable plans for Golden. Don't really want to give anything away just yet, but there are plans. The characterization here is going to be completely different than from Genation Supreme. I quite enjoyed the "all talk, no result" Golden Boy approach, but it doesn't fit him as a babyface and I can't really afford to waste a decently talented worker that way. I could in the SWF, though. I was actually happy to see Golden as champion. When I started making plans for this project on TEW 2008, a stumbling block was coming up with the best way for Cornell to drop the belt eventually. Despite Golden's perceived lack of quality (uh, so maybe its more than a perception), he is workable as a champion. I prefer having him hold the belt off the start, as opposed to other likely candidates such as Ricky Dale Johnson and a few others.

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Let me add to the welcome backs. Like me, you just couldn't stay away from writing for very long! :p;) I don't know about you, but I almost can't play a game of TEW anymore without at least picturing it as a dynasty.


I do the same, but with WMMA2 as well :confused:

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Let me add to the welcome backs. Like me, you just couldn't stay away from writing for very long! :p;) I don't know about you, but I almost can't play a game of TEW anymore without at least picturing it as a dynasty.


Yup, I'm much the same way. I tend to play TEW in either one or two ways - power-gaming or diary-style. Power gaming is just for results and gets boring pretty quickly. Diary-style is much more careful and time-consuming, where I end up keeping plans and notes and so on. Taking that approach and not actually doing a diary is tough... I so want to do the diary! I put everything in that "how do I write and present this" context, even when that is never going to be the end result. Its kinda weird, in a way, but I can't help it.


I meant to put in the first post that I hope this diary creates dialogue much like Generation Supreme did, and that I encourage any comments, questions, and discussion, whether its directly related to the diary or not. Looks like I don't have to now!

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