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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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When someone who isn't the good at promos (based on their skills) cuts a promo that grades well, do you present it? An average promo that the fans just dig? Write it as a well-done promo despite their skill? What about if you have a great promo written out and due to mediocre skills, it grades poor? I'm not sure too many readers worry about these things, but its stuff I end up considering.


Me too. On the one hand, anyone who gets a mic on live TV in my games has to be at a basic level of competence, entertainment-wise. On the other hand, there's a difference between an A* promo and a C+ promo - or, at least, there should be.


Something to consider is maybe having catchphrases in reserve for a given character - something I've done for my game. Although TCW isn't exactly catchphrase heaven, it's often these things that pop the crowd and make the difference between a great and a good promo.


On the other hand, length comes into it as well. A longer promo from a Law or a Cornell is likely to be worth nothing, as oppose to the throwaway backstage stuff between an Andrews and a Taylor, say.


At least you can make the assumption that a good talker will always turn out a good promo, commensurate to their skills and overness. Then it's up to you to find the words - but you've tended to manage that :p

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This is easily my favorite diary on the board, but there's something that bothers me. It has nothing to do with you, it's these guys that post in the thread. I know that guessing match results could be really fun, but you basically have to swim in a pile of these things to get to your next post.


Could you look into, maybe, editing the event links into the OP?

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This is easily my favorite diary on the board, but there's something that bothers me. It has nothing to do with you, it's these guys that post in the thread. I know that guessing match results could be really fun, but you basically have to swim in a pile of these things to get to your next post.


Could you look into, maybe, editing the event links into the OP?


The match predictions serve two purposes.

1. they provide overt feedback to the writer to know that people are actually taking an interest in the diary. As a diary writer myself, i know these are invaluable to the motivation of the diary writer to continue with the great effort and time it takes to produce one of these, let alone one like this that strives for quality.


2. These posts help the diary to move up and stay on the front pages so it doesn't get buried back 5 or 6 pages deep on the forum and no one sees it.


However, i do think linking shows, or at least the major ppvs to the original post is an interesting idea. And after taking another look, I see that Eisen Verse does have links to ppv and tv shows at the front of his diary, so problem solved :o:p:D

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Me too. On the one hand, anyone who gets a mic on live TV in my games has to be at a basic level of competence, entertainment-wise. On the other hand, there's a difference between an A* promo and a C+ promo - or, at least, there should be.


Something to consider is maybe having catchphrases in reserve for a given character - something I've done for my game. Although TCW isn't exactly catchphrase heaven, it's often these things that pop the crowd and make the difference between a great and a good promo.


On the other hand, length comes into it as well. A longer promo from a Law or a Cornell is likely to be worth nothing, as oppose to the throwaway backstage stuff between an Andrews and a Taylor, say.


At least you can make the assumption that a good talker will always turn out a good promo, commensurate to their skills and overness. Then it's up to you to find the words - but you've tended to manage that :p


I honestly never gave too much thought to this whole aspect until Self brought it up in my Gen-S diary, I believe about a A* promo between Rich Money and Sean McFly. Which I understood, since McFly was at C- in all Entertainment skills (he had improved from D+), so having the guy cut a "classic" promo seems iffy. From that point, I made sure to have workers rated in angles based on what they were doing rather than what would work best, which I still try to do.


I do try to adjust the presentation to fit the grade, to an extent. Same as a C- minus is very rarely going to get the same kind of write-up that an A match does, a C+ promo is going to be more basic than an A promo. More of just "get your point across" than anything that's going to get a good crowd reaction, positive or negative. I also try to consider where the promo will take place - something that's bigger and did/will grade better is more likely to happen in the ring, as crowd reaction plays a bigger part then. Which is what I did with the Rick Law promo on this last show - it wasn't necessarily a classic, all-timer promo, but he said enough to generate serious heat and make the fans hate him a bit more.


However, if I have an un-entertaining lug like Bryan Vessey cut a promo rated on Entertainment and he somehow manages to grade out very well, I'm left with a conundrum of how to present that. So I'm mainly just avoiding that conundrum right now by not having the likes of Vessey on the mic much. Maybe on the B show, where I won't have to worry much about it....


This is easily my favorite diary on the board, but there's something that bothers me. It has nothing to do with you, it's these guys that post in the thread. I know that guessing match results could be really fun, but you basically have to swim in a pile of these things to get to your next post.


Could you look into, maybe, editing the event links into the OP?


Glad you are enjoying. I can understand that sifting through a ton of predictions and comments can be annoying. But as DM pointed out, they do serve a purpose.


However, I do have all the shows linked on the front page. Third post down, entitled "Shows", has direct links to all three shows. Click one and it should take you directly to the show, not just to the right page. I also have the Total Mark segments linked in the first post. So the shows are there... just a bit further down...


Edit - just saw DragonMack mentioned the front page.

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The thing is, people with only "average" promo skills can get good reactions if they're in a storyline that's interesting/compelling to the viewers. In recent times, no one would call Chris Benoit a money promo, but the three-way feud between him, HHH, and HBK before Wrestlemania XX probably had promos that would grade out as B+/A- in TEW simply because there was so much heat and all Benoit had to be was competent.
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The match predictions serve two purposes.

1. they provide overt feedback to the writer to know that people are actually taking an interest in the diary. As a diary writer myself, i know these are invaluable to the motivation of the diary writer to continue with the great effort and time it takes to produce one of these, let alone one like this that strives for quality.


2. These posts help the diary to move up and stay on the front pages so it doesn't get buried back 5 or 6 pages deep on the forum and no one sees it.


Yeah well that's not entirely true, because I'm sure some people do it to be nice and/or to pad their post count, without ever reading the entire show. Back in 2003 and 2004 [i've been playing TEW/EWR for this long. My Lord], I did some diaries on the EWBattleground, and they never did this prediction thing. Honestly, as a writer I would rather have a bunch of "Hey really great show" or "Aw man what a great plotpoint in your storyline!" or "I hope such and such happens next".... I do agree about the bumping of the diary though.


But anyway, I don't mean to derail the thread, and I'm glad the show links are on the first page.

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The thing is, people with only "average" promo skills can get good reactions if they're in a storyline that's interesting/compelling to the viewers. In recent times, no one would call Chris Benoit a money promo, but the three-way feud between him, HHH, and HBK before Wrestlemania XX probably had promos that would grade out as B+/A- in TEW simply because there was so much heat and all Benoit had to be was competent.


That's true. It can be just as much about what the promo is about and the fan reaction to that as it is the reaction to the promo itself. Still leaves the debate of how the writer should present that promo - Benoit just doing average and getting a big reaction, or something that seems more worthy of the grade by itself?


Yeah well that's not entirely true, because I'm sure some people do it to be nice and/or to pad their post count, without ever reading the entire show. Back in 2003 and 2004 [i've been playing TEW/EWR for this long. My Lord], I did some diaries on the EWBattleground, and they never did this prediction thing. Honestly, as a writer I would rather have a bunch of "Hey really great show" or "Aw man what a great plotpoint in your storyline!" or "I hope such and such happens next".... I do agree about the bumping of the diary though.


But anyway, I don't mean to derail the thread, and I'm glad the show links are on the first page.


Don't worry about being "off topic"... its never been something that bothered me in my diaries.


I have to admit that I've been guilty of predicting in diaries where I haven't kept up with every show, or maybe just read the most recent. But its a way of showing support for the writer. The post count padding is possible, but I've rarely seen post counts as meaning too much on GDS.


As a writer, I do find the predictions have value. Especially if they come with comments. Its a way to gauge reader reaction to given storylines and workers. Don't get me wrong - I love seeing those "good show" comments afterward. But while those comments might mention or two workers, they rarely give you a lot of information about the individual match ups. If I see through predictions that readers are taking to a certain worker or team, or aren't buying them in the role I've given them, I can adjust as necessary.


Just teamed up Koshiro and Taylor in my TCW game and found some excellent chemistry, heh xD


Nice. No great chemistry for me. I'm okay with that, since I also have few negative chemistry notes for the teams I wanted to put together. In fact, of the teams I had planned, only one got scuttled by chemistry. Unfortunately, it was one that I had FINisher do up an alt for - sorry FIN! But otherwise, the teams all worked out. Now its just a matter of building up some experience with a number of them.

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Mark 7.0

Balancing Obsessions


We all have our obsessions in life. The things were are truly passionate about. Some of us maintain the balance better than others, keeping those obsessions from overtaking everything else of importance. Just as important, I believe, is maintain perspective on things. To maintain an understanding of those obsessions and their effect on our lives.


Going back as far as I can remember, professional wrestling has always been a part of my life. Thanks dad! I cannot really point to the exact point where it became an obsession, but it has been for a long time. Somewhere in the late 1990s, I suppose. I have always tried to keep it from being an obsession that consumes, however. That isn't always so easy, especially now that I have actually become part of the industry. I watched my father's love and obsession with this business affect our family until it reached the point my mother would take no more. It would be facetious of me to try to present that as if there were no other factors involved, that there were no other issues in my parents marriage. Or to try to claim it was wrestling that tore our family apart. Nothing is ever that simple. There were a lot of issues there, and wrestling was one of them.


But I guess you could say that reality always worked to keep me level with my obsession.


You read about stories all the time where people allowed their obsessions take control. Those who didn't maintain that perspective on reality and that balance. They are the people who end up aggressively stalking the celebrity they obsess over. They are the fans who commit or at least contemplate violence – to themselves or to others – over something their favorite sports team does or doesn't do. The people who somehow end up committing murder over something like cheer-leading or a video game. Even those who becoming irrationally focused on the activities of their children - sports or whatever.


It has often been given consideration, at least by me, as to what exactly it is that brings some people to allow an obsession to take over their lives to that degree. Is it some flaw in those particular individuals? Is it just part of human nature? Perhaps it is the by-product of contemporary western society, where fewer people than ever need to seriously worry about the basic of life such as food, shelter, and even personal safety, and so they end up attaching undue importance to “smaller” things?


Such thoughts were not on my mind after the show, however. More than an hour after the lights came up and the crowd left, I had two simple thought so my mind – food and sleep.


My bigger concern was truthfully food. I had managed to raid the catering table a bit, but that had been much earlier in the night. By the time I made it back there, everything was gone. I mean literally everything - wrestlers are a famished bunch. My hope was there was something open late in the area, as I didn't want to have to drive all over town looking for someplace to get a quick meal. My hotel was fairly close to the arena. Getting some sleep was a close second behind getting some food. This show was the end of my road run, for now as I was flying back to LA early in the morning.


I took one last tour through the backstage area, checking to see if anyone was left. The area was bereft of life. The workers had all left earlier, but there was always the chance of stragglers. Though it was not necessary or even expected, I wanted to take one last check to see if there was anyone still around who might need a ride. The only TCW employees I saw were the production crew, taking down all the equipment and getting everything packed up.


Then I spotted someone, and it was the last person I expected to see still around. Seated on a crusty-brown sofa in a small lounge area just outside his private locker room was Tommy Cornell. Alone. He was sitting hunched over, his attention focused on the Blackberry in his hands. However, as a I walked up, I noticed that the Blackberry screen was black and he was actually doing nothing with it. It was simply in his hands as he stared down it.


“Hey boss,” I greeted him.


“Oh, hey,” he replied, barely looking up.


I was curious why the Boss was still at the arena. Like he me, he had an early flight back out west. I knew we were not on the same flight, but we were both leaving within a half hour of each other. I wasn't about to question my boss as to what he was doing and why, however.


“So, uh, looks like everyone is gone,” I observed needlessly. Captain Obvious to the rescue! Idiot. “You need a ride or anything?”


Cornell considered this for a moment. He finally replied, “Yeah, I guess I do. I let Andy take the rental.”


He let that hang, like he had something else to add. But the silence grew. The Boss seemed indifferent – he was still focused on the black screen of his Blackberry. It made me uncomfortable after a bit, however. I finally broke it, suggesting, “I'm good to go whenever you are.”


“Yeah, I'spose,” Cornell muttered. He rose slowly, grabbing his big duffel bag. I expected him to hand it to me, but he slung it over his shoulder and shuffled along behind me as I headed for the doors leading to the secure parking lot.


To say the Boss seemed distracted would be an understatement. He seemed almost... introspectively enraptured. A quiet Cornell didn't bother me at all... but a preoccupied and introspective one did. That just wasn't like the Boss. Not his style.


A factor that I hadn't considered when I made the rash off to the Boss was that his hotel was not close to the arena. It was a good twenty minute drive away. It was the Sheraton that was close to the airport.


The ride was uncomfortable. Which was odd unto itself – I've never been uncomfortable around Cornell, not after the first time I met him. The man is charming and naturally disarming. Not to mention intelligent, engaging, clever, and outright funny. None of those really applied this tonight. Tonight, he was simply quiet. If it had been anyone but the Boss, I would have asked what was bothering them. I could ask Cornell that without feeling like I was prying. It would be one thing if he was worried about things related to TCW. But if it was something in his personal life... Well, Cornell likes his privacy. Something you learn very quickly around TCW-HQ is that you don't ask about the Man's personal life. I can respect that.


Cornell simply stared out the window as I drove the economy-sized rental car. It was close to midnight on a Tuesday night, so the streets were quiet.


I couldn't help but wonder if it was things at home. Cornell was only on the road now for TV and pay per views – he didn't do house shows anymore. When he had the world title, he didn't really have a choice. But when he wasn't champion, he didn't do the hard road life that the rest of the roster did. Owner's prerogative, I guess. I've heard rumblings that its not his choice so much as his wife's, as she wants him around more because of Tommy Jr.


“D*mn,” I muttered as we drove past several still-open restaurants. The pangs of hunger were only getting worse. Then realizing I had vocalized that, I mumbled, “Such a nice night.”


The boss was distracted enough that I didn't expect him to hear me, let alone respond. But he did, saying, “Yeah, guess it is, then.” Then, after a moment, he mumbled. “I just don't know about all of this...”


“Uh, do you mean this night?”


“What? No. Sorry. Just mean that Total Mayhem stuff,” the Boss told me.


I responded before I could stop myself, saying, “Solid storylines, in my opinion. Well-planned.” Then I bit my tongue – as if my opinion on this mattered.


“Yeah,” Cornell agreed without conviction. Then he added, “Just doesn't feel on the same level as Bruce's Pressured Man deal...”


I caught myself before I could correct the Boss on the name. That was just not a good idea. I wanted to say that trying to emulate Supreme was not a good idea, but I managed to hold my tongue on this as well. There were rumors that the SWF had actually brought in Hollywood script-writers to help Peter Michaels with that storyline. It was an idea that had actually been looked at by TCW many times, given our location, but apparently always rejected for the simple reason that the wrestling business is not the same as the movie business.


I searched for a response that wouldn't just make me sound like a blind mark. And failed.


“I need to talk to Joel in the morning,” he mumbled, then went back to staring out the window.


The last few minutes of the drive to the hotel were in silence. If the Boss was anyone but Tommy Cornell, I might have pressed about what was bothering him. To lend my ear, so to speak. With the Boss, he'll confide if he feels the need to confide. And I doubt he feels that need. Not with me, anyway.


I pulled up to the front of the Sheraton. Cornell piled out of the cramped card and grabbed his bag out of the backseat. He grumbled something that was either “thanks, see you in L.A.” or a rumbling belch as he slammed the door. I waited until he disappeared into the upscale hotel and I drove away.


As I headed back toward the arena and my own hotel, I found myself considering Cornell. Thinking about what his obsessions were. There was no doubt he was passionate about wrestling and about Total Championship Wrestling. But were those truly his obsessions? Those things that would take over his life entirely if he allowed them? Was it his family? Or was there some other aspect to the man that he didn't reveal to mere employees? After working with Cornell fairly closely for the past few years, I honestly couldn't tell you. He just didn't talk about himself and his personal life. For all I knew, he passionately loved classic Swedish films. Did he spend hours playing online console games? Or invest thousands of hours in a massive model train set up? Did he have such obsessions and did he manage to maintain the balance in his life?


Perhaps the mighty Tommy Cornell is simply above such things?


The Total Mark

Tuesday, Week 2, March 2010

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Wow that was a suspenseful segment right there!!! I really wanted to know what was bothering Cornell! That was a hell of a cliffhanger right there, really shocking angle to take with Cornell. That was novel material!


Thanks, glad you enjoyed. I have to admit the segment felt a bit heavy-handed, but I wanted it to be clear that there are things going on with Mr. Cornell. As to what... unforuntately, you may have to wait a bit for that to come clear.


Maybe Cornell was distracted by a booking dilemma in his ongoing wrestling simulation game.


If he is into Swedish cinema, then I'm sure he'll find someone in the locker room to bond with and lift his spirits soon enough xD


Maybe he was running a cool promotion that has a super-talented wrestler as an owner who has creative control and never wants to drop the title belt...? There is a quandry worthy of Tommy Cornell...


I thought I had seen the Swedish cinema in the backstage bonding bits in the game, so I threw it in there. It may have have just been "classic films" that were bonded over. Regardless, good catch.

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Total Championship Wrestling Newswire

From TCW.com

Wednesday, Week 2 March 2010


The TCW Home Office has released a partial card for the upcoming TCW Just Another Day pay per view, which will take place on Sunday, Week 3 March. This looks like another cannot-miss event and will be sure to feature the finest professional wrestling around.


The main event of pay per view will be TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden defending his title against the number one contender. Who that number contender is will be determined in a four-way match on the TCW Presents Total Wrestling in two weeks. Two participants have already been decided - Rick Law and Tommy Cornell. The other two will be decided on Total Wrestling next week, when Bryan Vessey faces Wolf Hawkins and Sam Keith faces Ricky Dale Johnson.


The three wrestlers who are not successful in their number one contender four-way will get a second chance at the pay per view. A new number one contender will be decided by a Total Elimination six-man tag match. Under Total Elimination rules, the match will continue until there is only wrestler remaining, even if it means two members of the same team are the final two. None of the other six participants have been named by the Home Office, but "The Philly Phenom" Joey Minnesota seems like a good bet to have another chance.


Three other matches have been announced for the pay per view, based on petitions to the Home Office. Sammy Bach will have a chance to take the TCW International championship from Joshua Taylor in what is starting to look like a grudge match. Troy Tornado will get his wish as he takes on "The Kobra" Koshiro Ino. As well, Benny Benson has requested a match against Eddie Peak.


Just Another Day is shaping up to be anything but....

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Guest cmdrsam

Total Championship Wrestling Newswire

From TCW.com

Wednesday, Week 2 March 2010




Got a complaint. I called my local cable provider and they dont have a listing for TCW anything. As a matter a fact they operator laughed at me profusly then hung up. Seriously looking forward to this.

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Got a complaint. I called my local cable provider and they dont have a listing for TCW anything. As a matter a fact they operator laughed at me profusly then hung up. Seriously looking forward to this.


Understandable concern. Your local cable provider will be visited by Tommy Cornell's two personal assistants, Larry the Leg-Breaker and Tiny. They will ensure that the operator who laughed at will never laugh at anything again.... ever... TCW hereby apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. A Troy Tornado "Bicep Kissing - How To Do It Right... Like Hollywood" instructional DVD will be sent free of charge. Except the shipping and handling... You still have to pay that... Sorry, but nothing in life is free. Except for great wrestling. Which you can find on TCW. Order the pay per view now - only $44.95 plus applicable taxes, surcharges, and shipping and handling fees. Don't haggle over this - Larry the Leg-Breaker and Tiny will visit you next....

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Understandable concern. Your local cable provider will be visited by Tommy Cornell's two personal assistants, Larry the Leg-Breaker and Tiny. They will ensure that the operator who laughed at will never laugh at anything again.... ever... TCW hereby apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. A Troy Tornado "Bicep Kissing - How To Do It Right... Like Hollywood" instructional DVD will be sent free of charge. Except the shipping and handling... You still have to pay that... Sorry, but nothing in life is free. Except for great wrestling. Which you can find on TCW. Order the pay per view now - only $44.95 plus applicable taxes, surcharges, and shipping and handling fees. Don't haggle over this - Larry the Leg-Breaker and Tiny will visit you next....


Actually, I think USPW poached Tiny...

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Actually, I think USPW poached Tiny...


Although the etiquette of TCW prevents a TCW employee from talking ill of our competition... how utterly typical of J Silver and USPW. Show them a big, hulking, untalented hack and Silver and Strong come running with a contract. Luckily, Tiny has a larger, stupider younger brother... Tinier... He enjoys breaking legs even more than Larry the Leg-Breaker...

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TCW Uprising TV

Friday, Week 2, March 2010

The Arkansas Coliseum (South East)



<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="

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Sammy Bach Promo

Bach cuts an intense promo with Karen Killer at his side, proclaiming that he will tear down Joshua Taylor so they too can know what the fall feels like. He ends off by again referencing his coming "Fall Children".

Grade: B+



The Machines vs The L.A. Connection

The show starts with a solid match between one of the most established teams in TCW and one of the most promise. Established win out here.

The Machines Win at 11:42

Grade: C+



Canadian Animals Promo

Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, Laura Huggins, and Charlie Thatcher cut a promo, talking about the team being the future of TCW and how they will be TCW World Tag Team championships sooner rather than later.

Grade: B-



The Cali Dragons vs The Canadian Animals

These two teams are the future of the TCW tag team ranks, and they put on a show. The fans are a bit indifferent, but the match feature solid action.

The Canadian Animals Win at 9:45

Grade: C-



Sara Silver Promo

Silver cuts another promo, hyping up her yet-to-be unveiled Planet Silver stable of young talent from around the globe.

Grade: C



Alexander & Tana vs Total Violence Connection

The random pairing of Clark Alexander and Giant Tana hold their own for longer than expected, but still fall to the aggressive wild brawlers.

Total Violence Connection Win at 12:41

Grade: C



Troy Tornado vs Guide

A great contest that "Hollywood" wins with some unsavory means.

Troy Tornado Wins at 17:52

Grade: B+


The Tag Team Specialsist vs Burning Pride

The tandem of Joshua Taylor and Koshiro Ino overcome a massive amount of double-teaming from the Specialists to take a solid win.

Burning Pride Win at 16:22

Grade: C+


Troy Tornado & Koshiro Ino Showdown

Troy Tornado hits the ring and attempts to intimidate Ino, but fails to menace the big Japanese wrestler at all.

Troy Tornado Wins at 17:52

Grade: B+



Overall Grade: B-

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Preview of TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, March 2010


This weeks TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling is a big one. There's a lot on the schedule and fans won't want to miss out. This week features not just one but two matches which would be pay per view caliber for any wrestling promotion in the world.


How much does experience count? This will be the focus as the night kicks off with some tag team action. One of the most experienced tag team tandems in the world, The New Wave, take on a much less experienced tandem. Troy Tornado picked Rick Law as his tag team partner for this one, and while both have experience in tag teams, they don't have much experience together. Individually, they are two of the more talented wrestlers in TCW. Will that be enough for them to overcome the experience of Guide and Scout? If Tornado and Law are successful in this non-title match, it could put them in strong contention for a title shot against the tag team champions.


TCW International championship will be on the line, as champion Joshua Taylor will face the veteran threat of Genghis Rahn. "The Arizona Assassin" will look to teach the "youngster" Taylor a few things, while taking his title at the same time.


Another match-up of experience versus youth will see The Tag Team Specialists face the up-and-coming team of Aaron Andrews and Chance Fortune. The duo known as The L.A. Connection have been turning some heads and look like they could be a force in the tag team ranks.


The first of two main event matches is the third qualifying match for next weeks #1 Contender Four-Way. Wolf Hawkins has proven himself as an immense talent since being decreed as the future by Tommy Cornell. He has yet to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight championship, however. With a win over Bryan Vessey, Hawkins could be one step closer to having that chance. "Shogun" remains a formidable challenge, however.


Sam Keith and Ricky Dale Johnson were on opposite sides throughout the struggle between The Syndicate and the Freedom Fighters. There was some obvious bad blood between them. This time, its a chance to move one step closer to wrestling for the TCW World Heavyweight championship.


The best wrestling action is on Total Championship Wrestling!


The New Wave vs Law & Tornado


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

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As always, can't wait BP!


The New Wave vs Law & Tornado

Rick Law is great.


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match

Too early for a title change.


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

I had to look who The Specialists were but against my better judgement I'm going for youth over experience.


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3

The potential for a barn-stormer is greatly increased if Tommy, Wolf and RDJ are in the same ring.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

See above!

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado



Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match



The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists



Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3



Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

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TCW is my favorite and I love seeing what you do with them, I tune in each and every week :)


The New Wave vs Law & Tornado

Keep Law and Tornado strong for the future. I don't see Ino as the type to run in and cost the match.


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match

The champ needs a win


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

Just makes since with all thats going on with Cornell.

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

Same as above.

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado

The tag teams really should win these matches, but inevitably its the two singles main eventers who win to advance their feuds.


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match

Rahn is a gatekeeper now. This should show Taylor's long term future


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

Draw, because there has to be one somewhere and I cant decide who wins here.


Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3

Vessey needs to be there now, You can wait a bit to pull the trigger on Hawkins.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

Frankly both should be putting others over at this point but Keith is invariably a better opponent for someone to showcase against

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The New Wave vs Law & Tornado

Law and Tornado just seem like too big names to lose here


Genghis Rahn vs Joshua Taylor

TCW International Championship Match

I don´t see Taylor dropping his belt yet at least not to Rahn. Likely a DQ win though


The L.A. Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

Tag Spesialists lost to Burning Pride so I think they lose to here as well

Wolf Hawkins vs Bryan Vessey

#1 Contender Qualification Match #3

Hawkins deserves the spotlight here


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith

#1 Contender Qualification Match #4

Keith had his change already

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