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Best Tag Teams ever

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For me tag teams can be split into two categories my favourites from when I was younger and didn't realise wrestling was scripted and my favourites from now. When I was young the best tag teams were Demolition, Legion of Doom and of course The Mega Powers. Now when I look back and at the present day I would say Dudleyz or most combinations of the Harts are who I would consider the best tag team ever.


For some reason although I hated them when I was young I like seeing Money Inc wrestle on the old wrestling occasionaly on Sky.

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And the fact that you called them "LOD" ripoffs says a lot. Masked Superstar (aka Ax) was hardly a jobber, the guy worked on top with everybody in the WWF and in Georgia. Krusher Kruschev (aka Smash) was an upper midcarder working in Mid-Atlantic with the Russians and top teams like the Road Warriors.


You're assuming I don't know that stuff because I referred to them as the LOD? Ellering called his stable the Legion of Doom. Fine. they're the Road Warriors.


It doesn't change the fact that both Ax and Smash were not known at all beyond the regional (Krusher Kruschev lol generic 80s Russian) level until they ripped off someone else's gimmick and -since Vince couldn't sign the real thing at the time - were pushed to the moon.


I'm not saying they're terrbile. But IMO they aren't "great" and shouldn't be considered anywhere near the level of the Midnight Express, RnR express, the Midnight Rockers


Hell during their heyday, I would've preferred to watch the Islanders, The Bees, the Rougeaus...


Edit: One more thing, Darsow wasn't even 30 yet when Demolition won the tag titles- so there goes your middle aged comment


Fine..so Smash only looked paunchy, middle aged, and balding.


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Austin and Pillman

Tully and Arn

Arn and Ole

The Road Warriors

Midnight Express (Lane and Eaton version)

British Bulldogs


Harlem Heat



and one that I really liked but probably would never make anybody elses list:


Samoan Swat Team


Who was in Doom? Wasnt that Ron Harris and Ron Simmons?


The Rockers were my favorite tag team - their matches were always exciting. What was the name of the one tag team with Andre the Giant and the one Samoan?

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You left out the greatest team of all time! One so great they had to burn out fast! POWER AND GLORY!!!! Perfect Paul Roma and Hercules Hernandez!!

They were the real life version of the AWESOME ALLIANCE!! :p


Seriously though, I always thought that they were a team with potential and I loved their finishing move of Hernandez suplexing a guy into the middle of the ring just in time to be greeted by a top rope splash from Roma.

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You left out the greatest team of all time! One so great they had to burn out fast! POWER AND GLORY!!!! Perfect Paul Roma and Hercules Hernandez!!

They were the real life version of the AWESOME ALLIANCE!! :p


Seriously though, I always thought that they were a team with potential and I loved their finishing move of Hernandez suplexing a guy into the middle of the ring just in time to be greeted by a top rope splash from Roma.


Paul Roma FTW!

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Remember, the real Midnight Express didn't have Bobby Eaton. It was Condrey, Randy Rose & Norvill Austin (sp?).


Minnesota Wrecking Crew

The Nightmares (Ken Wayne & Danny Davis)


Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

Paul Jones & Baron von Raschke

Jack & Jerry Brisco

Harlem Heat


Professor Tanaka & Mr. Fuji


Wow, great Nightmares mention. You rarely see that anymore! :)

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The greatest tag team ever is the former GWF Tag Team Champs "The English Lords" who, despite being announced as champions never actually existed and were written out as having been injured in an accident on the Autobahn.


They are closely followed by Joe Savoldi and Al Perez as "The Rock 'n' Roll Rockers" who are almost as awesome.

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That does sound like a good team. Didnt Sting and Lex Luger team up at one time? Does anyone remember their team?


They teamed up several times, and even won the Jim Crockett Tag tournament once, but they didn't have a name other than Sting & Luger that I ever remember them using.


Luger and Barry Windham had a short lived team called 'The Twin Towers' but that only lasted a month and was the set up for Windham turning on Luger and joining the Four Horsemen.

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