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How did you find out about TEW?

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I first heard about EWR in some hockey manager forum. I played it a little while and then forgot it after I moved to some other games. Few months ago I decided to give EWR a another change and since it wasn´t on my computer I was looking it in internet and somehow ended up in here and saw that TEW2005 was a free version. I downloaded it and played a little while and now I´m completely hooked on this game.
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Loved this, never even made that connection for some reason. And Eisen was my favorite along with Mayne back then. Can't believe they went away from having people who were funny on ESPN, for shame.


You have people like Kilborn and Olbermann to thank for that. The focus is supposed to be on the stuff they're reporting on (you know, sports?) not the individual sportscaster. When one of them gets particularly popular, their contract demands tend to go way up, which leads to a split. It's why you've had pretty much a revolving door in Bristol. It's a good career move for most. You do 3-5 years on ESPNEWS in the middle of the night and you can move to 'small(-er) town X' and command a far higher price as a 'former ESPN anchor'.

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Can't remember how, exactly. I remember there a site (PWSE or something) that had a CRAPLOAD of wrestling sims.


I tried my hand EW, Promotion Wars (Anyone remember the OTHER Adam?), Alter World, Edge of Survival, and a bunch of others.


Been here since.

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I remember reading about EWR on The Oracle section of rajah. Hooked after that. This was back when Heyman turned on Lesnar ('02?). Was on .400 for a while, but mostly EWB. That became insufferable, so I moved here. I remember I heard about TEW back in 05, been playing them since.
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I went the Promotion Wars -> EW7500 -> EW9000 -> EWD -> EWR -> TEW04/05/07/08 route. Forgot how I found out about PW though... e-fed OOC board probably.


Zeus Pro... TNM... G-feds... those were the days. All of those things sucked of course, but the days they occupied were great. Anyone remember Cyberbrawls (and it's deformed bastard child, Wrassle.net)?

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I tried my hand EW, Promotion Wars (Anyone remember the OTHER Adam?),

Been here since.



adam jennings and all the hype he put behind prom wars 2 that he claimed would blow ewr out of the water... he didnt even get a quarter way through completing it before he abandoned the project. i have the demo on my old computer. unforuantly tho ewd doesnt play on windows vista! tryed playin it while i was waiting for tew 10 to come out

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adam jennings and all the hype he put behind prom wars 2 that he claimed would blow ewr out of the water... he didnt even get a quarter way through completing it before he abandoned the project. i have the demo on my old computer. unforuantly tho ewd doesnt play on windows vista! tryed playin it while i was waiting for tew 10 to come out


I remember EWD used a type of memory that newer computers didn't have as much of because it ran in DOS. There were posts and posts of people complaining about how they had the "newest high end system" and the game wouldn't work. They couldn't grasp that that had nothing to do with it.

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As I was drifting off to sleep last night I was thinking about EWR. The era of wrestling we were in at the time, I remember the biggest feud everyone seemed to have was Raven vs Vampiro :D I miss those days. Now they're both very old. Like a lot of people, I loved Vampiro in WCW. One of the only good things about WCW's final year
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