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I'm reading Bret Harts book, and just read last night that Steamboat wrestled matches with Bret and Macho Man in the WWF around late 1988. Not sure if he was still there by sept 89 or not. I think he may have been. At least Bret Hart doesn't mention him leaving, but I'm just now reading the part that covers 1989.


EDIT: It looks like Gaz is right. According to this page there is no mention of a match with Steamboat anywhere in the WWF during 1989. See below.




Looks like he was in the WCW around July of 89 and must have left the WCW shortly after July.

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I think there is because i get the owner goal about pushing bret, but yes bret should have loyality to the wwf


On that note pat paterson has a best friend relation with vince but gets fired nearly all the time, strange!


You've got too many guys who can act as a road agent, Fabulous Moolah, Tim White, Tully Blanchard, Jimmy Snuka, Lanny Pofo, Dave Hebner definitely shouldn't have much if any booking skills let alone have that role active as even "Sometimes". I think there's a few others there I saw that weren't really road agents yet at that time.


Just did a quick test with those guys I listed set to not be able to work as road agents and Patterson doesn't get the sack :) Few other RA's do though but lil more tweaking you can prob clear it up easy enough. I know it's a pain to balance the mod so you don't have 50 releases on day one.

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Try setting playing with "Personality" or "Manager" role, the AI must have a limit on how many you have. Took me alot of tweaking, just trial and error, even for MA as polished as I have I think I have it now I can't avoid 3 releases in particular.


Something I just thought when looking in the editor at the data, if you like you can add any workers from MA when it hits. A good way to do it is (try and stay with me here :p )...


Go into the MA mod

Change the start date to Oct 1989

Go into the Workers files

Filter "Yet to Debut"

Export the list showing to Spreadsheet

Go into NHB and use the list to know which guys to import


Obviously some editing is still needed to those workers but all the time on birthdays, race, debut dates etc will be done for you :)


If that sounds easy enough please feel free to use whatever you need from my mods.

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Cheers matey ill do that, thanks


iv got it down now to: jerry brisco, strongbow, moolah, danny davis and elizabeth getting sacked. Iv checked the ideal roster and theres just noway to get the sackings down any further


Sacrifice is a necessity sometimes, if it prevents a really unusual event especially. I'd delete Arnold Skaaland's contract as a starting point.


Were Strongbow and Danny Davis definitely working as a road agent for them at the time? If not I'd axe em yourself save the AI doing it. (Just did a quick check Davis was working almost always as a ref for WWF at the time).


I'd set Fabulous Moolah to Personality: Never and change Occasional Wrestler: Usually


Change Lanny Poffo so he can't work as a manager and set him as an active or occasional worker.


Should keep Elizabeth with that :)


Ok enough of my head buried in your data back to mine :p (Happy to help anytime dude just lemme know)

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For some reason, every time I sim a few months from a new game Bret Hart leaves the WWF and eventually ends up with NWA. That's just messed up! Not sure what's causing it though.


This is actually pretty true to life. From reading Bret Hart's book, just last night, he was offered a $200,000 contract by Ric Flair (who was the head booker) of the NWA/WCW right at the start of 1989 and Bret was going to sign with them, but it turned out Flair didn't have the power to do so, and the guy who did lowered the offer to $156,000 which was about as much as he was making with the WWF, so he stayed in the WWF. So, he would have gone to the NWA/WCW if it were not for the drop in the offer, which he said made him feel "slighted."

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I had already changed alot of what you just post after your earlier post but iv now release skaaland and strongbow. On the first day only danny davis got released! Great stuff. Same goes btw if theres anything you think i can help you with just let me know


any plans of releasing these small changes soon?

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NWA gets really, really huge in a short time period in the game by the way. They go from Cult to Global in like a year. I know this would be very hard to tweak but basically the company was run by morons until Bischoff took over VP. They had a fantastic talent roster in 1989 so I imagine it'd be pretty challenging to try to keep them crap in terms of AI booking. Just thought I'd point it out anyway though heh.
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For some reason, every time I sim a few months from a new game Bret Hart leaves the WWF and eventually ends up with NWA. That's just messed up! Not sure what's causing it though.


Actually, that's not messed up. This is really accurate because Bret Hart was very close to jumping from the WWF to the NWA. But Jim Herd dropped the ball again.


In fact, if you believe the Wrestling Observer and it's a credible source, the NWA were also looking at The Rockers, Curt Hennig, Ted DiBiase and Randy Savage. They were only able to bring back Arn Anderson though.


Also, I wouldn't put Bret Hart as loyal to Vince McMahon, at least not in 1989. If there's a way to make it for a few years later, sure. But not in late 1989.

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This thing still realistically should be a long ways away from a release? I was encouaged when you took down your original relase of it, days after TEW 2010 came out, and made it a Beta. People seemed to be finding alot of critical errors and helping you out with them. Why the rush for a release?
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