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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 10

(Monday 5th April 2010)


Akita Stadium, Tohoku

(Attendance 5,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Mitsuhide Muro, Hidetada Kozu & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Shimedzu vs Tiger Fuyuki


Five minutes of Tiger Fuyuki doing what he does best, getting the snot kicked out of him. It's all too easy for Shimedzu, who eventually decides to put the hapless jobber away with his Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke) submission.


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Tiger Fuyuki in 5:08 via submission (Insurrexion Device)


Rating: C-



Match B: Santetomo Shiraishi, Sessue Kawate & Super Joshuya vs Fukusabaru Inao, Masataro Kataoka & Stone Yoshikawa


Snow Lizzard and Super Joshuya the midcard veterans of the Burning Sekigun faction may not be in the best of form lately but they did have enough here to defeat the thrown together lower card trio put in front of them. In the end it was the Burning Sekigun trio's experience of working together that seemed to swing things in their advantage, though the finish came by the way of submission with Kataoka passing out to Shiraishi's Lizard Clutch (Seated Cobra Clutch)


Result: Santetomo Shiraishi [w], Sessue Kawate & Super Joshuya bt Fukusabaru Inao, Masataro Kataoka [L] & Stone Yoshikawa in 8:52 via submission (Lizard Clutch)

Rating: C-



Main Show


Match #1: American Optimius vs Barei Yasujiro vs

John Pathlow vs Red Panther

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BlackEagle_alt5.jpg?t=1268428287 ____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg ____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PhenomenalE_alt1.jpg


Four way Junior Division action here to kick the show off, with the winner likely to position themselves to challenge for a spot in the Contenders Circle. As expected this was after a brief feeling out process balls to the wall action from all four men involved, with dives to the floor and an endless stream of near-falls.


As the action packed match reached it's climax with both Pathlow and Panther wiped out on the floor American Optimus thought he had the match won when he countered a hurrucanrana attempt from Yasujiro into an Atomic O-Bomb (Superbomb) only for Red Panther to dive in at the last split second. Panther then connected with a spin kick on Optimus before dumping the Dragon Feet 2K9 man with the Pantherplex (Pumphandle Double Arm German Suplex) only for John Pathlow to break up the pin with his Heart Compactor (Diving Double Knee drop), the hard hitting gaijin then rolled Panther up to earn a notable win in a pulsating opening contest.


Result: John Pathlow [w] bt American Optimus + Barei Yasujiro + Red Panther [L] in 10:39 via pinfall (Heart Compactor)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


John Pathlow (in English): Tonight I went one step closer to really making an impact here in Burning Hammer, and John Pathlow is all about making an impact. But I know I've proven nothing by winning this match, by winning this one match to truly prove my worth my worth I must beat the best, so bring them on, bring on the best, because John Pathlow's ready.



Match #2: Non Title:

Sensational Dragon vs Haru Kurofuji


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HaruKurofuji.jpg


The Junior Champion headed into this non title contest as the over-whelming favourite and the confident Dragon Feet 2K9 member looked as though he would have an easy time of it, as he controlled the early going but that lead to Dragon somewhat under-estimating his opponent even more and when Dragon went for the Dragon-Slice only two minutes in Kurofuji was able to block and then counter with a Backdrop Suplex before nailing the Junior champion with a missile drop-kick.


That proved to be the turning point that Kurofuji needed and the WLW man seized control of the match, as Kurofuji's constant stream of pressure saw Dragon struggle to get a foothold back into the match. That pressure culimated with Kurofuji dumping Dragon with the Tohoku Thunder Suplex (Rolling Release Suplex) and the upset looked to be in cards but the champion showed resolve just about getting his shoulder up in time.


With Dragon still planted to the mat, Kurofuji then headed up top but ended up crashing and burning onto the canvas a Dragon moved out of the way of the Kamikaze Headbutt (Long Range Diving Headbutt), the Superkick/Dragon Slice (Shiranui) combination then followed and that was enough for Dragon to put the troublesome former WLW man away.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Haru Kurofuji in 8:28 via pinfall (Dragon Slice)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: Marihito Masuko, I hope you took a good look....Kurofuji-san brought his very best to me and he was simply no match for someone as Sensational as I am, and whilst I expect you to give me a tougher challenge, you will still find out that I am simply better, simply more Sensational than you....but you knew that already Masuko-san and still you try to prove yourself better than me.



Match #3: Takayuki Onodera, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda vs

Yoshii Shiomi, VENOM & Toshiki Shibanumo








Formula six man action evolved here, but a fairly entertaining contest emerged regardless of the matches general predictability. The Burning Sekigun trio started hot but then the RAGE trio definitely playing the heel role here, especially against perma-faces like Size of the Fight got back into by using cheap tactics. Kokan then became Spencer-Marks-san and Little Fury to their credit did bring out some neat double teams to try and putting him away, including a Wheelbarrow slam (VENOM) onto a double knee backbreaker (Shiomi) that almost brought them what would have been seen as the upset victory.


But Kokan survived the pressure and managed to get the hot tag, from there the Burning Sekigun trio were able to seize back control of the match, Konda coming close to sealing victory with a Konda Kutter on Shibanumo but in the end it was Shiomi who would ultimately eat the decisive pin, falling victim to Onodera's Call The Doctor (Inverted Facelock lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver).


Result: Takayuki Onodera [w], Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda bt Yoshii Shiomi [L], VENOM & Toshiki Shibanumo in 13:48 via pinfall (Call The Doctor)

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Takayuki Onodera: It was a pleasure to go out there today and fight alongside, two of the most honest, hardest working guys out there in Size of the Fight. True Burning Hammer loyalists, who give their all every night win or lose.


Kansuke Konda: I must return the graditudes Onodera-san has bestowed upon Kokan-San and myself, for he too fights for the same values as Size of the Fight.



Match #4: King of Fighters Tournament Semi Final:

Mike Watson vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae-1.jpg


It was time for the first semi final of the King of Fighters tournament as Mike Watson looking to go one step closer to earning a rematch with his Team INSPIRE compatriot Tadiyuki Kikkawa, however standing in his way was Miyamae, the former tag champion determined to prove his mettle as a singles competitor.


The match began with lots of tense circling with both Watson and Miyamae throwing out tentative strikes. It was Miyamae who would land the most significant series of blows first as Watson in frustration lunged forward but walked straight into a rapid combination of kicks from the Dragon Feet 2K9 man before being taken off his feet with a Dragon Screw Legwhip.


Miyamae then continued to target the leg with some well placed elbow drops to the inner thigh, before trying to apply another Dragon Screw, only for the Calgary Assassin to boot Miyamae off into the corner. Watson then went to follow in for a clothesline into the corner, only for Miyamae to move out the way and take the Team INSPIRE off his feet again with a chop block. Miyamae then waited for Watson to rise to his knees before moving in to nail the Team INSPIRE man with the Glittering Magician, but Watson was able to catch Miyamae coming and after tackling Miyamae to the mat went for an MMA style ground and pound attack.


Miyamae covered up best he could but Watson was relentless and in the end referee Yasuyuki Terakado pulled Watson off before applying the ten count.....








To everyone's shock including Watson's Miyamae had managed to pull himself back up. Looking to finish the job Watson then went for the One Stop Punch but Miyamae was able to shuffle out of the way and then stun Watson with a reverse STO that he immediately transitioned into the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice).....


But just as it looked like Watson would fade, he managed to dig down and lifted himself and Miyamae back up to a vertical base before driving Miyamae back first agains the corner turnbuckle. That loosened the Dragon Feet 2K9 man's grip, before Watson flinged Miyamae overhead with the Caribou Trap Suplex. The Calgary Assassin then waited for Miyamae to stagger back to his feet and this time was able to stick the ONE STOP PUNCH on Miyamae. This time the former Tag Team Champion wasn't going to be getting up and Watson moved one step closer to challenging once again for the King of Fighters title.


Result: Mike Watson [w] bt Miyamae [L] in 11:33 via Knockout (One Stop Punch)

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Mike Watson (in English): One Punch, one right hand...that's all it takes, that's all it takes for the Calgary Assassin to emerge victorious and continue his march towards becoming the King of the Fighters ! And whether it be Miyamae's boyfriend Shimedzu or that pesky Kansuke Konda in the finals of this waste of time tournament I will 'earn' that re-match with Kikkawa-san I so richly deserved in the first place.



Match #5: The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs

Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda-1.jpg


The Raging Bulls charged at The Behemoths right from the sound of the bell, but the colossal super heavyweights stood firm and soon gained control of the match, managing to isolate Chuichi Sanda. The Behemoths then continued to dish out punishment to Sanda as Hamacho looked on in frustration but the recently dethroned former Tag Champions, or more specifially Kanishoki made what would prove to be a decisive error, missing a Samoan Sitting Squash...Sanda with just about enough energy left then delivered a running boot to knock Nisso Yuasha off the apron and get the tag into Hamacho.


Hamacho then charged out of the corner delivering running fore-arms to both Kanishoki and Nisso Yuasha, before the former three time tag champions combined to nail Kanishoki with the Raging Impact (Running Boot/Spear sequence) and though Kanishoki managed to kick out, he kicked out a split second too late as the Bulls secured the decisive victory over The Behemoths and a shot at gaining the Tag Team Titles or a record fourth time.


Result: Eiji Hamacho [w] & Chuichi Sanda bt Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki [L] in 7:41 via pinfall (Raging Impact)

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Eiji Hamacho: Just like you Black Magic, we've managed to despatch with The Behemoths now it's time for these two sets of Bulls to lock horns once again, and when we do face you for those belts...we will become record four time World Tag Team Champions.


Chuichi Sanda: Four Time....Four Time.....Four Time.....Four Time.....World.....Tag......Team...... Champions !


Nisso Yuasha: You think this is the end for The Behemoths ? Think again, we may have suffered a few set backs lately but we ARE THE BEHEMOTHS, and we WILL dominate once again.



Match #6: Non Title:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tadakuni Toshusai


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai-1.jpg


'Wild Charisma' eager to prove he has what it takes to beat a big gun like Kikkawa, came out all guns blazing but Kikkawa being a fine brawler himself was able to with stand Toshusai's early onslaught and soon enough he was beginning to take control as an over-zealous Toshusai began to quickly run out of puff. After sending Toshusai out to the floor with a clothesline a ruthless Kikkawa took the fight out into the crowd, sending Toshusai face into a pile of steel chairs as the fans scrambled out of their seats and then further compounded the punishment he was dishing out on 'Wild Charisma' with a vertical suplex out on the floor.


Kikkawa satisfied he had done enough then rolled back into the ring and waited for referee Umeki to count Toshusai out. But Toshusai to Kikkawa's frustation somehow managed to pull himself up and just about beat the twenty count. However it was clear to see that Toshusai's forehead had been busted open from earlier and after Kikkawa sent Toshusai down to the mat with an STO, the King of Fighters ruthless as ever, went right after the gash on Toshusai's forehead, trying to open it up even more as he gouged away at the wound.


Kikkawa's borderline legal tactics drew a warning from Umeki, but even that wasn't going to stop Kikkawa staying in control as he stomped away on the downed Toshusai before jawing with the crowd, who were desperately trying to will Wild Charisma back to his feet.


Kikkawa with contempt for his 'inferior' opponent then proceeded to trash talk and paintbrush slap Toshusai but that only seemed to fire up Wild Charisma, who after blocking a right hand from the Team INSPIRE leader then began to fire back. Kikkawa then stopped the brief comeback in it's tracks with a eye poke and wound up for a Kikkawa Lariat, but Toshusai was able to side step out of the way and then plant Kikkawa with the SPINESHOCKER (Spinebuster)


But with the beat-down he had taken and the loss of blood suffered Toshusai was unable to follow up and collapsed to the mat, as Umeki applied a double count. Both got up as the same time, before going blow for blow the fans cheering on every strike landed by 'Wild Charisma' a mid ring collision then sent them apart, before Toshusai then connected with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)......








Kikkawa to the frustation of the fans managed to get up but staggered right into a rapid flurry of fore-arms from Toshusai who then butterflied Kikkawa's arms as he tried to set up for either the Shock Treatment or Shock Driller but Kikkawa held firm and after firing back with a series of fore-arms himself then flung Toshusai overhead with a belly to belly suplex.


Toshusai got right back up to his feet but then staggered right into a Kikkawa Lariat.......


Toshusai to the shock of the fans and more specifically Kikkawa himself bounced straight back up from the Kikkawa Lariat, but 'Wild Charisma' was literally just surviving an Kikkawa then drove 'Wild Charisma' to the mat with the KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).....








Still Toshusai wouldn't stay down ! 'Wild Charisma' staggered back to his feet and flipped the double bird at Kikkawa in one final moment of defiance but despite his fighting spirit to stay alive in the match he had nothing left on offence, his weak flurry of fore-arms soon soaked up by Kikkawa who then lifted Toshusai up into a vertical suplex before planting 'Wild Charisma' to the mat with the INCENDIARY TOWER (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb).....








This time Toshusai was finally done ! But he could be proud in giving the unstoppable 'King of Fighters' a much tougher match than he had bargained for.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt Tadakuni Toshusai [L] in 14:37 via pinfall (Incendiary Tower)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Tadakuni Toshusai: KIKKKAAAAWAAA !! You may have out TOS-HUUUU-SAIIIII !!! down but, you will never put WIIILDDD CHARISMAAAA OUTTTT !!


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I'll give that young punk (mockingly) TOS-HU-SAIIII !! credit for making things tougher than I expected them to be, but then again is he brave or is he just as I would have suspected in the first place...just stupid....incredibly stupid.



Match #7: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri, Elemental III & Marihito Masuko vs

Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion








The entrances saw the Black Heart Brethren quartet come out noticeably united, whilst their Burning Sekigun opponents came out seperately and the tension between Nakasawa and Horri was noticeable. Kinnojo Horri certainly looked as though he was trying to prove something as it became his turn to head into the ring as he faced off with Golden Scorpion, but instead of trying to simply control the match in the Burning Sekigun's favour he began to show off as he began to dominate the smaller Scorpion but the Junior Tag Champion was able to flip out of a Destiny Bomb attempt and then nail Horri with a drop-kick.


All of a sudden Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer, found himself going toe to toe with Yasuhiko Taira. Taira the fresher man began to wear down Horri with heavy fore-arms before whipping the number one contender into the corner, but as the Bulldozer rushed in to connect with The Flattener Horri was able to side-step out of the way and then scrambled across to the safety of his corner, before to the immediate frustration of Hiroaki Nakasawa, took the decision to tag in Elemental III.


To his credit the third generation icon used his speed and agility to try keep Taira off balance connecting with a springboard missile drop-kick and then heading up top where dived off to spike the Bulldozer with a Tornado DDT but the Tag Team Champion held firm and flung Elemental III overhead into the Black Heart Brethren corner with a backdrop suplex.


The BHB then proceeded to wear down Elemental III in their corner, using a mixture of legitimate teamwork and more illegal tactics such as taking cheap-shots and making phantom tags, as rest of the Burning Sekigun quartet protested to referee Shinozaki, it was at least something Horri and Nakasawa could be united on. The BHB though were guilty, as is so often the case with being a little too arrogant with the situation at hand and despite dishing out relentless punishment to Elemental III, the third generation icon was proving resillient, exposing the BHB quartets lack of urgency to go for the sort of moves that would truly end the match, as they taunted the fans and their opponents between each bodyslam, each legdrop etc dished out upon the popular masked man.


When one of the BHB did finally decided to step it up a gear, it was The Awesome Kiyaru but Elemental III was able to block a Kiyaru Effect attempt, shoving the mysterious masked man against the corner and then connecting with a drop-kick. That was enough to create enough space for Elemental III to start scrambling back to his corner, but unfortunately for him Kiyaru managed to tag out first to Yasunobu Masuno, who lifted Elemental III up into the powerbomb position but the third generation icon proved resourceful countering with a victory roll and then connecting with a basement drop-kick, before finally getting the hot tag into Hiroaki Nakasawa.


Nakasawa cleaned house to the fans approval, his dominance even drawing cheers from Kinnojo Horri, though one had to wonder how genuine Horri's cheerleading was. With Taira, Kiyaru and Scorpion all despatched to the outside....Nakasawa was then jumped from behind by the legal man Masuno, who then tried to lock on his Masuno Deep Sleeper Submission. But Nakasawa broke free and then levelled the Tag Team champion with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT (Turning Short Range Lariat)...








Yasuhiko Taira dropped an elbow upon Nakasawa to break up the pin, and suddenly all hell broke loose, as Shinozaki struggled to contain the ring to hold only the legal participants. Soon enough the match degenerated into a chaotic brawl, spilling out to the floor, with most of the brawling contained near the entrance ramp, of course everyone was rather conveniently lined up for Elemental III to come soaring over the top-rope to bowl everyone down with the Elemental Space Flying drop.


With Shinozaki about to throw the match out, Elemental III and Golden Scorpion entered the ring, with the third generation managing to get the better of the exchange against the one opponent who had caused him so much trouble recently, connecting with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series before dumping the Gold and Black Attack with the Elemental Suplex for a two count but as Elemental III headed up for the Inferno Splash he was cut off by Yasuhiko Taira, who then lifted the third generation icon off the top turnbuckle, before drilling Elemental III into the mat with the WRECKING BALL (Muscle Buster).....








Kinnojo Horri managed to break up the pin at the last split second before going toe to toe with Taira and then planting the Bulldozer into the canvas with a modified FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (Horri not quite able to get Taira up for a high angle spinebuster, but able to drive down with enough force to really drive Tara into the canvas)......








The Awesome Kiyaru saved the match for his team, connecting with the Springboard 450 splash he calls the Ethereal Killer. But as he went out onto the apron to take Horri by surprise with another springboard attack, the mysterious Junior Tag Team Champion was then shoved off the top-rope by a recovered Kinnojo Horri, who then suddenly walked right into a Magic K.O (Rolling elbow) from Yasunobu Masuno, only for Masuno himself to be taken by surprise by Marihito Masuko, who drove Masuno down to the canvas with the INTO THE WHITE (Springboard Bulldog).....






Masuno emphatically kicked out, but then got taken down with a headscissor from Masuko who immediately transitioned into the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke).....


But just as it looked like Masuno would be forced to tap, Golden Scorpion was able to force Masuko to release the hold with a series of kicks. Scorpion then lifted up and spiked Masuko into the mat with a Brainbuster......






Masuko was able to kick out, but Scorpion remained in control and set up for the Scorpion Stinger only for the Painted Wonder to block and then counter with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK


But Masuko didn't have enough left to crawl over to the downed Scorpion and make the cover, and it became a scramble to see who could tag out.....


It was Masuko who was able to get in the hot-tag into....Hiro...No Kinnojo Horri literally muscled in on Nakasawa tagging in and 'stole' the opportunity to get back into the match away from Nakasawa.


Horri then entered the ring and nailed the already worked over Golden Scorpion with the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb) as Hiroaki Nakasawa and Elemental III charged out of the corner to prevent the rest of the Black Heart Brethren making a vital intervention....






Taira had broken through....




But the Bulldozer was a fraction too late, and somehow, someway the Burning Sekigun quartet had emerged victorious despite the obvious tension between Kinnojo Horri and Hiroaki Nakasawa.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri [w], Elemental III & Marihito Masuko bt Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion in 23:50 via pinfall (Destiny Bomb)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri are arguing in the background, as the press get the post match comments from Elemental III.


Elemental III: The Burning Sekigun can take many positives from this match, this was a good win over a stable that is definitely in form, it's something myself and Masuko-san have certainly had unfortunate first hand knowledge of.....


Aah yes the tension between Naksawa-san and Horri-san, look I hope for the sake of keeping the Burning Sekigun strong they can work out their differences but despite those issues we still won and I guess that shows how strong we really are.


Marihito Masuko: Dragon, the time once again to do battle is nearly upon us...my great nemesis, we are both head into this timeless war once again in dazzling form...and I believe once we shall shine brightly...shine brightly together but only on star shall shine brighter, and that star will be mine.




Match #8: Contenders Circle:

Masaaki Okazaki vs Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg


The main event would have to see Team INSPIRE members Masaaki Okazaki and Tasuku Iesada put their alliance aside in pursuit of being the one to position themselves for a shot at the Burning World Championship. Two men almost mirror images in one another in the style of wrestling they went into battle with, perhaps the two fighters who currently represent the Burning Path style in it's purest form, the same Burning Path style forged by Master Kitozan and further perfected by the likes of Yoshinaka Toshusai and Motoichi Arakida.


The early going saw the INSPIRE pair engage in some rather tentative mat wrestling, with both men cautiously trying to not commit too much and be lured into making a mistake. Gradually both looked to commit more and tried to get their opponent locked into a hold but each time the other would slip out and then attempt a counter.


The hold for hold, counter for counter wrestling continued eventually escalating into both desperately trying to pin the other down and steal victory with flash pinfall. Eventually with both men exhausted at trying to outmanoeuvre the other, both backed off and staggered back to a corner. Both Iesada and Okazaki then lifted themselves back to their feet, and locked eyes on one another across the ring, a steely look of determination etched on both their faces.


Then it was 'on' both charging at one another and then going strike for strike, kick for kick....play time was over and it had dawned on both Iesada and Okazaki that to beat their opponent they would have to really put loyalties aside and go at them as hard as they would anyone else. Thing is despite this revelation from both men, they were now going strike for strike, rather than hold for hold both as determined as they other not to show weakness to their opponent.


Eventually Okazaki appeared to be winning control and managed to get a waistlock on Iesada to set up for a German Suplex only for Iesada to elbow his way out, Iesada then charged in off the ropes but got taken down with a drop toe hold from Okazaki who then tried to turn Iesada over for the Century Crab Lift but Iesada held firm and then monkey flipped Okazaki into the air. Okazaki managed to land on his feet but then got nailed with a drop kick from Iesada.


Okazaki got back to his feet but then ate a roaring elbow from his Team INSPIRE co-hort, before being planting to the mat with a Northern Lights Suplex from Iesada who immediately floated through into the IESADA SPECIAL Cross Arm Breaker.....


Fortunately for Okazaki ring positioning was on his side and he managed to reach a leg out to the bottom rope to force a rope break. However Iesada now had a 'target to go after' and began to target Okazaki's right arm, working it over with arm wringers and kicks delivered with pin point accuracy. However Okazaki was still managing to fight back and all of a sudden with Iesada perhaps lulling into a false sense of security that he was winning control of the match, Okazaki flunged Iesada overhead with an Exploder Suplex, before collapsing to the mat himself clutching his arm in agony.


Iesada was back to his feet first and came charging in with a running knee strike, only for Okazaki to catch the leg and then take Iesada down with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, before connecting with a knee strike of his own. Iesada kicked out of the subsquent pin attempt but was then turned over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT ! But as with Okazaki earlier, Iesada had fortunate ring position in his favour.


Okazaki stayed on the offensive though, peppering Iesada with fore-arms before whipping Iesada hard into the corner and then following in with a running fore-arm smash. Okazaki then pitched Iesada onto the top rope and set up for a superplex only for Iesada to fight him off but as Iesada attempted to take to the air, Okazaki was quickly back to his feet and sent Iesada crashing back into the ring with a top-rope EXPLODER !


Okazaki then crawled across to make the cover on Iesada......








Iesada kicked out at the last split second but Okazaki was determined to finish the job and began to unleash the Okazaki Kick Barrage only for Iesada to block one of Okazaki's kicks and then quickly roll him up into an inside cradle.....






Okazaki rolled through himself into a pin attempt of his own, only for Iesada to then roll through into the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin)......








Okazaki managed to power his way out of the usually unbreakable pinning hold of his fellow Team INSPIRE member. Both then staggered back to their feet exchanging fore-arm strikes until Okazaki appeared to gain control, appearing to then set up for the OKAZAKI EXPLOSION (Wrist Clutch Exploder) only for Iesada to counter and force Okazaki down to the mat with an arm-wringer before locking on the IESADA SPECIAL but Okazaki managed to slip out and reverse into his own arm submission the ANGULAR ARM BAR......


But Okazaki had not really targetted the arm of Iesada enough throughout the match, and the 2009 Super 10 Cup Winner was able to power his way back up to his feet and then take Okazaki over with the IESADA BRIDGE (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex).......








Okazaki managed to kick out, but as soon as he rose back to his feet Iesada managed to take him down to the mat with another armbar takedown, immediately locking on the IESADA SPECIAL once again........


This time Iesada had his feared Cross Arm Breaker submission locked on tight, right in the middle of the ring and Okazaki's hopes of winning the match were fading fast.


Referee Terakado checked on Okazaki to see if he had fight left.....


No response......


Terakado checked again....


Still no response from Okazaki.....


Terakado gave Okazaki one last chance to show he still had some fight left.......


There was nothing left from Okazaki and referee Terakado saw no other choice but to call for the bell and award the victory to Iesada.


By the end of the match Iesada knew he had to bring his best of beat his Team INSPIRE stable mate, but he was the one who managed to edge out this match between two warriors who truly epitomise the Burning Path style and with that victory he had also earned himself a future title shot at the Burning World Championship.


Result: Tasuku Iesada bt Masaaki Okazaki in 35:20 via submission (Iesada Special)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: What you saw out there just now, was truly what Burning-Path should be all about, two warriors going at it, going that extra mile to achieve victory. Today it was myself, another day it could have easily been Okazaki-san. You see much of the new generation are all flash and no sustance and us returning exiles as you may refer to us are bringing back the sustance. Nakasawa-san I'll give you credit, last time we met over the World Title you got the better of me, but when we meet again, should you make it past Horri-san then I can guarantee that I will give you an even tougher examination.


Masaaki Okazaki: Am I disappointed to lose ? Of course I am, if I didn't feel disappointed then I'd have to ask myself why I am even bothering to still compete. But Iesada-san deserved his victory and of course I wish him luck when he once again challenges for the World Championship, a World Championship he truly deserves.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: Without meaning to sound like a stuck record, but this was another good solid show and we really do seem to be finding a strong level of consistency on this tour. Admittedly Watson and Miyamae's match was a disappointment, they just didn't seem to click and it would be a good idea to keep these two away from each other in the future.

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So I've started reading this, since I have some interest in maybe actually playing with GCG sometime. I had a lot of fun with QUEST in last years 1975 mod, and figure GCG is about the closest to it in modern times...


Of course, there seems to be only a handful of quality Japanese diaries about, and well... at first glance this seems one of the best. A good read so far, feel like I'm finally starting to learn a bit about modern C-Verse Japan.


My only complaint is that you don't write Kikkawa Lariat as KIIKKKAAAWAAAAA LAARRIIIIAAAAAAAATTTT each and every time its mentioned.


Because, let's be honest... no announcer would just call it the "Kikkawa Lariat". It would always be "KKIIIIIKKKKKAAAAWAAAAAAAA LAAAAAARIAAAAAAAT!!!" But that's just me. :)


I do love the fact, however, you can tell stories without angles, particularly considering most of my stories ARE my angles. I must learn this ability of yours and use it for my own diabolical reasons.

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Excellent show as usual, although i was kind of surprised by you having the Bulls go over the Behemoths. Of course if the Bulls are level with or higher on your roster than the Behemoths it would probably make sense, and the Bulls should at least give a better tag title match.
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My only complaint is that you don't write Kikkawa Lariat as KIIKKKAAAWAAAAA LAARRIIIIAAAAAAAATTTT each and every time its mentioned.


I do love the fact, however, you can tell stories without angles, particularly considering most of my stories ARE my angles. I must learn this ability of yours and use it for my own diabolical reasons.


It would actually be KIKKKKAAAWAAAA LAAARRIIIIAAATTOHHHH !! But the Kikkawa Lariat isn't anything special, it's a secondary finisher that only will only put down jobbers for a three count. It's the Burning Lariat that the announcers would go mental for.


I've watched quite alot of Japanese wrestling recently, so I've become accustomed as to how they actually build feuds/rivarlies without relying on out of ring angles. At the end of the day building stories in the ring, come down to this....


1. A wrestler or Tag Team proving themselves to be the very best, to be the champions.


2. A wrestler trying to prove his worth...whether it be a young lion searching for that first big win or an old timer still trying to prove they still have it.


3. A stable of wrestlers trying to prove themselves to be the most dominant.


Excellent show as usual, although i was kind of surprised by you having the Bulls go over the Behemoths. Of course if the Bulls are level with or higher on your roster than the Behemoths it would probably make sense, and the Bulls should at least give a better tag title match.


The Raging Bulls are a notch higher in popularity and are better wrestlers. Whilst I'm I will admit The Behemoths aren't exactly my cup of tea and wanted to get the tag belts off them pretty quickly, I also realise that just jobbing them out would not go down too well either and am having them lose to teams that could believably beat a team of their size, so don't expect some Junior Tag Team to challenge them and then beat them.

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Predictions Contest:



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Predictions League

Stage 2

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Last Round

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Marcel Fromage

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Phantom Stranger

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Tweek It

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Sudo Nym

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Hyde Hill

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Michigan Hero

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Raijin Samurai

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BYU 14

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Rob 4590 post's up a perfect score for this round but can't quite overhaul Marcel Fromage from the top spot. Welcome on board as well to Michigan Hero and Raijin Samurai for this stage of the predictions contest, both debuting with a strong showing by getting 9/10.


Despite me thinking that Iesada-Okazaki would be seen as a more evenly predicted contest, everyone correctly went with Iesada. I'm guessing people have cottoned onto Okazaki firmly being the number 3 guy in INSPIRE right now. Rob 4590 asked in the predictions does Okazaki get a title shot after winning the match, and the answer to that is yes but he won't challenge for the belt until after Nakasawa-Horri at Test of Prophecies.


The Eight Man semi main did manage to split opinion with the recent tension between Nakasawa and Horri swaying a fair few to back the BHB. At the end of the day though as some correctly cottoned on I wasn't going to job the champion and challenger and risk hurting their overness and thus the main event for Test of Prophecies.


The King of Fighters match saw a fair few tip Miyamae to beat Watson, but the intention was always for Watson to at least reach the finals of the contenders tournament and you will have seen the reasons as to why the Raging Bulls went over The Behemoths in my response to Dragonmack's question.


The four way Junior match was the only other match to really split opinion with the actual winner Pathlow, Optimus and Yasujiro all receiving significant backing. No one went for Red Panther and I'm sure nobody would have been surprised to see him be the one to eat the pin in that match. The remainder of the card is what should have been 'no brainer' matches, and in general most backed the right horses for those.

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It would actually be KIKKKKAAAWAAAA LAAARRIIIIAAATTOHHHH !! But the Kikkawa Lariat isn't anything special, it's a secondary finisher that only will only put down jobbers for a three count. It's the Burning Lariat that the announcers would go mental for.


I've watched quite alot of Japanese wrestling recently, so I've become accustomed as to how they actually build feuds/rivarlies without relying on out of ring angles. At the end of the day building stories in the ring, come down to this....


1. A wrestler or Tag Team proving themselves to be the very best, to be the champions.


2. A wrestler trying to prove his worth...whether it be a young lion searching for that first big win or an old timer still trying to prove they still have it.


3. A stable of wrestlers trying to prove themselves to be the most dominant.


Even if its not his primary finisher he is going to use to put down oppoents of note, it could still be one of his trademark moves and be used as a big moment in his matches. Like Kobashi's chops or Misawa's elbows. I could still see the announcers going crazy for it.


I really only started watching Japanese wrestling after I started my Gen-S diary and started wrestling quite closely again. It started with the Joe-Kobashi match and snowballed to the point where I have hundreds of Noah, AJPW, and NJPW matches in a library.


There is so much about the Japanese approach that I have come to appreciate. From promotional loyalty to cross-promotional shows to the way a new star can take years to build. I wanted to work some of those elements into my Gen-S diary but most of it didn't really fit too well. My current one has a lot of little pieces taken from puro.


The "proving yourself" approach seems so simple. Yet it can be used in so many ways. Little things - like who pinned who in a tag match - becomes important.


I've always loved how your BHOTWG - this and the prevoius go-round - manage to capture that texture and feel of Japanese wrestling so acutely.

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In case you're all wondering (because I'm normally pretty regular unless I say so) this diary hasn't suddenly died. Just been feeling run down with a stinking cold the last few days and haven't had the energy to update the diary (reckon I picked it up from some dude who sneezed at the Pavement gig I went to on Monday). Hopefully I'm over the worst now and hope to put up the preview for the next show sometime tomorrow.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26978" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In case you're all wondering (because I'm normally pretty regular unless I say so) this diary hasn't suddenly died. Just been feeling run down with a stinking cold the last few days and haven't had the energy to update the diary (reckon I picked it up from some dude who sneezed at the Pavement gig I went to on Monday). Hopefully I'm over the worst now and hope to put up the preview for the next show sometime tomorrow.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No worries here, TK. BTW, I ain't gone and i am still a fan of this, just your booking is killing me in the predictions so for now i will just toss an atta-boy your way because this diary is just awesome. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, Burn Don't Freeze Tour comes to the Osaka Athletic Stadium in Kinki Prefecture on Wednedsay 7th April, in show that will have two titles defended !


The Super Juniors get a chance to shine in the main event as Sensational Dragon and Marihito Masuko renew their already storied rivarly over the Burning Junior Championship. Masuko would love nothing more than to equal his great generational rival in winning the Junior Championship at three reigns a piece.


Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri have shown worrying signs of tension, with the forthcoming World Championship match between the Burning Sekigun pair obviously coming between them, however apart from a loss to Team INSPIRE's ace pairing of Kikkawa & Iesada they have generally managed to stay on the winning track but their resolve will be tested once again by another Team INSPIRE duo in the form of Masaaki Okazaki and King of Fighters hopeful Mike Watson.


Meanwhile Kikkawa & Iesada will be teaming up once again when they take on the Burning Sekigun duo of Tadakuni Toshusai and Takayuki Onodera recently dubbed Wild Fire. The young duo are looking to establish themselves as a new threat in the Tag Division but face a huge task in being able to topple two of the very best right now in Burning Hammer. However Toshusai will be buoyed somewhat by a spirited performance, albeit in a losing effort, in singles action against Kikkawa at Monday's show in Tohoku.


The other Championship match see's the World Tag Team Championship put on the line as Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) face off with the Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda). The Bulls earned the title shot by defeating former champions The Behemoths at Monday's show in Tohoku and the Bulls would love nothing more than to move ahead of fellow veterans Snow Lizzard to become the champions for a record fourth time but they face a tough task in dethroning what could well be the new dominant force in the tag division in the form of Black Magic.


The King of Fighters Tournament continues with the second semi final as The Rebellion's Shimedzu faces off with Size of the Fight's Kansuke Konda. Both have primarily been seen as Tag Team Wrestlers during their time with Burning Hammer but both are also capable singles wrestlers and both seem determined to prove that. Shimedzu will probably go into this as the favourite but Konda caused the upset of the first round when the 'Big Fight Player' upset the Raging Bulls Eiji Hamacho.


Elemental III is once again having to put his spot in the Junior Division Contender's Circle on the line and he will be looking towards a victory to put him back on the winning track and to begin a climb towards truly contending for the title once again. Challenging for his spot is the winner of Monday's Junior Division 4-way in Tohoku, the hard hitting gaijin John Pathlow. Victory over the third generation icon and a climb into the contenders circle would truly establish Pathlow as a new force in the Burning Hammer's ultra competitive Junior Division.


There will be more Junior Division in the form of a 4-way match that see's Black Cobra line up against, Size of the Fight's Hyosuke Kokan, Little Fury's Yoshii Shiomi and veteran mainstay Super Joshuya. Rounding out the main show is a Tag Team match that see's the Junior Tag Team Champions, Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) take on the Dragon Feet 2K9 duo of American Optimus and Miyamae.


The pre-show see's a pair of Tag Team matches as Snow Lizzard take on the pairing of Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura, whilst in the Junior Division Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) go up against their fellow WLW alumni The Incredible Koyama and gaijin masked man Red Panther.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #11 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-


Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #11

(Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki, Wednesday 7th April 2010)


~Generation Zenith ~

Junior Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Sensational Dragon


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko


'Special Attraction Tag Conflict (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakaswa &

Kinnojo Horri


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


~Legacy Domination~

Burning World Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)


'Representing RAGE'

Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


King of Fighters Tournament (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kansuke Konda


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



Fighting Spirit Tag Team Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa &

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner- Tasuku Iesada


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


Junior Contenders Circle Spot Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Elemental III


John Pathlow


Tag Team Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Burning Junior Tag Team Champions-

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

American Optimus & Miyamae


Junior Division 4-Way (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Hyosuke Kokan


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Super Joshuya


'Representing RAGE'

Yoshii Shiomi


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura

Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther



Predictions Form:


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther


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Don't think I have made it aware that I'm with ya and haven't caught up but I am awake for some reason so will now.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko

Maybe my favorite dude in the c-verse and thats saying something I think I may just shoot for the heart all the way down since I know I won't be able to predict every show and I am behind in my readings.


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson

The Calgary Assassin is badass and I hate that stupid grin on Horri. Love the H-Bomb though.


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)

Got a soft spot for Sanda who has helped me in my many stuggling start up puro promotions.


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu

I am soooo wrong! lol Its the Big Fight Player though come on.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

Oooh this is Squashy.


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow

Gots to go with the Monkey from Red Hook he deserves any push given to him.


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae

This was a toughie don't know why I like the odd combo of stablemates but because it was that went with my original gut.


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi

Go Stone Go!


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura

More upside with Kataoka and Roku even it if give Sotomura a midcard push and send Kataoka to the Dojo. (don't know if he has the skills for some teachings but seems like he would or might)


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

I really don't care for Phenomenal E. I hope Duberry comes out the crowd and trips him or something.

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko

I'm a little surprised that this bout is on a tour show rather than a major one. I'm not sure you have a bigger juniors bout available right now, so I'm going for a draw here that sets up a rematch at a big show. I'd say time limit draw, but I'm not sure it's going to go 60 minutes!


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson

The contenders should win against INSPIRE's second string team, but they'll continue to have some disagreement within the match and afterwards


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)

Using Masuno & Taira in the tag ranks seems sensible given their shortcomings as singles wrestlers and there's no point hotshotting the titles off them to the Aging Bulls at this point


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu

I suppose Konda could continue his upset run, but I'd expect Shimedzu to take this and go on to face Watson in the finals


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

The new team has promise, but there's no way they're winning here against the might of the INSPIRE duo


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow

Toughest call on the card. I'm not sure Pathlow will do it, but Elemental is really treading water at the bottom of the CC right now, so I'll go with the Monkey Man to make his move


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae

Should be a good bout - I'd look forward to seeing this one if I was there. I'd expect the junior tag champs to win against the more thrown together opponents


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi

Cobra is the most advanced of these super juniors. The rest are either tag-teamers or also-rans


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura

Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

Actual teams > thrown together duos

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Given it's not on PPV, the title isn't changing hands here - although Masuko will give a great showing to get a rematch at the next PPV


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Again no reason to job them, but yet more tension


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


Again, it's not a PPV, and Black Magic are higher up the card at this point


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


No upset for Konda this time


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Semi squash


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


This one could go either way, but given that Pathlow will still be working for WLW, it's perhaps a better bet to have your exclusive workers in the CC


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Tough call as Miyamae is higher up, but sticking with the champs.


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther


3 easy picks to finish

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko

Draw, Sensational retains but Masuko gets another shot.


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson

NO matter how much they fight, neither will allow themselves to lose


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)

Bulls provide a worthy challenge, but Black Magic will hairwhip them with Mullet Power


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu

In this case the size of the fighter will be more than the size of the fight can handle


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

TOS-HU-SAI! and booker job.


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow

Elemental may be the next to carry the legend, but he hasn't done a good job of it so far.


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae

BHFS make their push for the junior tag titles


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi

Cobra restakes his claim for another Super Junior title shot


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura

Someone actually farther down the totem pole than the Snow Lizards


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

Despite the surprising number of wins by Red Panther, Universal Excellence should go over here

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko

I'm a little surprised that this bout is on a tour show rather than a major one. I'm not sure you have a bigger juniors bout available right now, so I'm going for a draw here that sets up a rematch at a big show. I'd say time limit draw, but I'm not sure it's going to go 60 minutes!


I did actually think this one over but my reasons for this one going out on a tour show as opposed to one of the PPV Supercards is that the fans would have already seen this match up a trizzilion times the last few years anyway and thus whilst the fans would always know that they would be guaranteed a good match up from these two (barring the game doesn't throw up bad chemistry) from these two, it would be far from a fresh match up.


Anyway there is still plenty of time for others to get in their predictions, aim is to get the show posted up Thursday/Friday.

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko

When I have no idea I go with the champ


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson

Hard to say on this one. Nagasawa´s and Horri´s fighting with each other´s must affect at some point but Watson and Okazaki though good aren´t the best guys on their stable...I go with Nagasawa & Horri based on the fact that Nakasawa is the champ and you weren´t particularly high on Watson.


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)

Black Macig just got the titles


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu

Konda made one upset but I doubt he will make another here


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

Kikkawa and Iesada are simply too big names to lose here


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow

I don´t think Pathlow is ready yet.


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae

names team over randon, though good pairing plus I like Scorpion

Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi

Cobra is my favorite here and biggest name as well

Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura

Named team over random pairing


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

same here.

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko

- Dragon has become a dominate Super Junior and since Masuko has challenged SD a slew of times in recent years, I don't see as being the one to dethrone such a dominant (yet humble) champ.


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson

- The third and fourth members of Team INSPIRE just can't quite get it done against the squabbling couple.


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)

- Tigerkinney isn't much for hotshotting titles and Black Magic just recaptured these. The Bulls get a chance to move up the card... at least it's not the Behemoths.


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu

- Konda's a perfect underdog story here, as the Big Fight Performer finds a way to eke out a victory. Plus it sets up a nice David vs. Godzilla story.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

- Even with a team name, the Wild Fire gets snuffed out.


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow

- Pathlow seems to be enjoying more of a push then E3.


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae

- Because it's the fantastically named BHFS! Also, Shimedzu would cry if Miyamae found a new partner. The Rebellion's (martial issues) will NOT be televised!


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi

- Has the most talent, is the oldest and could go back to being a Canadian Cobra or retire sooner rather than later.


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura

- Solo Snow Lizzard? I'll go with the unnamed, unknown team.


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

- Probably wrong since BHotWG's hate ex-WLW wrestlers but... who knows... maybe they get throne a bone.

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Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda)


KOF Tournament: Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior CC Spot Challenge: Elemental III vs John Pathlow


Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs American Optimus & Miyamae


Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 11

(Wednesday 7th April 2010)


Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki

(Attendance 5,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Hidetada Kozu & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther


Turbo charged action was the order of the day here in this short but Tag Team match and as was to be expected Universal Excellence picked up the win in this one as they gradually begin to establish themselves as a fully fledged well oiled team. The finish came when Kurofuji sent Red Panther crashing into the ring with a superplex and then Yasujiro put the seal on the win with his Mighty Mouse Air Attack (Sky Twister Press) as Kurofuji held off Koyama.


Result: Barei Yasujiro [w] & Haru Kurofuji bt The Incredible Koyama & Red Panther {L} in 5:45 via pinfall (Mighty Mouse Air Attack)


Rating: C



Match B: Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate) vs

Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


This wasn't nearly as action packed but it was reasonably solid for a match featuring a random pairing of jobbers and a lower midcard Tag Team at least a decade past their prime. In the end Snow Lizzard's tag experience did prove the difference, none more so highlighted than when they pulled off their tandem finisher the SL Snapper (Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker combo) to put away Kataoka for the victory.


Result: Sanetomo Shiraishi [w] & Sessue Kawate bt Masataro Kataoka [L] & Roku Sotomura in 5:43 via pinfall (SL Snapper)



Main Show


Match #1: American Optimus & Miyamae vs

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg


Innovative fast paced, back and forth Tag Team action was the order of the day here. Both teams strung together some nice tandem offence but were never quite able to seize the matches momentum for a sustainable period of time. A particular highlight from The Dragon Feet 2K9 pairing's side was when Optimus placed Kiyaru in the Optimizer, as Miyamae came down upon Kiyaru's exposed chest with his Rebel Stomp (Diving Double Foot Stomp) that looked to have been three but frustratingly for them Scorpion was able to make the save.


If anything American Optimus and Miyamae did have the slight edge through much of the match, Optimus going close with another close pin on Kiyaru following an O-Bomb (Running Powerbomb) and Miyamae almost forcing Scorpion to tap out to his Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice) submission hold but the Junior Tag Team Champions slightly slicker teamwork began to come into play more and more. Miyamae kicked out of a headscissors (Kiyaru), flowed through into a Brainbuster from Scorpion but then felt Kiyaru come crashing down upon him with the ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press)....that time Optimus came into make the save and then avoided a high/low attempt from the Junior Tag Champions, Scorpions drop kick sending Kiyaru out of the ring.


American Optimus then drilled Scorpion with a Brainbuster and then headed up top only for Kiyaru to climb up himself and block Optimus from crashing down upon Scorpion with the O-Zone Sky Flyer. Kiyaru's distraction was enough for Scorpion to then recover and nail Optimus with a running boot. That lead to Scorpion placing Optimus in the Electric Chair position as Kiyaru sent Optimus crashing down to the mat with an Elevated KIYARU EFFECT ! (Forward Somersault Stunner). Kiyaru then made the cover as Scorpion held off Miyamae to ensure a solid victory for the Junior Tag champions.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru [w] & Golden Scorpion bt American Optimus [L] & Miyamae in 12:33 via pinfall (Elevated Kiyaru Effect)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: We are greatness, we are immortal, we are unstoppable, we are the Black Heart Flying Squadron


Golden Scorpion: Yes we are..... The Black Heart Flying Squadron !




Match #2: Junior CC Spot Challenge:

Elemental III vs John Pathlow


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ElementalIII.jpg?t=1268429375 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg


John Pathlow wasted no time in showing his intentions to grab Elemental III's spot in the Junior Division Contender's Circle as the hard hitting gaijin unleashed a barrage of chops and kicks upon the third generation icon as soon as the bell sounded. Elemental III withstood the barrage and came back with a kick combination of his own, only for Pathlow to just shake it off and fire back with another volley of kicks and soon enough the stinging accuracy of those kicks had Elemental III wincing in pain so much that he crumbled to his knees.


That saw Pathlow then nail Elemental III with a running knee strike for a two count, before Pathlow then taunted Elemental III to get up to his feet but as he swung enough kick, this time the popular masked man was able to surprise Pathlow with a quick roll up, that almost brought a three count but Pathlow kept the pressure on as the rose to their feet, nailing Elemental III with a lariat before dumping the former Junior Champion with a German Suplex.


However Elemental III suddenly found another level off fighting spirit, as he got right up from the German Suplex and then took Pathlow by surprise with a reverse STO that he immediately transitiond into his Elemental Clutch submission. Pathlow however managed to power his way back up to his feet and then dump Elemental III with a backdrop suplex. Pathlow then nailed Elemental III with a leaping fore-arm as the third generation icon dragged himself back up to his feet against one of the corner turnbuckles.


Pathlow then perched Elemental III upon the top rope and looked set to bring the masked man crashing back in for a superplex, but the former Junior Champion was able to shove Pathlow off and then nail the hard hitting gaijin with a missile drop-kick. Elemental III then followed up with a headscissors that sent Pathlow out of the ring, Elemental III then looked to set to soar over the top with the Elemental Space Flying Drop but saw Pathlow step out of the way out on the floor, so he somersaulted back in and then went for a suicide dive only for Pathlow to nail him with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Side Kick) in mid collison out on the floor.


Pathlow then rolled a dazed Elemental III back into the ring.....








Elemental III barely got his shoulders up, but just enough to save his spot in the contenders circle. An increasingly frustrated Pathlow then unleashed another volley of strikes, before setting a dazed Elemental III up for the Kill Drill (Double Underhook Piledriver) but the Third Generation Icon was proving difficult to lift up, so Pathlow changed tactic, whipping Elemental III into the corner and then following in with another Blunt Force Trauma, but the popular masked man moved out of the way and then dumped Pathlow with an Elemental Suplex.


Pathlow kicked out and then fired back with another volley of kicks and strikes, only this time for a determined Elemental III to fire back with one of his own, both then charged at one another leading to a mid ring collision, Pathlow then used the momentum to try and nail Elemental III with his Apocalypse Lariat (Rebound Pendulum Lariat) but the Third Generation Icon) was able to sidestep out of the way and after connecting with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series then dumped Pathlow with another Elemental Suplex.


That lead to a solid two count, but Elemental III was able to keep the momentum going, immediately following up with the EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb)






Three !


Elemental III had once again been able to save his spot in the contenders circle, but for much of the match it looked as though Pathlow would get the better of him.


Result: Elemental III [w] bt John Pathlow [L] in 10:46 via pinfall (Earth Breaker)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Elemental III: John Pathlow is one tough warrior but I showed how tough I am by withstanding his onslaught and coming out on top. It's been a tough road for me lately but it's gonna make me stronger and I will show that I truly deserve to carry on the legacy of my forefathers.


John Pathlow (in English): I gave it all I had, I gave it all I damn well had against Elemental III tonight and it weren't enough, it wasn't damn well enough. In fact am I really giving enough, am I really going that extra mile, because right now I simply ain't doing enough to be a winner here in Burning Hammer.



Match #3: Black Cobra vs Hyosuke Kokan vs

Super Joshuya vs Yoshii Shiomi


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/DuaneStone_alt1.jpg ______ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpg _____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg


The Junior Division action continues with what proved to be an action packed four way match. After a brief feeling out process things broke down pretty quickly and soon enough there were the obligatory dives to the floor with Kokan wiping out Cobra and Shiomi with a suicide dive through the ropes, only for his Burning Sekigun ally Joshuya to wipe them all out with a top-rope moonsault press.


That lead to Joshuya bringing Kokan back in where he set up for a Falcon Arrow only for Shiomi to club Joshuya from behind, at that point Kokan and Joshuya realised they are in the same faction together and planted Shiomi with a double team suplex. Kokan and Joshuya then got back up wondering what to do next only to get nailed with a double drop-kick from Black Cobra.


Cobra then sent Kokan out of the ring with a release German Supex before planting Joshuya with the Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex) only for Yoshii Shiomi to break that up with the Shiomi Bomb Drop (High Angle Senton Bomb) to try and steal the victory had it not been for Kokan pulling him off. Kokan and Shiomi then had a chain wrestling sequence that lead to Shiomi downing Kokan with the Sublime Crossface (Spinning Facebuster transitioned into a crossface) and just a sit looked the Size of the Fight man would tap, he was saved by Super Joshuya.


Joshuya then planted Shiomi with the J-Drop Forward Somersault Stunner but then got taken by surprise with a quick roll up from Kokan. That lead to shoving match between the Burning Sekigun pair who were then attacked from behind by Cobra and Shiomi, those attacks united Kokan and Joshuya on the same side again as they fired back and then sent Cobra and Shiomi into the corners, before rushing in. However Shiomi and Cobra managed to pitch their on rushing Burning Sekigun adversaries over the ropes to then only get nailed with stereo Enziguri's that sent both Cobra and Shiomi crumbling to the mat.


Joshuya and Kokan then each headed up for a top turnbuckle and came crashing down upon their opponents symutaneously with the Due South (Corkscrew Moonsault) and Foreshock (Flipping Senton Bomb) only for Cobra and Shiomi to both get their knees up. Shiomi then tried to take Cobra down with the Sublime Crossface only for the Black Heart Brethren veteran to block the attempt and then take Shiomi down with spinning headscissors that he immediately transitioned into the Alabaster Agony (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar), and with Kokan and Joshuya still winded form earlier the Little Fury man saw no choice but to tap out.


Result: Black Cobra bt Hyosuke Kokan + Super Joshuya + Yoshii Shiomi [L] in 9:45 via submission (Death By Cobra)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Black Cobra (in English): Why in hell is the great Black Cobra 'slumming' it with these second raters, these second raters simply not on my level. You know I could have beaten those three losers if the match was a three on one handicap....I suppose I could say thanks for the day off but I want to be showing my stuff against REAL competition and Dragon or Masuko watch out because whoever wins between you pair of over-rated egomaniacs the Black Cobra is coming for you !



Match #4: World Tag Team Championship:

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs

Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda-1.jpg


The Raging Bulls are attempting to become the World Tag Team Champions for a record fourth time, and they showed their eagerness to get these belts back round their waists by taking the fight right to the champions as soon as the bell rang. That lead to a chaotic start with the brawl spilling out to the floor and though the Bulls were giving up a size, they were the one's doing the pressing.


Back in the ring and Eiji Hamacho nailed Masuno with the Bull-Rush (High Impact Spear) that looked to have brought new champions just a few minutes into the match only for Taira to pull Hamacho off. Taira then threatened to bring a chair into the ring, but referee Yasuyuki Terakado was on hand to intercept but that only proved to be a distraction for Masuno to sneak in a low blow on Hamacho and try for quick roll up.


Hamacho managed to kick out but now found himself trapped in Black Magic's corner. However too much posteuring from the Mullet Haired duo allowed for Hamacho to fight back and a double Bull-Rush saw him buy enough time to get the tag into a fresh Chuichi Sanda. Sanda came in all fired up but soon found himself simply over-matched by the champions. But just a with Hamacho earlier, Black Magic spent far too long taunting the crowd/their opponents and not looking for a way to effectively kill the match. A mistimed lariat from Taira, saw him connect with Masuno instead of Sanda, and 'The Explosive One' was able to connect with Explosion Kicks (Running Boots) on both of the champions. Taira was sent out of the ring, whilst Masuno stood firm but then staggered into the Explosion Kick II (Spin Kick).....


Masuno powered out of the cover at two, and it became a race to see who would be able to tag out first. Both tagged out at the same time but a fresher Hamacho was able to out-brawl Taira and then connect with a Raging Lariat for another two count.


Hamacho then brought Sanda back in and they looked set to connect with their Raging Impact combination finisher, only for Masuno to drag Hamacho out of the ring, just as he was lining up for the Spear after Sanda had connected with the Explosion Kick. Masuno then sent Hamacho hard into the barricade, as Sanda tried for another Explosion Kick only for Taira to move out of the way this time and the connect with a side-slam.


Masuno then rolled back into the ring, and the champions delivered a double running boot and then combined with the Devastator (Elevated Flapjack/Cutter combination) to put Sanda away and secure the fact that they are still the Burning World Tag Team Champions.


Result: Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira [w] bt Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda [L] in 14:16 via pinfall (Devastator).


Black Magic make V1 Defence of Burning World Tag Team Championship.


Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Yasunobu Masuno: Bulls did you really think you could take these from us, you're past your sell by date.....


Yasuhiko Taira: Yeah that's right Raging Bulls you are the past, you are history...Black Magic are the present and the future !


Eiji Hamacho: We should have won that, we had the opportunities to win that match and we didn't take them but if Black Magic even for a second think we are going to give up on becoming the four time World Tag Team Champions then they are the big fools everyone suspects them to be. Yeah Masuno-san and Taira-san you may be sitting pretty now but myself and Sanda-san know that we CAN come back stronger from this set back and next time we meet in that ring for those belts and I can ensure there will be a next time, your luck may just run out.



Match #5: Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera) vs Tadayuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg?t=1268429634 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TasukuIesada.jpg?t=1268429656


This one started with the more technically minded members of the teams, engaging in a bit of hold for hold mat wrestling and with Onodera keeping up with his more storied opponent Iesada became increasingly frustrated. At that point the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner tagged out to Kikkawa, who then pointed towards Toshusai. Toshusai was only too keen to oblige and couldn't wait to go toe to toe with the man he gave a bigger test than was to be expected on Monday.


There was nothing pretty about the way Toshusai and Kikkawa went about their business, just straight up brawling on offer here but if Kikkawa though Toshusai was going to crumble under the pressure, then he would have been making a huge mistake and it was Toshusai who made the breakthrough blocking a rapid flurry of fore-arms from Kikkawa before planting the King of the Fighters with a sideslam backbreaker. That lead to a two count before he turned things back over to Onodera. Wild Fire then worked over Kikkawa in their corner, particularly putting further attention on the back of the big man. However when Toshusai went for the Spineshocker, Kikkawa was able to block and then reverse into a vertical suplex.


When Iesada an Onodera tagged in, Onodera was once again able to get the better of Iesada who perhaps was having one eye on future match-ups and a German Suplex Hold put the Burning Sekigun up and comer close to scoring victory for his team, so much so that Kikkawa thought it wise to intervene. It was at that point an over eager Toshusai decided to protest Kikkawa's infringment of the rules, thus allowing referee Okura Umeki to become distracted, providing a perfect opportunity for the Team INSPIRE pair to put together some borderline illegal double teams, involving Iesada using a chokehold on Onodera behind Umeki's back.


With Onodera now isolated, Kikkawa and Iesada proceeded to work over the future hope of the Burning Sekigun in their corner, as 'Wild Charisma' Tadakuni Toshusai looked on in frustration. However much like Black Magic in the Tag Team Title match, the Team INSPIRE duo took too much time jawing with the crowd and taunting Toshusai as they dished out methodical punishment and whilst it was increasing the agony for Wild Fire, they were also failing to put away Onodera.


In fact all the stomps, gouges, chokes and taunts from the arrogant Team INSPIRE pair was only serving to get Onodera more fired up and when Iesada went to set up for the Iesada Bridge, he was able to slip out and then nail the 2010 Super 10 Cup Winner with the END OF YOU (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head) before sending Kikkawa off the apron with a drop-kick. Onodera then slumped to the mat and desperately tried to crawl over to make the tag to Toshusai but unfortunately for him, Iesada had managed to tag Kikkawa in first and the King of Fighters prevened the tag with a series of clubbing blows.


Kikkawa then scooped a worn down Onodera up for the Kikkawa Driver but the Burning Sekigun man still had a tiny bit left in the tank and was able to slip off and then nail Kikkawa with an Enziguri, that sent the Team INSPIRE down to his knees, a sliding kick followed and it left Kikkawa dazed enough for Onodera to get the tag into Toshusai.


Toshusai peppered the already dazed Kikkawa with fore-arms and then planted the King of Fighters onto the mat with the SPINE SHOCKER (Spinebuster)....








Kikkawa kicked out, but Toshusai remained undettered and set up for the Shock Treatment (Double Underhook Backbreaker) but Kikkawa was able to block and counter with a back body drop, Toshusai sprang straight to his feet only to get levelled with a KIKKAWA LARIAT.


Toshusai however completely shook it off, flipping the double bird at Kikkawa and then connecting with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) only for the King of Fighters to fire back with another Kikkawa Lariat, leading to both men to collapse to the mat.


As both pulled themselves back up , they slugged it out once again until Toshusai about to come off the ropes with another Shock Kick was tripped up by Iesada, that caught the attention of Takayuki Onodera who took both members of Team INSPIRE by surprise with a double missile drop-kick.


Iesada then tried to take down Onodera with a roaring elbow, but instead connected with Kikkawa and Onodera took full advantage by nailing Iesada with a roaring elbow of his own before dropping Iesada with the CALL THE DOCTOR ( Inverted Facelock lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver).......








Kikkawa managed to dive across to make the save, a re-grouped Kikkawa and Iesada then looked to double team Onodera but before they could deliver what they had in mind, a fired up Toshusai rushed back into the ring to nail the Team INSPIRE pair with a double clothesline. At that point Iesada and Kikkawa decided to bail from the ring, giving the time out signal but Wild Charisma was far from done and proceeded to drag Iesada back into the ring. Toshusai then looked set to deliver a Shock Driller only for Iesada to counter by raking the eyes and then take down 'Wild Charisma' with an arm drag that he immediatlely transitioned into an IESADA SPECIAL (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker).


Onodera then tried to come in to make the save but was levelled with a Kikkawa Lariat. Toshusai had managed to power his way up to his feet but now found himself on the end of a two on one situation, as Kikkawa delivered yet another Kikkawa Lariat. Toshusai in one last moment of defiance got right back up, flipping the double bird at the Team INSPIRE pair before Iesada then connected with a running knee strike and slapped the Iesada Special on once again and with Toshusai literally having nothing left to give, referee Umeki saw no other choice but to call for the bell.


Once again Toshusai had given it all he had against Kikkawa, this time in Tag competition but his best once again wasn't quite enough.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada [w] bt Tadakuni Toshusai [L] & Takayuki Onodera in 15:05 via submission (Iesada Special)


Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I suppose all you ignorant fools out there, will applaud the performance of our opponents tonight saying that they put in a great performance in a losing effort....great 'effort' or not they still lost and that still makes those young punks inferior to us and until they happen to actually beat us, they will never be on Team INSPIRE's level.


Tadakuni Toshusai: You think this is the last , do you think this is the last of TOS-HU-SAIII !


Takayuki Onodera: Not at all


Tadakuni Toshusai: Do you think this is the end, the very last of WIILD FIIIRREERRR !!


Takayuki Onodera: Hell no, it ain't the last, yeah we lost out there today...to legends. Arrogant, smug, egotistical legends but legends all the same and one day we do hope to be as good as them.....


Tadakuni Toshusai: One DAAAAY we will be as GOOOOOD !


Takayuki Onodera: No.... in fact one day we will be better !



Match #6: King of Fighters Tournament Semi Final:

Kansuke Konda vs Shimedzu


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KansukeKonda-1.jpg?t=1268429129 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg


Kansuke Konda had scored the upset of the first round, when defeated Eiji Hamacho, question is would lightning strike twice for the Big Fight Player. Konda took the fight to Shimedzu right from the start, laying in flurries of fore-arms on the Dragon Feet 2K9 man before connecting with a leg lariat.


Konda then lifted up a shell shocked Shimedzu up for the Konda Driver but the former World Tag Team Champion was able to block and then counter with a brainbuster. That was enough to swing the momentum Shimedzu's way and it was his turn to dish out the punishment, peppering the Size of the Fight man with kick combinations before planting Konda onto the canvas with the Revolution Drop (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster)....Shimedzu then waited for Konda to get back to his feet before connecting with the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot). Of course this was KOF Rules so Shimedzu waited for referee Koetsu Shinozaki to make the ten count.......


Konda rose back to his feet at nine, and Shimedzu went for another Life Flasher only this time Konda was able to move out of the way and then catch the Dragon Feet 2K9 by surprise with a KONDA KUTTER (Ace Crusher). With Shimedzu down, the Big Fight Player then headed up top and came crashing down upon Shimedzu with the KONDA SPLASH (Frogsplash)....this time Konda waited for Shinozaki to make the count........


Just like Konda though Shimedzu managed to get to his feet but staggered right into a boot from the mid-section and then a KONDA DRIVER (Fisherman Driver).....However instead of waiting for Shinozaki to make the count Konda headed up top and went for another Konda Splash......


Except this time Shimedzu got the knees up and then entrapped Konda in the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke).....Konda tried his best to struggle free but the Dragon Feet 2K9 man had the hold locked on tight and in the end referee Shinozaki saw no choice but to call for the bell, ensuring that it would Shimedzu who would face Mike Watson for the right to become the next challenger for the King of Fighters title.


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Kansuke Konda [L] in 12:31 via submission (Insurrexion Device)


Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: One step closer, but I know the road ahead ain't easy. You know there's part of me real disappointed that I won't be facing my 'brother' Miyamae-san to earn a shot at greatness but his defeat at your hands Watson-san will only spur me on even more. You think I'm dangerous now, but you I'm gonna be an even more dangerous propostion for you Watson-san because it isn't just about the competition no more, this feels personal....like I personally want to put a hurting on your arrogant Canadian ass.


Kansuke Konda: I gave it my all, I gave it my absolute all out there, but I got to give credit to Shimedzu-san he was better this night but the Big Fight Player, fights on !



Match #7: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs

Masaaki Okazaki & Mike Watson


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg


Last time out Nakasawa and Horri faced off against members of Team INSPIRE they came out on the losing end and it was the match against Kikkawa and Iesada that saw the current tensions between the World Champion and his forth coming challenger begin to brew, could Okazaki and Watson inflict further damage to their strained relationship ?


The opening five minutes of the match, saw both teams battle back and forth without really gaining much of an advantage. The momentum begun to swing the way of the Burning Sekigun duo, when Kinnojo Horri began to dominate recent adversary Masaaki Okazaki but when he could have tagged out to Nakasawa, so that a fresh man was able to keep the pressure on, Horri decided he wanted to finish the job himself setting up a Destiny Bomb, only for Okazaki to slip out, rake the eyes, and then take Horri down to the mat with a chop block before locking on a camel clutch.


Horri powered his way back up to his feet but got taken down by another chop block from the methodical Okazaki, the INSPIRE man then followed in with a flurry of knee strikes before turning things over to Mike Watson.


The Calgary Assassin continued to put the hurt on Horri, as 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer's' own tag team partner Hiroaki Nakasawa looked on unimpressed. The Team INSPIRE duo then looked to methodically wear down Horri, but the number one contender was showed great resillience by surviving both Mike Watson's Dragon Sleeper and Okazaki's Century Crab Lift.


Survival by his own instincts was all Horri could do though, as Nakasawa standing nonchantly on the apron looked far from willing to help his own tag team partner. With Horri just about on his last legs Mike Watson looked to finish the job with the One Stop Punch, but the current World Title Number One Contender had enough awareness left to side step out of the way and then plant Watson with a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)


It then became a race to see who could tag out first and unfortunately for the already worn down Horri it was Okazaki, who stomped away on 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' and then locked on the Century Crab Lift (Leglock Cloverleaf) once again. At that point seeing that his team was actually in jeopardy of losing the match, Nakasawa finally decided to intervene stomping away on Okazaki to break the hold and then charging across the ring to knock Mike Watson off the apron.


However Horri was unimpressed by Nakasawa saving the day, and the Burning Sekigun duo got into a shoving match with one another and with their focus turned away from the opponents Okazaki and Watson took full advantage, nailing their opponents from behind before forcing Horri and Nakasawa down to the mat before locking on their signature submission holds....Okazaki with the Century Crab Lift and Mike Watson with the Dragon Sleeper.


However Horri (still the legal man) managed to find enough energy left to force himself and Okazaki over to the ropes to force the rope break. Referee Terakado then ordered Watson to release the Dragon Sleeper on Nakasawa. After the rope break the Team INSPIRE continued to stay on the offensive but made an error when sending Nakasawa and Horri across the ring, as the Burning Sekigun pair used the momentum to level their opponents with stereo lariats.


That was then followed by another pair of stereo lariats and then stereo spinebusters and all of a sudden Nakasawa and Horri were starting to look like a team once again. Hiroaki Naksawa and Mike Watson then took their brawling to the outside after Nakasawa sent both himself and Watson over the top rope with a huge clothesline, leaving a rejuvenated Kinnojo Horri and Masaaki Okazaki in the ring, where Okazaki staggered right into a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinning Spinebuster).....








Mike Watson dived across to make the save, having reversed and irish whip into the barricade from Nakasawa. Watson then proceeded to stomp away on Horri, but that only seemed to make 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' more determined and Horri began to fire back...until a now recovered Okazaki took Horri off his feet with a chop block from behind. Okazaki then decided to hold Horri in place as Mike Watson wound up for the ONE STOP PUNCH , but Horri managed to duck and Watson ended up connecting with his own tag partner instead. Horri too worn down to follow up with a cover then collapsed in a heap.


Nakasawa then re-entered the ring and after a charging clothesline into the corner on Watson he downed the Calgary Assassin with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker). However when Nakasawa went for the cover he was reminded by referee Terakado that neither himself nor Watson were the legal men.


It then became a race to see who could tag out first, a spent Kinnojo Horri or a dazed Masaaki Okazaki still feeling the effects of being nailed with an errant One Stop Ounch from Mike Watson.......


Okazaki looked set to tag out first but with one last ounce of energy Horri dived across to make the tag into Nakasawa. Nakasawa stormed across the ring making sure Okazaki would be unable to tag out to Watson, before planting Okazaki with a vertical suplex. Nakasawa then had the wherewithal to knock Watson off the apron with an elbow shot, before turning his attention back to Okazaki to deliver a COMPRESSION POWERBOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb)......








Despite the obvious continued differences between Nakasawa and Horri, they managed to find a way to get back on the same page and emerge victorious against the Team INSPIRE duo and gain some measure of revenge for their recent loss at the hand of fellow Team INSPIRE members Kikkawa and Iesada.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & Kinnojo Horri by Masaaki Okazaki [L] & Mike Watson in 24:32 via pinfall (Compression Powerbomb)


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Main thing is we won


Kinnojo Horri: Yeah all thanks to me.....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: What in the hell do you mean, all thanks to me ?


Kinnojo Horri: Who did all the work most of the match ?


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Oh come on.......


The World Champion and the next challenger for his title then get up in each others faces and look set to come blows until some faceless security types get between them.


Mike Watson (in English): You know what yeah it kinda sucks we lost, but to be frank I've got my mind on other things right now, bigger things and as much as I respect Kikkawa-san and the rest of the INSPIRE brothers, I didn't come across to play second fiddle to those guys either....I came here to prove that I am the very best and come Test of Prophecies I will be facing Kikkawa-san once again for the King of Fighters title.




~Generation Zenith ~

Match #8: Junior Championship:

Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SensationalDragon-1.jpg?t=1268428262 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg?t=1268428462


It was now time for the main event as the very best of the Junior Division got to have the spotlight shone on them. The two men duking it out over the most coveted Junior Heavyweight belt in all of wrestling were the two men considered to be the shining lights of the new generation, the prodigiously gifted champion Sensational Dragon and his enigmatic adversary Marihito Masuko.


The match began with a slick display of counter for counter chain wrestling, which given the fact that these two know each other inside out came as no real surprise. This scenario played out back and forth for the first few minutes until Marihito Masuko was able to pull off a string of arm-drags that lead to Sensational Dragon bailing out of the ring in frustration.


Masuko patiently waited for Dragon to get back into the ring and they went round again and once again it was the enigmatic challenger who was coming out on top snapping off a headscissors takedown and almost getting Dragon getting caught in the Pink Dream (Guillotine Choke) only for the champion to squirm and bail again.


Masuko invited Dragon back into the ring but when the three time champion did get into the ring he immediately rolled back out to the floor again much to the frustration of Masuko and everyone in attendance. Dragon then began to walk back up the entrance ramp signalling he had enough, so Masuko desperate to win the title back gave chase only for Dragon to connect with a basement drop-kick as Masuko came charging in on the entrance ramp. Dragon then delivered Falcon Arrow on the entrance ramp, before casually rolling into the ring and waiting for referee Umeki to count Masuko out.


Masuko managed to pull himself back up and into the ring just as the count was about to reach twenty...Dragon paced around for a bit and then went back on the offensive stomping away on Masuko, before whipping the face painted wonder across the ring and then connecting with a drop-kick.


That lead to a two count, before Dragon sent Masuko into the corner and then followed in with a leaping kick before placing Masuko upon the top-rope. Dragon then set Masuko up for a superplex but got shoved off and as he picked himself back up off the mat, the recently dethroned former Junior Tag champion connected with a missile drop-kick. Masuko then snapped off a heascissors that once again sent Dragon out of the ring and this time wasted no time in following, going for an Arabian Press, only for Dragon to move out of the way.


However Masuko managed to land on his feet, and as Dragon re-entered the ring looking pleased with himself...Masuko connected with a springboard drop-kick as he turned around. The Painted Wonder then planted a dazed Dragon onto the mat with a MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)








Dragon managed to kick out at the last split second, and remained something of a deadweight as Masuko tried to set up for the Masuko Cradle Shock but the champion was somewhat playing possum and all of a sudden was able to dump Masuko with a Belly to Back Suplex.....Dragon then connected with a spin-kick to daze Masuko and then set up for Dragon Suplex only for Masuko to slip out and force a standing switch before setting up for another Masuko Cradle but Dragon fought out again and forced another standing switch to finally dump Masuko with the Dragon Suplex.....








Masuko kicked out and then staggered up to his feet as Dragon lined up to connect with a superkick but Masuko managed to catch the leg and then roll Dragon up into a small package....








Dragon rolled through into an pin attempt of their own, and they went through a hyper quick sequence of pin exchanges until the rose back to their feet and Dragon was somewhow able to get Masuko into position for another Dragon Suplex.....the prodigious champion then flung Masuko over head with a release Dragon only for Masuko to land on his feet and then connect with a standing drop-kick. Masuko then planted a dazed Dragon with a German Suplex and then headed over to their corner where he reeled out his Double Jump Moonsault the PINK DUST


But Dragon was able to get the knees up leaving Masuko winded. Dragon then connected with a superkick and set up for the DRAGON SLICE but Masuko was able to block at the last minute and then shove Dragon into the turnbuckle, before connecting with a Masuko Cradle........


With Dragon dazed, Masuko then headed out onto the apron and as Dragon staggered back to his feet, Masuko springboarded back in to dump his great rival with the INTO THE WHITE (Springboard Bulldog)......








Dragon kicked out, but a determined Masuko stayed on the task in hand and set up for the Masuko Cradle Shock only for Dragon to slip off and then connect with an Enziguri. Both staggered back up to their feet and Dragon connected with a superkick and tried for a Dragon Slice only for Masuko to have that move scouted and block the moved. Masuko then sent Dragon into the ropes, but the champion was able to lose the momentum to disorientate and then plant Masuko onto the mat with a Tiger Feint sequence before wrenching back on an arm bar he calls the DRAGON'S CROSS.....


Masuko however managed to power his way back up to his feet and then downed Dragon with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam) before slumping upon the champion to make the cover








Masuko's inability to hook the leg of Dragon had probably just cost him that edge to emerge the new Junior Champion. Despite the near-miss Dragon remained in a daze and Masuko whipped the champion into the corner before setting the champion onto the top-rope. The face painted wonder then appeared to be setting up for a top rope MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK ! But Dragon coming back to life, fought his way out of the predicament and then shoved Masuko off before soaring off the top-rope with the DRAGON'S FIRE, his rarely seen and highly spectacular Corkscrew 630 senton.....


But Masuko got the knees up and then went for an small package.....






But Dragon was then quickly able to roll through himself into a Jacknife Cradle.....






Dragon was grabbing a piece of Masuko's tights.......


Three !


Dragon had managed to retain the Junior Championship by the skin of his teeth in a thrilling encounter that could have very easily gone the way of an opponent he has been in many great battles with over the years and though this match probably won't be put up there with their all time classics it was another solid entry in their constantly evolving rivalry to prove themselves as the top Junior Heavyweight of their generation.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Marihito Masuko [L] in 22:35 via pinfall (Jacknife Cradle)


Sensational Dragon makes V5 Defence of Burning Junior Championship.


Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: Admit it Masuko-san, just admit you ain't on the same level as I am, just admit you are not as Sensational as I am...because lets face it nobody is. I am the pinicle of excellence, I am the zenith of ability, I am the most Sensational Super Junior in the history of this sport...quite simply no one can touch me.


Marihito Masuko: The winds of luck were with you this night my nemesis, my oh so arrogant nemesis but soon those winds will turn back on you 'Sensational One' ! The winds will turn on you Dragon, the winds will turn and you will feel their consequences !




Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: The gamble to give the Juniors the ball and run home with the show paid off and Masuko and Dragon delivered a quality main event to ensure that the show ended on the high note. Both King of Fighters semi finals over the last two shows have admittely been somewhat disappoining and I am unsure the rules are going down all that well with the fans, that or the matches have tended to be of little difference to the normal matches. I thought throwing Konda-san in there as an underdog would be a good story but it turns out fans aren't really buying into him as someone who can compete in the King of Fighters division.


I'm surprised Kikkawa-san has not already got on my case about that one, to be fair to Kikkaw-san he has backed off in his criticism recently without really getting behind Kaneko-san's unerring belief that I am the man for the job. Kikkawa-san for all his stubborness in his board-room has to be said is a true professional in the ring, and I am grateful he did not try to take his frustration of the situation out on myself by stiffing me during our tag match, for that he has my up-most respect even if right now we cannot quite see eye to eye outside of the ring.


One last observation is that Okazaki-san and Watson-san do not work well as a team, but then again given his style of wrestling I think Watson-san struggles in general when it comes to tag situations, thankfully the jittery chemistry between the Team INSPIRE pair didn't deter too much from the quality of their match with Nakasawa-san and Horri-san.

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Predicitions Contest:



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Predictions League

Stage 2

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Last Round

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Marcel Fromage

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Phantom Stranger

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Tweek It

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Hyde Hill

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Raijin Samurai

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Sudo Nym

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Michigan Hero

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BYU 14

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Rob4590 storms into the lead after scoring a perfect 10/10 to edge ahead of previous leader Marcel Fromage. Zergon also had a perfect round but remains in 3rd place, with Fromage's credible 8/10 seeing him maintain a place in the top two. One new entrant this week Maskedpropaganda but his 4/10 was very disappointing, especially in a week where even Beeker managed to stumble across a 7/10.


The Junior Division title match saw the general consensus being that the belt would not change hands here, though a few did go for the draw. The semi main between Nakasawa-Horri and Okazaki-Watson split opinion a little more, with the tension between Nakasawa-Horri still putting enough doubt in some predictors minds that they could overcome those problems. As for the other INSPIRE vs Burning Sekigun tag match, it was universal opinion that Kikkawa-Iesada would be far too strong.


The Tag Title match saw most go for Black Magic retaining and the remaining tag match between BHFS and Miyamae-Optimus saw most side with the pairing that are actually a regular team. The King of Fighters semi final between Watson and Konda, and the Junior Contenders circle spot challenge match between Elemental III and John Pathlow were the matches that appeared to be the toughest to call, many feeling that Konda would continue his upset run and that Pathlow would step up at the expense of a somewhat floundering Elemental III.


The remaining matches were gimmies, Cobra is head and shoulders above his opponents in the 4-way and both pre-show tags were cases of regular teams simply going over random pairings of jobbers.

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