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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Another great show. I definitely love the new Sensation Dragon alt.


As for the grades, I find that 3v3 and 4v4 are very effective in 2010, but they can still disappoint every so often. Even with talent and overness, they occassionally just don't quite deliver.

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Predictions Contest:



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Predictions League

Stage 2

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Last Round

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Phantom Stranger

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Raijin Samurai

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Marcel Fromage

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Hyde Hill

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Tweek It

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Sudo Nym

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Michigan Hero

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BYU 14

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Barring a total collapse of judgement Rob4590 with one event to go looks like he has won Stage 2 of the Predictions contest. Star predictor this round was Beeker, I know in the past we have had a chuckle at some of his crazy predictions but this time he was a time limit bell ring away from getting a perfect score this round and yeah his predictions had alot of logic even the Junior Tag match where he said a Universal Excellence win would be a logical way to set up a title programme. Of course I had to go out there and be cruel to everyone and throw in the draw :p Though Raijin Samurai did call that (actually not sure if he called it or just forgot to highlight which side to pick but hey I'm feeling generous and will give him the point anyway).

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*snip* that's a lot of work Tigerkinney with your table. Wowza!



Barring a total collapse of judgement Rob4590 with one event to go looks like he has won Stage 2 of the Predictions contest. Star predictor this round was Beeker, I know in the past we have had a chuckle at some of his crazy predictions but this time he was a time limit bell ring away from getting a perfect score this round and yeah his predictions had alot of logic even the Junior Tag match where he said a Universal Excellence win would be a logical way to set up a title programme.


A valid point.

If anyone wants me, I'll be at the sashimi stand.

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The Onodera Diaries:


Preparations are under way for the Test of Prophecies Supershow. Traditionally this is seen as one of the lesser PPVs on the Burning Hammer calendar and realistically we are expecting a lower buy-rate than that of Fire Dreams. However we truly believe we have put together a strong card and are hoping that a showdown between the two leading lights of the '4th Generation' Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri over the World Championship will help raise interest in this years edition of Test of Prophecies.


Admittedly it is not the first time they have faced one another, they had many matches against one another as both rose the ranks in Burning Hammer and both have previously made title defences against the other. However this is their first singles match-up against one another in over a year, so the feeling is that this a main event that feels all new and fresh once again.

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Test of Prophecies Preview


Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods present the 2010 edition of their annual Test of Prophecies Supershow on Friday 23rd April 2010 from the Sapporo Stadium, in Hokkaido Prefecture and on PPV across Japan with PPV in conjunction with Emperor Sports.


Here we present a full preview of what promises to be a night of thrilling action, from the greatest Puroresu promotion in the world Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods !


~ Implosive Supernova~

Burning World Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg


Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri have been seen as the leading lights of the '4th Generation' ever since the '3rd Generation's' leading lights lead by Tadiyuki Kikkawa defected from Burning Hammer to set up INSPIRE. Even with the return of the likes of Kikkawa and Iesada, Nakasawa and Horri still believe they are the very best in Burning Hammer and in order to be the VERY best, they must beat the other despite their undoubted respect for one another and their defence of the Burning Sekigun/4th Generation in wake of Team INSPIRE's third generation's return.


But ever since Horri won the number contendership to Nakasawa's World Championship tensions have run high between the pair and those tensions are all down to one thing, both want to prove themselves to be THE BEST. Horri last held the Burning World Championship in 2008, the one and only time he has held the belt and he would love nothing more than to become a Two Time World Champion, just like the man he will have to beat to do Hiroaki Nakasawa.....


They both defend the pride of Burning Hammer and of their generation but at Test of Prophecies they are rivals, rivals for the one thing they strive for to be BURNING WORLD CHAMPION !


Nakasawa's Previous Defences:


V1 Defence: Yasunobu Masuno (Inferno of Purity, Fri 26 June 2009; Nara Baseball Stadium, Kinki)


V2 Defence: Masaaki Okazaki (Quest of Heart, Fri 18 September 2009, Kagoshima Stadium, Kyushu)


V3 Defence: Eisaku Hoshino (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 22 October 2009, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V4 Defence: Yasuhiko Taira (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V5 Defence: Mike Watson (Resistance Tour, Wed 9th December 2009, Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto).


V6 Defence: Tasuku Iesada (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)



~Winners Write History~

King of Fighters Championship (30 Min Time Limit):

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674


Shimedzu 'Career Tag Team Guy'.... That's a label Shimedzu will have none of right now, as he pursuits single glory for the first time in his career. 'Kamikaze Spirit' defeated Roku Sotomura, Kansuke Konda and then Team INSPIRE's Mike Watson to earn a shot the King of Fighters belt held by Tadiyuki Kikkawa, quickly establishing his Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke) as a deadly submission hold. Shimedzu then followed that up by defeating Yasunobu Masuno to place himself in the Contenders Circle for the Burning World Championship.


Of course facing Tadiyuki Kikkawa is a whole another matter, the Team INSPIRE leader has looked unstoppable since his return to Burning Hammer. The man they call THE King of Fighters has made it no secret that he see's Shimedzu as not being on his level, something 'The Rebellion' man took offence to in the recent Test of Prophecies press conference memorably saying that he 'would love it !, absolutely love it ! if I beat Kikkawa' and Shimedzu is very confident that he can be the one to topple Kikkawa from his lofty perch. Shimedzu believes in the dream and there's nothing no one can say that will make him stop believing.


Can Shimedzu make the dream become a reality ? If he does it will be the greatest moment of his career and at the same time puncture Kikkawa's infallible aura.


Kikkawa's Previous Defences (BHOTWG only):


V1 Defence: Eiji Hamacho (Quest of Heart, Fri 18 September 2009, Kagoshima Stadium, Kyushu)


V2 Defence: Kinnojo Horri (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 22 October 2009, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V3 Defence: Miyamae (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V4 Defence: Yasunobu Masuno (Final Collison, Fri 18 December 2009, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido).


V5 Defence: Mike Watson (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)



~ The Summit, The Zenith~

3 Way Elimination Match for-

Burning Junior Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg


Sensational Dragon was probably hoping he had seen the back of Black Cobra and Marihito Masuko, after he had defeated his two great rivals in consecutive title defences but Cobra and Masuko were both able to maintain their spot a-top the Junior Division Contenders Circle and unable to decide who truly deserved another shot at Dragon over the other, the BHOTWG Championship comittee decided that both deserve another shot and that Dragon would defend the Junior Championship in a three way elimination match.


On the outside Sensational Dragon has consistently given the impression that he is not fazed one bit by this challenge but on the inside it might a whole different matter, especially as both Masuko and Cobra have earned recent pinfall victories over the 'Dragon Feet 2K9' recently in Tag Team matches.


Surprisingly it is the veteran Cobra, who has yet to actually hold the Burning Junior Championship but the Black Heart Brethren man will, despite having to defeat a fellow challenger in Masuko at the same time see this as a great opportunity to finally get his hands on the one thing he has strived for his whole career but Marihito Masuko too will be equally confident in defeating Cobra and his great generational nemesis Sensational Dragon to become champion a three time champion.


Of course Dragon is already in his third reign as champion and despite the recent losses to his challengers he will be as confident as ever that he can remain the champion. It's a match where everyone believes they are the best, but only ONE can be the best...who will be left standing upon the Junior Division summit ?


Dragon's Previous Defences:


V1 Defence: Super Joshuya (Resistance Tour, Wed 11 November 2009, Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu)


V2 Defence: Elemental III (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V3 Defence: The Awesome Kiyaru (Final Collison, Fri 18 December 2009, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido).


V4 Defence: Black Cobra (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V5 Defence: Marihito Masuko (Burn Don't Freeze Tour, Wed 7 April 2010, Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki)



~ Crazy Crazy Power~

Burning World Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yashuhiko Taira) vs

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg vshttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TakayukiAvatar.jpg?t=1268428948


Last month Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) defeated The Behemoths to become World Tag Team Champions for a second time, and then succesfully defended the belts against division stalwarts The Raging Bulls. But anything Black Magic can do, Wild Fire can do too having scored recent victories over those very same teams.


The pairing of 'Wild Charisma' Tadakuni Toshusai and 'Iron Man' Takayuki Onodera (two wrestlers who perhaps were finding that they were coming against a proverbial glass ceiling as singles wrestlers) has thus far proved to be a succesful one but can they go up that extra step and topple the dominating Black Magic, doing so would truly signal that a new Force has arrived in Tag Team Wrestling.


Black Magic's Previous Defences:


Defeated The Behemoths for the Tag Team Title at Fire Dream of the Immortals


V1 Defence: Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) (Burn Don't Freeze Tour, Wed 7 April 2010, Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki)



~ The Outer Limits~

Burning Junior Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Black Scorpion) vs

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325


The Black Heart Flying Squadron won the Junior Tag Team Titles for a third time at Test of Prophecies and in their mind they are the greatest Junior Tag Team in wrestling, not just today but ever.


But Kiyaru and Scorpion were given a major warning recently that they're other teams out there who believe they are just as good as them, when the ever improving Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) were just a mere second away from victory in a non title match. It was a performance impressive enough that it earned Universal Excellence not just a rematch but a shot at the Junior Tag Team Titles. It's a similar story to the World Tag Team Championship match, can the new but increasingly impressive duo topple the established team from their champion perch and prove themselves a new force to be reckoned with ?


Black Heart Flying Squadron's Previous Defences:


Defeated Your New Heroes and Size of the Fight for the Junior Tag Team Titles at Test of Prophecies


V1 Defence: Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) (Burn Don't Freeze Tour, Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto).



~Inspiration Stronger~

Loser Leaves Team INSPIRE

Singles Match (30 Min Time Limit)

John Pathlow vs Mike Watson


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg


Ever since Tadiyuki Kikkawa has been scouting John Pathlow to be Team INSPIRE's representative in the Junior Division, it is something that has clearly not sat well with Mike Watson and anytime Pathlow and Watson step into the ring with one another on the same side, those tensions have been all too obvious coming to a head in a recent tag match against the Raging Bulls. The problems between the gaijin duo stem back to a Tag match back in March where Mike Watson teaming with Pathlow 'accidently' nailed Pathlow with a wayward One Stop Punch.


Kikkawa who ideally wants both in Team INSPIRE had come to the end of his tether and proposed that they face each other to decide who remains in Team INSPIRE with the loser being banished from the group. It may seem a harsh response from the King of Fighters, especially in respect of Mike Watson a man he has known for years but it appears that Kikkawa only wants to surround himself with 'winners' and if Pathlow proves himself more of a 'winner' than the Calgary Assassin, then Watson's years of professional association with Kikkawa will come crashing to a shuddering alt. On the other hand Watson could recement his spot in Team INSPIRE and Pathlow will be forced to become a rival of Team INSPIRE a position it seems he would rather not have to be in.



~Shrive To Survive~

10 Man Elimination Tag Team Match (No Time Limit- match ends when one team has had all members eliminated):

Elemental III, Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Sanetomo Shiriashi & Sessue Kawate vs

Mitsunari Fugunaga, Yoshii Shiomi, VENOM, Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda








Burning Sekigun vs RAGE, five on each side.....the first side to have all members eliminated from the match is defeated. There's little more than pride on the line here but victory would give the victors a real confidence boost and this is a match where perhaps only Elemental III apart could do with recapturing that winning feeling.



~Open Awesome~

Tag Team Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit)-

Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae-1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg


Last month 'Dangerous' Tasuku Iesada was challenging for the World Championship, this month he finds himself in the opening match, however Iesada knows that he had a future World Title shot lined up against whoever wins in the main event between Nakasawa and Horri.


Here however he will be teaming up with fellow Team INSPIRE member Masaaki Okazaki to take on the Dragon Feet 2K9 duo of Miyamae and American Optimus in this Tag Team match that has been specially chosen to get Test of Prophecies off with a bang ! There is little more than pride on the line here but both sides would still love to emerge with the victory.



Pre Show Match (10 Man Battle Royal)

Featuring: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo


The Free to Air pre-show will feature a 10 Man Battle Royal, the winner of which we'll be guaranteed a match on PPV at the next Supershow (May's: Sword of Destiny)



Predictions Form:


World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri

I don't see Horri taking the title yet, as your true money matchup is Nakasawa-Kikkawa and that is what you will build towards. Horri may do well enough for a rematch though


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu

I also don't see Shimedzu being the one to dethrone Kikkawa, although that would free him for a run at Nakasawa. Instead Kikkawa wins here and then goes against Ieseda or Okaazaki and one of them will take the KoF title.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko

This is where I see a title changing hands as Cobra gets a last run up top to teach the rest of the junior division.


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

Wild Fire is still a new team. They did well to get a title shot, but they aren't ready to carry the title. Rebellion is Black Magics next likely challenge.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

I like Universal Excellence, but they haven't had enough real success to be considered a strong threat to BHFS.


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson

Watson is one dimensional and could afford to be jettisoned, but Pathlow has not had an impressive run in BHOTWG so far.


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)

Less jobbers on Burning Sekigun's side


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus

Keeping Kikkawa's next potential challengers strong


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

Seems to have the most potential and name value, although I could see one of the Behemoth's taking it.

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki, Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki, Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri

I go with Horri winning here via underhand tactics to make the break-up that have been hinted in last few months


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu

Shimedzu just doesn´t look strong enough to end Kikkawa´s winning streak


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko

I´m not really sure here so I go with champ since it´s usually the safest bet


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

It´s not yet time for title change here


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Similar case here than in the other tag title match, simply not enough title defenses yet to change the champs on my opinion


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson

you weren´t high on Watson so I presume his contract might be ending and that he is possibly leaving.


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)

Elemental III seems like the highest profile guy here so I expect him to make the differense


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus

Though Miyamae and Optimus are good they not as good as their opponents


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

No real idea here, I go with one of the Behemoths simply because they could easily fit in tag team match-up and as former tag champs they have at least some name value.

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)

Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri

- For me the money showdown is not between two 4th gen stars but a marquee match-up between 3rd and 4th Gen... that means Nakasawa vs. Kikkawa in my books.


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu

- Shimedzu shakes the mantle of 'undersized tag superstar' with a win here, it also does two things. Frees up Kikkawa to chase Nakasawa AND legitimizes the KoF's title. It's no longer *just* an INSPIRE left over.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko

- I think Black Cobra achieves his dream in this match. Perhaps via Masuko gifting him the win... which would send SD down a lovely path of crazy.


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

- I can't see Tigerkinney hotshotting the belts straight away. Black Magic and Wild Fire has some legs as a feud, the first round should go to Black Magic.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

- See above, UE need to chase for a while.


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson

- Unless this is a Double Count Out and BOTH have to leave inspire, Tigerkinney's pretty much acknowledged he struggles to write for Watson. Pathlow gives Team INSPIRE a presence in the Super Juniors, something Kikkawa would likely want.


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)

- Mostly because I mark for Size of the Fight. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hamacho and Sanda win though to capitalize on their recent tag victory.


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus

- PPV Momentum buildier for Iesada.


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

- I'll give the monster the nod in this one.

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Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson

- Unless this is a Double Count Out and BOTH have to leave inspire, Tigerkinney's pretty much acknowledged he struggles to write for Watson. Pathlow gives Team INSPIRE a presence in the Super Juniors, something Kikkawa would likely want.

Watson makes me think of Don Frye during the period he was wrestling for New Japan. No real pro wrestling skills so he worked his MMA skills while showing charisma as a heel. It got over pretty well, but he needed to be guided if the match went very long.

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


As others have said, Horri doesn'te get the title yet - maybe he should move onto another title......


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu


.....where he could have a marquee matchup with Kikkawa who retains here.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


Since one title really should change hands, I'll go with Cobra here.


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


A brave effort by the booker and the nutter, but not enough to take the belts


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Very similar to the above - not yet but very close


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson


While logic (in game terms - ie their overness) would dictate Watson to win, TK doesn't like him and I can see much more up side to Pathlow in INSPIRE, giving them the junior division option, while Watson is just the no 4 heavyweight.


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)


50/50 call here - it's really E3 + SOTF v Raging Bulls.


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus


Has OPtimus actually won a match yet?


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo


Given the winner gets a main show PPV match, it has to be Joshuya to win - you really don't want any of the others on a PPV. The Behemoths would be the only other option.

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Has Optimus actually won a match yet?


Suffering from short term amnesia ? :p He just beat VENOM on the previous show. Anyway he's actually batting around .500 but right now he is in that place of beating the jobbers and losing to the stars, I guess that makes him a jobber to the stars.

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri

Sorry Horri, Nakasawa wins this one. Go after Kikkawa and reboot your old feud for the King of Fighters Championship


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu

Shimedzu, Kikkawa is walking away as King of Fighters Champion


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko

The winds howl for change as a dragon or cobra is not honorable to become champion--That's my little spin on Masuko's talking


World Tag Team Championship: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

Wild Fire all the way


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Universal Excellence will take BHFS to Universal Studios


Loser Leaves INSPIRE: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson

Tough call, but I don't see Watson leaving INSPIRE


10 Man Elimination Tag: 'Burning Sekigun' (Elemental III, Kokan, Konda, Shiraishi & Kawate) vs 'RAGE' (Fuganaga, Shiomi, VENOM, Hamacho & Sanda)

RAGE will destroy that team...When will Hamacho go for a World Title shot...he deserves one...just sayin'


Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae & American Optimus

INSPIRE is on a roll, namely Iesada and Okazaki in particular


Pre-show Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo

Another tough call but it's up in the air anyway...Yoshikawa should win this one.

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Test of Prophecies


(Friday 23rd April 2010)


Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido

(Attendance 15,000 Super No Vacancy)

And Live on PPV with Emperor Sports


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Pre- Show


Battle Royal: Fukusabaru Inao, Kanishoki,Masutaro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha, Red Panther, Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama, Toshiki Shibanumo


This was one of those Battle Royals where everyone started in the ring at the same time. First Elimination was Stone Yoshikawa who was back body dropped over the top-rope by Kanishoki, The Incredible Koyama then went the same way but this time courteousy of the other half of The Behemoths in Nisso Yuasha.


The Behemoths then continued their dominance eliminating both Fukusabaru Inao and Masutaro Kataoka. With The Behemoths proving dominate, the other remaining competitors all decided to gang up on the former Tag Champions and though their sheer size went they were able to weather the storm, eventually they began to wear down and despire Red Panther being clotheslined out of the ring by Nisso Yuasha.....Yuasha was the next to go as a combination of Joshuya, Sotomura and Shibanumo finally got The Behemoth over the top-rope with Kanishoki having run out of steam.


Kanishoki then found a second wind to clothesline Sotomura out of the ring, only for Joshuya and Shibanumo to hack away at the Samoan monster and with a series of fore-arms and drop-kicks they were able to send Kanishoki out of the ring.


At just over ten minutes into the match, that left Super Joshuya and Toshiki Shibanumo as the final two, now Burning Hammer rules for Battle Royals is that it is top rope eliminations until the final two are in the ring, where it switches to regular pinfall/submission rules. Both Joshuya and Shibanumo then tried to steal the win with quick roll-ups until Shibanumo was able to plant Joshuya across his knee with the Broken Promises (Sideslam Backbreaker)...Joshuya managed to save himself by reaching a foot onto the rope but 'Silent Rage' remained in control and set up for the Hammerplex but Joshuya was playing possum slipping out and then countering into a J-Drop (Flip Over DDT). That earned Joshuya a close two count, before the Junior Division veteran headed up top. Shibamumo staggered back up to his feet but was nailed with a missile drop-kick from Joshuya, who then followed up with another J-Drop to secure the victory.


Result: Super Joshuya [w] won a battle royal in 15:27. Order of Elimination: Yoshikawa, Koyama, Inao, Kataoka, Panther, Yuasha, Sotomura, Kanishoki, Shibanumo.


Rating: C



Pay Per View: Main Show



The PPV kicks off with the customary video highlighting what is coming up on the show. 'The Bit' by Seattle Grunge legends The Melvins is the chosen soundtrack for the hard-hitting highlights as we run through the card, with most focus and attention given to the Junior Championship, King of Fighers and World Championship matches in that order, the video ends on a still black and white photograph of Nakasawa and Horri staring each other down in the middle of a ring, very much putting over the feeling that the main event is a clash of Burning Hammer's '4th Generation's' most iconic figures.


Rating: B



~Open Awesome~

Match #1: Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs

Miyamae & American Optimus


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg


There's a real sense that the Dragon Feet 2K9 pair are serious underdogs here and that is instantly re-inforced when the INSPIRE pair quickly assert their authority, as they able to isolate American Optimus early.


Iesada and Okazaki methodically try to wear down the gaijin super junior with basic holds and strikes. To be honest their mode of attack borders on the arrogant and it soon draws the ire of the crowd, who begin to show a little more support for American Optimus to fight back.


Optimus does respond to the crowds support, reeling off a flurry of kicks and strikes on Okazaki only for it to be halted with a simple eye-poke and 'gaijin legacy' is soon dragged back into the Team INSPIRE corner but when Iesada and Okazaki pitch him on the top turnbuckle, Optimus shrugs them off and then nails both with a missile drop-kick.


That lead to Optimus finally getting Miyamae tagged into the match, the Viper unleashed a flurry of strikes and kicks on the Team INSPIRE pair, before sending Okazaki out of the ring with a drop-kick. Iesada then clubbed Miyamae from behind and dumped the former tag champion with a German suplex but Miyamae got right back to his feet nailing Iesada with an Enziguri and then planting Iesada with a MIYAMAE SPOILER ! (Swinging Reverse STO).


Okazaki dived back in to make the save which lured American Optimus back into the ring, before both were sent back to their corners by referee Shinozaki. Iesada and Miyamae then engaged in a battle of strikes, and is normally the case with these exchanges neither one was willing to show any weakness by backing down, that was until Iesada sneaked in a low blow before planting Miyamae onto the mat with a back heel trip where he then tried to lock on the Iesada Special but 'the viper' had it scouted, blocking the submission hold before snaring Iesada in the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice).....


The crowd were starting to believe that the upset could happen as Iesada began to fade but seeing that his partner was in trouble Okazaki broke up the pin with an Okazaki Kick Explosion that left Miyamae in a daze and though Okazaki was ordered back to his corner the damage had been done.


Iesada managed to win the race to tag out first but only barely, and it was American Optimus who took the early advantage with a leg lariat. A pin point drop kick then placed Okazaki firmly on the mat and Optimus headed up top but 'gaijin legacy' was a little too eager to get Okazaki put away and 'No Mercy' was able to get back to his feet and cut American Optimus before bringing Optimus crashing back into the ring with a superplex. Okazaki then went to turn over American Optimus into the Century Crab Lift but 'gaijin legacy' was ready for it staying on his back and then countering into a monkeyflip. A pumped up Optimus then nailed Okazaki with a running drop kick into the corner, before spiking the INSPIRE man into the canvas with a swinging DDT for a two count.


Optimus then headed up top to set up for the Ozone Sky Flier, only for Iesada to sneak round and then shove Optimus off the top, causing 'gaijin legacy' to take a bump to the outside. An incensed Miyamae then entered the ring but 'the viper' soon found himself being double teamed by Iesada and Okazaki but despite this a miscommunication between Okazaki and Iesada lead to Miyamae sending both to the floor with a pair of drop-kicks before heading up to the top turnbuckle to come crashing down upon both members of Team INSPIRE with a diving splash.


Miyamae then pitched Iesada back into the ring, placing the up coming World Title challenger in position for a Rebel Stomp but Iesada managed to move out of the way at the last split second and catch Miyamae with a quick roll up that he quickly floated into an Iesada Special (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker)


Just as it looked like Miyamae may be forced to tap, American Optimus was there to make the save, An Enziguri/gamengiri combo from the Dragon Feet 2K9 left Iesada in enough of a daze for Miyamae to get Optimus officially tagged into the match and with Iesada still lying prone on the mat Optimus headed up top, as Miyamae stood guard against Okazaki and the crowd were truly starting to believe that the Dragon Feet 2K9 pair could pull off the win....


Optimus soared off the top with the OZONE SKY FLYER (Shooting Star Press)......


But Iesada got the knees up and then snared Optimus into the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin)....






Miyamae was now trying to break back into the ring to make the save only for Okazaki to be holding him back.....


Three !!


In the end it was the expected result, but this was not the easy day at the office the Team INSPIRE duo would have been hoping for.


Result: Tasuku Iesada [w] & Masaaki Okazaki bt Miymae & American Optimus [L] in 12:31 vis pinfall (Iesada Lockdown)


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: Lets be honest here me and Okazaki are TOO good for the opening match but do you hear us complain ? No we just get on with it and besides next month I'll be in the main event, defending the Burning World Championship.


Masaaki Okazaki: Next month the main event is where I also intend to be !


Suddenly Iesada catches onto Okazaki's comment and gives his fellow Team INSPIRE member a glance with an obvious subtext of 'doesn't he know his place in the hiearchy ?'


Miyamae: So next month Iesada-san is going to be challenging for the World Title well he can count himself lucky that he was barely able to defeat a Junior Division wrestler, I mean offence to my tag team partner and Dragon Feet compatriot American Optimus, but no one was expecting us to beat the 'great' Iesada-san and Miyamae-san yet we took them right to the limit.



~Shrive To Survive~

Match #2: 10 Man Survival Elimination Tag Match:

Elemental III, Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs

Mitsunari Fuganaga, Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM.








Whilst the winners would come away with the pride of having scored a victory, this elimination match was the epitome of lets try and get as many people onto the show as we can 'filler', despite it's lack of any real importance once the eliminations began to happen they managed to keep the crowd engaged. The first half of the match saw no eliminations and was evenly fought on both sides. Things kicked up a gear when Hyosuke Kokan had managed to get Yoshii Shiomi locked in the Electric Shocker Clutch, only for Mitsunari Fuganaga to come in and make the save, that opened the floodgates with uncontrolled brawling spilling to the floor and Elemental III pulling out the Elemental Space Flying Drop to literally wipe out everyone ally and enemy.


The third generation icon then pitched Mitsunari Fuganaga back into the ring before dumping 'Mr Serious' with an Elemental Suplex to score the first elimination of the match at just over eight minutes in.


Elimination #1: Mitsunari Fuganaga in 8:11 by Elemental III via pinfall (Elemental Suplex)


Burning Sekigun 5- RAGE 4


Eiji Hamacho then levelled Elemental III with a Lariat for a two count and then set up for the Hamacho Sledge only for the Third Generation icon to slip off, nail Hamacho with an Enziguri then tag out to Sessue Kawate. An Icebreaker (Sitout Jawbreaker) from Kawate dropped Hamacho down to the canvas, but the Raging Bull was able to kick out at two. Kawate then set Hamacho up for the Freeze Frame (Side Russian Legsweep) but Hamacho was able to block and then counter with a HAMACHO SLEDGE 2K (Northern Lights Bomb), hooking the leg to ensure that the sides were once again evenly matched.


Elimination #2: Sessue Kawate in 9:07 by Eiji Hamacho via pinfall (Hamacho Sledge 2K)


Burning Sekigun 4 - RAGE 4


RAGE then managed to get Kansuke Konda isolated in their corner, but the Big Fight Player proved resillient and despite looking to be in the ascedency RAGE would suffer the next elimination as Konda was able to catch Yoshii Shiomi with a KONDA KUTTER to swing the advantage back to the Burning Sekigun.


Elimination #3: Yoshii Shiomi in 11:25 by Kansuke Konda via pinfall (Konda Kutter)


Burning Sekigun 4- RAGE 3


Konda too exhausted to keep fighting on then tagged out to Sanetomo Shiraishi. But the Lizard was immediately spiked into the canvas with an Infectious Spike (Tornado DDT) from VENOM, Shiraishi managed to kick out at two but found himself immediately placed in the STING IN THE TAIL (Cross Kneelock) and given Shiraishi's well documented knee problems, the Tag Team veteran had no choice but to tap out.


Elimination #4: Sanetomo Shiraishi in 12:02 by VENOM via Submission (Sting In The Tail)


Burning Sekigun 3- RAGE 3


Hyosuke Kokan then entered the ring once and a with a series of drop kicks managed to seize control, before trapping VENOM in a Double Chickenwing, VENOM tried to struggle free but Kokan then dumped the Little Fury man with an ELECTRIC SHOCKER SUPLEX (Double Chickenwing suplex) to once again give the Burning Sekigun the advantage.


Elimination #5: VENOM in 12:55 by Hyosuke Kokan via pinfall (Electric Shocker Suplex)


Burning Sekigun 3- RAGE 2


That advantage wouldn't last long though as Kokan was immediately turned inside out with a BULL RUSH (High Impact Spear) from Eiji Hamacho.


Elimination #6: Hyosuke Kokan in 13:07 by Eiji Hamacho via pinfall (Bull Rush)


Burning Sekigun 2- RAGE 2


Elemental III then entered the ring and had Hamacho on the backfoot with a Tri-Fecta Kick Series but was then tripped up on the apron by Hamacho's regular tag partner Chuichi Sanda. The Raging Bulls then worked over Elemental III in their corner as Konda looked on in frustration. However the 'Third Generation icon' was luring the Raging Bulls into a false sense of security, and he was able to duck out of the way of a RAGING IMPACT attempt, that miscommunication saw Elemental III tag Kansuke Konda into the match.


Konda was able to stun both of the Raging Bulls with consecutive Konda Kutter's before heading up top to once again secure the advantage for the Burning Sekigun as he came crashing down upon Sanda with a KONDA SPLASH (Frog Splash).


Elimination #7: Chuichi Sanda in 15:45 by Kansuke Konda via pinfall (Konda Splash)


Burning Sekigun 2- RAGE 1


Konda however wasn't able to turn things back over to a refreshed Elemental III, as he was clubbed from behind from a recovered Eiji Hamacho, before the Raging Bull scooped Konda upon his shoulders to dump the Big Fight Player with a HAMACHO SLEDGE (Death Valley Driver) to ensure that the match would come down to a one on one match up with Elemental III to decide just which team would emerge victorious.


Elimination #8: Kansuke Konda in 16:43 by Eiji Hamacho via pinfall (Hamacho Sledge)


Burning Sekigun 1- RAGE 1


Elemental III then re-announced himself back into the ring by nailing Hamacho with a missile drop-kick only for the Raging Bull to get right back up and level Elemental III with a Raging Lariat. That lead to a close two count, before Hamacho lifted the Third Generation Icon up into position for a Hamacho Sledge 2K but Elemental III was able to slip out and then nail Hamacho with a jumping roundhouse kick. That left Hamacho stunned enough for Elemental III to head up top....


Hamacho then looked to set to cut Elemental III off butthe Raging Bull was then spiked into the canvas with a Tornado DDT before Elemental III now buzzing with adrenalin headed to the top once again and before Hamacho could react, Elemental III came crashing down upon the Raging Bull with an INFERNO SPLASH (Corkscrew 450 Splash) and that proved to be enough for Elemental III and the Burning Sekigun quintet to secure the victory.


Final Elimination: Eiji Hamacho in 17: 54 by Elemental III via pinfall (Inferno Splash)


Burning Sekigun 1- RAGE 0


Result: Elemental III [w], Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate bt Mitsunari Fuganaga, Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM in a Survival Elimination match.


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Elemental III: We went out there and represented the Burning Sekigun proudly tonight with a victory !


Eiji Hamacho: Once again RAGE stand before you defeated, have we really become this accepting of failure...something needs to change and I count myself. No longer should we carry on being the laughing stock of Burning Hammer !



~Inspiration Stronger~

Match #3: John Pathlow vs Mike Watson

* Loser Leaves INSPIRE



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg


Resentment will run deep for whoever loses this match, not just towards the man they face across the ring but probably towards Tadiyuki Kikkawa also, because it is Kikkawa who has forced this situation upon Watson and Pathlow. A situation Kikkawa will say he was forced into, but Watson will resent this for the fact that Kikkawa no longer seems to place a value on something he would have felt went beyond just a professional relationship, whilst Pathlow will resent the fact that he never really got the chance to prove himself for Team INSPIRE.


It's not hard to see the seething hate for one another running through Pathlow and though Watson towers over him, Pathlow stares down the 'Calgary Assassin' with steely determination and as the bell goes the smaller Pathlow is able to match Watson strike for strike. In fact it's Pathlow who starts to get some momentum going his way, reeling of precision like combinations of his ultra stiff kicks but Watson to his credit stands firm and does not go down even if he is constantly back peddling and it sees the Calgary Assasin soon propped agains the corner.


Pathlow then creates a little distance and goes for a running drop-kick but Watson moves out of the way and then plows into Pathlow with a fore-arm smash to the back of the head. Watson then peppers Pathlow with a ground and pound style attack, except for the fact that the gaijin super Junior is propped up in the corner. Watson's relentless pummelling draws a warning from referee Terakado who instructs Watson to lay off a bit. Watson does back off and Pathlow staggers out of the corner and into a drop toe hold from Watson, who then pummels Pathlow ground and pound style, this time on the canvas !


The Calgary Assassin then rose back to his feet and shouted at Terakado to 'count that bitch' out.








But Pathlow still had plenty left and to Watson's dismay he rose back to his feet, but any chance of a flurry from Pathlow was cut off with an eye poke from Watson, who then tripped Pathlow down onto the canvas and then applied the DRAGON SLEEPER.


But Pathlow managed to used what seemed to be his last bit of energy left to run up the turbuckle and use the momentum to flip over into a pin.....








Watson realeased the Dragon Sleeper hold he had on Pathlow at the last split second, in turn preventing himself from being pinned. Pathlow looked to be just about done though and Watson taunted Pathlow to get back to his feet but as Watson went to nail Pathlow with a One Stop Punch, 'Rapid Fire' saw it coming and Pathlow was able to duck and then rock Watson with a jumping roundhouse kick.


Finding another wind, Pathlow peppered Watson with a rapid fire succession of kicks that saw him living up to his nickname before finishing the combo off with a Blunt Force Trauma (Running Leaping Side Kick)......


But to Pathlow's shock Watson was able to shake that off with a one count and then fling Pathlow over with the CARIBOU TRAP SUPLEX (Trapping Suplex) but Pathlow managed to flip onto his feet and then using the momentum to come off the ropes levelled Watson with the APOCALYPSE LARIAT (Rebound Pendulum Lariat)....








No ! Watson was determined not to give up his place in Team INSPIRE to Pathlow, but Pathlow was equally determined to cement his spot and with Watson still feeling the effects of the Apocalypse Lariat Pathlow locked on the Kimura Lock......


Watson was refusing to give in though and tried to get back to his feet but Pathlow was dogged in his application of the submission hold and it wasn't long before the Calgary Assassin began to fade......


Terakado checked on Watson......


No response........


Terakado took another look......


Still no response, as Watson seemed to be fading fast.......


One more chance for Watson to show he had some fight left.....


But he didn't ! John Pathlow had forced Mike Watson to pass out to the Kimura Lock, ending Watson's association with Team INSPIRE. And though this match was far from a classic, this will be a defining victory for John Pathlow, as for Mike Watson this could be equally defining.


Result: John Pathlow [w] bt Mike Watson [L] in 12:10 via submission (Kimura Lock)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


John Pathlow (in English): Konnichiwa Kikkawa-san. I will humbly take the most of this opportunity you have given me and I WILL repay the faith you have shown in me and deliver to Team INSPIRE the Junior Championship.


Mike Watson (in English): So that's it Kikkawa-san a decade down the *bleeping* drain, * bleep* this I'm *bleeping * outta here. Oh *bleep* off , I said *bleep* off get that *bleeping* outta my face...look I told you all to *bleep* off.



~The Outer Limits~

Match #4: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Karufuji)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325


Universal Excellence earned this title shot by taking the Black Heart Flying Squadron to a time limit draw in a non title match, or to be more accurate they were practically denied victory of the time limit. The former WLW duo would be keen to prove that not only they deserve a rematch but the fact they are worthy of a title shot, the champions would be keen to prove that Wednesday Night was a mere blip.


The challengers come out first but in true dastardly heel fashion the BHFS jumped them as they coming down the ramp. Scorpion and Kiyaru then lay a ringside beatdown on their opponents before the bell has even rung.


With the action finally brought into the ring the bell sounds with Haru Kurofuji isolated in the champions corner as Yasujiro is cramped over on the outside clutching his mid-section, the result of having a chair jammed into it by Golden Scorpion.


Kurofuji at the mercy of the BHFS endures a plethora of cheap shots and arrogant taunts from the champions, as a helplessly frustrated Yasujiro looked on. But as is so often the case, the team with the advantage failed to really press it home as the BHFS spent too much time trying to 'humiliate' Kurofuji than do some serious damage to put him away and when Scorpion did go to step it up a gear as he set up for a Brainbuster, Kurofuji was able to block and then counter into a Brainbuster of his own.


Kurofuji then looked to tag out to Yasujiro, only problem with that is that on several occasions one half of the BHFS would manage to tie up referee Shinozaki with hints of cheating, whilst the other would sneak round and lay in a cheap shot on Yasujiro and moments earlier this was just the case, and when Kurofuji went to tag out Yasujiro was not their to take it.


That meant Scorpion was able to get Kiyaru back into the match and the Dark Enigma looked set to plant Kurofuji with a Falcon Arrow but 'Kamikaze' was able to block and then counter with a release belly to belly suplex. This time as Kurofuji scrambled across to make the tag, Yasujiro was there.


Mighty Mouse slinghshotted into the ring and reeled off a series of lucha style arm-drags and spinning head-scissors that sent both Kiyaru and Scorpion into a state of disorientating dizzyness to the point that they decided to bail from the ring and to start heading up the entrance ramp (actions that drew noticeable disapproval from the crowd). Yasujiro was going to have none of it and before the BHFS had managed to high tail it out of harm way, Yasujiro headed up to the top turbuckle and came crashing down upon the champions with a Shooting Star Press to the floor !


That moment of self sacrificial crazyness from Yasujiro almost leads to Shinozaki almost counting everyone out, but Yasujiro is able to pitch Kiyaru into the ring and then beat the count himself. The Mighty Mouse then pitches Kiyaru upon his shoulders in the 'Electric Chair' position before dumping the 'Dark Enigma' with a YASUJIRO SUPLEX (Electric Chair dropped Bridging German Suplex) !!








Golden Scorpion was able to roll back into the ring and save the titles from falling out of BHFS hands. Scorpion then kicks away at Yasujiro, so naturally that lures Kurofuji back into the ring and we have a strike battle going on between the two fresh men, but Shinozaki still has his wits about him and he soon points out to both Scorpion and Kurofuji neither are legal and points them back to their corners.


Kiyaru is now back up and went to stun Yasujiro with a leg lariat, but the Mighty Mouse was able to duck and then reel off a headscissors take down that sends Kiyaru out of the ring. Scorpion then got up on the apron brandishing a steel chair, something that proved to be enough of a distraction for Shinozaki, because it was at this point as Yasujiro set up for another dive to the floor...Kiyaru rose back to his feet off the floor and spewed a faceful of black mist into the Mighty Mouse.


Kiyaru then pitched a disorientated Yasujiro back into the ring and then allowing the Mighty Mouse to stagger back up to his feet, Kiyaru then spiked Yasujiro into the canvas with the LORD OF THE RING (Twisting Springboard Tornado DDT).....








Victory was denied for the BHFS at the last split second curteousy of a KAMIKAZE HEADBUTT from Kurofuji. That was enough to keep Kiyaru stunned and it became a race to see who could tag out first between Yasujiro and Kiyaru to get in a fresh and legal man. Unfortunately for Yasujiro still feeling the effects of the Black Mist from Kiyaru, Scorpion was the first to get the tag. The Gold and Black Attack then set up for the Golden Shot (Slingshot Legdrop) but he took too long in doing so as Yasujiro rose back to his feet and then took Scorpion by surprise with a kip up POISON RANA (Reverse hurricanrana).....


Too exhausted to go for the pin, Yasujro then simply scrambled across the ring to get the tag into Kurofuji. 'Kamikaze' was able to prevent Scorpion from tagging out and then tried for the TOHOKU THUNDER SUPLEX only for Scorpion to block and then force a standing switch. Scorpion then looked set to dump Kurofuji with a German suplex as Kiyaru headed up top......however the Leg Lariat/German combo failed to deliver as Kurofuji slipped out of the waistlock causing a misfiring collision fro the champions. Kiyaru was then drop kicked out and Scorpion then ate a drop kick himself from Kurofuji, a drop kick so sweetly delivered it was able to drop Scorpion to the canvas for a two count.


Kurofuji then tried to turn Scorpion over into the Kurofuji crab but Scorpion was able to block, so 'Kamikaze' went to a plan B, planting Scorpion across his knee with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker for another two count. Kurofuji then signalled for Yasujiro (his face now mostly cleared of Kiyaru's Black Mist) to enter the ring...it appeared to be time for the UNIVERSAL STUDIOS.....


Bridging German Suplex from Kurofuji !


Standing Shooting Star Press from Yasujiro !


But Scorpion manages to get the knees up, winding Yasujiro and despite Kurofuji still being able to hold onto the bridging pin, Kiyaru makes the save the last split second. Kiyaru then lifts Kurofuji back to his feet and plants 'Kamikaze' with a standing KIYARU EFFECT !


However Kiyaru is not the legal man and was unable to make the pin, but Scorpion was now back to his feet and had now set Kurofuji upon his shoulders in the Electric Chair Position, as Kiyaru headed up top, as the BHS combined to down Kurofuji with the ULTRA EFFECT (Elevated Kiyaru Effect).......Scorpion then made the cover as Kiyaru stood guard.






Three !!


The Black Heart Flying Squadron through a mix of natural skill and skullduggery had managed to hold ont the Burning Junior Tag Team Championship and though Universal Excellence showed themselves to be worthy challengers their efforts were not enough to prise the belts away from Kiyaru and Scorpion.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [w] bt Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji [L] in 16:07 via pinfall (Ultra Effect)


Black Heart Flying Squadron makes V2 Defence of Burning Junior Tag Team Championship


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: Bow down before us, for the Black Heart Flying Squadron are the greatest, the greatest of all times.


Golden Scorpion: Those who challenge us with your meagre capabilities....we will out fight, we will out manouevre everyone who dares to take these belts away from us !


Barei Yasujiro: Flying Squadron you may have got the better of us this time, but we wont give up....we will win those Junior Tag Team Belts....this ain't the end for Universal Studios, this is just the beginning !



~The Summit, The Zenith~

Match#5: Junior Championship:

Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko








http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg_ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg


The Junior Division action was to continue, as this time the singles chamopionship was set to be defended in a three way elimination match by Sensational Dragon. It would take alot to dent Dragons' confidence but the commentary team did note that he had been pinned recently by both of his opponents and that with Dragon defending the title against not just one but two top quality opponents that his chances of holding onto the title had become signicantly slimmer.


The match began tentively as all three circled one another, waiting for either of their opponents to strike. It was the champion Dragon who flinched first going right after Masuko. Masuko struck right back as Cobra simply decided to look on. The exchange of strikes between Masuko and Dragon soon transitioned into a full blown display of chain wrestling....that lead to a standoff. It was during that standoff that they both suddenly twigged that Black Cobra was getting a free pass and before Cobra could bail from the ring the BHB man was suddenly nailed with stereo drop-kicks from Dragon and Masuko (something that drew a collective gasp from the commentary team, shocked that these two sworn enemies were now working together)


Masuko and Dragon then both put the boots to Cobra, that was until Dragon tried to sneak a quick roll up pin on Masuko. The Painted Wonder kicked out of that and then managed to trap Dragon's leg to set up for Masuko Cradle but the Junior champion managed to block and then counter into an implant DDT but was then nailed with a running fore-arm from Cobra, as the gaijin veteran charged out of the corner. Cobra then delivered a fire-mans carry gutbuster to Dragon, though the champion had the werewithall to roll out of the ring and Cobra soon found himself nailed with a drop-kick from a recovered Masuko that also sent the BHB man sprawling out of the ring.


That then saw Dragon and Cobra re-engage battle with one another on the outside, but as they brawled....Masuko hopped onto the apron and then came crashing down upon both of his opponents after a PINK DUST (Double Jump Moonsault) to the floor, hopping up from the apron onto the turnbuckle and then down upon Dragon and Cobra.


Masuko then pitched Dragon back into the ring...and waited for the champion to stagger back to his feet before snapping off a headscissors and immediately transitioning into the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke).......


Masuko had the hold locked on right in the middle of the ring and Dragon looked to be fading fast, that was until Black Cobra rolled back into the ring and then delivered a stiff shoot kick to Masuko, forcing the Painted Wonder to break the hold. Toru Minamoto on commentary questioned the wisdom of Cobra's decision to break up the submission, as it was an elimination rules match but Katsuhiko Shunsen was quick to point out that Cobra probably wants to be the one to eliminate Dragon himself.


Masuko is understandbly livid that Cobra broke up the submission and goes right after the gaijiin veteran. Dragon wisely stays down and then manages to roll out of the ring for a breather as Cobra and Masuko exchange strikes but that sort of battle plays right into Cobra's hands, whose size advantage over the pint sized Masuko sees him get more power behind his chops and fore-arms.


Soon enough Masuko is struggling to hit back and Cobra seeing and opening plants Masuko with a STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex)........








To the frustration of Black Cobra, Masuko manages to kick out......but the Painted Wonder remains rooted to the mat and Cobra decided to head up top. But as Cobra steadied himself to deliver a 'From Canada With Love' Swandive Headbutt he was tagged with a leaping kick of the apron from Sensational Dragon before the champion sent Cobra crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana, as Masuko now rolls out to ringside to catch a breather.


Dragon then nailed Cobra with a spin kick before the self proclaimed Sensational One planted Cobra with a Dragon Suplex.......


Cobra managed to kick out at two but remained rooted to the mat, so Dragon decided to go out onto the apron with the Sensation Shock in mind, but the champion then saw Masuko getting back to his feet on the floor and decided instead to take out the Painted Wonder with an Arabian Press but that allowed Cobra to get back to his feet and 'Canadian Darkness' put his own body on the line with a suicide dive through the ropes that took both Dragon and Masuko crashing against the Barricade.


Cobra then pitched a dazed Sensational Dragon into the ring and set up for a Death by Cobra but Dragon had that moved scouted, countering with a jawbreaker and then planting the BHB man with a standing DRAGON SLICE !








Cobra managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat and Dragon once again looked to finish Cobra off with a Sensation Shock and with no distractions this time as Masuko was still barely to his feet....the Sensational One waited for Cobra to stagger back up to a vertical base before launching himself into the ring....SENSATION SHOCK........


But Cobra managed to block the attempt and counter into a Powerbomb that sent Dragon crashing agains the canvas........






Dragon managed to kick out but then found himself turned over into the STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter).......


Dragon tried to shift himself and Cobra to the ropes to force a rope break but Cobra held firm and resolutely sat back, keeping the submission right in the middle of the ring......


It was looking like Dragon's grasp on the Junior Championship was slipping away...that was until Marihito Masuko came back into the ring and then with a baseball slide style drop-kick nailed Cobra right in the face, causing Cobra to release the submission hold he had on Dragon (just as Cobra did to Masuko earlier in the match).....the Painted Wonder then planted a dazed Cobra with a MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam).........






Three ! !


Black Cobra was the first to be eliminated from the match, as once again another opportunity to become Junior Champion slipped from his grasp.....as it once again came down to the Generational rivals Sensational Dragon and Marihito Masuko to decide who deserves to be called the Junior Division best.


Elimination #1: Black Cobra in 14:40 by Marihito Masuko via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)


A brief break was enforced by Okura Umeki who encouraged both champion and challenger to get back to their feet before the veteran referee let battle commence once more.


Masuko was still the fresher man and was the one pushing the offensive agenda but unlike Cobra, Dragon was able to block and attempt at the Masuko Cradle Shock, Dragon then came back with a flurry of kicks but was soon taken down with a headscissors from Masuko who then tried to once again entrap Dragon into the Pink Dream but the Sensational One managed to block and then daze Masuko with a knee strike, before planting a dazed Masuko with a Dragon Suplex......






Masuko kicked out but Dragon remained in control, nailing Masuko with a superkick to set up for DRAGON SLICE but Masuko managed to counter at the last split second shoving Dragon into the turbuckle before delivering a shin breaker to the champion and then planting his nemesis with a MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)......








Dragon managed to kick out remained planted to the canvas. This time Masuko went out on the apron, as this time he looked to plant Dragon with his own springboard based manoevre his 'Into the White' Springboard Bulldog but Dragon was up to his feet quicker than Masuko expected and the Pink Wonder was sent crashing out of mid-air by a brilliant defensive drop kick from the champion.


Dragon then planted a dazed Masuko with a DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui).....








Masuko showed his determination to stay in with a chance of regaining the Junior Championship by kicking out but remained rooted to the mat and Dragon headed up top but the champion decide to take too much time to pose in fron the of the fans, confident that he was about to put the seal on the win and as he steadied himself on the top turbuckle...Masuko leaped back to his feet to nail Dragon with a dropkick.


Masuko then joined Dragon on the top turbuckle before appearing to set up for an AVALANCHE MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK !........


But Dragon was able to block and send Masuko crashing back to the canvas with a forearm smash, before nailing Masuko with a missile drop-kick. Dragon then planted Masuko with another Dragon Suplex before heading up top once again, this time with a more strident urgency, in the knowledge that he had just dodged a bullet when he was able to block the avalanche Cradle Shock and with Masuko still down Dragon launched himself upon Masuko with the


DRAGON'S FIRE (Corkscrew 630 Senton) Dragon's rarely seen and highly spectacular uber finisher.......






Three !!!


Sensational Dragon with the odds stacked against him had emerged from the match with the Junior Championship still in his possession after a brilliant 'show stealing' match that had the fans on the edge of their seats from bell to bell.


Elimination #2: Marihito Masuko in 22:56 by Sensational Dragon via pinfall (Dragon's Fire)


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Black Cobra + Marihito Masuko via elimination rules in 22:56


Sensational Dragon makes V6 Defence of Burning Junior Championship.


Rating: A


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: Words cannot explain just how Sensational I am, did I just say how Sensational I am...oh yes I did because I'm Sensational Dragon the most Sensational wrestler of all time. I am so Sensational that even God himself has to bow to just how Sensational I am.


Black Cobra (in English): Damn you Masuko, if it weren't for you face painted freak, I'd be Junior Champion right now because you know and I know, I would have had the beating of you once I'd gotten that egomaniac Dragon out of the way.....just damn you....you....freak !


Marihito Masuko: So nemesis this time you make me stare into the consequences of failure but from failure, I shall emerge stronger, I shall emerge better and we will engage battle forever more.



~Crazy Crazy Power~

Match #6: Tag Team Championship:

Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) vs

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg


It was back to Tag Team action as this time it was the turn of the Burning World Tag Team Titles to be put on the line as the dominating Black Magic defended against the new rising force of the tag ranks the Sane/Crazy pairing of Wild Fire.


Despite being at a size disadvantage Wild Fire are resourceful in the opening exchanges, Toshusai's relentless determination see's him go toe to toe with either member of Black Magic until those bursts of energy see him begin to wear down and whilst Onodera is in the ring, he is able to outmanouevre Taira and Masuno, connecting with leaping fore-arm strikes and getting out of harms way when he is danger of getting levelled by one of the champions.


It's a strategy that sees the challengers not necessarily take the powerhouse champions off their feet but it does begin to frustrate Black Magic who would have thought their sheer power advantage would put them in instant control. It leads to Taira making the first mistake of the match, as he goes for The Flattener (Running Corner Clothesline) to Onodera but the 'Iron Man' moves out of the way causing Taira to hit the turnbuckle, a chop block from Onodera sends 'the Bulldozer' down to the mat and with Taira now lying face down Onodera manages to slap on the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface)......


Thankfully for Taira ring positioning is favourable enough with his long reach to force a rope break. It's at that point Onodera looked to turn things back over to Toshusai but 'Wild Charisma' was not there to take the tag as he had been layed out...but by whom ? As Masuno was on the apron arguing with referee Shinozaki whilst Taira was still in the ring.....We soon got our clue as we saw fellow Black Heart Brethren members Golden Scorpion and The Awesome Kiyaru scurrying through the crowd Kendo sticks in hand and one can only assume the Junior Tag Team Champions had ambushed Toshusai.


Onodera turned back round, realising that he had to fight on himself only to be levelled with a big boot from Taira that caused the match to flip a complete 180 in Black Magic's favour. Onodera now found himself at the mercy of the champions who delivered a beatdown in the corner with all the arrogance has come to be expected of them over the years.


After thinking they had done enough to wear Onodera down with simple punching/kicking and backbreakers. Black Magic went for a series of pins on the 'Iron Man' and though Onodera managed to kick out each time, every time he was forced to do so it saw him using up more energy.


Black Magic then signalled that it was time to put Onodera away for good and they set up for the DEVASTATOR (Flapjack/Cutter combo) but Onodera still had a little bit of gas left in the tank, slipping out and then nailing Masuno with a drop-kick that caused 'The Hammer' to collide with Taira......Black Magic quickly regained their senses but Onodera ducked under a double clothesline and connected with a double drop-kick before scrambling across to make the tag........


This time Toshusai was there to take it and Wild Charisma entered the ring with fearless determination and despite Black Magic having a two one one advantage inside the ring it was the fresher Toshusai who was landing with his shots. A Kneeling jawbreaker to Masuno, a running elbow strike to Taira then a SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) that sent Masuno out of the ring, appeared to put 'Wild Charisma' firmly in control.


But Taira had got back to his feet and he levelled Toshusai with a clothesline. Taira then set Toshusai into the vertical suplex position but 'Wild Charisma' slipped out and then landed a flurry of fore-arm smashes before flipping his now customary 'double bird' to the Bulldozer, then in a feet of explosive strength Toshusai planted Taira with a SPINE SHOCKER (Spine Buster) before collasping exhaustively onto Taira to make the cover......








No Masuno dived into make the save only for Onodera to send Masuno back out of the ring once again with a drop-kick. Toshusai now too worn down to carry on tagged out to a now refreshed Onodera but Taira was getting back to his feet. However Onodera was able to connect with a basement drop-kick that felled the Bulldozer back down to the canvas where like earlier he once again slapped the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface) onto Taira. This time Onodera had the submission locked on right in the middle of the ring but just as it looked like Taira was set to pass out....Masuno dived back in to make the save. Onodera then caught Masuno with a jawbreaker but that caused 'The Hammer' to stagger into Shinozaki and the referee hit the canvas.


And as Onodera turned round to confront Masuno once again, 'The Hammer' levelled Onodera with a Rolling Elbow but this was no ordinary Rolling Elbow as it was clear he had slipped on what many suspect to be a loaded elbow pad....Onodera had just been felled with a MAGIC K.O !


Masuno then placed Taira upon Onodera, as Shinozaki came back to his senses......






Toshusai scrambled back into the ring......


Three !


But Toshusai was too late and despite a valiant effort from Wild Fire, Black Magic had escaped with the Burning World Tag Team Belts still in their possession. Black Magic came into this match thinking they could simply overpower/Bully Wild Fire but they got a tougher match than they bargained for.


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno [L] bt Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera [L] in 14:02 via pinfall (Taira pin, following Magic K.O from Masuno)


Black Magic make V2 defence for Burning World Tag Team Championship.


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: Wild Fire did you REALLY think you could beat the mighty Black Magic for these belts?


Yasunobu Masuno: Laughable as that sounds Taira-san, I think they did.


Yasuhiko Taira: Well tonight dreamers, you got a reality check and the reality is Black Magic are going to dominate....


Yasuobu Masuno: Going to dominate forever !





~Winners Write History~

Match #7: King of Fighters Championship:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Shimedzu




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674


In Tadiyuki Kikkawa's mind he isn't just the King of Fighters champion, a title he brought over with him from INSPIRE but he IS THE King of Fighters. Shimedzu a man labelled a Tag Team specialist by many over the years is keen to prove himself a great singles competitor and to beat the legendary Kikkawa will make everyone stand up and take notice.


The bell rings and Shimedzu shows no fear as he goes right after Kikkawa with a rapid fire combination of strikes and kicks but the INSPIRE leader brushes off the flurry and levels Shimedzu with a Lariat. Shimedzu however springs right back to his feet and stuns Kikkawa with a leaping kick. That rocks Kikkawa enough for Shimedzu to follow up with a leg-sweep that takes the King of Fighters off his feet. Shimedzu then follows up with a basement drop-kick to the face and then another to the back of Kikkawa's head. Shimedzu signals Terkakado to count.......


Kikkawa gets up at five, confirming that Shimedzu asked for the ten count a little too early but Shimedzu remains the aggressor, peppering Kikkawa with a kick combination that leaves the Rebellion man on the front foot. With Kikkawa seemingly in a daze Shimedzu rebounds off the ropes with a Life Flasher (Rebound Running Boot) but Kikkawa blocks and then almost decapitates Shimedzu with an almighty Lariat.


It's a Lariat so powerful that Kikkawa instantly asks for a count.........


Shimedzu staggers back up at seven and then eats another Lariat from Kikkawa........


Kikkawa again asks for a count.......


But 'Kamikaze Spirit' won't quit, as he just about beats the count....Kikkawa goes for another Lariat but this time Shimedzu ducks and then stuns Kikkawa with an Enziguri. Shimedzu then comes off the ropes and this time connects with a LIFE FLASHER


Once again Shimedzu asks for a count-out on Kikkawa.......






Kikkawa barely gets back up to his feet and Shimedzu immediately goes to lock on the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke) but it turns out Kikkawa was luring Shimedzu into a false sense of security by staying down for nearly the whole count, as the King of Fighters is able to block and then drive 'Kamikaze Spirit' into the canvas with a powerbomb.


Shimedzu gets back to his feet but eats another Lariat from Kikkawa...........


Kikkawa asks for the count again but Shimedzu again shows fighting spirit by beating the count, this time getting up at six....


Kikkawa remains aggressive though peppering 'Kamikaze Spirit' with a series of fore-arms before setting Shimedzu up into the vertical suplex position......but before Kikkawa could plant Shimedzu onto the canvas, the Rebellion man managed to stand his ground and then counter with a legsweep DDT !........


It was enough to stun Kikkawa for Shimedzu to synch in the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guilltoine Choke).......


Shimedzu had his increasingly feared submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring......


Terakado checked on Kikkawa, raising the arm to see if there would be any response.....


There was no response.......


But the rule is the referee must check three times to make sure they can no longer carry on....


Second time of asking still no response......


This was last chance saloon time for Kikkawa.........


And to the frustration of the crowd, who wanted to see the arrogant self proclaimed King of Fighters knocked off his perch....he was able to suddenly find a second wind.....rising back to his feet and then somehow managing to scoop Shimedzu upon his shoulders to deliver a Death Valley Driver before collapsing back to the canvas himself.


Both champion and challenger then lay out on the canvas, both exhausted and fighting for every breath but KOF rules determine their must be a winner by a ten count knockout (either by asking the ref to count the opponent out or by getting back to their feet before their opponent in a double count out) or by submission. Had this been a normal rules match then this would have just ended in a double count out.


Both staggered back up to their feet and then got in each others faces.....firstly exchanging insults and then striking one another, the first strikes having no power behind them as they both looked to get a little extra out of their exhausted bodies, but they did manage to do and the strikes once again increased in intensity.


And with the support of the crowd behind him it was Shimedzu who's strikes were beginning to land with more vigour. Kikkawa was suddenly dropping down to one knee and Shimedzu rebounded back off the ropes with another LIFE FLASHER but Kikkawa just shook it off and then took the Rebellion man's head off with a BURNING LARIAT (Explosive Short Arm Lariat)......


Shimedzu was out cold but Kikkawa suddenly dropped to the mat himself the effects of being nailed with a Life Flasher just moments earlier from Shimedzu suddenly taking effect and we had another double count out situation on our hands. If one could get back to their feet before a full ten count then they would be the champion........










Kikkawa had managed to get back to his feet as Shimedzu was unable to haul himself back up, the feared Burning Lariat claiming yet another victim.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt Shimedzu [L] in 19:25 via Knockout (Burning Lariat)


Tadiyuki KIkkawa makes V6 defence of King of Fighters Championship.


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: So Shimedzu-san, you said you would 'Love it' if you beat me. Well the only way you could ever beat me is if you defeated me in a fantasy scenario, like a computer game....Oh even then you couldn't beat me , because surely all my stats would be set to maximum ability, because that's how good I am !


* Shimedzu was unable to give any post match comments, as he was still feeling the effects of Kikkawa's Buring Lariat.



~Implosive Supernova~

Match #8: World Championship:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg


Apart from a Nakasawa-Kikkawa or even Horri-Kikkawa showdown this is probably the most anticipated match amongst Burning Hammer fans. It's been over a year since these two, seen as the two best of their generation, the so called '4th Generation' have met one on one. Last time that match was a contenders match that put Nakasawa in position to go on and win the World Championship for a second time. The simple question here is that would Nakasawa continue to cement his position as the number one or would Horri reclaim that position by winning the World Title for a second time ?


After the extended pomp and ceremony of the introductions the two respected rivals looked across at one another a steely determination in their eyes, a determination to prove themselves the very best. The bell rang and they slowly walked up to one another before going nose to nose.....not a word spoken the tension building up inside of them until both simutaneously went to strike one another.


Both managed to block, then they went to lay something on one another again and again, but each time getting blocked. Eventually something had to give, what gave is that both backed off and then gave a nod of respect before coming back together, this time locking up instead into a basic collar and elbow tie up but as with the exchange of strikes neither man was giving an inch to the other.


Again they back off and another nod of respect before coming together once again, except this time Horri telegraphed a clothesline, that Nakasawa was able to duck under before the World Champion jarred Horri with a flurry of fore-arm shots and for the first time in the match someone was in the ascendency. Though that didn't last long for Nakasawa as Horri shook the flurry off and came right back with one of his own and all of a sudden it was Nakasawa on the back foot and with Horri's slight size and power advantage, Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer began to get the better of the early brawling exchanges and begin to stamp his authority on the match.


With Nakasawa beginning to get worn down Horri set the champion into position for a snap suplex but Nakasawa was able to block and then tried for one of his own only for Horri to block and then get Nakasawa over at the second time of asking.


That lead to the first pin attempt of the match, one Nakasawa easily kicked out of but Horri remained in control, whipping Nakasawa into the corner and then following in with a running fore-arm, Horri then spun Nakasawa round into waist lock before dumping the World Champion with a release German Suplex. Nakasawa showed the fighting spirit expected of a great champion by getting right back up to his feet only to be felled with a running clothesline from Horri.


That lead to a two count, as Horri once again lifted Nakasawa back into position for another German Suplex but this time Nakasawa was able to force a standing switch, where he tried for a German of his own only for Horri to use his power advantage to back Nakasawa into the corner, squashing the World Champion against the turnbuckle.


Nakasawa staggered out and then ate another Lariat from Horri for another two count. Horri then waited for Nakasawa to stagger back up to his feet before planting the World Champion with a HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sit Out Spinebuster)..........








After Nakasawa kicked out, Horri began to pace back and forth frustrated that he had been unable to put Nakasawa away despite dominating the contest for the last few minutes. With Nakasawa staggering back up to his feet Horri rocked the 'H-Bomb' with a fore-arm smash, before appearing to set up for a Destiny Bomb but Nakasawa managed to block and then plant Horri down to the canvas with NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)


But Naksasawa was unable to follow up with an immediate cover, collapsing onto the canvas before eventually scrambling across onto Horri......


That pin attempt came just that little bit too late as Horri was able to kick out. Nakasawa was able to remain in control with a flurry of fore-arm smashes that saw him set up for another Nakasawa Neckbreaker but this time Horri was able to block and then suddenly plant Nakasawa onto the canvas with a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)........








Nakasawa once again showed the fighting spirit of a champion by kicking out, but Horri thought Umeki's count was a little show and he got in the veteran referees face. But then came to his senses, however Horri's brief lack of focus due to his increasing frustration allowed for Nakasawa to rise back to his feet and the World Champion was able to take Horri down from behind with a chop block.


Horri staggered back up to his feet only to be felled with another chop block. Nakasawa then worked over Horri's legs before applying a FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK......


Nakasawa had the submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring but Horri managed to dig down and find the energy to shift his own body weight and Nakasawa's across to the ring ropes where he was able to force the rope break.


But as they got back up Nakasawa was able to fell Horri with yet another chop block and re-apply the FIGURE FOUR !.......


This time they were postioned nearer to the ring ropes but with Horri already feeling the effects of being in the same submission hold just moments earlier, 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' looked just about ready to tap out........


And had this been any other match he probably would have done but the chance to become World Champion for a second time was on the line here and Horri found a burst of energy to turn Nakasawa over, so that the leverage of the hold was now in Horri's favour. Nakasawa suddenly the one in trouble did manage to scramble over to the bottom rope to save himself with the rope break.


As both hobbled back to their feet, they once again got in one another faces before exchanging strikes, the match turning into a brawl once again seemed to play more into Horri's hands as he once again began to get the better of the exchanges. Dazing Naksawa enough to set up for a DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb).....


But Horri's weakened legs buckled and Nakasawa was suddenly able to take Horri by surprise with a quick roll up.......






Horri emphatically powered out of the pin attempt and then levelled Nakasawa with a Lariat......Horri collapsed down to one knee once again but was able to rise back to his feet before planting Nakasawa with a HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster).........


Horri collapsed down to the mat again before scrambling across to make the cover.......








Nakasawa managed to keep his World Title reign alive. But despite being hobbled Horri appeared to be the one in control and he reeled Nakasawa in for Burning Lariat but Nakasawa was able to block and then nail Horri a fore-arm smash before planting Horri down to the canvas with NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER








Horri managed to kick out..... Nakasawa then dragged Horri into position for a powerbomb but as Nakasawa set up for COMPRESSION POWERBOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb) Horri was able to block and then send Nakasawa over with back body drop.


Horri then levelled Nakasawa with a Lariat....before lifting Nakasawa back up for another attempt at the Destiny Bomb but like all his previous attempts, the 'H-Bomb' was able to block the move before nailing Horri with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT (Turning Short Range Lariat)........








Once again Horri managed to kick out, determined to do all he can to regain the Burning World Championship. But he remained firmly planted to the canvas and unable to lift the virtual deadweight of Horri back up to a vertical base but not wanting to give Horri the chance to get his breath back by asking Umeki to apply a ten count.....Nakasawa headed up-top....


A place where he only goes to in times of desperate need, and with a dogged determined opponent in Horri this appeared to be one of those times........as Nakasawa launched himself off with his rarely seen but mightily impressive for a man of his size moonsault, dubbed the H-SAULT !..........



As Nakasawa came down upon Horri , the challenger had just begun to get his knees up, but not enough to get the point of the knees into Nakasawa's exposed mid-section and instread Horri's already weakened legs aborbed the almighty force of Nakasawa's weight crashing down upon them. A slightly winded Nakasawa then hooked the leg........






Three !!


Nakasawa is still the Burning World Champion literally pulling out all the stops to do so, in retaining the belt against his generational rival yet close ally in the Burning Sekigun. Horri had pushed Nakasawa right to the limit but tonight he was second best and he would had to live with being unable to defeat Nakasawa and to remain as the number two in the eyes of the fans.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] bt Kinnojo Horri [L] in 30:07 via pinfall (H-Sault)


Hirokai Nakasawa makes V7 Defence of Burning World Championship.


Rating: B+


Post match celebration time and Nakasawa does the usual spiel of thanking the fans for coming out to support him and Burning Hammer. He then puts over Horri as a great challenger, perhaps the greatest opponent he has had in BHOTWG. Nakasawa then calls over Horri and the two Burning Sekigun stable-mates embrace, their respect for one another re-kindled after such a hard fought battle...Horri then raises Nakasawa's arm aloft in recognition that this time he was beaten by the better man before leaving the ring to allow Nakasawa to soak in more applause from an appreciative crowd.


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: I was always prepared for Horri to give me a tough battle and that's exactly what I he did, but I am came through it and I remain the Burning World Champion and I know there will be many more tough battles ahead and with each defence it may get tougher but with each defence I will become even more determined to hold onto this belt, with each defence of this glorious belt, the greatest in our sport...I will become stronger.


Kinnojo Horri: I gave it my all, I threw everything I could at Nakasawa-san but I could not beat him and in the end he had the beating of me. I will accept for this night he was better than me, but I will come back better and I will once again become Burning World Champion.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: Overall pretty happy with the show, have now put together two B+ rated (according to the ARSEHOLES formula) pay per views since getting the book, so not a bad start, though I'm sure Kikkawa-san will say that is not good enough and I should be getting an A. If anything Kikkawa's match with Shimedzu was one of the slight disappointments, but I will expand on my thoughts on Test of Prophecies a little later......

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Predictions Contest


<TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=12 width=533 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Stage 2 Final Standings


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>Total


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>Last Round


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>Stage 2 Pts


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Rob4590


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>79


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>8


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>25


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Dragonmack


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>71


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>7


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>20


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Bigpapa42


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>69


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>8


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>15


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Zergon


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>65


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>7


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>12


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Phantom Stranger


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>62


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>7


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>10


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Lo-Drew


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>61


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>9


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>8


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Beeker


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>53


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>6


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>6


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>smurphy1014


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>53


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>6


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>6


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Raijin Samurai


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>49


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>3


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>2


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Marcel Fromage


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>44


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>1


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Hyde Hill


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>40


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Tweek It


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>24


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Sudo Nym


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>16


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>NoNeck


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>11


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Michigan Hero


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>9


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>Critical-23


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>6


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>BYU 14


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>6


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>maskedpropaganda


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>4


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>




As expected Rob4590 has emerged as the Stage 2 victor of the Predictions contest. Special mention this round should go Lo-Drew who scored a perfect nine out of nine.


This was in my opinion a reasonably straight forward PPV to predict and that appeared to be the case with most of the predictors here, who felt that most of the titles would not change hands. The one belt that most felt would see the title change was the Junior Championship and though I was tempted to have that as the one title change, I've decided to keep on Dragon for the forseeable future.


The other tricky match to call was of course the loser leaves INSPIRE match between John Pathlow and Mike Watson, as we all know now Pathlow emerged with the win....more on the reasonings as to why Pathlow went over and the consequences of that decision will be expanded upon further in the next edition of the Onodera Diaries.


<TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=12 width=533 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>

Overall Standings

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>

Total Pts

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Stage 1

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Stage 2

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>

Phantom Stranger

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>

Sudo Nym

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>

Tweek It

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>

Marcel Fromage

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>

Raijin Samurai

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="40%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="18%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>




In the overall standings for the 2010 BHOTWG Predictions contest, Dragonmack stands as the king of the predictors due to his incredible consitency of finishing in the Top 2 for both rounds.

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The Onodera Diaries:


Test of Prophecies is now history for another year and overall I felt we put on a pretty good show. Show did a 1.13 Buy Rate on Emperor Sports, which is down from the 1.24 for Fire Dream of the Immortals but that was to be expected, it's always down. Just how much putting a strong main event in Nakasawa-Horri at the top of the card made a difference in propping the Buy Rate Up remains to be seen.


Nakasawa-san and Horri-san put together a very good main event, it wasn't a blow away match that will be challenging for Match of the Year honours but they brought the show to a satisfying end. If I am going to level a criticism towards Horri-san is that he is a little one dimensional, Nakasawa-san has managed to evolve his move-set over the years but Horri-san has near enough relied on the same brawling and power moves approach that has served him well but does make what he does somewhat predictable. It's something I feel is perhaps holding him back from being able to put on great matches as opposed to very good ones and as good as Nakasawa-san is he wasn't quite able to haul himself and Horri-san up into greatness.


I was admittedly hoping for better from Kikkawa-san and Shimedzu-san in the King of Fighters match. I'm not sure if it was so much them or more the stop-start nature of the KOF matches that aren't quite connecting with the fans due to the knockout/submission only rules brought over from the belt's time in INSPIRE. Obviously we need something to differentiate the King of Fighters belt from the Burning World Championship, as ultimately we want the World Championship to still be seen as the top prize but the King of Fighters matches just don't seem to be connecting with our fans and Kikkawa-san won't like to hear me saying this but I feel we need to move towards phasing the belt out, if it's not working. It would be interesting to see Kikkawa-san and Shimedzu-san go up against again but under normal rules, as the feeling was it that it was the type of match that held the match back from being as good as it could have been.


The World Tag Team Title match delivered about as good as were expecting it to be. Whilst I don't think Taira-san and Masuno-san really have what it takes to carry BHOTWG upon their shoulders as top singles stars, they have improved in recent years and they make for a good bully-heel tag team and their growing experience as a team helped carry through their match with myself and Toshusai-san into being a pretty good contest and were able to put over Wild Fire as legitimate title threats, whilst still retaining a dominant aura.


It should have come as no surprise that the Junior Championship should steal the show and Sensational Dragon, Black Cobra and Marihito Masuko did just that. When the heavyweights aren't quite delivering, it's great to also call upon such excellent Super Juniors and it's not just these three who can deliver great matches......


The Black Heart Flying Squadron (Golden Scorpion & The Awesome Kiyaru) put on a stellar defence of their Junior Tag Titles against Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) they did a good job of playing off the recent history of their non title match and though Universal Excellence lost, BHFS did a good job of putting them over the relative newcomers as legitimate contenders. Yasujiro and Kurofuji have proven to have excellent chemistry as tag team partners and I think given time they could develop into a truly great team.


The ten man elimination match was admittedly filler designed to get as many people a PPV appearance as possible, but the match was fun, quick paced and didn't out stay it's welcome with the fans, whilst Iesada-san, Okazaki-san, Miyamae-san and American Optimus combined to put on a strong opener to get the pay per view off to a strong start.


Now the match that has ruffled feathers amongst those backstage, notably the feathers of Watson-san and Kikkawa-san is Watson-san's match with Pathlow-san. Let's just say Watson-san was none too pleased with doing the job. In fact Watson-san has apparently been getting progressively more agitated over the fact that he has been 'jobbed out'. So of course I have had Kikkawa-san on my back over this, seeing that Kikkawa and Watson are relatively close. Not Kikkawa, Iesada close but the fact that Watson followed Kikkawa to INSPIRE and then back to Burning Hammer means they have a pretty strong relationship.


Fact is I told Kikkawa-san straight, that I don't think the fans really want to see a former MMA star, working a pseudo-MMA style inside of a Puroresu ring. It's a fad that may have been popular ten years ago in our sport but the fans have moved on and whilst striking and submissions are a strong part of what Burning Path style is all about, true practitioners of Burning Path like Iesada-san are able to mix that in with true wrestling skill and finesse, Watson-san can only dream of. I also told Kikkawa-san that the man replacing Watson-san, John Pathlow gives Team INSPIRE something they were lacking a Junior Division prescence as opposed to just being the factions fall guy, which is what Watson-san was quickly becoming.


I guess I am showing my true feelings about Watson-san but he is an over-paid, over-rated prescence on our roster who has only gotten somewhat far in the world of Puroresu by coasting by on his admittedly stellar reputation as a legit MMA fighter and to whom he has managed to cosy up to politically. His contract actually expires at the end of this tour and if he is about to walk out on us, as he has been threatening to do so since, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if he did just that. But for now he remains part of our roster and I'm sure Kikkawa-san will do everything in his power to convince him to stick around and to also convince me to push Watson as a top star once tensions have simmered down once again.


Someone who has earned a new contract is Ken Shimedzu, who is beginning to finally break through as a singles competitor. Admittedly this has earned Shimedzu-san a pay rise, somewhat to the reluctance of Kaneko-san who had to convince that increasing the pay packet of a wrestler who had never quite cracked the main event despite being almost 40 would be a worthwhile investment. But if anyone deserves some of the spotlight it is Shimedzu-san. Not only is a good talent in the ring, but he is also one of the good guys in the locker-room and a true BHOTWG loyalist.


On another note Hinote-Dojo our development fed is going to be back in action next month and the aim is to bring one of the graduates up to the main roster in June. The general feeling is that we need to start gradually bringing up some of the new generation real soon, because we do admittedly have an ageing roster. Perhaps their will need to be cuts to the roster to help bring them up but there is admittedly some lower-card deadwood that could very well be surplus to requirements.

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The show as everything I expected, TK. Which is to say, it was damned good.


Interesting situation with both the King of Fighters title and Mike Watson. I'd personally love to see a unification of titles in some manner and have Kikkawa back in the Burning World title scene.

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The show as everything I expected, TK. Which is to say, it was damned good.


Interesting situation with both the King of Fighters title and Mike Watson. I'd personally love to see a unification of titles in some manner and have Kikkawa back in the Burning World title scene.


Unification is a definite eventual possibility but won't be happening this tour. I actually didn't realise just how much I was jobbing Watson out and I managed to get his morale, to this: :mad:


Oh well if I am going to cheese someone off, may as well be someone I don't particularly care for and besides it makes for good backstage drama :D

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The Contenders Circle (W/C Monday 26th April 2010)


After Kinnojo Horri's failure to defeat Hiroaki Nakasawa for the World Championship at Test of Prophecies, Tasuku Iesada sits atop the contenders circle with a World Title match between Nakasawa and Iesada now pencilled in for the Monday 3rd May show in Chubu Prefecture.


In the Junior Division Sensational Dragon succesfully saw off the challenges of Black Cobra and Marihito Masuko at Test of Prophecies and with no clear challengers in line to Dragon's belt, it is rumoured that the Burning Hammer Championship comitee are looking at some way to shake up the Junior Division Contenders Circle.




Burning World Champion -Hiroaki Nakasawa- (Burning Sekigun)




- Tasuku Iesada- Team INSPIRE (Title shot scheduled for Mon 3rd May)




Kinnojo Horri- Burning Sekigun




Yasuhiko Taira- Black Heart Brethren




Shimedzu- Dragon Feet 2K9




Masaaki Okazaki- Team INSPIRE






Burning Junior Champion -Sensational Dragon- (Dragon Feet 2K9)




- Elemental III - Burning Sekigun




- Marihito Masuko - Burning Sekigun




- Black Cobra - Black Heart Brethren




- The Awesome Kiyaru - Black Heart Brethren




-Golden Scorpion- Black Heart Brethren

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Test of Prophecies 2010 is now in the history books and one that was a good night for all of BHOTWG's defending champions, as all the titles were successfully defended. In an epic main event clash between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri, both champion and challenger pulled out all the stops, with Nakasawa in the end having to pull out his rarely seen H-Sault to make sure of a successful title defence.


BHOTWG's Burn, Don't Freeze Tour continues at the Kunamoto Sports Field in Kyushu on Monday 26th April where the main event will be a Six Man Battle between Team INSPIRE and Burning Sekigun. Lining up for Team INSPIRE is the King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa, the #1 contender to the World Championship Tasuku Iesada and the man who secured his spot in Team INSPIRE at the expense of original member Mike Watson.....John Pathlow; opposing them will be recent World Title challenger Kinnojo Horri and Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera) who were unlucky not be the new World Tag Team Champions at Test of Prophecies. Will Pathlow prove his worth now that he has earned his spot in Team INSPIRE or will the Burning Sekigun trio return to winning ways ?


The Semi main event will see Hiroaki Nakasawa in non title action against one half of The Rebellion in Miyamae. Miyamae's tag team partner Shimedzu has recently begun to break out as a singles competitor, and Miyamae will be keen to prove that he is not the 'weaker' half and a win against Nakasawa would certainly catch people's attention and with Nakasawa coming through a demanding World Title defence against Kinnojo Horri this could be the perfect opportunity for Miyamae to score himself a notable upset victory.


Meanwhile Miyamae's regular Tag partner Shimedzu will have his first Contenders Circle match, since earning his spot a few weeks ago, when he takes on one half of the World Tag Team Champions Yasuhiko Taira. Question is what condition will Shimedzu be in to face the dominating Taira after it appears he was knocked out by Tadiyuki Kikkawa's Burning Lariat in his failed challenge for the King of Fighters title at Test of Prophecies.


And in more singles action Team INSPIRE's Masaaki Okazaki will put his Contenders Circle spot on the line against the leader of The RAGE faction Eiji Hamacho. The RAGE faction have thus far struggled this year and Hamacho will be keen to put that right by taking full advantage of this opportunity to put himself in the frame for a World Title shot at Okazaki's expense but Okazaki in danger of being labelled Team INSPIRE's number 3, will be keen to prove he still has what it takes to be considered a potential title contender.


Completing a quartet of one on one contests will be a mixed weight challenge match as Elemental III takes on World Tag Team Champion Yasunobu Masuno. The Junior Division fan favourite will be a huge underdog against the Black Heart Brethren heavyweight but the heroic masked man is said to be relishing the opportunity to test himself outside of his comfort zone of the Junior Division.


Meanwhile Elemental III's regular tag partner Marihito Masuko will team up with Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) to take on the Black Heart Brethren trio of Black Cobra and the Junior Tag Team Champions the Black Heart Flying Squadron of The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion, whilst the Junior Division champion Sensational Dragon teams with American Optimus to take on Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji), who can count themselves unlucky not be in possession of the Junior Tag belts.


Rounding out the main show is a Six Man Battle pitting The RAGE trio of Chuichi Sanda, Toshiki Shibanumo and Mitsunari Fuganaga against veteran Masataro Kataoka and former Tag champions The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki).


Those who can get to the Kunamoto Sports Field early will see Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) take on Red Panther and Stone Yoshikawa, whilst Mike Watson will look to bounce back from being ousted from Team INSPIRE when he takes on Fukusabaru Inao.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #17 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-



Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #17

(Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu, Monday 26th April 2010)


~Validation~ Six Man Battle (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters-

Tadiyuki Kikkawa,

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner-

Tasuku Iesada &

John Pathlow


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kinnojo Horri &

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


Strength of Character Non Title Test (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion-

Hiroaki Nakasawa


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

World Tag Team Champion-

Yasuhiko Taira


Contenders Circle Spot Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Masaaki Okazaki


'Representing RAGE'

Eiji Hamacho


Special Fortitude Mixed Weight Singles Showdown (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Elemental III


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

World Tag Team Champion-

Yasunobu Masuno


Junior Division Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko &

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra &

Junior Tag Team Champions-

The Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


Junior Tag Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon &

American Optimus


Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Six Man Battle (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo


Masataro Kataoka &

The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther vs Yoshikawa

Fukusabaru Inao vs Mike Watson




Predictions Form:


Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera


Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae

Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira

CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho

Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno

Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion

Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki

Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa

Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson


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Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera



Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

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