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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Combustion Tour- Show 7-

Ultimate Tag League: First Blast: Third Shot!!!

(Wed 22nd September 2010)


Akita Stadium, Tohoku (5'000- Super No Vacancy)




Match A: Red Panther vs Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


No surprises of what was on offer here, as the four competitors involved dished up a typically fast paced affair with little in the way of a 'feeling out process' and a rapid succession of near falls. The finishing sequence saw Red Panther plant White Samurai with the Panther-plex (Pumphandle Double Arm German Suplex) only for the pin to be broken up by Koyama with the Top This (Standing Corkscrew Moonsault)...Koyama then decided to head up top, but Super Joshuya then rolled back into the ring and brought the former WLW man crashing back into the ring with the Postcard From Acapulco (Slingshot Rana) which was rolled through into a tight pinning hold, as the veteran picked up the victory.


Result: Super Joshuya [w] bt Red Panther + The Incredible Koyama [L] + White Samurai in 5:38 via pinfall (Postcard From Acapulco)

Rating: C



Match B: Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura & Masutaro Kataoka


The 'Pre-show Express' of Sotomura & Kataoka used their slither of tag team experience over the thrown together pairing of Fuganaga and O'Curle to control the early going, isolating the 'Irish Stretching Machine' in particular but O'Curle proved resillient and the Irishman was able to get Fuganaga into the match. As the match wore on Fuganaga and O'Curle asserted more control and in the end it was Kataoka who ended up being planted into the mat courteousy of Fuganaga with the Who's Laughing Now (Double Underhook Facebuster.


Result: Mitsunari Fuganaga [w] & Merle O'Curle bt Roku Sotomura & Masutaro Kataoka [L]

Rating: C


Onodera's Assessment: This was Kataoaka's final match of his job out of the door tour, after he agreed his 'development' deal with PGHW's feeder promotion SAISHO and this match was basically set up to give O'Curle a 'cheap boost'.



Main Show


Match #1: Ultimate Tag League:

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg


The main show kicks off with Ultimate Tag League action, as The Rebellion and Wild Fire face off. Both teams lost their opening match but bounced back on the second show and a win here for either team will put them in a good position to go on and win the tournament.


The match begins with Wild Fire, led by Toshusai's wild brawling setting the early pace and putting The Rebellion on the backfoot. The tag team champions however weather the storm and after Shimedzu wipes out Toshusai with a Slingshot press, Miyamae drilled Onodera with a dropkick to put The Rebellion in control.


Miyamae then planted Onodera with a Dragon Suplex but Onodera showed fighting spirit by popping right back up and planting Miyamae with the O2 SUPLEX (Bridging German Suplex)......








Miyamae kicked out but Onodera immediately placed the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface) on 'the Viper'....luckily for Miyamae however Shimedzu was on hand to stomp away at Onodera and force 'the Iron Man' to relinquish the submission hold.


Shimedzu knocked Toshusai off the ring apron with a running boot, as a recovered Miyamae went for the GLITTERING MAGICIAN KNEE only for Onodera to block the move and then counter into a Cradle Pin








Shimedzu was once again on hand to break up the pin, and after rocking Onodera with a double superkick, the tag team champs then planted 'the Iron Man' with a double team slingshot suplex.......


Onodera kicked out defiantly but The Rebellion were now in full control, with Onodera's partner Toshusai looking on in frustration.....


Shimedzu then dished out the facewash to Onodera, which irritated Toshusai enough to draw 'Wild Charisma' into the ring, but Miyamae was able to drop-kick Toshusai into the corner and the World Tag Team Champions then decided to go for a stereo facewash.....


Onodera however managed to move out of the way and then rock Shimedzu with an Enziguri before collapsing to the mat, whilst Toshusai lept up out of his corner and nailed Miyamae with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick).


That sequence led to a worn down Onodera, tagging out to Toshusai. 'Wild Charisma' reeled off a series of lefts and rights on Shimedzu, before planting 'Kamikaze Spirit' with the SPINE SHOCKER (Spinebuster)......








Miyamae broke up the pin but was then taken down with a clothesline from 'Wild Charisma'. Toshusai then placed Miyamae in the double underhook, but a recovered Shimedzu was able to nail Toshusai with a kick from behind.


The Rebellion then took down Toshusai with a chop block/spin kick combo before Miyamae headed up top, but Onodera raced out of the corner and sent 'the Viper' crashing back into the ring with a superplex !


Toshusai then went for the SHOCK KICK on Shimedzu, but 'Kamikaze Spirit' caught the leg and countered into a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Onodera then nailed Shimedzu with the END OF YOU (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head).....


But referee Omura Umeki, rightfully noted that Onodera was not the legal man and prevented 'the Iron Man' from making the pin.


With Toshusai still somewhat hobbled from Shimedzu's Dragon Screw Leg Whip and with Shimedzu nearer to his side of the ring, 'Kamikaze Spirit' was able to get the tag out to Miyamae faster.


'The Viper' nailed Toshusai with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN knee strike before placing 'Wild Charisma' into the SNAKE CHARMER (Over the Shoulder Single Leg Crab).....


Seeing that Toshusai was in a whole world of pain, Onodera desperately tried to enter the ring to make the save but was cut off by Shimedzu, who delivered a boot to Onodera's mid-section before drilling 'the Iron Man' with a DDT and then applying the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke).......


But if there is one thing Toshusai is particularly noted for, it's his never say did attitude and sudden ability to become impervious to pain and 'Wild Charisma' was able to do just that, shaking off the agonising strain his leg was being put under and making it across to the ropes to force the rope break.


The Rebellion were forced to release both submission holds but still looked to be in control, only for Toshusai to take down the World Tag Team champions with a double clothesline. 'Wild Charisma' then gave his customary double bird signal to both members of The Rebellion and then planted Miyamae with the SPINE SHOCKER before sending Shimedzu out of the ring with a clothesline and then turning his attention back to Miyamae to make the cover.......








Miyamae kicked out, but Toshusai was now in the ascendency and he applied a double underhook to then plant 'the Viper' across his knees with the SHOCK TREATMENT (Double Underhook Backbreaker).....








Shimedzu dived back in to make the save, but 'Kamikaze Spirit' was then tossed out to the floor by Onodera, who was then tagged back into the match by Toshusai.......


'Wild Charisma' lifted up the dazed Miyamae with a wheelbarrow hold, leading into the 8 WAY SANTA (Wheelbarrow Facebuster/Cutter combo)........








Shimedzu dived back in at the last split second to make the save......


Kamikaze Spirit then ducked a clothesline from Toshusai and then nailed Onodera with the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot) just as Onodera was about to set up for the Call The Doctor).......


Miyamae then planted Onodera with the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO), whilst Shimedzu rocked Toshusai with a roundhouse kick and then took 'Wild Charisma' down to the mat with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip.......








Toshusai hobbled back in to make the save again, but 'Wild Charisma' was neutralised by The Rebellion once again, as the World Tag Team champions combined with a double Dragon Screw Legwhip.


With Toshusai left lying in a heap, Onodera's brave efforts to try and battle back were soon cut off and a double team superkick put The Rebellion in full control....Miyamae then headed up top as Shimedzu lifted up the dazed Onodera with a front facelock.....


SPIKED SKULL DROP (Aided Spike Brainbuster).......






Three !!!


The Rebelllion remain on course to win the Ultimate Tag League, but Wild Fire's hopes now appear to have vanished after this pivotal match, despite putting in a great effort against the World Tag Team Champions.


Result: Shimedzu & Miyamae [w] bt Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera [L] in 18:02 via pinfall (Spiked Skull Drop)

Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: It's tricky with The Rebellion, on one hand I want to give them the strong singles pushes, Shimedzu-san and Miyamae-san have waited patiently years for. However it's matches like this and in fact all their previous two in the UTL so far, that show how much value they still have to the Tag Division and why I really do not want to break them up anytime soon.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: We may have got this tournament off on the wrong foot, but Miyamae-san and I are now on a roll and though it may not still be in our hands right now, we will do our best to win this tournament.


Miyamae: The Ultimate Tag League, deserves to be won by the best tag team and apart from one hiccup, we are proving that we ARE the best.





Match #2: Kinnojo Horri vs Omezo Shiketei


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OmezoShikitei.jpg


Omezo Shikitei was aggressive from the start, as he tried to get a head start on the number one contender to the World Championship. The recent call up from Hinote Dojo, targetted Horri's arm with some stiff kicks and the plan seemed to be working as Horri just couldn't get going in the first few minutes of the match.


'Ice Heart' however became over confident and an overhead Belly to Belly Suplex switched the momentum of the match, and it was momentum that Shiketei would not be able to get back as Horri's power offence took over, with Shikitei eventually succumbing to the HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster) in just over eight minutes.


Result: Kinnojo Horri [w] bt Omezo Shiketei [L] in 8:13 via pinfall (Horri Spinebuster)

Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Despite Shikitei-san getting in a decent amount of offence, the fans were never going to buy into him pulling off the upset over a main event staple like Horri. In matches like this it's often better to keep things short and sweet and though I was trying to showcase Shikitei-san as much as possible, this one may have overstayed it's welcome just a little.


Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: Ultimately my focus is upon winning the World Championship, but up until Nakasawa-san face each other once again, I will always give my all every match I am in. Tonight Shikitei-san could have caught someone off lesser commitment off guard tonight, but I know that the best preperation to face Nakasawa-san is to give one million per cent in every match, for I must stay sharp for when my opportunity comes round, because that opportunity may not come round again.



Match #3: Yoshii Shiomi, VENOM & Toshiki Shibanumo vs

Marihito Masuko, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda








The Burning Sekigun trio of Masuko and Size of the Fight started stronger, leading to the RAGE trio taking a powder only to be wiped out with a trio of dives to the floor. RAGE however got back into it, and Kokan almost fell victim to the ENGAGE THE RAGE (Reverse STO/Enziguri) combo, but was saved at the last split second by Konda. An Elemental Suplex on Shiomi, following a mis-timed Shiomi Bomb Drop (High Angle Senton Bomb) enabled Kokan to get the tag into Marihito Masuko.


Masuko nearly earned victory courteousy of the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex) on VENOM but Shibanumo made the save and then planted the 'Painted Wonder' with the BROKEN PROMISES (Sideslam Backbreaker)....Konda however made the save with the KONDA SPLASH (Frogsplash) and then after getting officially tagged into the match, caught Shibanumo with the KONDA KUTTER (Jumping Cutter) as Masuko and Kokan fended off Little Fury.


Result: Marihito Masuko, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda [w] bt Yoshii Shiomi, VENOM & Toshiki Shibanumo in 9:47 via pinfall (Konda Kutter)

Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: A fairly predictable time filler, mid-card Six Man...right down to the fact that most fans would have been able to call Shibanumo being the one to take the fall in the match.



Match #4: Non Title:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Nisso Yuasha


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg


Nisso Yuasha proved to be something of an immovable object as the World Champion attacked early in this non title match. Unable to shift the 'Baby Elephant' off his feet Nakasawa was soon levelled with a clothesline from the Super Heavyweight who then lifted the World Champion up high into the air, before dropping Nakasawa as if the World Champion was like a Junior Heavyweight with the THUNDER DROP (Gorilla Press Slam).....


Nakasawa showed the fighting spirit that has made him a two time time World Champion by kicking out but Yuasha remained in control, and whipped Nakasawa hard into the corner. The 'Baby Elephant' then came charging in to connect with the ELEPHANT STAMPEDE (Body Avalanche) but Yuasha's lack of explosiveness proved to be his downfall as Nakasawa was able to move out of the way and then nail Yuasha with a dropkick, followed by basement drop-kick that was able to finally take Yuasha off his feet.


The World Champion then headed up top and came crashing down upon the 'Baby Elephant' with the H-SAULT (Moonsault) and with Yuasha unable to shift his considerable mass off the canvas, that proved to be enough for Nakasawa to pick up the victory.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] bt Nisso Yuasha [L] in 5:43 via pinfall (H-Sault)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: A pretty fun five minute non title match, with Yuasha-san involved this was never going to be a classic but we kept it short and accentuate his positives, whilst having Nakasawa-san remaining strong at the end. The way we are booking Yuasha-san right now, is that we are using his size as both his strength and his weakness.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: I will admit that what I truly want is for Kikkawa-san to grow a pair and challenge me for this title, the Burning World Championship, the title that actually MEANS something but that does not mean that my focus will not be upon whoever is put in front of me, and at Quest of Heart, my focus will be fully upon retaining the title against Horri-san. Allies and defenders of the very pride of Burning Hammer me may well be together but one thing matters more than anything else and that's being Burning World Champion.



Match #5: Ultimate Tag League:

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg


The second UTL match pits Black Heart Brethren against Black Heart Brethren, the BHFS have started the tournament stronger and with a win would be right back in contention, whilst Black Magic have suffered two losses. Question is just how would Black Magic approach this match?


Thise questions were soon answered when Masuno and Taira aggressively attacked their stable mates before the bell had even rung, leading to the BHFS taking a powder. Black Magic then patiently waited for Kiyaru and Scorpion to get back into the ring, only for the Junior Division pair to duck a pair of clotheslines from Black Magic and rock their mulleted stable mates with stereo drop-kicks.


The BHFS then went followed up with stereo Enziguri's from the ring apron before both headed up top, but Masuno moved out of the way of a moonsault from Scorpion and Taira got the knees up as Kiyaru soared off with the MAGIC CLOUD (Impoding 450 Splash)....


Kiyaru kicked out of Taira's following pin attempt, but the BHFS eagerness to try and finish off their stable mates quickly back-fired and Black Magic were able to take control.....


The pace of the match slowed down as the former World Tag Team champions looked to methodically wear down Kiyaru in the corner but when Masuno went for the Avalanche Bomb, Kiyaru was able to counter into a Victory Roll only for Taira to break up the pin. Taira then tagged back in and dumped the 'Dark Enigma' with the SAMSON SLAM (Pumphandle Fallaway Slam) for a two count.


The Bulldozer then pitched Kiyaru onto the top-rope to set up for the WRECKING BALL (Muscle Buster) but Kiyaru fought his way out and then rocked Taira with the KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner).....


Taira just about kicked out and then tried to prevent Kiyaru from tagging out to Scorpion but, Kiyaru managed to fight off the 'Bulldozer's attempts and get the tag into Scorpion who rocked Taira with a springboard drop-kick.


That lead to Taira toppling over the top-rope and Scorpion launching himself towards 'The Bulldozer' with a slingshot cross body. 'The Gold and Black Attack' then went to pitch Taira back into the ring only to be blindsided from behind by Yasunobu Masuno, who then bodyslammed Scorpion. Kiyaru however had re-entered the ring and then after climbing the top turnbuckle launched himself onto everyone with a moonsault press.


Kiyaru and Masuno were the one's to scramble back into the ring as referee Koetsu Shinozaki struggled to keep track of who was still the legal man. A big boot from Masuno put the 'Hammer in Control'. Masuno then lifted Kiyaru up into a vertical suplex, but just as 'the Hammer' was about to turn it into the BLAST TEST (Vertical Suplex Side Slam) he received a faceful of Black Mist from Kiyaru.


Perhaps because it was Black Heart Brethren against Black Heart Brethren, referee Shinozaki decided to completely ignore Kiyaru's misdemeanour and the 'Dark Enigma' was able to combine on a legsweep/springboard leg lariat combo with Scorpion to take down Masuno.


Scorpion then launched himself back out to the floor with a slingshot cross body, whilst Kiyaru came crashing down upon the fallen Masuno with the ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press).....








Taira dived back in to make the save, as Scorpions attempts to neutralise 'the Hammer' earlier had backfired, as Taira caught Scorpion and had him slammed the 'Gold and Black Attack' against the ring-apron.


Taira then took down Kiyaru with a clothesline, before whipping 'the Dark Enigma' into a corner and following up with THE FLATTENER (Running Clothesline in the Corner)....Kiyaru staggered out and right into the DEVASTATOR (Flapjack/Cutter combo)......


Taira then made the pin, as Masuno held off Scorpion from making the save....








Black Magic had finally got a win on the board in the UTL but at the expense of their stable mates,and with it hurting the Black Heart Flying Squadron's chances of winning the tournament will it a drive a rift between the BHB stable mates?


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno bt The Awesome Kiyaru [L] & Golden Scorpion in 10:49 via pinfall (Devastator)

Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: This was always going to be one of the trickiest matches to put together, because it's a heel stable going up against one another. On one hand we didn't want to short change the fans by having one team do something really dishonourable by laying down for the other but then again we didn't just want to have them go out there and wrestle a straight match. I think we managed to strike a solid balance, with both sides willing to take short cuts against the other in order to pick up the win.


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: I suppose you are all hoping, that because we have just ended Kiyaru-san and Scorpion-san's hopes of winning the UTL, this will drive a wedge between the Black Heart Brethen....


The Awesome Kiyaru: I can assure you all it won't...our fellow Brethen just did what they had to do, for they had too much pride to remain defeated for too long.....


Golden Scorpion: Indeed Masuno-san and Taira-san were just better than us tonight.....


Yasunobu Masuno: The Black Heart Brethren will remain united and we will not apologise for the destruction we will cause in our path, in order to truly dominate Burning Hammer.



Match #6: Elemental III, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs Mister Macho, Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji








Unusually for a match involving Elemental III, his side seem to be the de-facto heels in this one as Snow Lizzard use their experience and some subtle corner cutting to isolate Haru Kurofuji from the rest of his Macho-Universe stable mates.


Kurofuji weathered the storm however, culiminating in the 'Tohoku Warrior' kicking out of an Elemental Suplex and then with one last burst of energy dumps the Best of the Super Juniors cup winner with TOHOKU THUNDER SUPLEX. That provided an opening for Kurofuji to get the tag into Yasujro, who cleaned house with a series of leg lariats and then went up top to set up for a SKY TWISTER PRESS on Shiraishi only for Elemental III to send him crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana. The SNOW SLIDE (Sliding Fore Arm Smash) from Kawate followed, but Macho was able to break up the pin, before the former Raging Bull ate a roundhouse kick from Elemental III.


Elemental III then headed up top himself, but the 'Third Generation Icon' crashed and burned on the INFERNO SPLASH as Yasujiro rolled out of the way, the Mighty Mouse then hoisted Elemental III upon his shoulders and then planted the BOSJ Cup winner with the YASUJIRO SUPLEX (Electric Chair German Suplex)......


Snow Lizzard were on hand to make the save however and combined to plant Yasujiro with the SL SNAPPER (Russian Legsweep Neckbreaker/Combo)......


Kurofuji however broke up the pin with the KAMIKAZE Headbutt, Mister Macho then levelled Shiraishi with a Macho Lariat, as Kurofuji then dived to the floor with a suicide dive to wipe out Elemental III....Kawate then also ate a Macho Lariat before being drilled into the canvas with the OLD SKOOL PILEDRIVER by the former RAGE leader , leading to the decisive three count in favour of the Macho-Universe trio.


Result: Mister Macho [w], Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji bt Elemental III, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate [L] in 10:46 via pinfall (Old Skool Piledriver)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Solid Six man action, and though Kawate-san tasted defeat, this was amongst some of the best work Snow Lizzard had put in for a while, as they looked motivated to be featuring on the main show. Though Elemental III was the biggest name in the match, it was more important for Macho-Universe to look stronger as a unit.



Match #7: Sensational Dragon vs Gareth Wayne


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GarethWayne.jpg?t=1295655891


Gareth Wayne couldn't contend with the Junior Champions speed at the beginning of the match, and was soon heading out of the ring for a powder. The Sensational One wanted to make a short night of it however and launched himself at Wayne with a Springboard splash but the American Bastard was armed with a chair and swatted Dragon out of mid-air with the commonly used foreign object.


Wayne then got in a few more chair shots on Dragon, before referee Umeki had enough and pulled the chair out of the BHB gaijin's hands. Wayne then patientally waited for Umeki to count Dragon out, but soon abandoned that plan when Dragon showed signs of getting back into the ring. Wayne then slid out to the floor and levelled the Sensational One with a big boot, before scooping Dragon up and driving the Junior champion back first against the ring post.


Wayne again waited for Umeki to count Dragon out, but the Junior Champion managed to roll in and beat the twenty count. The 'American Bastard' remained in control and after a series of clubbing blows set up for the NU VEGAS BOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb), only for Dragon to counter into a victory roll. However Wayne was able to power out of the pin and then level Dragon with a Lariat, before lifting Dragon up with a vertical suplex but once again the Junior Champion had a counter, reversing into a stunner in mid flow.


Wayne then managed to roll out of the ring, but this time Dragon didn't make the same mistake as last time and simply waited for Wayne to get back into the ring, however the American Bastard was up to something, pulling a chain out from under the ring apron and wrapping it around his arm. Wayne then charged to connect with the JACKPOT JOLT (Charging Fore Arm Smash) but the American Bastard's desperation move back fired as Dragon ducked under the chain wrapped fore-arm of Wayne and then nailed the BHB gaijin with a superkick.


A second superkick then followed, before the Junior Champion planted Wayne with the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui) for the three count.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Gareth Wayne [L] in 7:47 via pinfall (Dragon Slice)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Decent big man-little man match, with Wayne-san looking a threat but Dragon-san coming out strong at the end, which is exactly how our Junior champion should be portrayed against lower to middle tier heavyweight opposition.



Match #8: Ultimate Tag League:

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki) vs

Rapid Danger (Taskuku Iesada & John Pathlow)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda-1.jpg& http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg



Rapid Danger, the Team INSPIRE duo have made the best start out of anyone in the UTL, whilst the RAGE duo made up of their former stable mates Sanda & Okazaki are looking to de-rail their march towards the cup and get back on the winning track themsleves.


The match ahead is something of a slow burning affair, as both sides are unable to truly hammer home any sort of advantage during the first ten minutes of the match. Just when it looked like one side would be able to cut off the ring and truly take control, the wrestler in jeopardy would find a way to slip/battle out and get in their partner.


John Pathlow however was keen to step things up a gear, and after drop-kicking Okazaki out of the ring, wound up for a suicide dive, unfortunately this impatience proved to be 'Rapid Fire's undoing as Sanda slide into the ring and nailed Pathlow with the SHOCK KICK (Running Big Boot) and though referee Terakado resumed control sending Sanda immediately back to his corner it was enough to enable Okazaki to slide back into the ring and go for an immediate cover.......


It was a cover that Pathlow easily kicked out of but for the first time in the match one side was able to take complete control, owing to the fact that Pathlow's impatience to step things up several notches had got the better of him.


The RAGE duo then continued a methodical approach to wear down Pathlow, the focus of their attack being the gaijin junior's back. The reason for that focus became evident when Okazaki turned 'Rapid Fire' over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf)........


Iesada seeing that the situation was becoming desperate dived in to try and make the save but his attempt was cut off by referee Terakado. Realising that the refs focus was on pacifying Iesada, Explosive Tension turned that situation to their advantage as Sanda came in and nailed Pathlow in the face with a running kick, before Okazaki let go of the Century Crab Lift and the RAGE duo then combined on the chop block/spin kick combo......


Terakado having settled Iesada back to his corner, turned his attention back to the match itself.......








Somehow despite all he had been put through for nearly five minutes John Pathlow some how managed to kick out to the immediate frustration of Explosive Tension.....


Pathlow then immediately tried to battle back with a flurry of chops and kicks, but he was soon running out of steam and that flurry was immediately cut off, whipped hard into the Explosive Tension corner Pathlow was then pitched onto the top turnbuckle as Masaaki Okazaki headed up top and began to set up for a top rope Exploder Suplex.....


But Pathlow suddenly found a second wind, fighting Okazaki off with a series of Elbows to the side of the head. That caused Okazaki to stumble backwards, and before Sanda could intervene, 'Rapid Fire' came crashing down upon 'No Mercy' with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop)........


Pathlow knowing he was too far away to tag out, made the cover........






To no one's surprise Sanda, least of all Pathlow's Sanda was there to make the save........ And despite Sanda stomping away on Pathlow, it just seemed to fire up the hard hitting gaijin junior even more......'Rapid Fire' unleashed a flurry of chops and kicks on Sanda before rebounding off the ropes to level 'Explosive' with the APOCALYPSE LARIAT.......


The fuel tank however at that point for Pathlow had now completely run dry and he was unable to scramble across to make the cover......as referee Terakado applied a double count......


Confusion aside, as to who the legal man for Explosive Tension actually was at this stage....Sanda managed to tag out to Okazaki, despite having never actually tagged in himself earlier and once again it looked like Pathlow's attempts to get Iesada back into the match would come up short.


But before Okazaki could prevent Pathlow from doing so, 'Rapid Fire' was finallly able to make the long awaited tag to the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner. A brief pause was had, as the former stable mates appeared to acknowledge a mutual respect for one another, before both unloaded a flurry of strikes, with neither one backing down.


Eventually however the fresher Iesada's began to seize control, and Okazaki's guard was worn down enough for 'Dangerous' to flip his former stable mate over into the IESADA BRIDGE (Northern Lights Suplex)......








Sanda dived in to make the save, and then tried to connect with the EXPLOSION KICK II (Spin Kick) upon Iesada, but the Super 10 Cup Holder was able to duck under and then fell Sanda with a basement drop-kick.


Okazaki however managed to club Iesada from behind, and then plant Iesada with the OKAZAKI EXPLOSION (Wrist Clutch Exploder)......








Pathlow dived back into make the save and then rocked Okazaki with a Roundhouse kick, before soaring through the ring ropes to wipe out Sanda with a suicide dive.......


Both Iesada and Okazaki managed to stagger up to their feet, but it was the INSPIRE man who would be able to seize back the advantage with a running knee strike, before instantly locking on the IESADA SPECIAL (Briding Cross Arm Breaker)......


But Okazaki had the move well scouted, clasping his hands together to prevent Iesada from truly syching in the hold and then countering into the ANGULAR ARM BAR (Grounded Arm Bar).....


Seeing that Iesada was in trouble Pathlow scurried back into the ring and unleashed a series of stiff kicks, on Okazaki but No Mercy steadfastly refused to give up on the submission hold......


Chuichi Sanda then entered the ring and dropped Pathlow with a clothesline........


And all appeared to be lost for Rapid Danger at that stage, but Iesada managed to tough it out and make it across to the ropes to force the rope-break......


Terakado then managed to restore order, with Sanda and Pathlow sent back to their corners. With Iesada still clutching at his arm Okazaki once again set up for the OKAZAKI EXPLOSION but Iesada was able to slip out and then drill Okazaki with a DDT...........


Before scrambling across and getting the tag into Pathlow, who then nailed 'No Mercy' with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Side Kick)........








Sanda however was on hand once again to make the save, and the RAGE leader was able to think ahead knocking Iesada off the apron with an EXPLOSION KICK (Running Big Boot).......


Pathlow then drop-kicked Sanda out of the ring, only for a recovered Okazaki to take Pathlow down with a chop block from behind and then turn 'Rapid Fire' over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT.....


Just as lit looked like Pathlow would be forced to tap out, Iesada dived back in to make the save, but the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner, was then levelled with a clothesline from Chuichi Sanda, before Explosive Tension combined to plant Pathlow with a double team Exploder Suplex, that Toru Minamoto on commentary instantly called the EX2.....






Iesada had begun to stir......




But he was a fraction too late, as the RAGE duo prevailed on this occasion, resulting in a three way tie at the top of the standings between themselves, the team they had just beaten and tournament favourites The Rebellion.


Result: Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow [L] in 21:38 via pinfall (EX2)

Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: To be honest I was hoping for a little better, from these two teams. The structure with Explosive Tension wearing down Pathlow-san for much of the match was admirable but unfortunely the match took some to get going and we didn't really get to see the strong team chemistry between Rapid Danger with the way the match panned out. There were some moments, but there is the feeling that with a few tweeks they could have delivered better.


Post Match Comments:


Chuichi Sanda: This will serve as a wake up call to everyone that Explosive Tension mean business, and that we will lead RAGE into a new era. No longer will RAGE be a bi-word for also-ran, because real winners like Okazaki-san and I are leading the way for others to follow.


Masaaki Okazaki: You know what getting kicked out of Team INSPIRE was the best thing that could have happened to me, because with RAGE I get treated like an equal and I'm happy to share success with Sanda-san right here, because he too saw first hand what it's like to be held down.


Tasaku Iesada: Kikkawa-san, I know what you're thinking....but thing is no one is perfect not even you and one day you will get taken down and the man to take you down could very well be me. Okazaki-san and Sanda-san got the better of us tonight, two men who were once our allies in Team INSPIRE, two good men you drove away Kikkawa-san with your over inflated standards. Defeat can either make you stronger or it can destroy you...Pathlow-san and I will come back stronger from this defeat and still win the UTL, but I'm not sure you'd be able to handle defeat the same way Kikkawa-san.



Just as a defeated Tasuku Iesada and John Pathlow are heading backstage, their stable mate Tadiyuki Kikkawa passes by them on the entrance ramp...the Team INSPIRE leader has a smug smirk on his face, Rapid Danger's heads remain down as they try to avoid eye contact with the King of Fighters.....


Kikkawa smug smirk still plastered across his face, then enters the ring with a microphone in hand....




Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I bet you were all thinking, I had decided to take the night off....well I'm going to give you fans a treat......


Because you'll get to see a real main eventer, where he belongs.....


In the main event !!! Now I'm just hoping for your sake, who.......


Kikkawa is cut off mid sentance, as Black Cobra emerges on the entrance ramp.....




Black Cobra: No need to bore the fans anymore with your self serving verbal diarrhea Kikkawa-san....I'm challenging you for the King of Fighters belt......


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Oh do me a favour, you couldn't even beat that young lion for the Junior Cup.....


Black Cobra: And you know what Elemental-san beating me, was the best thing that happened to me.....


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Oh really, yeah I really enjoy defeat...shame it pretty much never happens to me......


Black Cobra: You really don't get it do you......


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: No to be honest I really don't get the attraction of tasting defeat, but if that is what gives you a buzz Cobra-san, then step into this ring...because if you like being beaten, then I can satisfy your.....


Black Cobra: You really are full of it, perhaps once I defeat you for that belt, then you will GET it........


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: The only thing I'll be getting is an easy workout, because seriously there's no way, absolutely no way...you can beat me, the KING of Fighters!


Rating: B


~The Eyes Strike What They See~

Match #9: King of Fighters Championship:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Black Cobra




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg


Cobra rushes the ring ducks a clothesline from Kikkawa and then nails the King of Fighters with a drop-kick. Kikkawa stumbles back towards the corner, and 'Canadian Darkness' follows in with a corner drop-kick. Kikkawa staggers out and gets taken off his feet with basement drop-kick. Cobra then decided to head up top, but Kikkawa staggered back to his feet only to be knocked back down again with a missile drop-kick.


However before Cobra can follow in, Kikkawa manages to roll out of the ring, but the drop-kick clinic continues from Cobra, as 'Canadian Darkness' nails the King of Fighters with a running drop-kick from the apron.


That sent Kikkawa crashing against the barriers, before Cobra re-entered the ring, seeing Kikkawa stagger back up to his feet on the outside, Cobra then went for a suicide dive....Kikkawa was able to get out of the way and both of them went sprawling into the crowd.


Cobra knowing that he had to win by submission or knockout inside the ring however, went to pitch the shell shocked Kikkawa back into the ring, but the King of Fighters 'returned to life'by planting Cobra againt the ring apron with a Uranage Slam.


Kikkawa then whipped Cobra into the guard-rail, before scooping 'Canadian Darkness' up and driving Cobra back-first into the ring post. Kikkawa then lifted Cobra up with a vertical suplex, before sending the BHB man crashing onto the ring apron with a Brainbuster.


Kikkawa then pitched Cobra back into the ring and asked referee Umeki to make the ten count, propping himself up agains the corner as he continued to get his composure back after turning things round after Cobra's fast start.


Cobra staggered back up to his feet after seven but as soon as Kikkawa saw that, the Team INSPIRE leader levelled Cobra with a KIKKAWA LARIAT.


Kikkawa once again asked for Umeki to make the ten count, but noticed Cobra stirring around five, and instead moved into to lift 'Canadian Darkness' up for a vertical suplex.....


Cobra however slipped out and then rocked Kikkawa with an Enziguiri before taking the INSPIRE leader off his feet with a chop-block, Cobra the looked for the Stone Hold but Kikkawa was able to kick Cobra away.....


Kikkawa then took control again with a series of fore-arm smashes beforer whipping Cobra across the ring and then levelling 'Canadian Darkness' with another KIKKAWA LARIAT...


Once again Kikkawa asked Umeki to make the ten count.....


But Cobra was back up to his feet in an instant and rocked Kikkawa with a standing drop-kick but the King of Fighter's shook it off , and came right back with a fore-arm smash before scooping the dazes Cobra upon his shoulders......


But just as it looked like Kikkawa would plant Cobra with the KIKKAWA DRIVER, 'Canadian Darkness' was able to counter into a crucifix bomb, before following in with a basement drop-kick. The Black Heart Brethren man, then decided to head for the top turbuckle but Kikkawa was able to stagger back up to his feet, only for Cobra to dive off and take the King of Fighters down with a spinning head-scissors that he was able to transition into the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning Head-scissors Arm Bar)......


Cobra had the arm submission locked on right in the middle of the ring, and Kikkawa looked to be in trouble as Canadian Darkness wrenched back on the arm with an intense focus. But Kikkawa was determined not to tap out and eventually powered his way to the ropes to force the rope break.


Cobra however kept the pressure up, continuing to work over the same arm he had just placed in the Alabaster Agony. Cobra then looked to re-apply an arm bar, but Kikkawa was able to battle out and then levelled the BHB man with a clothesline using his 'good arm'.


Cobra however got right back up again and rocked Kikkawa with a drop-kick, before taking the King of Fighters down with a chop-block. After a series of stomps to Kikkawa, Cobra then headed up top and then came soaring off with the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Swandive Headbutt)......


But Kikkawa moved out of the way and Cobra 'crashed and burned', Kikkawa then levelled Cobra with a Kikkawa Lariat but then collapsed to the mat clutching his arm in agony......


Both then staggered back up to their feet around the same time, Kikkawa again went for the Kikkawa Lariat but Cobra was able to duck under and then connected with a leg lariat, before building up momentum to snap off another spinning head-scissors but this time Kikkawa was able to block and countered into a powerbomb......


Kikkawa then lifted Cobra back up to a vertical base and then delivered a BURNING LARIAT, but as the right arm he usually delivers the move with had been weakened, he had to deliver it with his left arm...However Cobra still crumpled to the mat, as Kikkawa's feared lariat was delivered with an almighty impact and referee Umeki began the inevitable ten count.....










Cobra managed to get back to his feet at the last split second to the stunning surprise of the fans and to the instant frustration of Kikkawa, that margin between delivering the Burning Lariat with his other arm as opposed to his more trusted arm, proved decisive to Cobra's survival.....


Cobra however was running on empty and Kikkawa reeled Canadian Darkness in to set up for the INFERNO TOWER (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb), but Cobra suddenly found a burst of energy slipping out and then rocking Kikkawa with a basement drop-kick. Cobra then slipped under a lariat from the staggering Kikkawa before slipping under the ring ropes and then hitting a springboard drop-kick on the rebound.....


Cobra then snapped off another spinning head-scissors, once again right into the ALABASTER AGONY !!!


This time Cobra had it placed on the other arm, as he looked to weaken both arm of the King of Fighters, but perhaps because it was weakened enough already....Kikkawa was able to find a quick burst of fighting spirit and battle his way over to the ropes and force a much needed respite in the form of a rope break.


But it was Cobra who would continue to keep the pressure on, taking Kikkawa off his feet with a chop block, before looking to turn over the King of Fighters into the STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter)....


Kikkawa however was able to fight it off, kicking Cobra off into the ring-ropes, but Canadian Darkness came right back to rock the INSPIRE leader with a running knee strike, before deciding to head for the top turnbuckle once again......


But Kikkawa was able to stagger back up to his feet and cut Cobra off from taking flight.....Kikkawa then unleashed a flurry of chops upon Cobra, before climbing up to the second turnbuckle and placing Cobra upon his shoulders, 'Canadian Darkness' furiously trieds to battle out with a series of elbows but Kikkawa steadfastly withstood the pressure before sending Cobra crashing hard to the canvas with an Avalanche KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).......


Umeki once again started the ten count, as Cobra laid motionless against the mat......








Cobra was back up but was levelled with a KIKKAWA LARIAT, Kikkawa then clutched at his arm but gritted through the pain, and then lifted Cobra up, before sending 'Canadian Darkness' crashing hard into the mat with the INFERNO TOWER (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb)........


Umeki was on hand once more, to make the all important ten count.....








TEN !!!


This time Cobra wasn't able to get up, and despite the veteran gaijin junior heavyweight giving him a tougher test than he was probably expecting, Kikkawa once again showed the bloody minded determination, that has seen him obsessively keep hold of the King of Fighters Championship since he brought it to BHOTWG with him from INSPIRE.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt Black Cobra [L] in 25:01 via stoppage (Inferno Tower)

Tadiyuki Kikkawa makes V15 Defence of the King of Fighters Championship

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: As expected these two were able to put on a very good match against each other, but despite Cobra-san controlling much of the match and having a very strong game plan, very few of the fans were going into buy into the KOF belt changing hands here, with showdowns with both Iesada-san (confirmed) and Nakasawa-san (possibly) on the horizon.


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Cobra-san hit me with everything he had and lesser men than me would have wilted, lesser men such as Iesada-san........Do you really think you can beat me Iesada-san, do you ? You of all people should no how unbeatable I am, and once again I showed it tonight......And when I beat some respect back into you at Quest of Heart, then maybe, just maybe you will come out stronger for it. As for the Burning World Champion Nakasawa-san, it is time we faced off but you have the nerve to call this belt I wear a vanity belt, when I am willing to put this on the line every time I step into the ring, whilst you take the easy option with non title matches until your mandatory monthly defence. I am no paper champion and if you had the guts to face me for this, you would find that out first hand. But I suspect that Burning Hammer's poster boy, isn't willing to do that.



Overall: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: After Monday's excellent show in Kyushu, this was a bit of a let-down, especially as it started so strongly with yet another excellent Tag Team match, involving the masters of the craft...The Rebellion. Maybe, just maybe we kicked it off too strong and the rest of the show wasn't quite able to live up to those expectations.....still lets not be down to much, as this was far from a disaster, it's just when the bar was raised the previous night, you want to maintain being at that level.

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Predictions Contest



Combustion Tour #1 (Show 1- Show 8)


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Marcel Fromage

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With just one show to go Zergon holds onto his lead for the first predictions contest of the Combustion Tour, though Dragonmack and Bigpapa42 are still in with a chance of winning. Lo-Drew with 10/11 earned the most points this round, but inconsistent participation means that he is not in the running to win the prize this time round.


Now that i've got things up and running again, I hope not to take so long to post up the next show but I did have other things on my mind at the time.

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Predictions Contest



Combustion Tour #1 (Show 1- Show 8)


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Phantom Stranger

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Marcel Fromage

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With just two more shows to go in this prediction contest, Dragonmack pulls level at the top of the table with Zergon after an impressive 9/10 effort, Lo-Drew with 10/10 was this rounds standout performer, whilst Beeker didn't do so well with just 5/10, though that is sadly what happens when someone picks with their heart rather than their head.


Just as a reminder the prize on offer for the victor, is that they get to choose the BHOTWG star of their choice to conduct an interview with. And question's can be about anything you wish to ask them (within the bounds of decency of course!)


The Rebellion bouncing back was a no-brainer, though I did like Beeker's reasoning about the BHFS being shock leaders. I felt it would be counter productive if Rapid Danger immediately dropped a loss, after beating the tournament favourites, whilst the other match was the one that could have gone either way but I decided to keep Wild Fire's hopes alive.


The star studded four way, saw most people go for Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Zergon's explanation about this victory inflating Kikkawa's already sizeable ego was the reason I went that way, rather than with Nakasawa claiming the win.


The RAGE- Macho Universe eight man tag, I went the way of Macho-Universe as I felt them losing to a RAGE team minus it's leaders would make them look a weak stable. The Sekigun vs Job Squad 8 Man and Sekigun vs Dragon Feet B-Team 6 Man were no brainers, as were the two pre-show matches with lower midcarders going over enhancement talents.


As for Yuasha- Koyama, I went with Yuasha as though I will never be the biggest fan, I don't want to turn him into a total joke by having him lose to low ranked Junior Division wrestlers and though Koyama has recently lost his young lion status, he is still at this stage a low ranked wrestler.


Predictions Contest



Combustion Tour #1 (Show 1- Show 8)


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Phantom Stranger

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Marcel Fromage

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With just one show to go Zergon holds onto his lead for the first predictions contest of the Combustion Tour, though Dragonmack and Bigpapa42 are still in with a chance of winning. Lo-Drew with 10/11 earned the most points this round, but inconsistent participation means that he is not in the running to win the prize this time round.


Now that i've got things up and running again, I hope not to take so long to post up the next show but I did have other things on my mind at the time.


Granted Math isn't one of my stronger suits, but I am not seeing where you are getting the totals for me and Zergon here.

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Predictions Contest



Combustion Tour #1 (Show 1- Show 8)


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Phantom Stranger

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Marcel Fromage

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Apologies to all those who are taking part in the predictions contest, but it appears that someone sabotaged the computer that calculates the scores. Suspects include members of the Black Heart Brethren, several down on their luck employees including White Samurai and Tiger Fuyuki and bitter ex Burning Hammer employee Mike Watson.


Anyway the computer has now been fixed and it is revealed that Dragonmack and Zergon and actually tied at the top of the standings going into the final round. At three points beyond BigPapa42 is the only other real challenger, though Phantom Stranger has a slim chance of victory if the three in front all have an absolute stinker in the final round.

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The Onodera Diaries:


A mixed bag this week in terms of show quality, Monday's show in Kyushu was one of the best we have put on since I took over the book, however Wednesday's in Tohoku was a slight disappointment. It was still a solid show and up to our usual standards but it's always something of a let down to merely produce what is expected after you have raised the bar the previous show. Maybe I'm being to down, as Kaneko-san seems happy enough and it's not possible to hit a run out of the park every night...though the more great shows I can put on the closer I get to proving to everyone, Kikkawa-san included that I was the right choice to take over the book from Iesada-san.


Some of bigger names including Kikkawa-san and Nakasawa-san will be taking the next few shows off, so it's a possibility for some of the lesser lights to step up and show what they can do. It's a bit of a risky strategy but I have faith in the talent we have on our roster from top to bottom to still be able to put on a good show.


The UTL continues and in my opinion has been a success and it's pretty close between all six teams going into the final two rounds. Three teams (The Rebellion, Rapid Danger, Explosive Tension) have 2 wins and 1 loss, whilst the other three (Wild Fire, Black Magic, Black Heart Flying Squadron) have 1 win and 2 losses. Though the winners will likely come from those with 2 wins at this stage, there is still a slim chance for those with only 1 win to sneak by and win the inaugral UTL.


We have also made an addition to our roster, but for now we are keeping their identity hidden and will be working under a mask. In keeping with the low key arrival, they will initially work on the pre-show but once settled in we feel they can add some extra depth and quality to the upper tier amongst the Burning Hammer family.

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BHOTWG's Combustion Tour rolls into Shikoku at the Kagawa Sports Field on Monday 26th September for the penultimate round of the Ultimate Tag League.


All matches pit those with two wins thus far against those with just one and it's make or break time for all the teams with just one win to their record, though even if one team on two pts win they will need other results to go their way and hope that total parity (with all teams on four points) will be achieved as the tournament heads into the final round.


The match-ups see The Black Heart Flying Squadron look to get back on the winning track against Explosive Tension, who will be highly confident of victory following their success over Rapid Danger. Rapid Danger who started the tournament strong with two straight wins will look to bounce back from their loss, by ending Wild Fire's hopes of winning the UTL and finally The Rebellion look to continue on the winning track against a Black Magic that kept their hopes alive on the last show in Tohoku with victory over fellow BHB member, Junior Tag champs the BHFS.


The rest of the card outside of the Ultimate Tag League is also dominated by Tag Team action, the most vital of these matches sees Little Fury take on Universal Excellence in a Junior Tag Team contenders match, with the winner earning the right to challenge the Black Heart Flying Squadron for the belts at Quest of Heart.


Meanwhile Black Cobra teams with Gareth Wayne to take on Mister Macho and Mystic Dragon, whilst there will be a pair of six man tag matches with Size of the Fight teaming with Sanetomo Shiriashi to take on the Dragon Feet trio of Optimum Impact and Omezo Shikitei, whilst Merle O'Curle teams once again alongside RAGE's Mitsunari Fuganaga, this time with Toshiki Shibanumo to take on Roku Sotomura, Red Panther and Stone Yoshikawa. The sole singles match-up on the main show see's BOSJ Cup winner Elemental III take on the sizeable challenge of former tag team champion Nisso Yuasha.


The bonus pre-show matches see Marihito Masuko, The Incredible Koyama and White Samurai face of in three way Junior Division action, whilst Tiger Fuyuki will be facing off against a mystery opponent.


Combustion Tour- Show #8-

Ultimate Tag League- First Blast: Fourth Shot!!

(Kagawa Sports Field, Kyushu, Monday 22nd September 2010)


Ultimate Tag League- First Blast (30 Min Time Limit):


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

World Tag Team Champions-

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champions-

Black Heart Flying Squadron (Golden Scorpion & The Awesome Kiyaru)


'Representing RAGE'

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)



~Rocket to the Heart~

Junior Tag Team Contenders Match (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


'Representing Macho Universe'

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Tag Team Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne


'Representing Macho Universe'

Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon'


Six Man Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)&

Sanetomo Shiraishi


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya) &

Omezo Shikitei


Openweight Singles Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

2010 BOSJ Cup Winner- Elemental III


Nisso Yuasha


Six Man Tag Team Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga, Toshiki Shibanumo & Merle O'Curle


Roku Sotomura, Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai

Tiger Fuyuki vs ???




Predictions Form


UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon


Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???


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UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon


Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha

Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

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UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon


Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

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UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)

on one hand, Black Magic winning would set them up as prime challengers after the tournament, but really if Rebellion are in line for singles pushes too, they need the win


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

Whereas Rapid Danger could use the win to set up their tag title challenge

UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

While Sanda and Okazaki are a solid team, realistically, they should be putting over top talent.


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Could go either way, but UE deserve a push towards the junior tag titles


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon

Cobra is way above the other three and Mystic is still a young lion I believe

Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

rest seem fairly straightforward with Fuyuki jobbing to your new masked man

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UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno) - draw


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon


Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

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UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)

I go with small upset here as Black Magic could use the win here in order to save the tournament that has been disappointment for them so far.


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

Iesada is the biggest name here and it takes more than a win over Wild Fire to impress Kikkawa so Rabid Danger winning wouldn´t hurt that story one bit.


UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

I really like Black Heart Flying Squadron but I don´t see why they should go over Explosive Tension who have been pretty strong so far.


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

I go against majority here and say that Little Fury gets the win in order to build the rest of the RAGE stable (other than Sanda & Okazaki) up a little bit.


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon

Cobra is the biggest name here and Mystic is likely still young lion.


Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei

Little bit unlikely maybe but I give Optimum Impact a win here, just to mix things up a little.


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha

You said that you don´t want to make Nisso as a complete joke but I don´t see him going over anyone with any real importance and Elemental is important enough even if this tour has been pretty quiet for him so far.


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa

This one is little bit of a coin flip for me so I just go with the side that I like better.


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai

I doubt this one needs any reasoning.


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

Tiger doesn´t win.

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Predictions Form


UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon

Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

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UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon


Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

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Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha

You said that you don´t want to make Nisso as a complete joke but I don´t see him going over anyone with any real importance and Elemental is important enough even if this tour has been pretty quiet for him so far.


Elemental III's got the Burning Championship title shot from his victory in the Best of the Super Juniors Cup, but he does not cash in that shot until the Night of the Burning Hammer PPV at the end of October, so whilst it looks to be a 'quiet' tour so far for Elemental III, his time back in the spotlight will come.

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Predictions Form


UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera) - DRAW


UTL: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon


Kokan, Konda & Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Shikitei


Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & O'Curle vs Sotomura, Panther & Yoshikawa


Marihito Masuko vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Tiger Fuyuki vs ???

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Look out for a few cosmetic changes to this diary over the coming weeks as both JHD-1 and LoNdOn have been doing some pretty awesome re-renders of some of the BHOTWG roster lately and I feel that their great work deserves to be showcased.


Latest show should be up during Saturday.

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Combustion Tour- Show 8-

Ultimate Tag League: First Blast: Fourth Shot!!!

(Mon 26th September 2010)

Kagawa Sports Field, Shikoku (2'000- Super No Vacancy)




Match A: Some Dude In A Mask vs Tiger Fuyuki


Unfortunately for Tiger Fuyuki who just can't buy a win the mystery masked man turned out to be pretty useful. The masked man who wore a T-Shirt that bore the phrase 'Some Dude In A Mask' didn't even breaking a sweat as he made the hapless Fuyuki tap out in under two minutes with a High Angle Arm Bar submission.


Result: 'Some Dude In A Mask' [w] bt Tiger Fuyuki [L] in 1:44 via pinfall (High Angle Arm Bar)


Rating: C+



Match B: Marihito Masuko vs White Samurai vs Incredible Koyama


There only looked to be one winner in this match, and that proved to be the case as Marihito Masuko who will challenge for the Junior Championship at Quest of Heart near enough controlled the match from beginning to end. After almost sealing the win with an Into the White (Springboard Bulldog) on Samurai, Koyama briefly seized back control against the 'Painted Wonder' with a drop-kick followed by a German Suplex. Koyama then went for the Top This (Corkscrew Standing Moonsault) but Masuko got the knees up and then planted Koyama with the Masuko Cradle Shock (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam) to seal the win.


Result: Marihito Masuko [w] bt White Samurai + The Incredible Koyama [L] in 6:37 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)


Rating: C



Main Show


Match #1: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HaruKurofuji.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


The winners of this match will get to challenge the Black Heart Flying Squadron for the Junior Tag belts at Quest of Heart. After some low intensity chain and mat wrestling exchanges in the opening minutes of the match, Universal Excellence stepped it up a gear with Yasujiro sending VENOM to the floor with a spinning head-scissors and Kurofuji following in with a drop-kick to Shiomi. The Macho-Universe Tag Team then kept up the pressure with stereo dives to the floor.


Kurofuji then went close with a German Suplex on VENOM only for Shiomi to make the save. It was that point that Little Fury managed to switch the momenum in their favour with Shiomi stunning Kurofuji with a jawbreaker and VENOM taking down Yasujiro with a drop toe hold before Shiomi followed in with a basement drop-kick, before Kurofuji stumbled into the same drop toe hold-basement drop-kick combination for a two count.


Little Fury then slowed the pace down a little as they looked to work over Kurofuji in their corner, and giving particular focus to targetting the legs of the 'Tohoku Warrior'. The results of that focus became evident when VENOM went to tie Kurofuji up into the STING IN THE TAIL (Cross Kneelock) but Kurofuji had enough left to kick VENOM through the ropes and the floor. Kurofuji then tried to get the tag to Yasujro but was clipped from behind by Shiomi who then rolled Kurofuji up into a La Magistral Cradle. Kurofuji managed to kick out but then received a jawbreaker from Shiomi and was then nailed with a leg lariat from VENOM.


With Yasujiro looking on with frustration, Kurofuji was then planted with a Belly to Back Suplex by VENOM. 'Lethal Infection' then turned it over to Shiomi, who then headed up top and soared off with the BOMB DROP (High Angle Senton Bomb) but Kurofuji managed to get the knees up and then drop-kicked VENOM off the apron before collapsing to the mat and crawling across to make the tag.....


Just as it looked like either one of Little Fury would prevent Kurofuji from finally getting the tag to Yasujiro, the 'Tohoku Warrior' managed to stretch out and tag in the 'Mighty Mouse'. Yasujiro then took control with a series of dizzying arm-drags and headscissor takedowns that sent both members of Little Fury out to the floor, but before the RAGE team could even try to re-group Yasujiro went soaring over the top rop with a corkscrew plancha.


Yasujiro then rolled Shiomi back into the ring, before hoisting 'Sublime' upon his shoulders and then planting Shiomi to the canvas with the YASUJIRO SUPLEX (Electric Chair Dropped into a German Suplex)......








VENOM was able to dive in and make the save but was then intercepted by Kurofuji, who then managed to get 'Letal Infection' turned over into the KUROFUJI CRAB. Yasujiro and Shiomi however were still the legal men and the 'Mighty Mouse' decided to head up top. But before Yasujiro could take flight with the Mighty Mouse Air Attack, Shiomi had managed to pick himself up off the mat to then send Yasujiro crashing back into the ring with a Frankensteiner. Shiomi then broke up Kurofuji's submission hold on VENOM. Shiomi was then rocked with an Elbow shot from Kurofuji, before the 'Tohoku Warrior' set up for a German Suplex but Shiomi managed to get a standing switch and stun Kurofuji with a falling double knee backbreaker.


Yasujiro then planted Shiomi into the canvas with a POISON RANA (Reverse Hurracanrana) only for VENOM to stun the 'Mighty Mouse' with V-STINGER (Shining Wizard Enziguiri). Kurofuji then staggered to his feet and planted VENOM with a TOHUKU THUNDER SUPLEX (Rolling Release Suplex) but was too worn down to hold onto the bridging pin.


Universal Excellence then took control as both teams staggered back to their feet, with Yasujiro sending Shiomi out of the ring with a spinning head-scissors and Kurofuji planting VENOM with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex.


Kurofuji then planted VENOM with a Bridging German Suplex before Yasujiro followed in with a standing Shooting Star Press to complete the UNIVERSAL STUDIOS combination.......








Shiomi dived in at the last split second to make the save , before Sublime then rocked Yasujiro with a stunner. VENOM then stunned Yasujiro with an Enziguri, before combining with Shiomi on the ENGAGE THE RAGE (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo).....






Three !!!


Little Fury had come out on top this time, securing the right to face the BHFS for the Junior Tag Team titles.


Result: Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM [w] bt Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji [L] in 14:25 via pinfall (Engage the Rage)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: A good opening Junior Tag match between two very capable teams. Yasujiro-san and Kurofuji-san have a natural complimentary chemistry as tag team partners and I must admit I am starting to appreciate what Little Fury bring to the Junior Tag ranks on this tour compared to my first tour with the Burning Hammer book.


Neither VENOM-san nor Shiomi-san may not make it to the very top of the singles ranks but their Little Fury team has proven to be a solid prescence in the tag team ranks and after being somewhat also-rans for much of the last tour, their time in the spotlight has come round again. That doesn't mean that Universal Excellence time to challenge again has gone though and the fact that I have had them join up with Hamacho-san to form a new stable, should point to the fact that I do not intend for them to slide into jobber/pre-show obscurity.


Post Match Comments:


VENOM: Shiomi-san and I, did not remain here to make up the numbers. We shall admit we had been off the boil for a while, but we have refound that spark and we will become three time Junior Tag Team Champions.


Yoshii Shiomi: I'll tell the truth here, Black Heart Flying Squadron you are a great team, one of the best ever but so are we and for too long we have been cast off as also-rans, at Quest of Heart VENOM-san and I win back those junior tag straps and put ourselves back amongst the elite.


Barei Yasujiro: I'm feeling disappointed right now, I'm feeling like everytime Kurofuji-san and I lose an important match like this, another opportunity has slipped away but we've just got to believe that another opportunity will come round or we've got to do what we can to earn back the right to have another opportunity. It may be a long road we may now have to travel but Universal Excellence will not give up on the Junior Tag Titles.



Match #2: Ultimate Tag League:

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki) vs

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg& http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg


After winning their opening match the Black Heart Flying Squadron, have lost their next two, so this is a must win for the Junior Tag Champs to keep their hopes alive. Explosive Tension on the other hand will be looking to build on their victory over Rapid Danger.


The opening exchanges are as one would have suspected rather even, with neither side able to press home an advantage with the BHFS using their agility to get out of tight situations, whilst Explosive Tension were able to ground the Junior Tag champs enough from truly picking up speed.


That changed when Sanda looked to pick it up a few gears, when he went to nail Kiyaru with the EXPLOSION KICK II (Spin Kick) but the 'Dark Enigma' was able to duck under and then take Sanda off balance with a basement drop-kick, Sanda staggered to his feet only to be planted with Kiyaru's trademark Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep.....


Kiyaru then decided to head for the top turnbuckle but before he could take flight Sanda managed to roll out of the ring. But the Explosive one's attempts to avoid being hurled into by the 'Dark Enigma' proved premature, as Kiyaru launched himself to the floor with a moonsault press to wipe out Sanda and to be honest himself in the process.


Okazaki entered the ring only to be taken down with a springboard drop-kick by Scorpion. 'The Gold and Black Attack' kept up the pressure with a flurry of kicks and then set up for a Brainbuster, but Okazaki was able to block the attempt and then countered into a Brainbuster of his own....


Scorpion managed to kick out but 'No Mercy' remained in control, whipping Scorpion into the corner and then nailing the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a jumping knee strike before pitching Scorpion onto the top turnbuckle. Okazaki then tried to bring Scorpion crashing back in with a belly to back superplex but Scorpion fought 'No Mercy' off with a series of elbows and then came crashing down upon Ozazaki with a Moonsault Press.......






Okazaki kicked out and then rolled through to tie Scorpion up into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf)......


Seeing that his partner was in trouble, Kiyaru tried to get back into the ring but was held back by Sanda......


But Scorpion managed to dig down and force the rope-break through his own willpower.....


It was at that point referee Umeki looked to restore order and when that had been established, Scorpion still found himself isolated in the wrong part of the ring , putting Explosive Tension very much in control of the match and with the RAGE duo gradually wearing Scorpion down, Kiyaru was becoming increasingly frustrated......


The 'Dark Enigma' had seen enough and pulled a Kendo Stick from under the ring, Umeki saw this and instantly went over to snatch the weapon out of Kiyaru's hands but all Kiyaru was doing was providing a decoy for Scorpion to sneak in a pair of low blows on Explosive Tension, as the BHFS once again showed their willingness to resort to unsavoury tactics, despite having all the talent in the world not to do so.


Okazaki managed to recover from the low blow and prevented Scorpion from tagging out, hauling the 'Gold and Black Attack' back but Scorpion managed to flip onto this feet after a belly to back suplex from 'No Mercy' and then nail Okazaki with a drop-kick that sent the former INSPIRE man into the BHFS corner. Scorpion then got the tag into Kiyaru who then planted Okazaki into the mat with a springboard into a swinging neckbreaker, that got a two count just as Scorpion sent Sanda out of the ring with a drop-kick.


The BHFS were now the one's in control but despite planting Okazaki with a series of double team moves, examples of which included a spinning headscissors from Kiyaru followed by a basement drop-kick from Scorpion, 'No Mercy' managed to dig down, kick out and rally back.


But everytime Okazaki tried to rally back, the BHFS would stop Okazaki's attempts to try and get Sanda tagged back into the match in it's tracks. Soon enough the BHFS were in control and felt confident enough to set up for the signature double team the ULTRA EFFECT but Scorpion had misjudged Okazaki been dazed enough to be hoisted upon his shoulders and Okazaki was able to shove Scorpion into the turnbuckle, the impact causing Kiyaru to lose his balance and becoming crotched on the top turnbuckle.


Scorpion then staggered out of the corner and right into an Exploder Suplex....Sanda then rushed out of the Explosive Tension corner to then nail Kiyaru with a running boot into the corner, before encouraging Okazaki to get back up and join him in bringing Kiyaru crashing back into the ring with a double team superplex......


Explosive Tension then combined to wipe out Kiyaru with the chop-block spin-kick combination ........








Scorpion dived in to make the save but was then booted to the floor by Sanda....Explosive Tension turned their attention back to Kiyaru and then planted the 'Dark Enigma' with the EX2 (Double Exploder Suplex).....








Scorpion rolled back into the make the save cracking a Kendo-Stick over the back of Sanda who was making the cover.....


Somehow that doesn't draw a DQ, as once again the general leniency of BHOTWG officials come into play (perhaps the reasoning being that Kiyaru tried to bring the foreign object into play last time and not Scorpion).....


However just as earlier the Kendo-stick proved to be a decoy, as away from the gaze of referee Umeki who was still arguing with Scorpion, the 'Dark Enigma' sprayed black mist into the faces of both members of Explosive Tension.....


Kiyaru then planted a disorientated Sanda with a standing KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner).......








The equally disorientated Okazaki manage to dive across to make the save but was then found himself punted in the head and the drilled into the canvas with a BRAINBUSTER from Golden Scorpion......


Kiyaru then planted Sanda with his trademark Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep and then headed up top as Scorpion came crashing down upon Sanda with the GOLDEN SHOT (Slingshot Legdrop).....


Scorpion then drilled the still disorienated Okazaki into the guard-rail with a baseball slide drop-kick as Kiyaru came crashing down upon Sanda with the MAGIC CLOUD (Imploding 450 Splash)......






Three !!!


With their usual combination of genuine ability and rule bending the BHFS had pulled out the win to keep their hopes of winning the inaugral UTL alive, whilst putting a rather large spanner in the hopes of Explosive Tension, as both teams moved to 2-2 needing a win in the final match and other results to go their way in order to win the trophy.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru [w] & Golden Scorpion bt Chuichi Sanda [L] & Masaaki Okazaki in 19:05 via pinfall (Magic Cloud)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: There was some great action throughout, tempered by the fact that the BHFS continuing to get away with blatant cheating somewhat frustrated the crowd and that lead to the match at times following a slightly chaotic/illogical nature that will have been frowned upon by the older tradionalists amongst our fanbase.


But then again it's that 'cheating' which categorizes them as the heels that they are, because without it given their flashy offence they would be fan favourites, perhaps one day that is where we should move towards because eventually the whole cheating to win (when they have the ability not to) will become stale for them.


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: It has to be said that when your destiny is being blocked you do something about it, Explosive Tension can moan they want but we were the smarter team, therefore the better team and when all is said and done we will be sitting pretty upon the top of the UTL standings.


Golden Scorpion: Tonight will be the Brethren's night !!


Masaaki Okazaki: What was fair about what happened out there, you tell me......why the hell wasn't either of those masked freaks disqualified, how the hell do they get away with that....damn this, damn this...I just want to get this crap off my face.....arggghh!!!!!



Match #3: Black Cobra & Gareth Wayne vs

Mister Macho & Mystic Dragon


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GarethWayne.jpg?t=1295655891




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MysticDragon.jpg?t=1295655891


After his unsuccesful attempt at winning the King of Fighters belt, Black Cobra is back to tagging with a fellow member of the Black Heart Flying Squadron, who thus far have been at odds with Cobra's new 'fair fight' philosophy during their matches.


The early going saw Cobra 'school' Mystic Dragon with some neat chain wrestling, before Mister Macho was able to prevent 'Canadian Darkness' from placing the Hinote Dojo graduate into the Stone Hold. Mystic was able to tag in Macho, who the used his size to overpower the smaller Cobra, until Gareth Wayne sneaked in a knee shot from the apron.


'The American Bastard' then wanted Cobra to help him over Macho in the corner using illegal methods, but the 'reformed' Cobra was having none of it and Macho was able to battle back against Wayne and get the tag to Mystic Dragon, who took down the 'American Bastard' with a missile drop-kick, the momentum of which saw Wayne spiralling out of the ring


Mystic then looked to dive to the floor but was cut off by Cobra, who then planted Mystic with a Brainbuster for a two count, before heading up top. But 'the Destined One' was able to get back to his feet and after stunning Cobra with a jumping high kick, sent 'Canadian Darkness' crashing back into the ring with a superplex.


Mystic then dragged Cobra back to a vertical base but was then clubbed from behind with a chairshot from Gareth Wayne. Before Wayne could unleash another chairshot however, Cobra pulled the chair out of his hands and chucked it out of the ring.....Wayne however was far from pleased about that delivering a clubbing fore-arm to Cobra before planting 'Canadian Darkness' with the NU VEGAS BOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb) and then walking out of the ring and up the entrance ramp.


Mystic taken back a bit by the opportunity that had presented itself froze for a bit before making the cover.......


Cobra managed to get a shoulder up at two, Mystic suddenly feeling an upset scalp his way then headed up top and went for the MYSTIC WAVE (Corkscrew Senton Splash) but Cobra was able to get the knees up and then plant Mystic with the STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex).......


Mister Macho however was on hand to make the save and then level Cobra with a MACHO LARIAT and though Cobra survived that with no partner to tag out to soon enough the numbers game in favour of Macho-Universe took it's toll on Canadian Darkness and an OLD SKOOL PILEDRIVER from Macho was enough to put Cobra away.


Result: Mister Macho [w] & Mystic Dragon bt Black Cobra [L] & Gareth Wayne in 10:14 (Old Skool Piledriver)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assesment: This immediately was somewhat of a disjointed match, but he had to be in terms of forwarding the split between Cobra and the rest of the Black Heart Brethren and even though Cobra did eat the pin here, he was still booked to look strong surviving the numbers advantage for a good few minutes until finally succumbing.




As if Black Cobra's night couldn't get any worse, the rest of the Black Heart Brethren come down to the ring and proceed to put the boots to what looks to be their now former ally.




However before they can do any real damage Elemental III and Wild Fire come out to make the save.


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Non wrestling segments tend to be met with a luke-warm reception by the Burning Hammer fanbase, but occasionally they are needed to get across/complete a storyline and this did just that with Cobra's new 'fair fight' philosphy being wholly rejected by the rest of the Black Heart Brethren and with him being kicked out of the BHB. The fact that former enemies Elemental III and Wild Fire came out to make the save helped to seal the face turn for Cobra.


Match #4: Mitsunari Fuganaga, Toshiki Shibanumo &

Merle O'Curle vs

Roku Sotomura, Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa








Unsurprisingly for a match featuring at best lower end midcarders, many of the fans saw this as an opportunity to head for the food and/or concession stands. The match itself was an even back and forth contest between both teams and whilst it was never going to surprisingly steal the show, everyone worked hard in an effort to try and obtain the victory for their side.


The finishing sequence saw Mitsunari Fuganaga plant Stone Yoshikawa with a German Suplex Hold only for Red Panther to break that up in typically spectacular fashion with a Tumbleweed Legdrop (Corkscrew Somersault Leg Drop) only for Merle O'Curle to break up the pin scoop Panther upon his shoulders and then drop the 'Feline Phenom' upon his knees with the GALWAY PLUNGE (Fireman's Carry Gutbuster), O'Curle then tied Panther up into the CELTIC WREATH (Seated Chickenwing Crossface) to secure the win for the 'RAGE' team and perhaps help the 'Irish Stretching Machine' towards securing a more permanent spot with the Sanda-Okazaki led unit.


Result: Mitsunari Fuganaga, Toshiki Shibanumo & Merle O'Curle [w] vs Roku Sotomura, Red Panther [L] & Stone Yoshikawa in 10:53 via pinfall


Rating: C


Onodera's Assessment: O'Curle-san is someone I see being a really solid addition to the Burning Hammer midcard but is currently unknown amongst much of our fanbase, the more fans get to see him in action the more we can grow his popularity and incorporating him into a stable and having him pick up wins in multi-man matches over low-tier opposition at this stage should be able to help accelerate that process.


Post Match Comments:


Merle O'Curle (in English): Nice t' get t' old win dere, curt-see of t' old Celtic Wreath. Me status wit' RAGE well ain't a signed and sealed ting, but I tink it might be a good move if I did join up with 'em...that's tiss they offer it t' me.


Mitsunari Fuganaga: O'Curle san did well tonight again, in my opinion he would be a good addition to RAGE. I hope Sanda-san and Okazaki-san have taken notice of what he can bring to the table for us.



Match #5: Elemental III vs Nisso Yuasha


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg


As expected Elemental III used a quick moving 'hit and run' strategy against the 'Baby Elephant' but Yuasha was proving to be difficult to get off a vertical base and a flying crossbody from the 'third generation icon' was turned into a powerslam for a two count.


Yuasha then dominated for the next few minutes, wearing down the 'Third Generation Icon' with series of clubbing blows before setting up for the QUAKE BOMB (Elevated Powerbomb), Elemental III tried to counter into a 'rana but the 'Baby Elephant' held firm and sent Elemental III crashing to the canvas with an almighty thud.....


That looked as though that would be it, but Elemental III showed incredible fighting spirit kicking out at the last split second. The closeness of the call, caused Yuasha to argue with referee Koetsu Shinozaki and when Yuasha turned his attention back to Elemental III, 'the Thrid Generation Icon' had used the unexpected 'breather' to become revitalized, peppering Yuasha with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series and then going up top to then drill Yuasha with a missile drop-kick......


The 'Baby Elephant' staggered up to his feet only to be felled with a basement drop-kick that saw the super heavyweight crumble to the mat....Elemental III then saw the opportunity to go up top and then come crashing down upon Yuasha with the INFERNO SPLASH (Corkscrew 450 Splash).....








Yuasha kicked out, but Elemental III was unfazed and soon caught the right leg of the 'Baby Elephant' then ANKLE HOLDO.....Yuasha tried desperately to fight off the hold, but falling back into a grapevine Elemental III managed to get the leverage to prevent Yuasha from reaching out and grabbing the ropes and in the end the searing pain in his lower leg became too much for Yuasha to bear.


Result: Elemental III [w] bt Nisso Yuasha [L] via submission (Ankle Holdo)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: I suppose you could draw alot of similarities to Yuasha-san's match with Dragon-san from a few shows back. Ultimately what I said back then applies to this match.


Post Match Comments:


Elemental III: Admittedly this tour has been a waiting game for me thus far, a wait until Night of the Burning Hammer where I will be crowned Junior Champion for a second time. Between now and then though, all I can do is keep going out there doing my best and staying in the winning habit.



Match #6: Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda & Sanetomo Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Omezo Shiketei







http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OmezoShikitei.jpg


Last time the Optimum Impact and Shikitei represented Dragon Feet 2K9 in six man action, Optimum Impact were told to bury the hatchet and work as a team by 'senior' Feet members The Rebelllion or risk being banished from the stable, would they take heed of those words or would Joshuya and Optimus continue to be at odds.


The start was pretty even, until Hyosuke Kokan managed to send Shikitei out of the ring with a drop-kick, the match then began to break down with both members of Size of the Fight taking dives to the floor to wipe out both Shikitei and then Joshuya.


That left Optimus and Shiraishi in the ring, the Snow Lizzard man got the advantage with a boot to the mid-section and then looked to set up for a BITE OF THE LIZARD (Snap DDT) but American Optimus managed to slip out, sneak in a kick to the groin and then drill Shiriashi with a Brainbuster.....


Kokan however managed to make the save and then plant Optimus with an Elemental Suplex, before going up top but the 'Electric Live Wire' was cut off by Omezo Shikitei who brought Kokan crashing back into the ring with a superplex.


That lead to the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio managing to cut off the ring and isolate Kokan. Joshuya having missed Optimus use of a low blow earlier, seemed to be working well with 'Gaijin Legacy' and the pair seemed to be getting back the chemistry they were building as tag partners, so much so that they set up for the O-Destructor (Powerbomb/Missile Drop-Kick) but as Optimus set up for the Powerbomb, Kokan countered into a head-scissors take-down, then Joshuya was met with a lariat from Konda, whilst Shiraishi knocked Shikitei off the apron.


Referee Omura Umeki quickly restored order, but Kokan now had the opening he needed to get the tag in. It was Konda who took the tag and the 'Big Fight Player' cleaned house before stunning Omezo Shikitei with a KONDA KUTTER (Jumping Cutter)......


American Optimus made the save, but was put down with a lariat from the 'Big Fight Player', who then headed up top, but Super Joshuya then took action preventing Konda from crashing down upon Shikitei by pulling out the POSTCARD FROM ACAPULCO (Slingshot Hurrucanrana).....


However the move sent Konda colliding into referee Omura Umeki, who ended up in a semi concious state with his face pressed to the canvas.


It was at that point American Optimus decided it would be a good time to cut some corners, and entered the ring ready to swing a Kendo Stick but Super Joshuya took it out of his hands and once again Optimum Impact got a shoving match......


A refreshed Kokan and Shiraishi soon took advantage of the situation, with Kokan nailing Optimus with a drop-kick and Shiraishi stunning Joshuya with a charging fore-arm smash. Kokan then planted Optimus with an Elemental Suplex before Shiraishi planted Joshuya with the LIZARD SUPLEX (Leg Hook Half Nelson Suplex)....


However Konda and Shikeitei were still the legal men and as they got back to their feet it was the 'Ice Man' who managed to seize control with the OS COMBINATION (Fireman's Carry Double Gutbuster, followed by a Running Knee Strike).....


Referee Umeki crawled across to make the count......








Kokan dived in at the last split second to make the save.....


The 'Ice Man' remained focused and set up for a German Suplex but Konda managed to force a standing switch and reverse into a German of his own....Shiketei then staggered to his feet, Konda went for the Konda Kutter but that was blocked, only for Konda to double Shiketei up with a boot to the mid-section, setting up Konda to drill Shikitei into the canvas with the KONDA DRIVER (Fisherman Driver)......








Any chance of Shikitei's team mates making the save were once again negated by the fact that Joshuya and Optimus were once again engaged in a heated shoving match with one another, their focus no longer on the match at hand.


Result: Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda [w] & Sanetomo Shiraishi vs American Optimus, Super Joshuya & Omezo Shiketei [L] in 10:55 via pinfall (Konda Driver)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Not a bad match, but the focus was very much on the tension between American Optimus and Super Joshuya, which did result in a somewhat disjointed match.



Post Match Comments:


Kansuke Konda: I'm not really bothered how victories come about right now, fact is Kokan-san and I just need to stay on the winning track and if we do that, an opportunity to challenge for the Junior Tag titles we would love to have back in our hands once again will come around.


Meanwhile The Rebellion have walked in on the post match interview of Omezo Shikietei and Optimum Impact....


Shimedzu: Good job out there tonight Shikitei-san.....


Omezo Shikitei: Really, but......


Shimedzu: Yeah you took the fall, but you were honorable in defeat, you did the best given the circumstances.....


Miyamae: Circumstances, we warned not to happen again......


Super Joshuya: Well we all know who's fault that is......


Shimedzu: I couldn't care who's fault it is, we just don't want your bickering dragging us down......


Super Joshuya: The only thing dragging us down is Optimus-san willingness to cheat.....


American Optimus: It's not cheating, if the referee doesn't see it......


Miyamae: Truth is you both have a point, and at the end of the day Dragon Feet 2K9 are all about coming away with the victory, we are not the 'angels' you want us to be nor are we the 'devils' you believe Optimus-san to be Joshuya-san.


Shimedzu: Simple fact is you two clearly can't go exist and we can't have that....


Super Joshuya: Well kick Optimus-san out, that's the simple solution


American Optimus: Kick me out? I've been part of Dragon Feet longer than you.....


Miyamae: We will not take sides in this petty squabble, but here is what we propose......


Shimedzu: What we propopse is, is that you two face each other and the winner gets to stay in Dragon Feet, the loser will have to leave and go his own way.


Miyamae: Let the best man win.



Match #7: Ultimate Tag League:

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453


A win for The Rebellion would put them in a strong position to win the UTL, whilst Black Magic would be looking to build on their win over stable mates the Black Heart Flying Squadron to draw level with their opponents going into the final round of matches.


The Rebellion who came out second were immediately jumped upon by Black Magic, as Masuno and Taira looked to get an early advantage over the World Tag Team Champions and the mullet haired powerhouses continued to dominate the early going overwhelming The Rebellion with their size and strength.


The tag champs to their credit did not back down and tried to fire back but the chaotic nature that the match had begun in definitely favoured the BHB more and it looked like things might be over with when Masuno was able to hoist Miyamae upon his shoulders into the DAY OF RACKENING (Argentine Backbreaker Rack).....luckily for Miyamae, Shimedzu still had enough left in the tank to land a drop-kick on Masuno that was enough to shake the grip of 'the Hammer'.....Shimedzu however soon found himself clotheslined out of the ring by Taira and Miyamae remained in trouble as referee Terakado gradually brought the match back under control.


With Shimedzu looking on with building frustration, Black Magic took turns to methodically pummel Miyamae in their corner. However when Taira went for THE FLATTENER (Running Clothesline into the corner) the 'Viper' was able to move out of the way, slipping under the ropes and then staggering Taira with a jumping high-kick before rocking the 'Bulldozer' with a springboard drop-kick.....


Miyamae then tried to scramble across to make the tag, but unfortanately for 'the Viper' Taira managed to get to Masuno first and the 'Hammer' was able to prevent Miyamae from getting the tag to Shimedzu. After a series of clubbing blows, Masuno then set up for the AVALANCHE POWERBOMB, only for Miyamae to counter with a victory roll.........


Masuno kicked out but Miyamae was then able to use the momentum to nail 'the Hammer' with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN (Shining Wizard).......


Too worn down to make the cover, Miyamae got the tag into Shimedzu who then scrambled across to cover the still dazed Masuno......






Masuno kicked out but Shimedzu was able to keep the pressure on peppering Masuno with a combination of kicks, topped off with a jumping roundhouse that Masuno back on the deck. That lead to another two count, as Masuno powered his way back to his feet.....


Shimedzu however took down a charging Masuno with a drop toe hold and Miyamae was able to follow in with a basement drop-kick for another two count. The Rebellion then continued to build momentum hitting a double drop-kick on Masuno, and the following up with a double drop toe hold to plant 'the Hammer' into the canvas......Shimedzu then went up top and came crashing down upon Masuno before going for the cover.........






A desperate Taira came in to break up the pin,but was taken off his feet with a basement drop-kick from Miyamae.....




But Masuno was able to power out and then roll out of the ring to prevent Shimedzu from following up on his cover......


Black Magic then looked to regroup on the outside, but The Rebellion weren't about to let them take a breather. Both Miyamae and Shimedzu climbed up to a turnbuckle each and then came crashing down upon Masuno and Taira with stereo flying cross-bodies........


However the high risk strategy back-fired as both were caught by the BHB powerhouses.....Taira bodyslamming Miyamae onto the floor, whilst Masuno powerbombed Shimedzu against the ring apron.


Masuno then pitched Shimedzu back into the ring and made an immediate cover......








Shimedzu managed to kick out, but Masuno was still in control whipping Shimedzu agains the ring-ropes and then looking to nail 'Kamikaze Spirit' with the MAGIC K.O (Rolling Elbow) but Shimedzu had enough prescence of mind to side-step out the way and then rock Masuno with a spin-kick but 'the Hammer' shook of the spin kick and then all of a sudden had managed to trap Shimedzu within his grasp with the MASUNO DEEP SLEEPER (Arm Hook Sleeper).....


Shimedzu started going limp and referee Terakado went to check on the condition of 'Kamikaze Spirit'........


The first time Shimedzu's arm was raised it flopped down......


The second time raised it flopped down again........



Miyamae had managed to break back into the ring, and he wasn't going to wait and see if Shimedzu was going to be able to raise his arm at the third time of asking, breaking up the submission with a basement drop-kick but 'the Viper' was dragged back out of the ring by Taira who then whipped Miyamae hard into the guard-rail....


Back in the ring Masuno then tried to lift Shimedzu up with a vertical suplex, but 'Kamikaze Spirit's limp body was proving difficult to lift up, so frustrated with that Masuno shoved Shimedzu back down to the canvas and went for a cover......








'Kamikaze Spirit' to Masuno's immediate frustration still had enough left in the tank to kick out......


Masuno at that point then decided to turn things back over to Taira, the 'Bulldozer whipped Shimedzu hard into the corner and then pitched 'Kamikaze Spirit' onto the top turnbuckle, setting up for the WRECKING BALL (Muscle Buster) but Shimezdu managed to fight it off and then come off the top-rope to plant Taira into the canvas with a Tornado DDT......


Immediately transitioning into the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke).......


But Shimedzu was too worn down to keep a firm grip around Taira and the 'Bulldozer' was able to power out and get the tag back into Masuno, who was able to prevent Shimedzu from tagging out to Miyamae......


Black Magic then looked to set up fo the DEVASTATOR (Flapjack/Cutter combo), but a desperate Miyamae came in an clipped Masuno with a chop-block......


Miyamae was immediately sent back to his corner by refere Terakado and after a few clubbing blows on Shimedzu, Black Magic looked again to plant 'Kamikaze Spirit' with the DEVASTATOR, but this time Shimedzu managed to slip out and then rock Black Magic with a pair of spin-kicks.....Shimedzu then slid under a double clothesline before returning fire with a drop-kick on Taira and then rebounding back off the ropes to nail Masuno with the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Big Boot)........


Shimedzu then scrambled across to get the tag into Miyamae who then took Taira off his feet with a basement drop-kick and then nailed Masuno with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN, Masuno managed to roll out of the ring but Taira remained rooted to the mat and Miyamae headed up top......


Taira staggered back to his feet but was then drilled with a missile drop-kick.....


However the momentum saw 'the Bulldozer' crashing into referee Terakado......


The rest of Black Heart Brethren, incuding the Black Heart Flying Squadron and Gareth Wayne then stormed the ring....whipping Shimedzu into the corner and then taking turns to dish out punishment.....




Miyamae came into make the save but was soon overwhelmed by the numbers game too.....




That was until a plucky Omezo Shikitei (the young lion who appears to have been taken under Dragon Feet 2K9's wing) tried to make the save for The Rebellion but he too was soon over-whelmed by the numbers game......


However an unexpected saviour was to come along......





Black Cobra who earlier in the night had been kicked out of the Black Heart Brethren came in wielding a kendo-stick and soon had beack up in the form of Black Magic's fierce rivals Wild Fire.


'Canadian Darkness' managed to stave off the onslaught, allowing for Shimedzu and Miyamae to regain their senses and rally back.....


A fired up Cobra and Wild Fire then managed to chase both Scorpion and Wayne, to the back...before The Rebellion planted Masuno into the canvas with a double reverse STO.....


Taira however was able to club Miyamae from behind, and Kiyaru who had sneakily avoided the cavalry charge from Cobra and Wild Fire, sneaked back in to plant Shimedzu with a standing KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner).....


Taira then held Miyamae in place, as Kiyaru got ready to blow the Black Mist but Miyamae managed to duck under and Taira got the face full of mist instead......


Miyamae then delivered a boot to Kiyaru's mid-section before planting the 'Dark Enigma' with the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO)......


The 'Viper' then ducked a clothesline from a disorientated Taira, before taking the 'Bulldozer' down with Dragon Screw Leg-Whip before applying the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice submission).....


Referee Terakado had regained his senses to see Taira struggling to break free from the submission....


Masuno got back up onto the apron, but was knocked off with a running boot from Shimedzu......


Taira who was also feeling the effects of Kiyaru's Black Mist just couldn't take it any longer, and the 'Bulldozer' was forced to tap out not only the match but Black Magic's hopes of winning the UTL. Their decision to kick Black Cobra out of their faction earlier in the night, immediately coming back to bite them with immediate payback from the fired-up gaijin masked man.


Result: Shimedzu & Miyamae [w] bt Yasuhiko Taira [L] & Yasunobu Masuno in 19:04 via submission (Snake Poison)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: Again as with the BHFS- Explosive Tension match earlier the chaotic nature of what unfoldedm wasn't going to be well received amongst the entire crowd, but was needed in order to drive forward Cobra's now impending feud with his former stable mates. To be honest the whole way the focus amongst the BHB throughout the show has panned out will probably play better on an episode of Lords of the Ring or Ironclad, than it has in front of the live crowd.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Black Magic looks like your attempts to cut corners, back-fired real bad for you didn't they? Too bad, because the truth is if you actually tried to beat us by yourselves, with your own talent...you may have actually beaten us....


Miyamae: Don't give them too much credit Shimedzu-san, after all we are the best tag team in the World....


Shimedzu: That is true Miyamae-san but it has to be said Black Magic would have come away more honorable in defeat, now they look like the pathetic fools that they are....


Miyamae: Just one more match to go, and we know that even if we do win our last match against Explosive Tension it won't guarantee us winning the cup, but all we can do is win that last match and then everything might fall in place for the best tag team in the world to win the inaugral Ultimate Tag League.


Yasuhiko Taira: Cobra-san you chose your path, by showing that you no longer believe in the Black Hearted way, you tried to change us and we showed that we will not stand for your nonsense, that's why we had to eliminate you from the Brethren.


Yasunobu Masuno: You should have accepted your banishment, with the honor you bleat on about so much, but oh you didn't do that, did you?


Yasuhiko Taira: No you had to play the hero,didn't you and intefere in our business......


Yasunobu Masuno: You cost us the match, Cobra-san.


Yasuhiko Taira: And you cost us any hope of winning the league....


Yasunobu Masuno: Now we will cost you !


Yasuhiko Taira: We will cost you everything.....


Yasunobu Masuno: And remember we did not turn on you Cobra-san.....


Yasuhiko Taira: You turned on us, the day you turned your back in the Black Hearted Ways.



Match #8: Ultimate Tag League:

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg


Rapid Danger's march towards winning the UTL was de-railed last time out by Explosive Tension and they will be looking to re-join The Rebellion atop the standings. A win for Wild Fire would see them pull level in the standings and keep their hopes of winning the championship just about alive.


The match begins in typically tentative fashion with neither side really able to press home an immediate advantage, around the eight minute mark Rapid Danger get a breakthrough, Pathlow knocking Toshusai off the apron with a drop-kick and then following up with a suicide dive that drives 'Wild Charisma' back first into the guard-rail and Iesada plants Onodera with a German Suplex.


The subsquent bridging pin only gets two but with Toshusai struggling to get back to his feet on the outside, the preceding sequence of events puts the INSPIRE pair firmly in control.


The focus of Rapid Danger's attack becomes more methodical in nature at that point, as the hone in on targetting Onodera's arm, even going as far as Pathlow coming off the top turnbuckle to double stomp the 'Iron Man's' arm as it his placed across the top-rope by Iesada.


At this stage Toshusai is now recovered but all he can do is look on in frustration as Rapid Danger continue to weaken Onodera with kicks, stomps and stretches all focusing in on the right arm of Onodera. With the frustration increasing for Toshusai, 'Wild Charisma' tried to intervene several times only to be held back to by referee Koetsu Shiozaki and though Rapid Danger didn't go to the extreme lengths a Black Magic would have gone to in terms of taking advantage, it did allow them to work a few more 'phantom' tags.


Thinking that Onodera was significantly worn down enough, Iesada then went to lock in the Iesada Special cross armbreaker submission but the 'Iron Man' had the move well scounted slipping out and then firing back with his good arm. Iesada cut off the comeback and set up for suplex but Onodera stood firm and then fighting through the pain drilled Iesada into the canvas with a snap suplex......


Iesada however was able to get the tag into Pathlow before Onodera could get to Toshusai, and Pathlow's first point of action was to knock Toshusai off the apron with a running drop-kick........


But Onodera drilled Pathlow with a roaring elbow and then drill Pathlow with a Brainbuster, before once again collapsing to the canvas.....


Pathlow was still able to tag out first, but then just mere seconds later Onodera finally got the tag into Toshusai......


A fired up 'Wild Charisma' cleaned house planting Iesada with a SPINE SHOCKER (Spinebuster) before nailing Pathlow with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick), Toshusai then turned his attention back to Iesada and made the cover......








Iesada kicked out but Toshusai looked to still be in control, lifting the Super 10 Cup holder up with a double underhook but Iesada stood his ground and then after a boot into Toshusai's mid section countered into a double underhook DDT.......


That gave Iesada enough time to tag in John Pathlow and the INSPIRE pair combined to take down Toshusai with a basement drop-kick/springboard drop-kick combination as 'Wild Charisma' rose back to a vertical base......


That got a two count for Rapid Danger, before Iesada and Pathlow combined to plant Toshusai into the canvas again, this time with a double team STO before Pathlow headed for the top turnbuckle and then came crashing down upon Toshusai's chest with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop).......








Onodera desperately dived in to make the save, but was then quickly pitched out of the floor by Iesada, who then held Onodera back on the outside, whilst Pathlow placed Toshusai in the KIMURA LOCK .......


Toshusai however wasn't going to give in without putting up a fight, and despite being worn down, 'Wild Charisma' dug down to force himself and Pathlow over to the ropes and force the rope break.....


When they returned to their feet Pathlow kept up the pressure with a flurry of kicks before rebounding off the ropes, but his attempts at nailing Toshusai with the APOCALYPSE LARIAT (Rebound Pendulum Lariat) were thwarted with a big boot from 'Wild Charisma'......Toshusai then threw up his customary double bird signal and then fired back with a flurry of fore-arm smashes, before double underhooking the arms of the now dazed Pathlow and plant 'Rapid Fire' across his knee with the SHOCK TREATMENT (Double Underhook Backbreaker).....


But that burst of energy had taken it all out of Toshusai and 'Wild Charisma' was simply too worn down to go for the cover.......


Once again it became a race to see who could make the tag first and despite having nothing much left in the tank, Toshusai was able to use his longer reach to get the tag to Onodera first......


The re-energized Onodera then nailed Pathlow with a leaping fore-arm smash, before drilling Iesada with a drop-kick......'the Iron Man' then ducked under a roundhouse kick from Pathlow, before returning fire with a roaring elbow and then planting Pathlow into the canvas with a Uranage slam.


Onodera then decided to head up top, but Pathlow was back to his feet and nailed Onodera with a jumping high kick, before climbing up to the top turnbuckle himself and then sending the 'Iron Man' crashing back down into the ring with a Belly to Back Superplex !!


But Onodera showed incredible fighting getting right back up to drill Pathlow with a roaring elbow and then plant 'Rapid Fire' with the O2 SUPLEX !! (Bridging German Suplex)......








Pathlow kicked out but Onodera was able to keep things on the Wild Fire side of the ring and tag Toshusai back in.......


'Wild Charisma' then drilled Pathlow with a SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) before making the cover.......








This time Iesada came into make the save, but 'Dangerous' was quickly sent to the floor with a clothesline from Toshusai. 'Wild Charisma' turned his attention back to Pathlow, lifting the 'Rapid Fire' up with a wheelbarrow hold......


Onodera then entered the ring........


8 WAY SANTA !!! (Wheelbarrow/Cutter combination)........








Iesada dived in at the last split second to make the save.......


Toshusai then got hold of Iesada and placed 'Dangerous' in the wheellbarrow, but before Wild Fire could combine on the 8 Way Santa a second time, John Pathlow sprung back to his feet and nailed Onodera with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Side Kick)........


Iesada then countered into a victory roll as Pathlow then rebounded back off the ropes to nail Toshusai with a basement drop-kick........








Onodera dived back across to make the save but was then cut off by Iesada who planted Onodera with the IESADA BRIDGE (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex).......


Iesada then transitioned into the IESADA SPECIAL (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker).....


But despite Onodera tapping out furiously, neither was the legal man and Iesada had to give up the hold and help Pathlow turn his attention back to Toshusai........


'Wild Charisma' exploded back into life downing Rapid Danger with a double clothesline, but with Onodera clutching his arm in agony on the outside, Rapid Danger were able to get back to their feet and make the numbers advantage count, replying with a double team drop-kick to halt any form of a rally from Toshusai......


The Rapid Danger pair then pitched the dazed Toshusai upon the top turbuckle.....Iesada then set up for a superplex, as Pathlow then leaped up from the apron and nailed 'Wild Charisma' with an Enziguri.....


Iesada then gathered up enough strength to send the larger Toshusai crashing to the canvas......


A double team sequence Toru Minamoto on the announce table instantly christened the DANGEROUS LIASON






Onodera then staggered back into the ring looking to make the save but Pathlow was able to cut the Iron Man off....


Three !!!


The almighty impact of the Dangerous Liason had ensured that Toshusai had nothing left in the tank, ensuring that Wild Fire's challenge for the UTL was over and that their final match with fierce rivals Black Magic would be the 'wooden spoon' match, whilst victory for Rapid Danger put them back on track for becoming the UTL's inaugral champions.


Result: Tasuku Iesada [w] & John Pathlow bt Tadakuni Toshusai [L] & Takayuki Onodera in 26:22 via pinfall (Dangerous Liason)


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: Even though any of the UTL matches could have main evented, I just felt this was the right choice to go with any my feelings were vindicated by this being the strongest match of the night. If anyone is wondering why my team with Toshusai-san has been 'eliminated' before the final round of matches, it's not that I have lost faith in our team to one day make it to the top, but I feel we could do with a little more seasoning and we had our chances on the previous tour. Despite being newer teams, Explosive Tension due to their combined experience and Rapid Danger, due to Rebellion like levels of chemistry already feel more ready to be stronger challengers than us at this stage.


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: Everythings back in our hands, Pathlow-san and I win our last match against the Flying Squadron and we're winning the cup and then it's on to winning the King of Fighters championship at Quest of Heart. Kikkawa-san, you really don't think I have what it takes to win...well in the next few minutes I'll be the one holding championship gold and you'll be left with nothing.


Takayuki Onodera: Maybe we've been too focused on other things, but it's still disappointing Toshusai-san and I won't be able to win the UTL. However we wil come back stronger from this experience and the very thing that continues to plague us...Black Magic will be put it's place on Wednesday when send them to defeat and confine them to a well deserved last placed finish.



Overall: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: This show was all about setting things up. Setting up the final round of the UTL and to also move forward a few other feuds, with Cobra now firmly positioned in the face camp opposing the Black Heart Brethren and the Optimum Impact coming to a head with The Rebellion putting them in a position of a loser leaves the faction match. All in all this show won't go down as classic but it was solid enough and looking back will be probably be seen as a more important show that it was at the time.

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I KNEW Merle would be a Prince Devitt-like rising star for you (more like a submission-type instead of the high-flying/heavy striking-type) and I am very curious and excited about Some Dude In A Mask (awesome name, btw). KUTGW


Thanks for the compliments, it's good to know folks are still following, taking an interest in this....


As admittedly, it was disappointing no one nominated this for the DOTM this month :(.


I didn't think I deserved to win this month, not many shows were posted up and things were a bit slow moving. But not even getting nominated just made think that people are losing interest in this, especially as there weren't even second's in this month's nomination process.

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Thanks for the compliments, it's good to know folks are still following, taking an interest in this....


As admittedly, it was disappointing no one nominated this for the DOTM this month :(.


I didn't think I deserved to win this month, not many shows were posted up and things were a bit slow moving. But not even getting nominated just made think that people are losing interest in this, especially as there weren't even second's in this month's nomination process.


I wouldn't take it to heart TK. I keep checking in to see how you lined up the matches but haven't read in detail because I want to start from the beginning like I have with Phantom Stranger's TCW masterpiece.


In fact, I believe I told you via PM that I'm going to learn the C-verse's Japanese scene when I start this diary after I finish catching up on PS.

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I wouldn't take it to heart TK. I keep checking in to see how you lined up the matches but haven't read in detail because I want to start from the beginning like I have with Phantom Stranger's TCW masterpiece.


In fact, I believe I told you via PM that I'm going to learn the C-verse's Japanese scene when I start this diary after I finish catching up on PS.


I suppose I shouldn't, it just rankled that the one month I miss out on the DOTM (apart from the one time I withdraw myself, as I genuinely did not think I deserved nomination) is the one time the nom process did not even need someone seconding the pick.


And of course thanks for the awesome re-renders yourself and JHD-1 have been working on. BHOTWG has alot of the better original renders in my opinion, but the work you and JHD-1 have been doing actually improves on those and I'll be proud to display your works in this diary.

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I suppose I shouldn't, it just rankled that the one month I miss out on the DOTM (apart from the one time I withdraw myself, as I genuinely did not think I deserved nomination) is the one time the nom process did not even need someone seconding the pick.


And of course thanks for the awesome re-renders yourself and JHD-1 have been working on. BHOTWG has alot of the better original renders in my opinion, but the work you and JHD-1 have been doing actually improves on those and I'll be proud to display your works in this diary.


I look forward to seeing them being used bud. :)


Hey look at it this way, you've won many an award in these hallowed forums. Myself? Not a one......:(:p

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Predictions Contest



Combustion Tour #1 (Show 1- Show 8)


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Marcel Fromage

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Dragonmack pips Zergon to winning the first predictions contest of the Combustion Tour, with a stronger final round, in what proved to be somewhat difficult card to predict, as shown by some pretty low-scores including a disappointing 3/11 for Phantom Stranger. Two newcomers joined in on this round and one of those Infermalmiko posted up a 9/11 score to earn the best score of the round.


Only the pre-show matches were predicted correctly by everyone, in what proved to be a troublesome card to predict. *


As the winner of the predictions contest Dragonmack will now get to interview a Burning Hammer star of his choice.


* I'm going to keep the comments section for the prediction's contest short and concise from here on, with explanations on bookingt decisions appearing in the Onodera's Assessment pieces after each match. That's what those bits are there for on the show, as well as giving opinion on whether or not a match lived up to expectations or not.

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'Fan's Choice: Spotlight Interview'


As the winner of the first prediction's contest of the Combustion Tour Dragonmack got to pose a series of questions to a Burning Hammer star of his choice.


Dragonmack's choice was the co-leader of the Black Heart Brethren and both a former World and World Tag Team Champion (alongside Yasunobu Masuno), the 'Bulldozer' Yasuhiko Taira....




1. Although you and your partner Masuno-san have seemingly concentrated your recent efforts in the tag ranks, do you still intend to pursue either the Burning World or King of Fighters title?


Of course Masuno-san and I still intend to pursue the World Title and the King of Fighters belt, we want all the belts...we want to DOMINATE Burning Hammer and we will do it by any means necessary. However it looks like the irritation that is Nakasawa-san wants to spoil our plans by unifying the belts, meaning that either myself or Masuno-san would be missing a belt on the opposite shoulder once we win all the belts.

2. Has the recent conflict with Black Cobra caused a rift in the Black Heart Brethren or has it now been settled with the ousting of Black Cobra?


Cobra-san's foolish actions has brought the Black Heart Brethren stronger together than ever before. Our bond, our belief in the Black Hearted Way was not going to be broken. His head was turned, thankfully no one else's wasn't and that is why he had to be kicked to the kerb. Cobra-san has chosen now to be AGAINST us and learn that in doing so, he will pay a hefty price.


3. Who in BHOTWG do you consider your personal toughest foe?


Pains me to say it, but that Sekigun poster boy, Horri-san. No matter how much punishment I dish out to him, he always comes back for more.....that braindead idiot Toshusai-san is another one who irritates me with his never say did attitude for the Sekigun cause. These idiots would make it alot easier on themselves, if they didn't put up a fight.


4. Who would win in an even contest between you and Masuno-san? And would he say the same?


Well it would be me of course!! And Masuno-san would believe it would be him...we both believe we are the best but we are like brothers bonded by our belief and nothing will come between us, not even if one of us got extremely drunk on Saki and decided to cut off our mullet's of almighty power.


5. Aside from you, which opponent do you think has the best chance of dethroning Nakasawa-san for the Burning World title?


I honestly think that Kikkawa-san has an excellent chance of putting Nakasawa-san in his place. We may not see eye to eye exactly with Kikkawa-san but we respect what he has done in this sport, we do not respect Nakasawa-san or the rest of the Burning Hammer poster boys.

That being said if Kikkawa-san does beat Nakasawa-san for the championship and unify the belts, we will be gunning for him and then we will do the right thing and I will split the championships with my brother Masuno-san.


6. Who would you consider the best person to become a new member of the Black Heart Brethren, either inside or outside of BHOTWG?


At the moment we are not actively looking to recruit anyone, though if American Optimus opened his eyes a little more, he could be a good fit as he is showing Black Hearted qualities but he must open his heart to them more and forget about following the way's of the Dragon.


Right now we have a good balance amongst the Brethren, Masuno-san and I are targetting domination in the heavyweight division, and our brothers the Flying Squadron have their eyes set on Junior Division domination. Wayne-san is also a good fit, as he knows his place amongst us and has shown me that fighting for the Black Hearted Way is more important to him, than winning championships...that he seems happy to leave to his superior's.


Taira-san ended the interview by saying that though he does not care for the fan approval that the Sekigun pander for, he did feel honored to be the first roster member to take part in the fan interview series and that Dragonmack for his part can at least recognise the almighty mass of talent that is Taira-san.

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BHOTWG's Combustion Tour heads to the Sapporo Sports Park in Hokkaido on Wednesday 29th September for the final round of the inaugral Ultimate Tag League. Four teams still have a chance of claiming the UTL Trophies, whilst the remaining two will battle it out for pride alone.


In the decisive matches The Rebellion face Explosive Tension, whilst Rapid Danger take on the Black Heart Flying Squadron.


The Rebellion and Rapid Danger on six points are the only teams that can win the title out-right, and if one of those teams wins their final match they win the UTL Cup. If both teams win or draw their final matches, then the cup will go to Rapid Danger due to their head to head win over The Rebellion at the start of the tournament.


Meanwhile, Explosive Tension and Black Heart Flying Squadron both on four points can force a tie-break situation if both teams win their matches. If all teams do finish on six points, Burning Hammer Officials have said that the cup will be decided with a 4-way 'one fall' tie breaker match on the night.


Wild Fire and Black Magic both only on two points are only now fighting for personal pride, but with a heated rivarly that began on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour neither side will want to finish below the other and pick up the wooden spoon.


There is also further tag action as two quickly heating rivalries are brough together in the same match, as Black Cobra recently ousted from the Black Heart Brethren teams with Dragon Feet 2K9's Super Joshuya to take on the BHB's Gareth Wayne and what now appears to be Joshuya's former tag partner, but still Dragon Feet member American Optimus, though given the fact that Optimus is teaming with Wayne is already thinking about changing allegiances following The Rebellion's latest ultimatum?


There will be mixed weight six man tag action in the form of the Burning Sekigun's Marihito Masuko and Snow Lizzard going up against the RAGE trio of Mitsunari Fuganaga and Little Fury, and there will be an all Junior Division six man tag with Elemental III and Size of the Fight going up against Mystic Dragon and Universal Excellence.


A trio of singles matches round out the main show with Dragon Feet 2K9's young lion Omezo Shikitei in a testing challenge agains the leader of Macho-Universe; Mister Macho, Roku Sotomura facing the sizeable challenge of Nisso Yuasha, and RAGE's Toshiki Shibanumo looking to prove his worth in the new and improved RAGE taking on another man looking to prove he does have what it takes to thrive in BHOTWG, Stone Yoshikawa.


Pre-Show action see's a 4 corner survival featuring Merle O'Curle, Red Panther, The Incredible Koyama and Tiger Fuyuki and White Samurai steps into the ring with the mysterious 'Some Dude In A Mask'.


Here is a full rundown of the card for Show #9 of the Combustion Tour



Combustion Tour- Show #9-

Ultimate Tag League- First Blast: Final Shot!!

(Sapporo Sports Park, Hokkaido, Wednesday 29th September 2010)


Ultimate Tag League- First Blast (30 Min Time Limit):


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champions-

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

World Tag Team Champions-

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


'Representing RAGE'

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)



Six Man Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko &

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga &

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


High Flying Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Elemental III &

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


'Representing Macho-Universe'

Mystic Dragon &

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Combustive Tag Showdown (20 Min Time Limit):

Black Cobra &

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Super Joshuya


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

American Optimus &

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Gareth Wayne


Veteran vs Young Lion Singles Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Macho-Universe'

Mister Macho


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Omezo Shikitei


Proving Ground Singles Challenge #1 (15 Min Time Limit):

Stone Yoshikawa


'Representing RAGE'

Toshiki Shibanumo


'Proving Ground Singles Challenge #2 (15 Min Time Limit):

Nisso Yuasha


Roku Sotomura



Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Red Panther vs Merle O'Curle vs The Incredible Koyama vs Tiger Fuyuki

'Some Dude In A Mask' vs White Samurai




Prediction's Form


UTL: Rapid Danger (Iesada & Pathlow) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)


UTL: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


UTL: Black Magic (Taira & Masuno) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs Mitsunari Fuganaga, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM


Elemental III, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda vs Mystic Dragon, Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji


Black Cobra & Super Joshuya vs American Optimus & Gareth Wayne


Mister Macho vs Omezo Shikitei


Stone Yoshikawa vs Toshiki Shibanumo


Nisso Yuasha vs Roku Sotomura


Red Panther vs Merle O'Curle vs The Incredible Koyama vs Tiger Fuyuki


'Some Dude In A Mask' vs White Samurai


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