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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri


King of Fighters Championship: Tadyiuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko


World Tag Team Championship: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Black Scorpion) vs Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Black Cobra, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne


Loser Expelled from Dragon Feet 2K9: American Optimus vs Super Joshuya


Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs Mister Macho, Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon


Elemental IIIvs John Pathlow vs Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Nisso Yuasha


Omezo Shikitei vs 'Some Dude In A Mask'


Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs The Incredible Koyama

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Angry Faces, need more angry faces


Show is now being posted up sometime tomorrow....


I was posting it right now, but then as I was about to post the show...the stupid thing crashed out on me. Well first off the editor started going MENTAL, putting in random underlining where I didn't even tell it to, tried correcting that but it wouldn't let me, so I though 'sod it post it anyway' and then I might be able to go back in an re-edit once posted, but then got a message saying fatal error.


Just too ****** off right now to attempt posting again, so I'll do it in the morning, when I feel less like putting my fist through the monitor.



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Quest of Heart

(Friday 1st October 2010)


Aomori Stadium, Tohoku (15,000 Super No Vacancy)


And Live On PPV with Emperor Sports


Commentators: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro, Katsuhiko Shunsen




Live Internet Pre-Show


Match A: Some Dude In A Mask vs Omezo Shikitei


The mysterious newcomer 'Some Dude In A Mask' had dispatched with his previous opponents with ruthless ease but a determined Omezo Shikitei made sure that wasn't going top happen, as the Dragon Feet apprentice not only matched SDIAM hold for hold but was often in control, with the 'Ice Man' almost forcing a tap out through his 'Broken Sword' (Cross Arm Breaker) but the masked man was able to tough it out and despite Shikitei's efforts it was SDIAM who found a way to come out on top, nailing the 'Ice Man' with a jaw shattering Front Knee Strike to the face, the pinfall after that was merely a formality.


Result: Some Dude In A Mask [w] bt Omezo Shikitei [L] in 8:29 via pinfall (Front Knee Strike)


Rating: C+



Match B: Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs The Incredible Koyama


As one would have expected this all Junior Division three way was fought at blistering pace with the almost compulsory dives to the floor and rapid fire succession of near falls. The end sequence saw Red Panther nail Stone Yoshikawa with the RED MIST (Dropsault-Superkick sequence) only for Koyama to nail Panther with a Tornado Kick and then plant Panther with Dragon Suplex, that got a two count and Koyama headed up top.


But 'Deadly Air' was cut off by a recovered Yoshikawa who then sent Koyama crashing back into the ring with the DANGER TRIP (Avalanche Snapmare), Yoshikawa then planted Panther with a STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex) to secure the victory for the former House of Stone trainee.


Result: Stone Yoshikawa [w] bt Red Panther [L] bt The Incredible Koyama in 7:42 via pinfall (Stoneplex).


Rating: C+



Main Show (Live On PPV)



The PPV begins with the usual hype vid ,to the tune of The Art of Self Defense by alternative rock legends The Jesus Lizard. It mostly concentrates on the build towards the twin main events of Hiroaki Nakasawa defending the World Title against Kinnojo Horri and Tadiyuki Kikkawa defending the King of Fighters belt against Tasuku Iesada, plus highlights of the recent UTL cup.


Rating: B+



~Better Team Fly High~

Match #1: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


Quest of Heart kicks off with championship action, as the Black Heart Flying Squadron put their Junior Tag belts on the line against Little Fury. The BHFS have looked dominant as champs since winning the belts but face a resurgent Little Fury, as the RAGE duo look to win the belts for a third time.


VENOM and Scorpion start out and the RAGE man gets the better of the exchange, 'out wrestling' the 'Gold and Black Attack' to the point that he almost locks in the STING IN THE TAIL but Scorpion manages to scramble free and retreats back to get the tag into Kiyaru. VENOM decides to do the same, tagging in Shiomi.


Once again it's the RAGE man who seems to be a step quicker, and after planting Kiyaru into the canvas with a Spinning Facebuster, Shiomi looked set to transition into the SUBLIME CROSSFACE but Kiyaru like Scorpion earlier still had enough wits about him to scramble free.


Somewhat shell-shocked the champions then looked to re-group on the outside but Little Fury were keen to keep up the pressure and came crashing through the ropes with a pair of suicide dives.


Little Fury then pitched Kiyaru back into the ring and combined with a drop toe hold (VENOM), flipping Senton Bomb (Shiomi) for a two count. VENOM then spiked Kiyaru into the canvas with the INFECTIOUS SPIKE (Spike DDT)........








Scorpion dived back in at the last split second to make the save.....Scorpion then nailed VENOM with a drop-kick before being ordered back to his corner by referee Terakado. Kiyaru then staggered back up to his feet and with Scorpion distracting Terakado, the 'Dark Enigma' blew the dreaded Black Mist into the face of Shiomi, who was perched upon the top turnbuckle.


Kiyaru then planted VENOM into the canvas with his signature Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep.........








VENOM managed to kick out but with Shiomi desperately trying to shake the effects of Kiyaru's Black Mist, the match had turned a full 180 and VENOM now found himself isolated on the wrong side of the ring.


The BHFS then reeled off a series of signature double teams that included a BRAINBUSTER from Scorpion followed by an ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press) from Kiyaru, but VENOM was determined not to go do down without a fight and kept kicking out much to the frustration of the defending champs.


It only looked to be a matter of time though before the BHFS would put VENOM away and they set up for the ULTRA EFFECT but VENOM was able to slip off Scorpion's shoulders and then stun the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a falling double knee backbreaker. Kiyaru then took flight but crashed and burned on a Shooting Star Press before VENOM nailed the 'Dark Enigma' with the V-STINGER (Shining Wizard Enziguiri).....


Too worn down to go for the cover VENOM then looked to make the tag out to Shiomi but when he went to make the tag Shiomi wasn't there, as his partner was still feeling the effects of the Black Mist.


VENOM once again found himself double teamed by the BHFS but 'Lethal Infection' was able to avoid a high/low attack from Scorpion and Kiyaru and then spring off the turnbuckle to take down the defending tag champs with a moonsault press. VENOM then sent Scorpion out of the ring with a drop-kick before springing off the turbuckle again to down Kiyaru with the LETHAL DOSAGE (Tornado DDT)........








Kiyaru kicked out, but VENOM then turned the 'Dark Enigma' over into the STING IN THE TAIL (Cross Kneelock).......


Scorpion then tried to get back into the ring to make the save but Shiomi was finally recovered and he was to stand guard.


But Kiyaru showed his determination to keep hold of the Junior Tag belts and showed great fighting spirit to force himself and VENOM over to the ropes to force the rope break......


With Shiomi back in, Little Fury looked to finish Kiyaru with their signature double team, the ENGAGE THE RAGE (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo) but Shiomi had clearly not fully recovered as he accidently nailed VENOM with the Enziguri instead of VENOM. Kiyaru then countered the Reverse STO into a standing KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner), just as Scorpion sprung back into the ring and nailed Shiomi with a Leg Lariat......


Scorpion then delivered the punt/Brainbuster sequence to Shiomi, just as Kiyaru headed up top and then came crashing down upon VENOM with the MAGIC CLOUD (Imploding 450 Splash).........






Three !!!


The Black Heart Flying Squadron had once again found a way to keep hold of the Junior Tag Belts as Little Fury became the latest victims of their 'Dark Magic'.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru [w] & Golden Scorpion bt Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM [L] in 12:20 via pinfall (Magic Cloud)


Black Heart Flying Squadron make V8 defence of the Burning Junior Tag Team Championship.


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: The Junior Tag Title match is often a good choice to kick the show off with and that proved to the case here. I think most of the crowd didn't truly believe that Little Fury had much chance of taking the belts here but I think they put up a good enough showing here that they have returned to being credible enough to taking the belts off the BHFS sometime down the line. Whoever wins the Junior Tag Belts from Kiyaru-san and Scorpion-san it will be a big deal, as the Flying Squadron have been booked through their combination of natural skill and skullduggery as being almost unbeatable amongst the Junior Tag ranks.


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: Try as they all might no one who challenges us can compete with our superiority.....


Golden Scorpion: No One, and we mean absolutely no one will be able to beat us for these belts ...ever again !!


Yoshii Shiomi: Aargh, this mist....this bloody mist! Damn you Kiyaru, damn you!


VENOM: Flying Squadron, we actually respect you as a tag team, there's no denying that you have the ability to carry those belts, but so do we and you had to resort to desperate measures, measure's so desperate, you've only made us even more determined to end your reign as the Junior Tag Team champs.....



~ No Win! No Feet!~

Match #2: Loser Leaves Dragon Feet 2K9:

American Optimus vs Super Joshuya


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpgvs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpg


These two have been loggerheads since the end of the Burn Don't Freeze Tour, with their once promising Optimum Impact team now in tatters, The Rebellion as senior members of the Dragon Feet 2K9 faction want complete harmony in their group and have issued that Optimus and Joshuya face off to keep their place in the faction, and it does not appear that they are taking sides with the win at all costs Optimus or the lose with honor Joshuya.


American Optimus instantly tried to gain and advantage by sneak attacking Joshuya on the entrance ramp but the 'Nippon Luchadore' was ready for Optimus resorting to such tactics and took down his former tag partner with a flying cross body off the guard-rail.


Joshuya then pitched Optimus back into the ring before, 'gaijin legacy' quickly rolled back out but Joshuya was keen to keep the early pressure and took down Optimus with an Arabian Press before pitching Optimus back into the ring for quick cover....


Optimus kicked out but Joshuya remained in control, reeling off a series of arm-drags and head scissor take down's that had Optimus reeling and scrambling back out of the ring once again. Joshuya however continued to keep up the pressure and launched himslef over the top-rope once more, taking down Optimus with a slingshot body press.


Joshuya knew that he could just let Optimus get counted out, but his moral code told him that was not the honorable thing to do and he dragged 'gaijin legacy' back up on to the apron. Optimus however is not adverse to taking a short cut, and managed to sneak in a kick to the groin before drilling Joshuya with a Brainbuster on the apron!


American Optimus then rolled back into the ring and waited for referee Shinozaki to count Joshuya out.....


Joshuya scrambled back in at one, but was immediately met with a Palm Strike, before being hoisted up for the O-Bomb but the 'Nippon Luchadore' countered into a 'rana in mid-move......






Optimus rolled through into a pin of his own.....






Joshuya countered back, and Optimus found his shoulders pinned to the mat again.....






Optimus kicked out, and then tried to connect with a kick but Joshuya ducked and then took Optimus down with a leg-sweep , before following up with a flipping leg-drop......


Joshuya then lifted Optimus up and drilled 'gaijin legacy' into the canvas with the J-DROP (Flip Over DDT).......








Optimus showed his determination to remain a part of Dragon Feet 2K9 by kicking out at the last split second.....But 'Gaijin Legacy' remained rooted to the mat and Joshuya headed up top........


Joshuya then steadied himself on the top-rope ready to take flight, but Optimus 'conveniently' managed to stumble against the ropes, causing Joshuya to crotched himself on the top-rope......


Optimus then tried to bring Joshuya back in with a backdrop suplex but Joshuya managed to fight that off, before launching himself off the top-rope with a moonsault press.....


However American Optimus staggered back into referee Shinozaki, causing the BHOTWG official to fall to the mat.........


Joshuya still in 'the zone' and unaware of what had just happened then drilled Optimus into the canvas with another J-DROP (Flip Over DDT).....


But referee Shinozaki was not there to make the three count and suddenly realising this, Joshuya went over to revive the dazed referee, but Optimus had managed to shake off the effects of the J-Drop and sneaked up behind Joshuya to deliver a low blow before drilling the 'Nippon Luchador' into the canvas with a Brainbuster.......


Optimus was not done though and lifted the dazed Joshuya up again into the powerbomb position before planting his former tag partner into the canvas with the O-BOMB (Running Powerbomb)......


Shinozaki then scrambled across to make the cover.......






Three !!


American Optimus emerges the victor and retains his spot in Dragon Feet 2K9, Joshuya now finds himself out on his own, but with Optimus using such cheap shortcuts to gain victory will the rest of Dragon Feet 2K9 really be that happy with the outcome?


Result: American Optimus [w] bt Super Joshuya [L] in 9:51 via pinfall (O-Bomb)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Given the nature of this feud, the crowd would have had to expect some form of shenanighans but these two combined to put on a pretty good match and despite the 'loser leaves faction' stip, there is more to come between Optimus-san and Joshuya-san.


Post Match Comments:


American Optimus (in English): Time to face reality Joshuya-san, I wanted it more, I just wanted it more and now I and Dragon Feet 2K9 can move on without your has-been loser ass dragging us down. Joshuya-san, you've been asking do you still have 'it'.....you lost 'it' before I had even entered a Burning Hammer ring.


Super Joshuya: Shimedzu-san, Miyamae-san...is this what you REALLY want, do you really want someone who resorts to taking short-cuts all the time to gain victory. I thought you had a moral code, and thought YOU were better than that, then why allow someone who is showing that he has no morals to continue on with you....I thought I had become part of something I could truly be part of....but looks like I thought wrong.



~ Friends Compete Better~

Match #3: Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs

Mister Macho, Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon








There wasn't anything more than pride on the line in this 8 Man Tag, as the Macho-Universe looked for victory in an effort to continue to establish themsleves, whilst their Sekigun opponents were keen to prove themselves as 'strong' members of BHOTWG's 'home' faction.


Macho-Universe started the quicker but the Sekgiun quartet battled their way back into it, and eventually took control, managing to isolate Mystic Dragon. It looked to be all over when Dragon was planted with the SL SNAPPER (Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker combo) courteousy of Snow Lizzard but Yasujiro dived in to make the save at the last split second.


The match then broke down into a chaotic melee with referee Omura Umeki struggling to keep control, the chaos allowed for Mystic to recover and tag out to Kurofuji. The momentum then swung back and forth between both sides with Universal Excellence almost combining with a UNIVERSAL STUDIOS (Briding German Suplex/Standing SSP sequence) on Shiraishi, whilst Size of the Fight replied with their signature double team the BIG FIGHT ENDER (Powerbomb/Necbreaker) combo on Yasujiro, but each time someone was on hand to make the save.


Eventually though the hectic back and forth nature of the match began to take it's toll on both teams. Sessue Kawate thought he would be the one to gain victory for his team planting Kurofuji into the canvas with the FREEZE FRAME (Forward Russian Legsweep), only to be turned inside out a split second later by a MACHO LARIAT from Mister Macho, and no one else able to pick themselves back up, that proved to be the decisive blow from the leader of the Macho-Universe.


Result: Mister Macho [w], Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon bt Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate [L] via pinfall in 11:42 via pinfall (Macho Lariat)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Something of a concession stand break match for a good portion of the crowd, this wasn't bad but it lacked heat and could be definitely seen as a 'filler' match on the card, which to be honest...is exactly what it was. Macho-Universe got the win here because they need to be gradually built up as a credible faction, whilst they won't and shouldn't be put over the top tier anytime soon, they need to be beating the B 'squads' of the more established factions which is exactly what they did here.


Post Match Comments:


Mister Macho: OOH YEAHHH!!! That's what the Macho-Universe is all about, we're going to be running wild brothers, running wild like a couple of mega powers!


Haru Kurofuji: Little Fury we know you want your shot again at the Flying Squadron but Universal Excellence want our shot too, we'll be the one's ending their reign as champs...not you.


Kansuke Konda: I know it doesn't have much weight saying this right now, but Kokan-san and I haven't given up our pursuit of the Junior Tag Belts, hey we weren't the one's who were pinned out there. It's not about framing the Snow Lizzard guys for tonight's failure, but fact is Kawate-san wasn't strong enough tonight.



~Strongest Survive~

Match #4: 4 Corner Survival:

Elemental III vs John Pathlow vs

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Nisso Yuasha








Following on from the 8 Man Tag, is another match with not much more than pride on the line, but everyone here will be motivated to pick up a PPV victory, in order to maintain or gain momentum heading towards Night Of The Burning Hammer.


After the intial feeling out process, things quickly broke down with both Pathlow and Elemental III pulling out spectacular dives to the floor, Pathlow with a high velocity suicide dive and then Elemental III with his trademark Elemental Space Flying Drop.


However it was Nisso Yuasha who would seize control of the match soon after, as the 'Baby Elephant' began to dominate through his sheer size and power, his dominance eventually lead to the 170 kg Behemoth almost earning victory with a THUNDER DROP (Gorilla Press Powerslam) on John Pathlow. Fuganaga however was on hand to make the save and Yuasha's early dominance proved to be a wake up call for everyone else to work together to bring the big man down.......


Facing being tripled team Yuasha was worn down by his three opponents with Elemental III peppering the Baby Elephant with the Tri-Fecta kicks before Fuganaga nailed Yuasha with the Running Knee Drive, then Pathlow landed the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA.


Pathlow then headed up top and came crashing down upon Yuasha with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop). Pathlow then went for the pin but Elemental III then made the save and that is where the brief alliance ended......


The two Super Juniors exchanged kicks and strikes, until Elemental III began to wilt and Pathlow applied a waistlock but the BOSJ Cup Holder was able to force a standing switch only for Pathlow to force a standing swithc of his own and plant the 'Third Generation Icon' with a Bridging German Suplex for a two count.......


Pathlow then decided to head up top, but Yuasha had now recovered and the 'Baby Elephant' sent the INSPIRE man crashing back into the ring with QUAKE BOMB (Elevated Powerbomb) .......


Only for Fuganaga to break up his pin attempt with a RUNNING KNEE DRIVE before locking in the TRIANGLE CHOKE......


But before Yuasha would be forced to tap out or fade into submission, Elemental III nailed Fuganaga with a basement drop-kick forcing 'Mister Serious' to relinquish the submission hold. 'The Third Generation Icon' then drilled the dazed Fuganaga into the canvas with the EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb)....and with both Yuasha and Pathlow still down that was enough for the BOSJ Cup holde to earn the victory and build some momentum heading into next month.


Result: Elemental III [w] bt John Pathlow, Mitsunari Fuganaga [L] & Nisso Yuasha in 9:26 via pinfall (Earth Breaker)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: This was given just the right time to let everyone showcase themselves, but did not over-stay it's welcome due to the throw-away filler that it was. Despite the spiel in the press release preview on the website, Elemental III, with a Junior Championship shot coming up at NOTBH was only ever the likely candidate to win this, whilst it was unlikely Pathlow-san (fresh off winning the UTL alongside Iesada-san) would be the one tasting direct defeat, it was just a question of who between Fuganaga-san and Yuasha-san would be the doing job in this one.


Post Match Comments:


Elemental III: Of course I'm going to have me eyes set on the Junior Championship match later tonight. For sure, I would want my Sekigun brother Masuko-san to win but to be honest it won't matter who I will face, because at Night Of The Burning Hammer, whether it be Masuko-san or Dragon-san coming in as champion, I believe that I can, and that I will beat them for that title and show to everyone that I truly am the Best of the Super Juniors.


John Pathlow (in English): To be honest, I won't let failure in such a worthless match bring me down, surely I could be a more worthwhile contest than this, in truth I should be challenging for the Junior belt, and besides who really wants to see Masuko-Dragon for about the millionth time. I know, I know, I know...I need to EARN another shot round here, but I think I earned that when me and Iesada-san won the UTL, then again there is always the tag belts....you know that Iesada-san and I are good enough to win those.



~Settled In Gold~

Match #5: World Tag Team Championship:

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


These two teams battled to a thirty minute time limit draw in the Ultimate Tag League a few nights back and with Explosive Tension coming ever so close to defeating the champs, they get a re-match here with The Rebellion's World Tag Team Championship on the line.


Just as with their UTL match an aggrressive Explosive Tension press hard from the beginning and though The Rebellion try to fire back, the RAGE duo are able to build up an early head in steam with Sanda landing an EXPLOSION KICK on Shimedzu and Okazaki then planting Miyamae with an STO for a two count.


With Shimedzu trying to shake the cobwebs on the outside, Explosive Tension manage to isolate Miyamae within their corner. After a hectic pace was set by the challengers at the start, it is them who then slow it down considerably, deciding to work over the limbs of Miyamae, knowing full well that the 'Viper' would need to be worn down even more before they consider going for a pin or locking in a submission......


A double team spinebuster from Explosive Tension upon Miyamae brings a close two count for the RAGE duo, before Okazaki then turns 'the Viper' over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf)....seeing that his partner looks to be in real danger of tapping away the belts.....Shimedzu intervenes but is quickly ordered back to his corner by referee Terakado.


Explosive Tension then looked to set up for the EX2 (Double Exploder Suplex) but Shimedzu's brief intervention allowed Miyamae enough time to re-adjust and he was able to stun the RAGE duo by countering into a double DDT !!


Miyamae then scrambled across to make the cover, but Sanda managed to catch up and grab the ankle only for Miyamae to kick 'Explosive' away...Okazaki then blocked Miyamae from making the tag, only for 'the Viper' to drop-kick No Mercy into The Rebellion's corner.....


Miyamae then feeding on the energy of the crowd, then decided to go for a Facewash instead of tagging in Shimedzu straight away, but Okazaki got back to his feet, and cut Miyamae off before dumping Miyamae with an EXPLODER SUPLEX !!


But 'No Mercy' had unwittingly flung Miyamae into The Rebellion's corner and Shimedzu was finally able to tag back into the match.


Shimedzu then cleaned house, taking down Okazaki with a springboard leg-lariat before nailing Sanda with the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Big Boot), Okazaki was then met with a roudhouse kick before 'Kamikaze Spirit' then planted 'No Mercy' into the canvas with the REVOLUTION DROP (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster).......


Okazaki was able to kick out at two, but with Sanda still feeling the effects of the Life Flasher, the momentum of the match had done a full 180 in favour of the defending champions.


Ther Rebellion then reeled of a series of signature double teams , that included a double slinghsot suplex and a rope-hung double stomp, but Okazaki stuck kept kicking out, as 'No Mercy' wasn't about to give up hope of winning the tag belts.....


But 'No Mercy' at this stage was simply surviving, and The Rebellion looked to move in for 'the kill' as they set up for the SPIKED BRAINBUSTER, but as the Dragon Feet 2K9 pair set up Sanda rolled back into the ring and clipped Shimedzu from behind. That enabled Okazaki to slip out of the Skull Drop and counter into an Exploder Suplex, whilst Sanda then landed a leaping EXPLOSION KICK II (Spin Kick) upon Miyamae....


Explosive Tension then climbed up to the top turbuckle and sent the dazed Miyamae crashing back into the ring with an avalance EX2 (Double Team Exploder Suplex).....








But referee Terakado waved it off as Miyamae was not the legal man to be pinned..... With Miyamae still out of it Explosive Tension turned their attention back to Shimedzu and they were able to take 'Kamikaze Spirit' down with a chop block/spin kick combo.....








Shimedzu kicked out, determined to keep hold of the titles but 'Kamikaze Spirit' was soo turned over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf)......


Shimedzu looked to be in a great deal of trouble, and looked set to tap.....


But a recovered Miyamae then broke past Sanda and forced Okazaki to relinquish the hold with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN KNEE....


Sanda then looked to nail Miyamae with an EXPLOSION KICK but 'the Viper' ducked and then planted Sanda into the canvas with the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO)....


Meanwhile Shimedzu was then able to daze Okazaki with a roundhouse kick before drilling 'No Mercy' with the SKULL DROP (Spiked Brainbuster)......








Okazaki kicked out but then found himself ensnared in the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke).....


And Okazaki would have to break free all on his own, as Miymae had just neutralised Sanda with the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice)........


'No Mercy' tried to hang on and keep his tag team title hopes alive but with Sanda also having the life squeezed out of him, Okazaki soon run out of fighting spirt leaving referee Terakado with no other choice but to call for the bell.....


Explosive Tension had once again given the champions a tough match but The Rebellion were still able to emerge with the hard fought victory.


Result: Shimedzu [w] & Miyamae bt Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki [L] in 17:42 via submission (Insurrexion Device)


The Rebellion make V2 defence of the Burning World Tag Team Championship.


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: This was a solid match, but it lacked the tension and drama of their UTL match, as I don't think anyone in the crowd really though that The Rebellion would be dropping the belts in their first PPV title defence, after what many fans will see as a long overdue third run with the Tag Team Championship.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Explosive Tension are a very good team and they gave us some tough matches on these past few shows, but tonight we proved that we ARE the better team and why we are the champions.....


The Backlstage press' questions then turned to the matter of American Optimus remaining in Dragon Feet 2K9 over Super Joshuya....


Miyamae: Do we regret giving such an ultimatum? Well we will have to see how things pan out, look Optimus-san won, he got the job done tonight. Despite what Joshuya-san though he had signed up to, we have never been about living up to some sort of moral code....


Shimedzu: That may be the case Miyamae-san but do we resort to winning to cheaply, such as Optimus-san did tonight......


Miyamae: Are you having regrets Shimedzu-san ?, because we can't go back now...going back on our word to Optimus-san would be a most dishonorable thing to do.


Shimedzu: Yeah I know we can't really go back on our word, but perhaps Joshuya-san does have a point, but it's a decision we must live with.


Chuichi Sanda: Rebellion, you got lucky this time, you were lucky that we had maybe expended too much energy trying to defeat you Wednesday night.....


Masaaki Okazaki: Next time we get you back in that ring, we'll be fresher, we'll be smarter and we'll be taking those belts from around your waists.



~Quest Never Ending~

Match #6: Junior Championship:

Sensational Dragon vs Marihito Masuko




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko_jhd1.jpg


It's the rivalry that had dominated the Junior Division for the past few years, and once again Sensational Dragon and Marihito Masuko face off for the most coveted prize amongst Junior Heavyweights in all of wrestling. Would Dragon be heading towards a year long reign with the belt or would Masuko match his 'nemesis' in championships won and win the belt for a third time.


The begining of the match isn't cagey, as though neither of them have any fear of what the other can bring but they know each other so well that they go hold for hold, counter for counter that it end in a series of stale mates.


The first real slip is made by Dragon who thinks he see's the opening to land a Super Kick but Masuko ducks under and then takes the champion's legs out from underneath with a basement drop-kick.


The Sensational One manages to roll out of the ring before Masuko can follow up, but the 'Painted Wonder' then launches himself upon Dragon with a spectacular double jump moonsault off the turnbuckles to the floor.


Masuko then pitched Dragon into the ring and after reeling of a series of snap suplexes went for the cover but the Sensational One was able to roll his shoulder up before the three count.


Dragon however remained rooted to the mat, so Masuko then went for the PINK DUST (Double Jump Moonsault) this time into the ring, but Dragon was able to move out of the way at the last split second and Masuko crashed and burned....


The defending champion then nailed the 'Painted Wonder' with a superkick before setting up for the DRAGON SLICE but Masuko had the move well scouted, slipping out and then dumping Dragon with a backdrop suplex......


Masuko then went out onto the apron and waited for Dragon to get up before springboarding in to drive the Sensational One into the canvas with the INTO THE WHITE (Springboard Bulldog)......








Dragon managed to just about get his shoulder up in time but Masuko remained on top and the 'Painted Wonder' looked to be setting up for the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam) but Dragon managed to block that and then stun Masuko with a gamengiri......


That staggered Masuko back and the champion suddenly found a rush of energy to run the ropes and then use the momentum to snare Masuko in the DRAGON'S CROSS (Multi Rotation Tiger Feint Crucifix Arm Bar) submission.....


It looked as though Masuko would wilt under the pressure of the submission as Dragon locked the armbar with furious intensity but the 'Painted Wonder' battled his way back to his feet and then managed to back peddle to the ropes to force the rope break......


After the rope-break it was Masuko who was able to seize back control planting Dragon into the mat with a Reverse STO before going out onto the apron again......


Masuko then tried to pull of the INTO THE WHITE again but still feeling the effects of the Dragon's Cross couldn't quite launch himself back in and that gave Dragon the opening to drop-kick Masuko to the floor.....


Dragon followed that up with a spectacular corkscrew Arabian Press that sent both Masuko and himself sprawling into the crowd.....


Dragon then dragged a dazed Masuko up onto the apron and then sent the 'Painted Wonder' crashing back to the floor with DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui) off the apron. The champion then rolled back into the ring and waited for referee Omura Umeki to make the twenty count, as he looked for the count-out victory......










Masuko had somehow managed to pick himself up off the floor and keep his title hopes alive. But he still looked to be a deadweight and Dragon set up for another DRAGON SLICE but Masuko suddenly came alive again, blocking the DRAGON SLICE and then countering immediately into the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK .....


But that just seemed to be a sudden burst of energy from Masuko and the 'Painted Wonder' was unable to follow up immediately with the cover.... Both champion and challenger were down and referee Umeki applied a double count......


Masuko was up first, and the 'Painted Wonder' managed to seize back control before setting up the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)....The Painted Wonder planted Dragon onto his back, keeping the bridge in place......








Dragon managed to kick out but Masuko was able to snap off a spinning headscissors as the champion staggered back up to his feet before immediately transitioning into the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke) but the 'Painted Wonder' couldn't quite get the submission fully locked on as Dragon had the move scouted well enough to at least be able to partially counter the move.......


At that point Masuko changed tactic, lifting the weary Dragon back up to a vertical base before settin up for the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK, but the Sensational One managed to slip off and then stun Masuko with a super-kick before planting his long time rival with DRAGON SUPLEX.....








Masuko kicked out but was then immediately nailed with another superkick from Dragon, who then decided to head up top.........


Dragon looked to be setting up for the DRAGON'S FIRE but Masuko had risen back to his feet before he could take flight, however Dragon always the quick thinker still launched himself off to plant Masuko back down to the canvas with the SENSATION SHOCK (Diving Front Flip hurrancanrana pin)............






Three !!!


Masuko just couldn't get his shoulder up in time and it was Dragon as so often of late, who would emerge with the victory in the latest chapter of their rivalry to keep hold of the championship they both covet passionately.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Marihito Masuko [L] in 16:12 via pinfall (Sensation Shock)


Sensational Dragon makes V9 defence of Burning Junior Championship.


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: Once again these two delivered a good match against one another, but there's just the general feeling that they do need to be kept apart (especially in terms of a straight 1 vs 1 contest) for a while, as their encounters lack the exciting freshness they once did with the fans....In hindsight you can always say that we could have had someone else challenge for the belt here, but who else was there going to be, as all the other top Juniors needed to be involved in something other than pursuing the Junior Title this month.


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: It's time Masuko-san just accepted the cold hard facts, and those cold hard facts are that he is simply not Sensational like me and neither is his best buddy Elemental III. This Junior Championship is staying round my waist, because there's only one wrestler Sensational enough to hold this belt and that wrestler is me.


Marihito Masuko: A Dark Cloud has gathered once more upon my quest to obtain the gold, the Dragon remains unpentrable, but I cannot give up, I will not give up....desperation calls for an evolution, I must evolve, I must become better.



~Heart Games~

Match #7: BURNING Cobra, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs

Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne








When the two sides made their entrances, Cobra was now introduced as BURNING Cobra and not Black Cobra, putting something of a seal on the fact that he had completely turned his back on his former Black Hearted ways.


Unsurpisingly with the two sides having so much hatred for one another, the match quickly broke down, as referee Shinozaki struggled to keep a lid on the Wild Brawling in the crowd. Of course amongst such chaos the Black Heart Brethren trio were able to bend a few rules and get in some cheap 'foreign object' shots amongst their opponents.


With the BHB gradually taking control they were eventually able to cut off the ring and isolate Takayuki Onodera. In truth they could have ended the match right there, had they remained focused upon that task in hand but they decided to 'toy' with their opponent, and though they remained in control their 'soft' offence enabled Onodera to begin fighting out of the corner until the was levelled with a clothesline from Taira for a two count......


Taira then turned things over to Gareth Wayne who then set Onodera up for the SURE BET (Neckbreaker Slam) but the 'Iron Man' was able to slip out and then nail the 'American Bastard' with the END OF YOU (Roaring Elbow to the Back of the Head).....


With Wayne stunned, that created the opening for Onodera to get the tag into a fired up Tadakuni Toshusai...'Wild Charisma' came in like a blazing inferno but eventually the three on one numbers became overwhelming that was until Cobra landed a missile drop-kick to send Taira out of the ring, Cobra then followed up with a suicide dive to the floor......


Whilst Toshusai ducked a clothesline from Masuno, that caused 'the Hammer' to accidently level Wayne........ Toshusai was then able to nail Masuno with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)......


Taira however had recovered from feeling the full brunt of Cobra's suicide dive and had managed to whip 'Canadian Redemption' into the guard-rail, enabling him to roll back in and make the save.....


Taira then planted Toshusai with the TYPHOON SUPLEX (Rotating Vertical Suplex) before placing the still dazed Masuno upon Toshusai......








Toshusai managed to kick out to the delight of the fans and the frustration of the BHB trio.....


Masuno then tried to place the MASUNO DEEP SLEEPER (Arm Hook Sleeper) on Toshusai, but 'Wild Charisma' battled his way out and then after the flipping his customary 'double bird' at 'the Hammer' then mustered up all the strength he had left to plant Masuno into the canvas with a SPINE SHOCKER (Spinebuster)......


Toshusai then tagged Onodera back into the match, which actually drew a few groans from the crowd who really wanted to see Cobra tagged in. Masuno then managed to get the tag to Taira, and 'the Bulldozer' was able to overpower Onodera before whipping the 'Iron Man' into the corner........


Taira then placed Onodera upon the top turbuckle, to then drive Onodera hard into the canvas with the WRECKING BALL (Muscle Buster).......








Cobra had just climbed up to the turbuckle and then came crashing down upon Taira with the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Diving Headbutt) to break up the pin........


It was at that point the Black Heart Brethren trio took to more desperate measures as Masuno then entered the ring brandishing a chair, this drew Toshusai back out of the corner and 'Wild Charisma' was able to boot the chair out of Masuno's hand...Toshusai and Masuno then began brawling at ringside, but this proved to be a distraction for referee Shinozaki, enabling Gareth Wayne to slide into the ring with a chain wrapped round his arm.


Cobra, was then clotheslined out of the ring by Taira before the 'Bullodzer then held Onodera in place as Wayne lined up to nail the 'Iron Man' with the chain wrapped JACKPOT JOLT (Charging Fore arm) , but Onodera managed to duck under and Taira felt the metal wrapped arm ram into his face instead......Taira crumbled to the mat, before Cobra then re-entered the ring, ducking a desperate clothesline from Wayne, he then reeled off a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors before transitioning smoothly into the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar) upon Wayne's still chain wrapped arm.....


Cobra wrenched back on the submission, and with Taira knocked out cold and both Toshusai and Onodera holding off Masuno from making an intervention, it was down to the 'American Bastard' to battle his way out of his submission predicament.....


But the agony was to much to bear, and Wayne was forced to tap out to his former (albeit brief) ally in BHOTWG.


Result: Black Cobra [w]. Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera bt Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne [L] in 9:06 via submission (Alabaster Agony)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: Despit the fact that the crowd seemingly having had their fill of Wild Fire-Black Magic, in the final UTL show...they were really into this....It's all down to the addition of the now re-christened BURNING Cobra, the redeemed Babyface looking for vengeance against his former stable mates is REALLY over with the fans right now, and though Black Magic could have done with avenging their loss to Wild Fire to remain looking dangerous...Cobra-san's the hot hand right now and Wayne-san was the obvious candidate to do the job in this one.


Post Match Comments:




Takayuki Onodera: Indeed it is, beating you isn't enough, Burning Hammer has put up with your dirty deceitful ways for long enough, we will not rest until we are rid of you.


BURNING Cobra (in English): I saw the light Brethren, it's not too late for you to see it too, it will save you having to do things the hard way and I'm quite prepared to beat sense into you the hard-way.....


Yasuhiko Taira: Your luck may in right now traitor, but your luck will soon be out.....


Yasunobu Masuno: Enjoy it while you can Cobra-san, because WE will make you regret the decision you turned your back on the Brethren!



~ Many Lessons Be Learned~

Match #8: King of Fighters Championship:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg


The semi main event saw the King of Fighters Championship on the line, in what could be Kikkawa's toughest defence of the belt he brought over with him from INSPIRE yet, with his own Team INSPIRE stable mate Iesada determined to take the belt of the self proclaimed King of Fighters and humble his long time ally.


After a tension filled introduction, the INSPIRE members circle one another cagily before locking up, and though Kikkawa has a size advantage, Iesada shows a steely determination not be over-powered....


Frustrated by that Kikkawa starts to unleash some heavy handed chops on Iesada, but 'Dangerous' sucks it up and fires right back. A back and forth chop-fest building with volcanic intensity continues for the next minute, until Kikkawa's sheer size and power advantage does begin to take effect, as the initial adrenalin rush Iesada was on starts wearing off....


It's the Kikkawa for the next few minute, as he tosses Iesada from pillar to post. 'Dangerous' keeps getting right back up every time he is clotheslined or planted into the mat with a bodyslam but he is simply 'surviving' and Kikkawa is in complete control. The King of Fighters feels in control so much, that he begins to taunt his stable mate, begging Iesada to get to his feet and arrogantly scraping his boot across Iesada's face......


Such nonchalant dismissal of Iesada's challenge to Kikkawa's belt, inevitably fires up the Super 10 Cup Holder, who rallies back with a rapid fire flurry of chops only for his brief valley to be cut off with a rake to the face, before planted back down to the mat with a Uranage Slam. The self proclaimed King of Fighters then delivers a running boot to a kneeling Iesada before asking for referee Umeki to make the ten count........


Iesada staggers back up at seven and Kikkawa lines up to level 'Dangerous' with a KIKKAWA LARIAT but Iesada ducks and then unbalances Kikkawa with a basement drop-kick. The INSPIRE leader manages to stay on his feet but is then taken down with a chop-block from Iesada......


But before Iesada can continue to shift the momentum, Kikkawa manages to roll out of the ring and go for a powder, much to Iesada's frustration. Iesada though keeps a level head and does not give chase, instead offering Kikkawa the chance to step back into the ring on 'his terms'......


But Iesada wasn't really going to let that happen as he knocked Kikkawa back off the apron with a charging fore-arm and then immediately followed up with a baseball slide under the bottom rope that sent Kikkawa crashing against the guard-rail......


Iesada then honed in on Kikkawa's arm targetting the limb, with hard kick delivered with pin point accuracy against the guard-rail. Kikkawa began to fire back though,and he was able to whip Iesada across the floor into the opposite guard-rail....


Iesada then staggered forward and Kikkawa went for a KIKKAWA LARIAT only for Iesada to suddenly charged forward and sent Kikkawa crashing into the ring-steps with a drop toe hold.......


Iesada then immediately followed that up with a vicious basement drop-kick against the cold steel of the ring-steps right to Kikkawa's already injured right arm.


Iesada then pitched Kikkawa back into the ring, the King of Fighters staggered back up to his feet but was taken down immediately with another basement drop-kick from Iesada who then followed in with a running knee strike, straight to Kikkawa's jaw.....This time feeling he may have just delivered a knock out blow, Iesada asked referee Umeki to make the ten count......








Kikkawa was back up, Iesada immediately went for another basement drop-kick but this time the King of Fighters managed to side step out of the way and then levelled Iesada with a KIKKAWA LARIAT before collapsing back down to his knees favouring the right arm that Iesada had been working over.


They then both staggered back up to their feet at the same time, before engaging in another intense chop battle....Kikkawa once again began to favour his right arm, but then staggered Iesada with a left arm clothesline before sending 'Dangerous' overhead with a release belly to belly suplex......


Kikkawa then levelled Iesada with a KIKKAWA LARIAT and asked Terakado to once again make the ten count......


Iesada was definatly back up at five, but was immediately met with a flurry of stiff fore-arms from Kikkawa, before being scooped up onto the 'King of Fighter's' shoulders.....Kikkawa then looked set to deliver the KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).....


But Iesada was able to counter into a crucifix bomb, before suddenly transitioning into the IESADA SPECIAL (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker)....


But Iesada had applied his signature hold too near to the ropes and Kikkawa was able to stretch his legs out to reach the bottom rope and force a rope break. Kikkawa then began to fire-away with chops using his left arm, but Iesada was able to soak up the pressure and fired back with chops off his own, only to have his flurry cut off with a desperate eye-rake from Kikkawa. The King of Fighters then looked to lift Iesada up for a suplex but was unable to do so favouring his righr arm before being planting back down to the canvas with a Reverse STO.......


Iesada then immediately locked the IESADA SPECIAL back on again, and this time had it placed on Kikkawa right in the centre of the ring.......


Iesada yanked back on Kikkawa' arm with wide-eyed intensity, desperate to force the tap out and the 'King of Fighters' looked as though he was about to tap away his title, the pain etched across his face as Iesada continued to apply agonising pressure....


But as arrogant as he is, there is no denying Kikkawa's resillience either, and once again his ability to suddenly become impervious to pain reared up again, as he suddenly found a burst of energy to battle his way back up to a seated positon and then force Iesada to release the submission hold with a series of chops using his free arm.


Kikkawa then all of sudden managed to ensare Iesada into the KIKKAWA DEATH CHOKE (Straight Jacket Hold) but Iesada was able to slip out of the submission hold and, then nail Kikkawa with a running knee strike.....


Kikkawa however managed to shake that off, Iesada then charged off the ropes to nail Kikkawa who was still down his knees with a sliding lariat, but Kikkawa responded with a lariat of his own.....leaving both of them laying on the mat.....


Referee Umeki then applied a double count.......






Iesada was back up to his feet first....




But Kikkawa had managed to rise back to his feet just in time, the recent UTL winner had almost won the race against Kikkawa, but was denied victory at the last split second.....


The TEAM INSPIRE 'frenemies' then unleashed more intense chops and fore-arms upon one another, neither man willing to give an inch to the other. Kikkawa was able to once again, despite his weakned right arm, able to come out on top of such a straight forward brawling exchange, and managing to fight through the pain, managed to land a stiff fore-arm shot that managed to daze Iesada long enough for Kikkawa to lift 'Dangerous' up with a vertical suplex and then send Iesada crashing back down to the canvas wit the INCENDIARY TOWER (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb)......


Kikkawa then waited for referee Umeki to make the decisive ten count......










Kikkawa couldn't belive it, Iesada was back up to his feet....the King of Fighters then reeled in a dazed Iesada and looked set to deliver the BURNING LARIAT but Iesada managed to catch the arm and then suddenly drive Kikkawa arm into the canvas before once again applying the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker)........


Iesada once again wrenched back on Kikkawa's arm with desperate intensity, and that desperation was heightened by the fact that the thirty minute time limit was fast approaching....Iesada would need to force the submission, as the title would remain with Kikkawa if he could only manage a draw.....


Kikkawa did look to be fading, and referee Umeki went to check on the defending champion......


Kikkawa's arm dropped the first time it was lifted......


Umeki checked again......


Kikkawa's arm dropped a second time......


Umeki checked one last time, could this be Kikkawa's reign brought to an end......


No, Kikkawa just wasn't going to fade away and all of a sudden he powered his way back up to his feet before lifting Iesada up and driving the inaugral UTL winner into the turnbuckle with a powerbomb, forcing Iesada to release the Iesada Special submission.....


Kikkawa then levelled Iesada with a KIKKAWA LARIAT in the corner, before once again favouring his right arm and collapsing to the mat yet again......


Once again referee Umeki applied a double count......






Kikkawa was back up first, and the defending champion dragged the still dazed Iesada back up to a vertical base........




Referee Umeki made the ten account again......








Iesada was begining to stir.......


But he wasn't able to beat the count in time as the count-out reached TEN.....


Iesada then bravely pulled himself back up to a vertical base, still ready to fire back at Kikkawa, but then it suddenly dawned on him that he had failed to beat the count in time, and he slumped back down to the mat in disappointment.....


Kikkawa then approached Iesada, and pulled his INSPIRE stable mate back to his feet....Kikkawa then pulled Iesada in close, before giving Iesada a pat on the back, and then appeared to say to his challenger, that Iesada had won back this respect.


Iesada then left the ring with his held high, knowing that despite coming up short he had taken Kikkawa to the absolute limit and in turn and won back the respect of his long time friend.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt Tasuku Iesada in 29:52 via Knockout (Burning Lariat)


Tadiyuki Kikkawa makes V14 defence of the King of Fighters Championship


Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: Great match, that showed just how much of a boost it has been to Burning Hammer to have had these two great talents return to the promotion. On the surface Kikkawa-san is still the man the fans love to hate, and there are BHOTWG loyalists who still haven't quite forgiven him for walking out on the Hammer all those years ago, but it's performances like this that remind everyone why BHOTWG is so much stronger with him back, not that this was all Kikkawa-san, as Iesada-san put in an incredible effort too, in making this a great match and he too reminded everyone that he too is a superb talent.


As the match wore on, the fans truly believed that Iesada-san could cause the big upset and take the King of Fighters belt from Kikkawa-san and though he came up short, he will have come out looking very strong in defeat, whilst Kikkawa continues to look almost unbeatable.


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Nakasawa-san wants to face me, well he can face me but he faces me for this belt, I'm defended this belt against all comers, this belt I hold DOES mean something...just ask Iesada-san who gave me the match of his life, just how much this belt means.... This belt I hold is no vanity belt, it's a belt that shows that I AM the best.....just ask everyone who is challenged me for this belt, that the King of Fighters belts is worthless.


Tasuku Iesada: I really though I could be the one to end Kikkawa-san's reign as champion, against anyone else I would be walking out of here the King of Fighters champion, but tonight I was once again humbled by how great he truly is but I would like to think I have won back his respect, and that Team INSPIRE can move forward together, strong once again.



~United Ambitions~

Match #9: World Championship:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri





The main event would see Hiroaki Nakasawa defend the Burning World Championship against his Burning Sekigun stable mate Kinnojo Horri for the second time this year. Last time Horri came up short of winning the belt for a second time, could the outcome be different this time or would Nakasawa continue his dominant run as champion and move ever closer to an iconic showdown with Tadiyuki Kikkawa.


The start of the match was filled with tension, as they cagily circled one another....if was a tension built upon the respect they had one another, rather than that of a burning hatred for the other. These were men who stood for the same thing, a desire to be the best through hardwork and skill, but they also WANTED the same thing, the Burning World Championship.


Eventually after a minute of circling they locked up, into a collar and elbow tie up engaging in a test of strength, neither was giving an inch....eventually something had to give and they began to exchange strikes....but still neither man would back down as they went blow for blow, blows delivered with a stiff intensity, because of the respect they had for one another.


After a while though Horri's slight size advantage began to pay dividends in a straight up brawl and Nakasawa began to wilt under the pressure, that gave Horri the opening to send Nakasawa over head with a release belly to belly suplex......


The champion immediately staggered back up to his feet but was then met with a Lariat for a two count.....


Horri then looked to set up for the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb) but he was looking for that too early and Nakasawa was able to battle his way out before planting Horri into the mat with a Uranage Slam.


Nakasawa then followed that up with an impressive vertical suplex for a two count, before the H-Bomb with Horri planted to the canvas decided to head up top......


Nakasawa looked to be going for the H-Sault but Horri had sprung back to his feet and climbed up the top in an attempt to bring Nakasawa crashing back in with a backdrop superplex, but Nakasawa was able to fight Horri off with a series of back elbows.....


Nakasawa then shifted himself round, as Horri staggered back up to his feet again, Nakasawa came flying off the top-rope to nail 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' with a flying fore-arm smash, but before Nakasawa could follow in...Horri was able to roll out of the ring.....


Nakasawa waited for Horri to get back in the ring, instead of pursuing his challenger, but as Horri got back up on the apron, Nakasawa approached the ring-ropes and attempted to bring Horri back in the hard-way with a suplex but 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' fought off that attemtpt and instead countred into a suicide suplex, sending both men crashing hard to the floor......


Referee Terakado then applied a double count, as both men lay on the floor looking to find the energy to get themselves back in the ring......


Horri was up first 'beating the count' at the sixteen mark, but realising he could not win the title by count-out then dragged Nakasawa back up, before pitching the World Champion back into the ring before rolling back in at the last split second before Terakado would have signalled for the double count out.....


Horri then went for the pin on the dazed Nakasawa......








Nakasawa kicked out....


Horri then lifted Nakasawa up and applied a waistlock ready to deliver a German suplex but the defending champion, fought his way out with elbows to force a standing switch....Nakasawa then tried for a German of his own but Horri too was able to force a standing switch......


They kept jockying for position for the next half minute until finally Horri was able to plant Nakasawa with the German Suplex......








Nakasawa kicked out again. Horri then lifted Nakasawa back up to a vertical base and then whipped the H-Bomb into the ropes, looking to build another momentum for one of his signature spinebusters but Nakasawa was able to put the brakes on and then stun Horri with a knee lift before rebounding back off the ropes to level Horri with a Lariat.......


Horri stayed on his feet however and then levelled Nakasawa with a Lariat of his own, causing the champion to stumble out of the ring......


Horri knowing that he had to bring Nakasawa back into the ring, followed Nakasawa out to the ringside......


Nakasawa managed to get in another knee lift to double over Horri, before lining up to nail 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' with another Lariat but instead he run straight into a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster) against the ring apron......


Horri then pitched Nakasawa back into the ring and went for the cover.......








Somehow Nakasawa managed to get the shoulder up just in time........


Horri then lifted the world champion back up to a vertical base and appeared to be setting up for the BURNING LARIAT but Nakasawa managed to block and then countered into the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker).....


But the World Champion was absolutely spent and collapsed to the mat unable to make an immediate cover......


A double count was applied by referee Terakado......


Both champion and challenger staggered back up at around the 8 mark, before Horri suddenly charged forward to connect with a Lariat but Nakasawa managed to side-step out of the way and then nail Horri with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT (Turnaround Short Range Lariat)........








Horri managed to keep his title hopes alive, kicking out with an emphatic defiance below Terakako's hand slapped the mat for a third time.....


Nakasawa however managed to cut off an attempted flurry from Horri, planting 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' into the canvas with a Uranage Slam, before once again heading up top.......


Horri however managed to get to his feet and before Nakasawa could take flight with the H-SAULT, Horri brought the H-Bomb crashing back into the ring with an avalanche German Suplex !!


Nakasawa showed great fighting spirit though, rising back to his feet immediately only to be planted into the mat with the HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinning Spinebuster).......








Nakasawa once again showed his determination to keep hold of the title, but Horri was in full control and he lifted the dazed Nakasawa back up to a vertical base.....










NO !! Nakasawa got his shoulder up at the last split second....Horri can't believe it....He like everyone else in the arena is just gobsmacked that the defending champion just survived the Burning Lariat.....


After pacing round for a bit, Horri once again lifted the weary World Champion back up to his feet....


'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' then tried to get Nakasawa up for the DESTINY BOMB but the World Champion was proving to be difficult to lift up......


Horri then changed tactic, looking for to connect once again with the BURNING LARIAT but this time Nakasawa was able to block and then plant Horri with Uranage Slam......


The World Champion then rocked Horri with a Lariat before suddenly finding a burst of energy to plant the slightly larger challenger into the canvas with the COMPRESSION POWERBOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb).....


Nakasawa then collapsed to the mat before slumping across Horri to make the cover......








Horri kicked out and then battled his way back up to his feet, before champion and challenger exchanged weary fore-arm shots with one another......


Horri again looked for the BURNING LARIAT but once again Nakasawa was able to block and then nail Horri with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT......








Horri kicked out just in time, showing his determination to not let this title opportunity slip but he remained rooted to the mat, and for a third time in the match Nakasawa looked to take flight and connect with the H-SAULT (Moonsault).......


Third Time Lucky it was for the World Champion as he came crashing down upon Horri........






Three !!!


Kinnojo Horri possibly couldn't have done anymore to end Nakasawa's reign as World Champion, but the H-Bomb withstood everything his stable mate threw at him, can anyone be strong enough to end Nakasawa's reign with the Burning World Championship?


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] bt Kinnojo Horri [L] in 20:33 via pinfall (H-Sault)


Hiroaki Nakasawa makes V12 Defence of the Burning World Championship.


Rating: A


The show ends with Hiroaki Nakasawa celebrating another successful defence of the Burning World Championship but as he is about to do the 'thank you for coming' speech, he is interrupted by the King of Fighters Champion Tadiyuki Kikkawa......


Not a word is spoken, they just stare at one another, gradually approaching the others space as they proudly hold up aloft their title belts they have proudly defended for so long....the intense staredown continues and it looks as though it could explode at any minute, but before it can kick off some BHOTWG officials and the ring-crew made up of Dojo boys from Hinote manage to get between them.


Toru Minamoto signs off the PPV broadcast by saying that Nakasawa- Kikkawa WILL be happening, and it will be at the biggest show of the year NIGHT OF THE BURNING HAMMER


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: Following Kikkawa-Iesada was always going to be a difficult task but perhaps spurred on by how great that match was, Nakasawa-san and Horri-san pulled off a superb main event, anda stronger match than their encounter at Test of Prophecies. Nakasawa-san, kicking out of the Burning Lariat was a truly stunning moment and something that plays into the over-arching storyline of both Nakasawa-san and Kikkawa-san looking somewhat super-human as champion and that eventually these two will have to meet one on one, to decide who really is the best in BHOTWG.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Kikkawa-san wants me to face him for HIS belt, well the Burning World Championship was here first, this is the belt with the history, this is the belt with the prestige, he should be facing me for this belt. The only true World Champion around here is me.


Kinnojo Horri: I really don't know where I can go from here, I gave it my best shot once again but Nakasawa-san just seem to be better than me right now. He's simply raised the bar right now and I have to do everything I can, to reach the bar Nakasawa-san has set.



Overall Rating: B+



Onodera's Viewpoint: I thought this event, was deserving enough to get an A, but alas we come up just short again of reaching that mark. Despite what they think, I think this was a great show.

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Predictions Contest


Combustion Tour #3 (Show 9- Show 12)


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Ok then I'll have to admit it, I am a bit peeved at the lack of feedback to the last show.


I enjoy writing this diary, but it is a time consuming process and if I'm going to pick this back up after my hiatus...I kind of need to know that people are still interested.


I guess I look at other diaries that get plenty of feedback like Eisenverse's or NoNeck's amongst others and it makes this just feel inferior, despite the fact it has been running longer...maybe it's to do with the fact that they're more character/storyline based diaries and this is more in-ring action based.


It's not that I've lost confidence in my writing ability, I've just lost confidence that this diary is really engaging an audience.


Any suggestions to make this a better read would be much appreciated.

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Ok then I'll have to admit it, I am a bit peeved at the lack of feedback to the last show.


I enjoy writing this diary, but it is a time consuming process and if I'm going to pick this back up after my hiatus...I kind of need to know that people are still interested.


I guess I look at other diaries that get plenty of feedback like Eisenverse's or NoNeck's amongst others and it makes this just feel inferior, despite the fact it has been running longer...maybe it's to do with the fact that they're more character/storyline based diaries and this is more in-ring action based.


It's not that I've lost confidence in my writing ability, I've just lost confidence that this diary is really engaging an audience.


Any suggestions to make this a better read would be much appreciated.


The read is fine. More than fine really. Some of us ( me included) just aren't people who get a lot of comments on our work. It doesn't mean we dont get participation or people reading it ( we do ;) ). That can be attested to the fact you had nine predictors last show and are over 30,000 views on this dynasty. I think its mostly that work like ours tends to be more driven through the wrestling and the feuds as opposed to works like Eisen Verse, Big Papa and No Neck, who are much more about the background and the story outside the ring. Hence they seem to generate a lot more comments because there is a lot more going on with them in terms of background vision. It doesn't make it any better or worse than how you and I write, its just a different focus. Stuff like ours takes a basically known quantity (ie the promotion and style ) and tends to build within that framework. It's already familiar to people so they probably don't have a lot of questions or comments about how it works or what the idea behind it is, as they probably already feel they know and just want to sit back and see what we as the writers do as far as the pieces in that framework (ie feuds, matches, gimmicks.)


I find that NoNeck, Eisen-Verse and others who get a ton of comments in their dynasties tend to follow an original idea as to character, concept, etc and since it isn't familiar and well known, generates more discussion as the people reading it try to get back to that familiarity they already have with dynasties like ours.


TL DR: You and your diary are fine as it is, it's just the nature of the beast that stuff like ours, while no less popular, just don't generate the same level of comment and discussion.

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I know how you feel, TK. And I can only speak for myself when I say that I am still very very interested. This is probably my single favorite project currently going on here. It was another fantastic show, with two main matches that delivered the way I knew they would. Definitely dig that you seem to moving toward that Nakasawa-Kikkawa showdown I've been pining for.


I try to drop a "hey, still reading" here and there but honestly, I feel repetitive. After awhile, just seeing "good show" becomes like seeing predictions - its nice, but its not really providing any sort of feedback or substance. Really can't say why you end up with a fair amount of predictions but a limited amount of comments. Its definitely not the quality. The product could be part of it. So could simply having done this so well for so long. This board is just funny in that way sometimes.

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Yeah, I'm one of the silent readers.


I don't comment often - I don't feel able to, here, as I really don't know the Japanese scene - but I do like the way this Burning Hammer mixes the product with the occasional wacky - Some Guy In A Mask is a a reveal I want to see, and Nakasawa/Kikkawa is a money match (and hopefully a good one).

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I´m definitely still interested on this but sadly I´m another one of those who don´t really give comments (outside predictions that is). Usually is simply because I don´t really have much to say and like Bigpapa42 said just commenting "nice show" etc. starts to feel little repetitive pretty soon so I usually just try to include any comments to my prediction posts.
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Thanks for the recommendation, I'll try Eisenverse and Noneck.;)


I grew up watching puro, so I'm biased. I just don't 'get' Ameriresu. So BHOTWG and 5SSW are the only diaries I read right now.


SDIAM who found a way to come out on top, nailing the 'Ice Man' with a jaw shattering Front Knee Strike to the face


BOMA YE! Kamen Dude and Macho Hamacho never seemed that puro to me, but they add a little comedy to the otherwise deadly serious BHOTWG, which is a good thing.


Enjoy the new renders.




/makes Muto hand signs!


I enjoy BURNING Cobra, nice to see him evolve alittle.


Kikkawa did look to be fading, and referee Umeki went to check on the defending champion......

Kikkawa's arm dropped the first time it was lifted......

Umeki checked again......

Kikkawa's arm dropped a second time......

Umeki checked one last time, could this be Kikkawa's reign brought to an end......


Really didn't like this. A cross arm breaker is a painful, 'AARRGGHH you are ripping my joints out of their sockets!' type of move. MMA is so well established now I can't buy a 'I'm about to pass out from the pain' reaction to a shoot move.



KIKKAWA LARIAT in the corner



Lariat Puroresu is alive and well. Riki Choshu would be proud. I love the various lariat moves.


I like the writing style of the matches in general, it's almost strong style writing. Short, sometimes one line' paragraphs to simulate faster action and the quick shifts in momentum New Japan uses.

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Just dropping by, TK, and saw the AWESOME show and also your "lack of comment" post--I enjoy this diary ALOT (even without Jared Johnson ;)) but it is hard to really get on and post with southeast North Carolina in shambles (my home was literally minutes away from all the tornados yet suffered no damage, thank God).


Bottom line: this is an awesome diary and if I have to post every friggin' day to make you feel that way then I will but please know that you have a massive following of people who don't comment as well. KUTGW!

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To add to what I said yesterday... There are certain projects on here that, for various reasons (the skill and experience of the writer, the quality of the project, booking skill of the writer, etc), I feel like I'm "along for the ride". In a good way. I finding reading along to be comparable to watching through a really good TV series - its great entertainment. I don't mind providing specific feedback on these projects when its directly requested (whether in-thread or via PM), but when its not directly requested, I almost feel like giving such specific feedback (aka criticism) is overstepping my bounds as a reader/viewer. Perhaps its a weird mentality, but I don't want to feel like I'm dictating things, even a little - I want to go where the writer wants to take me. That's why I don't often go beyond the "good show" or "like what's going on with X" unless its being directly asked... if that makes sense?
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Well given the response to last night's whingey post, I feel alot better now and that this is indeed well worth carrying on....


@ Dragonmack


I think you're right about it being about the product and the fact that they really get into the whole backstage politics as well (if only I had Peter Valentine to deal with :D). 'Sports Entertainment' will always generate more discussion as opposed to pure wrestling. It's like that in real life, and it's like that in the realm of the Cornellverse. And besides I wasn't having a pop at the likes of Eisenverse and NoNeck as writers, I happen to really like their diaries, guess I used them as examples, because to be honest I'm a fan of their work.


@ BigPapa42


I see your point about not wanting to say 'Good Show' too much and it becoming repetitive. Moving onto your later point about not wanting to give too much criticism and just going along with the flow and just going along with the ride, I can see that point too. One thing I'm not looking for is someone telling me how to book, such as 'you need to push Nisso Yuasha all the way to Jupiter or I would have booked things this way'


@ Phantom Stranger/Smurphy 1014/Lo-Drew


I do appreciate having you on board as readers, you're all fairly regular predictors and it's nice to know you are still enjoying this.


I've been tempted many times to pull the trigger alot earlier on Nakasawa/Kikkawa but I was determined to hold off on it till Night of the Burning Hammer (the biggest show of the year) . The plan is for it to be a unification match (don't think I'm giving any great spoiler away there). After that I do intend on introducing another belt, but probably not another equivalent main event title.




I always find your comments with your predictions to be very insightful, I've noticed that they are for every diary you read :)




You really should read Eisenverse's and NoNeck's work it's very good :D


Nice to see you mark out for the 'Boma Ye' from SDIAM. Such a bad-ass move, I know he's a heel, but Nakamura's my favourite NJPW wrestler (well apart from Prince Devitt) just for that move.


Regarding Macho Hamacho and some of the other slightly more wacky characters...I don't want to go overboard with those types and the focus should always be on the in-ring product but I think a bit of light relief doesn't go amiss.


It wasn't my intention right at the start of the diary, to turn Black Cobra into the face BURNING Cobra, it's just kind of evolved naturally. And I thought once I had turned him face, would he still be want to know as Black Cobra, having him become BURNING Cobra just re-inforces the face turn even more.


Actually really appreciate your criticism of Kikkawa passing out to the Cross Arm-Breaker. Looking back I should have perhaps had Iesada attempting to lock on the Cross-Arm Breaker but Kikkawa always being able to block it. Wrestler's pass out to choke submissions, not joint manipulation.... In the end though I was trying to get Kikkawa over as being 'super-human' perhaps all I got over (at least in your eyes) was that Iesada must have the weakest Cross-Arm Breaker ever :p:D


Lariat's are the Rice of Puroresu....you can't imagine Japanese cuisine without Rice and you can't imagine Puroresu without Lariat's.




Nice to know that you are still on board, even with having to deal with the Tornado's...good to hear that yourself and your home came out unscathed despite the devastation around you. And you don't have to post every day to make me feel like carrying this on, I am re-assured that you amongst others are still reading this and that I should be more content with the silent readership that I do have.


I was just more down about the lack of comments, as it was after a major show.


In closing I can see now that I do still have plenty of regular readers, just not as 'vocal' a readership as some other diaries, and I should be content with that.


Anyway before I do put this thing on hiatus, I will do another Onodera's Diaries post and will do the end of month 'gameworld' overview. However there won't be anymore show's posted until after I have returned from Japan.

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The Onodera Diaries:


The Test of Prophecies PPV has come to pass, and I thought overall it was a good show, though I am somewhat frustrated at the final grade given out on TEW.com. Now I must admit a B+ is nothing to be sniffed at, but I felt the show finished strong enough to end up with an A. Kaneko-san however still seems supportive of my work as head booker, but getting the all important A grade for a PPV event would perhaps get the final seal of approval from Kikkawa-san even if his somewhat icy reaction to me being appointed in this role has thawed somewhat over the past nine months.


The PPV buy-rate I must admit was also a little disappointing, coming in at 1.10 and down from June's Test of Prophecies. I thought we had a strong card, but perhaps we didn't promote or had the card set up ahead of time enough, it must also be said that despite the economy being strong, Wrestling in general is at this moment in time suffering apathy from the general public. The loyal fans are still there and they are holding up four companies at Cult level or above, two at National ourselves and PGHW and two at cult GCG and WLW but despite that fact, business unfortunately seems to be down.


However I feel that having certain matches set up for the big PPV's well in advance would probably help garner more interest, we already have Kikkawa-Nakasawa in place for Night of the Burning Hammer, along with Dragon-Elemental for the Junior title.


Of Course one thing that does hold us back a little of having things set up in advance is the fact that most of our challengers for championships are through the Contenders Circle route. I was feeling of late that maybe the concept had run it's course and that returning to the days of someone just asking for a title match could result in some fresher match-ups and Championships being defended on a more regular basis. Then again I do like the idea of challengers actually having to earn their shot at the belt and not having anyone on the roster just make a random challenge, because it's 'their turn' for a title match.


Perhaps the thing to do is to evolve the idea, into perhaps abolishing the contenders circle as such but still having challengers having to earn their title shots through contendership matches. The problem with all rankings systems such as the Contenders Circle is that they seem a great idea at first but eventually they become stale and I think it may be time to quietly put a lid on the concept as a rankings system, but to perhaps just carry it on in 'spirit' with contendership matches still carrying the Contenders Circle name.


Despite the fact that we could do with trimming some of the 'fat' on our roster, we have decided to offer a contract to Kevin Christopher Glenn. Glenn-san has being making a big impression for small independent shows across the pacific in America, and is the protege of TCW talent Joey Minnesota. I have seen some footage of Glenn-san on the internet and despite only being 19 he looks to already have exceptional in-ring ability. Despite that fact he has yet to be picked up by a name promotion in his own country....which may stem from the fact that he is poor on the mic. Such a thing does not matter in Burning Hammer though, where wrestlers are judged on how skilled they are in the ring, not on whether or not they can pop out a catchphrase.


We will need to be patient with Glenn-san connecting with the crowds, as he comes in as a complete unknown, but we believe that once Glenn-san signs the contract we will have secured a great talent who will connect with our fanbase and go on to become a true superstar. The other worry is that as a 19 year old from New Orleans he may not settle here in Japan, that we will have to see but we have plenty of other gaijin talent on the roster, which could help Glenn-san to settle in. But admittedly I am getting ahead of myself, as Glenn-san still needs to actually sign the contract but we are confident he will see joining a company of our standing as a great opportunity for his career.


And of course it's not to say that gaijin cannot form a bond with us Japanese. One such example of late has been the budding backstage friendship between Shimedzu-san and O'Curle-san, who have found that they share a passion for Motorbikes.

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September News and Notes from around the Wrestling World


21st Century Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: 21CW extend the contracts of announcer Steve Smith and Kathleen Lee the ringside valet of Leo Price.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C-)


Nothing to report this month for 4C


5 Star Supreme Wrestling


(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extensions: 5SSW extend the contracts of Lowercard babyface Chitose Ariwara and announcer Eisaku Shigeki.


Angel Athletic Association

(Size: Regional, Prestige: F+, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: AAA extend the contracts of uppercard babyface Sara Marie Yor, referee Dwight Kumas & Cat Jemson, the manager of Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow.


Worker Departures: AAA decide against renewing the contract of Lily Rose, thus splitting up the Lily & Rose Tag Team. Some will see this as a surprising move in the fact that AAA have kept Debbie Rose over Lily, who most saw as having more break-out potential.


All Canada Pro Wrestling

(Size: Local, Prestige: F, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: ACPW manage to keep hold of star performer Jamie Atherton.


Australian Pro Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C)


Nothing to report this month for APW.


Babes of Sin City

(Size: Small, Prestige: F, Momentum: E+)


Worker Extensions: BSC extend the contracts of midcarders Candy Floss and Miss American Pie, plus referee Heather Halo.


Canadian Golden Combat

(Size: Cult, Prestige: B-, Momentum: C+)


Worker Signings: CGC sign DeColt Powerhouse graduate Skip Beau to a PPA deal.


Worker Extensions: CGC extend the contracts of Uppercard babyfaces Shane Nelson and Whippy The Clown, plus Faith the valet of Joey Poison.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C+)


Worker Signings: Frankie Fernandes a graduate of the Coastal Resort is brought onto the CZCW roster.


Deep Impact Wrestling


(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: DIW extend the contract of Shawn 'Death Ref' Berringer, the scary looking resident referee for the hardcore Aussie promotion.


European Wrestling Association


(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D-)


Worker Extensions: EWA extend the contract of women's wrestler Geena Warrior Princess.


Exodus 2010


(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: E+)


General News: The promotion only formed back in May, already appears to be in serious financial trouble and there is concern that they may not make it until the end of the year unless owner Kuemon Hotta can find some new investment to help the up-start promotion see through it's first year in business and beyond.


Freedom CaribbeanWrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: FCW extend the contracts of main monster heel threat Hell's Bouncer and rising uppercard babyface Bradford Peverall.


Golden Canvas Grappling


(Size: Cult, Prestige: C, Momentum: B)


Worker Signings: GCG add WLW talents American Elemental and Kazuma Narato, plus former Judo competitor Oleg Dorosklov and veteran Morimasa Kato to their roster all on PPA deals.


Worker Extensions: GCG extend the contract of midcarder SUKI.


Worker Departures: GCG are however hit by a wave of departures. Mokuami Maita has decided to concentrate on working for both WLW and PGHW, whilst Eagle Kawasawa, Henry Bennett, Harumi Okazawaya and Shingen Miyazaki have all signed developmental contracts with PGHW's feeder promotion SAISHO. Former MMA star, Roy Edison also departs after GCG were not prepared to meet his financial demands on a new contract.


Title Changes: Yasuhide Tayama and Shotaro Ikina end the five month reign of Tadakuni 2000 and Harumi Okazawaya to win the GCG World Tag Team Championship for a third time, whilst Jimmy Cox defeats the departing Roy Edison to claim the Openweight Championship vacated by the departing Mokuami Maita.


Hinote Dojo

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: Hinote Dojo extend the PPA contract of Burning EXILE plus colour commentator Shirosama Ezakiya.


Mid Atlantic Wrestling


(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: MAW sign Mayhem Midden to fill the colour commentator position, vacated by the man that replaced him in the same position at RIPW Duke Hazzard.


Worker Extensions: MAW extend the contract of lowercard babyface Curtis Jenkins.


Men of Steel Combat

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: MOSC extend the contract of midcard babyface Carl Edwards plus announcer Bernie Evans.


Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation


(Size: Regional, Prestige: D, Momentum: B)


Worker Extensions: MPWF extend the contract of midard rudo Hijo Del Mephisto plus annouce team members Carlos Moreno and Teadoro Nieto.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling


(Size: National, Prestige: B+, Momentum: A)


Worker Extensions: There is absolutely no surprise what so ever when husband of owner Victoria Stone and current head booker Sean McFly extends his contract with NOTBPW. Womens division mainstay Melody Cuthill, enhancement talent Flash Savage and road agent Craig Prince also see their contracts extended by the Canadian giants.


Title Changes: Lauren Easter ends the near year long reign of Kristabel Plum to become the NOTBPW Womens Champion for the first time.


New York Championship Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C-)


Nothing to report this month for NYCW.


Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: OLLIE extend the contract of Secreto, the valet of Rafael Ruiz.


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: A, Momentum: B+)


Worker Signings: PGHW call up Ogai Miki from developmental territory SAISHO. It is likely that the young lion will have to 'pay his dues' as an 'enhancement talent' for the forseeable future.


Worker Extensions: PGHW extend the contracts of upper micarder Akinori Kwakami, veteran lowercarder Hirokumi Saito and road agent Koryusai Kitoaji.


Title Changes: Mito Miwa ended the 13 month reign of PRIDE Koiso to win the PGHW Glory Crown for a second time. Meanwhile Dark Eagle defeated fellow veteran Masayuki Shiga to become a two time holder of the Historical Japan Championship.


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: PSW extend the contract of lowercard babyface Thimbleby Langton.


Revolution Australian Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: RAW extend the contracts of heels Montgomery Croft and Artemis Ayre-Rochester.


Rhode Island Pro Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: E+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Signings: RIPW add Hollywood Brett Starr on an SWF backed developmental contract.


Worker Extensions: Lassana Makutsi and Ernie Turner (working under the Assassin#2 gimmick) see their SWF developmental contracts extended.


Title Changes: Fumihiro Ota ends the near year long reign of Lassana Makutsi to win the RIPW Championship for the first time.


Ring of Fire

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: ROF extend the contracts of current champion and main event mainstay Merle O'Curle plus road agent Donny Damage.


Pro Wrestling SAISHO

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: Masutato Kataoka completes his arrival from BHOTWG on a PGHW developmental contract.


Worker Extensions: Eagle Kawasawa, Harumi Okazawaya and Henry Bennett who were all on the SAISHO roster on a PPA basis, all extend their stay but this time on PGHW backed developmental contracts that will now see them work exclusively for the promotion.


Title Changes: Henry Bennett defeats Eagle Kawasawa for the SAISHO Destiny Championship but then loses the title in his first defenve to new arrival Masutaro Kataoka. The decision for Bennett to drop the belt so earlier may have been influenced by the fact that his title winning match with Kawasawa was poorly received, and that the gaijin already one half of the Destiny Tag champions was being overpushed in the eyes of the SAISHO fanbase.


South of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: D+, Momentum: B+)


Worker Extensions: SOTBPW extend the contract of midcard technico Mexican Beast.


Supreme Wrestling Federation


(Size: Global , Prestige: A*, Momentum: B)


Worker Signings: SWF call up Steel from developmental territory RIPW in the belief that the former bodybuilder has grasped enough of the basics to at least be competent inside of an SWF ring.


Worker Extensions: SWF extend the contracts of main event legend Christian Faith, rising babyface Valiant, lowercarder Bear Bekowski and veteran manager Brains McGhee.


Total Championship Wrestling

(Size: International, Prestige: B+, Momentum: B+)


Worker Extensions: Uppercarder Koshiro Ino (who recently turned heel) decided to extend his stay in America with TCW, instead of returning to his native Japan. TCW also extend the contracts of referee Sam Sparrow and backstage interviewer/back up play by play announcer Shawn Doakes.


Title Changes: John Anderson ended the nine month reign of Eddie Peak to claim the TCW International Championship for the first time.


Ultimate European Wrestling


(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Nothing to report this month for UEW.


United States Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult , Prestige: C+, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: USPW extend the contracts of Uppercard babyface Chris Caulfield and referee Robbie Sanchez.


Victory Wrestling Association

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: VWA extend the contracts of midcarder Acheron and lowercard workers Night Spyder and Xavi.


Warrior Engine XXV


(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C)


Worker Signings: BHOTWG's The Incredible Koyama add's WEXVV to his schedule.


World Level Wrestling


(Size: Cult , Prestige: C+, Momentum: B+)


Worker Signings: WLW add Canadian high flyer Jacob Jett to their roster


Worker Extensions: WLW extend the contracts of midcard mainstays Koki Ishibashi and Ketsueki Karasu plus referee Kitahachi Sonoda.


Worker Departures: WLW lose both Eagle Kawasawa and Shingen Miyazaki to SAISHO, who both agree to sign PGHW developmental contracts.


ZEN: Art of Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: ZEN extend the contract of lowercard heel The Anarchist



New Talent


Black Flash: Australian youngster very much influenced by the Japanese Junior scene, both in his style of ring work and the fact that he wears a mask. Far from a finished the article, he does however have enough potential to develop into a very good worker in the future, provided he gets the opportunity to do so, which looks unlikely in his native Australia where brawlers and entertainers seem to thrive more. His best hope of joining a 'name' promotion is if New Zealand's cult Lucharesu promotion Zen comes calling or hope that one of the big Japanese promotions see him as a 'diamond in the rough'.


Frankie Boy Fernandes: A graduate of CZCW's Coastal Resort Camp, Fernandes is as with so many of CZCW's roster a high flying cruiserweight but already has a good understanding of the fundamentals that will provide him with a good foundation to his ring work and mean that even if he never breaks out into becoming a star he should at least always find regular work.


KC Glenn: The protege of TCW's Joey Minnesota, scouting reports say that the Georgia native, already has the potential to surpass his mentor and that with a blend of technical ability and aerial prowess he has been drawing comparisons to a young Sean McFly. Perhaps his only real weakness is on the microphone, due to his heavy southern drawl...then again not being good the stick didn't stop McFly from breaking out to become a major star in the business.


Liz Sweetheart: An ex Dancer who has recently been working as a valet at small 'bingo hall' shows on the UK Circuit. If truth be known, she lacks the 'stunning' looks/sex appeal or the entertainment skills (microphone/charisma) to be anything more than a valet at small time shows and it's unlikely a 'name' promotion will come calling, unless MOSC are really that desperate for someone to stand around at ringside.


Skip Beau: A graduate of the DeColt Powerhouse, said to be a decent but unspectacular brawler with a decent amount of charisma to thrive in a sports entertainment promotion. Far from the finished article, it is difficult to say at this stage whether he can develop into becoming a star or if his development stalls now that he will have to prove himself in front of big crowds with CGC.





In great news for the second straight month, there were no major injuries to report of this month across the wrestling world.


Worker Retirements


Blackjack Robbins: Terry 'Blackjack' Robbins best known for his run in SCCW as one half of the Tennesee Outlaws alongside Whisky Jack, has hung up his wrestling boots at the Age of 46. During his time in SCCW he was a one time SCCW Champion, but it was in the tag ranks there that he most be remembered winning the belts three times. Since SCCW's demise however in 2003, he had become something of a forgotten man and was only able to find work on small independent shows and it now appears that he has finally grown tired of being overlooked by 'name' promotions.


Ed Monton: The CGC veteran has called time on his in-ring career at the Age of 49. During the early nineties Monton was one of CGC's main stars winning the World Championship three times, and the tag team champions twice (alongside Jon Jetson) during a four year span between 1990 and 1994. His career never did quite hit those heights again (with only a Canadian title reign during the back end of 1999 into the beginning of 2000 his only other title since his golden period) but he remained a fixture in the CGC midcard as a respected veteran up and until his final match. He is now expected to transition into a backstage role with the promotion he has called home for over two decades.


Helen Bach: The Women's wrestling veteran has decided to retire from in ring competion at the Age of 47. A reliable though hardly spectacular performer, Bach was never pushed as a star in women's wrestling but was always able to find regular work and was seen as a valuable veteran prescence with AAA during the twilight of her career.


Saeko Hiroyuki: The Joshi veteran has confirmed her retirement from in ring competition at the Age of 37. A former World and World Tag Team champion in 5SSW, Hiroyuki left Japan's leading Joshi promotion in 2007 (the reason's cited by many wrestling sites is that 5SSW were not prepared to give Hiroyuki the money she demanded, feeling that she was past her best) and in truth that signalled the beginning of the end for Hiroyuki.



Other News


Return of a Legend: Buddy Garner, a former Glory Crown Champion with PGHW has announced that he is willing to step back inside of the squared circle, after a 20 month hiatus.

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As you may be already be aware this diary will be going on hiatus for about a month. However before I do head off to Japan :) I'm going to make an appeal here to any of the more artistic (i.e those with rendering skills) of this diary.


1. Some Dude In The Mask will be making his main show debut when this diary starts up again. At the moment I'm using the Masked Avatar pic in my save game for this diary, but to me it's the wrong type of mask, to me that says 'Old School American Heel' not Japanese Puro. Ideally what I'm looking for is something in the style of Elemental but with a more plain/generic feel.


2. The heel Black Cobra has now become the babyface BURNING Cobra, it would be quite cool if a rendering artist could do an updated Cobra to reflect this.


Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to take on these rendering challenges.

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  • 4 weeks later...

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">O.O.C Note</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

I have returned from Japan (as a side note I loved Japan and definitely want to go back some time, I'm thinking sooner rather than later). </p><p> </p><p>

Anyway I'm catching up on other things at the moment (including other writers diaries), so it'll probably be about another week before I get back into the swing of things here.</p>

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Quest of Heart saw every champion succesfully defend their championship, and the road to the biggest night in wrestling Night of the Burning Hammer has begun. That road begins at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu on Monday 4th October as BHOTWG present the latest leg of their Combustion Tour.


Despite being unable to dethrone Tadiyuki Kikkawa as the King of Fighters champion, Tasuku Iesada's strong effort appears to have won back the respect of his long term friend, and both he and John Pathlow will team with Kikkawa in Six Man Tag action, with the intent to show that Team INSPIRE are united and a force to be reckoned with once again. Standing in their way however will be a Burning Sekigun trio lead by World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa. Alongside Nakasawa will be the man he successfully defended the World Championship against Kinnojo Horri and the man who will challenge for the Junior belt at NOTBH....Elemental III.


The semi main event will be a contenders circle match between Dragon Feet 2K9's Miyamae and the Black Heart Brethren's Yasunobu Masuno. Even though the match won't have any direct bearing on a title challenge from either man anytime soon (as the unification match between Nakasawa and Kikkawa has been approved by the Championship Committee), a win for either man would strengthen their claims at a future title shot, whilst the loser's would be sufficiently weakened.


Another singles match is between two men trying to break (back) into the contenders circle, and it's between two combatants who have become very familiar with one another during many tag team battles between their respective teams as Yasuhiko Taira (Black Magic) takes on Takayuki Onodera (Wild Fire). Can Taira begin to climb back up the singles ranks or can Onodera pulled out a significant break out win over a former World Champion?


There are two more singles matches as Junior Division stalwart Marihito Masuko takes on Dragon Feet 2K9's young lion Omezo Shikitei in an openweight challenge and the mysterious 'Some Dude In A Mask' makes his official main show debut against RAGE veteran Toshiki Shibanumo, after tearing through several challenges on the pre-show.


There is a couple of intriguing openweight tag team matches as BURNING Cobra teams with Wild Fire's Tadakuni Toshusai against the Black Heart Brethren's Gareth Wayne and Golden Scorpion, as Cobra continues his campaign to bring down his old stable. Whilst Dragon Feet 2K9's Shimedzu and Sensational Dragon take on the RAGE duo of Masaaki Okazaki and Yoshii Shiomi.


Rounding out the main show card their will be a six man tag between the Macho Universe trio of Mister Macho, Barei Yasujiro and Mystic Dragon taking on the RAGE trio of Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga and VENOM plus a Six Way Junior Division scramble featuring The Awesome Kiyaru, American Optimus, Haru Kurofuji, Kansuke Konda, Super Joshuya and The Incredible Koyama.


Bonus pre-show action will see Hyosuke Kokan take on Merle O'Curle in singles action and Roku Sotomura team with Stone Yoshikawa to take on White Samurai and Tiger Fuyuki.


Here is a full rundown of the card for Show #11 of the Combustion Tour

Combustion Tour- Show #11-

(Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu, Monday 4th October 2010)


~Strongest Unity~ Six Man Battle (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa,

Kinnojo Horri & 2010 BOSJ Cup Winner- Elemental III


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King Of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa &

2010 UTL Winners- Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow)


~Stay Brighter~ Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

World Tag Team Champion- Miyamae


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasunobu Masuno


~Break Past~ Singles Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Takayuki Onodera


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasuhiko Taira


~Intense Reactions~ Openweight Tag Team Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

BURNING Cobra & Tadakuni Toshusai


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Gareth Wayne &

Junior Tag Champion- Golden Scorpion


Openweight Tag Team Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

World Tag Team Champion- Shimedzu &

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon


'Representing RAGE'

Masaaki Okazaki & Yoshii Shiomi


Six Man Tag (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Macho-Universe'

Mister Macho, Barei Yasujiro & Mystic Dragon


'Representing RAGE'

Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga & VENOM


Six Way Junior Scramble (First Fall Ends Match):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

American Optimus


'Representing Macho-Universe'

Haru Kurofuji


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kansuke Konda


Super Joshuya


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Champion- The Awesome Kiyaru


The Incredible Koyama


Openweight Single Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Omezo Shikitei


'Debut OFFICIAL' Singles Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Some Dude In A Mask'


'Representing RAGE'

Toshiki Shibanumo


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Hyosuke Kokan vs Merle O'Curle

Roku Sotomura & Stone Yoshikawa vs Tiger Fuyuki & White Samurai




Predictions Form

Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental III vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow

Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Yasunobu Masuno

Takayuki Onodera vs Yasuhiko Taira

BURNING Cobra & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Gareth Wayne & Golden Scorpion

Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs Masaaki Okazaki & Yoshii Shiomi

Mister Macho, Yasujiro & Mystic Dragon vs Sanda, Fuganaga & VENOM

Junior 6 Way: American Optimus vs Haru Kurofuji vs Kansuke Konda vs Super Joshuya vs The Awesome Kiyaru vs The Incredible Koyama.

Marihito Masuko vs Omezo Shikitei

'Some Dude In A Mask' vs Toshiki Shibanumo

Hyosuke Kokan vs Merle O'Curle

Roku Sotomura & Stone Yoshikawa vs Tiger Fuyuki & White Samurai.


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Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental III vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow


Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Yasunobu Masuno


Takayuki Onodera vs Yasuhiko Taira


BURNING Cobra & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Gareth Wayne & Golden Scorpion


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs Masaaki Okazaki & Yoshii Shiomi


Mister Macho, Yasujiro & Mystic Dragon vs Sanda, Fuganaga & VENOM


Junior 6 Way: American Optimus vs Haru Kurofuji vs Kansuke Konda vs Super Joshuya vs The Awesome Kiyaru vs The Incredible Koyama.


Marihito Masuko vs Omezo Shikitei


'Some Dude In A Mask' vs Toshiki Shibanumo


Hyosuke Kokan vs Merle O'Curle


Roku Sotomura & Stone Yoshikawa vs Tiger Fuyuki & White Samurai.

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