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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Nakasawa & Cobra vs Dragon & Miyamae



Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Horri & Elemental


Have to think that both Nakasawa and Kikkawa will be kept strong till their clash



10 Man Battle Royal for a world title shot:

Chuichi Sanda, Gareth Wayne, Masaaki Okazaki, Mister Macho, Mitsunari Fuganaga, Nisso Yuasha, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera, Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira

While one of the mullets seems most likely, you've expressed Mister Macho getting a mini push, and this win, and a decent title attempt would accomplish that.


Win or De-mask challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Kansuke Konda

Konda wont be the one demasking SDIAM


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Barei Yasujiro

Yasujiro tests the youngster before winning


Haru Kurofuji vs Tasuku Iesada


Shimedzu, Shikitei & Optimus vs Joshuya, Yoshikawa & Koyama


Kokan, Masuko, Shiraishi & Kawate vs O'Curle, Shibanumo,Shiomi & VENOM


Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Fuyuki & Samurai


Red Panther vs Roku Sotomura vs Mystic Dragon


Mostly squashes except last one which could go to any, but I see Mystic with the better long term future

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Nakasawa & Cobra vs Dragon & Miyamae

Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Horri & Elemental

I agree with Dragonmack, both Kikkawa and Nakasawa will stay strong here, though both might have some troubles with their team mates.


10 Man Battle Royal for a world title shot:

Chuichi Sanda, Gareth Wayne, Masaaki Okazaki, Mister Macho, Mitsunari Fuganaga, Nisso Yuasha, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera, Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira

Hard one as I could see half of these guys getting the win here, however I go with my build RAGE up idea once again and pick Okazaki for that reason.


Win or De-mask challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Kansuke Konda

Without that stipulation I would go with SDIAM without a second tough but that stipulation does make going with Konda more tempting... no, I still go with Mr. Mask as Konda wouldn´t really do much with the big singles win so better let someone else unmask our mystery man.


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Barei Yasujiro

Glenn looks good but loses tour continues.


Haru Kurofuji vs Tasuku Iesada

No doubt about this one


Shimedzu, Shikitei & Optimus vs Joshuya, Yoshikawa & Koyama

Shimedzu is simply too big name for he´s opponents in this one.


Kokan, Masuko, Shiraishi & Kawate vs O'Curle, Shibanumo,Shiomi & VENOM

This one is actually pretty hard as I´m tempted to pick RAGE once again but Masuko could use the win here and it wouldn´t hurt his teammates either.


Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Fuyuki & Samurai



Red Panther vs Roku Sotomura vs Mystic Dragon

Pretty sure that Dragon is still young lion and that would make Panther the likely winner here.

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Back from a trip and predicting again. Texas is fun, it's like being in a whole other country.


Predictions Form:


Nakasawa & Cobra vs Dragon & Miyamae


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Horri & Elemental


10 Man Battle Royal for a world title shot:

Chuichi Sanda, Gareth Wayne, Masaaki Okazaki, Mister Macho, Mitsunari Fuganaga, Nisso Yuasha, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera, Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira


Win or De-mask challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Kansuke Konda


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Barei Yasujiro


Haru Kurofuji vs Tasuku Iesada


Shimedzu, Shikitei & Optimus vs Joshuya, Yoshikawa & Koyama


Kokan, Masuko, Shiraishi & Kawate vs O'Curle, Shibanumo,Shiomi & VENOM


Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Fuyuki & Samurai


Red Panther vs Roku Sotomura vs Mystic Dragon

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Combustion Tour # 16

(Wednesday 20th October 2010)


Sapporo Sports Park , Hokkaido ( 5'000 Super No Vacancy)




Match A: Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs Tiger Fuyuki & White Samurai


This may as well have been a night off for the Junior Tag champion, as their hapless opponents offered little offence. This could have been done with in under five minutes, but either Fuyuki got lucky and managed to tag out or the BHFS just felt like dishing out more damage. A Brainbuster from Scorpion upon Samurai put this completely one sided match to bed.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [w] vs Tiger Fuyuki & White Samurai [L] in 5:30 via pinfall (Brainbuster)


Rating: C



Match B: Mystic Dragon vs Red Panther vs Roku Sotomura


A curious three way pitting a keep it on the mat submission specialist in Sotomura, against two high flyers in Mystic Dragon and Red Panther. Story of the match was that Sotomura just couldn't deal with two of these hopped up flying men buzzing around him. It looked as though it would be Mystic who would take the victory after landing the MYSTIC WAVE (Corkscrew Senton Splash) but it would be Panther who would have the final word nailing Mystic with the RED MIST (Dropsault into a Superkick) as the gaijin masked man picked up a rare victory.


Result: Red Panther [w] bt Mystic Dragon [L] & Roku Sotomura in 6:19 via pinfall (Red Mist)


Rating: C+



Main Show


Match #1: Haru Kurofuji vs Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HaruKurofuji.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg


Iesada now seemingly done with being part of Team INSPIRE would be keen to get off to a winning start from under the wing of Kikkawa, however this is just the sort of 'nothing to lose' match that can make an under-dog like Kurofuji become twice as dangerous.


Iesada immediately took control from the start taking the match to the mat, however Kurofuji was able to counter efficiently, which perhaps shouldn't come as too much of a suprise as despite being a Junior Division member, 'Tohoku Thunder' has a more grounded, technical style (not to say that he never takes to the air, it's just that he isn't what you call a flashy high flyer), something that contrasts/gels well with his regular tag partner Barei Yasujiro.


In fact Iesada was getting a little frustrated in being unable to find the opening to lock in the IESADA SPECIAL, so he decided to change pace letting Kurofuji rise to a vertical base, before whipping the Universal Excellence man into the ropes, that proved to be a mistake as Kurofuji responded with a drop-kick. Kurofuji nailed Iesada with another drop-kick, only for the former INSPIRE man to take a powder....Kurofuji wasn't about to let up the pace and nailed Iesada with a suicide dive.....


Kurofuji pitched the dazed Iesada back into the ring, and then headed up top, but Iesada was able to battle back to his feet, however an attempt to bring Kurofuji back in with a superplex was fought off by 'Tohoku Thunder' who then drilled Iesada with a missile drop-kick...a cover from Kurofuji got a two count, before the Universal Excellence man attempt to turn Iesada over for the KUROFUJI CRAB (Elevated Boston Crab), but the Super 10 Cup holder was able to scramble to the ropes.....


Iesada then got in a cheap shot on the rope break and set Kurofuji up for the IESADA BRIDGE (Bridging Northern Lights), but 'Tohoku Thunder' managed to fight it off and then plant Iesada with a snap suplex. The Universal Excellence man again tried to get Iesada turned over for the KUROFUJI CRAB but Iesada wasn't able to fight it off again. Kurofuji remained in control however nailing Iesada with another drop-kick, before heading up top, 'Tohuku Thunder' then came soaring off with the KAMIKAZE HEADBUTT (Long Rang Diving Headbutt)....


But Iesada managed to move out of the way in time, before rolling Kurofuji up into the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin)........


Kurofuji was unable to kick out, as Iesada managed to sneak by...relieved that he managed to avoid being on the wrong end of a major upset.


Result: Tasuku Iesada [w] bt Haru Kurofuji [L] in 10:10 via pinfall (Iesada Lockdown)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: This was a definitely a case where someone can get put over much better with a competitive loss, than some flukey win. Iesada-san did a good job of making Kurofuji-san look like he would have a chance of the upset here. These two also have styles that blend well together, so it made for a good match....too bad then that once again like Masuko-Shikitei from a few weeks back that this isn't likely to lead to a major feud between these two.


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: Perhaps my focus wasn't entirely on this match with Kurofuji-san, and I was nearly made to pay for not given it my full attention. Pathlow-san's decision to stick by Kikkawa-san is just gnawing at me...I'm the one who stood by him, I'm the one who won the UTL Cup with him, I'm the one who has an up-coming World Tag Team Title shot with him. Pathlow-san's an idiot if he think's I'm going to consider reconciling with that selfish fool.


Haru Kurofuji: On one hand I should be happy that I took one of the very best here in Burning Hammer to the limit, but then why should I be content with that...I had Iesada-san beat, yet he found a way to beat me. These are the slim margins that define success and failure in our sport....but such margins aren't based on luck and with that in my mind, I must push that little harder to create better 'luck'.



Match #2: Hyosuke Kokan, Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs

Merle O'Curle, Toshiki Shibanumo, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM








After a cagey opening period this eight man tag turned into a real back and forth battle with neither side really seizing the advantage and both teams coming close to securing victory on several occasions, signature double teams perhaps brought some of the closest near-falls with Snow Lizzard almost earning the win for the Sekigun with their SL Snapper (Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker combo) on Shibanumo, whilst Little Fury came close with their own double team the ENGAGE THE RAGE (Enziguri/Reverse STO) on Shiraishi.


In the end though the final battle came down to two individual talents as Marihito Masuko and Merle O'Curle battle it out to lock their signature submission onto their opponent, it was 'the Painted Wonder' who would win through locking on the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke) thus forcing the Irish Stretching Machine to tap the math away.


Result: Hyosuke Kokan, Marihito Masuko [w], Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs Merle O'Curle [L], Toshiki Shibanumo, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM in 13:26 via submission (Pink Dream)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: This was a solid match, but this may be one of those rare occasions where the match could have benefitted with having a little bit of time shaved off and wrestled at a quicker tempo from the start. Crowds will be intrigued by a slow build if it's star names in the ring, however if it's midcarders and jobbers then intrigue gives way to apathy i'm afraid.



Match #3: Glenn 20 Match Trial Series (#2):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Barei Yasujiro


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg


Kevin Christopher Glenn lost his first match of his trial series to the veteran junior heavyweight, how would the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' fare against another well travelled super junior in the form of Macho-Universe's Barei Yasujiro?


In a case of deja-vu from his last match with Joshuya this one began with some high paced, highly fluid chain wrestling, however unlike last time Glenn was unable to surprise his veteran opponent with his proficiency and Yasujiro was able to stay a step ahead before almost nabbing an early pin with a kip up head-scissors......


Yasujiro continued to set the pace connecting with a leg lariat and then planting Glenn with a German Suplex for a two count, before heading up top....the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' however was able to get back to his feet and after cutting Yasujiro off from taking flight 'sent the Mighty Mouse' crashing back in with a superplex.....


Glenn then went to connect with the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND (Superkick) but Yasujiro was able to move out of the way in time and bailed to the floor.....Glenn however immediately went for the slingshot splash but Yasujiro was able to move out of the way in time and after connecting with a kick combination, the 'Mighty Mouse' then wiped out Glenn with an Arabian Press....


Yasujiro then went to set Glenn up for the YASUJIRO SUPLEX but the protege of TCW's Joey Minnesota was able to slip off Yasujiro's shoulders and plant the 'Mighty Mouse' with a German Suplex for a two count.....


Glenn then decided to head up to the top turnbuckle, but like he was able to do to Yasujiro earlier he got cut off and was then sent crashing into the ring with a hurracanrana...Glenn then staggered up to his feet only to be planted with the POISON RANA (Reverse hurracanrana) from Yasujiro.....


Glenn showed great resillience by kicking out at two, but remained rooted to the mat....Yasujiro then picked Glenn up with a wheelbarrow, setting up for the MIGHTY MOUSE DRIVER but 'the Dixieland Wonderkid' had it well scouted and countered into a victory roll. Yasujiro however was able to kick out just in time and immediately seized back control with a low roundhouse kick, before planting Glenn with a side-slam...the 'Mighty Mouse' then headed up top once more and before the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' could rise back to his feet, Yasujiro came crashing down upon Glenn with the MIGHTY MOUSE AIR ATTACK (Sky Twister Press) to bring a competitive ten minutes to an end.


Result: Barei Yasujiro [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 11:08 (Mighty Mouse Air Attack)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: What applied to the first match in Glenn's trial series against Super Joshuya, applies here against Yasujiro. Great action but absolutely no heat right now, however it is early days and if Glenn-san continues to put in good performances...then he should get himself over by the end of this trial series.


Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: There is no doubt in my mind, having stepped into the ring with him that Glenn-san will become a champion one day, the kid is that talented. But that's the thing he is still a kid and I wasn't going to become the kid's first scalp, no matter how talented that kid is.


Kevin Christopher Glenn (in southern drawl): Lassoo-giro is a reaal legend of this sport....and it waas a reaalll pleasure ta step into ta ring with 'ihm....But I ain't 'ere to be all star-struck like...I'm 'ere to win maatches, and though ahve given it ma best shot like...I know that I need ta step it up a geaaar if I'm gonna be a success 'ere like.



~Battle of Sapporo~

Match #4: 10 Man 'Battle Royal' for a shot at Unified World Championship:


Featuring: Chuichi Sanda, Gareth Wayne, Masaaki Okazaki, Mister Macho, Mitsunari Fuganaga, Nisso Yuasha, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera, Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira





Sanda and Onodera were the first two to start things off though over the course of the next ten minutes the ring filled up with all ten men, as no eliminations were made with Nisso Yuasha the final entrant to hit the ring. It was no suprise to see the Black Heart Brethren trio of Taira, Masuno and Wayne working together, and they made their prescence felt by immediately targetting the Wild Fire duo of Onodera and Toshusai. Help wasn't forth coming as the RAGE trio of Okazaki, Fuganaga and Sanda were concentrating on trying to eliminate the superheavyweight mass of Nisso Yuasha on the other side of the ring.


Mister Macho eventually decided to try and even things up for Wild Fire against the Brethren, but his decision to be a little more pro-active came too late for Takayuki Onodera who fell victim to Black Magic's (DEVASTATOR)...with the former World Tag Team Champions allowing Gareth Wayne to arrogantly make the pin whilst they turned their attentions to Tadakuni Toshusai.


Elimination #1: Takayuki Onodera in 12:02 (via pinfall- Gareth Wayne, following Devastator from Taira/Masuno)


Wayne's celebratory mood was short lived however as he was levelled with a MACHO LARIAT, the momentum sending him over the top-rope and out to the floor.


Elimination #2: Gareth Wayne in 12:28 (via top rope elimination- Mister Macho: Macho Lariat)


Macho then went over to help Toshusai who was valiantly battling against Black Magic. Meanwhile the RAGE trio continued to wear down Yuasha. They had brought the big man to their knees and had a double submission supplied as Okazaki placed the Baby Elephant in the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf) whilst Fuganaga applied the Triangle Choke.....After realising that Yuasha was no longer showing any resistance the referee controlling that part of the ring, Yasuyuki Terakado called time on the 'Baby Elephant's participation in the match.


Elimination #3: Nisso Yuasha in 14:55 (via submission- Masaaki Okazaki/Mitsunari Fuganaga- combination Crab Lift/Triangle Choke)....


With Yuasha out the way the RAGE trio went on the attack, attacking both Black Magic and the men they were battling Toshusai and Mister Macho. With no better way of putting it all hell broke lose and a rash of eliminations suddenly happened amongst the chaos.


A SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) from Tadakuni Toshusai was enough to send Sanda stumbling towards the ropes, before a clothesline from Yasunobu Masuno sent the RAGE man over the top and to the outside. Yasuhiko Taira then went to connect with a FLATTENER (Running Corner Clothesline) upon Masaaki Okazaki but was then blind sided with MACHO LARIAT, before Mitsunari Fuganaga then connected with the RUNNING KNEE DRIVE, and followed up with a pin to pull off a shock elimination of the former World Champion. Toshusai then found himself taken down with a chop block from Okazaki and the RAGE pair of Fuganaga and Okazaki combined with a stereo Shoot Kick Flurry to leave 'Wild Charisma' dazed enough for Fuganaga to make yet another elimination.


Elimination #4: Chuichi Sanda in 16:08 (via top rope elimination- Yasunobu Masuno- Clothesline)


Elimination #5: Yasuhiko Taira in 17:12 (via pinfall- Mitsunari Fuganaga- Running Knee Drive)


Elimination #6: Tadakuni Toshusai in 17:58 (via pinfall- Mitsunari Fuganaga- Stereo Shoot Kicks with Okazaki)


The final four had created a rather curious scenario, with the RAGE pair of Fuganaga and Okazaki building momentum, whilst on the other side Yasunobu Masuno and Mister Macho were trying to knock seven bells out of each other. Macho as the leader of Sekigun allies 'Macho-Universe' was opposed to the BHB's Masuno anyway but the fact he cost Masuno his spot in the contender's circle would have truly rankled with the 'Hammer'. However they were now under attack from the RAGE duo who were determined to continue their momentum....


That however probably wasn't the wisest of moves on Okazaki and Fuganaga's part, as their eagerness to sse themselves into the final two, awokened the battling rivals to the fact that the two other men in the ring were working together, so in order to counter out as much as they disliked each other...they would have work together. With that realisation Masuno and Macho were able to use their size and strength to simply overpower the RAGE duo.


Masuno sent Okazaki to the floor with a MACHO LARIAT and then just moments later Mister Macho drilled Fuganaga into the canvas with the OLD SKOOL PILEDRIVER.


Elimination #7: Masaaki Okazaki in 19:56 (via Top Rope Elimination- Yasunobu Masuno- Clothesline)


Elimination #8: Mitsunari Fuganaga in 20:10 (via pinfall- Mister Macho- Old Skool Piledriver)...


Before Macho could even get his bearings back, he was quickly blindsided with a MAGIC K.O (Rolling Elbow) from Masuno, as the BHB man tried to seize immediate advantage and claim the final elimination. But to the 'Hammer's' frustration Macho was able to kick out at two. Masuno then hoisted the dazed Macho upon his shoulders as he tried to set up for the DAY OF RACKENING but Macho was able to slide off the back and then rock Masuno with MACHO LARIAT......


Before connecting with the BULL RUSH (Spear).....


Masuno was able to kick out at two, but remained rooted to the mat. Macho then headed up top, but before he took took too long and Masuno was able to rise to his feet. Masuno then went delivered a series of heavy blows that saw Macho lose his balance and take an awkward looking tumble onto the apron. Masuno then delivered the MAGIC K.O knocking Macho to the floor...and with that 'the Hammer' celebrated.....


But Battle Royal matches in BHOTWG, the final elimination must end with a pinfall or submission. A dumbfounded Masuno's joy was soon cut off when he was informed of this by head referee Omura Umeki who had remained in the ring to call the final elimination of the match. Macho however was seemingly still in a bad way on the outside, and 'the Hammer' dragged the Macho-Universe leader back into the ring and set up for the AVALANCHE POWERBOMB....


But Macho suddenly came to life, blocking the attempt and then reeling off a series of lefts and rights that put Masuno on the back foot.....Macho then stepped back and then connected with another BULL RUSH (Spear)....to send 'the Hammer' crumbling to the mat.....






Three !!!!


Mister Macho had once again got the better of Yasunobu Masuno, and in the process secured the first shot at the soon to be Unified Burning World/King of Fighters Championship.


Final Elimination: Yasunobu Masuno in 25:02 (via pinfall- Mister Macho- Bull Rush)


Result: Mister Macho won a Battle Royal in 25:02


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Whilst this Battle Royal did have some good moments....RAGE's double submission elimination, Fuganaga-san's surprise run to the final four and the final elimination between Macho-san and Masuno-san playing off their recent contenders circle match. There was too much wayward brawling (something that unfortunately these sort of matches can get bogged down with) and the eliminations took too long to get started.


Having earned his way into the contenders circle, Macho-san perhaps didn't really need this win, but I wanted to continue his recent good form as both himself and Macho-Universe build momentum to becoming a genuine threat to the other factions here within BHOTWG.


Post Match Comments:


Mister Macho: OOH YEAHH , I told ya the Macho-Man was heading straight to the top of the mountain.....Kikkawa-san, Nakasawa-san look out the Macho-man is gunning for you brothers.


Yasunobu Masuno: Why can't I beat that idiot Macho, it's really pissing me off.



Match #5: American Optimus, Omezo Shikitei & Shimedzu vs

Super Joshuya, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama








With World Tag Team Champion amongst their number the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio were obvious favourites, but face with a determined trio looking to prove a point, they found their opponents to be much tougher in practice. Former Dragon Feet 2K9 member Super Joshuya was particularly determined, though he was left frustated by his efforts to get his hands on his former tag partner American Optimus. The real surprise however was the team work between Koyama and Yoshikawa, giving a hint towards them becoming a full time tandem ....in fact a Backbreaker Hold/Diving Leg-drop combo upon American Optimus almost brought the unaligned trio an upset victory.


But that would be as close as they would come to scoring the upset, as Shimedzu moved it up a gear, whilst Joshuya became too focused upon trying to get his hands upon American Optimus, as they ended up brawling into the crowd. The finish saw Shikitei take out Yoshikawa with the OS Combination, whilst Shimedzu drilled Koyama with a DDT before locking on the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke) to force the tap out from the former WLW starlet.


Result: American Optimus, Omezo Shikitei & Shimedzu [w] vs Super Joshuya, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama [L] in 10:15 via submission (Insurrexion Device)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: The non alligned team were really up for this, seeing this is an opportunity to impress on the main show, so it made for a surprisingly competitive match in the eyes of the fans, even if it wasn't exactly the strongest Dragon Feet line up on the other side despite the prescence of Shimedzu-san. As hinted by their strong team work in the match, there are plans for Yoshikawa-san and Koyama-san to become a full time team. They'll probably be Junior Tag basement dwellers for a while, but it gives them more focus than aimlessly spending half their time on the pre-show.


Post Match Comments:


American Optimus: Joshuya-san, it's about time you put a lid on all that jealousy, just accept the fact that I'm better than you, and that you're simply not worthy of being in Dragon Feet 2K9...accept the fact that your past your best and that your place in the larger scale of things is to be jerking the curtain on the pre-show.


Super Joshuya: American Optimus, is a disgrace to the Optimus legacy, he is not fit even to lace the legendary Optimus's boots....That charlatan may of driven me out of Dragon Feet 2K9, but I will drive him out of Burning Hammer.



~Succeed to Reveal or Succeed~

Match #6: Kansuke Konda vs Some Dude In A Mask


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg vs http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/SDITM_jhd.jpg


*SDIAM must de-mask and reveal his true identity, if Konda wins the match.


Unlike previous matches featuring the enigma that is SDIAM, there is something on the line here.....SDIAM's mask and the reveal to his true identity, after he accepted Konda's somewhat audacious challenge during SDIAM's pre-match interview time during the previous show. There was nothing in this wager for the mysterious masked man, except the continuation of his winning streak.


As soon as the bell rung, Konda was on the attack...going toe to toe with the masked man....the 'Big Fight Player' may only be a Junior Heavyweight in size, but it has always been a determined brawler. And Konda's fireplug energy put SDIAM on the back foot.....


But only for a little bit, as the masked man coolly regained his focus and fired back with some heavy elbow shots that had the 'Big Fight Player' reeling. A jumping knee strike from SDIAM onto Konda who was propped up against the turnbuckle in the corner, left the Size of the Fight man even more in a daze and that was followed by a release overhead belly to belly suplex.....


The 'Big Fight Player' doggidly kicked out of the pin however, but was unable to prevent being turned over onto his back, as SDIAM applied a single leg lock into an excrutiating Tendon Hold....once again Konda showed his fighting spirit however by making it to the ropes, as he fought through the pain, determined not to tap out and then finding a burst of energy, prevented SDIAM from re-seizing control with a flurry of the fireplug brawling that saw him on the front foot at the very start of the match.


A drop-kick from Konda saw him knock begin to build up some momentum, but he then gingerly hobbled back to his feet, and SDIAM was able to recover and knock Konda down with a charging elbow strike, except the 'Big Fight Player' was savvy enough to duck the attempt and then return fire with another drop-kick, a basement drop kick then took SDIAM down to the mat.....


Konda then headed for the top turnbuckle but he was clearly still favouring the right leg that SDIAM had worked over with the Tendon Hold earlier and that allowed for SDIAM to make it back to his feet and cut Konda off. But the 'Big Fight Player' was able to knock SDIAM back down and then came crashing down upon the enigmatic masked man with the KONDA SPLASH (Frog Splash).......








SDIAM managed to kick out, Konda then tried to lift the masked man up for the KONDA DRIVER (Fisherman Driver), but the larger SDIAM was able to use his extra weight to prevent Konda from building the momentum to get him up...before countering with the PINPOINT SUPLEX (Trapping Suplex)......








Konda showed fighting spirit once again by kicking out and then finding another burst of energy put SDIAM on the backfoot once again with another whirlwind of left and rights...before following up with a drop-kick.....


SDIAM then staggered right into a KONDA KUTTER (Jumping Cutter).........








SDIAM reached a foot onto the bottom rope just about saving his winning streak and his true identity that he was determined to keep hidden, it was the closest anyone had some to ending the masked man's winning run here in BHOTWG and the frustration at coming so close to doing so was etched across Konda's face.


The Big Fight Player then decided to head up top once more and once again went for the KONDA SPLASH.....


But this time SDIAM got the knees up....the masked man was able to stagger back to his feet first as the 'Big Fight Player' clutched his mid-section in agony unaware of the lethal Front Knee Strike (now being called the AT Strike by Mitsuhide Muro during his play by play calling of the match- AT standing for 'Absolute Terror') that was about to hit his face with unstoppable force.


In just over a minute Konda went from being the man who would end SDIAM winning run to becoming the enigmatic masked man's latest victim.


Result: Some Dude In A Mask [w] bt Kansuke Konda [L] in 12:02 via pinfall (AT Strike)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: A very solid match between these two, that was fought at an energetic pace throughout, Konda-san has always tended to produce his best performances for BHOTWG when he has been cast as the plucky underdog and this was no exception. Though it has to be said that the pin made too near the ropes after the nailed SDIAM with the Konda Kutter did blatantly telegraph Konda's 'agonizingly close to winning moment' to the fans and that his decision to go for another Konda Splash could only end in failure. SDIAM's AT Strike* is being built as something on a par with the Burning Lariat, an instant kill strike that will end the match the second it nails their opponent.


* Indeed, SDIAM's lethal face smashing knee strike now has a proper name. Let's face it Front Knee Strike was too plain sounding-though it had be called as such whilst SDIAM was portrayed as a mysterious outsider. Renaming it AT (Absolute Terror) Strike, is somewhat a homage to a legendary anime series- though you would have had to have seen the series to get why it's a homage.


Post Match Comments:


Some Dude In A Mask is frustrating the press once again, with his silent treatment....when the tag team partner of Kansuke Konda, Hyosuke Kokan interrupts the awkward silence....


Hyosuke Kokan: You may have just knocked by friend out cold, but I've been studying you....and you know what I reckon I've got you figured.....I know who you are, and I think I know how to beat you.


Some Dude In A Mask: "...."


Hyosuke Kokan: So, how about it 'pal', another round....same wager that Konda-san offered.


Some Dude In A Mask: Hai


Once again with a simple Hai completely devoid of emotion, SDIAM agreed to the one sided demands of what would be his next opponent.



Match #7: Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III vs

Tadiyuki Kikkawa & John Pathlow


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhd1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg


Despite the fact that Iesada made the decision to walk out on Team INSPIRE, John Pathlow has decided to stick by Kikkawa despite the fact he won the UTL Cup with Iesada and has an up-coming World Tag Team Title shot with Iesada at Night of the Burning Hammer. Will Kikkawa show appreciation of Pathlow's loyalty by pulling his weight more in this match or would it be another version of the Team INSPIRE story that has played out in recent weeks?


Elemental III and Pathlow started things out and they engaged in a cautious strike battle before transitioning into a chain wrestling stale mate. Kikkawa tagged in, but after seeing Horri get tagged in by Elemental III, immediately decided to tag Pathlow back into the match. Unfortunately for Pathlow it seemed as though Kikkawa could care less about his 'loyalty'.


Pathlow however quickly shook off any thoughts of being 'used' by Kikkawa, and he took the fight to Horri losing his speed and agility to keep 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' off balance with a rapid flurry of strikes and kicks. A basement drop-kick took Horri off his feet and Pathlow headed up top, as he came crashing down with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop) but Horri was able to move out of the way just in time and the shell shocked former World Champion managed to get the tag into Elemental III.


Pathlow tried to make the tag to Kikkawa, but the disinterested Team INSPIRE leader took the decision to hop off the apron....the hard hitting gaijin Junior rolled out to the floor and got in Kikkawa's face, but as it looked like Pathlow might be about to unload his pent up frustration upon the 'King of Fighters' Elemental III came soaring over the top-rope with his trademark Elemental Space Flying Drop (No Hands Planca) to wipe out both Team INSPIRE men.


The 'Third Generation Icon' pitched Pathlow back into the ring, and after softening up 'Rapid Fire' with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series then planted Pathlow with the ELEMENTAL SUPLEX......








Pathlow kicked out but then found his ankle grabbed by Elemental III, as the 2010 Best of the Super Juniors looked to lock on the ANKLE HOLDO but Pathlow was savvy enough to turn himself over onto his back and kick Elemental III away before the 'Third Generation Icon' could grapevine his leg.


Elemental III staggered back towards his corner and got the tag into Horri, who moved in on the worn down and hobbled Pathlow. After a few clubbing blows Horri then set up for the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb) only for Pathlow to counter into a victory roll.....








Pathlow kicked out but was then immediately turned inside out with a Lariat, before being planted with the HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster)........








Kikkawa dived in to make the save, his desire to always come out on the winning side having finally kicked in, with the realisation that Pathlow was just about 'done'.


Kikkawa then got in a few cheap shots on Horri, before dropping 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' with a KIKKAWA LARIAT, as Horri tried to battle back. Kikkawa of course was not the legal man but he had bought enough time for drag Pathlow across to the INSPIRE corner and officially tag into the match.


The 'King of Fighters' went to connect with another Kikkawa Lariat but Horri was able to duck under and came back with one of his own. Kikkawa stayed on his feet but then staggered right into a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)......








Kikkawa kicked out, he had to, to stay alive because Pathlow was a spent force. Horri then dragged Kikkawa back up to a vertical base and went for the BURNING LARIAT, but it was blocked, Kikkawa then went for the lethal short range Lariat he made famous but Horri was able to block this time....and then both went for it !!!!


Both went down, and referee Umeki started to apply a double ten count......








Both staggered up to their feet at the same time, just about beating the ten count....however Horri was able to tag in the fresh Elemental III who immediately knocked Kikkawa back down with a missile drop-kick and then headed up top..........


INFERNO SPLASH (Corkscrew 450 Splash)....the 'Third Generation Icon' came crashing down upon Kikkawa......








And three quarters, somehow to everyone's frustration Kikkawa had just about enough left to kick out......his self serving arrogance may annoy everyone (his dwindling stable mates included) but there is no doubting the 'King of Fighters' fighting spirit was the immediate assessment from Toru Minamoto from the BHOTWG announcing desk.....


Kikkawa still looked to be in a bad way however and suddenly found himself trapped in the ANKLE HOLDO, and unlike with Pathlow.....Elemental III was able to grapevine the leg.....


Absolute agony was etched on Kikkawa's face....he couldn't take it anymore..his hand was quivering to tap......


But Pathlow burst into the ring and stomped away on Elemental III, before drilling the 'Third Generation Icon' with the KILL DRILL (Double Underhook Piledriver)......


Pathlow then knocked Horri off the apron with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Side Kick) before Koetsu Shinozaki finally tried to restore order but by that time it was too late for the Sekigun pair, who having had the upper hand now found themselves in major trouble.


Kikkawa however still the legal man was still somewhat hobbled himself, and despite just being dropped on his head Elemental III was able to crawl back across to the semi recovered Horri and tag 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' back into the match.....


But Horri who re-entered still in a bit of a daze staggered right into a KIKKAWA LARIAT.....however the normally full speed Running Lariat was delivered at half the pace by the still hobbled Kikkawa and Horri was able to stay on his feet.....


Horri however was unable to react in time to Kikkawa's follow up......








Three !!!


Once again, despite not being on the same page as his stable mate, Kikkawa was able to pull out the victory, but if truth be told his pseudo heroic saviour act, would not have been possible if Pathlow had not recovered in time , otherwise the King of Fighters would have had the indignity (at least from his arrogant viewpoint) to tap out to Elemental III.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] & John Pathlow bt Kinnojo Horri [L] & Elemental III in 19:32 via pinfall (Burning Lariat)


Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: Well they keep finding ways to get mileage out of the whole Kikkawa being too selfish even for his own team mates angle, without it becoming stale. Kikkawa-san did a great job here of putting over Elemental III's Ankle Holdo as a lethal submission, as the fans were buying into the fact he was about to tap out until Pathlow's timely recovery. For the whole 18 and a half minutes this match ran for, it was an entriguing encounter and one that had the fans fully engaged from beginning to end.


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Once again it's up to me to pull out the victory....


John Pathlow: Maybe Iesada-san was right after all


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Right about what?


John Pathlow: Right about the fact, that the only person you care for is yourself...you show no graditude what so ever to me......


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: And why should I be thankful to you, surely you should be thankful for the fact that you get to ride along with greatness....


John Pathlow: Lets see, for a start...lets look at the match we just had.....if it wasn't for my intervention you would have been tapping out to Elemental III.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Oh sure I was.....


John Pathlow: Don't give me that.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Do you think that I, the great Kikkawa would tap out to a masked midget?


John Pathlow: Iesada-san broke breaking point with your arrogance last week, now I think I've reached my breaking point...


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Go on quit....see if I care, you'll never go anywhere without me...I AM TEAM INSPIRE !!!



Match #8: Hiroaki Nakasawa & BURNING Cobra vs

Miyamae & Sensational Dragon


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawaALT21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg


The main event would put a Burning Sekigun pair that have begun to not see eye to eye lately in the form of World Champion, and re-formed heel BURNING Cobra against a Dragon Feet 2K9 who have shown none of those sort of problems of late.


The first half of the match, was a long feeling out process....as neither side really pushed home an advantage....Sensational Dragon got a tight roll up on Cobra for a close two count and Cobra himself managed to get Miyamae briefly in the Stone Hold (Sharpshooter) but other than that, no one looked like suddenly nabbing the win out of nowhere.


That was until Nakasawa got in a cheap shot on Dragon who had climbed up to the top turbuckle after snapping off a head-scissors on Cobra. Cobra who was none too happy about Nakasawa's intervention ended up arguing with the Sekigun leader, rather than taking advantage of a dazed Dragon who was prone to being launched back into the ring....the Junior Champion recovered and nailed Cobra with a missile drop-kick the momentum of which took the re-formed hero out of the ring.


Following that up with a double dive to the floor, the Dragon Feet 2K9 pair took full control of the match, and a DRAGON SUPLEX from the Sensational One upon Cobra brought a two count....before the Junior Champion turned things over to Miyamae.


Miyamae reeled off a series of snap suplexes on Cobra, looking to wear the former BHB man down before placing Cobra in the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice).....


But just as it looked like Cobra might have to be forced to tap out, Nakasawa broke into the ring and stomped away on 'the Viper' forcing Miyamae to release the hold. Nakasawa then encouraged Cobra to go for a double team, on Miyamae but the former BHB man was hesistant to do so, resulting in the pair being on the receiving end of stereo drop-kicks from their Dragon Feet 2K9 opponents.


Sensational Dragon followed that up with a moonsault press off the top turbuckle to wipe out Nakasawa, whilst Miyamae nailed Cobra with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN.....








Cobra showed great fighting spirit by kicking out, but remained rooted to the mat, Miyamae then decided to head up top....only for Nakasawa, who had recovered and managed to suplex Dragon onto a pile of chairs....hop onto the apron and shove Miyamae back into the ring....


Cobra who again didn't look too happy about Nakasawa's shady intervention, hesistated before nailing Miymae with a drop-kick and then following up with the STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex)......








Cobra's hesistation to follow up on Nakasawa's intervention may have just cost him victory.....Cobra then decided to head for the top turnbuckle but was prevented from doing so, by a blind tag from Nakasawa.....


The Sekigun pair argued amongst themselves agai, unaware that a recovered Miyamae was about to drop-kick Cobra out of the ring and that Sensational Dragon was about to dive back into the ring and take Nakasawa down with the SENSATION SHOCK (Diving Front Flip hurracanrana pin)......








No, referee Omura Umeki rightly waved the pinfall off, as Dragon was not the legal man much to the Junior Champions frustration.......


Miyamae legally tagged Dragon into the match, and the Junior Champion lined up for a superkick, but Nakasawa was able to move out of the way in time and the 'H-Bomb was then able to level the Junior Champion with a lariat.


Nakasawa then planted Dragon with a vertical suplex for a two count, before setting up the Sensational One for the H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb) but Dragon managed to slip off and then nail Nakasawa with a Super Kick.....leaving the World Champion dazed enough for Dragon to plant Nakasawa with the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui)......








Cobra dived back in at the last split second to make the save. Miyamae then pitched and followed Cobra out to the floor, as Dragon headed for the top turnbuckle, whilst Nakasawa remained rooted to the mat.....


But as Dragon appeared to be setting up for the Dragon's Fire...Nakasawa managed to stagger back up to his feet and 'conveniently' stumble agains the ropes....causing Dragon to lose his foot and become crotched on the top turnbuckle.....


Nakasawa then took full advantage of the situation sending Dragon crashing back into the ring with a SUPER H-BOMB (Crucifix Superbomb)......








And with that the match was suddenly all over, as Nakasawa emerged triumphant and once again his triumph, as was often the case as of late was in slightly dubious circumstances.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & BURNING Cobra bt Miyamae and Sensational Dragon [L] in 21:39 via pinfall (Super H-Bomb)


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: This couldn't quite live up to the quality of the previous match, the first half laboured and even though it was part of the angle....Nakasawa-san and Cobra-san genuinely didn't have any chemistry as tag team partners. That being said it picked up enough down the stretch, and the tease at a Dragon-san pulling out the Dragon's Fire only to be sent crashing to the mat with a Super H-Bomb made for an exciting finish.


Post Match Comments:


BURNING Cobra: Winning matches in a questionable manner is how it all starts, Nakasawa-san might not be doing anything blatantly wrong right now but....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Oh give it up Cobra, I'm here in Burning Hammer to be the best and that means winning matches...and whilst I appreciate the fact that you've seen sense to jump from those clowns the BHB to MY team...I don't need you holding me back by taking the moral high ground.


BURNING Cobra: Look the reason I left behind the Brethren and joined up with the Sekigun, Nakasawa-san is because you DID win in the right way...but it seems as though you are becoming obsessed about winning, and I'm afraid to see your judgement is being clouded.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: I don't need to hear this......


BURNING Cobra: The truth hurts does it?


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Look Cobra-san...I'm the leader of the Sekigun not you......


BURNING Cobra: You're only the leader because you hold the World Championship....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: The soon to be unified with that worthless bit of crap Kikkawa-san holds, World Championship...and besides isn't being the best in the world as a good a reason as any to be representing the pride of Burning Hammer.....


BURNING Cobra: It would be if you continued to win matches the right way.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: Despite the main event being a 'slight' disappointment (or more to the point it was overshadowed by a better paced semi main), this was a very solid show from top to bottom. I can't feel too disatisfied about this one, and the build towards 'Night' really feels like it is gathering pace now.

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Renaming it AT (Absolute Terror) Strike


LOL. Awesome anime series, very goth. Great name for the move.


Never really thought of the awesome anime* as being 'goth', but I suppose it kind of is in a way, just not 'goth' in the stereotypically dressed in black 'vampires and werewolves' sense.


Anyway good to see you back on board with the predictions Infernal.


* I'm not going to reveal within the thread, what Anime the move refers to, because think of the random pop culture references as 'Easter Eggs'. Not knowing what they refer to should not detract from your enjoyment of the diary, but I suppose knowing what they are could enhance your enjoyment that tiny bit more.

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Combustion Tour #4 (Show 13- Show 18)


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It's still very tight going into the final two rounds, with only two points separating the top 4. Realistically it is between those four now (all four would have to lose all sense of their predictions skills for one of the others to take this- though if you're not in that top four, still free to predict just for the hell of it.)


This wasn't the most difficult card to predict, as people rightly guessed that I would want to keep both Nakasawa and Kikkawa strong, despite the continuing problems with their own stable mates. The only real match that could be called something of a lottery was the Battle Royal and the pre-show jobber 3 way proved to be somewhat tricky.

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The Onodera Diaries:


Not long to go now till Night of the Burning Hammer and the bulk of the card is in place. The main focus for the show of course will be upon the Unification match between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Tadiyuki Kikkawa, but I feel we have a strong supporting undercard in place as well.


However that is still a week away, and I have other things on my mind right now, such as the continuing need to blood younger talent, because even though we have a talented roster it is also an ageing one, especially amongst the heavyweights. That's not to say everyone is well past their prime (Nakasawa, Horri, Taira and Masuno are all under 30) but a good bulk of our uppercard is over 35...Kikkawa, Shimedzu, Miyamae, Iesada, Okazaki, Macho. It's not that these men have nothing left in the tank, they still have plenty to give but there will come that time when it's time for them to start 'passing the torch'.


At the start of the tour, we already brought up Omezo Shikitei and though he hasn't set the place on fire yet, he has done a solid job...then again he hasn't been booked to set the place on fire. However one from the next generation is not enough, and so we have taken decision to call up Ryushi Sato from Hinote Dojo as well. Like Shikitei-san, Sato-san is far from the finished article but he's at the stage and shows enough promise..where letting him get valuable experience in Burning Hammer would be beneficial to him than grinding his wheels down in Hinote.


To be honest our relationship with Hinote frustrates me no end, because we don't really have any control over how our 'developmental' talent is being booked down there. But part of the agreement that was made, still allowed Okazawaya-san full control how things were run down there and naturally he wants to put over 'his guys' (the indy veterans whose chances at wrestling on the bigger stage have passed) rather than our young lion projects. I can sympathise with why he would take that decision. If I was in his shoes I'd do the same..if I was lucky enough to be offered the same deal, but it really doesn't help us.


Now admittedly there isn't much room right now on an already sizeable roster to bring Sato-san onto it. But roster space will be opening up soon, for a start perennial pre-show attendees Tiger Fuyuki and White Samurai contracts will be expiring soon and they won't be renewed. I have nothing against them personally, they are both solid workers and I have had no problems with them in terms of their attitude backstage, they just don't quite have what it takes to make it in BHOTWG.


The way they have been booked so 'weak' during their tenures here in Burning Hammer, they could have kicked up more of a fuss but both were always professional in their attitude, perhaps being so undemanding was somewhat detrimental to their own ambitions. So in some ways by releasing them, we are releasing them from the rut they were stuck in and perhaps a stint away from us will re-invigorate their wrestling careers.


I genuinely do wish both of them well with their future endeavours, but I'd be very surprised if either one of them goes onto be major champion material, I'm not saying that neither have a chance of being picked up by one of the other major promotions here in Japan, but at best I see both making it to the midcard, and more realistically I see both either doing much the same they did here in BHOTWG, working as talent enhancers for one of the other well established promotions or going back to the Indies, where admittedly they would take less money but wouldn't be looking up at the lights so much.


To be honest at 36, Fuyuki-san's time to 'breakout' has probably passed, however Samurai-san ten years Fuyuki-san's junior, perhaps does still have a chance to get his career back on track but he has a better chance doing that elsewhere right now..than here in Burning Hammer.


So therefore, do we actually risk the chance of Samurai-san 'breaking out' somewhere else, well admittedly we do but it's not as though our own Junior Division is lacking in great talent right now, and at this moment in time Samurai-san didn't quite have what it takes to be on the same level as the rest of the Burning Hammer Junior Division.


It's also very possible over the coming year that we might also shed one or two others on the roster, all lower end talent..it all depends on how valuable we see these roster members being to Burning Hammer, when they're contracts come up for renewal.

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Never really thought of the awesome anime* as being 'goth', but I suppose it kind of is in a way, just not 'goth' in the stereotypically dressed in black 'vampires and werewolves' sense.


Anyway good to see you back on board with the predictions Infernal.


* I'm not going to reveal within the thread, what Anime the move refers to, because think of the random pop culture references as 'Easter Eggs'. Not knowing what they refer to should not detract from your enjoyment of the diary, but I suppose knowing what they are could enhance your enjoyment that tiny bit more.


Well, as the original All Purpose Cultural Goth Girl, I have a great appreciation of goth. In this case not in the black lace, vampires sort of way. But in the Edgar Allen Poe, things are decaying and falling apart and it's only getting worse. But that's all I'll say to avoid giving away anything on the anime.:)


In fact Iesada was getting a little frustrated in being unable to find the opening to lock in the IESADA SPECIAL


The move so painful it puts people to sleep!;) Good write up, got across the point that there could have been an upset.


Result: Mister Macho won a Battle Royal in 25:02


I'll have a hard time ever shaking the feeling Macho Hamacho is too much a 'silly' character to take seriously in title shots.



And Konda's fireplug energy but SDIAM on the back foot




I like Some Dude so far. Very strong style in wrestling. Anbd the slow build is good. We're getting closer to revealing who he really is.


Pathlow tried to make the tag to Kikkawa, but the disinterested Team INSPIRE leader and hopped of the apron....the hard hitting gaijin Junior rolled out to the floor and got in Kikkawa's face, but as it looked like Pathlow might be about to unload his pent up frustration upon the 'King of Fighters' Elemental III came soaring over the top-rope with his trademark Elemental Space Flying Drop (No Hands Planca) to wipe out both Team INSPIRE men.


'leader hopped off the apron' suspects All Purpose Grammatical Girl Miko.


Nice to see a classic like this. It's a great way to focus the bad guys on the match again without resolving the conflict.


Kikkawa dived in to make the save, his desire to always come out on the winning side having finally kicked in, with the realisation that Pathlow was just about 'done'.


"You're nothing without me, newb. Now watch as I step in to save the day."


Nice way to get over the pain of the ankle hold as well. Now the question will be after Pathlow put aside his anger to save Kikkawa, does Kikkawa finally see value in his teammate?


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Once again it's up to me to pull out the victory....


I'd call that a 'No'.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & BURNING Cobra bt Miyamae and Sensational Dragon [L] in 21:39 via pinfall (Super H-Bomb)


InfernalMIKO was burned out for this match.


Kikkawa Pathlow had more of the hot emotion, this was more devious, insidious build up. I usually approve of the World Champ being in the last match, but this did come off as a bit of a letdown. Generally effective in continuing the 'Nakasawa is getting devious' storyline, though if Nakasawa keeps drifting to the dark side, I wonder what ehavyweight would step up to champion the true values of Burning Hammer.

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Thanks for your insights Infernalmiko, and I never would have suspected that you were a girl- not that's a bad thing...in fact that's a good thing. Because I thought it was just all geeky males on this board- saying that I probably am one of those geeky males.


* I don't take any offence to you pointing out the grammatical ineptitude- that'll teach me to actually proof read the thing properly before I click on the submit button.


* I'll admit to the Macho character being something of a 'shoe horn' because one of the render artist's did the awesome 'Macho Man' render and I think some people wanted to see the Macho Man character put into practice. He is a bit of a silly character and doesn't really sit all that well with Burning Hammer. I am feeling the urge for someone to 'knock some sense' back into him. The lesson here is don't force something into a story, just because some people kind of demand it.


* I'm actually pleased that the Kikkawa six man tag, came across better than the Nakasawa six man...because it did grade out better in the game. :)

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Night of the Burning Hammer is fast approaching but before that BHOTWG continue the Combustion Tour, with the first stop being the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu on Monday October 25th.


There is a double main event, with both of these matches seeing inter faction rivarlry come to a head. Team INSPIRE appears to have crumbled apart under the weight of Tadiyuki Kikkawa's own ego, with Tasuku Iesada walking out last Monday and Pathlow having apparently reached his breaking point at Wednesdays show in Sapporo. Now the Burning Hammer officials have taken the decision to book all three in a non title 3-way elimination match. Question is will Kikkawa find himself in a 'handicap' or will it be every man for himself as Pathlow and Iesada look to be the one to prove to Kikkawa that they were more valuable than the other in Team INSPIRE.


The other main event see's an inter faction tag between the Burning Sekigun as World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa tags with Marihito Masuko to take on Kinnojo Horri and the 2010 BOSJ Cup winner Elemental III. Nakasawa's attitude has begun to take a darker turn of late, something that does not appear to be sitting well with his own stable mates.


Explosive Tension and Wild Fire have an opportunity to challenge for the World Tag Team Championship against The Rebellion in Chugoku on Wednesday and should they happen to defeat the champion's they will go onto defend the titles just two days later against the UTL Cup winners Rapid Danger. However first off it must be decided just which of these two teams can move a step closer to their goal of becoming the Burning World Tag Team Champions.


There is further tag action in the form of a mixed weight tag between Barei Yasujiro and Mister Macho of Macho-Universe and Golden Scorpion and Yasunobu Masuno of the Black Heart Brethren. Macho has being getting the better of Masuno recently, something that frustrates the BHB powerhouse, whilst Yasujiro has recent history with Scorpion over Universal Excellence's pursuit of the Junior Tag Team Championship.


Hyosuke Kokan saw his Size of the Fight Tag Team partner, Kansuke Konda come up short in his attempt to defeat Some Dude In A Mask, and thus force the enigmatic masked man to reveal his true identity. Now after witnessing Konda's brave failure, Kokan has taken it upon himself to make the same challenge to the undefeated SDIAM.


Kevin Christopher Glenn takes on another member of Burning Hammer's highly competitive Junior Division as his trial series continues against Yoshii Shiomi. The teenage prodigy from the deep south of the USA has looked impressive thus far but has come up short in converting it into a victory...can he put it together against one half of Little Fury?


There are a pair of Six Man Tags to round out the show, as the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio of Junior Champion Sensational Dragon and World Tag Team Champion's The Rebellion take on the BHB trio of Yasuhiko Taira, The Awesome Kiyaru and Gareth Wayne. Whilst BURNING Cobra teams with Snow Lizzard to take on the trio of Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa and The Incredible Koyama.


The pre-show see's a tag match between American Optimus and Omezo Shikitei of DF2K9 taking on the Macho-Universe duo of Haru Kurofuji and Mystic Dragon. Whilst Mitsunari Fuganaga faces off with Red Panther in singles action.


Here is a full rundown of the card for Combustion Tour #17


Combustion Tour- Show #17-

(Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu, Monday 25th October 2010)


~ Team Me~

Non Title Three Way Elimination (No Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa


2009 Super 10 Cup Winner/2010 UTL Cup Winner-

Tasuku Iesada


2010 UTL Cup Winner-

John Pathlow


Conflicted Feelings Inter Faction Tag Team Battle (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa &

Marihito Masuko


'Representing Burning Sekugun'

Kinnojo Horri &

2010 BOSJ Cup Winner- Elemental III


~ The Prize Steps Closer~

Winner challenges for Burning World Tag Team Championship (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


'Representing RAGE'

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Succeed to Reveal or Succeed-Redux~

Singles 'Wager' Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

* If SDIAM loses he must de-mask and reveal his true identity

Some Dude In A Mask


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Hyosuke Kokan


No Love Lost Tag Team Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Macho Universe'

Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champion- Golden Scorpion &

Yasunobu Masuno


Six Man Battle #1 (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon &

World Tag Team Champions- The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champion- The Awesome Kiyaru,

Yasuhiko Taira & Gareth Wayne


Six Man Battle #2 (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'


Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama


Glenn 20 Match Trial Series #3 (20 Min Time Limit):

Kevin Christopher Glenn


'Representing RAGE'

Yoshii Shiomi


Pre-Show Matches:

American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther




Predictions Form:

Non Title 3-Way: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow

Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III

Tag Contenders: Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

Win or De-Mask Challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan

Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno

Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs Kiyaru, Taira & Wayne

Cobra, Shiraishi & Kawate vs Sotomura, Yoshikawa & Koyama

Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi

American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther


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Non Title 3-Way: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III


Tag Contenders: Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Win or De-Mask Challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan


Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno


Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs Kiyaru, Taira & Wayne


Cobra, Shiraishi & Kawate vs Sotomura, Yoshikawa & Koyama


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi


American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther

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Non Title 3-Way: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III


Tag Contenders: Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Win or De-Mask Challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan


Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno


Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs Kiyaru, Taira & Wayne


Cobra, Shiraishi & Kawate vs Sotomura, Yoshikawa & Koyama


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi


American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther

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Non Title 3-Way: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow

I would love to give the win to Iesada but Kikkiwa still stays strong


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III

Nakasawa needs to stay strong too, but it´s interesting to see what this storyline will do to Sekigun as if they broke up that would mix the stable wars up big time espesially with INSPARE being pretty much dead too.


Tag Contenders: Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

Could go either way so I still continue to support RAGE as I think that they would get out more from the win plus Tension vs. Rapid Danger for the titles would be pretty interesting match-up.


Win or De-Mask Challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan

Just like with Konda in last show, I don´t see why Kokan would need to get the big singles win here.


Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno

I would really love to pick Scorpion & Masuno but unfortunately my brains tell me that Macho is more likely to win here as he seems to get some build up and Masuno not being able to beat him seems to be translating into a small story on it´s own.


Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs Kiyaru, Taira & Wayne

Wayne is the weak link here.


Cobra, Shiraishi & Kawate vs Sotomura, Yoshikawa & Koyama

Cobra is way above anyone else in this one.


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi

Glenn is still a rookie.


American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

coin flip but Optimus seems to have slighly more going on with his feud against Joshuya.


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther

Another one that could go either way but I give Panther the win in order to follow his victory on last show.

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Non Title 3-Way: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow

I would love to give the win to Iesada but Kikkiwa still stays strong


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III

Nakasawa needs to stay strong too, but it´s interesting to see what this storyline will do to Sekigun as if they broke up that would mix the stable wars up big time espesially with INSPARE being pretty much dead too.


Tag Contenders: Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

Could go either way so I still continue to support RAGE as I think that they would get out more from the win plus Tension vs. Rapid Danger for the titles would be pretty interesting match-up.


Win or De-Mask Challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan

Just like with Konda in last show, I don´t see why Kokan would need to get the big singles win here.


Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno

I would really love to pick Scorpion & Masuno but unfortunately my brains tell me that Macho is more likely to win here as he seems to get some build up and Masuno not being able to beat him seems to be translating into a small story on it´s own.


Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs Kiyaru, Taira & Wayne

Wayne is the weak link here.


Cobra, Shiraishi & Kawate vs Sotomura, Yoshikawa & Koyama

Cobra is way above anyone else in this one.


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi

Glenn is still a rookie.


American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

coin flip but Optimus seems to have slighly more going on with his feud against Joshuya.


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther

Another one that could go either way but I give Panther the win in order to follow his victory on last show.


I don't really have anything to add to this. This is how I would pick them.

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Non Title 3-Way: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III


Tag Contenders: Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Win or De-Mask Challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan


Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno


Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs Kiyaru, Taira & Wayne


Cobra, Shiraishi & Kawate vs Sotomura, Yoshikawa & Koyama


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi


American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther

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Non Title 3-Way: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow


I can see Kikkkawa winning by using Pathlow against Iesada somehow, like pulling him in front of a Iesada lariat. So Pathlow ends up even more pissed off and possibly turns on him.


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III


I'm sooo tempted to go for Horri and E3, but I think Nakasawa needs to stay strong for the moment and the storyline develops better with Horri being on the oosing side of a devious trick and exploding in anger against Nakasawa. Sooner or later an honorable partner will cost Nakasawa a match though.


Tag Contenders: Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Toss up for me.


Win or De-Mask Challenge: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan


I figure Some Dude is going to lose his mask at the level he's going to be wrestling at push wise. He's not fighting foes of that level yet.


Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno


And for the record, nothing wrong with Macho getting a push. Curry Man wrestled on NJPW events, after all. There's value in having a change of pace that is more light hearted. They just should not win belts in my mind.


Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs Kiyaru, Taira & Wayne


Wayne is weak and Tiger's never been a Taira fan.


Cobra, Shiraishi & Kawate vs Sotomura, Yoshikawa & Koyama


I agree Cobra is way above the others in this match.


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi


More beatings for the Gaijin Young Lion.


American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon


I'm more of a fan of Kurofuji and Mystic Dragon.


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther


Toss up.

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Combustion Tour # 17

(Monday 25th October 2010)


Yamanashi Athletic Stadium , Chubu ( 5'000 Super No Vacancy)




Match A: American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei vs Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon


This was a solid pre-show tag match between members of Dragon Feet 2K9 and Macho-Universe. Now it's not to say that the crowds interest was wild for this match (otherwise it wouldn't be stuck on the pre-show now, would it?) but the prescence of two solid midcarders in American Optimus and Kurofuji alongside the young lions of Shikitei and Mystic Dragon did pique their interest slightly.


The finish came when Mystic though he had American Optimus weakened enough to go for the Mystic Wave, only for Gaijin Legacy' to rise to his feet and send Mystic crashing to the mat with an ATOMIC O-BOMB (Superbomb)


Result: American Optimus [w] & Omezo Shikitei bt Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon in 7:39 via pinfall (Atomic

Rating: C+



Match B: Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Red Panther


This was a solid 'styles clash' match up that saw the high flying Panther push the pace for much of the match, but end up coming up short when he 'crashed and burned' after the Tumbleweed Legdrop and Fuganaga was able to lock on the Triangle Choke, causing Panther to pass out.


Result: Mitsunari Fuganaga [w] bt Red Panther [L] in 6:15 via submission (Triangle Choke)

Rating: C+




Main Show


~Succeed to Reveal or Succeed-Redux~

Match #1: Some Dude In A Mask vs Hyosuke Kokan


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg vs http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/SDITM_jhd.jpg


*SDIAM must de-mask and reveal his true identity, if Kokan wins the match.


Kokan looked to make an early impact, as he dived onto SDIAM, before the enigmatic masked man even entered the ring, it was clear that the 'Electric Livewire' was determined to finish, what his tag team partner Konda couldn't and force SDIAM to reveal is true identity.


Kokan continued to keep up the pressure with a hit and run strategy, that saw him consistently use drop-kicks and leg lariats to keep the 'Masked Enigma' off balance. It was all Kokan in the early going and a Tornado DDT brought the 'Electric Livewire' a two count.


With SDIAM still rooted to the mat Kokan headed up top, but the mysterious newcomer and managed to recover and cut Kokan off, before sending the Size of the Fight man crashing back into the ring with an avalanche overhead Belly to Belly Suplex (that literally must have launched Kokan half way across the ring)......


Kokan somehow managed to kick out after that, SDIAM then planted Kokan with a backbreaker before lining up for the AT STRIKE (Front Knee Strike) but Kokan had SDIAM's devastating knockout blow well scouted, and catching the leg caught the 'masked enigma' in a roll-up......


SDIAM kicked out at two, and then after a fore-arm smash set up for a powerbomb but Kokan countered that into a victory roll....once again SDIAM kicked out of Kokan's attempt to steal the win with a flash pinfall but then got nailed with a baseball slide from the Size of the Fight man.


Kokan then locked on his own signature submission onto SDIAM the ELECTRIC SHOCKER CLUTCH (Sitting Double Chickenwing)......


It looked as though the masked man with an array of submissions himself was about to pass out, but SDIAM suddenly found a second wind and rising back to a vertical base, backed Kokan against the turnbuckle...and smashing Kokan into the turnbuckle several times, SDIAM eventually forced the Size of the Fight man to release the hold.......


SDIAM then seized control with a knee strike into Kokan's mid-section before planting the 'Electric Livewire' with the PINPOINT SUPLEX (Trapping Suplex). Kokan bravely kicked out a two but soon found himself in a much more dire situation as SDIAM quickly slapped on a HIGH ANGLE ARM BAR......


Feeling that his arm still being in it's socket and still be able to wrestle to be more important than finding out who SDIAM really is....Kokan was soon tapping the mat furiously, as the 'masked enigma' claimed another victim.


Result: Some Dude In A Mask [w] bt Hyosuke Kokan [L] in 10:14 via submission (High Angle Arm Bar)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: This was a solid match that built off SDIAM's last match with Konda, with Kokan managing to counter the AT Strike but ultimately still falling to one of the other devastating weapons in the masked newcomers arsenal. That being said no one really bought into Kokan-san coming away with the upset here at anytime, the general feeling being that if Konda couldn't do it...then why would Kokan.


Post Match Comments:


The press once again are struggling to get a word out of the enigmatic Some Dude In A Mask, but all of a sudden the masked man delivers a one word answer, in a deadpan robotic like delivery....




It's at that point Yasunobu Masuno on his way to tag match with Golden Scorpion, interrupts the bizarre interview.


Yasunobu Masuno: You wan't some competition weirdo, how about you face real man like me and not a bunch of second rate midgets....you ain't all that good masked man, and I'll be the one to show that to everyone. I don't care who you are, I don't even care about taking that stupid mask off your face...all I care about is showing to everyone the fraud that you are.


Some Dude In A Mask just nods his head ever so slightly.....


Yasunobu Masuno: So you got a damn answer for me then?!


Some Dude In A Mask again just nods his head in an eerily robotic fashion.


Yasunobu Masuno: Like that is it, when I'm done with you...you won't just be talking...you'll be crying in anquish with the hurt I'm gonna put on you. And hey what the hell, I'll probably beat you to such a pulp, I'll take that silly mask off your face anyway.



Match #2: Barei Yasujiro & Mister Macho vs

Golden Scorpion & Yasunobu Masuno


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg


The Universal Excellence pair of Macho and Yasujiro started much the brighter and it appeared as though Scorpion and Masuno were content to take the count out loss, until Masuno (fed up of losing to Macho) had a change of heart.


A well timed clubbing blow to the back of Yasujiro, just as the Mighty Mouse was setting up to snap off a spinning head-scissors on Scorpion, turned things around in the BHB pair favour and they proceeded to wear down Yasujiro with questionable tactics as Macho looked on in frustration. Masuno however got c0cky and an AVALANCHE POWERBOMB was countered into a sunset flip for a two count before being nailed with a drop-kick. Masuno managed to prevent Yasujiro from making the tag that time but was then nailed with an Enziguri and that brought in a fired up Macho.


Masuno however managed to block the MACHO LARIAT and then moved out of the way of the BULL RUSH (Spear) before getting the tag into the fresh Golden Scorpion, who nailed Macho with a drop-kick into the corner and then hit the GOLDEN SHOT (Slingshot Legdrop) on the fallen Macho-Universe Leader.....


That could only get a two count however and Scorpion decided to turn things back over to Masuno. Masuno lifted Macho up into a vertical suplex, but the former RAGE man stood his ground and showing incredible strength countered into a suplex of his own. Both staggered back up to their feet and MASUNO went for the MAGIC K.O (Rolling Elbow)...the infamous 'loaded?' elbow pad was visible but Macho managed to duck under and Masuno was then caught unaware by a springboard leg lariat from Yasujiro. Macho then followed that up with MACHO LARIAT.....


But Golden Scorpion dived in to intervene....the match then began to break down with all four men in the ring until the fight spilled out of the floor. When it began to settle back down again Macho and Masuno were still brawling in the crowd, whilst Scorpion and Yasujiro had brought it back to the ring. Scorpion seemed to gain the advantage with boot into Yasujiro's mid-section and began to set up for the SCORPION STINGER (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb) but the 'Mighty Mouse' stood his ground and after pushing Scorpion off into the ropes, nailed the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a standing drop-kick...that left Scorpion dazed enough for Yasujiro to plant the Junior Tag Champion with the MIGHTY MOUSE DRIVER (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver) and with Masuno unable to break past Macho, that was enough for Yasujiro to score a huge pinfall victory over one of the men he is pursuing for the Junior Tag Titles.


Result: Barei Yasujiro [w] & Mister Macho bt Golden Scorpion [L] & Yasunobu Masuno in 13:55 via pinfall (Mighty Mouse Driver)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: This one pretty much stuck to the usual BHB formula, which for a fairly insignifcant midcard match isn't a bad way to go. The Macho-Universe pair got the win here, because we wanted to continue the theme of Macho getting one over on Masuno, even if they weren't involved in the direct outcome. Yasujiro-san's pinfall victory over Scorpion, helps to make Universal Excellence look more of a threat for the Junior Tag Belts. Hmm, after saying all that...perhaps this match wasn't so insignificant after all.


Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: Flying Squadron we are coming after those belts of yours, Scorpion you have already received warning that WE can beat you and though they'll be two other teams challenging you at Night of the Burning Hammer...the team you should be concerned about is UNIVERSAL EXCELLENCE !! Because we're the one's who have in us, to defeat you.


Mister Macho: OOH YEAHHH!! The Macho-Universe is heading to a new stratosphere, I can feel it. The World Title is gonna be coming my way real soon and the Universal Excellence gonna be gettin' some tag gold...can you feel it brothers.


Yasunobu Masuno: Let it be said Macho Idiot, you didn't beat me....your mouse friend just got lucky against my friend the Scorpion. Yeah my focus next week is gonna be on making that mystery masked fool break-down after I unleash a world of hurt on him, and once I'm done with him...I'm going to be unleashing a world of hurt on you...


What's this I've got to face Horri-san at Night of the Burning Hammer....what?, why? are these damn officials trying to piss me off.



Match #3: BURNING Cobra, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama









Despite the fact that the trio of Sotomura, Yoshikawa and Koyama have struggled for main show wins thus far in Burning Hammer...they were in control for much of the match during a surprisingly competitve six man. They were able to set a pace, that Snow Lizzard were able to keep up with, as they continually managed to keep BURNING Cobra out of the ring and it looked like a huge upset would be on the cards when Yoshikawa and Koyama combined to hit a Backbreaker Hold/Diving Leg Drop combo on Shiraishi, but Cobra was able to dive in at the last split second to make the save.


Koyama then became over-zealous as he went up top for the AIR KOYAMA (Shooting Star Press) but Shiraishi was able to use his veteran experience to get his knees up. That proved to be the turning point as Cobra was finally able to get himself into the match, the 'reformed hero' proved to be the difference maker for the Sekigun trio with Sotomura being the one to succumb after a STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), as Snow Lizzard did enough to hold off Koyama and Yoshikawa from making the save.


Result: BURNING Cobra [w], Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate vs Roku Sotomura [L], Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama in 10:16 via pinfall (Stoneplex)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: A predictable outcome with Cobra being the difference maker amongst a bunch of lower tier workers, both on his team and on the opposing team. But despite of that, this turned out to be a pretty enjoyable six man tag, perhaps it was the chance to test themselves against a top tier talent in Cobra, but the 'pre-show' six man really raised their game here, whilst Snow Lizzard also did a solid job of trying to get the Yoshikawa-Koyama pairing over a little more. Next show they will be making their official debut as a tag team.


Post Match Comments:


BURNING Cobra: I hope that Nakasawa-san can do the right thing tonight, and win or lose fight in the correct manner. I can but hope, but I feel he may have already gone too far down that unfortunate slope.


Sanetomo Shiraishi: It felt good to be on the winning side again, but if I'm honest with myself it's because we had Cobra-san to thank. We were struggling tonight let's not pretend that we we weren't and if truth be told, we've been struggling for a while.


Stone Yoshikawa: We could have won out there, but we need to learn to be more ruthless, it might be why me and Koyama-san here have struggled to make the impression we need....


The Incredible Koyama: But we aren't going to wallow in self-pity that will get you nowhere. Right now both me and Yoshikawa-san realise we aren't anywhere near challenging for the Junior Championship...but we feel that we could get ourselves into the Junior Tag picture, that's why we've been tagging together of late....


Stone Yoshikawa: Our styles compliment one another well, a bit like Universal Excellence....


The Incredible Koyama: A team I think we can surpass.


Stone Yoshikawa: Hidden Spark are not here to make up the numbers.


The press then ask the obvious question of who Hidden Spark is, and get the obvious answer to their obvious question


The Incredible Koyama: Hidden Spark?, you're looking at them right here.



~The Prize Steps Closer~

Match #4: World Tag Team Contenders Match:

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki) vs

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg


There's more than pride riding on this one as the winners of this get to challenge The Rebellion for the World Tag Team Championship at the next show.


After a cagey start, with Onodera and Okazaki exchanging mat holds....the pace picked up a bit when Sanda and Toshusai were tagged into the ring but still an advantage could not be seized for either teams. After several tags between both teams with neither seizing the upper hand it was Explosive Tension who would make the first bit of progress, with Sanda nailing Onodera with the EXPLOSION KICK (Running Boot) for a two count. Onodera wasn't worn down enough to be out for the three count but it had put Explosive Tension firmly in control.


Explosive Tension then looked to wear down Onodera, targetting the back and legs of the 'Iron Man' in order to set up for the CENTURY CRAB LIFT.....and several times it looked as though Okazaki was about to lock it in, only for Toshusai to break past referee Koetsu Shinozaki. But each time Toshusai would make or attempt to make the save, he was ordered back to his corner, allowing enough of a distraction for Onodera to suffer more double team punishment at the hands of the RAGE pair.


Onodera's resillience however began to frustrate Explosive Tension and they moved away from what was looking to be effective gameplan had they stuck with it, but an errant EXPLOSION KICK from Sanda nailed Okazaki and after a rolling elbow upon Sanda, Onodera was able to plant the Explosive One with the O2 Suplex (Bridging German) however Onodera was too weakened to maintain the bridge.....


Onodera then tried to get the tag to a fired up Toshusai, but was pulled back by a re-freshed Okazaki....however the 'Iron Man' was able to fight off another attempt from Okazaki to turn him over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT and with last ounce of energy left Onodera then nailed Okazaki with a drop-kick before slumping to the mat and finally getting the tag into Toshusai.


Toshusai soon had Explosive Tension back peddling, with his whirlwind brawling and after clotheslining Okazaki out of the ring, 'Wild Charisma' nailed Sanda with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)......


Sanda was able to kick out of that at two but wasn't able to prevent being planted with the SHOCK TREATMENT (Double Underhook Backbreaker)....


Just as it looked like that would bring the winning three count, Okazaki dived back in to make the save. Okazaki and Sanda then double teamed Toshusai and looked to set up for the EX2 (Double Exploder Suplex) but with a sudden burst of power 'Wild Charisma' was able to counter into a double suplex !!


Explosive Tension then bailed from the ring, as they looked to re-group and Toshusai all fired up wasn't going to wait around, so he went out of the ring to give chase...but instead walked right into a trap as Okazaki took 'Wild Charisma' down with a drop toe hold and Sanda followed up with a vicious baseball slide against the ring barricade and with Onodera not tagged back in, they looked to win the match by count-out....a recovered Onodera had other idea's though as he climbed up onto the top turbuckle and then came crashing down upon Explosive Tension with a flying cross body.....


Koetsu Shinozaki then applied a double count, and though all four men were able to get back to their feet they prevented one another from getting back into the ring....resulting in the match, frustratingly for both teams finishing in a double count-out draw with neither side seemingly having earned the right to face The Rebellion for the World Tag Team Championship on Wednesday.


Result: Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki) drew with Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera) in 15:44 (Double Count Out)

Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: Admittedly the double count out was somewhat frustrating end to the match, but we wanted to get over the fact that both teams are very evenly matched and the fact that they would go to great lengths just to earn a title shot. Anyway there is a twist a little later on during the backstage segments recorded for Lords of the Ring/Ironclad /BurningHammer.com that will placate both teams and perhaps provide a more exciting match-up for the fans to look forward to on Wednesday.


Post Match Comments:




However just as Toshusai's shouting fit is about to continue, Onodera learns of news.....


Takayuki Onodera: It's OK Toshusai-san we're still going to get a title shot....




Takayuki Onodera: A three way, oh well we take what we can get...would have previewed a straight two on two shot but it's better than nothing. Really there is nothing to complain about, we're challenging for the titles and will make sure that we leave nothing behind in trying to win the World Tag Team Championship




Chuichi Sanda: Those Wild Fire jerks can count themselves lucky they 'earned' themselves a title shot, now we have to deal with them in the title match, as well as The Rebellion...


Masaaki Okazaki: Calm down Sanda-san, we have nothing to fear....be it a straight two on two shot or a three way, I believe we are the best tag team in the world.


Chuichi Sanda: Guess you're right Okazaki-san...we should have nothing to fear, those belts will be ours...


Masaaki Okazaki: I know I'm right and I suppose we should be somewhat grateful to the Burning Hammer officials for giving us a title shot, they could have easily given The Rebellion a free pass and not given us OUR shot because of that stupid double count-out.


Chuichi Sanda: Wild Fire lucked themselves into our title match with The Rebellion because of that.


Masaaki Okazaki: As I said Sanda-san, it doesn't matter about Wild Fire being there, we CAN beat both teams and prove that we really are the best in the world.



Match #5: Sensational Dragon, Shimedzu & Miyamae vs

The Awesome Kiyaru, Yasuhiko Taira & Gareth Wayne







The early going in this six man tag saw the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio a step ahead, through their slicker team work, with a double team slingshot suplex from The Rebellion, followed by a springboard moonsault from Dragon upon Kiyaru particularly looking impressive and bringing the Dragon Feeters close to victory during the early stages.


But the BHB did manage to find their way back into the match, with a chain wielding Gareth Wayne providing enough of a distraction to Omura Umeki for him not to see Kiyaru blow the infamous black mist toward Miyamae and though 'the Viper' managed to block the mist, he was then levelled with a lariat from Taira. Miyamae did manage to kick out but the match had done a full 180 and the BHB trio were now firmly in control.


Being the BHB of course though, they couldn't just try to put away Miyamae in the most efficient way possible, they wanted to send a message by disecting the World Tag Team Champion with a slow, methodical, crowd baiting beat down. However as is so often their inability to be economical, cost them and when Taira went for THE FLATTENER (Running Lariat) into the corner Miyamae was able to move out of the way and then nail Taira with an Enziguri from the apron, before knocking down 'the Bulldozer' with a missile dropkick. That gave Miyamae the opening to tag in Sensational Dragon who made an instant impact by taking Taira by surprise with the SENSATION SHOCK (Front Flip hurracanrana pin)....


Gareth Wayne dived in at the last split second to make the save, and all hell broke lose. As the fight soon spilt to the outside, resulting in a corkscrew moonsault to the floor by Dragon and Kiyaru not be out-done then followed up with an Arabian Press.


When the Umeki did finally regain control, he had in all honesty lost track of who was supposed to be the legal man and as the match headed into it's final stretch both teams traded near-falls. The finish itself saw The Awesome Kiyaru accidently miss his intended target of Shimedzu with the Black Mist, and instead he ended up blinding Gareth Wayne. Shimedzu then drop-kicked Kiyaru off the apron, whilst Miyamae did the same to Taira. A leg-sweep/leg lariat combo upon Wayne brought a two count, before Sensational Dragon then headed up top and came crashing down upon Wayne with the DRAGON'S FIRE (Corkscrew 630 Senton) to secure the win for the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio of champions.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w], Shimedzu & Miyamae vs The Awesome Kiyaru, Yasuhiko Taira & Gareth Wayne [L] in 17:19 via pinfall (Dragon's Fire)

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: Formula six man with the BHB's attempted short-cut's to victory back-firing and the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio's teamwork proving to be superior. Formula stuff it may have been, but this kept the fans attention throughout and as a 'trio' (certainly in terms of teamwork) there is none finer than the unit of Sensational Dragon and The Rebellion.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Well it looks like the Burning Hammer officials, really want to test us before we put these belts on the line at Night....


Miyamae: Wild Fire and Explosive Tension can both count themselves lucky they are getting a shot at these belts....


Shimedzu: However the idea of a three way does not phase us at all, we will still be defending these belts at 'Night'....


Miyamae: And will be defending them after.


Sensational Dragon: As you can see I am Sensational form, and Elemental III will find out at Night of the Burning Hammer my Sensational form will continue.


Gareth Wayne (in English): Dang it Kiyaru, you need to be a bit more careful with that bleeding mist of yours....


The Awesome Kiyaru: You need to show more intelligence


Gareth Wayne (in English): What the hell did you just say?!!!


Yasuhiko Taira then gets between the arguing Kiyaru and Wayne


Yasuhiko Taira: Yes we are frustrated at this loss, but we cannot let such things come between the Brethren...we will end up destroying ourselves and we do not want to give that fool Cobra-san the satisfaction. We must stay focused, and destroy the Sekigun, before they destroy us...agreed?


Wayne and Kiyaru now both calmed down, nod their head in agreement.



Match #6: Glenn 20 Match Trial Series (#3):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Yoshii Shiomi


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg


Glenn has performed well in his first two trial series matches, but came out on the losing end would he convert the potential he had shown into victory against one half of Little Fury.


The opening sequence saw the two super juniors engage in some typical back and forth chain wrestling, with Glenn getting the upper hand much to Shiomi's frustration. Shiomi tried to re-group on the outside but was taken out by a slingshot cross body from the 'Dixieland Wonderkid'. Glenn then brought Shiomi back into the ring and got a two count after a German suplex, before heading up top......


Shiomi however was able to get back to his feet and cut Glenn off from taking flight, but was pushed back down to the canvas. Shiomi then managed to evade a missile drop-kick from Glenn, and quickly rolled the gaijin youngster up with a La Magistral Cradle for a two count. Glenn then re-took control with a knee strike, before planting Shiomi with a front suplex and then following up with a standing moonsault for another two count. Glenn then lifted Shiomi up for the LOUISIANA SPIRAL (Twisting Brainbuster) but the Little Fury man managed to slip out and counter with an inverted DDT before heading up top.


Shiomi then went for the BOMB DROP (High Angle Senton Bomb) but Glenn was able to move out of the way and then connected with the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND (Superkick)........


Shiomi managed to kick out at the last split second, much to Glenn's frustration who perhaps didn't nail the 'Sunshine Band' as sweetly as he would have liked. But Shiomi remained rooted firmly to the mat and Glenn headed up top.......


450 SPLASH !!!


But Shiomi got the knees up, and as Glenn staggered back up to his feet....Shiomi planted the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' with a Spinning Facebuster before transitioning into a crossface....




Glenn was too far away from the ropes, and in the end the youngster saw no other choice but to tap.


Result: Yoshii Shiomi [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 9:03 via submission (Sublime Crossface)

Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Another solid losing effort from Glenn-san. Yes the crowd reaction for his matches are non-existant at the moment but we think the breakthrough will be made by the time this trial series is over. I think the matches he has been in have been booked well, showing Glenn-san as being very skilled but his inexperience and naiviety costing him victory at the vital moment.


Post Match Comments:


Yoshii Shiomi: I'll echo what others have said, Glenn-san will be a great one day, but today he is just a kid, and no kid was ever going to be getting the better of me...there was no way I was going to be his first 'scalp'.



Match #7: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs

Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawaALT21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko_jhd1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhd1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg


The Burning Sekigun have become a little split of late as their leader, the world champion Hiroaki Nakasawa has shown strong signs of ditching the 'fair play' philosophy of the stable. Something that appears to have disappointed much of the faction...his tag partner for tonight in this inter-faction tag team match, Masuko is perhaps the one exception who has not really voiced his concerns but would he too be frustrated by Nakasawa's new ways or unlike the other would he turn a blind eye.


The first ten minutes of the match is what you would call a stale-mate, all four men know each other well having both tagged with and faced off against one another many times over the years. When Horri and Nakasawa were in the ring neither one would back down, when it was Masuko and Elemental, one would seem to make the breakthrough only for the other to pop back up and hit a headscissors or drop-kick in reply. It was only when there were mismatches that they're seemed to be any progress made, but the Juniors on either side would find a way to escape Nakasawa or Horri's clutches, swiftly counter with an Enziguri or drop-kick and get their partner tagged back into the match.


Things took a turn however when Nakasawa sneaked in a cheap shot off the ring-apron just as Elemental III was lining up for a leg lariat on Masuko.....Masuko then snapped off a head-scissors and then immediately rolled the 'Third Generation Icon' up.....


Elemental kicked out but was then nailed with a low drop-kick and then planted with the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)......








Horri broke up the pin and was then ordered back by referee Terakado, but that allowed for both Nakasawa and Masuko to get in cheap shots upon Elemental III...with that it appeared we got our answer with where Masuko stood regarding Nakasawa's changing attitude.


The pace slowed down a bit again, and Elemental III found himself on the wrong half of the ring, enduring something akin to a 'Black Heart Brethren' style beat down.....in a rather surreal moment a Burning Sekigun duo were drawing jeers from some of the more zealous members of our crowd- make that the sub section of over-excited high school/college girls who come to see our shows amongst the intense Otaku boys, suited businessmen and your regular two kid families.


Nakasawa however got a bit c0cky and Elemental III was able to slide off when he set up for the H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb) and surprise Nakasawa with a leaping side kick..before following up with a drop-kick.....Nakasawa stumbled back into his corner as Elemental III slumped to the mat looking to make the tag to Horri....


But Masuko tagged back into the ring prevented that and immediately looked to set up for the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK but Elemental managed to slip off and then plant Masuko with a Belly to Back Suplex.....the 'Third Generation Icon' then mustered up another burst of energy nailing Masuko with a drop-kick before finally getting the tag to a fired up Horri.


Masuko immediately staggered into a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinning Spinebuster).....








Nakasawa desperately dived back in to mak the save, resulting in the World Champion and his perennial 'friendly rival' squaring off....There was an intense look in Horri's eyes as he stared down Nakasawa...but before any blows were made...Masuko clipped Horri from behind and then joined Nakasawa in stomping down upon Horri. Luckily for Horri, Terakado was on hand to quickly get the illegal Nakasawa out of the ring.


But damage had been done and when Horri staggered to his feet, Masuko had positioned himself on the apron to then springboard in and plant 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' into the canvas with the INTO THE WHITE (Springboard Bulldog)......








Horri managed to kick out, but was unable to rise back to his feet before being placed in the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke).......


All the life seemed to be draining out of Horri, and Terakado looked on the verge of signalling for the bell to be rung...until Elemental III made a desperate dive into the ring to make the save...That drew in Nakasawa who then clotheslined Elemental III out of the ring ......


Terakado was able to keep order before thing got too chaotic, making sure that Nakasawa stayed in his corner.......


Masuko then tried to re-apply the PINK DREAM but Horri had dug down to find a reserve of fighting spirit, managing to block the PINK DREAM and then rising to his feet and lifting the 'Painted Wonder' up with him to then plant Masuko hard into the mat with a DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb)......


Usually that would signal things being all over for Horri's opponent, but 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' had nothing left and he was unable to make the cover.


Despite being planted hard into the mat moments ago, Masuko still had more energy left and the better ring positioning to get Nakasawa tagged back into the match before Horri could tag Elemental III back in. Nakasawa's first contribution during this sequence was to completely ignore the still fallen Horri and knock the 'Third Generation Icon' off the apron.


However when Nakasawa turned around he was levelled with a lariat from Horri, and that gave 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' to get the tag into Elemental III.


'The Third Generation Icon' nailed Nakasawa with a springboard drop-kick and then immediately followed in with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series, before heading up top and then drilling the 'H-Bomb' into the canvas with a Tornado DDT......






Nakasawa kicked out, but then suddenly found himself in deep trouble when the 'Third Generation Icon' applied the ANKLE HOLDO....


The World Champion tried to roll out of it, but Elemental III stood firm and eventually managed to grapevine the leg....would the World Champion be forced to tap?


Luckily for Nakasawa, Masuko made a timely intervention with a low drop-kick....Masuko then sneaked upon Elemental III from behind and then planted the 'Third Generation Icon' with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam).....


That then brought in a livid looking Horri, who then planted Masuko with the HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster)....but not being the legal man, Horri was ordered back to his corner.


With Nakasawa and Elemental III still the legal men, it was up to them to see who could beat Terakado's double count first...and it was Nakasawa who hobbled back to his feet first but Elemental III was also able to beat the count, and after ducking a lariat from the World Champion, took Nakasawa back off his feet again with a basement drop-kick. Elemental III went for a quick cover, but Nakasawa was able to find enough energy to kick out.....


'The Third Generation Icon' however still believed that victory was in his grasp and waving off Horri's plea to get back into the match, Elemental III headed for the top turnbuckle instead. But just as he was about to set up for the INFERNO SPLASH, he was nailed with a Enziguri off the apron by Masuko.


It left Elemental III stunned enough for Nakasawa to recover and then send the 'Third Generation Icon' crashing down to the mat with a SUPER H-BOMB!!! (Crucifix Superbomb)......


Masuko then drop-kicked Horri off the apron, before sacrificing his own body...to follow up with a suicide dive, that sent Horri crashing against the barricade.








Nakasawa was victorious again, but he would probably be thankful this time that someone within the Sekigun was on the 'same page' as him...otherwise the result may have turned out different.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & Marihito Masuko bt Kinnojo Horri & Elemental III [L] in 24:12 via pinfall (Super H-Bomb)

Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: A really good match, that was paced well and the crowd were really behind Horri/Elemental in the end, with Nakasawa-Masuko doing a fine role as the nominal heels of the match. In the end though the outcome of the match was more due to the fact that Elemental-san became over-eager in trying to score the huge upset over the World Champion, perhaps something Horri-san could forsee before Elemental-san took the decision to set up for the Inferno Splash. Masuko-san being the one Sekigun member to go along with, rather than have any issues with Nakasawa-san's gradual turn in attitude should also make sense, if you've been closely following his own trajectory of late.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: In all honesty I don't care about being some kind of moral guardian for Burning Hammer. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to represent Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, I'm proud to be their champion but I'm no fool. I realise that sometimes to get ahead, and more in my case to stay ahead of the competition you need to do all you can to do so. It's high time Horri-san and the rest of the Sekigun realise this.


Marihito Masuko: Sometimes the key to victory cannot be waited upon, the door must be forced open for enlightment to happen.


Kinnojo Horri: Hmm Masuko-san too now, I know he's been having a tough time of it lately but it doesn't mean he has to go down this unfortunate road Nakasawa-san is heading down. Nakasawa-san says he is just fighting fire with fire, but he does not realise that he is becoming the very thing the Sekigun vowed to fight against.


Elemental III: I came ever so close to defeating Nakasawa-san but I admit I came too caught up in the moment and I apologise to Horri-san for such a zealous error in judgement. With the way Nakasawa-san has been of late, I have never been so motivated to defeat him, and I am sorry I came up short..I am sorry for him more than me because a victory for myself, I believe would have humbled him and perhaps made him see sense.


~Team Me~

Match #8: Non Title 3 Way Elimination:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tasuku Iesada vs John Pathlow




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg _____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg


The Burning Sekigun aren't the only faction to have 'issues' with each other of late, compared to Team INSPIRE their issues have just been simmering, the tensions amongst Team INSPIRE have now reached boiling point and thus this three way elimination match has been booked for them to take out their frustations on one another.


It becomes clear from the start that both Pathlow and Iesada have more 'beef' with Kikkawa than they do each other, in fact if truth be told they don't have any issues with one another at all, so this ends up playing out more like a handicap match.


Despite all this however Kikkawa proves resillient to the double team onslaught, but in all honesty Pathlow and Iesada seem to lack the urgency to put Kikkawa away quickly and efficiently as if they want to beat some humilility into the 'King of Fighters'. When they do step it up a gear, Kikkawa has only become more stubbornly resistant and survives the DANGEROUS LIASON II (Springboard Dropkick/Suplex combination) and a snap suplex from Iesada followed by the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop) from Pathlow, much to 'Rapid Dangers' frustration.


Infact suplexing the larger Kikkawa was tiring Iesada out, and a Kikkawa Lariat sent him out of the ring. Pathlow was able to nail Kikkawa with a drop-kick that then sent the 'King of Fighters' out of the ring, before unleashing a missile like suicide dive, only problem with that is that Kikkawa saw it coming and Pathlow ended up crashing into Iesada.


Kikkawa then brought Pathlow into the ring and then levelled 'Rapid Fire' with KIKKAWA LARIAT.......








Pathlow kicked out but was then hauled onto Kikkawa's shoulders and then firmly planted with the KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver)......








Iesada dived in at the last split second to make the save, it was clear that 'Rapid Danger's plan was to see Kikkawa eliminated from the match first. Kikkawa re-took control though with a series of stiff fore-arms on Kikkawa before attempting to set up for another Kikkawa Driver, but Iesada suddenly had control of Kikkawa's arm and after forcing the 'King of Fighters' down to the canvas had Kikkawa trapped in the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker)......


The agony was etched on Kikkawa's face, as his arm was about to be ripped out of it's socket but he was just about in luck with ring positioning as he managed to reach a foot onto the bottom rope, just as his hand was quivering to slap the canvas......


Pathlow was back up and all fired-up he charged at Kikkawa with the intention to nail the 'King of Fighters' with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Side Kick) but Kikkawa managed to side-step out of the way and Pathlow ended up errantly nailing Iesada instead.


Kikkawa then levelled Pathlow with a KIKKAWA LARIAT, before clutching his arm in agony.....


Iesada then staggered up to his feet but then ate a BURNING LARIAT!!!


Kikkawa again clutched his arm, but managed to slump upon the fallen Iesada.....






Pathlow was back up.....


But it was too late.....


Three- Iesada was the first elimination, as Kikkawa somehow managed to survive the 'handicap'.


Elimination #1: Tasuku Iesada in 14:23 (Tadiyuki Kikkawa- Burning Lariat).


Kikkawa staggered up to his feet and was met with a drop-kick from Pathlow...the King of Fighters' stumbled back into the corner and was then nailed with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA.......


Staggering out of the corner, Pathlow took down Kikkawa with a basement drop-kick and then made the cover.....








Kikkawa managed to get his shoulder up just in time. Pathlow paced around in frustration before heading up top, as he looked set to go for the HEART COMPACTOR but Kikkawa was back to his feet to cut Pathlow off....


The King of Fighters, then attempted to bring Pathlow crashing into the ring with a superplex but still favouring the arm that had been damaged by the IESADA SPECIAL, he lost his grip and stumbled back down to the canvas.....


Pathlow then nailed Kikkawa with a missile drop-kick and then went for another cover.....








Kikkawa kicked out again and before Pathlow could follow up, the Team INSPIRE leader levelled Pathlow with a KIKKAWA LARIAT (Running Lariat) but again clutched at his arm......


That allowe for Pathlow to recover and nail Kikkawa with a leaping roundhouse kick, before following up with a drop-kick that sent the 'King of Fighters' stumbling out of the ring. Pathlow wasn't going to let up on the pressure and heading up top he came crashing down upon Kikkawa with a diving cross-body but the Team INSPIRE leader managed to catch Pathlow mid-flight and sent 'Rapid Fire' crashing against the ring apron with a sideslam.


Kikkwa then rolled back into the ring still clutching the arm, hoping that his impactful sideslam against the ring apron would be enough to see the hard hitting gaijin super junior counted out.....


But Pathlow wasn't to be counted out and after nailing Kikkawa with a gamengiri from the ring-apron he then knocked Kikkawa back off his feet with a springboard drop-kick.....


Pathlow tried for another cover......






Kikkawa easily kicked out, but then suddenly found himself trapped in the KIMURA LOCK !!


'The King of Fighters' despite being in overwhelming agony, however somehow had the prescence of mind to shift his body weight so that Pathlow's shoulders were pressed down onto the canvas.....






Pathlow suddenly realised the predicament he was in at let go of the submission, much to his immediate frustration.....


Both then staggered back to their feet and a mid-ring collision, saw Pathlow spring into the ropes...and then use the momentum to set up for the APOCALYPSE LARIAT (Rebound Pendulum Lariat).....


But Kikkawa was able to counter with a BURNING LARIAT !!


And both men slumped to the mat, as referee Umeki applied a double count......








Both just about beat the count.....Kikkawa was the one to strike first...levelling Pathlow with a KIKKAWA LARIAT.....


Before clutching his pained arm once again, but he fought through the pain and attempted to lift Pathlow up with a vertical suplex....but Pathlow stood his ground....only to be levelled with another BURNING LARIAT!!!








Unbelievably Pathlow managed to kick out at the last split second, but perhaps the damage done to Kikkawa's arm had meant that this Burning Lariat was only at 50% power.


Despite Kikkawa's immediate frustration, at Pathlow's resillience to a move that would normally end a match in an instant...the hard hitting gaijin junior was running on empty. Kikkawa hoisted the virtual dead weight of Pathlow upon his shoulders and then planted Pathlow with the KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).....








Pathlow had made a valiant effort against the King of Fighters, but in the end as so many before him have found out, Kikkawa may be arrogant but he is also incredibly resillient and perhaps against any other opponent the result of this match would have gone the other way.


Final Elimination: John Pathlow in 24:59 (Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Kikkawa Driver)


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt Tasuku Iesada + John Pathlow in a threw way eliminaton in 24:59.

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: The first elimination 'dragged' and the crowd were wondering why Iesada and Pathlow with the 'handicap' in their favour didn't have more urgency in trying to put away Kikkawa. However from the moment Iesada had Kikkawa in the Iesada Special, the match took a definite up-swing and the second half of the match with Kikkawa battling Pathlow was high octane stuff. Pathlow kicking out of the Burning Lariat, shouldn't mean that move should lose any of it's invincible aura...as logic should tell you that Kikkawa had a damaged arm.


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: My arm is absolute agony right now, but I still stand here the victor. However Pathlow-san, won my respect today...he proved incredibly resillient and lesser men would have tasted defeat to me alot earlier...he reminded today, why I put my faith in him to lead Team INSPIRE's charge upon the Junior Division. I do not know what went wrong there, but I hope that whatever damage was done, can now be repaired.


John Pathlow: Over the past few months, I have come to realise that Kikkawa-san is a self centred arrogant *******, and last week I DID reach my breaking point. But he reminded me out there in the ring, why he is the very best and why I felt honoured to become part of Team INSPIRE...it's why we NEED to stay together, because together we can be a dominant force but we need to learn to work as a team once again. If Kikkawa-san just showed some respect to myself and Iesada-san there wouldn't be any issues between us.


Tasuku Iesada: I'm aware that Pathlow-san still holds out hope that Team INSPIRE can live on, but I've had enough of Kikkawa-san's self centred bullcrap. I'm wondering if I can really trust Pathlow-san right now, heading into our Tag Team title shot.....



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: For the second straight show we see a semi main event outshine the main event...that's a little frustrating but on the plus side we are moving into consistent form and building nicely towards Night of the Burning Hammer, hopefully on that night...the most important on the BHOTWG calendar we can step it up another gear or two.

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Combustion Tour #4 (Show 13- Show 19*)


* Night of the Burning Hammer


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</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>Last Round


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>Total Pts


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>Lo-Drew


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>9


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>43


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>Zergon


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>8


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>41


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>Dragonmack


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>8


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>40


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>Phantom Stranger


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>7


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>39


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>BigPapa42


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>7


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>33


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>Smurphy1014


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>29


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>Infernalmiko


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>8


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>16


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="45%" height=0>20LEgend


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="30%" height=0>N/A


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="25%" height=0>7




As you will see, I have moved the goal posts to an extra show for this contest, because Night of the Burning Hammer is show 19 on the tour and provides a better show to conclude this contest than a regular tour show and is more likely to shake things up at the end of the contest.


Anyway Lo-Drew extends his lead slightly heading into the next two shows, after getting 9/10 as opposed to the 8/10 of his nearest rivals Zergon and Dragonmack.


A couple more trickier one's to call this time, with the draw between Wild Fire and Explosive Tension catching everyone out (though I can assure you it wasn't booked as such for those intentions).

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Only one more show to go before Night of the Burning Hammer, as BHOTWG's Combustion Tour heads to the Matsue Sports Park in Chugoku.


Hiroaki Nakasawa and Tadiyuki Kikkawa who will compete against each other for a Unification match of the Burning World Championship and King of Fighters Championship, will have a night off from competition as they prepare for their historic showdown, but that's not to mean that the show ahead in Chugoku is going to be lacking because of their abscence.


The main event see's no such 'night off' for the reigning World Tag Team Champions The Rebellion, who will defend their titles in a three way match with Explosive Tension and Wild Fire, following those two teams stale mate double count out draw in their contention match in Chubu on Monday. Will The Rebellion head into Night of the Burning Hammer on the back of a strong defence or will one of their challengers take advantage of what some would call a rather fortunate opportunity and be making their first defence of the titles at the biggest show of the year?


The semi main event sees a six man battle between squads from the Burning Sekigun and Black Heart Brethren as BURNING Cobra teams with Kinnojo Horri and Elemental III to take on Yasuhiko Taira and the Junior Tag Team Champions the Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion). However there is more than just pride on the line here, as nominated 'team captains' Cobra and Taira will get to name the stipulation for their match at Night of the Burning Hammer, should their team emerge victorious.


Yasunobu Masuno is the latest in the line to challenge the enigmatic newcomer, known as Some Dude In A Mask. However unlike against his recent matches against both halves of Size of the Fight, SDIAM's mask will not officially be on the line, it appears that Masuno's motivation is to comprehensively defeat the masked man. Perhaps the former World Tag Team Champion is simply looking for an avenue to vent his frustrations upon, given his recent troubles with Mister Macho and the fact Black Magic appear to have been over-looked for contention for the World Tag Team Championship.


Kevin Christopher Glenn has thus far come up short in his trial series, and he will not find the going getting any easier in his fourth match, as he takes on one half of the UTL Cup winners John Pathlow, whose valiant defeat against Tadiyuki Kikkawa showed him to be a dangerous competitor against anyone in BHOTWG. However it might be the perfect opportunity for Glenn to score a huge upset and truly kick-start his Burning Hammer career with Pathlow coming off such a physically draining contest.


Tag Team action of various forms make up the remainder of the show....Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama) make their official debut as a team, against Junior Tag Division stalwarts Size of the Fight. There will he a mixed weight tag match with Burning Sekigun members Marihito Masuko and Sessue Kawate up against the duo of Nisso Yuasha and Red Panther. There will be a six man tag featuring the Dragon Feet 2K9 of Junior Champion Sensational Dragon, American Optimus and Omezo Shikitei taking on the trio of former Dragon Feet member Super Joshuya, Roku Sotomura and debutant Ryu Saito (the latest graduate from Hinote Dojo). Rounding out the main show will be an eight man tag between Macho-Universe and the RAGE quartet of Mitsunari Fuganaga, Merle O'Curle and Little Fury.


Pre-show action see's White Samurai face the daunting task of taking on Tasuku Iesada and a 4 corner survival featuring Gareth Wayne, Sanetomo Shiraishi, Tiger Fuyuki and Toshiki Shibanumo.


Here is a full rundown of the card for Combustion Tour #18


Combustion Tour- Show #18-

(Matsue Sports Park, Chugoku, Wednesday 27th October 2010)


~Opportunity Be Perfect~

World Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


'Representing RAGE'

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayaki Onodera


~Power Shift, Switch On/Off~

Six Man Battle (30 Min Time Limit:

Winning Captain names stipulation for their match at NOTBH*

'Representing Burning Sekigun'


Kinnojo Horri &

2010 BOSJ Cup Winner- Elemental III


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasuhiko Taira* &

Junior Tag Team Champions- Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


~Green Fuel~

Singles Challenge Match (30 Min Time Limit):

Some Dude In A Mask


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasunobu Masuno


Eight Man Tag Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Macho-Universe'

Mister Macho, Mitsunari Fuganaga &

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga, Merle O'Curle &

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Glenn Trial Series #4 (20 Min Time Limit):

Kevin Christopher Glenn


'Representing Team INSPIRE?'

UTL Cup Winner- John Pathlow


Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon,

American Optimus & Omezo Shikitei


Super Joshuya, Roku Sotomura &

Debutant/2010 Hinote Dojo Graduate-

Ryushi Sato


Junior Tag Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


Mixed Weight Tag Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko & Sessue Kawate


Red Panther & Nisso Yuasha


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Tasuku Iesada vs White Samurai

4CS: Gareth Wayne vs Sanetomo Shiraishi vs

Tiger Fuyuki vs Toshiki Shibanumo


Predictions Form

World Tag Team Champinship: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)

Winning Captain Names Stipulation: Cobra, Horri & Elemental III vs Taira, Kiyaru & Scorpion

Some Dude In A Mask vs Yasunobu Masuno

Macho, Mystic, Yasujiro & Kurofuji vs Fuganaga, O'Curle, Shiomi & VENOM

Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs John Pathlow

Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Shikitei vs Joshuya, Sotomura & Sato

Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)

Marihito Masuko & Sessue Kawate vs Red Panther & Nisso Yuasha

Tasuku Iesada vs White Samurai

4CS: Wayne vs Shiraishi vs Fuyuki vs Shibanumo



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World Tag Team Champinship: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Winning Captain Names Stipulation: Cobra, Horri & Elemental III vs Taira, Kiyaru & Scorpion


Some Dude In A Mask vs Yasunobu Masuno


Macho, Mystic, Yasujiro & Kurofuji vs Fuganaga, O'Curle, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs John Pathlow


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Shikitei vs Joshuya, Sotomura & Sato


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Marihito Masuko & Sessue Kawate vs Red Panther & Nisso Yuasha


Tasuku Iesada vs White Samurai


4CS: Wayne vs Shiraishi vs Fuyuki vs Shibanumo

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World Tag Team Champinship: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Winning Captain Names Stipulation: Cobra, Horri & Elemental III vs Taira, Kiyaru & Scorpion

Some Dude In A Mask vs Yasunobu Masuno


Macho, Mystic, Yasujiro & Kurofuji vs Fuganaga, O'Curle, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs John Pathlow

Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Shikitei vs Joshuya, Sotomura & Sato


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Marihito Masuko & Sessue Kawate vs Red Panther & Nisso Yuasha


Tasuku Iesada vs White Samurai


4CS: Wayne vs Shiraishi vs Fuyuki vs Shibanumo

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World Tag Team Champinship: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Winning Captain Names Stipulation: Cobra, Horri & Elemental III vs Taira, Kiyaru & Scorpion

Some Dude In A Mask vs Yasunobu Masuno


Macho, Mystic, Yasujiro & Kurofuji vs Fuganaga, O'Curle, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs John Pathlow


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Shikitei vs Joshuya, Sotomura & Sato


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Marihito Masuko & Sessue Kawate vs Red Panther & Nisso Yuasha


Tasuku Iesada vs White Samurai


4CS: Wayne vs Shiraishi vs Fuyuki vs Shibanumo

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World Tag Team Champinship: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Winning Captain Names Stipulation: Cobra, Horri & Elemental III vs Taira, Kiyaru & Scorpion


Some Dude In A Mask vs Yasunobu Masuno


Macho, Mystic, Yasujiro & Kurofuji vs Fuganaga, O'Curle, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs John Pathlow


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Shikitei vs Joshuya, Sotomura & Sato


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Marihito Masuko & Sessue Kawate vs Red Panther & Nisso Yuasha


Tasuku Iesada vs White Samurai


4CS: Wayne vs Shiraishi vs Fuyuki vs Shibanumo

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