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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Match 9: Tables Match: BURNING Cobra vs Yasuhiko Taira

(6 for Cobra, 1 for Taira)


Well most correctly tipped Cobra to emerge with the 'against the odds' victory here, though for the one descenting voice (Infernalmiko) I was tempted to go the other way and I can totally see her reasons that heavyweights should be portrayed to be stronger than Juniors. However in the end, I decided that this would be one of the matches where I would give the 'fans' the result they would want to see with Cobra heroically over-coming the odds.


That swirling storm thing you saw this weekend in the news? Where clouds were all swirling in toward a central point? That was my predictions sucking.:)


I do stand by my feelings that if juniors can regularly beat heavies (not just the in a one off table match), then there is no need for a junior belt. If 'size' makes no difference to results then everyone should be competing for the same titles, there is not a need for junior titles. Introducing an openweight title is fine. But the same logic applies. All IMO, of course.:)

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Fresh from the shocking fall out of Night of the Burning Hammer, where Hiroaki Nakasawa unfied the Burning World and King of Fighters Championships, due to the help of the new Tag Team Champions Rapid Danger...the Combustion Tour contineus for BHOTWG at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku on Monday 1st November.


The newly formed trio of Nakasawa, Iesada and Pathlow will be tested in the main event by the former stable mates the World Champion appears to has turned his back on, with three of the Sekigun's best Kinnojo Horri, BURNING Cobra and Takayuki Onodera looking to send a message that Nakasawa made the wrong decision in abandonding the Sekigun.


In the semi main event Black Heart Flying Squadron will get an immediate opportunity to win back the Junior Tag Team Championship, they lost in the show stealing four team Falls Sprint at Night of the Burning Hammer, but Universal Excellence will be keen to prove that their victory was no fluke and that their first ever title reign will not be a fleeting one.


In other tag team action two teams that suffered disappointing nights at Night of the Burning Hammer will face off against one another. The Rebellion due to losing the World Tag Team Championship to Rapid Danger and Black Magic (who suffered seperate singles losses)...just which of these teams can immediately bounce back from disappointment and get back on the winning track?, Little Fury who came up short in their bid to win the Junior Tag Titles take on division newcomers Hidden Spark and Junior Champion Sensational Dragon teams with Omezo Shikitei to take on the RAGE duo of Explosive Tension.


In singles action Tadakuni Toshusai has the daunting challenge of taking on the enigmatic and dangerous Some Dude In A Mask (who now has a world title shot following is defeat of Mister Macho), however victory for Toshusai could provide a real spark for the Wild Fire man to break through in the singles ranks. Hyosuke Kokan takes on another man who has turned his back on the Sekigun, Marihito Masuko...whilst Kokan's tag partner Kansuke Konda provides the latest challenge for K.C Glenn, in the sixth match of the American Young Lion's 20 match trial series.


Pre-Show action see's Elemental III, who came up short of winning the Junior Championship at Night of the Burning Hammer take on Roku Sotomura and Blended Whisky take on the young lion duo of Mystic Dragon and Ryushi Sato.


Here is a full rundown of the card for Combustion Tour #20


Combustion Tour- Show #20-

(Akita Stadium, Tohoku, Monday 1st November 2010)


~Turning the Screw~

New Alliance Fall Out Six Man Tag (45 Min Time Limit):

~Representing Un-named Sekigun/INSPIRE defection Unit~

Unified World Champion-

Hiroaki Nakasawa &

World Tag Team Champions-

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kinnojo Horri, BURNING Cobra &

Takayuki Onodera


~A Pan That Flashes~

Junior Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Macho Universe'

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)



Tag Team Challenge Match (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


~Nothing to Lose~

Singles Challenge Match (30 Min Time Limit):

Some Dude In A Mask


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Tadakuni Toshusai


~Avenge Your Actions~

Singles Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Hyosuke Kokan


Marihito Masuko


Glenn 20 Match Trials Series #6 (20 Min Time Limit):

Kevin Christopher Glenn


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kansuke Konda


Junior Tag Challenge Match (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


Tag Team Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion-Sensational Dragon &

Omezo Shikitei


'Representing RAGE'

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura

Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle)




Predictions Form


Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera


Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)


The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)


Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura


Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)


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Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera



Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)



The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)



Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai



Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko



Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda



Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)



Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)



Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura



Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

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Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera


Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)


The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)


Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura


Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

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Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera

Considering what happened in last show and the fact that Kikkawa isn´t on the card this would look a good spot for some intereference but this is Burning Hammer so there probably won´t be any after just seeing two in the PPV. Nakasawa and Danger looks like the stronger group so I go with them here.


Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)

UE won´t lose their titles on the first defense.

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)

I would like to go with Black Magic but I doubt they will win this.


Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai

I´m guessing that we have to wait at least to next PPV before we get to see who is behind the mask.


Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko

Masuko is more important


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda

Glenn is still young lion.


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)

Hidden Spark lost to Whisky so I don´t see them beating Little Fury either.


Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

Pretty sure that Shikitei is still a young lion.


Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura



Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

Real team over random pair

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Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera

Considering what happened in last show and the fact that Kikkawa isn´t on the card this would look a good spot for some intereference but this is Burning Hammer so there probably won´t be any after just seeing two in the PPV. Nakasawa and Danger looks like the stronger group so I go with them here.


Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)

UE won´t lose their titles on the first defense.

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)

I would like to go with Black Magic but I doubt they will win this.


Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai

I´m guessing that we have to wait at least to next PPV before we get to see who is behind the mask.


Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko

Masuko is more important


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda

Glenn is still young lion.


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)

Hidden Spark lost to Whisky so I don´t see them beating Little Fury either.


Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

Pretty sure that Shikitei is still a young lion.


Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura



Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

Real team over random pair


I approve. by the way TK I'm going to send you the questions by the end of today :)

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And now the question of the moment. Just how wrong will MIKO be?


Predictions Form


Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera


Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)


The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)

Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko

Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)


Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura


Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

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Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera

Interesting that Nakasawa teams up with INSPIRE members



Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)

Just won them



The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)

Rebellion is the better team, but the mullets have been doing the job for awhile now, and its time for some build up again



Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai

SDIAM still not revealed



Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko



Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda



Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)



Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)

squashes, except for this one where Shikitei is there to absorb the loss



Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura



Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

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Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera


Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)


The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)


Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura


Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

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Next show will be up by Tuesday at the latest......


Apart from that, please make sure to vote in the Diary of the month poll, I won't hold it against you if you choose to vote for one of the other great diaries that I am up against (OK I might a little bit :p)...but please show your support for the great work done by all the writers this month, by voting.

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Nakasawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Cobra & Onodera


Junior Tag Titles: Universal Excelence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion)


The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Black Magic (Taira & Masuno)


Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Kansuke Konda


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama)


Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs Explosive Tension (Sanda & Okazaki)


Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura


Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Fuganaga & O'Curle)

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Combustion Tour- Show#20


(Monday 1st November 2010)


Akita Stadium , Tohoku ( 5'000 Super No Vacancy)




Match A: Elemental III vs Roku Sotomura


Sotomura managed to prevent Elemental III from pushing a quicker pace and keep things on the mat but the 'Third Generation Icon' is more than capable of adjusting to a mat-based contest and Sotomura found himself snared in the ANKLE HOLDO and forced to tap out, to the man who would feel that he should be Junior Champion were it not for the actions of Marihito Masuko at Night of the Burning Hammer.


Result: Elemental III [w] bt Roku Sotomura [L] in 4:41 via submission (Ankle Holdo)


Rating: C+



Match B: Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato vs Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle)


The young lion duo of Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato put on a plucky display against Blended Whisky and at times looked like more the fluid duo, despite that however the RAGE duo worked their way back into the match, perhaps more due to overeagerness from their young opponents as a missed Mystic Wave (Corksceew Senton Splash) from Mystic Dragon proved to be the real turning point of the match. After that Blended Whisky seized control and Sato was forced to tap to the Triangle Choke of Fuganaga, whilst Mystic was simultaneously tied up in the Celtic Wreath.


Result: Mitsunari Fuganaga [w] & Merle O'Curle bt Mystic Dragon & Ryushi Sato [L] in 8:16 via submission (Triangle Choke)


Rating: B-



Main Show


We see a recap video of what happened at Night of the Burning Hammer- main points of focus are:


* Hiroaki Nakasawa's unification of the World and King of Fighters Championships, and the newly formed alliance with Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada and John Pathlow)


* Sensational Dragon retaining the Junior Championship due to Marihito Masuko turning on Elemental III


* Both Tag Team Championships changing hands with first time victories for Rapid Danger and Universal Excellence- the new Junior Tag Champions victory coming in a show-stealing match.


* BURNING Cobra putting Yasuhiko Taira through a Table.


* Some Dude In A Mask, 'knocking out' Mister Macho with the AT Strike and the appearance of 'Erisabet-Chan'.


Rating: B



The Unified World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa walks out to the ring to jeers from the fans, he is flanked by the new World Tag Team Champions Rapid Danger but also tagging along is Marihito Masuko, the man who's inteference cost Elemental III the chance to win the Junior Championship, just as Rapid Danger's inteference provided the difference for Nakasawa against their former stable mate Tadiyuki Kikkawa.




Nakasawa takes a microphone and begins to speak....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: You are looking here at the pinnacle of Burning Hammer.....


Some of the more rowdier fans continue to jeer....


And this the pinnacle, does not care what anyone else thinks, all it cares about is being the best....


More jeering from the fans who feel that Nakasawa turned his backs on them with his actions....


Barrage me all you want with your misguided hate, but that's all you can do....because unlike me or the men in this ring with me, you do not have what it takes to be a winner......


Look I don't care if some sad little Otaku want's to worship me or not, all I care about is being the best and in doing so, I have surrounded myself with those who think the same as me.......


The newly crowned World Tag Team Champions Rapid Danger who saw that they were being held back by that egomaniac Tadiyuki Kikkawa.....


Oh it's such a shame Kikkawa won't be here tonight, but he is nursing that broken ego of his.....


The rest of Nakasawa's new group chuckle along to Nakasawa's snarky remark about his beaten opponent at Night of the Burning Hammer.....


And also in this ring with me is Marihito Masuko....the only man from the Sekigun, who stood by me and believed in my actions...the only man of the Sekigun who understood that it's not about pleasing Little Shinji but about pleasing yourself, about putting yourself first and doing anything you can to be the best......


Hearing enough of Nakasawa's spiel the Burning Sekigun quartet of Kinnojo Horri, BURNING Cobra, Wild Fire and Elemental III come out onto the entrance ramp. Horri as the new leader of the Sekigun is the one to speak....




Kinnojo Horri: These fans supported you through thick and thin, and this how you repay them?


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Have you not been listening to what I have been saying.....you never were the sharpest knife in the kitchen were you now.......


Kinnojo Horri: The fool here is you Nakasawa-san, you're just telling yourself you don't care about these fans...to justify your actions, to justify the fact that you took the cowards way out against Kikkawa-san.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Big words Horri-San, it must have taken you all day to script that speech.


Kinnojo Horri: To be honest Nakasawa-san I'm not one much for talking, it's not what Burning Hammer was built on....it was built on competition inside of that ring and tonight alongside Cobra-san and Onodera-san we will give you a lesson in humility by taking you and your new 'friends' down a peg or two.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: For someone who doesn't like to talk, you sure do come out with a whole load of waffle.....


Kinnojo Horri: At least what I say is from the heart.....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: And you don't think I ever mean what I say, because for the first time in a long time...I can stop pandering to these fans, I'm free from the shackles of 'representing'.....Tonight a true revolution, in Burning Hammer begins....because alongside Iesada-san and Pathlow-san, DISSONANCE shall reign.


The segment ends with a stare-down between the two groups, before the Sekigun quartet head back up th entrance ramp, and the group now known as DISSONANCE unfurl their stable banner and pose for the camera.


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: Talky bit's are always a struggle to get over with the Burning Hammer crowd, but this needed to be done to give a bit of an insight into the actions of the new group at Night of the Burning Hammer. In the end we decided to keep things simple and keep the focus upon Nakasawa's reasons for turning his back on the Sekigun and kept the microphone exchanges between himself and Kinnojo Horri.



Match #1: Hyosuke Kokan vs Marihito Masuko


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko_jhd1.jpg


This certainly isn't the friendly inter faction match up this would have been even just a week ago, because Masuko has turned his back on the Sekigun and join Nakasawa's new revolution entitled DISSONANCE . A fired up Kokan goes hold for hold with the 'Painted Wonder' and a tope con hilo puts the 'Electric Liverwire' in control.


Back in the ring, and Kokan managed to place Masuko in the ELECTRIC SHOCKER CLUTCH (Sitting Double Chickewing) but to his and his fans frustration the turncoat managed to make his way to the ropes. Kokan then decided to head-up top but Masuko managed to stagger back to his feet and crotch Kokan on the top turnbuckle....that lead to a top-rope hurracanrana and then the application of the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke)....the Electric Livewire tried to battle his way out but in the end his resistance was in vain and referee Shinozaki saw no other choice but to call for the bell.


Result: Marihito Masuko [w] bt Hyosuke Kokan [L] in 8:39 via submission (Pink Dream)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: A solid Junior Division contest for the relatively short time it ran for, Kokan-san probably had more offence but I don't think anyone was really buying into him over-coming Masuko-san, whose heat levels have really rocketed up since his heel turn.


Post Match Comments:


Marihito Masuko: The revolutionary road opens up a new order, the possibilities are endless, we are shackled no more.



Match #2: Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei vs

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OmezoShikitei.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


Explosive Tension were able to use their superior team-work to control the match from start to finish, the key thing being that they were able to keep the Junior Champion Sensational Dragon on the 'outside looking in' for much of the contest. Shikitei tried his best to turn things around but the RAGE pair proved to be too big of a challenge and in the end the 'Ice-Man' fell to the EX2 (Double Exploder).


Result: Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei [L] in 7:36 via pinfall (EX2)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Another short match, and one that was admittedly a bit disappointing giving the talent involved. This was pretty much Explosive Tension squashing Shikitei-san, and Dragon-san may as well have had the night off.



Match #3: Glenn 20 Match Trial Series (#6):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Kansuke Konda


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg


Glenn has put up some promising performances against the likes of John Pathlow and Marihito Masuko but has come up short of getting the victory, how would he fare against Kansuke Konda?


Konda wasn't going to take the youngster lightly at all, and immediately went on the offensive with a brawling tactic, but Glenn showed heart by firing right back and then gaining the advantage by planting Konda to the mat with an STO. The Dixieland Wonderkid, then nailed Konda with a drop-kick, before planting the Size of the Fight man with a Brainbuster for a two count.


Glenn then looked for the Tune Up The Sunshine Band (Superkick) but Konda moved out of the way in time and then bailed to the floor to re-group. That saw Glenn go for a slingshot crossbody, only to 'crash and burn' when Konda moved out of the way, the 'Big Fight Player' then took full advantage by rolling back into the ring and then crashing into Glenn with a Tope Con Hilo.


Konda then drilled Glenn with the KONDA DRIVER (Fisherman Driver) but the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' once again showed alot of heart by kicking out at two. Konda then decided to head up top and went for the KONDA SPLASH (Frosplash) but Glenn had the prescence of mind to get his knees up just in time.


The gaijin Young Lion, then re-seized the advantage with a Leg Lariat, before planting Konda with a German Suplex for a two count. Glenn then looked to be heading up top, but saw Konda getting up and went for a springboard fore-arm smash for the apron, but Konda ducked the flying fore-arm and then caught Glenn with the K-THUNDER DRIVER (Spinning Sit Out Powerbomb)....this time Glenn was unable to get the shoulder up in time, as he was sent to another defeat, despite another 'brave' effort.


Result: Kansuke Konda [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 10:02 via pinfall (K-Thunder Driver)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Solid match but this was always going to be, and no offence to Konda-san here, a little down in quality from Glenn-san's recent encounters with Pathlow-san and a hotly turned Masuko-san.


Post Match Comments:


Kansuke Konda: Glenn-san will do well here in Burning Hammer, that boy is talented but I wasn't ever going to be the one who would be the first to taste defeat to him, no matter how talented that boy is...one day Glenn-san, but not tonight.



Match #4: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg


The two most recent former tag champions, both had a rough night at Night of the Burning Hammer but just who would get themselves back on track at the expense of their opponents.


The Rebellion started the match the brighter, using their superior speed and accurate striking ability to utilise an effective hit and run strategy, but Black Magic were able to withstand the early pressure and turned things around when Masuno tripped Shimedzu up from the apron, and then sent 'Kamikaze Spirit' into the guard-rail.


Miyamae was left isolated and was worked over by Black Magic, the 'Viper' made brave efforts to try and battle his way back to his corner but the size and power of his opponents were provign to be too much to overcome, and it looked as though the Rebellion would be heading for their second straight loss when Taira planted Miyamae with the TYPHOON SUPLEX (Rotating Vertical Suplex) but 'the Viper' showed great fighting spirit by kicking out.....


Miyamae remained in trouble however and Black Magic began to set up for the DEVASTATOR (Flajack/Cutter combo)...but Shimedzu made a last ditch save by nailing Masuno with an Enziguri before Black Magic could deliver their signature double team.


Miyamae then stunned Taira with a gamengiri...but Black Magic responded with a pair of clotheslines to flatten the Dragon Feet 2K9 pair....Black Magic then whipped their opponents into opposite corners and then went for stereo FLATTERNER'S but The Rebellion saw it coming and moved out of the way before stunning Black Magic with strereo apron Enziguris...the Rebellion then followed that up with stereo missile drop-kicks ......


Black Magic then went out onto the floor to re-group, but The Rebellion were keen to keep on the pressure and went for stereo slingshot flying cross-bodies, only to be caught by their oppoents and bodyslammed onto the floor.....


Masuno then pitched Miyamae back into the ring and began to set up for the DAY OF RACKENING (Argentine Backbreaker Rack) but that was countered into a crucifix bomb by Miyamae....who then quickly transtioned into the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice) submission......


Seeing that Masuno was in trouble....Taira re-enterted to make the save, only to be nailed with a Running Boot from Shimedzu. Masuno was unable to battle his way to the ropes, and though he didn't actually tap, referee Shinozaki saw no other option but to call for the bell.... Katsuhiko Shunsen quipped from the commentary table, that it was as though Masuno had suddenly run out of 'gas' and had nothing left in the tank and that maybe Black Magic were feeling the effects of their defeats more.


Result: Shimedzu & Miyamae [w] bt Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno [L] in 10:53 via submission (Snake Poison)


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: A really well worked match..the relatively quick pace they worked at here, did two things...it cut back on too much tedious stalling from Black Magic, plus it also played into them suddenly running out of 'gas', especially with them still feeling the effects of their lossed at Night of the Burning Hammer. Yes The Rebellions' match went longer, but it as a tag match and neither of them were on the receiving end of a Burning Lariat or DDT'd through a Table.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: We cannot deny that Rapid Danger beat us fairly, despite their actions since but fact is they got lucky against us....


Miyamae: We still believe we are the best team in the world and we will win our titles back.


Meanwhile Black Magic are arguing amongst themselves and have blown off the press, however some of their argument is audible enough for some of the microphones the journalists are holding to pick up before the mulleted duo went storming through the door bickering at one another.....


Yasuhiko Taira: You keep failing Masuno-san, you keep failing don't you, don't you ?


Yasunobu Masuno: Well I don't see you doing much better yourself....



Match #5: Some Dude In A Mask vs Tadakuni Toshusai


http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/SDITM_jhd.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg


Unlike other recent encounters involving the enigma that is Some Dude In A Mask, there doesn't actually appear to be anything on the line here accept personal pride, however a win for Toshuai over the unbeaten masked man, could provide a catalyst for him to make a serious assault on singles glory once again.


Toshusai did the early pressing in this match, as his energetic brawling put the enigmatic masked man on the 'backfoot'....that lead to SDIAM going out for a powder, Toshusai being the 'enthusiastic but not that bright type' gave chase only to fall into SDIAM's trap and be sent crashing into the ring-steps with a drop toe hold. SDIAM then followed that up with a stiff kick to Toshusai's shoulder, before pitching 'Wild Charisma' back into the ring.


SDIAM continued to work over the arm and shoulder before looking to apply the HIGH ANGLE ARM BAR but Toshusai was able to use his longer reach to get his foot on the bottom rope...just as it looked like be forced to tap the mat, his face etched with absolute agony....


Toshusai though bravely gains the advantage after the rope break, using his good arm to pepper SDIAM with some heavy fore-arms, before nailing the enigmatic masked man with the SHOCK KICK (Bicyle Kick).....that gets a two count....it may have been three had Toshusai made a tighter cover.....


Toshusai then set SDIAM up with a double underhook, but was unable to lift the masked man up , his weakened arm giving out and the 'masked enigma' was able to turn the momentum back in his favour by planting Toshusai with a Reverse STO.


SDIAM looked to be once again looking for the High Angle Arm Bar, but Toshusai managhed to fight off the attempt, before 'Wild Charisma' battled back to his feet and then after giving SDIAM his customary 'Double Bird' gesture lined up for another SHOCK KICK but the enigmatic masked man ducked under and then scythed Toshusai down with a chop block....


Toshusai then rose back to his knees and got nailed in the face with the AT STRIKE (Front Knee Strike to the face) and like all other victims of the AT Strike before him, Toshusai's fate was academic.


Result: Some Dude In A Mask [w] bt Tadakuni Toshusai [L] in 9:43 via pinfall (AT Strike)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: A straight forward win for the mystery man, if Macho wasn't going to beat SDIAM, then Toshusai-san certainly wasn't either. At the moment Toshusai-san isn't going to break into the upper echelon, until he either starts to wrestle with more intelligence or becomes dangerously crazy.


Post Match Comments:


Some Dude In A Mask once again is a man of few words, in fact he only says one word in his now familiar monotone 'Next'...leaving the press frustrated once again. Toshusai who usually provides a lengthier soundbite, albeit an equally inconherrent one was still too 'out of it' after being on the receiving end of the AT Strike.



Match #6: Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi) vs

Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg &http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StoneYoshikawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IncredibleKoyama1.jpg


This was a back and forth contest, with Hidden Spark really taking the fight to their most experienced opponents. In fact the newly formed duo thought they had pulled off the upset victory when they nailed Yoshii Shiomi with their signature double team the CODE G (Backbeaker Hold/Diving Leg Drop combo) but VENOM was able to make the last ditch save.


Hidden Spark then seemed to lose focus after coming so close, and Little Fury managed to turn the tide, leading to them planting Yoshikawa with the ENGAGE THE RAGE (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo) to secure the victory...though the real difference maker was that they did a better job of guarding against Koyama attempting to make the save.


Result: VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi [w] bt Stone Yoshikawa [L] & The Incredible Koyama in 8:35 via pinfall (Engage The Rage)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: A decent fast paced Junior Tag match, but unfortunately for the two teams involved, alot of the fans saw this an opportunity to head for the concessions.



~A Pan That Flashes~

Match #7: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HaruKurofuji.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg


Universal Excellence won the Junior Tag Championship for the first time, when they recorded the most falls in the Falls Sprint format at Night of the Burning Hammer, however former champions the Black Heart Flying Squadron felt aggrieved at losing their titles in that manner, as they did not suffer a single fall to the new champions. Here they have demanded for and have been granted and immediate re-match, can Universal Excellence truly prove themselves to the best Junior Tag Team or will the BHFS immediately regain the belts to become four time champions?


The start of the match saw the BHFS try to sneak attack the champions before they could even get to the ring, but Universal Excellence were ready for such tactics and actually gained the advantage in the early going, highlighted with an Arabian Press from Barei Yasujiro that wiped out both of the BHFS, before Scorpion was pitched back into the ring for Kurofuji to plant the 'Gold and Black Attack' for a close two count.


Kurofuji then decided to head up top, but was suddenly held back by Kiyaru, who unbeknown to Kurofuji has just turned the tables on Yasujiro with a Russian Leg-sweep into the ring-steps.....Kiyaru's intervention allowed for Scorpion to recover, and bring Kurofuji crashing back into the ring with a superplex.....Kiyaru then followed up with the ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press).....








Yasujiro dived back in to make the save, but was soon pitched out to the floor and the BHFS dragged Kurofuji over to their corner, to take full control of the match and subject 'Tohoku Thunder' to a methodical beat-down. It appeared as though the BHFS, feeling that they were now in total control, has changed their goal slightly...they didn't just want to win the match, they wanted to send a mesage....as they taunted Yasujiro on the apron and dished out nonchalant offence to Kurofuji....the type that would see them maintain control but would have no effect in actually being able to put the match to bed.


This arrogant posturing continued for about the next five minutes, to the increasing frustration of everyone in attendance except the BHFS.....finally Scorpion appeared to be ready to finish Kurofuji off, as he set up for the Brainbuster, but despite being on the receiving end....Kurofuji has enough left in the tank to block the attempt and then counter into a Brainbuster of his own !


Kurofuji knew he was too weakened to make the cover, so the only thought in his mind was to make it back to safety and get a fresh Yasujiro tagged back into the match, but Scorpion was able to get the tag back out to Kiyaru first, but the 'Mighty Mouse' decided he could wait no more, and stepped into the ring....only to be cut off by referee Terakado...which only served to put Kurofuji back in danger.


Kiyaru planted Kurofuji witha Falcon Arrow, before turning things back over to Golden Scorpion...who then went for the GOLDEN SHOT (Slingshot Leg-Drop)..........








Yasujiro burst in to make a last ditch save, only to be sent back to his corner once again,as Kurofuji remained in trouble.....


The BHFS then appeared to be setting up for the ULTRA EFFECT, as Scorpion placed Kurofuji upon his shoulders in the Electric Chair Position and Kiyaru headed up top.....but Kurofuji managed to slip off Scorpions shoulders and then plant the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a release German Suplex.....


Kiyaru was still perched on top however, and launched himself off with a flying splash, only for Kurofuji to move out of the way and the for 'Dark Enigma' to crash and burn....though he had nothing left in the tank...Kurofuji now had the opportunity (with both of the BHFS) down to get a fresh Yasujiro back into the match.....


Both of the BHFS were starting to stir however, before Kurofuji had got anywhere near to his corner but suddenly with one last ditch effort...Kurofuji dived across the ring and finally got the 'hot' tag to a fired up Yasujiro.


The 'Mighty Mouse' cleaned house with a series of leg-lariats and dizzying head-scissor take-downs , but was unable to get either of the BHFS in position for a cover, as the former champions bailed out to take a powder and try to re-group...but Yasujiro wasn't going to let them re-group and launched himself over the top-rope with a corkscrew slingshot splash, to wipe the BHFS out on the floor....


Yasujiro then pitched Kiyaru back into the ring, before placing the dazed masked man upon his shoulders and then planting the 'Dark Enigma' with the YASUJIRO SUPLEX (Electric Chair Lifted Dropped into a Bridging German)......








Golden Scorpion dived in to make the save, but was soon cut off by Kurofuji who drop-kicked Scorpion out of the ring and then followed up with a dive to the floor, as Golden Scorpion once again felt himself being rammed into the guard-rail by an on-coming opponent.


Meanwhile back in the ring Kiyaru was still rooted to the mat, and Yasujiro saw the opportunity to head up top.......


Yasujiro then came crashing down upon Kiyaru with the MIGHTY MOUSE AIR ATTACK (Sky Twister Press).....


Only for Kiyaru to blow a desperation spurt of the dreaded Black Mist into the face of Yasujiro.....


Kiyaru then quickly rolled up the disorientated Yasujiro into a small package.....








Kurofuji made a last ditch save, but was then taken down with a leg lariat/leg-sweep attack from the former champions.


The BHFS then turned their attentions back to the disorientated Yasujiro....and Scorpion placed the Mighty Mouse upon his shoulders as the BHFS once again looked to set up for their signature double team the ULTRA EFFECT....but once again it was countered as Yasujiro planted Scorpion with the POISON RANA (Reverse Frankensteiner).....


Kiyaru however was still able to keep the BHFS in control, nailing Yasujiro with a leg lariat from the top-rope and then planting the Mighty Mouse with his trademark Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Leg-sweep......


Kiyaru then decided to head up top but was soon cut off by Kurofuji- who sent the 'Dark Enigma' crashing back into the ring with a superplex......


Scorpion was then intercepted by Yasujiro,who took down the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a spinning head-scissors that sent Scorpion straight into the TOHOKU THUNDER SUPLEX (Rolling Release Suplex)......


But Golden Scorpion was not the legal man, however Universal Excellence remained in control, as Kiyaru walked right into a leg-lariat from Yasujiro....before Kurofuji planted the 'Dark Enigma' with a Bridging German Suplex...inevitably the standing shooting star press of Yasujiro then followed....UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!!






Three !!!


Universal Excellence had got the decisive victory over the former champions, and now no one the Black Heart Flying Squadron included can have any argument over them deserving to hold the Junior Tag Team Championship.


Result: Barei Yasujiro [w] & Haru Kurofuji bt The Awesome Kiyaru [L] & Golden Scorpion in 21:43 via pinfall (Universal Studios)


Universal Excellence Make V1 Defence of the Burning Junior Tag Team Championship


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: This wasn't quite the rollercoaster of the Falls Sprint at 'Night' but this still a very good match and the BHFS provided enough of a legitimate threat to make fans think that UE's reign could be a very short one. In the end though Universal Excellence get a decisive victory that seals their spot at the very top of the Junior Tag ranks and places a full-stop on the Flying Squadron's impressive eight month reign with belts.


Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: There can be no doubt anymore that we are the best Junior Heavyeight Tag Team in the world, Kurofuji-san and I climbed the mountain together and we intend to do everything we can to stay there.


Haru Kurofuji: We welcome the challenge from anyone to try and dethrone us, but we will be ready for any challenge!


Golden Scorpion: It cannot be denied that the Brethren have fallen on hard times and that the luck has turned against us, but we will remain strong.....we will fire back and Kiyaru-san and I will get OUR titles back...Universal Excellence enjoy it whilst you can, because you well never be as good as us!



~Turning the Screw~

Match #8: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow vs

Kinnojo Horri, BURNING Cobra & Takayuki Onodera


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawaALT21.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhd1.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg


The Burning Sekigun trio are all fired up and take the fight right to DISSONANCE as soon as the bell rings, resulting in a chaotic six man brawl at the start of the match. Despite the Sekigun being the one's to do the pressing early, the chaos plays into DISSONANCE's hands, and more willing to bend the rules they soon turn their tables and when referee Umeki is finally able to restore a semblance of order, Cobra finds himself isolated in the wrong half of the ring.


DISSONANCE then work over Cobra in their corner for but too much posturing and a lack of urgency to put Cobra away, followed by an errant Enziguri from Pathlow, ends up nailing Nakasawa and Cobra is able to drop-kick the tag champion out of the ring, Iesada however clips Cobra from behind and quicky rolls up the reformed hero, only for Cobra to kick out and then roll through into the STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter).....


Iesada quickly makes it to the ropes, but Cobra seizes full control for the Sekigun with a basement drop-kick before whipping Iesada into the Sekigun corner. Cobra tags in Onodera, who peppers Iesada with a series of fore-arms before planting Iesada with a Uranage backbreaker....the Super 10 Cup holder easily kicks out of that, but Onodera remains in control and sets up for the O2 Suplex...Iesada however forces a standing switch and sets up for a German of his own....Onodera fights out with elbows and then nails Iesada with the END OF YOU (Rolling Elbow to the back of the head)......






Nakasawa and Pathlow come into intervene, but they cut off by Horri who levels Pathlow with a Lariat and Cobra who stuns Nakasawa with a gamengiri.....




But Iesada is still able to kick out.....Onodera then lifts Iesada up for the CALL THE DOCTOR (Inverted Facelock lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver) but Iesada slips out and then twists Onodera round to counter into the IESADA BRIDGE (Northern Lights Suplex).........






Pathlow and Nakasawa try to hold Horri and Cobra back from making the save, and though Nakasawa is able to do that against Cobra, Pathlow is unable to hold Horri back and the new leader of the Sekigun is able to make the save for Onodera just in time.


Horri then plants Iesada with the FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster) but is then stunned with a Gamengiri from Pathlow.....Nakasawa then re-enters and levels Horri with a lariat but the big man stays on his feet and Nakasawa then eats a missile drop-kick from Cobra.


Horri then levels Pathlow with a lariat for a two count, before Cobra takes out Nakasawa with a diving splash and Onodera holds back Iesada from intervening. Horri then sets up for the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb) but Pathlow counters into a victory roll......


Horri kicks out but then eats a basement drop-kick from the World Tag Team Champion, before Pathlow heads up top. Pathlow looked set to go for the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop) but was cut off by Cobra...Cobra then looked set to go for the superplex but was then brought crashing into the ring with SUPER H-BOMB from Nakasawa !!


However the World Champion then eats a BURNING LARIAT from Horri.....but referee Umeki trying to restore order, waves off the pin attempt from Horri, as Nakasawa is not the legal man much to the frustration of the new leader of the Sekigun.


Horri tags out to a fresh Onodera, who immediately goes after Pathlow and after a series of fore-arms sets up for the O2 Suplex but Pathlow counters with a sneaky low blow by lifting his heel up into Onodera's crotch.. it's enough for Pathlow to get the tag to Iesada....who takes Onodera down with a snapmare and follows up with a stiff kick to the back....


Pathlow is immediately tagged back in and follow up with a low drop-kick for a two count, before Pathlow heads onto the apron and Iesada holds Onodera in place before the World Tag Team Champions pull of the DANGEROUS LIASON II (Springboard Drop-kick/Suplex combo).....








Cobra dived across to make the save, but was immediately pitched out to the floor, before Pathlow then followed up with a suicide dive that sent Cobra crashing hard into the guard-rail.


Meanwhile Iesada had just applied the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker) to Onodera.....


It looked like Onodera was about to tap any second.....


But Horri was able to make the save, before being intercepted by Nakasawa...the two powerhouses then took their brawl to the outside....


Iesada once again looked for the IESADA SPECIAl but this time Onodera was able to block the attempt and take the Super 10 Cup holder by surprise with a quick roll-up.....






Iesada easily kicked out and then countered into the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin)....








Cobra managed to make a last ditch effort to save the match for the Sekigun.....


Iesada then went to pitch Cobra out of the ring, but was instead taken down with a spinning head-scissors, before Cobra then headed up top......


Cobra was going to be cut off by Pathlow however, only for Onodera to find sudden burst of energy and nail Pathlow with the END OF YOU (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head), but the Iron Man was then taken down with a chop block from Iesada, only for Cobra to then drill Iesada with a missile drop-kick...that sent the World Tag Team Champion half way across the ring.......


Iesada then stumbled into a spinning head-scissors that the 'reformed hero' quickly transitioned into the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning Head Scissors Arm Bar)......


But just as it looked like Onodera may be forced to tap out, Nakasawa managed to burst back into the ring and make the all important save.


Nakasawa then levelled Cobra with a lariat, before lifting the masked man up for the H-BOMB only to receive a boot in the gut from Horri......Cobra then slipped off the back and combined with Horri to take down Nakasawa with a Lariat/leg-sweep combo !!


But the Unified World Champion escapes being pinned again by not being the legal man...Horri frustrated by this goes over to argue with referee Umeki, but then gets clipped from behind with a chop-block from Iesada......


Iesada however then gets dumped with the O2 Suplex (Bridging German Suplex) from Onodera, but the 'Iron Man' failed to see Pathlow head up top and then come crashing down with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop).....






Cobra stomped on Pathlow to make the save and then planted 'Rapid Fire' with the STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex)..........








Pathlow kicked out but was then turned over into the STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter)....but a recovered Nakasawa then levelled Cobra with a lariat from behind........


Horri however then levelled Nakasawa with another lariat, and then turned his attention to Pathlow only to be stunned with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Side Kick) from the hard hitting gaijin junior.


Horri was then rolled up from behind by Iesada......








'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' kicked out but was then immediately placed in the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker)......


Onodera then tried to intervene but was intercepted by Nakasawa, who placed the Wild Fire man in the Figure Four Leglock, and Pathlow then took down Cobra and placed the 'reformed hero' in the KIMURA LOCK.....


DISSONANCE has all of the Sekigun locked into submissions....


But somehow the Sekigun trio manage to all show tremendous fighting spirit and make it to the ropes......


Cobra and Onodera then drop-kick Pathlow and Nakasawa to the floor before following with stereo suicide dives.....


That leaves Horri and Iesada in the ring, and despite Horri's right arm hanging by his side, he is sitll able to seize the momentum by levelling Iesada with a Lariat...using his good arm.....


Horri then pulls Iesada in for the BURNING LARIAT, but it is blocked by the Tag Champion....but Horri re-groups again and levels Iesada with another running lariat.....






Iesada kicks out, but then receives a knee into the gut and Horri sets up for the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb) but Iesada counters with the IESADA SPECIAL III (Victory Roll into the Cross Arm Breaker).......


Horri is going to tap, but Onodera dives in at the last split second to make the save........


Onodera then looked set to drill Iesada with the CALL THE DOCTOR but instead ate a BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA from Pathlow, only for Cobra to then nail Pathlow with a missile drop-kick.....


Cobra then ducked a charging fore-arm from Iesada and then after a boot to the mid-section, proceeded to plant IESADA with the DEATH BY COBRA (Double Wrist Clutch Powerbomb)......








Nakasawa made the last ditch save, and then after levelling Cobra with a lariat, lifted the 'Reformed Hero' up for the H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb)....Cobra however slipped off and then nailed Naksawa with an Enziguri...but the World Champion just shook it off and then nailed Cobra with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT (Turnaround Short Range Lariat).......






Both Horri and Onodera were trying to get across to make the save, but were cut off by the World Tag Team Champions....


Three !!!


It was a match that could have gone either way but in the end the World Champion proved to be the difference maker to ensure that DISSONANCE got off to a winning start.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w], Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow bt Kinnojo Horri, BURNING Cobra & Takayuki Onodera in 34:55 via pinfall (Sudden Impact Lariat)


Rating: A


Onodera's Assessmment: This was a thrilling six man tag, that moved by pretty fast...despite running for over half an hour. The Sekigun put up a great fight and looked like they could genuienly de-rail DISSONANCE from the very start but in the end Nakasawa's new group proved to be too strong.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Domination, total domination....that is the remit DISSONANCE shall have, and there will be nothing anyone else in Burning Hammer can do to stop us achieving that goal.


Tasuku Iesada: Kikkawa-san, DISSONANCE shall achieve what INSPIRE failed to do, because WE have a goal to be the best, this isn't just a one man ego trip.


John Pathlow: I wanted to believe in you Kikkawa-san but I woke up, I saw the reality that Iesada-san saw, and in turn Nakasawa-san also saw the false ideals of the Sekigun.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: DISSONANCE is not about pandering to the fans or feeding one'e ego...we are about being the best and do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Anyone who tells us that is a bad thing is only kidding themselves.


Kinnojo Horri: Congratulations Nakasawa-san, you won....you have proved that DISSONANCE are and will be a very strong force but the Sekigun will not back down....this is only the beginning and whilst you abandoned these fans, I'm still proud to represent them and though I know this war between us will be an almighty struggle...the man with the strongest heart shall come out on top.



Overall: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: Can't say I'm too enamoured with that rating, not because I didn't feel we put on a solid show- I think we did. I would have felt that the semi main event and main event would have been good enough to see this to a B+. I'm telling myself not to be pissed off about this...but yeah I'm pissed off about this...who works out the show ratings?!...a flaming idiot?!- And on top of this final rating cheesing me off, apparently I'm paying for tonight's meal at the local Izakaya.

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'Fan's Choice: Spotlight Interview'


Lo-Drew was the winner of the third predictions contest for the Combustion Tour and he decided that recently crowned World Tag Team Champion John Pathlow would be the man to answer his questions. Interestingly Lo-Drew shied away from demanding an explanation for Pathlow's actions in helping Hiroaki Nakasawa to defeat Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the unified World Championship in controversial fashion at Night of the Burning Hammer, perhaps he wanted to stay on the right side of the gaijin hard hitter?


But that isn't to say that Pathlow pulled any punches in what he had to say.........




1. How do you feel about being one half of the new BHOTWG Tag Team Champions with Tasuku Iesada given what have happened between you two in recent months?


It feels damn great....why wouldn't I be proud to be holding one half of the top tag team titles in the world. Look whatever so called problems there were between me and Iesada-san were blown out of all proportion. Sure I wanted to believe that things could be resolved with Team INSPIRE and Kikkawa-san but truth is I saw the light eventually, I saw that Iesada-san was the one to trust.....I won the Ultimate Tag League with him and now we're World Tag Team Champions.


2. During your time with Team INSPIRE, what valuables lessons have you learned from Tadiyuki Kikkawa?


Now just because Iesada-san and I have severed ties with Kikkawa-san, I'm not gonna totally crap on him. Man is a great fighter, who never gives up, that's why I was so proud to be given the chance to join Team INSPIRE in the first place but fact is his ego got the better of him and he ended up pushing the support around him away. I guess the valuable lesson I can take from my time with Kikkawa is to believe in yourself in being the best, but not to the point that you end up pissing everyone off...and I'm afraid he did that to his best friend Iesada-san and he eventually did that to me too.


3. You have faced some tough men in your career. Who in your opinion was the toughest opponent you've ever competed against?


Way back when I was just starting to make my way in this sport, I worked for some fed called USPW.....place didn't really fit my style at all, as they wanted to give the spotlight to over the hill has-been's but fact is they were a well run fed and gave you a decent pay-day. Anyway to get to the point, there were like one or two others like me...talented guys who worked their butts off and put on really good matches and treated this sport with the respect it deserved...albeit it was wasted on an audience who wanted a mother****ing nostalgia kick. Well one of these guys I ran with back in the day, was Johnny Bloodstone, had the nickname of the submission demon and damn could he tie you up in knots...it's a shame he never came out to Japan, reckon he would have done pretty damn well out here but I hear he's doing pretty well for himself up in Canada these days.


As for the Burning Hammer roster, well it don't come any tougher than Hiroaki Nakasawa...there's a reason why he's the World Champion...he both gives and takes punishment better than anyone else...you hit with your best stuff, he'll just come back with something stronger.


4. In your opinion, if you had to face one member of the BHOTWG wrestler, who would it be and why?


Tadiyuki Kikkawa - sure I faced him in the three way recently with Iesada-san but I want a one on one match with him...I want to him to bring his best stuff, and I'll bring mine...and will knock seven bells out of one another and at the end of it all... damn egotisical fool will ****ing respect me.


5. You have a lot of powerful moves to you repertoire, Which particular move do you like to use the most?


If I could use it all the time the Apocalypse Lariat would be it, but the move is so powerful that it takes a toll on my own body and I need the right situation to strike with it....it's a move that relies on turning the momentum of my opponent against them. Blunt Force Trauma is a quick strike, that can both end a weaker opponent or change momentum against a stronger one and the Kill-Drill is another game ender...thing is certain moves are right for certain situations......Kill Drill ain't gonna get it done against someone like Horri-san...I'm strong but not a mother****ing freak, but it's perfect to end things against someone more my size.


Pathlow finished the interview by saying that answering Lo-Drew's questions gave him a good opportunity to get some things off his chest, but that he still preferred letting his fists and feet do the talking!

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Combustion Tour Predictions Contest (Show #20-Show#26 (Everlasting Mission)


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The new predictions contest will cover 7 shows the first three weeks of November plus the Everlasting Mission PPV (build towards that one is a little shorter)


The first show it had to be said was a pretty easy show to predict, so it was no surprise to see quite a few perfect scores. Fact is no one was expecting Universal Excellence to drop the Junior Tag belts in their first defence and everyone was also expecting Nakasawa's new group, now revealed to be DISSONANCE to kick things off with a victory.


And of course a big welcome to a new name amongt the predictors-Ian Carlisle.

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No surprises in the preshow. Really, literally. Big name wins, little guy loses. Blended whiskey uber alles.


Nakasawa takes a microphone and begins to speak....




Look I don't care if some sad little Otaku want's to worship me or not, all I care about is being the best and in doing so, I have surrounded myself with those who think the same as me.......


Wotas for Nakasawa!


.because alongside Iesada-san and Pathlow-san, DISSONANCE shall reign.


INSPIRE is dead, long live DISSONANCE! I was half wondering if the name would be a GBH or CHAOS knockoff. But let's see. 'inharmonious or harsh sound' So far so good. 'Cognitive dissonance is a discomfort caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously.' This fits as well. I like the name!


Result: Marihito Masuko [w] bt Hyosuke Kokan [L] in 8:39 via submission (Pink Dream)


No real shock here. Kokan's lost alot and Masuko is riding the DISSONANCE wave of momentum. Very short write up, which suggests how much Kokan has fallen off the radar.


Marihito Masuko: The revolutionary road opens up a new order, the possibilities are endless, we are shackled no more.


We are DISSONANCE, the punk rock of the puroresu world.



Result: Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Sensational Dragon & Omezo Shikitei [L] in 7:36 via pinfall (EX2)


Another short one, and well deserving of it. Raise your hand if you were surprised Omezo was pinned! Anyone? Didn't think so.


Onodera's Assessment: Solid match but this was always going to be, and no offence to Konda-san here, a little down in quality from Glenn-san's recent encounters with Pathlow-san and a hotly turned Masuko-san.


Size of the Fight are going through a bit of a slump right now, I think. I figure DISSONANCE will keep rocking for another card or two before hitting any real resistance. And I just like saying DISSONANCE. DISSONANCE DISSONANCE DISSONANCE. Masuko's next finisher should be Pink Dissonancy or something.


Match #4: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


Tiger hates Black Magic, so who'll win. Hm....hm...


Miyamae was left isolated and was worked over by Black Magic, the 'Viper' made brave efforts to try and battle his way back to his corner but the size and power of his opponents were provign to be too much to overcome, and it looked as though the Rebellion would be heading for their second straight loss when Taira planted Miyamae with the TYPHOON SUPLEX (Rotating Vertical Suplex) but 'the Viper' showed great fighting spirit by kicking out.....


Face in peril!




Wasn't it flatteners? Unless we're flattering them before flattening them.


.it cut back on too much tedious stalling from Black Magic


We prefer the term 'slow build'. :)


Yasuhiko Taira: You keep failing Masuno-san, you keep failing don't you, don't you ?


Yasunobu Masuno: Well I don't see you doing much better yourself....


I hear this as a rap.


/LA beatbox


You keep failing, you keep falling, don't you don't you.

You keep stalling, you keep mauling, don't you don' you.

But we're still the best, better than the rest, aren't we aren't we.

Rebellion will pay, their submissions they'll say, won't they won't they.


Do I hear DISSONANCE in their future?


Result: Some Dude In A Mask [w] bt Tadakuni Toshusai [L] in 9:43 via pinfall (AT Strike)


No surprise here. Just keeping some dude busy while we build up to his title shot.


Match #6: Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi) vs

Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


Sushi break, did I miss anything?


Rating: C+


Guess not.


Match #7: Junior Tag Team Championship:


Didn't we just have one of these? I love how the picture of Yasujiro looks like he's just now trying to grow a beard, for the first time. I bet he checks it everyday to see if it's fuller.


Only for Kiyaru to blow a desperation spurt of the dreaded Black Mist into the face of Yasujiro.....


Kiyaru then quickly rolled up the disorientated Yasujiro into a small package.....








Classic stuff. Heels hit their big shot and fail. Now the faces will do their final sprint to the finish.


.inevitably the standing shooting star press of Yasujiro then followed....UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!!


See! Good match, though I'm still a little burned out from the big show so the fast pace and short paragraphs of this match were good as well. The match feels alot like a sprint.


I can only imagine DISSONANCE's theme music is some punk rock band that never learned to play their instruments.


HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop)


I just keep imagining how painful it has to be to take this move. Right up there with a moonsault doublestomp.


DISSONANCE has all of the Sekigun locked into submissions....


Classic spot. I have such a soft spot for Iesada. He's such the solid 90's style technical wrestler, even when he's a heel. Like Nishimura's Dark MUGA.




So when is Cobra getting a green mist SPITTING COBRA! attack?


.but the World Champion just shook it off and then nailed Cobra with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT (Turnaround Short Range Lariat)


And the junior loses. I'm just fine with this ending. The match had mad action, but didn't get bloody wild out of control. Maybe that'll come later but for now it was good, hard action and great competition. It just feels like we need a vile heel in the mix somewhere as well. An Iizuka, for example.


Keep up the good work!

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Great analysis again Miko, keep up the good work yourself :)


Are you suggesting that DISSONANCE entrance music, should be something like this:




Anyway next post is actually going to be the month end rest of the world review, I actually should have put up before the last show.

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October News and Notes from around the Wrestling World


21st Century Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: D-, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: 21CW extend the contracts of low level heel Mister King and referee Karl Dexter.


Worker Departures: 21CW decide not to renew the contrat of Davey London


Title Changes: Jay B defeats his own tag team partner Buff Martinez, to win the 21CW United Kingdom Championship for the first time, and end Martinez own ten month reign with the belts, interestingly the pair also hold the Tag Team Titles, of which they have held for a nearly a year.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: 4C extend the contract of referee Andy Gordy.


5 Star Supreme Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extensions: 5SSW extend the contracts of rising star Shiori Jippensha, 'enhancement talent' Yori Toyoshima and announcer Kuniyoshi Chishu.


Angel Athletic Association

(Size: Regional, Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: AAA extend the contract of retired wrestler turned manager Helen Bach.


All Canada Pro Wrestling

(Size: Local, Prestige: F, Momentum: D)


Nothing to report this month for ACPW.


Australian Pro Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: APW extend the contracts of lowcard heel Switchblade and heel manager Max Forbes.


Babes of Sin City

(Size: Small, Prestige: F, Momentum: D-)


Nothing to report this month for BSC


Canadian Golden Combat

(Size: Cult, Prestige: B-, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extensions: CGC extend the contracts of midcard face Stevie Grayson, midcard monster heel Gargantuan plus valets 'Hotstuff 'Marie Deneuve and Jenny Playmate


Title Changes: Destiny ended the near year long reign of Joey Poison to win the CGC Canadian Championship for the first time.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extentions: CZCW extend the contract of long time roster mainstay and perennial title challenger Donnie J.


Deep Impact Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: DIW extend the contract of main event babyface Scott Hamstead, low card heels Joe Zucco and Seeker, heel manager Victor Goliath and midcard heel Angus McMiller.


Title Changes: Menace to Sobriety ended the near year long reign of inaugral champion The Comedian to become the second holder of the DIW Championship.


European Wrestling Association

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Nothing to report this month for EWA.


Exodus 2010

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: E+)


Nothing to report this month for EX-2010.


Freedom Caribbean Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: FCW extend the contract of low level heel El Hijo Del Zonk.


Golden Canvas Grappling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C, Momentum: B)


Worker Signings: GCG boost their roster ranks with the additions of WLW's Silver Shark (Shark will continue to work for WLW), Kenko Takemitsu (also currently working for Exodus 2010) and veteran Naonobu Murkami gets another chance with GCG on a short term deal, despite of his soured relationship with owner Hanshiro Furusawa.


Worker Extensions: GCG extend the contract of midcarder Rhino Umaga and announcer Masatake Hori


Worker Departures: Gaijin veteran Stuart Ferdinand leaves GCG to join PGHW's developmental wing SAISHO.


Hinote Dojo

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Nothing to report this month for Hinote Dojo.


Mid Atlantic Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C)


Worker Departures: Hollywood Brett Starr departs MAW for SWF's developmenal territory RIPW and Max Mayhem was released.


Men of Steel Combat

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: MOSC extend the contract of manager Mark Moore.


Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation

(Size: Regional, Prestige: D, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extensions: MPWF extend the contract of midard tecnico Hijo Del Relampago.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: B+, Momentum: A*)


Worker Extensions: NOTBPW extend the contract of Uppercard face Owen Love, midcard heel Lord James King and Women's Divison member Lauren Easter.


Title Changes: Lauren Easter ends the near year long reign of Kristabel Plum to become the NOTBPW Womens Champion for the first time.


New York Championship Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: The Guru is signed by NYCW to become their new colour commentator, he will continue to also work the same role for CZCW.


Worker Extensions: NYCW extend the contracts of midcard heel Rick Sanders, babyface opener Animal Harker and Larry Vessey who will be continue to be used as a 'legend' that will make occasional in-ring appearances.


Worker Departures: The man that The Guru replaces at the NYCW commentary table Herb Stately is heading to RIPW on an SWF Developmental contract.


Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: OLLIE extend the contracts of main event level tecnico Campeon Jr and midcard rudo's Swarm I and Swarm II.


Title Changes: North Star Jr ends the 10 reign of Mr Lucha III to win the Campeon de Mexico title for the first time.


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: A, Momentum: B+)


Worker Extensions: PGHW tie up Junior heavyweight veteran Dark Eagle to an exclusive written contract, and also extend the contracts of rising star Kozue Kawashima (seen as the leader of PGHW's next generation), uppercard gaijin heel Raymond Diaz and low card worker Torch Nakazawa.


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: PSW extend the contract of main event lynchpin Johnny Martin, veteran heel JD Morgan and valet Krissy Angelle.


Title Changes: Alex Braun brings to an end the near 16 month long reign of Frankie Future, to become PSW Champion for the second time.


Revolution Australian Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C-, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: RAW extend the contracts of star babyfaces Kerry Wayne and Loxley Robbins, upper card heel Frogue Element, low level face The Kipper and heel authority figure Brittini Burke.


Rhode Island Pro Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: E+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: Kirk Jameson, Hollywood Brett Starr and commentator Herb Stately all join RIPW on SWF developmental contracts.


Worker Extensions: Justin Sensitive extends his SWF developmental contract at RIPW.


Ring of Fire

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: Leighton Buzzard the latest graduate of ROF's Turbuckle Wrestling Dojo is offered a spot with the proper ROF roster.


Pro Wrestling SAISHO

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: Gaijin veteran Stuart Ferdinand joins SAISHO on a PGHW developmental contract


Worker Extensions: Eagle Kawasawa, Harumi Okazawaya and Henry Bennett who were all on the SAISHO roster on a PPA basis, all extend their stay but this time on PGHW backed developmental contracts that will now see them work exclusively for the promotion.


Title Changes: Masutaro Kataoka's reign with the Destiny Championship only lasts a month, as Eagle Kawasawa claims the title for a second time.


South of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: D+, Momentum: B-)


Worker Extensions: SOTBPW extend the contract of star rudo Champagne Lover.


Supreme Wrestling Federation

(Size: Global , Prestige: A*, Momentum: B+)


Worker Signings: SWF call up Grandmaster Phunk and valet Emmy from their developmental territory RIPW.


Worker Extensions: SWF extend the contract of legend Runaway Train (currently enjoying a new lease of life as a babyface) and babyface valet B.J O'Neill.


Total Championship Wrestling

(Size: International, Prestige: B+, Momentum: B+)


Worker Extensions: TCW extend the contract of veteran heel Robert Oxford.


Ultimate European Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: UEW extend the contracts of uppercard heel Jamie Anderson and low card face Punisher Paul Hughes.


United States Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult , Prestige: C+, Momentum: C+)


Worker Departures: In slightly shocking news USPW let go of long time referee Baby Jamie.


Victory Wrestling Association

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Nothing to report this month for VWA.


Warrior Engine XXV

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C)


Nothing to report this month for WEXVV.


World Level Wrestling

(Size: Cult , Prestige: C, Momentum: B)


Worker Signings: WLW add up and coming Mexican star Mr Lucha III on a PPA contract.


Worker Extensions: WLW extend the contract of main event star Magnum Kobe


Worker Departures: Dark Eagle departs from WLW, after deciding to join PGHW full time.


Title Changes: Americana ends the impressive 14 month Street Fighting Championship reign of Insane Machine to win the belt for the first time, plus the man once known as Awesome Thunder, Yosuke Narita wins the Show Stealer title for the first time, as the WLW veteran ends the five month reign of Silver Shark.


ZEN: Art of Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: ZEN extend the contracts of heels C-W-A and Mirror Universe John Gordon.



New Talent


Christy Higgins: Christy is a young female from Florida, who has the looks to make it in the wrestling business as a ringside valet but instead wishes to prove herself as a serious wrestler, and with a background in Kickboxing and a no fear attitude to high risk top rope manouvres, she has the potential to achieve that goal.


El Heroe Mexicano: The protege of current SOTBPW champion Champagne Lover, those who have seeen Mexicano perform say that he has all the ability and potential to become as big a star in Lucha Libre as his mentor.


Leighton Buzzard: The latest graduate from ROF's Turnbuckle Wrestling Dojo, is a junior heavyweight who aims to combine technical mat wrestling with graceful high flying. However he is still very green at this stage and will need time to develop, it looks as though ROF do see potential in him and have offered him a spot on their roster.


Toady: The first ever graduate of ZEN's Temple Dojo, however the small high flyer was not deemed ready enough to earn a spot on ZEN's actual roster and it looks as though he will have to prove himself on the the Australian 'Back room of a Pub' circuit.


Tony Thorpe: Is a young Australian Referee, he's been working the 'Back room of a Pub' circuit, he thinks he's good enough to work for one of the name feds....honestly it's Australia..who cares?!





No major injuries for a third month in a row- who says you can't try this at home, in school or anywhere for that matter- clearly this sport is not dangerous at all!



Worker Retirements


Travis Century: The man who enjoyed his best days in the wrestling business during the dying days of DaVE has decided to hang up his wrestling boots at the Age of 47. Century made his debut on the wrestling circuit during the early 80's but during that decade and for much of the following decade he had an entirely unremarkable career as a bland enhancement talent who moved around from territory to territory or independent to independent once SWF had killed the old territory system. However in the late 90's he began to develop the 'Fire and Brimstone' Southern Preacher character he came to be known for.


That eventually caught the eye of a name independent in NYCW, however despite a run with the Tri-State Regional title in 2005, there was a feeling that he was misused as his character was not given the room to grow to it's full potential in the old school 'play it safe' environment of NYCW. However in 2006 he found his rightful 'home' with DaVE, where his risque character could be unleashed to it's full potential, however just as he was making his mark...DaVE unfortunately went under.


In 2009 he followed fellow DaVE alumni and friend Henry Lee out to Japan to join WEXVV to be part of the feared gaijin heel faction led by Lee, and his time there was topped off with a short run with the Blood Brothers Championship, alongside fellow crazy veteran Larry Wood. However Century eventually desired to return home and ended his time with WEXVV in March of this year. He has since worked a few exhibition shows but unable to catch the attention of a name promotion he has taken the decision to call it a day. His short time with DaVE gave a glimpse of what could have been in his career, and there's a feeling that if a promotion like DaVE had picked up on him sooner, then his career may have made a bigger impact.




Other News


Backstage Trouble: Casey Valentine was heard slating British manager Ernest Forthydyke-Hume recently on a Virginia Radio Station- however one has to think if the problems between the pair grow to a significant enough point, then Chord would choose one of his protege's over a dispensable manager in Forthdyke-Hume, despite Valentine being the one to air the 'dirty laundry' in public.


Reurning to the Ring: Dean McWade Has announced his intention to get back into the ring, after his shock decision not to renew his contract with NOTBPW and take a year off.

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Death of the Contenders Circle/Tadiyuki Kikkawa


A few bits of news to report from the offices of BHOTWG. As many have suspected the Contenders Circle concept for the singles championships in BHOTWG has been brought to an end. Burning Hammer Officials have said that whilst the contenders circle guaranteed strong challengers, it resulted in too much of a closed shop and the same match-ups being recycled on a far too regular basis. Contenders matches will still play a strong role in determining challengers for championships in BHOTWG but the actual concept of the contenders circle has now been abolished.


Former King of Fighters Champion Tadiyuki Kikkawa who lost the unification match against Burning World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, has confirmed that he is taking some time away from the ring, and needs time to reflect on why he was defeated and where he goes from here. DISSONANCE responded to this news by saying that the Team INSPIRE leader is a defeated man and that he is scared to even try to compete against them, in case they embarrass him again!


Kikkawa himself has said he will return to BHOTWG in his own time and that when he does, he will be ready to make amends.

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BHOTWG return to the Osaka Athletic Stadium in Kinki on Wednesday November 3rd November 2010. The main focal point of the show see's two singles match-ups between the current World Tag Team Champions Rapid Danger and the team they defeated for the titles at Night of the Burning Hammer, The Rebellion with Tasuku Iesada facing off against Shimedzu and John Pathlow taking on Miyamae. There will be more than pride on the line in these matches, as should The Rebellion lose even just one of the matches, then they must forfeit their opportunity to challenge for the World Tag Team Championship whilst Rapid Danger hold the titles. Shimedzu-Iesada will headline the show, and this was of course a match-up that would have been part of the contenders circle prior to it's recent abolishment by the Burning Hammer board, but of course a victory for either man would do no harm to either of their World Championship credentials.


In the other singles match-up of the night Kevin Christopher Glenn's Trial Series takes him to a non title match with the Burning Junior Champion, Sensational Dragon. Can Glenn earn his first victory in BHOTWG by pulling off a massive upset?


The Burning Sekigun will continue to take the fight to the new threat upon BHOTWG DISSONANCE with Elemental III teaming with Wild Fire's Tadakuni Toshusai against his former tag partner Marihito Masuko, but also facing them will be the other man who turned his back on the Sekigun...World Champion, Hiroaki Nakasawa.


Four men who have recent history with one another step into the ring with each other once again as Mister Macho returns to the ring alongside the Burning Sekigun's BURNING Cobra, to face the man who knocked him out at Night of the Burning Hammer....the enigmatic Some Dude In A Mask, who will line up alongside the Black Heart Brethren's Yasunobu Masuno, who has had problems with Macho of late and is also looking to continue the BHB's fight against former member Cobra. Perhaps the most notable factor about this match however is that this is SDIAM's first non singles match in BHOTWG and it will be interesting to see if the mystery man can be a team player or if he truly is only out for himself.


Another tag match see's Junior Division team Hidden Spark faced with the unenviable task of taking on two of the largest members of the BHOTWG roster, the BHB's Yasuhiko Taira and a man who continues to have a vendetta against Junior Heavyweights, the super heavyweight Nisso Yuasha.


There will also be an 8 Man Tag that see's the Burning Sekigun quartet to Kinnojo Horri, Takayuki Onodera, Kansuke Konda and Hyosuke Kokan clash with the RAGE quartet of Chuichi Sanda, Masaaki Okazaki, VENOM and Yoshii Shiomi, whilst there will also be a six man clash with the Black Heart Brethren trio of Gareth Wayne and former Junior Tag Champions the Black Heart Flying Squadron taking on the trio of the current Junior Tag Champions of Universal Excellence and young lion Ryushi Sato.


Bonus pre-show action's see's Junior Division veteran Super Joshuya take on Omezo Shikitei in a clash of former and current Dragon Feet 2K9 members and veteran duo Snow Lizzard are in tag action against Roku Sotomura and Toshiki Shibanumo.


Here is a full rundown of the card for Combustion Tour #20


Combustion Tour- Show #21-

(Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki , Wednesday 3rd November 2010)


~Can't Do If You Dead~

Must Win Singles Challenge (45 Min Time Limit):

* If either member of The Rebellion loses, they cannot challenge for World Tag Team Championship

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



'Representing DISSONANCE'

World Tag Team Champion-

Tasuku Iesada


~Can't Do If You Dead~

Must Win Singles Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

* If either member of The Rebellion loses, they cannot challenge for World Tag Team Championship

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



'Representing DISSONANCE'

World Tag Team Champion-

John Pathlow


Seeking Revenge Tag Team Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

2010 BOSJ Cup Winner-

Elemental III &

Tadakuni Toshusai


'Representing DISSONANCE'

World Champion-

Hiroaki Nakasawa &

Marihito Masuko


Shaky Alliance Tag Team Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Macho Universe'

Mister Macho &

'Representing Burning Sekigun'



Some Dude In A Mask &

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasunobu Masuno


Eight Man War (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing BURNING SEKIGUN'

Kinnojo Horri, Takayuki Onodera &

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


'Representing RAGE'

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki) &

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Glenn Trial Series #7 (20 Min Time Limit):

Kevin Christopher Glenn


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion-

Sensational Dragon


Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Gareth Wayne &

Black Heart Flying Squadron (Golden Scorpion & The Awesome Kiyaru)


Ryushi Sato &

'Representing Macho-Universe'

Junior Tag Team Champions-

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Davids against Goliaths Tag Team Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


Nisso Yuasha &

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasuhiko Taira


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo




Predictions Form:


Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada


Miyamae vs John Pathlow


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno


Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo


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Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada

Interesting match-up that could certainly go either way but I still have more faith on Iesada espesially considering the next match.

Miyamae vs John Pathlow

Pathlow is good but not on the level of Miyamae so Miyamae picks up the win in order to tie things as 1-1 between the two teams.


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko

Nakasawa is simply too big name for Toshusai and Elemental III. By the way I really love this new group, great combination of talent and characters and it nicely mixes the stable scene up.


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno

Not sure where to go here as SDIAM could take a tag loss but in the end I want Masuno to get an important win and this looks like he has a shot to get just that.


Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM

Horri is the biggest name here


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon

Dragon´s ego won´t let him to be the first guy who would lose to Glenn.


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji

Can young lion get a win in tag match even if the other side doesn´t have any young lions? Not sure about that but I still think that Sato is here to take the fall. That said I could see it going other way too.


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira

Brethen´s have had some though losses lately but Taira won´t be losing to jobber team like Hidden Spark.


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

Veteran over young lion


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo

Real team over pair of jobbers.

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Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada

Miyamae vs John Pathlow


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno


Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo

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Predictions Form:


Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada


Iesada all the way.


Miyamae vs John Pathlow


Conventional wisdom when tag teams do singles is one from each side wins. But I could really see Pathlow winning as well. Rebellion are the better team, Iesada & Pathlow are the better singles.


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko


New faction runs wild over E3 and Tosh.


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno


Is this a one time shift or is the Some Dude challenge series over? He could fit into DISSONANCE. The 'nameless masked guy' gimmick is getting stale for me though.


Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji


Kiyaru and Scorpion are higher than Yasujiro and Kurofuji


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira


Nisso has the push right now, so he carries Taira.


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


I'm fond of young lions and I think Omezo is ready to make a move.


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo


At some point Snow Lizzard are gone. But if Tiger ready to start jobbing them off to pass their overness onto others yet.

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A few bits of news to report from the offices of BHOTWG. As many have suspected the Contenders Circle concept for the singles championships in BHOTWG has been brought to an end. Burning Hammer Officials have said that whilst the contenders circle guaranteed strong challengers, it resulted in too much of a closed shop and the same match-ups being recycled on a far too regular basis. Contenders matches will still play a strong role in determining challengers for championships in BHOTWG but the actual concept of the contenders circle has now been abolished.


This earns a big thumbs up from MIKO.




Former King of Fighters Champion Tadiyuki Kikkawa who lost the unification match against Burning World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, has confirmed that he is taking some time away from the ring, and needs time to reflect on why he was defeated and where he goes from here. DISSONANCE responded to this news by saying that the Team INSPIRE leader is a defeated man and that he is scared to even try to compete against them, in case they embarrass him again!


And Kikkawa will not be embarrassed! This is him at ninja challenge. He just needed a little time away from wrestling for the special training.

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Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada

Miyamae vs John Pathlow


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno


Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo

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Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada


Miyamae vs John Pathlow


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno


Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo

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