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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 3

(Monday 8th March 2010)


Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu (Attendance 5'000- Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Elemental III vs White Samurai


No surprises here, as this match was all Elemental III, with the third incarnation of the popular Junior Division icon putting the division's resident jobber away with the Earth Breaker (Double Underhook powerbomb). Samurai is a long way off being anything more than a jobber but does have his uses in the role.


Result: Elemental III [w] bt White Samurai [L] in 3:33 via pinfall (Earth Breaker)


Rating: C


Match B: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Tiger Fuyuki


Another Upper mid with nothing better to do for this show, squashing a jobber on the pre-show match. Honestly I would like to see some of the 'jobbers' go up against one another in these pre-show slots but the fans would rather see them getting squashed instead. After around five and half minutes of relatively uninspiring action Toshusai put Tiger Fuyuki away with the Shock Treatment (Double Underhook Backbreaker)


Result: Tadakuni Toshusai [w] bt Tiger Fuyuki [L] in 5:36 via pinfall (Shock Treatment).

Rating: C-



Main Show


Match #1: Non Title:

Sensational Dragon vs Stone Yoshikawa


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StoneYoshikawa.jpg


Even though Stone Yoshikawa did not get in much in the way of offence to truly hurt the Junior Champion, his schooling in counter wrestling from the House of Stone definitely came into play here as he was able to counter Dragon on several occasions, even to the point that he almost snatched an upset victory with various reversals into roll-ups. In the end though the luck turned and despite blocking a Dragon Slice, Yoshikawa was soon dumped ont his head with a Dragon Suplex to earn Sensational Dragon the victory in a tricky non title match.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Stone Yoshikawa [L] in 8:26 via pinfall (Dragon Suplex)

Rating: C+


Post Match comments:


Sensational Dragon: Lets not focus too much on a such a routine victory for the most Sensational wrestler to ever step inside the ring, but lets look forward to the battles ahead, be it Cobra, Masuko or someone else who emerges to challenge me for the Burning Junior Championship, they will have to contend with the fact with none of them are as Sensational as I !



Match #2: Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HyosukeKokan-1.jpg?t=1268429112 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KansukeKonda-1.jpg?t=1268429129




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325


These two teams put in a decent effort against one another, in what was a back and forth contest but to little reaction from the crowd. Size of the Fight are suffering from the fact that they are playing second fiddle to Your New Heroes in the Burning Sekigun right now, whilst Universal Excellence are a new team still trying to get over. The finishing sequence see's flurry of finishers from both teams, with Haru Kurofuji eventually the man unlucky enough not to get saved by his partner after falling to a Konda Driver (Fisherman Driver).


Result: Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda [w] bt Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji [L] in 10:11 via pinfall (Konda Driver).

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Kansuke Konda: It feels good to get back on the winning track but both I and Kokan-san know there is much work ahead to once again stand at the very summit of the Junior Tag Team Division.


Barei Yasujiro: Ok so far myself and Kurofuji have not been able to emerge with the victories for out partnership to really be a success but I can see there is enough to perservere with here and I feel that we will get that breakthrough victory and Universal Excellence will really begin to make our mark in the Tag Division.



Match #3: Contenders Circle Spot Challenge:

Yasunobu Masuno vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


With the chance to earn a spot in the Contenders Circle, Miyamae was fired up for this one from the start and he took the fight straight to the Black Heart Brethren man, peppering Masuno with strikes and kicks but the big man with stood the initial onslaught and with just one clothesline turned the tide of the match in his favour.


Masuno then proceeded to 'dominate' Miyamae with his simple brawling/power based offence with a succession of power-slams bringing him two counts, as he gradually began to wear down the Dragon Feet man. With Miyamae seemingly running out of steem he lifted the former Tag champion up onto his shoulders to get up for the Day of Rackening, but despite being on the end of a thrashing for the past few minutes, Miyamae was playing possum somewhat and all of a sudden took Masuno by surprise with a Crucifix Bomb before following win with the Glittering Magician Knee strike.


Both men staggered back to their feet, but Miyamae with a second wind was up that fraction quicker and managed to nail Masuno with a drop-kick that staggered Masuno into the corner, another drop-kick followed that sent the Black Heart Brethren slumping to a seated position before Miyamae followed in with a Rebellion trademark 'the facewash'. Miyamae then headed up to the top turnbuckle and as Masuno staggered back up to his feet, came crashing down upon the big man's back with a Rebel Stomp.


Masuno powered out of the subsequent cover,but then got caught in the Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice). Just as it looked like Masuno was about to pass out in the submission he managed to find another wind and used his long legs to stretch to the bottom rope and force the rope break. Miyamae then peppered Masuno with combo of strikes and kicks but all of a sudden got nailed with the' Magic K.O' (Rolling Elbow). Miyamae slumped straight to the mat but the Dragon Feet man managed to kick out at two, but all that did was make Masuno more determined to finish the job and with Miyamae simply running on fumes, Masuno lifted Miyamae up for the Avalanche Powerbomb (Elevated Powerbomb) before sending Miyamae crashing hard to to the mat, aftet that Miyamae simply had nothing left to give, meaning that Masuno had managed to re-secure his place in the contenders circle in a competitive match that at times saw both competitors in a dominant position.


Result: Yasunobu Masuno [w] bt Miyamae [L] in 12:01 via pinfall (Avalanche Powerbomb)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Yasunobu Masuno: Did that folically challenged midget Miyamae really think he could beat someone as big and powerful and with as much hair as me ! Later tonight my good friend Taira-san will show Okazaki just why Black Magic are the most powerful force in Burning Hammer !




Match #4: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri, Takayuki Onodera & Super Joshuya vs

Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga & VENOM







This eight man tag between the Burning Sekigun and the RAGE factions served as a nice advertisment for the diverse style of Puroresu BHOTWG has to offer on it's roster, Nakasawa, Horri and the Raging Bulls brought the heavy hitting, Onodera added technical wrestling into the mix, whilst Super Joshuya brought along some graceful high flying, so much so that it could have quite as easily ended up being an impressive yet soulless exhibition but amongst giving everyone time to shine a story was allowed to develop here with both Joshuya and Onodera finding themselves on the end of a sizeable beatdown from RAGE, after Burning Sekigun had the better of the opening exchanges when the Burning Sekigun big guns of Nakasawa and Horri did finally get back into the match it swung the momentum back in the favour of the fan favourites.


A thrilling finish saw the Burning Sekigun quartet simulatenously take out each member of RAGE with a signature move, Super Joshuya took out Eiji Hamacho in spectacular fashion with a Due South (Corksrew moonsault on the floor), Takayuki Onodera then drilled VENOM with the Call The Doctor (Inverted facelook lifted scoop slam piledriver), Nakasawa then sent Chuichi Sanda to the floor with a Sudden Impact Lariat before Kinnojo Horri sealed the victory with a Destiny Bomb on Mitsunari Fuganaga.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri [w],Takayuki Onodera & Super Joshuya bt Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga [L] & VENOM in 19: 44 via pinfall (Destiny Bomb).

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: We must give RAGE much credit they gave us a tough test, but once again the Burning Sekigun are able to rise to the challenge. This was a great team effort by everyone !


Kinnojo Horri: As Nakasawa-san said a great team effort by everyone to get the job done here, hopefully next week I can step up to the plate and earn myself a shot at the title my esteemed colleage holds but I covet to hold myself once again.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: You know Horri-san, I wish you much luck in defeating whoever they put in front of you next week because it would be an honour to put the World Championship on the line against you.


Rating: B


Match #5: 4 Corner Survival:

Golden Scorpion vs John Pathlow vs Red Panther vs Yoshii Shiomi


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg ___ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/PhenomenalE_alt1.jpg?t=1268428482 ___ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg



Typical of a card filler match featuring the Juniors, this had plenty of fast paced action but one lacking in the sort of in-ring storytelling to really engage the crowd. There were the obligatory dives to the outside type spots as the match completely broke down after an initial feeling out process and everyone came close to victory at some point with Red Panther coming close after nailing Golden Scorpion with the Red Mist (Dropsault- super kick combo), Yoshii Shiomi almost grabbing victory with a Jewel Breaker (Springboard Cutter) on John Pathlow, whilst Pathlow came closest to sealing the victory for himself when he nailed Red Panther (who was hung up in the tree of woe position with the Heart Compactor (Double diving knee drop) but before Pathlow could make the cover Golden Scorpion nailed the gaijin with a missile drop-kick. With Pathlow sent out of the ring, Scorpion waited for Red Panther to stagger back out of the corner before drilling Panther with the always impressive Scorpion Stinger (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb).


Result: Golden Scorpion [w] bt John Pathlow, Red Panther [L], Yoshii Shiomi in 9:37 via pinfall (Scorpion Stinger).

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Golden Scorpion: Be it singles or in Tag's the Black Heart Flying Squadron will once again reign supreme over the Junior Division !




Match #6: King of Fighters Rules:

Mike Watson vs Shimedzu


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/MikeWatson.jpg?t=1268428579 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg


Even though this was a King of Fighters rules match, Shimedzu didn't really stray too far from what would be his usual tactics at the beginning of match, and that is to employ a strategy of peppering his opponent with kicks and strikes. Unfortunately for the Dragon Feet man Watson was prepared for it, and soon fired back with some heavy hits of his own, before taking Shimedzu downed to the mat with a double leg take-down before attempting an MMA style ground and pound.


However despite the relentless pressure Shimedzu was suddenly able to snare Watson in the Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke) but the 'Calgary Assasin' simply wasn't worn down enough for the submission to be fully effective and Watson powered back up to his feet before lifting Shimedzu up into a powerbomb position but the former Tag champion was able to slip out and then plant Watson's face onto his knee with a facebreaker knee-smash. Shimedzu followed that up with a deadly accurate kick combination that had Watson reeling before springboarding off the rope to land a pin point roundhouse kick that put Watson flat on his back.


Watson managed to get up at five on Umeki's ten count but then immediately got nailed with the Life Flasher (Rebound Running Boot) and Umeki began another ten count. Shimedzu thought he had the match won but somehow Watson managed to get back to his feet at the last split second.


Shimedzu paced around for a bit before deciding to head up top, before diving off to deliver a leaping DDT, but the INSPIRE man managed to block the DDT and then dumped Shimedzu with a High Angle Belly to Back Suplex......Shimedzu showed fighting spirit leaping straight back to his feet but ended up staggering into the One Stop Punch and when Watson lands one of those 99% of the time his opponent is out for the count.


Result: Mike Watson bt Shimedzu in 11:54 via Knockout (One Stop Punch).

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Mike Watson (in English): Shimedzu you really think you can come into my environment, and take me down..well there is only one man who can compete with the Calgary Assasin and that's the great Tadiyukki Kikkawa. So Kikkawa-san how about we do this thing at Fire Dream and show everyone what REAL competition is all about.



Match #7: Non Title: The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Tadayuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg?t=1268429634 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TasukuIesada.jpg?t=1268429656


Despite being considered the 'heels' in this match up, Tasuku Iesada ends up playing 'Spencer Marks' for much of this non title match up between the twin monsters that are the Tag Team champion and well to be frank two of the best wrestlers in the company whether the fans like it or not. For a while it looks like The Behemoths size advantage is going to pay dividends especially when they do manage to isolate the considerably smaller Iesada. But the wily veteran uses his wits be it by fair or foul to survive the onslaught and eventually he is able to tag in Kikkawa. When Kikkawa does come into the match, the Tag Champions are already beginning to run out of puff after failing to put Iesada away and in the end it is a Burning Lariat on Kanishoki that seals the win for the INSPIRE pair.


Result: Tadiyukki Kikkawa [w] & Tasuku Iesada bt Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki [L] via pinfall (Burning Lariat)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: The Behemoths may have been big, in fact so big it ended up being their undoing and besides they are no match for the superiority of Team INSPIRE.......


Earlier Watson-san you showed our dominance by defeating Shimedzu to earn a shot at THE greatest prize in this spot, the King of Fighters. It would be an honour to do battle with you Watson-san, as I am not one to shy away from TRUE compeitition.



Match #8: Junior Contenders Circle:

Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg


Black Cobra needs just one more win to earn himself a shot at the Burning Junior Championship but must get past current Junior Tag champion and a former two time Junior champion in Marihito Masuko.


This one began very cagily and the pace only began to pick up a little just under ten minutes into a match that mostly at that stage featured a nice display of mat and chain wrestling from both competitors and though that resulted in both nearly sneaking the victory with a couple of flash roll-ups, neither had done any real damage to their opponet. It is when Masuko lands a running leg-lariat into the corner, that appears to set up for the Into the White (Springboard Bulldog) only for Cobra to block and then plant Masuko chest first onto the top-rope with a hot-shot. The Black Heart Brethren man then followed up with a running boot to the side of the head from the apron that sent the 'painted wonder' crashing to the floor.


It was there that Cobra really began to take control as he whipped Masuko into the barricade and then followed in with another running boot. Deciding not to go for the win via count-out Cobra pitched Masuko back into the ring but the Junior Tag champion managed to kick out of the subsequent cover. Cobra quickly went for another cover only for Masuko to kick out again, a little frustrated the Black Heart Brethren man lifted Masuko up for the Stoneplex but Masuko was able to block and swiftly countered into a small package. Cobra however kicked out rolled through and then after thumbing Masuko's eyes managed to plant Masuko onto the canvas with a Stoneplex.....


Masuko kicked out at two and a half, but staying steadfastly focused ont the task in hand Cobra remained undettered and turned Masuko over for the Stone-Hold but to the gaijin legend's frustration Masuko dug down deep and forced the rope-break. Cobra still looked to be in control though and set up for the Death By Cobra (Double Wrist Clutch Powerbomb) but Masuko managed to counter mid-move into a victory roll, before following up with a drop-kick to the face that shifted the momentum back in Masuko's favour. Feeling the momentum shift Masuko waited for Cobra to stagger back to his feet before taking Cobra down with a spinning headscissors that he immediately transitioned into a Triangle Choke (a sequence he calls the Pink Dreams).


Cobra wasn't quite worn down enough though for the hold to be truly effective and he powered his way back up to his feet and after nailing Masuko with a rolling elbow scooped the painted wonder onto his shoulders, but Masuko immediately countered that into a crucifix bomb that firmly planted Cobra into the canvas. Masuko then went for the Pink Dust Double Jump Moonsault only for Cobra to move out of the way and even though Masuko managed to land on his feet Cobra took immediate advantage by snaring Masuko into the Alabaster Agony (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar)........


However Cobra didn't quite manage to synch in the hold tight enough and Masuko's small size became an advantage as he managed to somehow wriggle free of the hold, before all of a sudden planting Cobra with a Masuko Cradle Shock (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam) out of nowhere !








Somehow Cobra managed to kick out just in time....Masuko thinking he had the match won there and then paced about in frustration, before going for a second Masuko Cradle Shock but this time Cobra was able to block and then reverse into a Stone Plex........








This time it was the turn of the Black Heart Brethren man to be left frustrated, at coming so close but not close enough to getting the victory. With Masuko planted on the mat Cobra headed up top, but he was soon cut off by Masuko who then sent both of them crashing back into the ring with a Frankensteiner but Cobra rolled through and then after applying a double wrist clutch drove Masuko into the canvas with the DEATH BY COBRA !






Three !!


Cobra had reversed the Frankensteiner into perhaps his most lethal of finishers to seal himself a shot at the Junior Championship in what turned out to be an absolutely fantastic match between two of the very best in the Junior Division.


Result: Black Cobra [w] bt Marihito Masuko [L] via pinfall (Death By Cobra)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Black Cobra (in English): Sensational Dragon when I take the Junior Championship from you and deflate your ridiculous ego, I want to do so at the biggest possible stage....so I propose we hook up at Fire Dream of the Immortals. I will give it to you Dragon that you are an extremely skilled competitor and we could have a battle for the ages but it is a battle I will undoubtly emerge victorious from !



Match #9: Contenders Circle:

Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/MasaakiOkazaki.jpg?t=1268428925 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg


Neither of these two are exactly what you call fan favourites, yet the fans were keen to see who would come out on top and position themselves nearer to an eventual world title shot. On offer here was the classic clash of styles with the calculating technician Okazaki doing battle with the no nonsense powerhouse brawler in Taira.


Curiously Okazaki goes for a Test of strength against his considerably bigger opponent but it turns out manages to lure the arrogant Taira into a false sense of security and he gains the advantage with a knee to the groin before taking Taira off balance with a series of kicks to the legs. Taira stays firm though and rallies back with a series of clubbing blows before tossing the INSPIRE man into the corner. Taira immediately lines up for the Flattener but the work Okazaki did in 'Charley Horsing' his leg means he doesn't get the momentum needed and Okazaki is able to move out of the way.


Okazaki then takes immediate advantage with a chop block that sends Taira crashing to the mat, the INSPIRE man then tries for a quick roll up only for Taira to power out at one ! However Okazaki manages to keep Taira grounded as he continues to target the legs and also the back of Taira with a series of knee drops and stomps, but when Okazaki tries to turn Taira over for the Century Crab Lift, the mullet haired big man manages to powerfully kick him off and through the ropes to the outside.


When Okazaki does get back into the ring, Taira has managed to get back to a vertical base and regains the momentum with a flurry of clotheslines before scooping Okazaki up for powerslam that leads to a two count.


The Black Heart Brethren man then lifts Okazaki up for a vertical suplex, but his legs begin to buckle and Okazaki is able to slip out and then disorientate Taira with a face-rake, the INSPIRE man then comes charging off the ropes only to get turned inside out with an explosive lariat from Taira.


That gets a close two count, before Taira lifts Okazaki up with a pumphandle and then tosses Okazaki overhead with the Samson Slam (Pumphandle Fallaway slam)......








To Taira's immediate frustration Okazaki manages to kick out. Taira begins to grow in confidence though that the match has turned in his favour and he taunts the INSPIRE man to get up, the pair then get in each others faces, Okazaki not backing down from the bigger man. But a straight ahead brawl isn't really the sort of fight he wants to get into and it is clear that the heat of battle is beginning to cloud his normally sound judgement.


Okazaki is seemingly left in a daze after coming out worse on the strike exchange and Taira sets up for the Wrecking Ball (Muscle Buster) but Okazaki still has enough wits about him to disorientate Taira with an eye-rake. Taira with Okazaki still on his shoulders then ends up staggering into the corner, where Okazaki manages to somehow dismount onto the top turnbuckle. Taira then re-steadied himself and tried for the Wrecking Ball again but Okazaki managed to send Taira staggering backwards with a series of elbows to the top of the head.


With Taira staggered back, Okazaki then showed a rare bit of aerial prowress, coming off the second turnbuckle with a flying fore-arm smash. Taira just shook it off and stayed on his feet and then lunged forward to connect with a clothesline but the INSPIRE man managed to move out of the way and then answered back immediately with a baseball slide drop-kick. Taira managed to stay up-right that time but then staggered into a chop-block that sent him crashing to the mat.....


Taira sat up immediately but then got peppered with the OKAZAKI KICK BARRAGE ! And with the Black Heart Brethren man already in world of hurt, a ruthless Masaaki Okazaki then managed to get the big man turned over for the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf).....


Yasuyuki Terakado checked on Taira's condition but could clearly see that the Black Heart Brethren man was unable to truly defend himself and he called for the bell to be rung, as Okazaki earned a big victory over a former Burning World Champion.


Not quite as good as the match that went before it but these two did manage to put together a solid main event. Much credit should go to road agent Hito Ichihara who put together a really solid storyline for these two to build the match around.


Result: Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Yasuhiko Taira [L] in 19:37 via submission (Century Crab Lift)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: Why you even here ? Get that damn camera outta my face !!


Taira is clearly in no mood for a post match interview and further shows his frustration at losing the match by picking up a trash-can and throwing it across the dressing room


Masaaki Okazaki: Tonight the greatest force in wrestling history Team INSPIRE showed our dominance, be it Iesada-san or myself the Burning World Championship will be in our hands !!



Overall: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: Well at least I am consistent with the quality of the shows, but I am sure Kaneko-san would want me to eventually step up a little more, sooner rather than later and start producing 'excellent' shows that will really have fans talking as to oppose to merely 'good' ones. I feel somewhat vindicated with the decision to put the Juniors in the semi main event, be it Heavyweight or Junior Heavyweight Black Cobra is amongst our very best performers, however his great match with Masuko did in someways overshadow what in the end turned out to be a very decent main event between Okazaki and Taira.

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Phantom Stranger

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Sean McFly

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The Celt

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Zergon surges into the lead, after they are the only predictor to get all 11 matches correct, but it remains very tight at the top of the leaderboard with only 3 points separating the top five predictors. Celt and Sean McFly's failure to get in any predictions for the this event see's them plummet from joint top to a middle of the board position.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;">BHOTWGPuroresu.com</span></span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Fire Dream of the Immortals Update:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Burning Hammer officials have confirmed that Sensational Dragon will defend the Junior Championship against Black Cobra and Tadiyuki Kikkawa will put the King of Fighters belt on the line against his own Team INSPIRE stable mate Mike Watson at the Fire Dream of the Immortals event to take place on Friday 19th March 2010 at the 'Home of Burning Hammer' the Kanagawa stadium in Kanto.</p>

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The Burn, Don't Freeze Tour continues Wednesday 10th March, as BHOTWG visit the Osaka Athletic Stadium in Kinki Prefecture. The Main Event see's Team INSPIRE and The Black Heart Brethren go head to in a Six Man Battle, with King of Fighters Tadiyukki Kikkawa fighting alongside the Super-10 Cup winner Tasuku Iesada and Masaaki Okazaki fresh off a big win against Yasuhiko Taira do battle for Team INSPIRE. Opposite them will be the man Okazaki beat on Monday Taira, Taira's regular tag team partner Yasunobu Masuno and the man who will challenge Sensational Dragon for the Junior Title Black Cobra. Team INSPIRE appear to have the momentum and psychological advantage going into this match up, but anyone would be wise not to write off the Black Heart Brethren in what promises to be a fascinating battle.


Junior Tag Team Champion Elemental III will do battle in Junior Contenders Circle action against The Awesome Kiyaru. The third generation Elemental succesfully defended the Tag Titles recently against the Black Heart Flying Squadron, of which Kiyaru comprises one half but that is already history and in singles battle Kiyaru could quite easily turn the tables on his opponent. Meanwhile Kiyaru's Tag Team partner Golden Scorpion will be challenging American Optimus for a spot in the Junior Division contenders circle.


Another singles match up see's two men trying to position themselves for an eventual tilt at making it into the Contenders circle, that of Dragon Feet 2K9's Miyamae and the Burning Sekigun's Tadakuni Toshusai.


The Behemoths of Nisso Yuasha and Kanishoki will make their first defence of the World Tag Team Titles for 2010 against the experienced duo of the Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda). The Bull's gained a psychological victory over the Tag Champions in a recent six man and are looking to gain a record setting fourth run as World Tag Team Champions but with the belts on the line the dominating Behemoths look set to up their game against the battle hardened veterans.


In further Tag Team action Junior Champion Sensational Dragon will team up alongside Shimedzu to take on the gaijin duo of Team INSPIRE's Mike Watson and roster newcomer John Pathlow, whilst in Junior Tag action the teams of Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) and Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) do battle with one another, as both teams look to get back into contention for the Junior Tag Team Titles.


Rounding out the main card line up is a Six Man Tag that see's World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa team alongside, Junior Tag Champion Marihito Masuko and Takayuki Onodera to take on the trio of Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao and Stone Yoshikawa.


The pre-show see's a three way Junior Division match between Super Joshuya, The Incredible Koyama and White Samurai and Mitsunari Fuganaga goes one on one with Masutaro Kataoka.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #4 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-


Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #4

(Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki; Wednesday 10th March 2010)


Main Event- Six Man Battle (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa,

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner- Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Junior Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Junior Tag Champion- Elemental III


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

The Awesome Kiyaru


World Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


'Representing RAGE'

The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


Mixed Weight Challenge Tag (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Shimedzu &

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon


John Pathlow &

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Mike Watson


Junior Contenders Circle Spot Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

American Optimus


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Golden Scorpion


Singles Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior Tag Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Six Man Tag (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera &

Junior Tag Champion- Marihito Masuko


Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit)

Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyamavs White Samurai

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Katoaka




Predictions Form:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa

Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoka


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Predictions Form:



Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra

Team Inspire has been dominant and even a Stone isn't going to help Mullet Power here.



Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Don't see Kiyaru taking this now



World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)

I expect them to lose soon, i just think it will be against the Rebellion at a ppv.



Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson

Non KoF rules means Watson loses.



Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

Rebellion stays strong.



Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion

Scorpion follows up on his win



Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)

SoTF is better



Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoaka

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoaka


Lots of typos.. Okazki, Kataoaka.. :p

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra



Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru



World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)



Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson



Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai



Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion



Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)



Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoaka

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoaka

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So I haven't actually read much of this dynasty. But that will likely help my notorious predictions.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra

- Team INSPIRE with the Inspirational Lariat! Also... better hair.


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

- I'm not sure what a CC is, but Kiyaru due to tenure and a better mask. Also, the third in a trilogy is frequently craptastic.


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)

- Bwahahahahaha. The rice and beans equivalent in Japan... ah... yes... this is a Ramen break. How is this on PPV?


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson

- No mask means monkey does the job.


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

- Hot tag at the wrong time! Why Miyamae why?


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion

- More Jr. CC action... so if this goes to spot of the match I'll give it to A.O.


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)

- There is only one midget tag team that I support.


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa

- I played Paper, Stone, Scissors. Onodera went with Paper, Poor Yoshikawa.


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai

- Incredible is better than Super in my books.


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoka

- So I can type... What the Fug!

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoaka

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada, & Masaaki Okazaki vs. Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira, and Black Cobra


Elemental III vs. The Awesome Kiyaru


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki and Nisso Yuasa) vs. The Raging Bulls


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs. John Pathlow and Mike Watson


Miyamae vs. Tadakuni Toshusai


American Optimus vs. Golden Scorpion


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan and Kansuke Konda) vs. Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi and VENOM)


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs. Roku Sotomura, Fukusaburu Inao, and Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs. The Incredible KOYAMA vs. White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs. Masutaro Kataoka

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra



Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru



World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)



Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai



Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion



Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)



Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoka

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoaka

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra

I'm really tempted to go the other way, but I think Kikkawa is the correct pick here.


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

The Awesome Kiyaru is over the hill, I think


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)

The Behemoths suck.


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson

Hard to call, but I think Watson needs the momentum more.


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

Toshusai would make the more interesting contender.


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion

Golden Scorpion will be struck down by the Plague!


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)

Size of the Fight is better.


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa

Completely one-sided matchup


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai

Koyama isn't ready yet.


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoka

Toss up, since neither one is really going anywhere.

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra

Close one but I go with main event trio.


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

I go with a younger guy here


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)

I know Behemoths are unlikely to have a long run as your tag champs but hopefully they retain at least once before they drop the titles.


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)

As much as I like VENOM it is unlikely that he´s team could win here.


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa

Quite one sided match up.


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai

Joshua over young lion and jobber


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoka

Kataoka is 42 years old opener so I´m not predicting him to win much.

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Beeker, the CC part is for contender's circle. Each singles title has a ranked 'circle' of contenders, and those at the bottom can be challenged for their spots. Hence the Junior CC matches you see are people challenging for one of those spots as a ranked contender for that title.


Tigerkinney explains the concept somewhere in the beginning of his dynasty.

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra

Team INSPIRE for the win and keep Kikkawa going in to his Watson bout with some momentum.


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

He's Elemental.


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha) vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)

The Bulls are awesome but as you said in the beginning write up you want to build up a team and the Bulls haven't been built up as they are already a widely respected team.


Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow & Mike Watson

Watson has been unbeaten so far (in your diary's run).


Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

Miyamae was really close to beating Watson and came out looking strong in defeat.


Junior CC Spot Challenge: American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion

GS surprised me with the win on the last show.


Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Litte Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)

SOTF are rolling (copyright Michael Cole) right now.


Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera, Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa

This is almost like Bruce the Giant vs Brains McGhee in terms of overness and sheer star power.


Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai

SJ is looking good so far and probably will continue doing so.


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Masutaro Kataoaka

Kataoko's there for the young guns.

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Beeker, the CC part is for contender's circle. Each singles title has a ranked 'circle' of contenders, and those at the bottom can be challenged for their spots. Hence the Junior CC matches you see are people challenging for one of those spots as a ranked contender for that title.


Tigerkinney explains the concept somewhere in the beginning of his dynasty.


Good explanation of what the CC stood for D-Mack, I would have got round to it but it looks like you beat me to it. :)


A full explanation of the 'Contenders Circle' can be seen on the first post of Page four.

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 4

(Wednesday 10th March 2010)


Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki (Attendance 5'000- Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Mitsuhide Muro, Hidetada Kozu & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Super Joshuya vs The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


A routine win for the Junior Division veteran over two of the divisions lowest rank members, White Samurai was the one who end up looking up at the lights after falling to the J-Drop (Flip Over DDT)


Result: Super Joshuya [w] bt The Incredible Koyama, White Samurai [L] in 7:58 via pinfall (J-Drop)


Rating: C-


Match B: Masutaro Kataoka vs Mitsunari Fuganaga


This was a solid back and forth match for the relatvely short time that it ran for and could have easily gone either way but in the end Fuganaga was able to put the veteran Kataoka away with the Who's Laughing Now (Double Underhook Facebuster).


Result: Mitsunari Fuganaga bt Masutaro Katoaka in 6:09 via pinfall (Who's Laughing Now)


Rating: C



Main Show


Match #1: JCC Spot Challenge:

American Optimus vs Golden Scorpion


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg


This opener saw American Optimus spot in the contenders circle on the line against Golden Scorpion, who as attempting to join his fellow Black Heart Brethren members Black Cobra and Awesome Kiyaru to be considered amongst the Junior Division's top performers at this moment in time.


The match began with a fair amount of intensity as they exchanged a back and forth strike battle...Scorpion seemed to gain the advantage and set up for Brainbuster but American Optinus was able to block and countered into a Brainbuster of his own for two ! Optimus then stayed in control and got another two count off a pin point standing drop-kick before he tried to turn Scorpion over for the Optimizer, however the Black Heart Brethren man managed to kick American Optimus off and then took the Dragon Feet man by surprise with a rolling wheel kick.


That left Optimus stunned enough for Scorpion to drill Optimus with a Brainbuster for a two count. Scorpion then pitched a dazed Optimus up on to the top turnbuckle and appeared to be setting up for the Aneurysm Brainbuster but the gaijin star was able to block and after shoving Scorpion off nailed the BHB man with a missile drop-kick. Scorpion then staggered right into a spinning heel kick from Optimus, who then planted Scorpion with a German suplex into a bridge for a two count. American Optimus thenset Scorpion up for the O-Bomb (Running Powerbomb) only for Scorpion to counter into a Frankensteiner mid move for a two count.


With the match reaching something of a stale-mate they once again engaged in a strike battle, this time Optimus would come out on top and drill Scorpion into the canvas with a Brainbuster....deciding against the immediate cover the Dragon Feet man headed up top for the O-Zone Sky Flyer but Scorpion was somewhat playing possum and rose back to his feet to nail Optimus with a leaping kick, before sending Optimus crashing back into the ring with a hurrucanrana. Then as both staggered back to their feet it was Scorpion who would have the final say, driving Optimus onto the canvas with the Scorpion Stinger (Leg Hook Sunset Flip Powerbomb) to earn the victory and a spot in the contenders circle in a solid opening contest.


Result: Golden Scorpion [w] bt American Optimus [L] in 12:36 via pinfall (Scorpion Stinger)


Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Golden Scorpion: If no one is aware by now the Black Heart Flying Squadron are the finest collection of Junior Heavyweights in all of wrestling, be it singles or Tag Team we shall reign supreme !



Match #2: Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai-1.jpg


This singles match between two competitors seen as being just outside of the contenders circle right now, started off as a scrappy affair with neither really gaining much of an advantage, as Miyamae's precision striking cancelled out Toshusai's heavy hitting but wilder brawling game. The match began to turn in Miyamae's favour when he was able to block a samoan drop attempt from Toshusai, with a series of elbows to the side of the head before nailing the man who has the nickname of 'wild charisma' with a pin point accurate missile drop-kick to the back of the head.


That put the Dragon Feet man fully in control, as he began to methodically target the neck of Toshusai with strikes, kicks and stretches. However Miyamae began to get a little too comfortable and made the mistake of taunting Toshusai, and that all did was 'fire wild charisma' back up. Toshusai then responded with a flurry of power-moves, culminating in a Shock Treatment (Double Underhook Backbreaker) for a close two count. However when he set Miyamae up for the Shock Kick, the Dragon Feet man was able to block and then plant Toshusai onto the mat with a Reverse STO that he immediately transitioned into the Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice) submission. Toshusai tried and tried to manouvre his way out of the hold by Miyamae remained steadfast and in the end Miyamae's determination was just that little bit stronger.


Result: Miyamae [w] bt Tadakuni Toshusai [L] in 14:45 via submission (Snake Poison)


Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Tadakuni Toshusai: Miyamae, MIYAMAE- SAN !! , yes YOU little baldy man... you little baldy man got lucky..and you know it...next time...oh yes there will be a next time....I will get the better of you.....I will get the better of you little BALDY MAN !


Miyamae: Toshusai-san there is little doubt that you are a warrior with a lot of gusto, but you have a long way to go before you can compete on my level and what does the future have in store for myself, well as nice as it would be for myself and Shimedzu-san to once again take claim of the World Tag Team Championship, time is running out for us to truly make our mark as single competitors.. you see we were both great singles competitors back when we competed for the Junior Championship and despite what people keep telling us, we CAN compete as singles for the World Championship...you wait and see The Rebellion will prove everyone wrong.



Match #3: Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HyosukeKokan-1.jpg?t=1268429112 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KansukeKonda-1.jpg?t=1268429129




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


This was a back and forth tag battle but suffered a little from the relatively short time that it ran for and the fact that both teams are looking to rebuild momentum at this moment in time. The finishing sequence saw Kansuke Konda able to block Yoshii Shiomi from nailing the Shiomi Bomb Drop before, catching Shiomi with a Konda Kutter from the second turnbuckle to seal the victory for SOTF and keep them in the hunt for the Junior Tag Team Championship.


Result: Hysoke Kokan & Kansuke Konda [w] bt Yoshii Shiomi [L] & VENOM in 9:51 via pinfall (Konda Kutter).


Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Hyosuke Kokan: Feels good to get back on the winning track


Kansuke Konda: Sure does, Elemental III- Masuko we respect you alot but we WILL be coming after the Junior Tag Titles....


Hyosuke Kokan: Size of the Fight were made to be Junior Tag Team champions !



Match #4: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Takayuki Onodera & Marihito Masuko vs Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao & Stone Yoshikawa








Basically an extended squash with the Burning Sekigun trio totally dominant over the trio of 'jobbers'. Despite the uncompetitive nature of the match the fans in attendance still lapped this up to reasonable levels due to the fact that World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa was involved in the match and ultimately it was Nakasawa who was made to look the strongest of them all, sealing the victory of the 'fan favourites' with an H-Bomb (Crucifix Powerbomb) on Fukusabaru Inao.


Result: Hiroaki Nakaswa [w], Takayuki Onodera & Marihito Masuko bt Roku Sotomura, Fukusabaru Inao [L] & Stone Yoshikawa in 9:34 via pinfall (H-Bomb).


Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: It is drawing nearer, the showdown between myself and the Super 10 Cup champion Tasuku Iesada...and believe you me Iesada I will be keenly watching the main event, I will be ready at Fire Dream....just make sure you are too Iesada-san.



Match #5: Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs

John Pathlow & Mike Watson


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg


The match began with some solid back and forth action between both teams with neither really gaining much of an advantage, until Dragon found himself over-matched by the considerably larger Mike Watson. The Junior champion then found himself isolated in the corner of the Team INSPIRE man and the gaijin newcomer, until a miscommunication between Watson & Pathlow, (with Pathlow accidently nailing Watson with a roundhouse kick) allowed for Dragon to snap off a combination headscissors/neckbreaker on his opponents before getting Shimedzu in for the hot-tag.


Shimedzu then went close with a Life Flasher (Rebound Kick) on Mike Watson only for Pathlow to break up the pin attempt with a double stomp. Pathlow then went close himself with an impressive Roundhouse kick/German suplex combination on the slightly larger Shimedzu. Pathlow managed to keep the pressure up and after backing Shimedzu into the corner rushed in for the Blunt Force Trauma, only for Shimedzu to move out of the way and then nail Watson with an Enziguri before pitching the hard hitting gaijin up top. However before Shimedzu could deliver what he had in mind, Watson came over and nailed the Dragon Feet man from behind before being ordered back to his corner by referee Okura Umeki. However the distraction was enough for Pathlow to shove Shimedzu down into a tree of woe position before delivering the Heart Compactor (Diving Double Knee Drop). That looked to have earned Pathlow a big victory but Shimedzu was able to save himself with a rope-break.


Pathlow then set Shimedzu up for the Kill Drill only for the experienced Dragon Feet man to block and counter into a double underhook suplex......Shimedzu then managed to tag in Sensational Dragon who nailed Pathlow with a springboard drop-kick and then sent Watson off the apron with a running drop-kick, however with his back turned Pathlow nailed Dragon from behind. Pathlow then went to whip Dragon across the ring, where Watson was lining up to nail the Junior champion with his deadly One Stop Punch from the apron but unfortunately for Pathlow it was a case of miscommunication once again as Dragon reversed the momentum and Pathlow felt the full force of Watson's right hand instead. Dragon then finished the task in hand by dropping an already dazed Pathlow witha a standing version of the Dragon Slice to secure a hard fought win for Dragon Feet 2K9.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] & Shimedzu bt John Pathlow [L] & Mike Watson in 16:53 via pinfall (Standing Dragon Slice)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Mike Watson (In English): Pfft I never was a fan of Tag Team wrestling, especially when it means tagging with someone I ain't the hell even tagged with before. Yeah we lost, so damn what...all I care about right now is facing Kikkawa-san for the most important belt in all of wrestling the King of Fighters !


Sensational Dragon: John Pathlow, you hit hard, you hit very hard but you have a long way to go before you are as Sensational as I !


Shimedzu: Watson last time out we fought one another, you beat me...now this time I beat you, albeit in Tag Team competition and I will admit I have heck of a lot more experience in the Tag arena than you but I CAN beat you be it singles or Tag and hey if you do happen to beat you personal hero Kikkawa, that's if you truly have it in YOU to beat Kikkawa like you say then I would love nothing better to make your reign as King of Fighters a short one.


Match #6: Tag Team Championship:

The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki vs

Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/EijiHamacho-1.jpg?t=1268428711 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ChuichiSanda-1.jpg?t=1268428734


This was never going to be a classic, which is as to why despite this being a title match, it was placed in the 'come down' match slot prior to the semi main event. As expected this was just a wild brawl, that The Behemoths dominated for about the first five minutes, isolating the smallest man in the match Chuichi Sanda in their corner, but as is so becoming the case with the extremely heavyweight duo they're lack of conditioning started to come into play and they began to run out of steam.


After getting the hot-tag into a fired up Eiji Hamacho, the match really began to swing in favour of the experience challengers, with Hamacho nailing both Kanishoki and Yuasha with a pair of Bull Rushes (Spears) into each corner....Hamacho then tagged Sanda back in and they looked set to nail Kanishoki with the Raging Impact only for the former sumo wrestler to somehow bail out of the ring before they could connect with what they had in mind. The Raging Bulls then gave chase on The Behemoths who clearly looked like they had enough and despite their best efforts to bring the match back into the ring, The Behemoths began to fire back and in the end Koetsu Shinozaki was left with no other choice but to count both teams out of the match, meaning that The Behemoths had managed to retain the World Tag Team Championship in somewhat dubious circumstances.


Result: Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki drew with Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda in 9:22 (Double Count Out)


The Behemoths make V3 Defence of Burning World Tag Team Championship.


Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Nisso Yuasha: As anyone could see the old broken down Bulls proved no match for the Behemoths !


At that point the Bulls enter the locker-room


Eiji Hamacho: Oh is that so !


Nisso Yuasha: You failed to beat us, so that's why we are still champions !


Eiji Hamacho: You are just fat coward !


Nisso Yuasha: No just bigger and smarter than you has-been !


The two teams then begin to square off, until some security personnel just so happen to be around to seperate them apart before things become too physical.



Match #7: Junior Contenders Circle:

Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ElementalIII.jpg?t=1268429375 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg?t=1268429160


Junior Contenders circle time, and these two having been no stranger's recently to winning the Burning Junior Championship no what it takes to win through and challenge for the gold. The match began with a flurry of fluid chain wrestling with Kiyaru and Elemental III matching one another hold for hold, until Kiyaru decides to start playing dirty and goes for a thumb to the eye, before planting Elemental III onto the canvas with a Dragon Screw Leg-whip....Kiyaru then goes for a quebrada but the third generation of the popular Junior legend, gets the knees up..however the damage done earlier by the Dragon screw means that Elemental III was unable to follow up.


Both stagger back up to their feet and it is Kiyaru who keeps the momentum taking out the Junior Tag champion with a baseball slide before turning Elemental III over for a single leg crab but the Burning Sekigun man manages to turn his way out of the hold and then take Kiyaru by surprise with a quick small package. Kiyaru kicks out of that and then after nailing Elemental III with a leaping kick, plant's the popular masked man onto the canvas with a Falcon Arrow for a two count. With Elemental III down Kiyaru then decides to head up top but it turns out the Burning Sekigun man was playing possum and after stunning Kiyaru with a leaping palm strike, Elemental III brought the Black Heart Brethren man crashing back into the ring with a superplex.


However that also took alot of Elemental III Okura Umeki applied a double count, before both staggered back to their feet. Kiyaru avoided a spin kick from Elemental III and then built momentum with a flurry of arm-drags before taking the third generation masked man down with a head-scissors only for Elemental III to spring straight back up to his feet and nail Kiyaru with a drop-kick that sent the former three time Junior Champion out of the ring. Feeling the momentum turn his way Elemental III then soared over the top-rope with the Elemental trademark 'the Elemental Space Flying Drop' wiping out Kiyaru in the process.


Elemental III then pitched Kiyaru back into the ring and went up top, before waiting for Kiyaru to stagger back to his feet and then spike the mysterious veteran into the canvas with a Tornado DDT, before following up with an Elemental Suplex into a Bridging pin....


To Elemental III's frustration that could only earn him a two count, before he set up for the Earth Breaker but Kiyaru had the move scouted and managed to block the attempt, before sweeping the legs out from underneath Elemental III that lead into a pin attempt with a La Magistral Cradle.....


Elemental III then peppered Kiyaru with a series of kicks, but the veteran managed to duck under a roundhouse and reply with a back heel kick into the mid-section, before attempting the Kiyaru Effect (Forward Somersault Stunner) but Elemental III managed to block the attempt and then plant Kiyaru onto the canvas with a Reverse STO. The Junior Tag champion then waited for Kiyaru to stagger back to his feet before reeling of the Tri-Fecta kick series to set up for the Earth Breaker (Double Underhook Powerbomb), this time Elemental III managed to drive Kiyaru onto the canvas !! But had made the cover too near the ring-ropes and the Black Heart Brethren man managed to reach a foot under the ropes...


Undettered Elemental III then dragged Kiyaru into position and headed up top for the Inferno Splash but as he came crashing down upon Kiyaru, the veteran managed to get the knees up just in time. Kiyaru then re-gained the advantage with a leg hook belly to back suplex that firmly planted the Junior Tag champion onto the canvas, before deciding to head out onto the apron.....where he then launched himself back into the ring to crash down upon Elemental III with the ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press).......






Three !!


Elemental III kicks out ! But it's just that fraction too late and Kiyaru squeeks by Elemental III to strengthen his position for an eventual shot at the Junior championship. It was always going to be a bit of a gamble putting this match in the semi main event slot but they delivered with their Tag Teams in this same slot the previous week, so there is no reason as to why they wouldn't be able to deliver here and overall they delivered a good match worthy of the semi-main slot but one that rightfully was never going to over-shadow the main event.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru [w] bt Elemental III [L] in 18:07 via pinfall (Ethereal Killer).


Rating: B


Post Match comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: As my brethren Scorpion so eloquently put it earlier, after his own great victory be it singles or Tag Team, the BHFS will dominate the Junior Division and there is nothing any of your so called heroes can do to stop us. Stop believing in false idols like Elemental III and start to believe in the Black Heart Flying Squadron and oh we don't want to be your 'heroes', we are your 'gods' !!


Elemental III: One second, one mere second that is all there was between us Kiyaru, OK you won this time but you did not BEAT me !.....Yes it was disappointing to lose here, but I will bounce back, I've been Junior champion before and I will be Junior champion again.



Match #8: Tadayuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra






http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/DuaneStone_alt1.jpg?t=1268429483


A main event that pitched the 'best' of the two main 'heel' factions against one another. Across the pacific ocean pitting two teams of wrestlers comprising of wrestlers the fans 'love to hate' doing battle with each other would go down like a balloon comprised of lead but here in Japan the fans aren't so fussed about that, sure they'll get behind the 'good guys' when they go up against these lot but at the end of the day what they appreciate most is good wrestling and for all the arrogance inside the squared circle for this match, the fans still appreciated the the match these six were able to put on.


The opening portion of the match saw both teams feeling one another out, with neither really making enough of a mistake for their opposing numbers to truly take advantage and the first real breakthrough of the match come's at around ten minutes in with Iesada sidestepping a missile drop-kick from Black Cobra before following up with an Uranage slam. That lead to Cobra finding himself isolated in the Team INSPIRE corner for an extended period, but the 'invaders' were a little too methodical in trying to work over Cobra, and just when it looked like Kikkawa was about to finish the job with a Kikkawa Lariat, Cobra managed to duck under and then use the momentum to spring off the top rope and wipe out out Kikkawa with a springboard moonsault press. Kikkawa however managed to tag out to Iesada before Cobra and the Super 10 Cup winne prevented Cobra from making the tag but the gaijin Junior Division star managed to fight his way out of a Northern Lights Suplex attempt from Iesada and reverse into the Stoneplex.....


That was followed by a weak cover from an increasingly worn out Cobra...but despite not being enough to get a sudden victory out of nowhere, it was enough to leave Iesada stunned enough to be unable for Cobra to tag out. It was Yasuhiko Taira that Cobra tagged in, and the powerful former World Champion managed to simply prevent Iesada from tagging out, before tossing the Super 10 Cup winner into the corner like a rag doll. Taira then rushed into the corner to nail Iesada with the Flattener only for Iesada to move out of the way and then take Taira off his feet with a chop block, before tagging Okazaki into the match.


Okazaki then stomped away on Taira, specifically targetting the back of the mullet haired big man, before locking to lock on the Century Crab Lift, but Taira powered his way back a vertical base, before dropping Okazaki with a Samoan Drop.


Taira then levelled Okazaki with a running clothesline for a two count, before dragging the Team INSPIRE man to the BHB corner. The pace of the match then slowed down a little again as the Black Heart Brethren worked over Okazaki in the corner, whilst also taunting Kikkawa and Iesada. The beat-down on Okazaki reached boiling point when Masuno even dragged Okazaki over to the Team INSPIRE corner and mockingly reached out Okazaki's hand to Kikkawa and Iesada before pulling Okazaki back, before setting up for the Avalanche Powerbomb but Okazaki is someone who knows how to fight back dirty and he managed to rake the eyes of Masuno, disorientating the BHB man before taking control of Masuno's arm and driving the big man down to the mat to apply the Angular Arm Bar.....


Okazaki who had very little energy left soon began to loosen his grip, but it seemed like he had done enough damage to Masuno, to at least slow BHB's assault on him. However Masuno was able to tag Taira back in first and after a series of clubbing blows to the back of Okazaki he seemed set to pull of one of his big moves, only for Okazaki to slip out and fire back with one last flurry of strikes and kicks before staggering backwards into the Team INSPIRE corner where Tadiyuki Kikkawa was able to tag himself into the match.


Kikkawa and Taira who had now shaken off the flurry from Okazaki then went toe to toe with another, Kikkawa seemed to gain the advantage and nailed Taira with the Kikkawa Lariat but the mullet haired former World Champion just shook it off and fired back with a lariat of his own, Kikkawa shook that off but Taira then went sneaked in a knee shot to the groin before firing in a flurry of fore-arms that backed Kikkawa into the corner. Taira then rushed in and this time was able to nail an opponent with The FLATTENER (Running Clothesline into the corner)......


Kikkawa slumped to the as if he had just been hit by a bus......








To Taira's immediate frustration, Kikkawa kicked out....however an increasingly arrogant and c0cksure Taira taunted Kikkawa to get back to his feet, even going as far as paintbrushing the King of Fighters. However all that did was fire up Kikkawa even more, and the Team INSPIRE leader all of a sudden nailed Taira with a Kikkawa Lariat before slumping to the mat.....


After that both Black Cobra for the BHB and Iesada for INSPIRE were tagged into the match....with Cobra gaining an immediate advantage by using his superior agility to outmanouevre Iesada to take the Super 10 Cup winner down with a spinning head-scissors that he immediately transitioned into the ALABASTER AGONY (his highly innovative Leg Hook Spinning Head Scissors Arm Bar submiission).....


But Iesada simply wasn't worn down enough and he managed to not only manouevre his way out of the move but also counter into an Iesada Special (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker) but the same applied for Iesada that it did for Cobra, in that the opponent was too fresh for the submission hold to be truly effective.....


Iesada then seemed to gain the advantage with a flurry of fore-arms that seemed to leave Cobra in enough of a daze for him to set up the Iesada Bridge (Northern Lights Suplex), only for Cobra to fight out and then just as he did earlier in the match, attempt to counter into his version of the Northern Lights, the Stoneplex but this time Iesada was able to block that and try for the Iesada Bridge at the second time of asking but Cobra was able to block again and then after slipping out stunned Iesada with a Gamengiri to the face before planting the Super 10 Cup winner onto the canvas with an STO.


Cobra then turned Iesada over for the Stone Hold but Iesada once again began to power his way out of a submission, so Cobra changed tactic by peppering Iesada with a series of kicks, before deciding to head up top with the From Canada With Love (Swandive Headbutt) clearly what he had in mind to deliver next..but Okazaki came across the apron and managed to hold the ankle of Cobra.....


Cobra shrugged off Okazaki and the soared off the top-rope with the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE....


Only to crash and burn.......


Iesada then tagged in Okazaki, who immediately nailed Cobra with a running knee strike.......






Cobra kicked out but Okazaki kept up the pressure as he looked to finish Cobra off with the Okazaki Kick Barrage but then Cobra managed to block one of the kicks and the take Okazaki off his feet with a Dragon Screw Leg-whip.....


Cobra then tried to turn Okazaki over for the Stone Hold only for Okazaki to work his way out of the move and almost reverse into a Century Crab Lift... but Cobra managed to slip out and then drill Okazaki with a standing drop-kick that bought him enough breathing room to get Yasunobu Masuno back into the match.


Masuno then downed Okazaki with a running boot, before lifting Okazaki up onto his shoulder for the Day of Rackening (Argentine Backbreaker Rack) but Okazaki managed to fire in a series of elbows to unbalance Masuno, and with Masuno staggered Okazaki managed to slip off and then tag Kikkawa into the match......


Kikkawa then drilled Masuno with a Kikkawa Lariat but the BHB man shook it off and then fired right back with the Magic K.O (Rolling Elbow)......


But Kikkawa shook that off....only for Masuno to nail Kikkawa with a second consecutive Magic K.O.......








Kikkawa kicked out !!


Masuno then paced around for a bit, before taunting Kikkawa to get back up....a series of clubbing blows from Masuno then saw him set up for the Blast Test (Vertical Suplex Side Slam) but Kikkawa fought out with elbows and then nailed Masuno with the BURNING LARIAT !!






Three !!


It took the most feared lariat variation in all of wrestling to get the job done but once again Team INSPIRE emerged as the victors as their reign of dominance continues since their return to BHOTWG.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w], Tasuku Iesada and Masaaki Okazaki bt Yasunobu Masuno [L], Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra in 33:55 via pinfall (Burning Lariat)


Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Black Heart Brethren, face it you were the dominant force once now Team INSPIRE are the dominant force here in Burning Hammer and there is nothing anyone can do, least of all you can do do change that....


Tasuku Iesada: And that is something you won't be able to do either Hiroaki Nakasawa, I'd enjoy be Burning World Champion for these next few weeks, I'd really enjoy it Nakasawa-san if I was you, because he I WILL beat you at Fire Dream.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: Finishing on a great main event, ensured that this was our best show yet, under my guidance as head booker...Kaneko-san should be pleased !

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We now have three way joint leaders in Dragonmack, Zergon and FINisher with Bigpapa42 and Smurphy1014 only a point behind.


Even though the Tag Team Title match ended in a no contest draw, the decision was made to give half points to those that correctly predicted that the Behemoths would retain the titles.


I think pretty much everyone got caught out by Kiyaru going over Elemental III. Kiyaru is someone I felt that I over-looked in my first BHOTWG diary, despite the fact that he is an awesome high flyer. Yes he is pretty old but he has still got 'it' at this moment in time.


I am also suprised at how many people did not pick Super Joshuya to win the pre-show Junior 3-way and chose to go with Koyama instead. I will admit I am not that high on Joshuya, as unlike Kiyaru he does come across as someone who's skills are starting to fade with age but the fact remains he is reasonably over and a respected veteran and besides Koyama is still viewed as a young lion despite his accomplishments in WLW.

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The Onodera Diaries:

The Osaka show was a great success, apparently Kaneko-san was very pleased and he feels I am really starting to find my groove as head booker. Kikkawa-san also briefly saw me after the show, and somewhat belatedly congratulated me on a good show but then had to get in a pot-shot saying I got lucky and that the only reason the show was a success is because he main evented and won ! Seem's like I still have someway to go to convince Kikkawa that Kaneko-san made the right choice.


Much moaning and groaning though before our show in Osaka on Wednesday, because someone decided to let 'rip'. The culprit was Natsu Miyamae....this time I chose to ignore such a trivial situation but I do hope this lack of manners is not a regular occurance from Miyamae-san.


The Incredible Koyama's contract came up for renewal, and the decision was made to re-sign him on a one year PPA deal. We see Koyama as a long term investment for the Junior Division but right now he is struggling to get over (alot of that has to with the perception of him being a young lion, something I find odd given his success in WLW) and right now we feel re-signing him on PPA and only paying him when we use him is the best way to go. Hopefully within the next year he will win the respect of the fans.

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