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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Tasuku Iesada

- I just don't see Nakasawa dropping the title to this particular member of Team INSPIRE. It could happen, but that seems to be welcoming the defectors back a little TOO open-armedly.


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Mike Watson

- A bit of a surprise maybe, but Watson is drifting a bit and this might give the booker (TG) a hook to keep Watson around and free Kikkawa up for other, bigger game.


#1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki

- No fluke roll-up while passing out for Horri on this night.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra

- Cobra can get his vindication and the belt soon enough, a win at the biggest card of the year unquestionably secures Dragon's Super Junior legacy. He's also been with Burning Hammer for his career and this nod of the head is well deserved.


World Tag Team Championship: The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)

- Is it possible to squash a pair of Behemoths? Let's find out.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Your New Heroes (Marihito Masuko & Elemental III) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda

- I dig Kiyaru's mask and this is the best name of the three fighting. Sure YNH's might have more all around ability and SotF might be a better tag team but I refuse to vote against the (awesomely golden) Black Heart Flying Squadron.


Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)

- I think it's time to put the Bulls out to pasture.


The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) + American Optimus vs Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate ) +Super Joshuya.

- Should be a good showcase for The Optimal Rebellion. Also this match suggests The Rebellion need some momentum because this is a wheel-spinning-match if ever there was one.


Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji +The Incredible Koyama vs Little Fury (Yoshi Shiomi & VENOM + Red Panther

- Sooner or later WLW boys need to get some wins and showcase their talent. Red Panther seems to be here to be a fallcat. So let's let them rip it up for a while and then Yasujiro and Kurofuji can deliver an impressive tag finisher to establish themselves in the Hammer.


John Pathlow vs Stone Yoshikawa

- I don't like Pathlow.


Toshiki Shibanumo & Roku Sotomura vs Masataro Kataoka & Fukusubaru Inao

- I'll be at the ramen stand asking for kimchi to go with my pho... but Fu Ku Subaru - he has a CAR in his name! A car.

I aprrove these picks

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Fire Dream of the Immortals

(Friday 19th March 2010)


Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto (Attendance 27,942, No Vacancy)

And Live on PPV with Emperor Sports


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo vs Fukusubaru Inao & Masutaro Kataoka


This Tag contest manages to receive a better reaction than Shibanumo & Inao's recent singles showdown and it's not as though either Sotomura or Kataoaka are the most over, or exciting wrestlers in the world but perhaps this time it has more to do with the fact that watching them is a crowd pumped up for the PPV. As expected this one is pretty even but in the end it swings the way of Sotomura-Shibanumo as Fukusabaru Inao finds himself unable to escape Sotomura's Ultimate Chinlock submission.


Result: Roku Sotomura [w] & Toshiki Shibanumo bt Fukusabaru Inao [L] & Masutaro Kataoaka in 5:58 via submission (Ultimate Chinlock).


Rating: C



Match B: John Pathlow vs Stone Yoshikawa


This one turns out to be much better than expected, and in some ways perhaps a little too good for a match that did not end up on the main-card, but then again any fans watching the free pre-show on PPV may have been convinced to put down some hard cash with promise of this quality of wrestling action to come.


It only last's for around eight minutes but Pathlow and Stone Yoshikawa combine to put on a slick technical battle, with neither man giving their opponent any respite. The former House of Stone trainee more than holds his own against the more fancied Pathlow and he almost grabs the win with the Stoneplex but after missing with the Superman Elbow, it is all Pathlow down the stretch and the hard hitting gaijin ends up grabbing the win after a release German suplex into the corner followed by a Blunt Force Trauma (Running Leaping Side Kick).


Result: John Pathlow [w] bt Stone Yoshikawa [L] in 7:38 via pinfall (Blunt Force Trauma)


Rating: B-



Pay Per View: Main Show





Fire Dream of the Immortals officially kicks off with a hype video running down what is coming up on the PPV, with Thee Michelle Gun Elephant's Redhead Kelly playing in the background it begins with highlights from both the previous PPV Final Collision and from matches on the tour giving background as to why the matches on the PPV are taking place with most notable attention given to the World Title match between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Tasuku Iesada, before seguing into a run-down of the card.


Rating: B+


~Friends and Foes~

Match #1: Junior Tag Team Championship: Your New Heroes (Elemental III & Marihito Masuko) vs Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg






http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg/http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HyosukeKokan-1.jpg?t=1268429112 &http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KansukeKonda-1.jpg?t=1268429129


As is so often the case with a Burning Hammer PPV, the Junior Division get to kick off the show and it's straight into title action with the Junior Tag Team Championship up first. Size of the Fight and Black Heart Flying Squadron have a rivalry going back years but it is the new kids to the tag scene Your New Heroes that are in the position of champs here. SOTF and YNH are also both part of the Burning Sekigun but with Size of the Fight desperate to win the Junior Tag Titles for a third time, in all likelyhood any sort of alliance with the champions would be quickly out of the window.


Three in, three out to start....with Konda, Elemental III and Kiyaru starting things off for their teams. They circle one another and then Kiyaru tries to take a powder only for Elemental III and Konda to take the decision to pull him back into the ring and then engage in some one up-manship involving of snapmare's and stiff kicks to the backs. Kiyaru soon gets being their personal football and gets up in their faces, before slapping the taste out of Konda and then Elemental III's mouths. Konda responds with a clothesline that sends Kiyaru out of the ring, before Elemental III nails Konda with a drop-kick. Konda gets up straight away and gets up in the third generation icon's face before they unload one another with kicks and strikes but neither gives an inch and they end up tagging out to Hyosuke Kokan and Marihito Masuko.


The two smallest men in the match then engage in some slick chain wrestling, until completely oblivious to the fact he had been tagged into the match Golden Scorpion announces his arrival into the match with a springboard missile drop-kick on both of his opponents. Scorpion then delivers a rolling wheel kick to Kokan but then gets nailed with a basement drop-kick by Masuko, who then sets up for the Masuko Cradle but Scorpion blocks that and then sets up for a Brainbuster, but as he does Kokan nails the Gold and Black Attack with a Leg Lariat.


Kokan gets a two count on Scorpion, before sending Scorpion into the Size of the Fight Corner, where he tags Konda back into the match. Konda delivers a snap suplex on Scorpion, before Kokan climbs up top but Scorpion gets the knees up as Kokan delivers the Foreshock (Flip senton) and then rakes the eyes of Konda, before sweeping the legs out from underneath the Big Fight Player but before he can follow up Masuko has picked himself back off the canvas and he tries to gets a quick roll up on Scorpion, Scorpion then rolls out of that though and then tries to entrap Masuko with a Scorpion Deathlock but Masuko manages to kick him off and then gets the tag into Elemental III.


Elemental III takes down Scorpion with a missile drop-kick and then looked set to follow up with an Elemental Suplex but Scorpion manages to counter with a sneaky back heel low blow, that doubles the third generation icon over and allows for Scorpion to get Kiyaru back into the match.


An impressive German Suplex (Scorpion), Springboard Leg Lariat (Kiyaru) then follows for a two count. The Black Heart Flying Squadron then pitch Elemental III onto the top-rope and appeared to be going for a double team superplex.. however both of Size of the Fight then enter the ring and they club away on both Scorpion and Kiyaru, before climbing up onto the top-ropes themselves.....What comes next is simply insane as Size of the Fight deliver double team russian leg-sweep's off the top-rope as the BHFS send Elemental III crashing to the mat with a double team superplex......


Everyone is left laying in the ring, except for Masuko who is desperate to get tagged back into the match, which is all well and good but out of everyone it was his own tag team partner who perhaps felt the worst of the almighty fall everyone had just taken to the mat. Then the BHFS and Size of the Fight both try to grab victory by trying to pin Elemental III, but each time the third generation icon kicks out on instinct and then manages to bail out of the ring.


The two long term rival teams, then explode one another, before the SOTF gain the upper hand with double back body drops that send Scorpion and Kiyaru out of the ring......Konda then takes out Scorpion with a tope con hilo and Kokan sets up to do the same on Kiyaru only for Marihito Masuko to enter the ring and then stealthily plant Kokan with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam).....






Konda goes to dive in to make the save but Kiyaru manages to hold him back.


Three !!


Despite being allies with Size of the Fight Masuko, saw an opening and in doing so managed to reduce the playing field so that the champions were now involved in a straight two on two match with the Black Heart Flying Squadron.


Elimination #1: Size of the Fight eliminated in 10:23 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock on Hyosuke Kokan).


Masuko gets not respite though as both of the Black Heart Flying Squadron are quickly in the ring to stomp him down and then entrap the painted wonder into their corner. It's at this point that the match goes into a bit of a lull and settles down a bit, as the BHFS go into full on heel mode, as they look to wear down Masuko with cheap-shots and blatant cheating rather than the flashy offence they are capable of, something that draw the ire of both the fans and a recovering Elemental III, but the third generation icon's protestations only serve to distract referee Terakado as Scorpion and Kiyaru deliver cheap shot, after cheap shot.


Eventually realising they are in total control the BHFS decide to turn it up a notch, as Scorpion plants Masuko across the top-rope with a slingshot suplex and then Kiyaru climbs to the top and then delivers a front flip senton... Masuko then grabs the bottom rope to save the titles but remains firmly in trouble....as Scorpion sets Masuko up for a powerbomb as Kiyaru climbs to the top-rope but all of a sudden Masuko counters the powerbomb into a hurrucanrana that sends Scorpion into the turnbuckle, the impact of which causes Kiyaru to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top-rope putting paid to what the BHFS had in mind to finish Masuko off.


Masuko then scrambled across to make the tag only for Scorpion to prevent him from doing so but the face painted wonder managed to kick the Gold and Black Attack off and get the tag into a fired up Elemental III....the third generation icon then unleashed a furious kick based flurry on both Scorpion and Kiyaru before dumping Golden Scorpion withan Elemental Suplex.......






Kiyaru made the save with a double stomp and then planted Elemental III with a leg-sweep before setting the third generation icon up for a standing version of the Kiyaru Effect but Elemental III was able to block and then dumped Kiyaru with another Elemental Suplex !






This time Scorpion was able to make the save, nailing Elemental III with a rolling wheel kick before delivering a brainbuster.......






Put Terakado was to quick inform Scorpion that the pin was not legal and instead the Gold and Black Attack had to settle for tagging Kiyaru back into the match. Scorpion and Kiyaru then went for a springboard leg lariat on Elemental III but as the third generation icon ducked he ended up connecting with Scorpion instead before a series of spin kicks from Elemental III sent both of the BHFS out of the ring.


Elemental III then appeared to go for the Elemental Space Flying drop but then suddenly put the brakes, then lifted the middle and bottom rope apart as Marihito Masuko came thundering through the legs of his tag partner with an explosive suicide dive.


Masuko then pitched Kiyaru back into the ring as Elemental III then nailed the multi time Junior champion with the Tri-Fecta kick series (a low, mid and then high flurry of kicks) before setting planting Kiyaru with the EARTH BREAKER !








Golden Scorpion managed to dive in at the last split second to make the save..... But then Marihito Masuko springboarded back into the ring and planted Scorpion onto the canvas with the Into the White (Springboard Bulldog).......


But neither was the legal man and as Scorpion rolled out of the ring, Masuko was ordered back to his corner, leaving Kiyaru and Elemental III in the ring and with Kiyaru still down Elemental III placed Kiyaru in position as he headed up top to set up for the Inferno Splash but the third generation icon had taken too much time and Kiyaru was back to his feet but Elemental III managed to push the mysterious veteran back off before following up with a missile drop-kick.......


Elemental III then once again tried for the Earth Breaker but this time Kiyaru was able to counter by spewing black mist, causing Elemental III to become disorientated...with Terakado missing the blatant spot of cheating from Kiyaru as Scorpion threatened to break things up by waving a Kendo stick on the apron.


Kiyaru then planted a disorientated Elemental III with a Falcon Arrow.....








Despite just being blinded with the mist Elemental III manages to kick out but remains rooted to the mat and this time Kiyaru heads up top....but somehow the third generation icon still has enough wits about him to move out of the way and Kiyaru ends up hitting nothing but canvas with the Magic Cloud (Imploding 450 Splash)....Elemental III then manages to connect with a spin kick and then tags in Masuko, who then takes down Kiyaru with a spinning headscissors and then immediately transitions into the PINK DREAMS (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke).....


Seeing the desperate situation his partner now finds himself in Golden Scorpion then breaks up the submission with a series of stomps before being ordered back to his corner by referee Terakado and that enables Masuko to stay on the offensive as he plants Kiyaru onto the canvas with the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)......








Kiyaru manages to kick out but Masuko then sets up for Masuko Cradle Shock only for Kiyaru to block that and quickly counter with a legsweep DDT but all that enables Kiyaru to do is to simply prevent Masuko from finishing him off and both lay on the mat looking to tag back in their respective partners. However Elemental III is still reeling from the mist attack by Kiyaru a little earlier in the match and Masuko finds him not ready to make the tag where as Kiyaru is able to tag Golden Scorpion back into the match...however Masuko is able to side-step out of the way of a rolling wheel kick from Scorpion and then connects with a basement drop-kick before snapping of a spinning head-scissors take down...Masuko then goes out onto the apron and goes to plant Scorpion to the canvas with the Into The White for the second time in the match, this time to seal victory but this time Scorpion is ready for it and manages to block before drilling Masuko with a brainbuster......








Masuko kicks out but Scorpion then whips Masuko into a corner, before lifting the painted wonder onto the top turnbuckle.....Scorpion then looks to set Masuko up for the Aneurysm Brainbuster (Turnbuckle Brainbuster) only for Masuko to block the attempt and then shove Scorpion off and then dive off to plant Scorpion down to the canvas with a flying bull-dog......Masuko then dives across the ring and this time Elemental III is there to make the tag.......


The third generation icon then connects with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series on Scorpion before planting the Gold and Black Attack with an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX......








Scorpion kicks out but Elemental III heads up top to set up for the Inferno Splash only for Kiyaru to come across the apron and then spew another cloud of Black Mist at Elemental III this time the third generation icon manages to duck and avoid the projectile but the distraction is enough for Scorpion to spring back to his feet and then nail Elemental III with a leaping kick....that leaves Elemental III dazed enough for Scorpion to deliver the ANEURYSM BRAINBUSTER !!






Masuko enters to make the save but quicky gets tackled down by Kiyaru


Three !!!


The Black Heart Flying Squadron had just booked their place in BHOTWG history by becoming the first three time Junior Tag Team champions in an absolutely opening match that had the fans in attendance wondering if anything could top what they just witnessed later in the show.


Elimination #2: Your New Heroes eliminated in 20:21 via pinfall (Aneursym Brainbuster on Elemental III)


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [w] bt Elemental III (L-2nd Fall) & Marihito Masuko + Hyosuke Kokan (L-1st Fall) & Kansuke Konda in an elimination match.


The Black Heart Flying Squadron win the Burning Junior Tag Team Titles (3rd Championship)


Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Hyosuke Kokan: Next time we will be in a match for those belts, we will be winning them we may be down now but we won't be out.


Kansuke Konda: I suppose some people might expect us to moan and groan about our own allies Your New Heroes 'turning' on us, fact it is they didn't turn on us and if we were in their shoes we would have done the same, they were just protecting their titles.....shame they failed to complete the job against Kiyaru and Scorpion.


Marihito Masuko: Is end night for Your New Heroes ? The hope is not, for Elemental III is an honorable partner but our attentions do look to a greater prize, a prize of individual glory a prize this warrior will cherish to hold once again.


The Awesome Kiyaru: Once more the Black Heart Flying Squadron reign supreme, the Junior Division will bow to our dominance !!


Golden Scorpion: Who is the greatest Junior Tag Team in Burning Hammer history, the team who is your new and three time Junior Tag Team champions, no one, absolutely no one can contend with the Black Heart Flying Squadron !



~Reach For The Skies~

Match #2: Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & The Incredible Koyama vs

Yoshii Shiomi, VENOM & Red Panther








Whoever was going to follow on from the Junior Tag Title match was going to be in a bit of a difficult spot and though these Six combined to put on a decent enough Six Man Tag, the crowd were a little burnt out and perhaps needed to catch their breath again. Both sides had period's of control before things broke down with just about everyone performing some kind of dive to the floor, culminating in an admittedly spectacular corkscrew moonsault off the top turnbuckle from Barei Yasujiro. Yasujiro also provided the biggest pop in the so often seen finisher sequence when he was able to drill Yoshii Shiomi with the Mighty Mouse Driver (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver) but it turns out to not be enough as it is broken up by VENOM and in the end The Incredible Koyama finds himself to be the unlucky man when he became entrapped into VENOM's Sting in The Tail (Cross Kneelock) after both Barei Yasujiro and Haru Kurofuji were both rendered helpless to come to his aid.


Result: Yoshii Shiomi, VENOM [w] & Red Panther bt Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & The Incredible Koyama [L] in 9:12 via submission (Sting In The Tail)


Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


VENOM: Is this going to put Little Fury back on track ? It will only put us back on track if we follow up on this victory.


Yoshii Shiomi: This win barely proves anything, sure it was nice to win but as VENOM said it will only count if we begin to string some wins together.


Barei Yasujiro: A little disappointed to lose this one really, then again both me and Kurofuji-san were hoping that Koyama would be a little stronger in his resolve.


Haru Kurofuji: Little Fury you'll probably feel you've evened the score now, despite the fact you neither defeated myself nor Yasujiro-san....we feel that we do have the better of you and if we have to beat you again to climb the rankings towards a Junior Tag title shot, we will happily do that.



~New Dawning, Old Yearnings~

Match #3: Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs

Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TakayukiAvatar.jpg?t=1268428948




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/EijiHamacho-1.jpg?t=1268428711 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ChuichiSanda-1.jpg?t=1268428734


Another 'undercard' bout here, pitting a somewhat thrown together tandem featuring two wrestlers who seem to have hit a brick wall as singles against one of the most experienced Tag Team's in Burning Hammer, looking to get back to winning ways themselves.


The two 'big men' of each team kicked things off , with neither Toshusai nor Hamacho backing down in a straight up brawl. There is nothing pretty about either man's choice of attack but both come up against a brick wall that just so happens to hit back and in the end they end up turning it over to Onodera and Sanda. Sanda want's to carry on in the same vein as his partner but Onodera is able to take Sanda down to the mat with a drop toe hold and then slows the pace down as the tries to wear Sanda down with a headlock. Sanda manages to escape the headlock but is met with a dropkick from Onodera, who then turns things back over to Toshusai.


It is then all the Burning Sekigun duo for the next few minutes, as they looked to wear Sanda down and a Uranage Backbreaker (Toshusai)/Legdrop (Onodera) combo brings the up-start duo close to winning the match. Onodera then lifted Sanda up for the Call The Doctor, but as he did Sanda used the cheap tactic of suddenly grabbing hold of the referee, pulling referee Shinozaki down to the canvas, enabling Sanda to sneak in a low blow before drilling Onodera with a snap DDT.


That bought Sanda enough time to get Hamacho tagged back into the match, and the Raging Bull was able to shoulder block Toshusai off the apron before turning his attention back to Onodera. Hamacho then planted Onodera with an original Hamacho Sledge (Death Valley Driver) but could only get a two count.


However Onodera still found himself isolated in the Raging Bulls corner, and the veteran tag team worked quick tags in-between their basic yet seemingly effective offence to gradually wear down Onodera. Several times both Sanda and Hamacho go for covers after bodyslams, and though Onodera continued to kick out it does look as though he was beginning to be gradually worn down much to the frustration of Toshusai, leading on a few occasions for Wild Charisma's frustration to boil over and attempt to save his partner but all it did was allow for the Raging Bulls to use their experience and get in more offence as Shinozaki's attention was turned.


However the Raging Bull's were soon becoming frustrated themselves, over Onodera's resillience, especially after he managed to get a shoulder up off the canvas in time, following the Explosion Kick II (from Sanda). Sanda then set up for an Exploder suplex, but Onodera somehow manages to find a second wind from somhere fighting his way out, and then dropping Sanda with a Brainbuster. Hamacho then came charging forward, but Onodera was able to stop the Raging Bull in his tracks with a roaring elbow and then plant Hamacho with an STO Backbreaker.


Onodera had nothing left to give at that point and all that was on his mind was to head for his own corner and get a fired up Toshusai back into the match.Toshusai then came in like the proverbial house of fire as the tag was made, and after sending Sanda out of the ring with a back body drop, drilled Hamacho with the Shock Kick (Bicycle Kick). Hamacho kick out of that, but Toshusai stayed in control and set up for the Spine Shocker only for Sanda to re-enter and club Toshusai from behind. Seeing that things had become a two on one, Onodera then found another wind from someone to re-enter himself into the fray, and soon enough Shinozaki was struggling to keep the lid on this one and it had turned into a wild two on two brawl, that soon spilt to the floor.


But Onodera was still far from being back to his best, and soon enough the Raging Bulls regained the advantage out on the floor, with Sanda dropping Onodera onto the ring-steps and Hamacho spearing Toshusai against one of the guard-rails. With Toshusai well and truly winded the Bulls pitched Onodera back into the ring and then nailed the RAGING IMPACT (Explosion Kick/Spear combo) to pick up the victory.


Toshusai and Onodera had put in a brave effort and their pairing looked to have promise, but in the end they were taught a lesson in effective Tag Team wrestling by some true veteran's of the art form.


Result: Eiji Hamacho [w] & Chuichi Sanda bt Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera [L] in 11:12 via pinfall (Raging Impact)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Tadakuni Toshusai: Old BULLS your RAGE overcame us THIS TIME but you have not seen the last, oh you most definitely have not seen THE LAST of TOS-HU-SAIIIIIIIIIIII !!!


Eiji Hamacho: You know what we should have been challenging for the Tag Titles here, but you know what we will happily beat what is put in front of us and we did that just here.


Chuichi Sanda: It don't matter if it's The Behemoths or Black Magic who will be walking out as the champions tonight, the Raging Bulls are coming to take back the Burning World Team Championship !




Match #4: Shimedzu, Miyamae & American Optimus vs

Sanetomo Shiraishi, Sessue Kawate & Super Joshuya








Another six man tag that served as little more than excuse to get some people on the show, that had nothing better to do. This is basically a re-match of the Rebellion- Snow Lizzard match from the last regular tour show, but with a Junior ally thrown in. The Rebellion convincingly one that match but right from the bell Snow Lizzard seem really up for this one and alongside Super Joshuya they catch their opponents off guard, as they out-brawl the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio in the opening minute, causing American Optimus and The Rebellion to retreat from the ring...but a pumped up Snow Lizzard and Joshuya weren't about to give them any respite and they continued to take the fight to their opponents out on the floor.


Sessue Kawate and Miyamae do eventually bring things back into the ring, where Kawate nails Miyamae with the Icebreaker (Sitout Jawbreaker) only for American Optimus to break up the pin with a double stomp to Kawate's back. Optimus then stomped away on Kawate, before heading up top only for Super Joshuya to re-enter the ring and then bring the man carrying on the Optimus legacy crashing into the ring with his slingshot hurricanrana dubbed the Postcard From Acapulco but the Junior Division veteran was unable to follow up as Shimedzu then nailed Joshuya with his rebound Yakuza kick the Life Flasher. However Sanetomo Shiraishi was able to club Shimedzu from behind before The Rebellion man could go for a pin attempt and them planted Shimedzu with the Lizard Suplex (Leg Hook Half Nelson Suplex)......


That earned Shiraishi a very close two count, as both Shiraishi and the crowd though that 'The Lizard' was about to score what would be an upset victory, especially considering Snow Lizzard's non too impressive performance on the previous show. Then in a moment of madness Shiraishi suddenly thinking he is ten years younger and without the dodgy knee decides to head for the top-rope but he takes too long doing so and he is shoved off by a recovered Miyamae, American Optimus then climbs up to the opposite turnbuckle and then lands an O-Zone Sky Flyer on Shiraishi....only for Sessue Kawate to break up the pin attempt and then plant Optimus with the Freeze Frame (Forward Russian Leg-sweep) but the Snowman is soon taken out with a roundhouse kick/legsweepo combo from The Rebellion.


Super Joshuya breaks up the pin attempt but with Shiraishi and Kawate both layed out with nothing left to give, he is all of a sudden an man on an island and double team biel throw from The Rebellion is the pre-cursor to them eventually putting away Joshuya with their trademark Spiked Skull Drop.


Even though this was a Six Man Tag it never really settled into being a tag match, but then again I think what they went for here worked out better than if they did go with a formula tag contest, getting over the desperation of Snow Lizzard to try and make amends for their recent poor form. In the end they came up short again but did so with a performance they can be more proud of.


Result: Shimedzu [w], Miyamae & American Optimus bt Sanetomo Shiraishi, Sessue Kawate & Super Joshuya [L] in 9:43 via pinfall (Spiked Skull Drop)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Miyamae: I'll give credit to Snow Lizzard they stepped up their game this time against us and asked us some much tougher questions but truth be told we should be in more important, more big time battles than this.....


Shimedzu: Hey we didn't do enough really this month than to end up in some throw-away filler, be it singles or tagging with Miyamae-san here we've got to convince the powers that be, to put us in matches that DO mean something.


Sanetomo Shiraishi: Yes we lost, but I was proud of mine and Kawate-san's effort's this time, but fact remains we still came out short but tonight we showed we CAN still compete, so maybe it's NOT time to write Snow Lizzard off !




~Who Is Sensational ?~

Match #5: Junior Championship:

Sensational Dragon vs Black Cobra




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SensationalDragon-1.jpg?t=1268428262 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg


The first singles match at Fire Dream of the Immortals is one with a title on the line, with that belt being the Junior Championship, a belt that has surprisingly thus far eluded the challenger Black Cobra despite his status as a respected veteran of the Junior Heavyweight scene, his opponent meanwhile the prodigiously talented Sensational Dragon is already in his third reign as champion, as just 25 years of age. However despite Dragon's impressive resume, Cobra would be feeling that it was finally his time, especially after scoring a pinfall over Dragon is a recent Six Man Tag.


With a hearty dose of anticipation and tension filling the air, both champion and challenger stared each other down through their masks...edging closer to one another before engaging in some trash talk that lead to a shoving contest, that quickly became more heated than that. Dragon and Cobra then went strike for strike, until Cobra was able to take the champion off his feet with an arm-drag only for Dragon to pop straight back up do the same to Cobra. This soon lead to a 'anything you can do, I can do better' sort of sequence....as each time Cobra would deliver a move be it a dropkick or a snapmare followed by a kick to the Dragon would immediately respond in earnest with the exact same. This soon began to really frustrate the challenger and the Black Heart Brethren man decided to retreat out of the ring for a powder, just as it looked like Dragon was about to really start seizing the advantage in the match.


Dragon however was keen to keep up the pressure and launched himself over the top rope with a slingshot crossbody only for Cobra to nail the champion with a fore-arm smash in mid-air. Cobra then whipped Dragon into the guard-rail before following up with a running boot that sent the champion tumbling over the barricade and into the crowd. Cobra then proceeded to break up referee Terakado's floor count, before posing in front of the fans, however that allowed for Dragon to dust himself off and then launch himself at Cobra off the top of the guard-rail. Cobra however managed to catch the Sensational one in mid flight only for Dragon to quickly snap off a headscissors takedown.


Both men then re-entered the ring and with Dragon able to head back into the ring first he was able to take Cobra off his feet with a basement drop kick, before following up with a standing shooting star press, however the decision to go for the standing SSP was a little hasty on the champion's part and Cobra was able to get the knees up, winding Dragon in the process.


Cobra then nailed Dragon with a fore-arm smash before whipping Dragon into the corner and then following in, only for the champion to get his feet up and then spring off the middle rope to take Cobra off his feet with a flying crossbody, only for Cobra to roll through into a pin attempt of his own. Dragon then tried to roll back through into a small package only for Cobra to get control of his legs and then entrap the champion into a Stone Hold. But Dragon wasn't worn down enough for the hold to be truly effective and the champion managed to instinctively manoevre his way onto his back and then send Cobra up and over with a monkeyflip.


Cobra then came charging back at Dragon with a running knee strike only for the champion to catch the Black Heart Brethren man's leg charging in and immediately transition into a Dragon Screw Leg-whip. Dragon then delivered a flurry of kicks on Cobra, leaving the challenger dazed enough to deliver a Dragon Suplex.......


That earned Dragon a two count, as the champion then lifted Cobra up off the canvas in readyness to deliver the Dragon Slice, however the experienced challenger had the move scouted and was able to shove Dragon against the turnbuckle, causing the champion to bounce off and straight into a European Uppercut. Cobra then pitched Dragon up onto the top turnbuckle and then proceeded to pound away on the champion, before setting up for superplex, only for Dragon to shove him off but Cobra was straight back up to his feet to nail the champion with another European Uppercut, before getting the superplex at the second time of asking.


Then as both men picked themselves back up off the canvas....Cobra was able to snap off the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar) !!!


Cobra had the submission locked on right in the middle of the ring as he wrenched back on Dragon's arm......the champion looked set to tap but then suddenly found the inner strength to force his way over to the ropes......


Cobra however was able to stay on the offensive after the rope break and quickly planted Dragon to the canvas with the STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex)......








Dragon barely got a shoulder up,but it was enough to save the title much to the frustration of the challenger. However Cobra's frustation quickly turned to confidence that all he needed was one more big move to get the job done and the gaijin masked man decided to head for the top-rope, before launching himself off with his FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Swandive Headbutt)......


But Cobra took too much time playing to the crowd and Dragon was able to move out of the way.....Dragon then was able to stun Cobra with a superkick to once again set up for the DRAGON SLICE but the champion suddenly pulled up mid-move, wincing in pain, the fact he was in the Alabaster Agony for so long still clearly having some effect.


Cobra then stunned Dragon with another European Uppercut and then set up for the very move that earned him the pinfall over Dragon in the six man tag, the Death By Cobra, but this time Dragon was able to block, before rocking Cobra with a gamengiri and then following up with a superkick to send Cobra down to the canvas.


Dragon then went out onto the apron and then waited for Cobra to stagger back to his feet, before springing back in, with the intentions to pull off the Sensation Shock, only for the challenger to have his wits about him to send the champion flipping out of mid-air with a European Uppercut.


Cobra then planted Dragon with a Bridging German Suplex........








Dragon kicked out again, before Cobra lifted whipped Dragon into the corner and dragged the challenger up to the top turnbuckle, before appearing to set up for a AVALANCHE DEATH BY COBRA !! but Dragon was able to block and then send Cobra crashing back into the ring with a top-rope hurracanrana !!


Then as both men staggered back up to their feet Dragon was able to nail Cobra with a standing drop-kick, before Cobra staggered back up to his feet and straight into a superkick, before the champion was able to work up enough momentum to get the DRAGON SLICE !! and then slump himself over the Black Heart Brethren man for the pin......








Dragon's inability to hook the leg due to the weakness in his arm, gave Cobra a stay of execution but the challenger remained rooted to the mat and Dragon dragged Cobra into postion before heading for the top rope in the belief that he could seal the win...... Dragon then looked out amongst the fans and then launched himself off with the DRAGON'S FIRE !! (Corkscrew 630 Senton).....


Dragon came crashing down upon Cobra's sternum, the challenger unable to react in time to prevent or counter the rarely seen uber-finisher of the prodigious three time Junior champion.






Three !! Dragon had literally pulled out all the stops against a very challenging opponent to remain the champion of the most prestigious Junior Heavyweight championship in wrestling, in a fantastic match that had the crowd believing that either man could have walked out the champion up and until the very end.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Black Cobra [L] in 23:18 via pinfall (Dragon's Fire)


Sensational Dragon makes V4 defence of Burning Junior Championship


Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: Who is Sensational ? Well your's truly of course, still your Burning Junior Champion. Cobra you are good, you are very good...in fact you are a damn excellent competitor and perhaps on a lucky day you may have defeated me.....but fact remains you ain't Sensational, you ain't Sensational Dragon !


Black Cobra (in English): I should be the Junior Champion, I should have that belt in my hands right now, yet I let this opportunity slip from my grasp, I should have put Dragon away when I had the chance. But I'm not one to wallow in self pity and I will be coming back to take that belt from you Dragon, and next time we meet over the belt I have waited far too long to hold, I will emerge with it round my waist.




Match #6: #1 Contenders Match:

Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/MasaakiOkazaki.jpg?t=1268428925


The second match between these two in the space of five days, this one brought about by their first match ending in a controversial draw. Could one of these men actually secure the victory to earn a shot at the World Championship ?


As the bell rung Kinnojo Horri was keen to get the match off to a fast pace, but Okazaki had other idea's and the INSPIRE man was quickly out for a powder. That time Horri waited for his opponent to make his way into the ring before landing a flurry of fore-arms shots, that saw Okazaki bail once again. For the first few minutes the match kept following this pattern, Horri would start to build up a head of steam only for Okazaki to slip out of the way and then bail for the outside, which increasingly began to frustrate not only Horri but also the crowd in attendance, who were far from happy with the INSPIRE man's tactics.


Eventually that frustration boiled over for Horri and he gave chase, of course what Okazaki was doing was setting a psychological trap and the INSPIRE man lured Horri back into the ring before taking down 'One Million Percent Burning Hammer' from behind with a chop block.


Okazaki then proceeded to methodically target the back of Horri with stomps and kicks, before attempting to turn Horri over for the Century Crab Lift but the Burning Sekigun man was able to fight Okazaki off from doing so, and then with a burst of energy shot back up to his feet and levelled the INSPIRE man with a lariat below slumping to the mat.


Okazaki was back up of the mat first and came charging in with a knee strike only for Horri to block and then launch Okazaki overhead with a belly to belly suplex against the turnbuckle. Horri then followed in with a corner clothesline, causing Okazaki to stumble out of the corner and fall flat on the mat. That brought Horri a two count as the fan favourite began to build up a head of steam.


Horri then lifted Okazaki up for a vertical suplex only for the Team INSPIRE man to counter with a series of knee shots to the head, causing Horri to stumble. Thinking quickly Okazaki then took Horri off his feet with another chop block before following in with the OKAZAKI KICK BARRAGE !!






Horri rose emphatically back to his feet, as if he had suddenly become impervious to pain and told Okazaki to bring it on, before marching forth with a flurry of fore-arms and clothesline's...however just as Horri looked set to put Okazaki away with the Destiny Bomb, the Team INSPIRE man countered by raking the eye and then taking Horri off balance with a flurry of kicks to the legs, before taking Horri off his feet once again with another chop block.


This time Okazaki followed in with a running knee strike to leave Horri stunned before turning 'One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer over' to once again lock on the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf). This time Okazaki had the hold locked on tight in the middle of the ring, on a considerably more worn down opponent and Horri looked to be in great danger......


But just as it looked like referee Omura Umeki would have to call for the bell Horri managed to dig deep and find every last ounce of energy to drag himself and Okazaki across the ring to force a rope break.


Okazaki then paced around for a bit wondering what to do next, but when he did decide to go back on the offensive he found every strike blocked by Horri, the great defence from the fan favourite was all of a sudden getting the Burning Sekigun man fired up, and with the momentum quickly turning Horri then planted Okazaki with a HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster)........






The resulting cover from Horri was a weak one, and Okazaki was able to easily kick out but both men remained on the canvas exhausted, leading to Umeki to almost end the match with a double count out.


Both staggered back up to their feet and then engaged in a strike battle, but the straight up brawling clearly favoured the bigger Horri and he began to asert control, taking down Okazaki with a series of clothesline's, leaving the INSPIRE man dazed enough to stagger right into a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER !






Three !


Okazaki kicked out but a fraction too late and Kinnojo Horri had secured the win and a shot at the World Championship.


Considering their previous match ended in a schmozz I was expecting this to at least match or be close to their last match in quality, but something wasn't quite right here and that was mostly to do with the selling. Okazaki has never been a great seller but Horri took his selling from 'fighting spirit' to the sort of ridiculous no selling you would see from a Sam Strong match back in the day, especially with things like kicking out after the receiving the Okazaki kick barrage at what was basically one and a half. Maybe Horri was trying to prove a point here, by not really selling Okazaki's best stuff all that well.


Result: Kinnojo Horri [w] bt Masaaki Okazaki [L] in 19:39 via pinfall (Hurricane Spinebuster)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: Tonight I proved Okazaki-san that I am stronger than you and that I am worthy of challenging for the Burning World Championship. Whether I'll have to put another dent into Team INSPIRE by defeating Tasuku Iesada or if I have to do battle with my friend Nakasawa-san, they will have to be ready for what will be their toughest challenge for the World Championship because I will give everything, absolutely everything to get my hands on that belt once again !


Masaaki Okazaki: Right now I'm hurting, and I don't just mean in then physical sense, you know what I'm really not in the mood, not in the mood at all comment on what happened in that ring against Horri-san. Just, really, really disappointed.



~Power Containment~

Match #7: Tag Team Championship:

The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs

Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg


Our third championship match on the card would be for the World Tag Team Championship as two of the most physically dominating teams in BHOTWG history would set forth into battle with one another.


The start of the match see's the two teams stare each other down, and it doesn't take long for it to escalate into a shoving contest and then an all out brawl, that quickly got out of control and spilt to the floor, as all four brawled their way into the crowd, almost resulting in a double count-out until Yuasha and Masuno brought things back into the ring.


It was actually at that point The Behemoths began to take some control with Yuasha no selling a lariat from Masuno, then knocking down the 150 Kg heavyweight down with 172 Kg of Running shoulder block, before following up with a very weighty elbow drop for a two count, meanwhile whilst the brawling had taken place out in the crowd Yasuhiko Taira had fallen foul to an impressive scoop slam onto a pile of chairs from Kanishoki.


Following on in what must have felt like some kind of bizarro world moment, Yasunobu Masuno then found himself in the role of 'Spencer Marks' which had half of the crowd lapping up the fact that a long time 'bully' was getting a beat-down, and the other half willing him on against a pair of overweight and green youngsters they felt not worthy of the belts. A big as Masuno is, Nisso Yuasha manages to plant the Black Heart Brethren man onto the cancas with a scoop powerslam, before turning things over to Kanishoki...who then decided to begin climbing the turnbuckles, the ropes barely taking over 200 kg of 'sumo turned pro wrestler' ....Kanishoki then came crashing down with the Samoan Sitting Squash only for Yasunobu Masuno to get the knees up....though Kansishoki's weight coming down upon his knees still saw Masuno cry out in agony, it was enough to wind the massiveSamoan.


Of course Kanishoki was still nearer his corner and managed to get Yuasha tagged back in, and the Baby Elephant set up Masuno for his Press Slam the Thunder Drop, but despite the dodgy knees Masuno was able to fight his way off and then nail Yuasha with the MAGIC KO (Roaring elbow to the back of the head) but Masuno was too worn down to follow up with a cover and it became a race between both men to try and tag their partner back in.


Yuasha tagged Kanishoki back in first but then Masuno finally managed to get Taira into the match. Taira just that little bit quicker than Kanishoki, was then able to outmanouevre the plodding former Sumo wrestler as he peppered the big man with a series of clotheslines but was unable to take the massive 200kg plus man off his feet, leading to Taira to make the rare move of heading for the top rope !


Kanishoki too slow to get over, then got knocked down with a flying shoulder block (yes a flying shoulder block of all things) from Yasuhiko Taira. Taira then followed up with a cover for a two count...before tagging Masuno back in, where the pair then combined to whip Kanishoki hard into their corner...Masuno then tagged Taira back in, who followed in with THE FLATTERNER (Running Clothesline into the corner)....


Taira then made the cover.......






Nisso Yuasha then came back into the ring in desperation and went to break up the cover with a body splash only for Taira to move out on the way and for Yuasha to come crashing down upon his own partner. The Challengers then combined to send Yuasha over the top-rope with a double clothesline, before both Masuno and Taira dropped a couple of leg-drops on the still prone Kanishoki, before Taira once again made the cover as Masuno stood guard......






Three !!


Black Magic had just become two time World Tag Team Champions ending the reign of The Behemoths, whose inexperience despite their dominating physical merits caught up with them in recent months and in Black Magic they faced a team who had almost the same size and power to match, with the extra amount of mobility to outmanouevre the super heavyweight duo.


As expected the quality of in-ring action on show here was far from inexilarating with the early chaotic brawl very much designed to cover up for their weaknesses, especially those of the tag champs. But with the match being for the tag titles, and with the unique selling point of the fans seeing two teams they clearly do not like (though in the case of The Behemoths, their heat is more what is coined as Enygma-heat) beating several shades into one another. In the end though Black Magic, have been long term heels and two of the most hated men on the roster for a good while now, them having the belts is perhaps seen as the lesser of two evils by many fans.


Result: Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira [w] bt Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki [L] in 9:25 via pinfall (Legdrop's)


Black Magic win the Burning World Tag Team Titles (2nd Championship)


Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: Once again the Burning World Tag Team belts are in the hands on the most dominant duo in Burning Hammer history...Black Magic !


Yasunobu Masuno: That they are, no one, absolutely no one can contend with myself and Taira-san.


Yasuhiko Taira: But this is only step one towards our domination of Burning Hammer, believe you me myself and Masuno-san ain't satisfied with just holding these......


Yasunobu Masuno: Not satisfied at all, we will not be content until we have total domination !


Yasuhiko Taira: You see I've been a double champion before and you know what I feel very lop-side on one shoulder....


Yasunobu Masuno: I feel the same Taira-san


Yasuhiko Taira: So be warned Nakasawa-san, Kikkawa-san......


Yasunobu Masuno: Might not be them Taira-san


Yasuhiko Taira: Doesn't the hell matter who is holding those belts, by the end of the night...we WILL be coming after YOUR belts !



~Respect Is Earned~

Match #8: King of Fighters Championship:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Mike Watson




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg


It was now time for the semi main event as Tadiyuki Kikkawa put his King of Fighters title on the line against his fellow Team INSPIRE member Mike Watson.


The match began with the two stable mates circling one another, and then locking up into a collar and elbow tie up, leading to both Kikkawa and Watson trying to get the leverage to take control but with neither of them giving an inch to the other. Soon enough things began to get a little more heated, as the tension began to rise and then boil over as they exploded into lift with a flurry of chops, punches and kicks.


Watson then went to whip Kikkawa into the corner, only for the champion to reverse momentum but then get a faceful of boot as he came charging in and then taken down to the mat with an explosive lariat out of the corner from the Calgary Assassin.


Kikkawa then staggered back up his feet but straight into a jumping knee strike from his Team INSPIRE stable mate that put Kikkawa back down to the canvas, leading to referee Terakado to apply the first ten count of the match.


Kikkawa was back up at five and Watson then tried to land the One Stop Punch only for Kikkawa to side step that and then rock the former MMA star with a fore-arm smash before following up with a Kikkawa Lariat to put Watson down on the canvas.


Watson staggered back up to his feet before the count could be made, but right into a elbow shot from Kikkawa who then scooped Watson onto his shoulders to deliver the KIKKAWA DRIVER ! (Wrist Clutch DVD)....


This time it was Watson facing the count-out......








Watson made it back up to his feet but Kikkawa looked set to finish things with a Burning Lariat, only for Watson to block the move and then suddenly twist Kikkawa round into a DRAGON SLEEPER !


Watson had the hold locked in tight and it looked as though the champion was about to fade.......


Only for Kikkawa to find a second wind from somewhere and force Watson to release the hold with a series of back elbows into the gut.......


Both men then took a bit of time to re-catch their breath before engaging in another strike battle, Watson again avoided a Burning Lariat attempt and then landed the ONE STOP PUNCH !




















To the fans amazement and to Watson's shock Kikkawa staggered somehow managed to stagger back up to his feet....Watson then lunged forward desperate to get the job finished against what seemed to be a virtually unstoppable Tadiyuki Kikkawa...but the Team INSPIRE leader used Watson's eagerness against him, taking the Calgary Assassin down to the mat with a drop toe hold, before ensnaring Watson into the KIKKAWA DEATH CHOKE ! (Straight Jacket Hold)......


Kikkawa had the submission locked on tight in the middle of the ring as Watson flailed wildy......to try and escape his grip but soon enough Watson's desperate attempts began to wither away and the Calgary Assassin quickly began to fade........


Referee Terakado just needed to take one look, to realise that Watson had nothing left and called for the bell.....to signal a succesful first King of Fighters defence of 2010 for the legendary Tadiyuki Kikkawa.


By no means a classic, this more of a serviceable semi main event that mostly ride by on the heat that Kikkawa generates every time he enter's into the ring, whether you like him or not he is a legend and he does demand your respect. That being said they packed quite alot of action and drama into what was a relatively short amount of time, with the story of the match being that both were going all out from the start, especially in the case of the challenger Watson to get the win rather than to have to wade through a long wearing battle with one another.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt Mike Watson [L] in 11:48 via submission (Kikkawa Death Choke).


Tadiyuki Kikkawa makes V5 defence of King of Fighters Championship.


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Watson-san you gave me one hell of a battle there, and against lesser men those efforts would have seen you walk out with the most important championship in all of puroresu in your hands but tonight you also got reminded that you are not in the ring with an ordinary fighter, you were reminded just why I am THE KING OF FIGHTERS !


Mike Watson (in English): Kikkawa I knew you were tough, but to get up from the One Stop Punch proves just how tough you really are, in some way it pains me because I ain't the King of Fighters but deep down I realise I have been defeated by the greatest, against anyone else this loss would have hurt alot more.



~No Retreat, No Surrender~

Match #9: World Championship:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Tasuku Iesada




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TasukuIesada.jpg?t=1268429656


Time had now come for the main event, a match that had been anticipated for more than three months, ever since Tasuku Iesada emerged victorious in last year's Super 10 Cup. The match also had the added spice of the fact that Iesada had in fact defeated Nakasawa on the way to winning the Super 10 Cup when he made Nakasawa tap out to the Iesada Special in the semi finals. Would Iesada be able to repeat the feat to earn his first Burning World Championship or would Nakasawa have an answer this time ?


All the usual cliches about anticipation and tension could be used as Hidetada Kozu (doing duty this time as the ring announcer) went through the ponce and ceremony of the formal introductions, with both Nakasawa and Iesada eyeing their opponent with a steely focus throughout.


When the bell rung to siginal the match,the two men locked eyes on one another, circling...waiting for the other to make the move, waiting for one to flinch first and perhaps make that first mistake by doing so. When one did make a move, it ended up being both at the same time, signalling the beginning of a sequence where Nakasawa and Iesada went strike for strike with one another. Iesada then went to the eyes of Nakasawa, enabling him to get the first true advantage before placing the champion in a headlock but Nakasawa was able to escape and then barrel down Iesada with shoulder block after shooting off the Team INSPIRE man against the ropes.


Iesada got straight back up but then ate a clothesline from the champion, who then went for a cover. Nakasawa didn't truly believe that would win him the match but it did mean Iesada having to use energy to kick out and keep Nakasawa on the ascedency. Nakasawa continued to keep the pressure on with a flurry of fore-arms before whipping Iesada into the corner. Iesada bounced off the turnbuckle and straight into another clothesline...again another cover, another two count.


However this time instead of letting Nakasawa keep the pressure on, Iesada again went to the eyes before delivering a series of slaps to the champion, none on which had any real effect but was enough to de-rail Nakasawa's momentum and buy Iesada time to bail out of the ring and go for a powder. Nakasawa off course was experienced enough now not to fall into such a trap and proceeded to just wait for Iesada to step back into the ring.


When Iesada did step in he was met with more of the same, as he faced before as Nakasawa used his size and power advantage to stay in control, leading to Iesada to once again bail from the ring, again less experienced competitors may have given chase in frustration at this point but Nakasawa managed to keep a cool head as Iesada took his sweet time before deciding to step back into the ring. This time when Iesada did step back in, he quickly bailed out again before Nakasawa could really do anything and with such frustrating tactics being used eventually even the coolest of heads will snap and this time Nakasawa did go to bring Iesada back into the ring, that the World Champion did manage to do, only for the Team INSPIRE man to rake the eyes and try to bail from the ring agai.


Nakasawa was now at boiling point, as he tried to bring Iesada back in off the apron with a suplex. But the INSPIRE managed to slip out and then double over Nakasawa with a shoulder block before driving Nakasawa's throat against the top-rope, causing the champion to stagger back. Iesada then preceded to pepper the champion with a series of strikes and kicks, before sweeping the legs out from underneath Nakasawa and then try to get the Burning Sekigun man tied up into the Iesada Lockdown but Nakasawa was able to manouevre his way out of that predicament only to eat a stiff kick to the right arm from Iesada.


From there Iesada continued to target the same right arm, his intentions obvious to all and those intentions were of course to soften up Nakasawa for the Iesada Special. But Iesada wasn't backing on Nakasawa fighting his way back up to his feet and then re-gaining back the advantage, enough to be able to set up for vertical suplex but as went to lift Iesada up he winced, and the hesitation was enough for Iesada to slip out and then plant Nakasawa to the canvas with an STO.


Iesada followed up with a knee drop, on to the right arm he had been targetting and then a cover...Nakasawa easily kicked out but then Iesada tried to roll through into an Iesada Special (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker) but the World Champion was able to block and then after rising back to his feet, suddenly plant Iesada down to the canvas with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)......


Nakasawa then slumped himself on top of Iesada before making the cover......








Iesada was able to kick out, Nakasawa's failure to hook the leg being the difference between a successful retention and failing to put the Super 10 Cup winner away. Nakasawa did however managed to stay in the ascendency delivering a series of fore-arms before fighting through the pain to level Iesada with another clothesline. Nakasawa then lifted Iesada into positiion for the Compression Powerbomb but as he did Iesada managed to grab hold of referee Okura Umeki causing the referee to stumble and then fall face first onto the mat, and just as Nakasawa was about to plant Iesada with the Compression Powerbomb, the Team INSPIRE man was able to sneak in a low blow doubling over Nakasawa, who winced in pain at the knee shot his lower regions had just received.


With Umeki still down, Iesada then stepped out of the ring, before bringing in a chair, Iesada took a swing at Nakasawa but the World champion was able to block and then ripped the chair out of Iesada's hands. It then looked as though Nakasawa would be about to swing the chair at Iesada, only for Umeki to return to his feet and then take the chair out of Nakasawa's hands before he would be forced to disqualify the champion for using a foreign object, but that momentary distraction allowed for Iesada to nail Nakasawa with a cheap shot, before taking the World Champion off his feet with a Russian leg-sweep.


Instead of going for a cover....Iesada then preceded to drag the World Champion out to the floor but all that did was allow Nakasawa to quickly recover, or so Nakasawa thought because as he went to whip Iesada against the ring-post, Iesada was able to revers the momentum and the World Champion ended up colliding shoulder first with the ring-post. Then in a very calculating move Iesada then proceeded to wrap the right arm he had been targetting around the ring-post before picking up a chair and smashing the steel against Nakasawa's arm already sandwiched to the ring-post.


With damage done, Iesada then pitched Nakasawa back into the ring where he then applied the IESADA SPECIAL.....


But he had done so too near the ropes, and despite the agony he was in Nakasawa was able to quickly force the rope-break and then reel off a flurry of fore-arm strikes with his left arm, but Iesada was able to cut off the flurry with another eye rake, and then force Nakasawa down to the mat with another Russian legsweep, only for the champion to show tremendous fighting spirit by getting straight back to his feet and then dump Iesada with a Bridging German Suplex......


But the World champion was unable to hold onto the bridging pin, his right arm giving way to be able to hold Iesada into place and as they both staggered back up to their feet it was the Super 10 Cup winner who once again regained the advantage peppering Nakasawa with a flurry of kicks, all targetted with pin point accuracy to the World Champions, right arm...which was now noticeably beginning to hang at his side like a deadweight.


With Nakasawa virtually worn down to a one armed fighter, Iesada was then able to take the World Champion over with an IESADA BRIDGE (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex) but then quickly transitioned that into the IESADA SPECIAL III (Cross Arm Breaker floated into from a Northern Lights Suplex)....this time doing so right in the middle of the ring.....


Nakasawa's reign as World Champion looked to be in a whole heap of trouble at this stage, he had tapped out to this very hold in the Super 10 Cup and Iesada looked to have worn down the Burning Sekigun man's arm enough for the submission to be truly effective.


Seeing that Nakasawa was in trouble, referee Umeki chekced on the World Champion.....


Nakasawa made no response, and it looked as though time was fading on his latest run as World Champion.....


Umeki took another look, but again Nakasawa showed no signs off life and the crowd could now feel the very real possibility of a title change in the air.


Umeki gave Nakasawa one last chance to respond........


To the joy and amazement of the fans in attendance, Nakasawa did just that, lifted his left arm up to show he still had some fight left in the tank. At that point also Iesada's grip began to loosen, and Nakasawa was able to fight his way back up to his feet, peppering Iesada with a series of shots with his his good arm, before taking down a shell shocked Iesada with a clothesline.


Iesada then got straight back to his feet but walked right into a flurry of fore-arms from the World Champion, who was now blocking out the pain in his right arm, with Iesada now in a dazed state...Nakasawa then lifted Iesada up for the H-Bomb only for Iesada to slip off and then plant Nakasawa back onto the canvas with another leg-sweep.


Then somewhat surprisingly Iesada decided to head for the top rope, perhaps the Super 10 Cup winner felt he needed to try something different, seeing as Nakasawa managed to hold on and then fight his way out of the Iesada Special. But heading into relatively uncharted territory for the submisson based technician proved to be a tactical error, as Nakasawa got up to his feet and then rocked Iesada with a flurry of fore-arms before the Team INSPIRE could deliver what he had in mind.


Nakasawa then climbed up to the second turnbuckle , placed a dazed Iesada upon his shoulders and then sent the Super 10 Cup winner crashing to the mat with a SUPER H-BOMB (Crucifix Superbomb) !!






Three !!!


Iesada was never going to kick out from there and Nakasawa let out a sight of relief, that he was still the World Champion. Relieved that he had managed to come through such a tough test from a competitor he knew very well could have had the beating of him. In the end it was Nakasawa's determination and resillience that won him the match more than anything else and ended up frustrating Iesada enough to move away from a gameplan that seemed to be working so well.


Both Nakasawa and Iesada could walk away from his match proud of their efforts, in putting on a great main event, that was able to live up to it's billing and bring a fitting end to one of BHOTWG's biggest shows of the year.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] bt Tasuku Iesada [L] in 29:38 via pinfall (Super H-Bomb)


Hiroaki Nakasawa makes V6 defence of Burning World Championship.


Rating: A


The show ends with Hiroaki Naksawa celebrating his defence of the World Championship, with the fans lapping up the fast that 'their man' had seen off the challenge from a member of the arrogant Team INSPIRE faction. During the celebrations Nakasawa thanks the fans for coming to a great show, asks them to contine to support Burning Hammer and that he will continue to be a fighting champion no matter who he faces. A few chants then go up for Horri with the fans knowing that the fellow fan favourite will be Nakasawa's next challenger but then a Naksawa chant is quickly made in response and the World Champion headed back up the entrance ramp with his World Title belt proudly laying upon his shoulder as he heard the chant's of his name ringng in his ears.....




Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Iesada-san asked alot of questions of me out there, especially about my resolve to remain World Champion, but here I still stand before you the Burning World Champion. Did I think about tapping when he had me in the Iesada Special ? Sure I did, but then I felt my desire to remain the Burning World Champion to be stronger than the pain I was feeling at the time and I know there will be many more moments like that as long as I want to remain the champion, because competition is tough, perhaps tougher than ever here in Burning Hammer and I know that I will have to be at my very best every night to remain at the very top.


Tasuku Iesada: Nakasawa-san perhaps I did not realise just how tough you are, perhaps I did not realise just how much resolve you would have to remain as the World Champion,but I know I CAN beat you...you see we are even now, but next time we meet and I sure as hell hope it's for the World Title I truly believe, in fact I know I can get the better of you once again.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: My first PPV as headbooker, was one that will keep Kaneko-san at least satisfied with my performance, the main thing here is that I did not drop the ball but did not exceed expectations either. There were some great matches, the main event lived up to it's billing and both Junior Title matches delivered strongly. However Horri-Okazaki was a disappointment and looking back in hindsight, I should have perhaps left one of the undercard filler off (the Junior Six man that had good action but very little in the way of heat) and perhaps just given the time spent on that match to some of the other matches.


Another notable thing with the event was the introduction of new title belts. There wasn't really much wrong with the old belts, but Kaneko-san had seen the work of a belt maker called Reaper for other promotions across the pacific to the U.S...I have to admit this man's work is something to behold and though as I said there was nothing much wrong with the old belts, the new belt's do come off as a little more special.

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Sweet Jebus! No one should EVER approve my picks. They're notoriously horrible!


Yeah Lo-Drew really shouldn't have copied your picks (5/11 for this round !) though to your credit you were one of only a few people to correctly predict that both set's of Tag Titles would change hands...though I think everyone knew The Behemoths wouldn't be holding onto the belts.

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Predictions Contest:


Stage 1-Final Table


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Phantom Stranger

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Marcel Fromage

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Sean McFly

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The Celt

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Learning Tree

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Dragonmack just pips Zergon, after scoring an excellent 10/11 for the PPV predictions, to take Stage 1 and the 25 Pt jackpot of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour predicitons contest. Zergon himself had a solid final round with 8 pts but in the end it wasn't enough. Bigpap42 and Smurphy1014 also put in superb 10 Pt rounds but in the end it wasn't enough to move themselves above the top two. Lower down the board Lo-Drew paid the price of copying Beeker and misses out on 10th spot and winning a point, as Critical-23 and Apupunchau manage to hold on without even taking part this round.


As for the matches themselves, I think everyone would have been unsurprised to see Nakasawa and Kikkawa both retain their titles, Iesada was a credible challenger but it's a case of World Title's don't tend to change hands unless the wrestler holding the title is a total dud and I think no one was surprised to see The Behemoths drop the Tag Belts.


Amongst the more trickier matches to call were Horri and Okazaki, though some people were wise to cotton on to Horri's recent backstage attitude being an influence on the outcome, that being said I always was going to go with Horri here. Both of the Junior Championships also split opinion and there was a definite feeling at least one of those belts would change hands, in this case it was the Junior Tag Titles as both set's of Tag Team Titles changed hands on the show.

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The Onodera Diaries:


Well my first PPV as head booker is now a part of history, general feedback from Kaneko-san is that I did well. It wasn't a home run, but it was far from a disaster either and the boss realises that I am still getting to grips with things as head booker. He seem's pleased with my consistency so far. Kikkawa-san is by all accounts, at the very least not openly criticising me anymore, he hasn't come out to praise me but at least not having him lambasting Kaneko-san's decision to hire me to the rest of the locker-room is a start.


Of course biggest disappointment of the night was the Horri-Okazaki re-match...something felt off about the match, which may well have stemmed from the fact that Horri was sulking like a baby over the fact that he had to draw the match before. I hope for our sake that Horri snaps out of such a petulant attitude soon, as he is penciled in to go against Hiroaki Nakasawa for the World Title in the main event of the next PPV- Test of Prophecies in a month's time. We really need Horri to be back to his best for that match to the success it can be.


The PPV Buy Rate also came in from Emperor Choice for Fire Dream...a 1.24. Not a groundbreaking buy rate for this event but a solid one none the less...something very reflective of my start as head booker for Burning Hammer.

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The Contenders Circle (W/C Monday 22nd March 2010)


Kinnojo Horri's win over Masaaki Okazaki at Fire Dream of the Immortals, earn's him a guaranteed title shot, and his match with Hiroaki Nakasawa has already been pencilled in for the Test of Prophecies PPV in a month's time, as the two Burning Sekigun fan favourites will go head to head over the World Championship. Iesada's failure to defeat Nakasawa for the title, see's him drop back to 2nd rank and now means he will have to prove himself once again and there is very much the possibility Iesada may have to face off with his Team INSPIRE stable mate Masaaki Okazaki, if he wants to earn another shot at the World Championship.


In the Junior Division Sensational Dragon managed to succesfully defend the title against Black Cobra at Fire Dream. It is felt that Cobra is worthy of a re-match but that The Awesome Kiyaru and Marihito Masuko, both of whom scored notable contenders circle wins last month, may also have a claim at the belt. Therefore the BHOTWG Championship comittee have decided that a three way match #1 contenders match between these three will take place to decide who will be the next to challenge for the Junior Title. In the lower reaches of the Junior contenders circle, Elemental III was recently able to hold onto his spot, whilst Golden Scorpion having earned his spot in the circle at the expense of American Optimus has yet to be given the opportunity to prove himself worthy of as title shot but his opportunity to do is sure to come in due course.





Burning World Championship -Hiroaki Nakasawa- (Burning Sekigun)




Kinnojo Horri- Burning Sekigun (Title shot earned- to take place at Test of Prophecies).




- Tasuku Iesada- Team INSPIRE




- Masaaki Okazaki- Team INSPIRE




- Yasuhiko Taira- Black Heart Brethren




- Yasunobu Masuno - Black Heart Brethren


__________________________________________________ ______




Burning Junior Championship -Sensational Dragon- (Dragon Feet 2K9)





- Black Cobra - Black Heart Brethren




- Marihito Masuko - Burning Sekigun




- The Awesome Kiyaru - Black Heart Brethren




- Elemental III - Burning Sekigun




-Golden Scorpion- Black Heart Brethren



O.O.C Note: I do realise that I forgot to post the rankings for the previous week. Too late to go back now.

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Diary Break


This diary will be going on a break for the next two weeks, nothing to do with burnout or anything like that. I will be on holiday in Jersey next week but thought I would put the diary on a break now...and pick things up from the next show, and because I have quite a few things to catch up on TV/DVD wise and need to make time.


I will also take the opportunity to forewarn everyone who read's this, that the diary will also go on a break during mid June as well, due to the fact that I will be on holiday to Vienna, Budapest and Prague during that time.

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Diary Break


This diary will be going on a break for the next two weeks, nothing to do with burnout or anything like that. I will be on holiday in Jersey next week but thought I would put the diary on a break now...and pick things up from the next show, and because I have quite a few things to catch up on TV/DVD wise and need to make time.


I will also take the opportunity to forewarn everyone who read's this, that the diary will also go on a break during mid June as well, due to the fact that I will be on holiday to Vienna, Budapest and Prague during that time.


Really, was this announcement about the diary break or just wanting to rub our noses in it over the holiday? If the latter, success, as I am jealous!


Just buggin ya - enjoy the downtime.

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Diary Break


I will be on holiday in Jersey next week but thought I would put the diary on a break now...and pick things up from the next show, and because I have quite a few things to catch up on TV/DVD wise and need to make time.


You wouldn't be attending auditions for the next season of Jersey Shore would you?

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Yo ! Just finished doin' my hair, Gonna be up 4-sum fist pumpin' and all those Guidettes can check out my pumped up perma tanned body. ;)


Fackin' tan gorillas!! Always a situation when youse guys is around. LOL.


Well, TK, i will do my best to not dissappoint next go round (school is cool cuz Knowledge is power!) as I am another fan who truly enjoyed the card top to bottom. Great read as always and can't wait for the next show.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Fire Dream of the Immortals 2010 is in the history books as Hiroaki Nakasawa successfully retained the World Championship against the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner Tasuku Iesada. They will once again come face to face with another in what looks to be a Main Event Tag Tussle of Titanic proportions , with Nakasawa teaming with the man booked to challenge for the title at Test of Prophecies Kinnojo Horri and Iesada teaming with the King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa as the Burn Don't Freeze Tour continues at the Kunamoto Sports Field in Kyushu on Monday 22nd March 2010.


The semi main event see's a three way Junior Contenders match with Black Cobra attempting to earn a rematch with Sensational Dragon, against Black Heart Brethren stable mate and recently crowned Junior Tag champion The Awesome Kiyaru and Marihito Masuko, recently deposed of those belts courteousy of Kiyaru and Scorpion. The odd's seem stacked against Masuko but the lure of challenging for the Junior Championship could be enough to drive a wedge between Cobra and Kiyaru neither of whom are the type to play second fiddle to the other.


Starting from Monday's show, the next challenger of the King of Fighters title held by Tadiyuki Kikkawa will be decided in a single elimination 8 Man tournament. Mike Watson who came up just short of being able to defeat his Team INSPIRE stable mate Kikkawa for the title, starts his tilt towards another shot at the belt against RAGE's VENOM, the Junior Division wrestler being a huge underdog but one who could prove dangerous should Watson understimate his opponent, whilst in another KOF rules match up former two Tag Team champion Miyamae takes on the hard hitting newcomer John Pathlow.


Meanwhile Miyamae's regular tag partner Shimedzu teams with the Junior Division champion Sensational Dragon to go up against Junior Tag mainstay's Size of the Fight and in further tag action The Behemoths dethroned as champions at Fire Dream look to get back on the winning track against the grumpy veterans that are Snow Lizzard.


Rounding out the main show is a pair of Six Man Tags with recently crowned Tag champions Yasunobu Masuno and Yasuhiko Taira teaming alongside Golden Scorpion to take on the RAGE trio of Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda and Yoshii Shiomi, whilst the other match up see's the Burning Sekigun trio of Elemental III, Tadakunio Toshusai and Takayuki Onodera take on Roku Sotomura, Masataro Kataoka and Red Panther.


The pre-show see's Junior Division action between American Optimus and The Incredible Koyama, whilst Masaaki Okazaki looks to bounce back from his contenders match defeat to Kinnojo Horri when he takes on Tiger Fuyuki.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #8 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-

Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #8

(Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu, Monday 22nd March 2010)


EPIC Battle Stations Main Event Tag (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa &

Kinnojo Horri


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa &

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner- Tasuku Iesada


Junior Contenders Circle- Decision 3 Way (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champion-

The Awesome Kiyaru


King of Fighters Tournament (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Mike Watson


'Representing RAGE'



King of Fighters Tournament (30 Min Time Limit):

John Pathlow


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



Tag Team Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon &



'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


Tag Team Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

World Tag Team Champions-

Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) +

Junior Tag Team Champion- Golden Scorpion


'Representing RAGE'

The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)+

Yoshii Shiomi


Six Man Battle (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Elemental III, Tadakunoi Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera


Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

American Optimius vs The Incredible Koyma

Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki




Predictions Form:

Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada

Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru

KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM

KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae

Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)

The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi

Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther

American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama

Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki


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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada

Tough one as both the main event title holders are involved but I will go with H-Bomb.


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Ready to see Masuko against Elemental again.


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM

Besides the tag match and the Loss to Kikkawa, Watson's been looki' like a monster.


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae

Pathlow's not on Miyamae's level yet.


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)

Rather pick an actual tag team.


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

The Behemoths, although former champs, aren't where they need to be and so the lose-till-you're-good-enough tour begins.


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi

I'll go with the more respected tag team in Hamacho/Sanda.


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther

Your opponent's aren't quite jobbers but your squad is sort of higher on the card, IMO.


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama

Mini glorified squash.


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki

Same as above.


Glad to see you back, TK!

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki

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Predictions Form:


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada

While Horri should probably be kept strong for his challenge, I see bickering between him and the champion costing him the match


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Although Cobra could win, he had his chance and failed, it's Masko's turn


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM

Watson gets his momentum back


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae

Miyamae probably ranks higher, but Pathlow is a better KOF fit


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)

I see teamwork overcoming individual skilled opponents


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

The Behemoths may suck, but Snow Lizzard is here to put other teams over


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi

Mullets and Mask overcome Bulls and Mask


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther

Booker sneaking himself a win


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki


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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki

Unlike last time, I trust PS to come through, which means I approve of these picks. Hope you enjoyed your vaction TK and glad to see this running again

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki




Welcome back, TK. :) Caught up and ready for more.

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae

Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi

Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther

American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki

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