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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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If You Want A War...Part I

Late December 2009


A furious chatter filled the air of the Huntsville Fairgrounds conference room. The theatre building that had recently become a second home for United States Pro Wrestling was today filled with journalists and photographers all vying to be the first to report on Sam Strong's 'ground-breaking' announcement. Surprisingly, in an industry where keeping a secret is nigh on impossible, the motive behind this press conference was a complete mystery to all but a handful of people. Not that anything would stop the internet forums being full of rumours; Sam Strong was leaving USPW; the company had gone bankrupt; some even claimed that Richard Eisen had finally bought the company out.


The crowd died down to a hush as Sam Strong, CEO of USPW walked out to the podium at the head of the room, a single individual framed against a black curtain.


Folks, I have no doubt you're all wondering why I have brought you all here today. It is common knowledge that I've been in charge of United States Pro Wrestling for nearly five years and that in that time we've become the hottest promotion on the scene. We've got some of the greatest wrestlers on the planet; Bruce, James, Peter they've all been to the top and they've chosen to work for us.


People don't care for 'attitude' and the 'risque' product that Tommy and Richard put out. People want entertainment, they want skill, and most of all they want to share it with the family. Now, that said, I've called you all here today for a purpose.


You see, here at USPW we are changing, we are evolving, we are going to be bigger and better and most of all, we are going to show the 'big two' that we are the one's giving the people what they really want...

As the black curtain behind Sam dropped camera flashes swamped the room, each photographer trying to grab a picture of the image that may define the future of USPW;



Sam chuckled to himself. It's good to see that our new logo has gone down well but let's face it, a new badge isn't going to take us to the top.


No, we need something more...


With a wry smile and a sweep of the arm from Strong the room fell silent and jaws dropped. From the door at the side of the room walked the one man that no-one had expected to see...



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Not Another USPW Diary...


Everyone is thinking it right? Well, with the possible exception of Lexa90 for whom it seems there can never be enough! :p


A number of USPW dynasties are currently on the go, many of which began after the planning for this diary started and I hope this diary will sit nicely alongside the great USPWs already running rather than becoming an either-or for readers. Nevertheless I hope that this diary will be different enough for readers that it will not feel like old ground.


What's the big idea?


The overriding premise behind this diary is going to be revealed in the next backstory post. The seeds have already been sown and I won't spoil it here but don't worry - if you haven't already guessed, it'll be fairly obvious. As far as I am aware no-one has attempted a diary with this 'idea,' one which I believe, or at least hope, is interesting not only from an in-game point-of-view but hopefully for the readers as well.


Why, oh why USPW?

As much as I enjoy SWF, I find USPW to have more potential for characters in-ring and developments out of it.

Many of you will know me as an 'alt-maker,' be it from the alt request thread, through private requests or from a mention in another diary. With that in mind you can reasonably rely on the appearance of a number of debutants, many with entirely new characters and appearances. Another thing you can expect is that many of the workers that will debut throughout this diary will not be the typical hires. That doesn't necessarily mean the likes of DWN and Champagne Lover won't make an appearance at some point in the far and distant, but the workers that will appear throughout the course of this diary may surprise a few of you.

One thing I will say is that if a worker has character, he will get hired over a more talented, but at the same time more bland, worker every day of the week!


Can I join in?


I will try and answer any and all questions you have throughout the course of the diary and like the two writers I am about to thank, I will endeavour to respond to as many comments as possible. As with most diaries on the GDS boards predictions are both welcome and encouraged.


Roll the credits...

My sincerest thanks go to Eisen-verse and BigPapa42 for all the help they have provided in turning a small, rough idea into the project you will soon see before you.

Eisen's PSW and DOA diaries and BigPapa's SWF and TCW diaries are all masterpieces whose quality I would be astonished to emulate only 1/1000th of.


In addition to the four diaries above, angeldelayette's USPW diary is one I will find extremely difficult to avoid borrowing ideas from for one simple reason, it is fantastic. If you like USPW, give it a read.


I would also like to thank ReapeR for his fantastic title belt renders, without which this diary wouldn't be the same.


Any 'new' alts in this diary have been created by me unless otherwise stated and all will be posted in this thread full-size after debuting in a show or backstage segment. As many are large-scale character-based changes, all I ask is that you contact me first if you wish to use them in a diary or mod. Several of these alts are based upon renders by the talented jtlant who has been extremely generous with both his time and permission. All alts based upon jtlant renders will be described as such.





Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Stars, Stripes, and Slams!


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Red, White & Blue!

Week 4


Week 1

Week 2

Liberty & Justice!

Week 3

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You know that I'm locked into this one, jhd1! :D I'm really excited to see how all of this turns out with Stallings Jr, Strong, USPW moving to Tuesday's Primetime, etc.


I loved your first two posts (even if I've read them a few times over already). It's great to see them up here and part of a functioning diary! I'm positive you'll do great!


Excited to see what comes next!







SIDE NOTE: Sam Strong looks kinda like a Police Commish in the picture you have of him over a black background. ha. "You two are reckless, Turn in your badges now!"

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If You Want A War...Part II


Late December 2009



As the crowd gathered in the spacious conference area finally came around hysteria hit the room. Journalists beat each other's arms out of the way desperate to be the first one to have his or her numerous questions answered. At the same time photographers launched into action, the sound and light show of more than a dozen cameras going off simultaneously blinded the security guards stood at either side of the stage. Sam Strong and his surprise guest, J.K. Stallings Jr., however, were used to the flash of a camera and the two stood together, unswerving grins upon both men's faces...


Sam stepped back slightly, ceding the stand to Stallings Jr. The young man had clearly changed since his last appearance in the wrestling business. His wild hair had been tamed, slicked back, whilst his jam-jar glasses had been replaced by a pair of thinned, tinted, and most obviously of all designer, spectacles. The billionaire's once familiar Midwest accent once again rang around a wrestling conference...


You all know it's been a long time since I quit this business. But you know, I didn't leave willingly. No, the 'board' forced me out of my old venture, a venture I created and that is now the number two brand in wrestling.


Well, not for long.


You see when Sam called I did some thinking and I decided six years was a long enough vacation. It helped that the man to my right has big plans, and boy do I mean big. You see, when I decided I was coming on board here at USPW, I got in touch with a few friends from Sports America...

A murmur ran through the crowd; what did Sports America, the network that broadcasts USPW's American Wrestling, have to do with any of this?

That's right, I started talking with my friends at the Sports America network and we got thinking...how's the best way to fight the enemy? Let me tell you, it didn't take long to come to a conclusion.


That's why, starting from our first show in January, Sports America will be showing USPW's American Wrestling...




...on Tuesdays...


…at Prime Time!

As the words slowly hit home the assembled collection of photographers, journalists, and industry officials erupted, USPW were going head-to-head with the big two! With that now familiar smile spreading slowly across his face Sam Strong stepped back toward the podium's array of microphones...


So let me tell you something Rich...Tommy...


...if you want a war...


…well hell...


...you've got one!

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Right, alt time already! The Sam Strong alt is somewhere in the alt request thread. However, if you have downloaded the 1.1 update then you will now find said picture in your default folder as Sam Strong_ager.


Obviously, as things start going more and more alts will be revealed but for those with an urge to add a little something to J.K. Stallings Jr., here he is...

Stallings is like, groovy man



You know that I'm locked into this one, jhd1! :D I'm really excited to see how all of this turns out...


SIDE NOTE: Sam Strong looks kinda like a Police Commish in the picture you have of him over a black background. ha. "You two are reckless, Turn in your badges now!"


Thanks, and I see what you mean about Sam Strong...must be the moustache!


Looking forward to this. Should be good jhd1.


Thanks for the plug! I will definitely be reading this one. There can NEVER be too many USPW diaries!


Hot Dawg ! Another USPW Diary :D


Good luck on this one Jhd


I'm totally reading this JHD :)


Gotta see what's coming.


I'm marking this out man!!!:)


Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoying reading as things start to take off. :)

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Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

~Henry Ford


And so a single conference changes the path of an entire company and the lives of all the people in it. Bringing J.K. Stallings Jr. into USPW seemed to many to be a stroke of genius by Sam Strong. In Stallings, Sam had found a man whose influence, power and financial backing were unrivalled in the industry. In the course of three weeks Stallings had managed to convince the network to show our TV show live on Tuesday prime time against the two biggest shows of the moment; Supreme TV and Total Championship Wrestling. He'd also managed to get USPW an exclusive deal with the Huntsville-based theatre, the Huntsville Fairgrounds.


It's a well known fact that J.K. Jr. is an avid wrestling fan, his opening of Hollyweird back in 1997 is a testament to that fact, and so to many USPW looked like a logical choice for him. A company on the rise, but not too big that Stallings Jr. couldn't inject his personality on the promotion in the process.


Having been the star of the last four series of the successful America's Next Top Entrepeuner, Stallings Jr. was now a household name. The quiet, unassuming IT billionaire had been seen in millions of homes throughout the country investing in wild projects each and every week. Was USPW just another of these investments? If you asked the people at home then they would probably say yes. Ask the people in the locker-room and you'd get a different answer...


The new boss made a concerted effort to meet all the crew, from the biggest superstar to the lowliest janitor. He shared with them his vision, one now shared by Sam, which was that USPW was going to be a true contender in a fight previously limited to TCW and SWF. But you could see it in J.K.'s eyes, something...different. To say he was after revenge would perhaps be unfair, but sadly not too far from the truth.


His stare showed a sharp, direct focus that revealed more than the mere determination and passion that was visible in the eyes of Sam Strong. No, Stallings Jr. needed to prove a point; not to the people in the USPW locker-room, not the people in the audience or watching at home. He wanted to make a point to Tommy Cornell, Richard Eisen, and all those that contributed to the one thing J.K. Stallings Jr. had never experienced before, or since...



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BHK, PeterHilton, and Shmoe, I'm glad you've all enjoyed the start of this diary. Hopefully what comes next will be good enough for you all to stick around!


There's one more backstory-esque post to come, likely tomorrow, before the first card preview is up.


If people are interested, after my next post I can outline what has been changed in the game for this diary.

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Casting Vote

To the fans at home the makeup of the USPW Corporation looked pretty simple; Sam Strong owned 50%, J.K. Stallings Jr. owned 50%. The people in the office, however, knew that this wasn't entirely the case.


Contrary to belief, having bought USPW from close friend Danny Jillefski back in 2004, Sam Strong did not buy the company outright. Instead he left Danny with a number of shares in addition to his wage as lead announcer. Another man who had kept a number of shares in United States Pro Wrestling after Strong's takeover was Corporal Doom. In actual act, rather than controlling 100% of USPW in 2004, Sam Strong actually only owned around 86% of the company.


At the beginning of the Stallings era things became even more complicated. Only Sam sold part of his shares in the company, leaving Jillefski and Doom as minor stakeholders. Strong ended up selling 40% of USPW to J.K. Stallings Jr. and 6% to the man who would round off the now-five-man Board of Directors, Gordon Wright.


As Stallings' right hand man at software giant StallCorp, Wright had worked with Stallings for the best part of 20 years. A shrewd investor himself, non-fan Wright was an unlikely inclusion into the deal. Stallings' insistence, however, proved persuasive. Wright's business knowledge and connections would be invaluable to a growing company but nearing 65 years old, Doom, Strong and Jillefski did not expect their new partner to be around for long. Still, there was an unsettling feeling in the dressing room that an outsider was now wielding power, however small a proportion.


Still, the addition of these two men left USPW with an unusual situation.


Tied at 40%, Sam Strong and J.K. Stallings Jr. control the majority of the company but neither has a controlling vote. With Jillefski, Doom and Wright making up the remaining 20% leaving so many people in a position of power, one question kept coming up...


…who has the casting vote?

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I'd be interested in that, just so everything is a little easier to follow for me :)


Sure thing.


Before the game began, USPW American Wrestling was moved from a pretaped Wednesday night slot to a live show at prime time on a Tuesday, the same slot as Supreme TV and TCW's show. All revenue percentages and the network, Sports America, remain the same.


Sam Strong remains as owner of USPW. As J.K. Stallings Jr. is 'out of the business' in-game I didn't feel it necessary to add a contract to USPW. If the time comes when JK needs to appear on a show then I can always use the editor to bring him back.


A PPV contract was pre-added with U-Demand, for the simple reason that it saves me having to change all the events in-game, especially as I have already run a test game - doing it all twice would've driven me insane. All events have also been moved to Sundays and occassionally been moved weeks. The reason for this will become detailed soon.


Finally, Huntsville Fairgrounds has become a USPW-owned building.


For these reasons, and the fact that USPW start the game with $10m I did not add anything to the finances. If an unlikely situation occurs when Stallings' finances are absolutely necessary then I may tweak the numbers, though I do not expect such a situation to arise. I will not add any finances to USPW without explicitly noting the fact in either a backstory post or an OOC post such as this.


The preview for the first show will be up later today, I hope people have enjoyed the backstory enough to join in with some predictions! :D

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Get your predictions in for...

USPW American Wrestling

January, Week 1, 2010

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

#1 Contenders Match

With Raven Robinson placing her USPW Women's title on the line at Stars, Stripes and Slams, Belle Bryden and Alicia Strong will do battle to discover her challenger.

Will it be our last champion, Belle Bryden, or the woman she beat for the title more than a year ago, fan favourite Alicia Strong?

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

Two months ago The Towers of Power, Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles, lost their tag team titles to The People's Team. The Towers' fight continues as they race their way back towards a shot at the titles.

Which of these two former championship-winning teams will have their hands raised after this match?

Andre Jones © vs. Java

USPW Television Title Match

After winning the Television title just under a month ago, Andre Jones has made three successful defences.

Can he make it four against one half of tag-team duo Savage Fury, Java?

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

It's David vs. Goliath on American Wrestling!

Can the man seen as the future of USPW, Nicky Champion, overcome the odds and topple the huge Giant Redwood or will the big man simply prove the size is all that matters?


Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

In an unusual situation,USPW has been left with two #1 contenders for Enygma's World title, with both Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield are both looking for the right to challenge the champion in the coming months. Tonight Caulfield will face Jumbo Jackson, a strong member the Sneer Corporation.

Will the Hardcore American prove his worth or can Jumbo do what, so far, Bruce hasn't been able to?

James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

Tensions are running high at the top of USPW with James Justice and T-Rex spending the last month at each others' throats.Tonight, however, Justice must meet T-Rex's tag team partner Tyson Baine, a man with his eye on the World title.

Will Justice prevail or will Baine, the man many see as the next USPW World Champion, be victorious?


Quick Guide:

Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong - Logic dictates one must go for the heel, though I can see potential interest with Alicia there as well.

#1 Contenders Match


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power - Surely a squash


Andre Jones © vs. Java - Interesting that you mentioned prior defences, and Java has some uses, but I think Jones holds it here.

USPW Television Title Match


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood - David always wins.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield - Though I can see this having a screwy finish with the Sneer factor as well as Brucie.


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine - Again, surely some outside involvement, and I'll count on the big bad scary fellas sending the children home in tears.


Intruiging power structure as well, curious as to how that'll play out as interests conflict.

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

Face Champion? Heel Challenger makes sense.


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

The Hillbillys are definitely hard to get over. The Towers have more upside.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

The Blast From The Past takes out Java.


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Sorry Lexa!


Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

Caulfield builds momentum toward facing Bruce.


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

I'm going for a draw here to build up both men. Tyson has gotten over fairly quickly in my diary and already has A* pop in nearly all the U.S. Interference from T-Rex and maybe a friend for Justice causes the Sports Entertainment Finish.

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

- Being a bit different. As much as I love The Dish, and probably think she will win, Alicia is the daughter of the boss. Well, the 40% boss.


The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

- The Hillbillys are dire. Just dire.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

- The first show rule and whatnot.


Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

- Champion has the best upside. Besides, apart from J Silver's depiction I hate Redwood.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

- Caulfield is one of your franchise players. Can't see you jobbing him to Jumbo Shrimp.


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

- Common sense tells me to go for Baine as Enygma is your face champion. But then, I never was a fan of common sense.

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Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong

The Hillbillys vs. The Towers of Power

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Java

Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

Jumbo Jackson vs. Chris Caulfield

James Justice vs. Tyson Baine

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