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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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It's sad to see this go, jhd1. Honestly, You did an amazing job with developing your own vision for USPW. However, with that said, I certainly can empathize with your decision to scale back while you're getting your computer fixed. Hopefully, with time, you'll have a new project up and running; and when it does I'll be there as a reader for sure.



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Man that sucks, but totally understandable. Are planning on posting any more alts or other pics you might have acquired during this diary?


Either way I look forward to your future projects. My shop door is always open, at least once I get back to it. :)

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I'm sure you'll be back.


Sucks man was a great read, hope you're back soon though with another diary :)


Really sorry to see this go as I felt your vision of USPW was absolutely spot on.


And I sentiment what SWF Fan said, in that I hope you will be back with another diary..because I am sure whatever you do next, it can be as good as this one.


Thanks guys. I'll probably take a little while off to catch up on everyone else's diaries and then sit down and get project #2 planned out. I have a few ideas already but I'll be keeping them under wraps for now at least. :p


It's sad to see this go, jhd1. Honestly, You did an amazing job with developing your own vision for USPW. However, with that said, I certainly can empathize with your decision to scale back while you're getting your computer fixed. Hopefully, with time, you'll have a new project up and running; and when it does I'll be there as a reader for sure.




That's good to know, and I can certainly see another project on the horizon!


RIP Battle for Prime Time.


Indeed, I hope you enjoyed the ride, Celt.


This was a really good diary and you have a great mind for coming up with different characters. And any diary where Al the Hillbilly gets arrested for drunk driving gets an A in my book.


As a final goodbye it wasn't a bad one was it!? :p


I've been following this one without posting... thanks for a great read!

As others have mentioned, the diary was an accurate portrayal of how uspw should be.


Hey NWO, glad you enjoyed the diary. I hope when I start another project, you'll enjoy it just the same.


Disappointed but certainly understand. This was a fantastic first project, and I can't wait to see what you manage in the future if you decide to try your hand again.


Thanks BP, for the comment and all your help.


Aw, man...


Any glimpses into where the stories were going?


Definitely. Once the next show is out of the way I'll be going over the next couple of months worth of plans.


Man that sucks, but totally understandable. Are planning on posting any more alts or other pics you might have acquired during this diary?


Either way I look forward to your future projects. My shop door is always open, at least once I get back to it. :)


:D Thanks ReapeR. I'll be posting the alts I already had done along with the plans for the future. There aren't too many, but at least one of them should make people smile. :cool:

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It's Tuesday March Week 3

and we are live from the sold out Laurent Ballroom (New England)!




[Tonight's show hails from New England where the Laurent Ballroom plays host to another night of great entertainment - USPW American Wrestling! In a similar vein to last week's show, before the usual red, white and blue fanfare a short video plays of the theatre and the surrounding area. With the introductions over we zoom in on our hosts...]


Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr


Danny Jillefski: USPW American Wrestling! is tonight live from New England, I'm Danny Jillefski and alongside me is the man, the legend, 'Mighty' Micky Starr...

Micky Starr: That's right folks, and it is great to be up here in New England!


[With the usual fanfare over a sound no-one in USPW colours has heard for a long time spills out over the Ballroom sound system. The thoroughly military theme tune of Corporal Doom is met by jeers from the sold out New England theatre that double when he is accompanied to the ring by Bruce the Giant...]



Doom: Salute your superiors you snivelling lot! I suppose all you maggots were watching on Sunday when I made my return to active duty?


[The deafening boos of the crowd suggest that they didn't miss a thing...]


Doom: You see, although I was removed from my position of authority by the 'leadership' they left one small clause in my contract. My 'severance pay' allowed me to buy out a worker's contract – I chose the only man worth a damn in this company...Bruce the Giant!


Together, Bruce and I are going to take all you insubordinate, whining wretches and turn you into an army. Or, you will face court martial – when judge, jury and executioner is the big man to my left.


[To Doom's left Bruce grins an evil grin before cracking his knuckles...]


Doom: Sam Strong may be the new authority in this platoon...but that won't last long. We all know that when Bruce wins the World Heavyweight title the two of us will control this outfit...


[suddenly the music everyone had been waiting to hear hit the Laurent Ballrooom PA...]



Sam Strong: Doom, do you really think Sam Strong is that stupid!? You think you can manage Bruce all the way to the top?...I'm afraid doesn't work like that.


You see Doom, I heard a few days ago that you were planning something so I took...precautions.


I know you Doom – we fought each other for most of the 80s, I know how you think. So when I heard you were after someone's contract, it didn't take much to figure out who it would be. You know what they say, fight fire with fire...Doom...I'd like you to meet my new client...





[As the Mysterious One stands at the head of the aisle the crowd go wild at their sudden realisation - Sam Strong is the new manager of World Champion Enygma! Meanwhile in the ring, Doom and Bruce look on, first in shock, then in anger – this is turning into a war!]

Segment Ratings: B and A


Starr: Doom, Bruce, Sam, Enygma! What is going on!?

Jillefski: I think that whatever it is will mean more than contracts and titles!


USPW Women's Title Match



Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson ©

Once again the women's division had the honour of opening proceedings on American Wrestling! and the these three girls didn't disappoint. With the Women's Title on the line, each individual gave their all in a match of magnificent back and forth action.


Although each woman was fighting for herself, Belle's comments about both of her competitors over the past few months worked against her and there were times when the match felt more of a handicap than a three-way dance. Often Belle was able to turn the tables and despite the two fan favourite's best efforts, 'The Dish' nearly had the victory around the five minute mark. A perfectly performed running DDT looked to have Raven down for the three count until it was interrupted by Alicia Strong's elbow drop.


With 9 minutes on the clock Alicia and Raven once again began to team up against Belle. Sending her to one side of the ring the champion and her predecessor met 'the Dish' at the other side and threw her over the top rope!


When Raven looked over the apron to check on Belle, she was completely oblivious to Alicia Strong creeping up behind her...roll-up! 1..2...3! That victory came out of nowhere but she won't mind - Alicia Strong defends her title the first time of asking!

Alicia Strong wins in 9:52 via pinfall

Alicia Strong retains the USPW Women's Title in her first defence.

Match Rating: D+


Jillefski: Alicia looked strong, if you'll pardon the pun, but I thought that match was going to last all night!

Starr: You could not separate these three women tonight, great performances all round.



The Southern Assassins vs. The Forces of America

Could we be seeing a Forces of America resurgence? With a victory over Giant Redwood last week, Captain USA and his old tag partner The Force put on a solid performance against the masked Assassins. The crowd, however, were completely uninterested and despite decent tag team action from both sets of men only a handful of spectators payed any attention. Just after the five minute mark Captain USA hit the Hail to the Chief on Assassin #2 to seal the victory.

The Forces of America win in 5:42 via pinfall

Match Rating: E+


Starr: At this rate, they'll be tag team champions by the end of the month!

Jillefski: I wouldn't go that far Mick!


[it's that time of the show again, and as the panning camera focuses on the VideoTron we see the smiling face of Davis Ditterich appear. As the USPW Event Centre fills our screen, a very young, and black and white, Nicky Champion grapples with Sheik Mustafa behind our host's head...]



Davis Ditterich: Welcome folks, I'm Davis Ditterich and I'd like to welcome you back to my home away from home – the USPW Event Centre. Two nights ago, we saw another shock tag team title change when Savage Fury successfully defeated The Towers of Power and The Oracles of Destruction thanks to a little help from surprise cavalry, the Lords of War. Earlier on tonight, I had a chance to speak with our new champions...


[behind Ditterich, a Hawkeye Hammer fades away to the menacing, yet oddly fan favourite, Savage Fury...]



Java: Zeus...

Tribal Warrior: Ares...

Both: ...Guru...

Java: You think you are the Gods of Wrestling...

Tribal Warrior: You think you are worthy champions...

Java: But who are the new tag team champions...

Tribal Warrior: Who are the five times tag team champions...

Both: Savage Fury!


[A high five between Java and Tribal Warrior is swiftly followed by the pair sticking their tongues out at the camera, all of which appears to signal the end of this vignette, and the two Pacific Islanders fade back into the black and white montage that has become so familiar to USPW fans...]



Davis Ditterich: Savage Fury there...short and sweet I guess. Well, I think it's champions night here in the USPW centre - we've got World Title Holder Enygma waiting on the interview set! Let's hear what he has to say about the shock ending to last Sunday's PPV and tonight's startling developments...


[Emerging on the video wall behind Ditterich, World Champion Enygma paces backwards and forwards. Finally stopping in the centre of the screen, the mysterious masked man turns to the camera...]



Enygma: Bruce...Doom...Strong. Names that inspire...names that are uttered with excitement...with fear.


But I am Enygma.


In the most historic match of USPW's short history - I beat you Bruce.


Corporal Doom - I don't need Sam Strong's protection for I am the thunder and I am the lightning.


Sam Strong - you were the greatest in this business and together we shall not not fall...


...but I am Enygma...


...I am the Zenith.


[As Enygma fades out, Davis Ditterich recaps tonight's upcoming battle royal and the other major results from Liberty & Justice! before signing off...]

Segment Rating: B


Jillefski: Those three are the most confusing...

Starr: ...ridiculous...

Jillefski: ...interviewees I've ever heard...and I've heard a Micky Starr promo!



Edd Stone vs. Des Davids (w/Shane Sneer)

Two relative youngsters in the USPW roster combined to put on a great performance for the New England crowd in this match. Shane Sneer skulked about on the outside, looking for any opportunity to give Davids the upper hand whilst inside the ring Edd Stone took control. Glimpses of Davids' potential were frequent but none lasted long enough that the former Football star seemed on the verge of winning. Cementing his place at the top of USPW's roster, Edd Stone gave the crowd a high-flying performance with an attack so diverse, even the most hardcore Hillbillys fan was impressed.

After seven minutes of good wrestling action, Edd Stone had the match all but won and when he hit the Party's Over, the victory was his.

Edd Stone wins in 7:22 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-


Starr: Edd Stone can do no wrong at the moment!

Jillefski: And thankfully, Des Davids' selling out hasn't done him a whole lot of good either!


10-Man Battle Royal To Decide the #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Title



How the match began...


The Titans and James Justice

With each of these three men doing battle last Sunday night, few were surprised to see a re-enactment here tonight. After settling in for a couple of minutes, The Titans began to team up, focusing their attention on James Justice.


Eventually, Justice managed to beat down Baine long enough to focus on T-Rex. With a little help from Nicky Champion, just before the twenty minute mark the two managed to bundle the Prehistoric Monster over the top turnbuckle onto the outside!


Baine, however, managed to hold on for longer as the early barrage from The Titans was taking its toll on 'The Dude.' Barely a minute later, an enormous irish whip into the corner didn't give Justice chance to turn around, his chest smashing into the turnbuckle...bouncing him backwards awkwardly...Hades Bomb! Baine's finisher was enough to see Justice off and the flame-haired demon simply pushed Justice under the bottom rope...


Professor Stern and Chris Caulfield

These two carried on like their match last Sunday had never finished. The bell had only just stopped when Stern tackled Caulfield to the floor and connecting with several head punches. From there on the brawl became more even and although several points throughout this match saw the two men split off to defend against other opponents, each time they came back to focus on their biggest rival...


The Others

Jones and Champion did battle early on in the match, with both of these youngsters getting in good attacks. Champion was the stronger of the two, however, and a back body drop from Hawkeye ensured that the former Television champion was the first elimination.


Aaron Jackson was the next to be eliminated, being launched over the top rope by a powerful T-Rex.


Freddie Datsun's main focus in this match was Zeus, with the giant statue of a man successfully powering through The Everyman's defences. But Datsun avoided getting into a position where he could be eliminated and his superior speed allowed him a slight chance. Bizarrely both men were eliminated at the same time. With Freddie leaning against the ropes, a huge clothesline from Zeus sent both men flying over the top.


The Eliminations

First Elimination: Andre Jones by Nicky Champion 7:03

Second Elimination: Aaron Jackson by T-Rex 12:54

Third Elimination: Freddie Datsun by Zeus 15:02

Fourth Elimination: Zeus by Freddie Datsun 15:02

Fifth Elimination: T-Rex by James Justice 19:15

Sixth Elimination: James Justice by Tyson Baine 20:31


The Final Four...


With just over 20 minutes on the clock only four men remained, Nicky Champion, Tyson Baine, Professor Stern and Chris Caulfield. As Champion and Baine began to face off, Stern and Caulfield continued their brawl, oblivious to all around them. That was to be their downfall when their grudge match bundled through a Baine/Champion grapple one too many times. Trading punches, Stern knocked Caulfield straight towards Baine...Hades Bomb! Stern turned in celebration...Hawkeye Hammer! Champion pushed Stern through the ring ropes and turned in time to see Baine hoist Caulfield into the air at the other side of the ring...Champion ran towards them...shoulder charge hit Baine hard...Baine was off-balance...Caulfield hit the ground...Baine landed on top of him! Champion had somehow pushed both men over the top rope – Champion had survived the battle royal!

Nicky Champion wins in 25:03 after eliminating Tyson Baine

Nicky Champion is the NEW #1 Contender.

Match Rating: C+


Starr: What a match! Nicky Champion does it for the people!

Jillefski: An inspired performance and a deserved win!



[Out of nowhere, Bruce the Giant hits the ring and attacks Nicky Champion. The new #1 contender is clearly exhausted after the battle royal and despite a brief fightback is at the mercy of the huge Australian. With a signal from Corporal Doom at ringside Bruce lifts Champion high into the air...Giant Choke Slam! American Wrestling! ends to the chilling sight of Bruce and Doom standing over the broken body of Nicky Champion, arms raised...]

Segment Rating: B


Jillefski: I can't believe it! I just can't believe it! Bruce the Giant has no respect!

Starr: If you thought he was bad before, just wait until Doom's brain starts manipulating that huge power! In fact, I don't even want to think about it...

Jillefski: Nor do I! I'm afraid that's all we've got folks, see you all next week on American Wrestling!





Sports America Rating: 0.46


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Sorry for the delay in scores, but here they are. Congratulations to debutant UKWrestleFan who scored a perfect 4/4 on his first (and last :p) try. A number of people got 3 correct predictions with the Champion victory throwing everybody else off.


Big thanks to both UKWrestleFan and Arogue who made their first predictions on this, the final show.


That leaves the final leaderboard as follows:


1. Tigerkinney...16

2. Marcel Fromage...14

3. jesseewiak and BHK1978...13


Very close again, and Dragonmack was alongside him right up until the last show where he missed the predictions. Congratulations again to our second-time winner Tigerkinney who will be getting a PM shortly.


And, as a special treat, here is the 'top five' leaderboard for the entire run of USPW: The Battle for Prime Time. In reverse order they are...


5. Phantom Stranger...45

4. SWF Fan, Jingo and Bigpapa42...50

3. xopher316...52

2. angeldelayette and Tigerkinney...53


And our winner is...


1. BHK1978...57!


Congratulations to all eight of you, I'm feeling generous (or crazy) so you may all each receive one alt of your choice as well as your final prize. I'd be here all night PMing you the same message so if you each let me know any alt you would like, for any purpose you choose, just PM me the details :D Don't worry if you forget (or are not interested), I will be sending out reminders at the weekend.


Normally I'd explain a few of the choices in the match (mainly that of Champion's victory) but I will leave that for the 'What would have happened next' posts I will be doing.


Again, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed the show.

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The Road to Freedom Fight!


Before I go into the events leading up to Freedom Fight!, held in week 4 of April, it is best if I explain the event itself. Freedom Fight! was to be an event not dissimilar to Survivor Series in that each match was to be a 4vs4 match. What set the show apart from SS is its main event, the Fight for Freedom!

In this match, again 4vs4, the ring is enclosed by a steel cell. The aim of the match is to pin or submit your opponent on an elimination basis.


However, pinning an opponent means you leave the cage, not the loser.


This creates a tactical edge to proceedings - if your team pins three opponents in quick succession then your remaining partner is effectively left in a 4vs1 handicap match. So, do you allow yourself to be pinned early on in the match in order to be on the advantaged side of this handicap at the risk of all being eliminated? Or do you attempt to pin all four of your opponents at exactly the same time? Initially it may seem a strange concept, but with six weeks of build, I am confident that the idea would have been a strong one. If anyone would like more clarification on the Fight for Freedom! matches feel free to ask away - it is difficult to explain in such a short space of time!


So now we know how the event was set up, how exactly did we get there?


Power Hungry...


With five more weeks to go before the big event we were to learn that the main event match would be between teams 'controlled' by Corporal Doom and Sam Strong, and captained by Bruce the Giant and Enygma respectively. The feud between Doom and Strong would escalate to the point where the match would eventually be made for the General Manager-esque position Sam took from Doom at the beginning of the year.


The Fire Never Dies...


With all matches being eight-man tag matches, no titles would be defended at the event. Unsurprisingly, that fact wouldn't stop The Oracles of Destruction from demanding revenge against tag team champions Savage Fury and veterans The Lords of War. Joined by Peter Valentine and a mystery partner, The Oracles would continually demand the Lords of War step in the ring one more time. Thanks to the help of Comradebot (who gave me the stats for the two Warlords) the two legends would accept at the very last minute setting up the following match for the event...


Savage Fury & The Lords of War vs. The Oracles of Destruction, Peter Valentine & ????


Ladies Night...


The introduction of Tracy Brendon and Joanne Rodriguez to the women's division in April would help to set up the ladies match for the event. Having beaten Raven for the title, and beaten her in our last show, Alicia Strong's alliance with Raven would be an unsteady one, especially when the heel J-Ro seems to be getting on a little too well with the face team.


Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson, Tracy Brendon & Connie Morris vs. Belle Bryden, Anaconda, J-Ro & Cherry Bomb




Despite being in what would amount to the throwaway match of the card, Edd Stone and James Justice, known together as Intoxication Parameter, would become increasingly excited as the month wore on promising a big unveiling the show after Freedom Fight! Ensuring the crowd that it would be worth the wait, Stone and Justice spent most of the month hyping the new arrival and defeating jobbers.


Stern Words...


Professor Stern's feud with Chris Caulfield would be taken to new levels in April. The Expert's claims that Caulfield was as untalented as the company he keeps would lead the Hardcore American to suggest an old friend might like to show Stern otherwise. At the same time, Stern would go back-and-forth trying to form a team to take on Caulfield at the event. Both of The Oracles, and later Peter Valentine would turn Stern down only for Caulfield to be revealed as one of Enygma's partners for the main event. Begging to be allowed to join the Doom/Bruce team, Stern's pleas would be accepted - on the condition he found two other wrestlers capable of winning the match. A week later, Stern would convince The Titans, T-Rex and Tyson Baine to join the team.


Champion For Champion...


Number one contender Nicky Champion was brutally attacked on the last show by Bruce the Giant, an action that would be repeated the following week after Champion defeated Tyson Baine. Both Strong and Enygma, determined to help the youngster, add him to their team to leave only Caulfield's unveiling to complete the lineup.


Fight for Freedom! Match

Enygma, Nicky Champion, Chris Caulfield & ???? vs. Bruce the Giant, Professor Stern & The Titans




The Night of Freedom Fight!


The first match on the card would be the women's division match. The uneasy relationship between Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson would be amplified throughout the match with a number of mistakes between the two causing much anger from the other. Alicia would eventually pin newcomer J-Ro but only after a lot of trouble from both sides of the coin.


After Intoxication Parameter's uneventful victory came the Fury-Oracles match. Before the contest, The Guru would come out with his team of Ares, Zeus and Peter Valentine to hype their newest member...





As the newest member of The Guru-Oracles stable that would become known as The Gods of Wrestling, the fearsome Midas looked familiar to all but the most naive of USPW fans. The match would eventually be declared a no contest after all eight men piled into the ring at the same time, crushing Baby Jamie in a hail of fists.


As we headed into our main event Chris Caulfield would reveal his 'old friend' and main event partner...


'Lightning' Steve Flash



A brutal, but most excellent, main event would see Flash outlast T-Rex to become the second member eliminated. Enygma's subsequent elimination of Stern and Bruce's pin on Caulfield would leave the champion outnumbered two-to-one. Despite Sam Strong's desperate efforts to break in to the cage, Enygma couldn't defeat the two monsters meaning Bruce's winning pinfall would again make Corporal Doom the 'President' of USPW.


Next up, The Aftermath - May and Beyond...

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Wow, jhd1! That looks like it would have been a lot of fun to see written out in the cards every week. I hate that your game got messed up. Love the Midas and Steve Flash alts! Looking forward to seeing what else you had planned that I can steal *cough* borrow *cough* see. lol.

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The Aftermath - May & Beyond


The Struggle for Power...


Corporal Doom's victory at Freedom Fight! would see the fierce officer returned to his previous post of authority on American Wrestling! Sam Strong, however, would be relegated to Enygma's manager.


Doom would now be focused on humiliating anyone who stood in his way - starting with #1 Contender Nicky Champion. Placing him in a match with Bruce the Giant, Doom ensures that even though Champion wins - by DQ - that the damage is done, with the Giant destroying the young superstar. World Champion Enygma would fare no better, being placed in a handicap match against The Oracles of Destruction. Again, a DQ victory for Enygma would mean little after the savagery inflicted by Ares, Zeus and Midas.


For the next few weeks Champion and Enygma would be tormented, eventually causing Champion to drop his title shot due to injury. The stage was set for Bruce-Enygma round two but a late intervention from 'The Board' resulted in Oracles member Zeus getting a last minute title shot. Despite a good attempt, Zeus would be unsuccessful in his challenge.


A Strong Champion...


Alicia Strong's inability to work with Raven Robinson at Freedom Fight! would lead to an obvious conclusion - Raven Robinson was turning heel! When Robinson called out Alicia the crowd didn't quite get what they expected - Alicia turned on Raven! The new, ****y, arrogant Alicia would take on the face half of the roster successfully in numerous bouts. Eventually, she'd gain an unlikely ally...


Savagery Unmatched...


Despite only achieving a draw at Freedom Fight!, Savage Fury would claim a moral victory over The Oracles of Destruction with the help of The Lords of War. With their final match out of the way, Agony and Pain would become mentors to the Fury who would continue their reign with a victory over The Towers of Power whilst Zeus briefly forayed into the main event scene.


Inevitably, the Fury would meet The Oracles 2-on-2 but this time, Ares and Zeus would be victorious. Setting up a lengthy reign of terror, The Oracles assisted by The Guru and Midas would hold the belts for a much longer time than the flash reigns of The Towers and Savage Fury.


The REAL People's Team...


With Aaron Jackson feuding with Peter Valentine, and Freddie Datsun feuding with Des Davids it would eventually become clear that the two had more in common than previously thought. Together, the two would become The REAL People's Team and enjoy a respectable run in the tag team ranks as well as solid singles victories ensuring their upper midcard status. A semi-regular feature of American Wrestling! would be the pair's skits - showing how the real American lives.




Mr. Tuesday Night...


Steve Flash's introduction at Freedom Fight! would set up Caulfield's feud with Professor Stern to become an all out war. The Flash-Caulfield partnership would soon be managed by the not-yet-named Southern Belle (the name Belle is taken, obviously!) using Self's amazing render which can be found in both the alt thread, and the re-render project.


Vastly outnumbered, Stern would look a little further afield for his team, finding none other than the crazed Tadakuni Toshusai...




...whose loyalty I removed (Gordon Wright's doing, honest!) but to make up for it only signed to a PPA. Charging about like a mad man yelling incoherently, the fun Toshusai would give this already eccentric feud an even weirder edge.


Mavericks, All of Them...


Intoxication Parameter, the team of Edd Stone and James Justice, had for weeks hinted at a big surprise - the fans weren't disappointed...




The arrival of Bart Maverick (SWF hold the rights to Biggz, Biggins is a crap name and Jack Kelly rules...) to their alliance would give their feud with The Titans new legs, especially when his brother Brett Maverick (...but not as much as James Garner!) made his debut a couple of weeks later. A Fan Zone poll would decide the stable name for Intoxication Parameter and The Maverick Brothers, an unlikely, but enjoyable, grouping if ever there was one!


(Inter)National Appeal...


Peter Valentine, who declared his intention to retire pretty early on in the game, would relinquish his title in a title vs. career match with Edd Stone. Valentine would later reappear as a manager in a similar vein to Sheik Mustafa...useless. :p


Edd Stone's title reign would involve a re-branding of the title. As the first non-American champion (I know, that isn't actually true), Doom decides to rename the title...


The USPW International Championship

(Thanks to ReapeR for another fantastic title)



...as part of a cultural shift in USPW's roster that will be explained before the end of this post.


Changing of the Guard...

In early April, Danny Jillefski signed with TCW leaving USPW without both an announcer and board member. Where Jillefski's shares were to go I hadn't decided, but his replacement at the announce desk was certain...


Lord Steven Smith

(Based upon another awesome jtlant render)



England's finest commentator was headed to USPW, and would eventually share a similar rapport as his predecessor with the initially unsure Micky Starr.


I had considered moving Ditterich from USPW's Media Centre to the announce desk but his incredulation at the antics in the interview set couldn't be replaced :D


The Big One...

Falling viewing figures and the surprise success of Arcadia's new wrestling show would see J.K. Stallings Jr. once again push his idea for an internationally-flavoured Cruiserweight division - once the cornerstone of Stallings' HGC. As Sam Strong begrudgingly accepts Shane Sneer brings up an important point - this is United States Pro Wrestling, not International Pro Wrestling.


With a wink Sam Strong suddenly knows how this is going to work...




*Koki Ishibashi is clearly a mistake. He was taken out at the last minute and replaced by Captain Tokyo whose render you see in the image. Art Reed was originally a competitor as well (from Trinidad & Tobago) but was replaced by Capitao Brasil Jr., which is why Brazil isn't capitalised (i.e. I did it in a rush!).


The idea is simple - eight 'foreigners' compete for one of five 'American Dream' contracts entitling them to at least one year with USPW. The contracts will be fought for in two-round a tournament. Each of the initial four matches would see the winner awarded a contract and progress to a four-way-match at Declaration of Independence. The losing four will also compete in a four-way match where this time only the winner will get the fifth, and final contract. But why are the four winners also competing if they already have a contract?


The USPW Soaring Eagle Championship

(Thanks to ReapeR again!)



The winner would be crowned the first Soaring Eagle division champion! The unlikely victor would be Captain Tokyo, who would be joined by Ota, De Luz, Silver Shark and Mr Lucha III in USPW. The remaining contestants would be back, but only after the division became settled.


You are probably wondering who some of the contestants are...


(All American Dream-contracted alts are from jtlant renders found in either the default, or 70s mod data)

Britannia - UK Dragon



Captain Tokyo - Kazuma Narato



Fumihiro Ota



Su Luz de Guía - ????



Su Luz de Guía's identity was intended on being a mystery, although there is a clue in the name. ;) It is also given in the filename if you really want to know...although it will be revealed later on today.


Because a cruiserweight division wouldn't be complete without him...American Elemental would join eventually too...




Next up, The Far & Distant and Roll the Credits...

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Amazing, amazing plans man


The pictures all rock, the ideas all rock, this would have been my diary of 2010 had it not finished so soon man


Mega respect from this reader


Thanks SWF, high praise indeed :D It's a shame things had to end so soon, but I've learnt a lot from Battle for Prime Time and I think my next project will be even stronger. It won't be USPW this time around, but I think Strong & Co. will be back one day :D


I've read all of the diary, and now I find out that you are stopping xD


Really too bad that you lost the diary game and notes, hope you start a new, even more awesome, diary!


Sorry about that funkyzafara, although I'm glad you enjoyed it while it lasted! I will indeed be starting a new diary - though its level of awesome-ness I can't comment on :p

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I'm not gonna lie, it's a damn shame that a lot of these concepts didn't have the opportunity to really see the light of day in diary format. Love the creativity of things like the American Dream tournament and the Freedom Fight matches and just the storylines in general. Can't wait to see your new diary. You know I'll be parked front row, center for it.

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USPW: The Far & Distant...


The World Title Enygma...


Enygma proved himself to be a very competent champion throughout the first 5 months of the game. His victory over Bruce the Giant shot him up to A popularity which continue to mix in a few A*s during the feud between Doom and Strong. But would Enygma ever lose the title, and if so - who to?


Popular consensus seems to be Professor Stern. Probably the success story of the diary, Stern would definitely have got a title shot eventually. Would he win? Probably, but his in-ring skills would never allow him to hold it for too long. The obvious 'use' for a Stern reign would be to give the title to Caulfield, and that is definitely something that could have worked in USPW. Of all the aging members of the roster, Caulfield definitely was the one that deserved one last run with the title.


Trouble At The Top...


Sam Strong losing his position of power to Corporal Doom was done for a very specific reason. Strong's patriotism and gutsy fight for the everyday folk works best when they are being supressed. With Strong as GM, the bad guys were punished and the good guys did, well, anything. Having Doom pick on everybody who smiles gives Strong much more to do than simply greet a new audience at the beginning of a show.




Su Luz de Guia, the mysterious masked individual from the Soaring Eagle Division was, of course, no other than former DaVE star Pablo Rodriguez. His hidden identity, although hinted at in the name (His Guiding Light), leant itself well to a feud regarding his real name. The obvious opponent, therefore, would be a heel Enygma (after his title run ended) that would come to a mask vs. mask climax. Enygma would obviously have to win (he wouldn't be very mysterious without that mask!) but I'm sure Micky Starr could sell the 'shock' at Rodriguez' unveiling along with the best of them.


Something Old, Something New...


Were there any more signings on the horizon? Well, I've already mentioned American Elemental and Art Reed could possibly have joined the party. I had one eye on Runaway Train's contract but having shot up in popularity I don't think he would have signed. Steve Frehley had already left SWF for TCW and most of the big names were tied down for a while longer. The Women's Division was slowly increasing and it likely would have continued, especially with the AAA/5SSW promotion pacts.


As I mentioned above, Peter Valentine was retiring which would have been perfect for a Casey Valentine (re)debut.


Well, that's it - I'm done. USPW: The Battle for Prime Time has fallen at an early hurdle but through no fault of its own. After being nominated Rookie DOTM for March and coming third in this last month's full DOTM contest, I don't think it has done too badly. :p I guess that means there is only one thing left to do...




Roll the Credits (In No Particular Order)


My first enormous thanks go to SWF Fan, jingo, Phantom Stranger, Bigpapa42, xopher316, angeldelayette, NoNeck, John Lions, Eayragt, BYU14, bgbuff, smurphy1014, Rayelek, Eisen-verse, Liamo, PeterHilton, The Shape, MichiganHero, -laz-, benjacko, jtnlange, lexa90, SeanMcFly, Shmoe, The Mystery and Arogue for their predictions at some point in this diary. A lot more people made a comment, but without looking through the whole diary I couldn't possibly count you all. If I missed you out then please accept my sincerest apologies, there are a lot of you! Without your support and comments, this diary would not have been anywhere near the success I feel it has been.


Despite not having made a prediction maskedpropaganda left an indelible mark with his much-supported suggestion for the team name for Edd Stone and James Justice. Intoxication Parameter will live on in our hearts :D


My aim in this diary was to write a story with interesting characters, keep to the USPW 'feel' and to bring it to life with the presentation. Jtlant's fantastic rendering ability cannot be denied and his generosity in both fresh renders and allowing me to destroy his existing ones was a huge help to the new look USPW. Similarly, ReapeR "the belt-making pro" came to me on early on with an unbelievably kind offer. His new USPW belts have helped the diary no end, and for that I can't thank him enough. Although his render never made it into the diary, Self's renders were on the verge of being debuted and like both jtlant and ReapeR was more than happy for this diary to be a second home to his hard work. :p


I had a lot of ideas for this diary, none of which would have become reality had it not been for the help of Bigpapa42, Eisen-Verse and angeldelayette. Despite my incessant questioning, these three helped turn rough ideas into workable storylines, confirmed suspicions and allayed fears. Again, my true thanks.


There's bound to be someone I missed (and if so, feel free to let me know - it isn't deliberate!), but I hope that everyone who has been a part of this diary from the artists, to the brains, to the predictors, commenters and silent readers realises that this is has always been a group effort.


Thanks again everyone, and I hope you enjoyed TBfPT as much as I did.

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New page - that worked out well. I know I said there was only one thing left to do but I...erm...lied...


With a second diary in the works, I'd be interested to know what you think worked, and what didn't in the Battle for Prime Time. Be kind though, don't kill my confidence before I've started :p


I might as well give it a shot to start things off...


What Worked Well...


-Professor Stern. Can't believe how everything came together, from the image to the catchphrase, I think he became the most complete character in the diary. Like many of the more recognisable catchphrases (I am the Zenith, Keeping up with the Jones, etc.), 'I am The Expert' and the resulting nickname came about completely off the cuff. No planning involved it just fell out of my...keyboard...or something.


-The USPW Event Centre. Seemed very USPW and, hopefully, it came across as a slightly less than serious way of giving interviews. I can always picture Davis Ditterich with a confused look on his face after a Jim Force promo!


-Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr. They started off with catchphrases (What a match!) and eventually became like a married couple. Obviously there were times when I had to scrape the barrel for something for the pair to say but on occassion their mini-arguments were quite fun to write.


Maybe Not As Well...


-The presentation. Quote boxes, images, vs logo - fine. Promo layout - not so much. Despite adding in coloured text and angeldelayette [ ]s to make talking promos clearer I was still never happy with it. Definitely something I need to figure out before the next one.


-Ford Memphis. Moreso from an in-game point of view but he could have been huge! Probably my favourite alt and yet he couldn't get over for love nor money. The TV title in general was a bit of a pain (mainly because of the National title) and there was always a sense that I was rotating jobbers.


I'd love to know what you thought so have at it :D

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I'm not sure how much I helped, but I was more than happy to provide what I did, jhd.


As for the presentation, I thought it was a great layout. As BHK said, it was a really nice amount of text - not so sparse as to feel basic (not the worst thing, sometimes) but not so much as to look daunting. You found a really nice balance in that regard.


Ford Memphis was such an awesome alt. One of those rare alts where the alt makes me take an interest in a character who has otherwise been rather bland for me throughout - both in-game and in most diaries...

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Sorry to drag this up from the dead but I found these event logos I did, might as well put them out there...




I thought presentation was fine. I think you hit the perfect balance between no to long match write-ups and not to short match write-ups (if that makes any sense). I am not sure what you could have done or could do to make it better because I think it was fine just the way it is.


I do think you needed more Al the Hillbilly drunk driving stories! I mean hell the guy is a Hillbilly hopped up on moonshine, you would think he would drive his tractor more often under the influence.:D


Thanks BHK. I'll take note of the suggestions, though I'm not sure TEW lets you encourage moonshine-fueled excursions! :p


jhd1, do you have anymore alts squirreled away in that fantastic alt-making machine of a computer?


Lots, but if showed you them all know where would be the surprise for diary #2? ;)


Can't wait to gander at ya next works! Great job man, thanks for the read and the renders! :) - and glad Intoxication Parameter was popular with the masses. :)


Thanks maskedpropaganda. There will certainly be both more reading, and more renders to come, I'm just going to have to think up a way to bring Fan Zone back...


I'm not sure how much I helped, but I was more than happy to provide what I did, jhd.


As for the presentation, I thought it was a great layout. As BHK said, it was a really nice amount of text - not so sparse as to feel basic (not the worst thing, sometimes) but not so much as to look daunting. You found a really nice balance in that regard.


Ford Memphis was such an awesome alt. One of those rare alts where the alt makes me take an interest in a character who has otherwise been rather bland for me throughout - both in-game and in most diaries...


Thanks BP, and you really were a great help (and have continued to be so in project 2!).

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You know how I feel about this project. I'm just sorry it had to end so soon because you had and still have a lot of wonderful ideas to share with this community. I don't know how much of a help I've really been to you but you know I am always around to bump ideas off of. I am looking forward to your next project, knowing a little more about it than some. I'll be the one in the front row with the straw hat and the flannel shirt. Oh, wait, no, that's Freddie Datsun. lol.

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